Making spaghetti at home. How to cook pasta, noodles and macaroni at home

Pasta for pasta at home - step by step recipe photo

Oh, many of you must have watched Masterchef and saw how pasta is cooked for pasta on this show. Sadly shaking their heads, many came to the conclusion that making pasta for pasta at home without special kitchen helpers is unrealistic. I hasten to dissuade you! This is absolutely not true! Making pasta for pasta at home is very possible! We need only 45 minutes, food and a rolling pin)) Do not believe me? Read and try the recipe! Also, a step-by-step photo of the recipe will help you to cope with the first cooking easier.

We will need the ingredients:

  • flour - 0.5 kg
  • eggs - 5 pieces
  • salt - 1 teaspoon

How to make pasta for pasta at home:

1. Prepare a dry surface. Sprinkle flour on it, add a spoonful of salt. After that, form a slide and a funnel from flour inside. Drive all 5 eggs into this funnel and we will start kneading the dough.

Start from the edges to the center to wind up the flour. When there is no more liquid, proceed to kneading with your hands.

2. Now you need to knead the dough until smooth. Our dough should be elastic and soft, similar to an earlobe.

3. Wrap the dough with a film and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. After half an hour, take the dough out of the refrigerator and spread it on a surface sprinkled with flour.

5. It is better to divide the dough into several parts and roll each of them thinly with a rolling pin. We cut the kreya of the rolled dough so that we get an even quadrangle.

6. We turn the dough into rolls.

7. We take a sharp knife and cut our rolls into strips. We unfold them after that and lay everything on a dry surface.

8. Dry our pasta for 2-3 hours.

After that, cook the pasta, as usual, in salted water.

A few useful tricks:

  • eggs for dough should be at room temperature
  • you can tint the paste: for example, 1 table. a spoonful of paprika will give you a red color, and you will achieve green by adding 100 grams of spinach to the dough.
  • Fresh pasta can be stored for up to 4 days.

Love pasta and want to know how to make your own pasta at home? Then we will give you such an opportunity so that you can please your home with delicious pasta.

Cooking features:

Pasta cooking time - 70 minutes;

The number of servings is 2-4 servings;

The calorie content of pasta is average.

Drink Ingredients:

  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour - 300 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.

How to make your own pasta:

  1. We take the flour and sift it to make the pasta more tasty and tender. In addition, it is necessary to take flour only from durum wheat.
  2. Pour flour into a bowl. We make a recess in it, drive in the egg and salt. Gently knead the dough from the edges to the center, gradually add flour to the dough.
  3. Make sure that the eggs do not spill out of the recess. The dough will include as much flour as it should be. To make it easy to roll out, it should not be too thick.
  4. Knead the dough until it sticks to your hands. Then we transfer it to a table sprinkled with flour and knead for another 10 minutes. If necessary, add more flour.
  5. We wrap the finished dough in a film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. If you do not have a pasta machine, use a curly or regular kitchen knife for this purpose.
  7. We divide the dough into 4 parts. Dust the table with flour and roll out each piece thinly. Leave the dough for 30 minutes, and then cut it into thin noodles or wide strips.
  8. Next, throw the resulting pasta into salted boiling water and boil them for 3 minutes until they float.
  9. Then we discard the homemade pasta in a colander, add oil and serve with sauce or just like that.

Now you know, how to make pasta so that they surpass the store-bought counterpart in their taste.

Translated from Italian, the word "pasta" means dough. Therefore, all flour products from Italy are generally called pasta. At the same time, there are a great many varieties of pasta: spaghetti, fettuccine, vermicelli, noodles, cannelloni, farfalle, tagliotelli, etc. Of course, if you decide to cook dinner or, there is nothing easier than going to the supermarket and buying ready-made pasta of the desired shape. But if you take a little time and put in your own effort, you will end up with delicious homemade pasta, fresh and flavorful. In this article, we will tell you how to make pasta dough at home, give a homemade pasta recipe and share the secrets of making real Italian pasta.

Pasta at home

To make pasta at home as tasty as that of a professional chef, you should definitely buy durum wheat flour! It is this homemade pasta that will not boil in water, becoming a sticky mass.

The second point - do not overcook the pasta! She must retain her famous taste "al dente" - "by the tooth", i.e. be slightly undercooked. The optimal cooking time is 3-5 minutes.

The final trick is to use only homemade eggs! The yolks of such eggs are especially bright, which is good for us: Your pasta should be a pleasant bright yellow color.

If you want to cook pasta at home in different colors, then take care of natural dyes: for a green tint, you need fresh spinach juice or any greens, for orange and yellow, a turmeric solution and carrot juice. To make pasta pink or burgundy, add fresh beetroot juice to the pasta. You will be able to taste the unique black pasta only in a restaurant, since cuttlefish ink gives this color to the dish, they are prohibitively expensive and cannot be found on free sale.

To cook homemade pasta, the recipe of which we will give a little later, in addition to the products, you should stock up on a special machine for rolling out the dough (some food processors have special nozzles), well, or get by with the rolling pin we are used to.

You will also definitely need:

    • a sharp knife for cutting noodles or nozzles of different shapes for a pasta machine, depending on the type of pasta you are preparing,
    • food film,
  • fabric bags for the subsequent storage of finished pasta.

All is ready! You can start cooking delicious Italian pasta and macaroni!

pasta dough

The classic pasta dough, like pasta dough, consists of only 2 components: egg yolks and durum wheat flour. This is ideally, the maximum that is allowed is a little water so that the dough is easier to knead.

A classic Italian pasta dough recipe will require the following ingredients from you:

    • flour - 400 g
    • egg yolks - 3 pcs.
    • water - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • a pinch of salt

The preparation is very simple step by step:

    1. lightly beat the egg yolks with a fork
    1. sift the flour through a sieve, pour a slide on the table and make a recess in it, into which pour the beaten eggs
    1. add water and salt here, then knead the dough. It should be smooth and elastic.
    1. after kneading, let the dough stand for 30 minutes, covering it with cling film
    1. roll out the rested dough as thin as possible, if there is a machine for rolling out the dough, then pass it through the press
    1. then dust the dough well with flour, roll it up and cut into thin strips or use special nozzles to give the dough the desired shape: for lasagna, cut thin layers of dough into rectangles, for farfalle, cut the dough into squares with a side of 3-4 cm, and then assemble the square in the center in a bow, etc.
    1. it remains to dry the pasta, for this, scatter the pasta on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour and leave for a day
  1. after this time, the paste should be hard and brittle. In this form, the paste can be stored in airtight containers for a month.

Now let's talk about how to make homemade pasta. In principle, they are the same composition as pasta. The same yolks, water, salt and durum wheat flour. If you want your pasta to be colorful, add beetroot, carrot or spinach juice instead of water. You can make dough for pasta by hand, or you can use a bread machine. Pasta will differ only in its shape. Cutting noodles is within your power and without special tools. It is only necessary to thinly roll out the dough and cut the layer with a sharp knife into strips of the desired width.

Advice If you plan to use the noodles for making soups, make them not too long, cut the layer into thin strips, and then, turning the knife, cut the resulting strips also diagonally.

As you can see, making dough for pasta and pasta is quite simple. It just takes a little effort and patience. The taste of homemade pasta is much better than even the most expensive store-bought ones! There are no chemicals or preservatives. Enjoy your meal!

Spaghetti can be a side dish for almost any dish. They are prepared in several ways. But many housewives are afraid to use this type of pasta, because they do not know the technology of its preparation. Thanks to this article, you will learn not only how to cook spaghetti correctly, but also how to make the most delicious dishes out of them.

How to cook spaghetti - cooking secrets

  • In appearance, this paste resembles a thin straw. When cooking spaghetti, it is important to consider that pasta increases 3 times. But it is customary to measure them dry. So for one serving you need 50 g of the product.
  • Spaghetti is cooked. In this case, there is a certain proportion of dry product and water. For every 200 g of paste, 2 liters of liquid must be used. Such an abundance of water is not accidental, so the pasta will boil from all sides, and they will not be cramped in the pan.
  • There is an opinion that spaghetti is cooked only in special dishes. Experienced housewives claim that the pan can be any, but with a thick bottom. The main condition for a delicious dish is to follow the technology of its preparation.
  • Fill a saucepan with purified water, bring it to a boil. To reveal the taste of the pasta, salt must be added to the water. For 100 g of product, use no more than 10 g of salt.

Advice. It is best to add sea salt when cooking spaghetti, as it has a rich taste. But at the same time, such salt is more salty, so it will require a smaller amount per 100 g of product.

  • There is another important feature of cooking spaghetti - be sure to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to boiling water. It will not allow spaghetti to stick together during cooking and will cover the finished product with a thin film. This way you don't have to use extra oil in the dish.

  • Pasta is laid only in hot water. If you put spaghetti in a cold liquid, they will quickly stick together. Also, you will not be able to correctly calculate the cooking time.
  • Spaghetti first dip in boiling water on one side. Then, as they soften, gently press the pasta on the top and gradually lower it into boiling water.

  • If this procedure does not work for you, then use an ordinary frying pan for cooking, but only with high walls.

  • Stir the spaghetti frequently while cooking to keep it from sticking together and pulling away from the bottom of the pot.

  • Cooking time for pasta depends on the type of pasta and the dish in which you plan to use the product. So durum wheat spaghetti takes longer to cook than regular pasta. For a side dish with spaghetti meat, cook for about 8 minutes, for salads, cook pasta for 10 minutes. If you add hot sauce to the dish, then cook the product for no more than 6 minutes.

Important! Each type of spaghetti has a different cooking time. Therefore, carefully study the instructions for each new type of pasta for you.

  • Drain the boiling water from the cooked pasta with a colander. If you plan to use the spaghetti as a garnish, then immediately transfer it back to the empty pot.

  • For casseroles and salads, pasta should be rinsed in cold water. This will stop the cooking process.

How to cook spaghetti with bacon and tomato sauce

It is customary to cook various sauces for pasta, but a particularly tasty dish is obtained with tomato dressing. To prepare 200 g of spaghetti, you will need the following products:

  • meat broth - 400 ml .;
  • red wine - 1 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • arugula or lettuce - 1 bunch;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt and spices to taste.

  • Step 1. Dilute the water for cooking spaghetti with broth, but use only half of its volume. With it, the dish will turn out more satisfying. There is no need to add vegetable oil, as the meat broth is fatty.

  • Step 2. When the liquid boils, add salt and lay out the paste. After a couple of seconds, dip the spaghetti completely into boiling water.

  • Step 3. Leave the pasta to cook for the indicated time on the package. At the same time, do not forget to stir them.

  • Step 4. While the spaghetti is cooking, prepare the dressing for the dish. Cut the onion into cubes and pass in hot oil in a frying pan. Keep the fire to a minimum.

  • Step 4. When the onion turns golden, add chopped bacon to it. You can use minced meat instead. Lightly fry the mixture.

  • Step 5. Increase the heat to the maximum mark and add the tomato paste. Mix well with onion and bacon.

  • Step 6. Cut the cherry tomatoes into slices or in half, add to the pan. Pour in the wine immediately and add the minced garlic. Simmer the mixture for about 5 minutes to completely evaporate the alcohol.

  • Step 7. Cut the zucchini into cubes and add to the tomato sauce in the pan. At this stage, season the dish with spices and salt. You can add spicy ketchup if you like, but it's not necessary.

  • Step 8. Pour the remaining broth into the mixture and simmer the sauce until the liquid in it evaporates. The dressing should be thick.

  • Step 9. In the meantime, your spaghetti should be cooked. Drain the pasta into a colander.

  • Step 10. Then grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

  • Step 11 Rinse the greens, sort and dry from excess moisture. Spread it out evenly on a plate.

At first glance, cooking pasta at home is a daunting task. Despite the fact that this requires a lot of effort and time, you will be generously rewarded for your efforts. They are not a replacement for the usual factory-made pasta that can be found on the shelves of any supermarket. With their unique texture, paired with certain types of sauces, they are sure to please the true pasta connoisseur. Pasta at home literally melts in your mouth, especially if you serve them with a sauce made from butter or cream. Those who limit themselves to store-bought products are actually depriving themselves of the pleasure of tasting the true taste of pasta.

They only require two ingredients to make them: flour and eggs. Some also add salt and/or olive oil, but this is not necessary and, according to some experts, is at odds with the traditional recipe. After kneading, the dough can be subjected to the following processing: either manually rolled out using a conventional wheel; or passing through the rollers in a special manual pasta cutting machine. Now we will take a closer look at the process of cooking fresh pasta in the second way.

Flour and eggs: Place the flour in a large bowl and make a small well in the center. We break two eggs in the center, beat them lightly, gradually capturing the flour from the edges, until smooth. Mix the dough thoroughly by hand.

We knead the dough: we transfer the dough to a table sprinkled with flour in advance and knead as follows: with the back of the hand, roll out the dough in one motion away from us and turn it back towards us; we do the same with the second half, previously untouched: roll out, fold. Continue for 8-10 minutes until the dough thickens and becomes smooth.

We roll out the dough: following the instructions, we install the pasta machine on the table and place the rollers in the widest compartment. Next, divide the dough into four parts, take one and roll it out 1-1.5 cm thick, pass it through the rollers, while turning the handle. Fold the dough three times and again pass through the rollers, repeat this procedure two more times. We turn the disk to the next mark, thereby narrowing the space between the rollers and skip the dough again. We continue the same, each time reducing the distance between the rollers until the arrow on the disk reaches the last mark. Set aside the rolled out dough and do the same with the rest of the pieces.

Cutting the dough: Most pasta machines are equipped with several types of blades for making noodles, fettuccine and tonnarelli pasta. In order to cook fettuccine pasta at home, the dough should be passed through wide blades. Distribute the resulting strips on a towel so that they do not touch. For tonnarelli we use narrow blades. It is also possible to cook pappardelle pasta by hand: cut the cooked parts of the dough in half; then we subject it to machine cutting with a thickness of 2.5 cm, using a special wheel.

Valentina Bondar

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