Soaked chokeberry recipe. Preparations for the winter from chokeberry berries. Original recipe with zucchini

Preparing for the winter is a great way to enjoy the delicious and healthy gifts of summer on cold winter days. When familiar tastes become boring, you want to try new recipes. And then you can turn to chokeberry.

Chokeberry is a very useful berry, undeservedly ignored. It contains a lot of vitamin C and P, iodine. In terms of their content, it is ahead of lemons, gooseberries and other garden berries. Chokeberry is very tasty both fresh and prepared. After processing, most of the beneficial substances are retained.

You can cook from chokeberry a variety of preparations: jam, preserves, wine, candied fruits, liqueurs and tinctures, fortunately the number of recipes gives you plenty of choice. You can also simply dry or freeze it. It is recommended to collect chokeberry berries in late September - early October. But if you wait until the first frost, the berries will have time to gain maximum flavor and nutrients.

Harvesting chokeberries in their natural form

  • Storing fresh berries

When the chokeberry ripens, bunches of berries are cut with sharp scissors or pruning shears and place them in shallow, wide containers. They are then hung in a cool, dark place, such as a basement, attic, or even a balcony closet. The most suitable temperature for storing berries in this form is +5 C.

  • Drying chokeberry

To dry rowan, you need separate the berries from the twigs and spread them in a thin layer on paper. They need to be stirred from time to time. Drying is carried out naturally, always in the shade, at a temperature of no more than +50 C. You cannot dry chokeberry in the oven, it will lose all its beneficial substances. It is important to ensure that the room where drying takes place is well and regularly ventilated. You can also use special dryers for berries and fruits. Store dried berries in glass jars or linen bags.

  • Freezing chokeberry

Freezing - very convenient and a quick way to prepare berries chokeberry. The berries need to be separated from the stalks, washed and dried on a towel. After that, they are laid out in plastic bags or special trays and hidden in the freezer. It is better to freeze rowan berries in small portions.

Chokeberry preserves and jams

Preserves and jams are, of course, the most popular options for winter preparations. Their the recipes are very varied both in composition and complexity of preparation. Chokeberry berries have a very thick skin and are somewhat dry. Before cooking, they need to be softened a little so that the sugar syrup penetrates more easily into the berries. To do this, immerse the berries in boiling water for 5 minutes, then in cold water. After this, they are transferred to a colander, excess moisture is allowed to drain, and the jam is started to be made.

Mashed berries with sugar

The simplest recipe for a delicious chokeberry dessert for the winter is berries mashed with sugar. To prepare this delicacy, you will need 1 kg of berries and 500–700 g of sugar. The amount of sugar can be changed to taste.

The berries need to be washed sort and separate from branches, dry on a towel. Then they are mixed with sugar and ground in a blender or meat grinder. The berry puree is placed in sterilized jars, covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Chokeberry jam with sugar

Exists a few simple recipes for making jam from chokeberries and sugar. They differ in the amount of sugar and method of preparation.

Recipe No. 1

Wash the berries and drain in a colander. At this time, cook sugar syrup. The berries are dipped into it and left for 8–10 hours (preferably overnight, this will save the whole day). After this, the future jam is brought to a boil and left for several more hours. Then continue to cook the jam until all the berries sink to the bottom of the pan. The finished jam is placed in jars, rolled up and stored in a cool place until winter.

Required ingredients:

  1. Sugar - one kilogram.
  2. Water - one glass.

The amount of berries, sugar and water can be increased or decreased, the main thing is to maintain the proportions!

Recipe No. 2

The berries are washed, drained in a colander and covered with sugar. Next, you need mix everything carefully and bring to a boil and cool. Repeat 3-4 times. If the jam turns out too sweet, you can add a little lemon juice. Boiling jam is poured into sterile jars and sealed. Jam is made with whole berries.


  1. Chokeberry - one kilogram.
  2. Sugar - one kilogram.

Chokeberry jam with nuts, lemon and apples

Nuts, lemon and apple will add additional flavor to the jam and enrich it with vitamins and nutrients. This jam will be useful for people recovering health after serious illnesses. It's not too difficult to prepare. The recipe is quite simple.

Rowan berries are poured with boiling water and left overnight. The next day, sugar syrup is prepared from the resulting infusion and sugar. When it boils, berries, chopped apples and crushed nuts are placed in it. The mixture is cooked in three batches 10 minutes each. During the last approach you need to add lemon. Before this, it is cleaned, scalded and cut into pieces or ground in a meat grinder. Be sure to remove the seeds, otherwise the jam will taste bitter. The container with the prepared jam is covered with a towel or cloth, and on top - with a pan or basin. Thanks to this technique, an air cushion is created and the berries soften. When the jam is infused, it is placed in sterilized jars and sealed.


  1. Chokeberry - 1 kilogram.
  2. Peeled walnuts - 300 grams.
  3. Apples (Antonovka) - 300 grams.
  4. Sugar - one and a half kilograms.
  5. Lemon is one thing.

Aronia jam with quince

Quince jam turns out to be very rich in both taste and vitamin composition. The recipe for chokeberry and quince jam is quite simple. First of all you need bring the quince to half-cooking - it is much harder than rowan berries. To do this, it is filled with water and boiled. You can also steam rowan berries. Then they are mixed with sugar, boiled for about 10 minutes and softened quince are added. After this, the jam is boiled until ready and placed in sterile jars. You can also strain the finished jam through a sieve. At the very end, the jars of jam need to be pasteurized for 20 minutes and rolled up.


  1. Chokeberry - 1 kg
  2. Quince - 400 grams.
  3. Sugar - one and a half kilograms.
  4. Water - 400 milliliters.

Chokeberry jam recipe

Although chokeberry berries are sour and quite tart, they can be used to make very tasty and healthy jam. To prepare it you need Steam clean berries in a pan of hot water. When the rowan has softened, grind it through a sieve or grind it in a blender/meat grinder to make a puree. After pouring it into an enamel bowl, add sugar and mix. Then the jam is boiled until ready (in one go), placed hot in prepared jars and pasteurized for about 20 minutes.


  1. Chokeberry - one kilogram.
  2. Sugar - one and a half kilograms.
  3. Water - 300 milliliters.

You can add peeled and pureed apples to the jam; they will give it a special aroma and add benefits.

Chokeberry drink recipes

From chokeberry you can make not only jam or jam, but also a variety of drinks: liqueurs, liqueurs, wine, compotes. In winter, these drinks will remind you of summer and give you amazing taste sensations.

Aronia compote

This is by far the simplest chokeberry drink recipe. Peeled and washed berries pour into jars (no more than 1/3 of the volume). Water is boiled with sugar, per liter of water you need 500 g of sugar, a few minutes, and then the boiling syrup is poured into jars with berries. The jars are rolled up, turned over and wrapped until completely cool.

The taste of compote can be enriched by adding various fruits and berries - apples, cherries, plums, sea buckthorn or several slices of citrus fruits.

Chokeberry liqueur

Lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks will appreciate chokeberry liqueur. The recipe is very simple. To prepare the liqueur berries are poured into a three-liter jar, filling it up to the shoulders, then sugar is added and filled with vodka. There should be about 2 centimeters left to the edge of the neck. The jar is closed with a plastic lid or a triple layer of parchment and put into the cold (cellar or refrigerator). After this, the liqueur is poured into bottles, sealed and stored in a cool room.


  1. Chokeberry berries - about one and a half kilograms.
  2. Sugar - half a kilogram.
  3. Vodka - approximately one to one and a half liters per three-liter jar

Aronia liqueur

The recipe for making liqueur is very simple, and the result is magnificent! Peeled and washed the berries need to be crushed puree and transfer to a 3-liter jar. Add sugar and cloves to them, shake the jar several times to mix everything, close the lid and leave for several days. Then vodka is added to the mixture, covered again and left in the cold for two months. The jar of liqueur needs to be shaken regularly. After two months, the liqueur is filtered and bottled.


  1. Chokeberry - one kilogram.
  2. Sugar - half a kilogram.
  3. Vodka - one liter.
  4. Cloves - two or three pieces.

Homemade chokeberry wine

This simple recipe will allow you to make an unusual but healthy wine. Pure rowan berries are poured with water, sugar and cherry leaves are added. All this boil over medium heat about 10 minutes and cools down. Then the mixture must be strained and added citric acid and sugar, stir thoroughly and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes. After this, the future wine is cooled again, vodka is added and bottled. Sealed bottles of wine should be kept in a dark place for several weeks and only then can they be drunk.


Chokeberry sweets

Delicious rowan preparations can be made not only in the form of drinks and jam. Below are several recipes for unusual but very tasty rowan desserts to decorate winter days.

Chokeberry marmalade recipe

Recipe ingredients: 1–1.2 kg of berries, 400 ml of water, 600 g of sugar. Washed and sorted rowan soften in hot water and puree until pureed (should be approximately 600 g). Add sugar to the berry mass and cook until thickened. Place the future marmalade on a dish soaked in ice water, trying to distribute it evenly and leave to dry. The finished marmalade can be cut into pieces and rolled in sugar or powdered sugar.

Aronia marshmallow

Great recipe for those with a sweet tooth. You will need 10 cups of berries, 5 cups of sugar and 2 egg whites. Berries pour into a metal container and turn into puree with a wooden masher, cover with sugar, cover with a lid and place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees. When the juice is released, the mixture needs to be stirred so that the sugar dissolves better. When the mixture reaches a jelly-like consistency, grind it through a sieve and cool. Add egg whites to the cold mass and beat until it turns white.

To dry the marshmallow, one third of the resulting mass Place on a heat-resistant glass tray or dish and place in an oven preheated to 80 degrees. When the layer dries, lay another third on top and then the last part. After all the pastille is ready, it is covered with white paper and a lid and stored in a cool place.

Blanks from chokeberry- this is a great way to preserve its beneficial properties, treat yourself to delicious desserts on winter evenings, add variety to your diet and add unusual recipes to your cookbook.

Many gardeners grow chokeberry on their plots, but do not find proper use for it. Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry and what can be made from chokeberry. Nevertheless, it can bring enormous benefits; the large number of different vitamins and minerals in its composition is impressive. If you use it regularly as food, you can not only prevent many diseases of the body, but also cure those that are considered to be quite complex and even in some cases neglected.

It is famous for its ability to accumulate iodine in fruits in greater quantities than raspberries or strawberries. And iodine, as you know, gives beauty and health. Its astringent taste also indicates the content of organic acids, pectins and tannins, which means that it will also benefit the digestive system. In addition, the berry is able to remove and kill certain types of microbes from the body. We can talk about it for a long time, but we cannot help but remember it as a plant from which many wonderful preparations are made.

What can be made from chokeberry?

You can make a lot of goodies from this wonderful and healthy berry: wine, liqueur, juice, compote, raisins. Let's consider a recipe for an original dessert that both children and adults like. To prepare raisins, take sugar (700 g), rowan berries (1 kg), water (0.5 liters), citric acid (1 teaspoon). First you need to prepare the syrup. Next, lower the rowan into it and after boiling, cook for about 25 minutes. Remove the berries from the cooled syrup, discarding them in a colander. When the excess liquid has gone, spread the berries in one layer and dry them indoors for several days. Ready raisins can be stored in jars. The remaining syrup can also be used to make jelly, compotes, and liqueurs.

Chokeberry juice is considered very healthy and tasty. This is a great alternative to store-bought juices. In addition, it is widely used in folk medicine.

Those with a sweet tooth who have at least once tried (the second name of the berry) will never again have a question about what can be made from chokeberry. This dessert tastes very much like It can be consumed in any form, but most often this delicacy serves as a filling for baked goods. In the cold winter, tea with unusually fragrant jam pleasantly pleases the family and brings great benefits, strengthening the immunity of the whole family.

Chokeberry wine recipe

What a wonderful wine made from chokeberry! It is thick, heavy, rich ruby ​​color and resembles dry good quality. How to prepare such a delicious drink? You need to take 100 g of raisins and 1 kg of sugar per kilogram of berries. Pour unwashed berries into a three-liter jar. Place raisins, sugar there and fill with water (about 2/3 of the jar). Cover with a lid with a small hole and leave in a dark place for a week. The future wine must be stirred daily, rotating but not uncorking. After a week, add about 300 more grams of sugar to the wine, after another week you need to add the last 200 g. Next, let the wine sit in a dark place for about a month, sometimes stirring the contents. After this time, you can also add 200 grams of sugar. As soon as the berries sink to the bottom of the jar, the wine is ready. Now it needs to be strained and bottled.

After reading the article and learning about the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry, you can consider the question of what can be made from chokeberry closed.

Chokeberry for the winter is a preparation that is very beneficial for the body. Previously, berries were widely used. They were used as medicine, as food, and as decoration. Nowadays, chokeberry fruits are not so popular, but preparations do not lose their relevance.

Known as chokeberry, the tree produces sweet and sour black berries that have a tart flavor. The harvest is often ready for harvest from mid-September to October. The fruits contain vitamins of groups C, E, B and A. The berries are also rich in fluorine, iron, iodine and magnesium. Chokeberry is not a high-calorie product.

Now let's talk about what to make from chokeberry for the winter. Housewives prepare a variety of preparations from chokeberry - it can be liqueur, jam, candied fruits, wine, jam or tincture. The berries are also dried and frozen. In any case, the finished product will be tasty, aromatic and healing. It was already mentioned above about what time you can harvest. But in order for the berries to gain the maximum amount of vitamins and taste, it is recommended to wait until the first frost.

Due to the unique chemical composition, it is important to pay attention to the following features of the preparation of chokeberry:

  1. Taste features. The vitamin composition and amount of sugar in the berries is determined by the abundance of sun and soil fertility. Even under the most ideal growing conditions, it is recommended to enrich the taste of the future harvest. Citric acid, which is added in minimal quantities, will help. The substance will make the taste lighter and remove viscosity.
  2. Best before date. Due to the minimal content of yeast bacteria, rowan berries are stored for a long time even without sterilization. The juice will not ferment, but the wine still needs to be stored according to the specified requirements.
  3. Color. The dark, almost black juice of the berries will color any surface it touches. It is important to remember that juice stains are difficult to remove from hands, furniture, fabrics and enamelware.
  4. Compatibility with other products. The berries have a mild aroma and taste; chokeberry goes well with the leaves of fruit trees, fruits, berries and citrus fruits. As a rule, spices are not added to preparations.

Video “Chokeberry for the winter with orange and lemon”

From this video you will learn a recipe for chokeberry with orange and lemon for the winter.

Step-by-step recipes

The article presents step-by-step recipes for preparations for the winter, among which you will definitely find the preparation option that your family will like.


Even despite the astringent properties and astringency of chokeberry berries, many people prefer to make marmalade from it. The finished product is aromatic, sweet, but not cloying. Take 1 kg of rowan, 600 g of sugar and 400 ml of purified water.

  1. Sort the berries, wash and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add water and heat over medium heat.
  3. Cook until the chokeberry softens.
  4. Rub the mixture through a sieve.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the resulting puree and put on fire.
  6. Boil the mixture until it thickens.
  7. Prepare a bowl in which to place the prepared marmalade.
  8. Moisten the dishes with ice water and apply the berry mixture evenly over the surface with a knife.
  9. Leave to cool.

Serve by cutting into pieces and rolling in granulated sugar.


This option is ideal for all sweet lovers. Prepare 10 cups of chokeberry, 2 egg whites and 5 cups of sugar.

  1. Place the fruits in a metal container and crush to a puree.
  2. Add sugar, cover with a lid and place in the oven, preheated to 160°C.
  3. When the juice appears, stir the mixture so that the granulated sugar dissolves better.
  4. When the mass looks like jelly, grind through a sieve and cool.
  5. Pour the egg whites into the cooled mixture and beat well.
  6. Place a third of the mixture on a heat-resistant dish and place in the oven at 80°C.
  7. As soon as the first layer dries, place another third of the mixture on top, and then the last portion.
  8. Cover the finished pastille with parchment or a dish lid and store in a cool place.


Although the fruits of chokeberry are tart and relatively sour, they make healthy and tasty jam. Take 1 kg of berries, 300 ml of water, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

  1. Steam clean berries in a container with boiling water.
  2. After the fruits have softened, grind them through a sieve (you can also pass them through a meat grinder).
  3. Pour the finished puree into a bowl, add granulated sugar, stir.
  4. Cook the jam until done in one batch.
  5. Pour the hot treat into clean jars and pasteurize for 20 minutes.

Candied fruit

By preparing this dish, people with diabetes receive excellent sweetness with a sugar substitute. This recipe makes candied fruits incredibly tasty.

List of ingredients: 1 kg of berries and sugar, 1 bag of vanillin, 1 glass of purified water, 1 tsp. citric acid.

  1. Leave the chokeberry fruits in water for 48 hours. Change the fluid several times a day.
  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar, place berries in it.
  3. Cook for an hour, add acid and vanillin at the end.
  4. Place the fruits in a colander overnight.
  5. Scatter the berries on paper and leave to dry for a day.


It is often used as a medicine for coughs, colds and runny nose. Since freshly squeezed juice cannot be prepared within a year, we present to your attention a good recipe for rolled juice.

  1. Wash the clusters of black berries and remove the greens.
  2. Take 1 kg of clean berries and squeeze the juice out of them through a sieve.
  3. If there is a lot of cake left, pour a glass of warm water over it, leave for an hour, and pass through a sieve again.
  4. Boil the mixture, pour into jars and begin sterilization.
  5. From the moment the water boils, sterilize the jars for 15 minutes.
  6. Take them out and close them with clean lids.

There is no need to turn the containers over, but it is necessary to cover them with a blanket.

Jam with apples

To prepare chokeberry and apple jam, you need the following ingredients: 1 kg of rowan, 2.5 kg of apples, 3.5 cups of sugar, 5 cups of water.

  1. Boil the berries in water for 45 minutes.
  2. Pour the liquid into a separate bowl and grind the berry mass through a meat grinder.
  3. Prepare apples: wash and dry, remove seeds, cut into cubes.
  4. Pour the apples with the water in which the berries were boiled and cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Rub the apples through a sieve to form a puree, discard the peel.
  6. Mix both masses, add sugar, leave overnight.
  7. Place the bowl over moderate heat and cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  8. Turn off the stove, pour the hot treat into sterilized jars and close.


Delicious jam is also often prepared from chokeberries. Below are good recipes that even novice housewives can handle.

Mashed with sugar

The amount of ingredients is determined depending on the case, but it is important to adhere to the following proportion: 1 kg of berries per 500 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Sort the rowan fruits and remove the branches.
  2. Rinse and leave to dry.
  3. Grind the berries in a blender along with sugar.
  4. Prepare jars by sterilizing them first.
  5. Pour the mixture pureed with sugar into still hot containers.
  6. Leave the jars open for 5-10 minutes to allow the rowan juice to release.
  7. Cover with lids, let cool and store in the refrigerator.

With lemons

Chokeberry contains a wide range of beneficial vitamins and minerals. It can be prepared for the winter as the best multivitamin, used to lower blood pressure and treat gastritis with low acidity. Berry juice is recommended for atherosclerosis, rheumatism, lack of vitamin P, iodine and manganese.

Storage Features

Rowan can be stored dried and frozen. Frozen fruits fully retain their beneficial properties until the next harvest. In addition to medicinal purposes, healthy berries are ideal for making delicious drinks, homemade preserves, desserts and other dishes. Low calorie 55 kcal allows you to use the product in dietary nutrition.

What to cook from berries

Delicious preserves, jams, candied fruits, jams and other winter preparations are prepared from fresh berries. Juicy fruits serve as the main ingredient in the preparation of a variety of drinks:

  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • sweet liqueurs;
  • strong tinctures;
  • red wines

Chokeberry is a piquant component of many desserts and healthy baked goods with berry fillings. Desserts with berries are light, have low calorie content and are well absorbed by the body. The fruits are also used in the preparation of many meat dishes, sauces and gravies. The site presents the best recipes for a variety of chokeberry dishes with step-by-step cooking instructions and photos of finished culinary masterpieces.

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