Muffins. Best Chocolate Muffin Recipes Beautiful Muffin Recipe

Muffins, of course, are a lot like cupcakes. Yes, they are sometimes called “mini-cupcakes”. However, there are some differences between these types of baking. First, the cooking method. Secondly, the consistency of the dough - in muffins it is more liquid. This allows you to use milk when baking muffins.

The dough is kneaded as follows: first, all the loose ingredients are combined, then, in a separate bowl, the liquid components. These two mixtures are combined at the very last moment just before baking.

Mixing should be as fast as possible. For the mixer, when preparing muffins, there is no work. All mixing is done with a spoon, literally a dozen rotational movements. The entire process of preparing the test takes no more than 15 minutes.

As already mentioned, the dough for this type of baking requires a more liquid, one might say, viscous. Therefore, muffins are often cooked in milk. Plus, this dough base can significantly reduce the calorie content of baking.

The benefits of milk

Perhaps, there is no need to talk about the nutritional properties and benefits of milk for a long time - this is a well-known fact. This unique product contains many vitamins and microelements, proteins, lactic acids and enzymes. It has bactericidal properties, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of infections in the body, improves digestion. Corrects the functioning of the nervous system: used as a preventive measure against insomnia and depression. Not to mention that milk is a powerful source of calcium.

The easiest recipe

Muffins according to this recipe can be quickly prepared for the arrival of unexpected guests, or to pamper relatives - for no reason, just because we love.

Every housewife can easily find products for such baking:

  • milk (one glass is enough);
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder (or soda - but it will need to be "repaid");
  • 80 g of any vegetable oil;
  • vanilla sachet.

Quick milk muffins are prepared as follows:

  1. The oven can be turned on in advance. While the dough is being kneaded, it will just warm up to the desired 180 degrees.
  2. Whisk the eggs. It is best to use a mixer for this recipe. Pour the milk into the eggs and beat everything again, achieving complete uniformity.
  3. Add butter to the egg-milk mixture, and again carefully work with a mixer. Minutes two.
  4. Now it remains to introduce flour into the mass, combined with baking powder and vanilla. Knead the dough well. It will resemble sour cream of medium density.
  5. It remains to prepare the molds: if they are metal, oil and sprinkle with flour. After that, fill each dough ¾ of the volume (after all, the muffins will inevitably increase in size) and load into the oven.
  6. You need to bake small buns for about 20 minutes. As soon as the top is golden, you can take them out of the oven. Otherwise, readiness is checked in the old tried and tested way - with a dry toothpick.

Such airy muffins with a delicate milky taste will appeal to everyone without exception. They are surprisingly good in all qualities: both as an evening dessert and as a morning breakfast.

Universal Recipe

The dough prepared according to this recipe is basic. Based on it, you can cook completely different muffins, differing from each other in the filling. Its composition is as follows:

  • premium wheat flour - 375 g;
  • milk - 225 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 65 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter (or margarine) - melted - 75 g;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla essence.

The indicated quantity of products is calculated for the preparation of 12 muffins. Based on this, you can adjust the recipe. Milk muffins are prepared as follows:

  1. You need to turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 200 degrees. While the dough is being prepared, it will just warm up. Prepare a baking dish - that is, grease it with fat or oil.
  2. Pour all bulk products (flour, salt, baking powder, sugar) into a large bowl and mix. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with a fork. The mixer is not involved in the preparation this time. Add milk, vanilla essence and melted butter to the egg.
  3. Now you need to pour the liquid mass into the flour and quickly mix everything. Fill the molds with dough for 3/4 of the volume and send for baking (for 20-25 minutes). Muffins can be served warm, or cooled on a wire rack, whichever you prefer.

Having mastered this basic recipe, it's time to move on to experimenting with fillings. That is, the dough recipe remains unchanged, only the fillers change.

with berries

At the final stage (before pouring into the mold), you need to add 150 g of berries (raspberries, blueberries, currants, and so on) to the dough.

With nuts

This time you will need to add 60 g of chopped and toasted nuts as a filling (walnuts, pecans or hazelnuts are suitable). Sprinkle with sugar before baking.

With chocolate

It will take 150 g of chocolate dragee or just finely chopped chocolate. It is also added to ready-made dough.


To prepare this variety of milk muffins, you need to add 1 teaspoon of grated orange zest to the dry ingredients at the initial stage. Sprinkle with sugar before baking.

In general, the possibilities are not limited - any filling that you like best will do. It can be raisins and dried apricots, prunes and candied fruits, cherries and lingonberries, bananas and pineapples, and so on and so forth.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making muffins with milk

Looking for delicious pastry recipes? Then you have come to the right place. I propose to cook you the most delicious muffins that you cannot refuse, even if you limit yourself to eating sweet foods.

Muffins are pretty easy to make. If unexpected guests have already appeared on the threshold, you will always have time with a treat while they are talking nicely in the living room.

For the test, you will need simple and affordable products: flour, milk, sugar, eggs. You can not do without additional components: baking powder, vanillin.

Muffins with salty filling are very common. Their role is played by bacon, cheese, ham. Here it is appropriate to add various herbs, spices and seasonings to the dough.

There are lovers who like chocolate or fruit muffins. It is customary to add raisins, dried apricots, crushed nuts, pieces of chocolate bars to them.

How to cook muffins at home, every housewife wants to know, because this treat will be in place both at a family dinner and at a celebration.

I would like to remind you that small cupcakes are baked faster, it will take 15-25 minutes for them to be fully cooked.

Preparatory work

There are recipes for which you need to prepare two containers, this moment must be foreseen if you have plans to bake muffins.

In addition, you will need: a whisk, a measuring cup, a spatula, a refractory bowl for melting butter and chocolate.

The hostess cannot do without molds in which muffins are baked. They can be either silicone or metal.

In the first case, you will not face the problem of removing the muffins to the presentation plate. As for metal molds, you can put corrugated paper liners into them and serve the dish directly into them.

Let's talk separately about the products that are part of the test. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, because it should soften.

Measure sugar and flour with a measuring cup, and be sure to sift the flour before using. Prepare the fillers: rinse and soak the raisins, chop the nuts with a knife, chop the dried fruits to the desired size.

chocolate muffin recipe

How to bake muffins at home to serve them on the festive table? The recipe contains enough ingredients to make cupcakes for a small company.

If you plan to arrange a "feast for the whole world", then increase the proportions.

So, you will need:

75 g white sugar; 100 gram dark chocolate bar; 3 eggs; 0.215 kg of flour; 30 g cocoa powder; ¾ packs of butter; teaspoon of vanillin; dessert spoon of baking powder; ½ cup raisins.

  1. Soften the butter at room temperature by placing it in a bowl and cutting into small cubes.
  2. Add cocoa and sugar, beat until smooth.
  3. Beat in the eggs and pour in the melted chocolate.
  4. Mix the sifted flour with baking powder, pour it into the dough in parts.
  5. After adding vanilla, mix the dough and spread it into molds. Keep in mind that the cookies will expand once they are in the oven, so don't fill the molds all the way to the top.
  6. Delicious and tender muffins are baked for 25 minutes, provided that the oven has been preheated to 190-200 degrees.
  7. Don't miss the moment when the cupcakes are ready. They must be immediately put on the table and cooled in the forms.

Use icing or powdered sugar mixed with cocoa as a decoration. Explore other baking recipes.

Surprise Chocolate Muffin Recipe

Delicious cupcakes with a surprise have always been liked by kids. If you are preparing a treat for a children's party, be sure to take my advice and bake muffins with liquid chocolate filling.

Chocolate cupcakes are prepared quickly, the main thing is that you have the necessary ingredients:

two eggs; half a glass of sugar; 0.180 kg of white flour; 0.5 packs of oil; dessert spoon of baking powder; two st. spoons of cocoa; chocolate slices (milk, white and black).

Recipe for cooking and baking muffins:

  1. Rub soft butter with sugar and eggs.
  2. Pour in the rest of the bulk ingredients and knead a not very thick dough. If it turns out to be denser than necessary, add 2-3 tablespoons of milk.
  3. To make muffins with a surprise successful, you need to fill half the mold with dough, put a slice of chocolate and cover with dough on top. The mass should not reach the edges, otherwise the pastry will come out.
  4. Delicious cupcakes are baked for 25 minutes, and in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.

Quick muffin recipe

Muffins, although they cook very quickly, are tasty and with a delicate structure.

First of all, remember the list of ingredients:

0.5 cups of granulated sugar and milk; 3 eggs; 0.320 kg of flour; 4 large spoons of cocoa; 0.5 teaspoon of soda; 0.180 kg of margarine for baking.

To prepare muffins, you need to mix the ingredients in a certain sequence:

  1. Mix margarine, sugar and milk in a saucepan.
  2. Put the mixture on fire and melt. Achieve the formation of a homogeneous mass, which is then cooled to room temperature.
  3. Enter the eggs into the dough, then the flour mixed with soda.
  4. Grease the molds, lay out the dough, not reaching the edges, and send the muffins to the oven.
  5. The baking mode should be as follows: 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. Before serving, pour the muffins with melted chocolate, they look very appetizing.

And now other simple baking recipes, which I recommend baking with your own hands and making your family happy.

Easy recipe for cottage cheese muffins

Fresh sour-milk cheese will come in handy not only for cheesecakes. You can make muffins from it, which will become a favorite dessert of the smallest members of the family.

List of products: ¾ packs of butter; three eggs; 0.2 kg of flour, cottage cheese and sugar; 0.5 dessert spoon of baking powder.

Steps for cooking and baking cupcakes, a detailed recipe:

  1. Whisk eggs with white sugar until smooth.
  2. Just soften the butter and mix with the egg sweet mass.
  3. Add grated cottage cheese.
  4. Pour flour and baking powder into the dough.
  5. With the resulting dough, fill the molds by 2/3 of the volume, arrange on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake muffins at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Serve the muffins on individual serving bowls, garnished with whipped cream and fresh berries.

Recipe for making and baking banana muffins

Banana muffins you need to cook using two types of sugar, that's when the muffins are especially tasty and fragrant.

A more complete list of products is as follows:

2 eggs; 0.4 kg flour; 0.7 cups of white sugar; 0.2 cups brown (cane) sugar; a couple of ripe bananas; 10 g baking powder; 4-5 art. spoons oils.

Recipe for making and baking cupcakes:

  1. Soften the butter a little and grind with one and the other types of sugar.
  2. Whisk in the eggs and after mixing add the flour and baking powder.
  3. Grind bananas to a puree state, add to the dough.
  4. Grease the molds with fat, put the dough in them, not reaching the edges by 1/3 of the volume, cook for 35 minutes.

cherry muffin recipe

The combination of light sourness and delicate sweet dough is considered very harmonious. To appreciate the taste of baking, you need to make muffins, which include fresh berries.

Components: 1 egg; 0.380 kg of flour; 0.280 kg of cherries; 230 ml of milk; 0.5 teaspoon of salt; a sachet of vanillin; teaspoon of baking powder; 0.170 kg of sugar; 80 g cl. oils.

  1. To make muffins, combine all dry ingredients in a bowl. The easiest way to do this is with a hand whisk, then the mixture is very homogeneous.
  2. Melt butter in a smaller bowl and after cooling add milk and egg.
  3. Clean cherries, remove pits and cut in half. If the berries are small, then leave them whole before laying them in the dough.
  4. Bake the muffins until very golden brown in buttered tins. In the oven you need to do at least 170 degrees.

I have more recipes that can be used to simply prepare delicious and fluffy muffins.

A simple recipe for kefir muffins

A little kefir, which has been “boring” on a shelf in the refrigerator for several days, is suitable for kneading dough. It makes incredibly airy and delicious cupcakes, and we'll talk about them now.

Detailed list of components:

¼ pack of kefir; 100 g of granulated sugar; egg; 2 tbsp. spoons of lean refined oil; a glass of flour; vanilla and baking powder.

We start cooking muffins by mixing the flour with the rest of the bulk ingredients in the amount that the recipe requires.

Then you need to beat the egg with butter and kefir. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl where the dry ingredients are already located, and knead a homogeneous dough.

Fill the greased molds with dough, but in such a way that the pastries will grow.

Bake the muffins for about 40 minutes and when they are browned, simply check the doneness with a wooden stick. We continue to study culinary recipes.

hard cheese muffin recipe

Fragrant muffins with a characteristic aftertaste can be served for breakfast. They go especially well with a cup of coffee.

Prepare dough from:

a glass of flour; ¼ pack sl. oils; 0.150 kg of hard cheese; 190 ml of milk; one egg; baking powder and ½ teaspoon salt. As a filler, use ground paprika, sun-dried tomatoes; sesame seeds.

First grate the cheese, and then proceed to the following processes:

  1. Soft butter mash with a fork, add the egg and mix.
  2. Combine all dry ingredients, including seasonings, in a bowl.
  3. Knead the dough from all the components and put it into molds. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of raw muffins.

To bake, you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send the muffins for 25 minutes. If you want to know more recipes, just read the article below.

blueberry muffin recipe

In order to properly knead the dough, accurately measure all the ingredients:

175 g brown (cane) sugar; 0.380 kg of white flour; 120 g sl. oils; 200 g blueberries; h. a spoonful of baking powder. You can’t do without eggs, you will need two pieces of medium size.

First things first, sift the flour and mix it with the baking powder and granulated sugar. Whisk melted butter with milk and egg.

Now combine both masses and knead the dough, into which blueberries must also be added. Rinse and dry the berries before use, and so that they are evenly distributed in the dough, simply roll in flour (see photo).

It's time to bake the muffins in the preheated oven. After turning on the equipment in the network, set the temperature correctly, it should be at the level of 200 degrees.

With this mode, cupcakes will be ready in 20 minutes. Use a wooden toothpick or skewer to make sure the muffins are well cooked through.

Did you like the recipe? Glad you are visiting my site.

And now I suggest you study muffin recipes from famous chefs who work tirelessly in the kitchen and invent new ways to cook delicious dishes.

Recipe number 1: muffins with chocolate and candied cherries

The original filler - candied cherry, will make cupcakes a favorite dish in your family. Believe me, you will cook them very often. Candied cherries can be used in place of raisins when you're baking.

You have to knead the dough from:

one egg; 0.1 kg of sugar; 0.2 kg flour; a quarter of a pack of butter; dessert spoon of baking powder; one glass of whole milk; 80 g dark chocolate and 120 g candied cherries.

Start cooking by breaking the chocolate into pieces and melt it together with butter in a steam bath. When the mass has cooled, mix it with flour, baking powder and sugar.

Whisk the egg with milk, pour into the bulk components. Lastly, add candied cherries to the dough.

Now fill the molds with the resulting mass, sprinkle with crystal sugar on top and bake the muffins in the oven.

Muffins can be prepared in advance by freezing them in a vacuum package at sub-zero temperatures. When you need them, all you need to do is reheat them in the oven or microwave.

Recipe number 2: muffins with the addition of instant coffee and two types of chocolate

Write down the required ingredients:

half a pack of oil; 3 eggs; 1 bar of dark chocolate and half a bar of white; 2 tbsp. tablespoons of brown (cane) sugar and the same amount of white flour; teaspoon of baking powder; ¼ teaspoon of instant coffee.

Detailed instructions will help you bake cupcakes:

  1. Break the bittersweet chocolate into small pieces.
  2. Place them in a bowl of butter and send to the steam bath.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar using a wooden spatula.
  4. Next, send the baking powder, instant coffee and flour.
  5. Enter the butter-chocolate mixture and mix the dough until smooth.
  6. Grease pastry molds with oil and fill 2/3 with dough (as in the photo). Put a piece of white chocolate on top and send to bake.

After 20 minutes, the muffins should be ready, provided that the oven has been preheated to 190 degrees.

If you liked the recipe, I will be very happy.

My video recipe

Muffins are pastries from the USA and Britain, they are similar to our mini cupcakes. The essence of their preparation is the mixing of dry products and liquid ingredients. They are prepared quickly, there are many recipes, today we will consider some of them.

What ingredients do you need to make muffins?

Immediately it should be noted that muffins are sweet, semi-sweet and salty. This will depend on which ingredients to choose. Since I am publishing a collection of dessert muffins, we will dance from here.

For this miniature pastry, you will need different types of flour: wheat, almond, rice, nut, wheat and corn mix, etc.

Dairy products, egg, butter, various types of sugar (brown, muscovado) are needed.

Various types of thick preparations (jam, marmalade, marmalade, jams), fresh berries and fruits (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, raspberries, pears, apples, apricots, oranges, candied fruits and this is not the whole list) are suitable as fillers.

To add spice and special taste, you can add nuts, dates, raisins, chocolate chips or drops as a filling.

It should also be noted that muffins are prepared according to American and English recipes; so in the English versions, yeast is included in the composition, in American, in most cases, baking powder and baking soda are added.

As flavorings and seasonings are combined: cinnamon, nutmeg, vanillin, sea salt, and then what your soul prefers. To decorate the muffins, a delicious cream will go, which can be prepared according to various recipes.


  • chocolate bar (good quality);
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • butter or milk margarine - 110 grams;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • milk - 30 milliliters.

According to a simple recipe, muffins with chocolate are prepared as follows:

Rub the butter effectively with sugar and introduce the eggs not all at once, but one at a time. Cut the chocolate into small pieces. We begin to add flour and baking powder to the dough, knead, lower the chocolate and again add flour and pour milk.

We knead, if we feel that there is not enough flour, then add more, in the end it took me 180 grams. The test semi-finished product should not be thick! We fill the molds with dough and put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick.

2. Video - Classic muffin recipe

Currently, there are as many professionals, housewives as there are healthy, tasty, unique baking recipes, but the main condition for this is a creative approach and the right choice of products. Today we try baking with bananas and bran, and add spicy cinnamon, it turns out really a masterpiece!


  • brown sugar - 110 grams;
  • bananas - 2 fruits;
  • wheat bran - 35 grams;
  • flour - 220 grams;
  • yogurt - 130 milliliters;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • grape seed oil - 3 dessert spoons;
  • flaxseeds - for decoration;
  • salt - to your taste.

According to a unique recipe, banana muffins are prepared as follows:

1. Rinse bananas, peel from a dense cover, then peel. Cut one banana into thin slices, and mash the second with a crush in mashed potatoes.

2. After sift the flour through a sieve, add salt, baking powder and bran.

3. Break eggs into a container, add sugar, pour in yogurt, beat in a mixer, gradually adding banana puree.

5. Grease the prepared molds with oil, put the dough on 1/3 of the molds, put banana circles on top and sprinkle with grains.

6. Place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C, muffins should be baked for no more than half an hour. Ready to remove, cool slightly and can be served.

You can add many different additives to boring cottage cheese, then the gastronomic novelty will be yours. Indeed, instead of wheat flour, if you add rice or almond flour, plus almonds, then the pinnacle of culinary art will be fully mastered!


  • non-fat cottage cheese - 220 grams;
  • orange fruit - 1 piece;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • wheat and rice flour - 100 grams each;
  • walnut (almond in a pureed state) - 95 grams or half a glass;
  • chocolate (milk) - 45 grams;
  • baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • fresh lemon - 50 milliliters;
  • butter - 75 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 85 grams;
  • salt - 2 pinches.

According to a unique recipe, we prepare muffins with cottage cheese as follows:

1. Prepare an orange citrus orange, remove the zest from the surface with a grater.

2. Prepare lemon juice.

3. Soften the cottage cheese or rub it through a sieve, add eggs, sugar, salt, ready-made zest and add fresh juice here.

4. Sift all the flour, in order to enrich the air with oxygen, add the prepared mass, baking powder and melted butter, mix actively.

5. At the end, mix in the crushed almonds.

6. Put into the dough in silicone molds and bake at standard temperature for 40 minutes.

7. When serving, pour over the chilled muffins with an impregnation made from lemon juice and powdered sugar. Sprinkle with grated milk chocolate for decoration. Delicious!

I like muffins because they cook very quickly and you can change the sea of ​​different toppings. Today there will be an incredibly tasty berry - blueberries.


  • flour - 320 grams;
  • butter - 130 grams;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 incomplete glass;
  • baking powder and vanillin - 1.5 teaspoons each;
  • milk - 80 milliliters;
  • blueberries - optional;
  • salt - one pinch.

According to a simple recipe, blueberry muffins are prepared as follows:

In a suitable bowl, grind granulated sugar with softened butter. Soften the butter and mix well with regular sugar. Next, carefully add one egg at a time and stir vigorously until a homogeneous consistency. Then you should pour in the milk and add all the other ingredients, with the exception of the berries.

Place paper baskets in silicone molds and use a pastry bag to fill them with a dough piece to the middle. Then berries, again the dough, and if desired, blueberries again. Filling molds should not be up to the top. And then, according to the classics of the genre, bake at 190 C for a quarter of an hour, it all depends on the oven and the size of the molds. You can decorate such muffins with all kinds of coatings, creams or whatever is at hand.

6. Chocolate muffins with coffee cream

Chocolate muffins are like a song, the house is clean and comfortable, it smells of coffee, chocolate, which compete with each other, but in mutual union give the pastries a special piquancy and aroma. It is worth creating such an atmosphere more often.


  • flour - 230 grams;
  • milk - 220 milliliters;
  • sugar - 160 grams;
  • good quality cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground coffee - 60 grams;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • peanut butter - 65 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 40 milliliters;
  • salt - a little.

According to the favorite recipe, we prepare chocolate muffins with coffee cream as follows:

1. First, prepare coffee from milk and natural coffee and strain through a strainer.

2. Put the finished coffee on the stove, dip the peanut and vegetable oils there, mix and cool slightly.

3. Beat in the eggs and add the rest of the ingredients that follow the recipe. Mix everything so that there are no lumps.

4. Arrange the dough in molds and put for baking. Baking time is approximately 25 minutes, temperature is 200 degrees.

6. After the specified time, remove the cake, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, transfer to the substrate, cool and serve. Such muffins - even in a feast, even in the world, even in good hands!

Muffins with cherries are a gastronomic union of delicate curd dough with a fragrant smell and slight sourness of cherries. You can use fresh, canned or frozen. Children love them very much!


  • wheat or almond flour - 385 grams;
  • chicken egg (homemade) - 1 piece;
  • milk - 1 slightly incomplete glass;
  • cherries - 2.5 cups;
  • baking powder - a bag or 12 grams;
  • butter - 85 grams;
  • sugar - 175 grams;
  • vanillin - 25 grams;
  • salt - optional.

According to a simple recipe, we cook muffins with cherries like this:

In one bowl, mix dry products according to the recipe: flour, sugar, baking powder, vanillin and salt. In a second bowl, mix melted butter, eggs and milk. After connecting, mix with a convenient spatula or spoon. Grease the molds with vegetable oil, lay out the dough, make indentations inside and fill with pitted cherries (they can be cut in half).

Preheat the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 C until fully cooked and a beautiful color is formed on the surface. Get ready muffins with cherries and put them on a beautiful dish to feed your family or guests with love.

8. Video - Lemon muffins

Sweet tooth at all times were distinguished by ingenuity. They figured out how to bake - small cupcakes in which you can put whatever your heart desires - berries, fruits, vegetables, marzipans, nuts, cottage cheese. You can decorate them with cream, icing, chocolate. Muffins are baked in round or oblong portion molds.

In England there were little cakes called moufflet, which in French means "soft bread". There is a similar word in German. These muffins were baked from wheat and corn flour.

Grease molds with vegetable oil, fill them with cooked dough for 2/3 and bake in an oven at a temperature of 180 C. Cool, decorate with butter cream and fresh or frozen berries.

From the type of filler, the dough recipe changes somewhat. For example, muffins with cherries are kneaded in milk with a lot of sugar and flour. Can be taken as a filler.

A very easy recipe - cupcakes on kefir. They are less oily, almost dietary. For them you need to take:

  • Half a glass of kefir and granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • Half glass of flour
  • 1 g flavor
  • 1 tsp dough fluffy mix
  • 40 g refined sunflower oil

Work progress:

Combine flour, sazar, soda, vanillin. In a separate bowl, mix well, egg and oil. Add dry ingredients to them and knead a soft dough. Bake as above.

Readiness is checked with a wooden toothpick. Pierce the muffin all the way to the bottom and remove the stick. If it is dry, then the dough is baked to the end evenly.

A few secrets from experienced confectioners

  • If the cupcakes have risen well, do not bulge in the middle and easily lag behind the walls of the mold, then they are ready. The surface color should be even, golden.
  • Do not keep the temperature in the oven too high. The heat should be soft and even.
  • Do not remove muffins from molds until completely cooled. They are very .
  • Ready-made muffins can be stored for a long time. They can be wrapped in cling film so that there is no air left and put in the freezer. If necessary, they must be heated directly in the film in the microwave.

Where did the recipe come from

Muffins are from England. The word "Muffin" has been known there since the 10th century. It denoted a bread product, a small pie, which was served with tea. As a sweet pastry, muffins began to qualify in Britain in the 18th century.

It is known that in this country there is a tradition of five o'clock. So fresh pastries for this meal became its indispensable addition. English muffins are different from our usual lush mini-cakes in beautiful paper packaging.

They are more like flat cakes, which used to be fried on a hot stove before serving. Over time, at the end of the 19th century, muffin rings were invented to align the edges.

Traditional English muffins are baked without filling and served with marmalade or berries. They can be found in every store or cafe.

Solid British prepare the dough in advance, as it is kneaded with yeast - 4-5 hours before serving. Previously, they were more like rolls for tea.

At first they were prepared only for workers from the remnants of the master's dough. Then she moved to the table of aristocrats and the distribution of muffins began throughout the UK.

Those cupcakes that are familiar to us now appeared in North America. There they invented a way to make them in metal forms with a paper rosette. It was in America that they began to make sweet cupcakes with fillings. They have taken root in Europe and other continents.

A feature of this ancient delicacy is the manual mixing of the ingredients without the use of a mixer. Separately, wet and dry components are combined, then they are quickly mixed together and immediately laid out in molds and baked.

This way of preparing the dough makes it easy. This is how they are baked in England and America.

American muffins have recipes that are more like bread products, and more rich and sweet types are desserts - cupcakes. They differ in the recipe for the amount of butter and sugar.

They add not only the fillers listed above, but also bran, oatmeal, herbs and spices are added to the flour to diversify the texture of the dough - for. They are traditionally served warm.

The top of the muffins is decorated with cream, icing, candied fruit, marmalade, chocolate. A proper cake doubles in size during baking. Its pulp is lush, soft, without cavities.

The dough should not be kneaded for a long time and strongly. A few movements of the spatula from the bottom up is enough. Unmixed lumps will disperse in time, but the dough will be lush.

Our stores sell a large number of different forms for muffins. These are whole baking sheets with holes, separate metal and silicone molds of different sizes.

But classic muffins should be baked in paper rosettes, should have a rounded shape and an even dome. The edges of the form can be smooth or wavy.

Muffins have become a familiar dish on the table. Their lovers do not want to give up their usual baking even in fasting. There are many muffin recipes out there. Here are some of them.

Lenten muffins with carrots and pumpkin


  • Grate carrots and pumpkin on a fine grater, take 1 cup of each.
  • Crushed oatmeal and sugar - half of the same capacity
  • Potato starch - 1/3 cup
  • 100g warm water
  • 2 tbsp refined sunflower oil
  • Grated orange peel, cranberries, cinnamon (to taste)

Cooking cupcakes:

Pour sugar into a container with grated carrots, pour water and oil. After that, pour out the oatmeal, soda, starch, zest and cinnamon. Stir quickly with a wooden spatula. Stir in dried cranberries. Divide into molds and bake as usual.

Baking will not be very airy, but it will be tasty and healthy. And in fasting, you can enjoy the usual sweets, cook a spicy dessert for the family.

It’s good to treat yourself to honey cupcakes in the post. They are moderately sweet, but have a delicious aroma and taste of honey. They do not contain animal products. Therefore, they can be eaten not only by those who comply with the requirements of fasting, but also.

Among the many recipes for making small cupcakes, there are the most popular and traditional ones. They cannot be ignored.

blueberry filling

How are everyone's favorite blueberry muffins prepared? This dish has many advantages - the aroma of wild berries, its unique taste and useful properties. And the cake itself is unusually light and not very sweet.

In addition, when mixed with the ingredients, blueberries do not release much moisture, the dough remains fluffy. Required :

  • 300g wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • regular sweetener - 165g
  • butter - 125g
  • 1 tsp air dough mixes
  • a glass of milk
  • blueberries (can be frozen) - 180 g

Add granulated sugar and dough mixture to the sifted flour. In another bowl, grind the butter with eggs and milk. Combine everything and quickly knead the dough. After that, add to the dough, evenly and carefully, without crushing them.

Heat the oven hotter than usual - up to 210 C and keep the cupcakes in it for 20 minutes. Before placing them in the oven, you can sprinkle sugar on top.

On a note! The taste qualities of cupcakes baked in aluminum molds and in silicone are no different. Silicone molds are easier to work with. They do not require paper sockets. Finished and so well behind.

Coconut muffins

All women strive for a slender figure, they want to feast on tasty treats and not gain weight. A lighter dough with the addition of coconut flakes meets the needs of slender beauties. Everyone will like this exotic dish.

You will need: 2 limes, 60 g coconut flakes, half a glass of coconut milk, an egg, half a glass of sugar, the same amount of olive oil, the same amount of butter and sour cream. Also - 1.5 cups of flour and 0.5 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. sugar powder and a pinch of salt.

Action algorithm:

Mix flour, coconut flakes, salt, sugar, soda. Separately combine butter and coconut milk. Pour the dry mixture into it.

Knead with a spoon and spread the dough into molds. We bake them in a well-heated oven for 20 minutes. Let the finished cupcakes cool down.

And now the main thing - we do for muffins. Wash the limes thoroughly, wipe. On a fine grater we rub the zest from them. Mix cream cheese, sour cream, powdered sugar and zest and beat with a whisk.
We take cupcakes out of the molds, decorate them with a cap of airy fragrant cream and serve them to the table.

Cupcakes without sugar

Muffins are a quick way to cook. But not everyone likes sweets. And there are many recipes for muffins with cheese, bacon, tomatoes. They are sure to please men.

How to cook them with cheese? This dish goes well with morning coffee as a hearty fragrant breakfast.

Pour a glass of flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and dry herbs, a little baking powder. Beat 50 g of butter with an egg, add the dry ingredients.

Lastly, add 140 g of grated hard cheese, mix everything. Divide the dough into 2/3 molds, sprinkle with black sesame seeds. Bake for about half an hour at 200C.

Among the wide variety of muffins, every housewife will find recipes that will become hits for her family dinners and breakfasts. To learn how to cook muffins with bacon and cheese, you can watch the video:

For all those who like to eat something tasty, but do not really gravitate towards the tedious processes of culinary art, unusual muffins can become interesting - small American (or English) buns that look a lot like cupcakes.

However, this is not the same thing, because in the latter, except for raisins, jam or nuts, they usually do not add anything special, which cannot be said about muffins.

This simplest dessert, which every housewife can handle, is baked in small molds, usually sweet dough is used for this, diluted with a variety of interesting fillings, including fresh fruit. An ordinary muffin should not exceed 7-10 cm in diameter.

A few words about history

In total, there were several versions of the possible origin of such delicious pastries: according to the first of them, the word “muffin” became known in the 11th century in Great Britain, it is believed that at that time it came from the French “moufflet”, which translates as “soft bread”.

And they really are: well-cooked, they literally crumble in the mouth, presenting the world with a delicate filling. According to the second version, the name of the dessert is associated with the German word "muffe", which means "one of the types of bread."

By the way, indeed, there are separate recipes for muffins that involve a dough that is moderate in sweetness, something even similar to bread, as well as extremely healthy additives - oatmeal, wheat, raisins, whole flour, and so on. The first representatives of such pastries were not as sweet as they are preferred to cook today and, of course, did not have such a variety of types and fillings.

Due to the fact that they quickly stale, they became widespread only in the middle of the 20th century, by the way, around the same time, restaurant chains began to be created, something like coffee houses, offering the consumer various types of muffins.

If you're wondering how to make delicious muffins, then you should know that they come in two main types: English and American. First of all, they differ in the way they are prepared: for the first, yeast dough is used, and for the second, soda or baking powder is used for baking.

Basic cooking secrets

It is quite natural that every housewife who is going to start cooking some kind of dish, and even more so, dessert, wants to achieve the highest possible results so that the result will please all family members.

In order to make such an easy delicacy like muffins the first time you, like a professional confectioner, we have prepared some important tips for you.

  • Muffins are prepared in special small molds, the same as for making muffins. They have small ribbed edges, can be paper, silicone or metal. In order for the finished ones to easily move away from the mold, it must first be greased with melted butter and sprinkled with flour.
  • The butter used to make the dough should be firm and cold, straight out of the fridge, so you can cut it into small pieces. The overall consistency of the finished dough should look poorly mixed and lumpy, especially for this it must be kneaded with a large metal spoon or using a mixer equipped with a special nozzle. The sequence is approximately as follows: first beat the butter and sugar, then add the eggs, then add the flour and pour in the milk.
  • Filled muffins are perhaps the most delicious of all. Especially popular are options with berries, with raisins and dried fruits, with bananas and other fruits. If you decide to use berries (cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, strawberries, etc. work well), then fold them carefully so that the berries do not get crushed. Then mix them with two tablespoons of flour, it is also important to do this carefully, without excessive pressure. If you are using frozen berries or fruits, remember that you do not need to defrost them first, otherwise they may release their juice, causing the muffins to turn sour.
  • How to check the readiness of buns? Everything is very simple: they are ready when they rise well and begin to move away from the walls of their form. They should feel firm to the touch, and a golden crust should appear on the surface of each muffin. If visually it is difficult for you to assess the degree of readiness, then for these purposes you can use a thin toothpick: stick it in the middle of the treat, if it comes out clean, then everything is ready.
  • Muffins without filling should be placed on a wire rack immediately after baking so that the bottom does not get wet from the steam, but varieties with chocolate, caramel or cream filling should be left in the mold for a few minutes so that they have time to harden.

chocolate muffin recipe

Perhaps one of the most common and favorite types of this sweet treat. What we need for it:

  • flour - 180-200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • a pinch of salt.

Beat the egg with a mixer with a special nozzle, then add sugar and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly. Sift the flour, then add it to the prepared egg mixture along with a pinch of salt, cocoa and baking powder, beat everything again with a mixer until a homogeneous dough structure appears.

Grease the prepared molds with oil, put the dough in them, and then send them to the preheated oven. Baking temperature - 200 °, time - 20-25 minutes.

cottage cheese muffin recipe

What we need:

  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • hard butter - 150 g;
  • soft cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 150-200 g (to taste);
  • egg - 3 pcs.

Lightly beat the eggs together with sugar, then add chopped butter, baking powder to the total mass and continue to beat again, gradually adding cottage cheese.

To make the muffins more tender, you can grind it first. Next, add flour, mix everything thoroughly again. Then we grease the molds with oil, fill them with ready-made dough and send them to bake at a temperature of 180-200 ° for 20 minutes.

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