Pie with lemon filling - easy to cook, delicious to eat! Lemon Filled Pie (Family Recipe with Detailed Photos) Lemon Baking Best Recipes with Reviews

Not everyone likes sugary-sweet pastries, and in this case, the ideal dessert option would be a pie with lemon filling. To prepare such a delicacy, various bases are used: sand, yeast or puff. Consider popular recipes for lemon pie.

Shortcake with lemon filling will stay fresh for a long time and will not stale.

To make such a dessert, you will need the following products:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 1/2 pack of butter;
  • 2-3 lemons;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 10-15 g of starch;
  • a pinch of salt and soda;
  • sugar to taste.

How to make a delicious pie:

  1. We divide the lemons into slices, take out the seeds, put them in a blender.
  2. Add starch and granulated sugar to the crushed citruses, grind until smooth.
  3. Combine butter, flour, soda, salt and egg yolks in a deep bowl.
  4. We knead the shortbread dough and divide it into 2 parts, and one of them should be slightly larger.
  5. We roll out a larger piece, put it in a mold, make sides.
  6. We put the filling inside, cover with a second piece of dough and grease the pie with whipped proteins, and then pierce with a fork in several places.
  7. Place in oven and bake until golden brown.

Attention! If the lemons for the filling are taken along with the peel, so that it does not turn out bitter, they will need to be soaked in warm water for half an hour beforehand.

From puff pastry

When there is not much time, but you want to cook a dessert quickly, you can make a puff pastry pie with lemon filling by buying a ready-made semi-finished product in the store.

For such a dessert, you need only three ingredients:

  • a pack of puff base;
  • several lemons;
  • sugar.

How to make puff pastries:

  1. Defrost the dough, divide into 2 parts and roll out to the desired size.
  2. We cut the lemons, remove the seeds and grind in a meat grinder or in a blender bowl.
  3. Add sugar to the citrus pulp and put the mixture on fire.
  4. We warm the filling, stirring constantly, for a quarter of an hour, until it thickens a little.
  5. We put one layer of dough on a baking sheet, raise the sides and lay out the filling.
  6. Cut the other part of the base into strips and cover the pie with them so that a lattice is obtained.
  7. We bake a delicacy in the oven until cooked.

Advice. To prevent the puff pastry from crumbling when cutting, it is better to divide it into portions immediately after it is removed from the oven and cools down a bit.

Delicious pastries from Yulia Vysotskaya

It is not difficult to prepare a pie according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya, it will not take much time, and the result will be amazing.

To make a lemon pie, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup wheat flour;
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal;
  • a pack of butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • culinary baking powder;
  • several lemons;
  • nuts;
  • a pinch of salt and sugar.

How to make dessert:

  1. Remove the zest from the lemon with a fine grater, squeeze the juice from one citrus.
  2. Soften the butter and rub with sugar until smooth until the mass becomes airy.
  3. Add eggs to the butter-sugar mixture, and you need to do this one by one.
  4. Grind the nuts with a rolling pin and pour into a dish.
  5. We introduce the zest, pour in the juice, add flour and baking powder, add a little salt.
  6. We mix the mass so that it becomes homogeneous, after which we place it in a greased form and send it to the oven.

Important! To make the cake tender and not fall off during the baking process, you need to warm up the oven in advance, turning on the fire about 30 minutes before placing it in the baking dish.

Yeast cake with lemon filling

It will take a lot of time to prepare a yeast pie, because the dough needs to be well suited.

To make a dessert, you need the following products:

  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • egg;
  • flour;
  • salt and sugar;
  • a bag of yeast;
  • several lemons.

How to make Lemon Yeast Pie:

  1. Pour a little sugar and yeast into a glass of milk, mix and leave to approach.
  2. Beat the egg with a little salt, and then pour the dough into it.
  3. We mix the mass, gradually adding flour, then leave to approach for an hour and a half.
  4. Grind the lemons with a meat grinder or blender, put them in a saucepan and boil with sugar until the mass thickens, then cool.
  5. We knead the dough that has come up, roll out two layers from it, put one in a greased form.
  6. We distribute the filling, cover the pie with the second part of the dough, pinch the edges.
  7. We pierce the top with a fork in 4-5 places and put the form in the oven.

To make the pastry beautiful, before placing it in the oven, you can grease it with a beaten egg.

With the addition of oranges

This is another shortcrust pie recipe.

To make delicious pastries, you will need the following products:

  • a pack of butter;
  • 450-600 g flour;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • egg;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • cottage cheese of any fat content.

How to make a shortbread pie with lemon, orange and cottage cheese filling:

  1. Soften the butter, rub it with sugar.
  2. Add the egg, mix thoroughly and start adding flour.
  3. We knead the shortbread dough, and then separate about a fifth of it and hide it in the freezer.
  4. We grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add citrus pulp and add sugar to taste.
  5. We roll out the base, put it on a baking sheet, put the filling on top.
  6. We take out a piece of dough from the freezer, three on a coarse grater and sprinkle the pie with this crumb, and then set to bake.

The dish will be ready when the crumbs turn golden brown.

Cooking with apples

Incredibly tasty pie with lemon and apples.

For such a dessert, you will need the following products:

  • a pack of butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • flour;
  • soda;
  • apples;
  • lemon;
  • cinnamon and vanilla.

How to make a pie with lemon and apple filling:

  1. Soften the butter, rub with sugar.
  2. Crack in the eggs and stir until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Sprinkle flour so that the dough is semi-liquid, then put a little soda and vanilla, mix.
  4. We cut the apples into slices, remove the zest from the lemon.
  5. Pour 2/3 of the dough into a greased form, lay apple slices on top, sprinkle with lemon zest and cinnamon.
  6. We distribute the rest of the dough on the surface, send the dish to the oven.

The readiness of such a pie is determined with a match or a toothpick. If after piercing the surface there are no pieces of dough left on it, the dessert can be removed.

Open pie with lemon filling

Puff pastry is best for this pie.

To make a dessert, you need to take the following products:

  • a pack of puff base;
  • a few apples or pears;
  • lemon;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • nuts.

How to make an open lemon pie:

  1. Take the puff pastry out of the package and leave to defrost.
  2. We interrupt the lemon pulp in a blender, and then put it in a saucepan, add sugar and simmer over a fire until the sand has completely melted.
  3. We roll out the base layer according to the size of the baking sheet, leaving a small margin around the edges.
  4. We spread the chopped fruits on the dough, distribute the lemon syrup on top, wrap the hanging edges inside the pie. This will help the filling not spread out.
  5. We put the cake in the oven, and when it is ready, take it out and sprinkle with crushed nuts.

On a note. Instead of nuts, you can use coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

To make lemon pie always delicious, you must adhere to the following rules when cooking:

  • use only ripened citruses, without signs of spoilage and rot;
  • rinse lemons thoroughly, then soak in warm water before chopping them;
  • remove the butter for the dough from the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to thaw naturally;
  • put cinnamon and vanilla in baking a little bit, as lemons themselves have a bright taste and aroma;
  • preheat the oven for at least a quarter of an hour before putting the cake in it.

For housewives who will cook a lemon pie for the first time, it is better to strictly adhere to the above recipe. And then you can make your own adjustments and experiment with the ingredients, each time getting a new version of the dessert.

Lemon pies are popular on both restaurant and home menus.

A delicate citrus aroma and a delicious base made from different types of dough will leave few people indifferent.

A delicious and simple dessert that even an inexperienced hostess can easily prepare.

On its basis, you can come up with other pies, replacing the lemon filling with any other - apple, plum, pear, cottage cheese.

The calorie content of shortbread lemon pie with the addition of butter and sugar is approximately 309 kcal / 100 g.

1. The easiest pie with lemon filling


  • Butter: 180 gr.
  • Sugar: 1.5 tbsp.
  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Flour: 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Lemons: 2 large

How to cook:

So, we need good quality butter, spread or margarine. It must be softened or melted over low heat along with sugar (about 1 tbsp.).

Add the eggs to the sweet butter mixture and mix well. You can use a mixer or blender.

The next step is flour. You need to take enough of it so that the dough turns out to be cool, dense, pliable, but not sticky to your hands.

Divide the finished shortbread dough into two unequal parts - about ¾ and ¼.

Place the larger part evenly into the mold, making small sides, and freeze the smaller one.

To make the dough freeze faster, it can be divided into small pieces. It should stay in the freezer for about an hour or less.

For the filling, wash and cut the lemons. Grind together with the zest, add sugar to taste, usually half a glass is enough.

Spread the lemon-sugar mixture over the rested dough. It will seem liquid, but during the baking process it will turn into a jelly mass and will not flow out of the cake.

Take out the frozen dough and grate it on a coarse grater on top, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

It remains to bake in the oven (180-200 degrees and 35-40 minutes of time).

That's it, lemon pie is ready. You can invite everyone to tea.

2. Lemon tart with shortcrust pastry meringue

Sweet tart with light cream and meringue is a delicious dessert that can hardly hurt your figure. This is a great alternative to regular pies and cakes.

What is tart and meringue. Before we start cooking, let's understand the basic concepts. So, tart is a traditional French open pie on a sand base. It may or may not be sweet. The most common type of tart is with lemon curd and whipped whites (meringue).

Meringue is whites whipped with sugar and baked in the oven. It can be an independent dessert (as in a meringue cake) or an additional component.

To prepare one pie for 8 servings, you will need the following food set:


  • 1 full glass of sugar for cream + 75 g for meringue;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour (with a small slide);
  • 3 art. spoons of cornmeal;
  • a little bit of salt;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • 2 large lemons;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 shortcrust pastry basket with a diameter of about 23 cm. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store.

By the way, you can make not one big tart, but small portioned cakes, for this, use small shortbread dough baskets.

How to cook:

In a saucepan, mix sugar, two types of flour and salt. Add water.

Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze the juice out of them. Add juice and zest to a saucepan.

Put the mixture on the fire and cook with constant stirring until it boils.

Separate eggs into yolks and whites. Whisk the yolks. Add 100 ml of hot mixture from the pan to them, whisking vigorously so that the yolks do not curdle.

Now gently fold the yolk mixture back into the pot of hot lemon curd.

Put it back on low heat and cook until it thickens, stirring occasionally.

Spread the cream into the shortcrust pastry basket in an even layer.

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with a mixer until foamy. While continuing to beat, gradually add the sugar. Beat the mass until stable peaks form.

Put the resulting meringue on the cake in any convenient way, for example, using a pastry bag.

Bake the tart in a hot oven for 10 minutes until the meringue is golden.

Cool the cake to room temperature, and then send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the lemon cream hardens well.

Not counting the time for freezing, it will take you no more than 40 minutes to prepare the tart.

3.Another variation of lemon meringue shortcrust pastry pie

This amazingly delicious, at the same time hearty and airy lemon pie will be a wonderful end to a gourmet dinner.


For the base you will need:

  • 150 gr. flour;
  • about 75 gr. good butter;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

For the lemon filling:

  • 3 large eggs;
  • a little more than a glass of powdered sugar (if powder is not available, it is permissible to take ordinary fine sugar) and 2 tbsp. l. to decorate finished baking;
  • 3 art. spoons of flour;
  • grated zest of 1 lemon;
  • 100 gr. lemon juice.

How to cook:

Preheat the oven to 180°.

Beat or chop the butter with a knife, adding powdered sugar and flour to it, until it becomes a fine crumb (it is better to use a food processor or blender).

Knead the dough thoroughly. Spread it with your hands along the bottom and sides of the round shape.

Prick often with a fork (this is done so that the cake does not swell when heated).

Bake the base for 12-15 minutes until a delicate golden color is obtained.

At this time, combine eggs, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, flour and beat all these ingredients until smooth. Carefully place the finished cream on a hot base.

Return the cake to the oven for about 20 more minutes, until the cream is baked and firm.

Leave the finished tart in a baking dish to cool completely.

Sprinkle the finished pastry with icing sugar and carefully cut into pieces.

Lemon pie can be decorated not only with powdered sugar, but also with whipped cream, mint sprigs, strawberries.

It can be carefully cut into several slices, not reaching the stalk and laid, unrolled in a beautiful fan.

It’s good to sprinkle fruit or berry slices with lemon juice before use.

Important: The better and fresher the oil used to make the dough, the more aromatic and tastier the tart will be.

It is better to take flour with a lower gluten content, such as whole grains.

To enrich the flour with oxygen, you can sift it through a metal sieve (the same can be done with powdered sugar).

In kneading dough, speed is of particular importance (ideally, the whole process should take no more than 30 seconds).

Before working with shortcrust pastry, you should thoroughly cool your hands, for example, dip them in ice water.

Finely ground nuts (cashews, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts) added to the flour will give the baking a unique flavor.

To avoid deformation of the cake, you can fill it with cereal during baking (do not forget to cover the surface with parchment beforehand).

4.Yeast cake

For Lemon Yeast Pie you need:


  • flour - 750 gr or how much will go;
  • margarine, preferably creamy - 180 gr;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg;
  • milk - 240 ml;
  • live yeast - 30 g or 10 g dry;
  • sugar - 110 gr;
  • vanillin - to taste.

For filling:

  • medium-sized lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 350 gr;
  • potato starch - 20 gr;
  • cinnamon - a pinch (optional)

How to cook:

Lemons put for half an hour in warm water. Wash. Dry.

Using a fine grater, remove a layer of zest from citrus fruits.

Heat milk to + 30 degrees. Pour it into a suitable bowl, add 20 g of sugar and put the yeast.

Leave for 10 minutes. Add the remaining sugar, salt, vanilla, egg and stir well.

Dissolve the margarine over moderate heat and pour into the dough. Pour half the flour and put the lemon zest.

Stir. Sprinkle flour in portions, knead the dough. It should hold its shape, but not be stone-hard.

Leave under a towel for 40 minutes.

Pass the lemons through a meat grinder, if possible, select the seeds.

Pour in sugar, mix. Cinnamon can be added as desired. Divide the dough into two parts.

Roll one into a layer about 1 cm thick. Grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with a sheet of baking paper.

Lay out the dough, sprinkle it with starch.

Spread the lemon filling on top, leaving 1.5-2 cm of the edge free of it.

From the second part, make another layer and close the filling on top.

Connect the edges and pinch with a pigtail or in another way. Make symmetrical holes in the cake.

Leave the prepared product on the table for 20 minutes.

Preheat oven. The temperature in it should be + 180 degrees. Bake the lemon tart for about 45-50 minutes.

Remove the product, leave it on the table for an hour. Before serving, the top can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

5. Layered Lemon Pie

For the puff pastry with lemon filling you need:


  • ready-made puff pastry - 2 layers (with a total weight of about 600 gr);
  • lemons - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 cups.

How to cook:

Wash the lemons, peel and pass through a meat grinder or use a blender to grind.

Remove bones. Pour sugar and put the mass on moderate heat.

Boil from the moment of boiling for 8-10 minutes. Cool down.

Roll out one piece of dough a little. It is convenient to do this on a sheet of baking paper. Taking the paper by the edges, transfer it along with the dough to a baking sheet.

Spread the lemon filling in an even layer. Roll out the second layer and lay on top. Pinch the edges.

Preheat the oven to + 180 degrees. Bake the cake for about 25 minutes, once the top is a nice golden brown. Remove item from oven.

Let it “rest” for 20 minutes and you can serve it to the table.

6. Homemade cottage cheese pie with lemon

For Lemon Curd Pie you will need:


  • cottage cheese (fat content 5 or 9%) - 250 gr;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 100 gr;
  • sugar - 120 gr;
  • soda or baking powder;
  • powdered sugar.

How to cook:

Wash the lemon, peel and chop it in any way.

Mash cottage cheese, put lemon, sugar and eggs in it.

Blend or blend the mixture until smooth.

Add 1/2 tsp. baking soda or baking powder according to package directions.

Add flour and beat again. Pour mixture into mold.

If it is silicone, you do not need to lubricate it, if it is metal, cover it with parchment paper and grease it with oil.

Put the mold in an already hot oven (temperature + 180 degrees).

Bake the pie for about half an hour. Allow the product to cool slightly, sprinkle the top with powder and serve with tea.

7. With the addition of orange

An elegant homemade pie can be baked from two types of citrus fruits.

For this you need:


  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • sour cream - 220 gr;
  • egg;
  • baking powder;
  • sugar - 180 gr;
  • flour - 160 gr;
  • oil - 20 gr;
  • powdered sugar.

How to cook:

Wash the fruit, cut them in half, then cut each half into semicircles. Remove all bones.

Add sugar and egg to sour cream. Whisk. Pour the baking powder or half a teaspoon of soda into the flour, vigorously stir it into the total mass.

Close the form with paper, grease with oil and pour the dough.

Arrange citrus slices nicely on top.

Bake the product in a hot (+ 180 degrees) oven for about 35-40 minutes.

Remove the cake, let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

8. With an apple

For Lemon Apple Pie:


  • large lemon; apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • margarine or butter - 200 gr;
  • flour - 350 gr;
  • egg;
  • sour cream - 200 gr;
  • sugar - 250 gr;
  • baking powder;
  • powdered sugar.

How to cook:

Melt the margarine and pour it into a bowl.

Put sour cream and add half a glass of sugar and an egg. Stir.

Add flour and baking powder. (The amount of the last ingredient can be determined by the instructions on the sachet.)

Knead the dough. Cover with foil and set aside.

Grate apples and lemon on a coarse grater and mix with the remaining sugar.

Divide the dough into two slightly unequal parts. Roll out the larger one and lay on the bottom of the mold.

Lay out the filling and close it with the second part of the dough.

Bake in a hot oven at + 180 degrees for about 40-45 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished cake with powder, let it cool and serve.

9. Recipe for multicooker

For a lush lemon pie in a slow cooker you need:


  • large lemon;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • margarine - 150 gr;
  • egg;
  • baking powder;
  • sugar - 100 gr.

How to cook:

Remove the zest from the washed lemon using a grater. Squeeze juice from the fruit itself in any way.

Combine soft butter with sugar, egg, lemon juice and zest. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Add flour with baking powder, beat again.

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, lay out the dough, smooth the top and bake the cake for 50 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

Here are some tips to help you make the most delicious lemon pie:

To make the lemon not only wash well, but also be more fragrant, it should be soaked for half an hour in water with a temperature of + 50-60 degrees.

Dough and lemon filling will taste better if you add a pinch of salt to them.

Adding cinnamon will make the finished cake more fragrant and delicious in taste.

Bon appetit!

Add recipe to favorites!

I love the dough that this cake is made from. It is sandy in structure, but it is kneaded with yeast - quickly and easily. The filling is simple and affordable - lemon with sugar. And the result is a very beautiful, tasty and vitamin accompaniment to tea, and, as you know, tea is impossible without tea in winter, and in summer too.


  • butter 200 gr
  • water 125 ml (3/4 cup)
  • dry yeast 1 tbsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • pinch of salt


  • lemon 1 piece

The amount of dough is calculated for a baking sheet measuring 27 X 37 cm. I do not advise you to "stretch" the dough onto a larger baking sheet, because. the cake will turn out thin and dry in the oven. You can also use a round mold with a diameter of 24-26 cm

Step by step photo recipe:

Preheat water(125 ml) to be pleasantly warm. dissolve in it sugar(1 tsp) and add dry yeast. Stir and let the yeast come to life.

In this form, they will wait for their turn, and you will prepare the dough.

In the sifted flour put the pieces soft butter and a pinch salt.

Grind the butter with flour with your hands so that a chit.

Meanwhile, the yeast revived and foamed. This usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

Make a well in the flour crumbs and pour the yeast into it.

Gently, adding flour and butter from the edges to the middle, knead the dough. If needed, add more flour.

It is not necessary to knead for a long time, shortbread dough likes a quick kneading. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, form it into a ball.

Put the dough in a bowl, cover cling film and leave to climb 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to poke holes in the foil with a knife to let the dough breathe. If there is no film, cover the bowl with a towel.

Advice: This dough works well in the refrigerator, you can leave it overnight. It is also better to refrigerate in the summer when the room is very hot.

While the yeast is doing its invisible work - loosening the dough, take care of the stuffing.
Place the lemon in a saucepan, cover with boiling water and cook for 1 minute. This is necessary in order to remove the bitterness from the peel.

Pour cold water over, cut into slices, be sure to remove the bones(they also give bitterness) and pass through a meat grinder. You can cut the lemon into smaller pieces and grind with a blender.

Add to lemon sugar and mix - the filling is ready.
Advice: it is better to combine the lemon with sugar just before putting the filling on the dough so that the sugar does not have time to melt and the filling is denser.

The dough has risen, doubled in size and is ready to be cut.

Turn the dough out onto a floured board, punch down and divide into two parts: one part - it will go down the pie, make a little more, roll it out and, using a rolling pin, transfer it to a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Advice: in summer or if the room is hot, put the dough in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes before cutting.

This is how the bottom layer should turn out - with your hands, pressing with your fingers, make small bumpers.

Spoon the filling onto the dough and spread evenly over the entire surface. You can pre-sprinkle the dough with starch (1 tbsp) through a strainer.

Roll out the remaining dough and use a rolling pin to cover the top of the pie.

Use scissors or a knife to make small incisions all over the cake. Steam will come out through them.

Bake a cake in a preheated oven t 180°C 30 minutes. The cake will not be very ruddy, this is the peculiarity of the dough with a low sugar content.

Cooled lemongrass cut into diamonds And sprinkle with powdered sugar.

This is how Lemongrass turns out in a round shape.


  • butter 200 gr
  • premium wheat flour 3 cups (glass volume 200 ml)
  • water 125 ml (3/4 cup)
  • dry yeast 1 tbsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • pinch of salt
  • flour for dusting when kneading dough


  • lemon 1 piece
  • sugar 1 glass (glass volume 200 ml)
  • powdered sugar - sprinkle the finished cake

Warm up the water (125 ml) so that it is pleasantly warm. Dissolve sugar (1 tsp) in it and add dry yeast. Put pieces of soft butter and a pinch of salt into the sifted flour. Rub with your hands to form crumbs. Make a well in the crumbs and pour the yeast into it. Knead the dough, form a ball out of it, put in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes.
Put the lemon in a saucepan, cover with boiling water and cook for 1 minute, pour over with cold water, cut into slices, take out the bones and pass through a meat grinder . Add sugar to the lemon and mix - the filling is ready.
Punch down the risen dough and divide into two parts: one is slightly larger. Roll out most of the dough and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Spoon the filling onto the dough and spread evenly over the entire surface.
Roll out the second layer of dough and cover the pie. Pin the edges of the pie together and make slits on the top.
Bake in preheated oven t 180°C for 30 minutes. Cut the cooled cake into diamonds and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I think many will remember the Sicilian country pies - modest, unpretentious in appearance, but with a surprisingly rich aroma of lemons. Essentially, the shortbread basket is filled with a liquid mixture based on eggs, citrus juice, often with added milk cream and/or butter. That is, a delicate, mobile and three times lemon-lemon filling covers a fragile sandy layer.

List of necessary products for a shortbread pie with lemon filling: premium wheat flour, granulated sugar, eggs, lemons, salt, butter.

We knead the shortbread dough from soft butter, flour, 50 g of sugar, 1 egg, a pinch of salt.

Add zest from one or two lemons.

We roll up the plastic shortbread dough for the lemon pie into a ball, wrapping it with a film, put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, squeeze the lemon juice - the required volume is 200 ml. Next, we combine the remaining 2 eggs and 100 g of sugar.

Beat the mixture for the filling - eggs, sugar and lemon juice. Often the bowl is kept in a water bath to dissolve the sugar crystals, and melted butter, egg yolks, and cream are added for a delicate texture. Then the composition resembles a lemon curd, a thickening cream. Trying different options, I will say that my recipe has fewer calories, but no aroma, sourness and citrus richness. When baking, sugar in any case completely dissolves, so there is no strict need to build a bath, beat with a mixer.

We roll out cold shortbread dough with a thickness of 4-5 mm, transfer the layer into a shape of O 22-24 cm, leave punctures with a fork.

Cut off the excess around the circumference, pour in the filling. Leftovers can be used to make sweet tarts. We put the semi-finished product in the oven preheated by that time, bake a shortbread pie with lemon filling at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Cool the cake in a container so as not to damage the unsteady top layer.

Cut into portioned triangles and serve homemade shortcake with lemon filling to the table.

Bon appetit!

Pie with lemon filling - very! So delicious that once you try this lemongrass pie, you'll want to make it again and again. And it’s all the fault of the banally famous citrus fruit, which serves as a filling in this dessert. The taste and aroma of fresh lemon soaks the dough so much that every time you bite a piece of the pie, you will be filled with "lemon nirvana".

I will mention two more reasons for the huge popularity of this delicious dish. The first is the health benefits hidden inside this culinary masterpiece. The second is a “disgracefully” simple cooking that can make cooking such a delicious pie an easy and interesting task. Even those who cautiously approached the culinary act, you see, and they will often come into the kitchen and put on an apron.

For the test

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Sugar - a third of a glass
  • Chicken egg - 2, 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 gr.

For filling

  • Fresh lemons (fruits preferably with a thin peel) - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make the most delicious lemon curd pie:

  1. Let's start with a test. In a deep bowl, put the oil preheated to room temperature, pour a third of a glass of sugar, add the eggs (preferably one at a time and stir), and a small pinch of salt. Rub everything thoroughly (you can use a regular fork).
  2. Sift the flour, put a little baking powder, and pour into a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly, and get shortbread dough.
  3. Roll the resulting dough into a lump, divide into two equal parts and put on a dish and cover with cling film, refrigerate for 15 minutes. Go ahead.

Preparing the stuffing:

  • My lemons, pour over boiling water. Now they need to be cut into pieces, remove the bones and chop. How to "deal" with lemons is up to you: you can pass them through a meat grinder, you can manually grate them, or you can call civilization for help and chop them in a blender.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the crushed lemons with sugar, adding starch. Take the trouble to mix everything until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Final part:

  1. Take the dough out of the refrigerator.
  2. Grease a round springform pan with oil.
  3. Roll out one part of the dough so that it fits on the bottom of the mold, and there are still small sides to hold the filling. Put the dough in the mold (did you forget about the sides?).
  4. Put the lemon filling on the first layer of dough, evenly distribute.
  5. Roll out the second half of the dough to size, and cover the lemon filling. Use a fork to make punctures in the top layer of the cake so that it “breathes”. Can be brushed with egg yolk.
  6. We put the form in a preheated to 180 gr. oven, bake for 20-30 minutes.

When the cake is browned with a golden crust, this is a signal of readiness: take it out of the oven, let it cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar for aesthetics. Well, the lemon pie is ready! Freshly prepared lemongrass pie simply captivates with its intoxicating lemon flavor and tenderness of the filling.

To make the picture complete, you need quite a bit - brew good tea, and enjoy this delicious dessert in sincere company. Bon appetit!

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