Tomato and eggplant pasta sauce. A taste of the Mediterranean: pasta with eggplant and tomato sauces. Eggplant spaghetti dressing recipe

step by step recipe with photos

Eggplant and tomato sauce with basil is a great addition to spaghetti or pasta. We took the recipe from Jamie Oliver, a big fan of Italian cuisine, as a basis. This sauce is a traditional dish in Sicily, with the only difference being that ricotta, parmesan or sheep cheese are also added to it. Basil gives the pasta a special aroma and a traditional Italian touch. Eggplants are usually cut into strips, but in this recipe we did it the traditional way - into cubes. However, according to Jamie, eggplant cut into strips tastes much better. You can experiment with cutting as you like. This sauce can be used not only as a sauce for spaghetti, but also for pizza, sprinkled with mozzarella on top. Be sure to try it - it's very tasty!


  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 250 g sauteed tomatoes (canned, if you don’t have them - just grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater and simmer)
  • 1 small bunch fresh basil
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil


1. Fry the chopped eggplants in a small amount of olive oil. Be careful - eggplants absorb oil very quickly and turn out very greasy. Therefore, do not add a lot of oil at once, but do it gradually. For example, fry eggplants for about 7-10 minutes, stirring frequently, and add oil every three minutes, one tablespoon at a time.

2. Once the eggplants are fried, transfer them to a plate. And in the same frying pan, fry the garlic and chopped basil in olive oil for about 2 minutes.

Today we will talk about a thick vegetable sauce made from bell pepper tomatoes and eggplants for the winter, which can easily replace gravy for meat, pasta, buckwheat, and rice. And spreading it on a piece of bread is also very tasty; the sauce is reminiscent of eggplant caviar, only with a uniform consistency.

Before preparing the tomato sauce, the eggplants and peppers for it are baked on the grill or over an open fire to create a campfire flavor. Of course, this procedure is problematic to carry out at home, but there is a way out - bake the vegetables on the stove by placing them on a wire rack. Can you imagine what aroma the finished dressing will have?!! But you can do without such extreme solutions, just put a baking sheet with eggplants and peppers in the oven and wait until scorch marks appear on the peel. The taste will be good too.

- Eggplants – 700 gr;
- tomatoes – 1 kg;
- sweet bell pepper – 400 gr;
- garlic – 5-6 cloves;
- vegetable oil – 60 ml (3 tbsp. l);
- coarse table salt – 1 tbsp. l (to taste);
- sugar – 1 tbsp. l (also to taste);
- ground black pepper – 1 tsp (or hot pepper – your choice).

We take eggplants that are not small, plump, of medium size. Wash, wipe dry, pierce with a fork in several places. Bake in the oven on a baking sheet or on a wire rack over an open fire. Oven temperature 200 degrees, baking time 30 minutes. Eggplants bake over an open fire for about 20 minutes, during which time they need to be turned over several times. Peel the baked eggplants, cut them lengthwise, and unfold them like a book. Transfer to a colander or place vertically in a deep bowl to allow the bitter liquid (juice) to drain.

Bell peppers must be fleshy; peppers with thin walls will have almost no pulp left after baking. We bake the peppers in the oven along with the eggplants or over an open fire on the grill. It will be ready faster, in about 15 minutes. Place the hot pepper in a bag, tie it and leave for 10 minutes. Peel the skin and remove the stem and seeds.

Make a cross-shaped cut on the tomatoes. Place in a saucepan or bowl and pour boiling water over it for five minutes. Cover the dish with a lid to help the tomatoes steam faster.

Grind the cooled eggplants and peppers through a meat grinder with a large wire rack.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes and grind them in a blender into thick tomato juice. Or we also grind it in a meat grinder into a separate bowl.

pour into a saucepan. Cook at low boil for about 10 minutes until the foam disappears on the surface and the juice thickens a little.

Add twisted eggplants along with pepper to the thickened juice. Stir and cook this thick vegetable mass for another 10-15 minutes until thickened.

Pour vegetable oil into the tomato sauce with eggplants and peppers, add salt and sugar, ground black or hot pepper. We taste it and adjust it in the right direction. Cook for another 5-6 minutes.

Peel the garlic cloves. Three on a fine grater directly into the pan with the boiling sauce. Warm up for two to three minutes.

We sterilize the jars in the way that is most familiar and convenient for you: in the microwave, in the oven, over steam, or by pouring boiling water over them. Wash the lids thoroughly in a soda solution and boil for several minutes. Place the tomato sauce in hot, clean jars and seal with lids. Turn it over.

The jars of tomato sauce will cool gradually, under a warm blanket or under a blanket. When they have cooled to room temperature, transfer them to a cool, dark place for storage. Good luck with your preparations!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)


  • Eggplant 800 g
  • Spaghetti 500 g
  • Tomatoes 400 g
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Olive oil
  • Basil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cooking time 30m.
  • Number of servings 4
  • Cuisine International

Eggplant spaghetti dressing recipe

From eggplant you can make not only or, but also an incredibly tasty spaghetti dressing. Eggplant pasta with spicy garlic and tomato sauce is magical. This vegetable dressing is great for those who are watching their figure, because spaghetti is quite a filling and high-calorie dish even without meat. It is loved by thrifty housewives who save meat for special occasions. Vegetarians will also appreciate it.

How to make eggplant spaghetti dressing

In this spaghetti dressing recipe, the eggplants need to be baked in the oven ahead of time. This will take about an hour: the vegetables should become soft. While the eggplants are baking, we will boil the spaghetti.

When the eggplants are ready, remove them from the oven, cool slightly, and carefully remove the peel.

Finely chop the garlic and fry in a frying pan with olive oil for a couple of minutes. Then add tomatoes cut into large cubes. We will simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. At the end of cooking, add diced eggplants, salt and pepper.

Before cooking, cut the eggplants into cubes and sprinkle with salt to remove bitterness. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and squeeze a little. With this treatment, the bitterness will disappear. You can also soak sliced ​​eggplant in salt water. See for yourself - maybe it’s worth doing so as not to risk it. If the seeds in the eggplant have formed and there are a lot of them, they should be removed. If there are few seeds, you can leave them.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. I've always wondered how to dice onions without the cubes falling apart. The problem has not yet been solved. Just chop the onion in 5-7 mm increments. It would be enough. Heat 3-4 tbsp in a saucepan. olive oil. Fry chopped onion in oil.

Scald medium-sized ripe tomatoes with boiling water, remove seeds and skin. Cut the pulp into medium-sized pieces. Peppers can be baked or used raw. Peel and chop the peppers in the same way as the tomatoes. As soon as the onion begins to brown, add the chopped pepper and simmer everything under the lid over medium heat for 10 minutes. The pepper should soften a little.

Add chopped eggplant. Continue to fry everything over medium heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. By the way, eggplant absorbs oil very well.

Add chopped tomato and garlic. Add salt, but not too much, as the eggplant already contains some salt. Salt to taste and carefully. It’s better to add salt and pepper later - at the very end. Add all spices, incl. - 0.5 tsp sugar and 1-2 pinches of aromatic dry herbs: basil, dill, oregano, thyme, etc.

Simmer the vegetable stew, covered, over low heat for about 20 minutes. Our future eggplant pasta should be tender. If there is a lot of liquid in the eggplant and tomato sauce, you can evaporate it by removing the lid from the saucepan and increasing the heat.

I love two types of pasta - without any additives (when serving, put butter and grated cheese on a plate) and pasta cooked in vegetable sauce with olive oil; I look forward to seasonal vegetables. For pasta in sauce recipes, penne pasta works best. Penne translates as “feathers”; it is believed that it is this pasta in the form of ribbed tubes that absorbs sauces best. One favorite recipe is already posted here, but today’s recipe will have more sauce, and it is much spicier. I offer pasta lovers penne pasta in tomato-eggplant sauce with the addition of hot pepper and spices. This is soooo delicious! All eggplant recipes- By .

Compound:(for 3-4 servings)

  • Dry penne pasta - 200 grams
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Coarse salt - 3-4 level teaspoons
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Young eggplants - 2 pieces
  • Olive oil (extra virgin) - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Hot pepper - to taste, depending on spiciness
  • Ground black pepper, a mixture of dry herbs - to taste

How to cook Italian penne pasta in a fragrant spicy vegetable sauce of onions, tomatoes, eggplants and hot capsicums with spices and olive oil

Prepare vegetable pasta sauce. There will be a lot of sauce for such a quantity, the pasta will drown in the eggplant-tomato sauce and will be very juicy. Pasta does not contain eggs; pasta with vegetables according to this recipe can be included in the diet of vegetarians. Finely chop the onion, garlic and hot pepper.

Chop onion, garlic and hot pepper

Peel the eggplant into strips and cut into cubes. We don’t sprinkle salt, we don’t squeeze out the bitterness, the slight bitterness adds a special note to eggplant dishes, and besides, bitter eggplants have been found extremely rarely lately. (But if you are on a diet and counting calories, sprinkle the eggplants with salt for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and squeeze. Such eggplants absorb fat less well, and you will need less oil for the vegetable sauce. The main thing is not to forget at the end of cooking that the eggplants are already salted ).

Cut the eggplants into small cubes

Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 15 seconds, peel and finely chop.

Peel and chop tomatoes

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan (the dish should be deep; we will add the pasta directly to the eggplant-tomato sauce), add the onion.

Place onion in heated olive oil

When the onion becomes transparent, add the eggplant and fry covered for 5-7 minutes. You can add a spoon or two of oil.

Add eggplant and fry until soft

When the eggplants become soft, add tomatoes, garlic and hot peppers. Add salt, pepper and simmer over medium heat until the vegetables are cooked (8-10 minutes).

Add tomatoes, garlic and hot pepper

The tomatoes will release their juice, simmer under the lid so that the vegetable sauce remains juicy, and if there is too much juice, do not cover, the excess liquid will evaporate. Cook the pasta - boil 2 liters of water, add 2 teaspoons of salt, add the pasta and cook until al dente according to the instructions on the package - 11 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drain through a colander.

Penne pasta is cooked al dente according to instructions.

The juicy sauce of eggplant, tomatoes, onions, garlic and hot peppers for penne pasta is ready.

Eggplant-tomato sauce with olive oil for penne pasta

Add herbs to the vegetable sauce; any mixture of Mediterranean spices will do. I have basil, mint, celery and thyme. I put quite a lot, a full teaspoon. Place the pasta in the aromatic, spicy eggplant-tomato sauce. Stir until the vegetable sauce evenly coats the pasta.

Add pasta to vegetable sauce and stir

Turn off and let stand covered for a couple of minutes. Penne pasta with eggplant is ready. Place the pasta in a juicy vegetable sauce on a flat plate and garnish with fresh herbs.

Italian penne pasta in aromatic vegetable sauce

I used arugula and green basil for decoration; their flavors combine perfectly and harmoniously emphasize the Mediterranean origin of the dish.

Penne pasta in eggplant-tomato sauce

A hearty summer lunch is ready. Bright, juicy, spicy and at the same time tender. Shall we try? Incredibly delicious! I love Italian pasta in eggplant sauce for breakfast with.

Italian penne pasta with vegetables in olive oil, tasty, spicy, tender

Bon appetit!

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