Compote from ranetki recipe in a saucepan. Compote from ranetki for the winter: "mono" options. Without shelving: drink compote immediately

Ranetki - small apples with a rich taste and aroma. From such apples, delicious jam is prepared, and compotes are also rolled up. For compotes, you can use combinations of fruits or stop at the same ranetki.

Today I want to tell you how to cook ranetki compote for the winter without sterilization. There are some nuances that need to be considered during conservation. For example: apples must be pierced so that they remain whole in a jar and do not burst. Compote without sterilization is prepared by the double filling method. This helps the fruit to steam well, and preservation, in the future, is stored longer.

There is nothing complicated in preparing compote, check out this recipe and see for yourself.

To prepare compote from ranetki for the winter, prepare the necessary products according to the list for the recipe. Apples choose ripe, dense and without damage.

Rinse the ranetki in cold water and cut off the tails.

To prevent the apples from bursting during pouring with boiling water, make 3-4 punctures on them. The easiest way to do this is with a wooden skewer.

Wash the jar thoroughly and sterilize, boil the lid. Place the apples in a sterile container.

Boil water in a saucepan and fill the contents of the jar with it to the very top.

Cover the jar with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Ranetki should steam well and color the water a little.

Replace the metal lid with a perforated lid and drain the water from the jar back into the pot.

Pour sugar and boil the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour steamed fruit over hot syrup. The jar must be filled to the very neck.

Cover the jar with a lid and roll up.

Turn the jar upside down and make sure the seal is tight. Cover the compote with a warm blanket, leave to cool completely. Due to the slow cooling, it will sterilize itself. Move the jars to storage in a cool, dry place.

A compote prepared for the winter without sterilization turns out to be not only very tasty and fragrant, but also more useful than the sterilized version. Great preparation for the winter!

Autumn is a hot season for any housewife as the intense canning season begins. I would like to stock up more various sweets for the winter, having prepared them in my pantries. Take, for example, ranetki - a very tasty variety of small apples. They are fragrant, tasty and juicy, so compote with such fruit should turn out great. There are many ways to make compote without sterilization using ranetki. Let's analyze the most delicious canning recipes for this variety of apples.

How to choose and prepare apples for harvesting for the winter

In order for the twists prepared without the use of the sterilization method to turn out to be durable and not to ferment during storage, it is important to choose and prepare apples for harvesting for the winter correctly. You need to take care of all the details in advance, not to miss anything, so that the further cooking process goes smoothly. Here are the mandatory points that you need to consider to get the perfect compote with ranetki:

  • Each fruit must be thoroughly inspected in its entirety for rotten areas and worms. If you notice even the slightest flaw, it is better not to use the ranetka for canning.
  • Make sure the apples are ripe, smooth and firm.
  • Select fruits of approximately the same size - it will look prettier, and the taste of the compote will become more intense.
  • After selection, apples must be inspected for the presence of twigs. If they are, remove them.
  • Wash the ranetki thoroughly and put in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  • Take each apple and make small holes in the base area with a toothpick. So the skin of the fruit does not burst during contact with boiling water during the preparation of conservation.
  • Thoroughly wash each jar for the workpiece, dry it for a couple.

Step-by-step recipes for making ranetka compote without sterilization

It would seem that it is an ordinary apple compote, but how many different options for its preparation from ranetki are. Each recipe is good in its own way, explore several ways to drink this for the winter and try to cook it. Check out step-by-step recipes for amazing canning of a special variety of apples without sterilization and vinegar. For convenience, each recipe will be accompanied by a photo.

In a slow cooker without sugar

If you have a slow cooker at home, then be sure to use it to make compote with apples for the winter. So you can ensure the simultaneous execution of several recipes for a delicious drink at once. In a multicooker one way, and on the stove - another. Let your family enjoy a wonderful compote with ranetki of different tastes in the cold icy season. This is a wonderful low-calorie drink - especially for those who are on a diet. Familiarize yourself with the method of making compote in the Polaris multicooker without sugar.

The proportions of the required ingredients:

  • kilogram of ranetka apples;
  • a pinch of anise, cinnamon;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • two liters of drinking water.

Recipe Description:

  1. Boil water separately.
  2. Put the apples in a slow cooker, tie the spices in a cotton bag.
  3. Pour boiling water over everything, set the device to the “Extinguish” mode.
  4. Cook compote for up to 15 minutes, after which do not open the lid. Leave the slow cooker for 20 minutes, let the hot drink infuse.
  5. Remove spices, additionally strain the drink.
  6. Pour the prepared strained compote with fruits into liter glass bottles: pour into one jar (previously sterilized) and immediately roll it up, and then just fill another.
  7. Wrap the finished twists in several layers with a warm blanket, leave it like that for a day.

A quick recipe for making compote from whole ranetki with ponytails

Compote with these "paradise apples" is rich in vitamins and useful minerals. Prepare such a drink for the winter for your family so that they receive with it such substances for the heart as potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium. Use a quick compote recipe using whole fruits with tails. So you get not only a delicious drink for the winter, but also an excellent fruit dessert. Check out the detailed cooking method in the recipe below.

Components (based on a three-liter capacity):

  • half a kilogram of paradise apples;
  • three liters of boiled water;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar, citric acid.

Drink preparation algorithm:

  1. Wash the ranetki thoroughly, pay special attention to the place in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tails.
  2. Boil water, throw sugar with citric acid, vanilla, boil for a few minutes.
  3. Arrange apples in jars.
  4. Pour the prepared syrup over the fruit.
  5. You can sterilize filled jars by boiling in a saucepan filled with water.
  6. Preserve compote, put in a warm place, wrapped in a blanket.

Assorted compote of apples, plums and grapes without sterilization

Supplement sweet and sour ranetki with a rich taste of plums and grapes, then your compote will turn out to be triple fragrant, tasty. This type of recipe refers to drinks for an amateur, so it’s better to make sure that your household will like this drink. Fruit platter always gives a special taste, incomparable to anything else, so this compote will be very tasty. To prepare a couple of liter bottles of the drink, check out the step-by-step recipe.

What do you need:

  • 1 kg ranetki;
  • 0.5 kg plums;
  • 0.2 kg of grapes;
  • liter of drinking water;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar.

How to make compote:

  1. Cut the apples with plums in half, remove the seeds.
  2. Separate the grapes from the bunches.
  3. Put the fruit in the prepared glass jar.
  4. Prepare sugar syrup: boil water, throw in sugar, boil for up to three to four minutes.
  5. Fill jars with syrup straight from the stove.
  6. Roll up the lids, wrap, leave for a day.
  7. As an alternative to aluminum lids, you can use special-purpose nylon lids that hermetically preserve food in jars by preheating it in hot water.

Homemade sea buckthorn compote with ranetki and zucchini for the winter

To keep the immune system in good shape and get sick less often, vitamins are very important in winter. Ranetki contain many useful substances. Add to them all the benefits of sea buckthorn, and you get the perfect cocktail for the health of the whole family. Additionally, use zucchini to see how delicious compote can be cooked with such unusual ingredients. Your whole family will be delighted. Indulge your household with such yummy on dull gray days of the cold season.

Ingredients for three liters of compote:

  • 0.4 kg of apples;
  • a quarter of one zucchini;
  • two glasses of sea buckthorn;
  • 0.25 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • one and a half liters of drinking water;
  • 0.3 kg of sugar.

Step by step canning algorithm:

  1. Prepare the syrup: boil water, throw in sugar, boil for up to three minutes so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Sort the sea buckthorn berries, rinse thoroughly.
  3. Cut the zucchini into small pieces.
  4. In a clean bottle, put all the fruits with citric acid.
  5. Pour the syrup directly from the fire into jars.
  6. Preserve the finished compote with lids. Store the workpiece wrapped in a warm blanket throughout the day.

A simple recipe for blackberry compote with ranetki for a 3 liter jar

If you like a more saturated color of the compote, then add chokeberry to the ranetki. It will not only give an unusual tart taste to the drink, the use of such a drink will saturate the exhausted body with vitamins in the winter. The recipe is easy to follow and doesn't take long. Fill your pantry with twists with another delicious compote. Check out the step-by-step instructions for making a drink.

Required products:

  • 1 kg ranetki;
  • two presses of chokeberry;
  • 2.5 liters of drinking water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


  1. Wash the fruits, dry in a colander.
  2. Blanch chokeberry: dip a colander with berries in boiling water, hold for up to two minutes.
  3. Cook the syrup: pour sugar into boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. At the bottom of the jar, first put the chokeberry, and then the paradise apples.
  5. Pour the fruits in the bottle with hot sugar syrup.
  6. Preserve the finished drink with tight lids, wrap it up, leave it to cool to room temperature on its own for at least a day.

Apple compote with cherry and lemon for the winter

Lemon is a source of vitamin C, which tastes great when combined with other foods. For those who like a sour drink to quench their thirst at any time of the year (even in summer), this recipe is the perfect option. Cherries will give the compote a beautiful color and rich taste. Such a drink will be indispensable at any feast, all guests will appreciate your culinary skills. It is better to prepare a drink in large quantities, because in winter it scatters like hot cakes. Learn more about the recipe for this preservation.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 0.3 kg of cherries;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • four slices of lemon (you can replace with an orange);
  • three liters of drinking water.

Algorithm of actions during the preparation of the drink:

  1. Cut apples into halves.
  2. Put washed cherries with apples in a bottle. Don't forget to throw in the lemon.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup: boil water, throw in sugar, boil until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Pour boiling syrup over a jar of fruits, preserve.
  5. Turn the finished compote upside down, wrap it well with a warm blanket in several layers, leave for 24 hours until it cools completely.

Very tasty and healthy compote of ranetki and bird cherry

Another way to give apple compote a beautiful rich color is to use bird cherry. Compote turns out not only insanely tasty, but also very useful. you can use it as an additional effective remedy for colds. Take care of your loved ones and loved ones by preparing such a drink for health. Let them not only enjoy a delicious drink, but also support their immunity with vitamins. Check out the step-by-step instructions for making compote with ranetki and bird cherry.

For a three-liter glass container you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • two glasses of bird cherry;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • two liters of water.

How to prepare a drink at home:

  1. Rinse the bird cherry well and blanch for two minutes in boiling water in a colander.
  2. Prepare the apples by washing the fruit thoroughly.
  3. Cook the syrup: dissolve the sugar in boiling water until a homogeneous, thick consistency is obtained.
  4. Berries with fruits put in a jar, pour hot syrup.
  5. Preserve with lids, wrap, and let cool completely at room temperature.

Fragrant compote of yellow ranetki and pears cut into slices

Fans of classic compote will appreciate the aromatic drink with yellow ranetki and pears. This wonderful recipe will replace your delicious drink in winter, and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits will be a dessert. After tasting this drink with a rich aroma, you will be surprised how tasty a regular compote can be made using traditional ingredients. Your husband and child will drink it with pleasure. Use the recipe below to make a drink for the winter.

Components for a two-liter jar:

  • five yellow wounds;
  • three large pears;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • liter of drinking water.

Preparing a drink step by step:

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut the pears into slices, and the apples into halves.
  2. Cook the syrup according to the traditional recipe: pour sugar into boiling water, bring to a homogeneous consistency over a fire.
  3. Spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits on the bottom of a glass container.
  4. Pour in hot syrup, preserve.
  5. Keep wrapped jars warm for at least one day.
  6. When the compote has completely cooled, unwrap it and put it in the pantry for storage until winter.

Recipe for compote of sour ranetki and currants with cinnamon

If your family members are real connoisseurs of spices, prepare an unusual compote with ranetki, currants and cinnamon. The berry will give not only a bright red color, but also fill the drink with aroma, as well as a pleasant sour taste. Cinnamon will emphasize the original combination of fruits and add a little oriental touch to the drink. Drinking will be an excellent source of vitamin C in winter. Stock up for the winter with such seamings to pamper your children with delicious compotes. Learn the detailed method of preparing a drink.

What you need for one three-liter bottle:

  • 0.6 kg ranetki;
  • two or three glasses of currants;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • three liters of drinking water;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

How to make a drink:

  1. Blanch currants in boiling water with a colander.
  2. Cut the ranetki in half.
  3. Make syrup: add cinnamon sugar to boiling water, boil until smooth.
  4. Put the berries with fruits on the bottom of the jar.
  5. Pour boiling syrup over everything.
  6. Seal the jars immediately, put the lid on the floor.
  7. Wrap it up well, let the compote infuse and cool.
  8. After a day, when the jars of liquid have cooled, hide everything in the pantry.

There is hardly a hostess who refuses a great opportunity to spin a healthy and tasty compote from ranetki. Small heavenly apples allow you to get a great drink without any additions. However, preparations with lemon, pears, chokeberry, grapes, slices of oranges and other auxiliary ingredients are incredibly appetizing. They make such a spin for the future more original, emphasizing the rich taste of the main component.

A simple recipe for ranetki compote without sterilization

If you want to please your household in winter with a simple but very appetizing compote of ranetki, then adopt an elementary recipe that does not require sterilization.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

The number of servings is 1.

On a note! At the output, you will get 3 cans of finished products intended for winter storage.


What do we need to make an incredibly tender compote, rich in vitamins and valuable microelements for the body? In fact, only the simplest products:

  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • drinking water.

Note! Many housewives are often interested in how much sugar is needed for a 3-liter jar of ranetka compote. In fact, the proportions will not be difficult for you to remember. For each jar with a capacity of 3 liters, you will need 1 cup of granulated sugar or 300 g.

Cooking method

If you follow the proposed step-by-step recipe with a photo without digressions, then preparing compote from heavenly apples will not be difficult for you. So let's get started?

  1. The first step is to carefully prepare the jars. The container should be thoroughly washed (preferably with baking soda) and sterilized in any convenient way. Rinse properly and send to prepared containers. They should be about half full.

    Bring water to a boil in a separate container. Pour boiling water over fruit. Cover with lids. But you can't spin yet!

    When the apples and water have cooled slightly, drain the broth back into the saucepan.

    Add granulated sugar to the broth. Bring to a boil over moderate heat.

    Pour the ranetki with the resulting syrup. Boiling water should reach the very "shoulders" of the cans.

    It remains only to cork containers with ranetki compote with sterilized lids. All blanks will need to be turned upside down and covered with towels. In this position, leave the spins for about 16 hours.

On a note! Store ranetki compote prepared without sterilization in a dark place, preferably in a basement or cellar.

That's all! As you yourself could see, the recipe for compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization does not imply anything complicated.

Ranetki compote with lemon

There is another recipe for compote from ranetki for the winter. He suggests adding lemon slices to the composition. A drink with citrus notes will be very refreshing.

Cooking time -40 minutes.

The number of servings is 1.


To prepare this drink for the future, you should use the following ingredients:

  • drinking water - about 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

On a note! As a result, you will get 3 cans of ready-made apple-lemon compote.

Cooking method

Incredibly refreshing and invigorating is a compote made from ranetki with the addition of lemon. By the way, if you prefer limes or oranges, then you can make a drink with such citrus fruits. It is also worth remembering that this type of provision is best done if you like to fill the container with apples almost to the very top.

  1. Rinse the lemon thoroughly under running water. Cut the citrus into even and fairly thin slices. Prepare the jars (wash and sterilize them properly). Put 2-3 lemon slices in each container.

Note! If you want to give the ranetka compote a rich shade, then it is recommended to pour a handful of washed chokeberry into each jar.

    Ranetki carefully sort out. Throw away all spoiled fruits. Rinse good fruits thoroughly and send to lemon slices.

On a note! Keep in mind that apples according to this recipe should occupy at least 1/2 of the containers.

    Warm drinking water in a separate container. Bring it to a boil. Pour the blanks with steep pitch and leave the mixture under the lids for 5-7 minutes.

    Pour the resulting fruit-citrus broth back into the saucepan. Add sugar. Boil again.

    Pour the blanks with syrup. Screw the jars with lids, which must also be sterilized first. Close the twists with warm blankets and thick towels. Leave in this state for a day, after which you can send the drink for storage in the pantry.

Bon appetit!

Ranetki compote with grapes

Another original and incredibly useful version of compote is brewed from a mix of ranetki and grapes.

Cooking time -50 minutes.

The number of servings is 1.


We will need:

  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • drinking water.

Note! The yield of finished products is equal to 4 cans of drink. Also, housewives are often interested in how much sugar is needed for a 2-liter jar of ranetka compote. If you spin a drink in a container of such a capacity, then 200 g of sweetness per 1 container will be sufficient.

Cooking method

This twist for the future is done simply. Follow the step by step recipe with photos and you will be fine.

  1. First you need to sort and wash the grapes. All greenery and twigs are removed. Rinse ranetki. Branches can be left. Discard the fruits in a colander and let the water drain.

    Prepare banks. Put in them a mixture of grapes and apples.

    Bring drinking water to a boil. Pour the crop with steep brew. Cover the containers with lids and leave for 10 minutes.

    Drain the liquid into a saucepan. Add granulated sugar. Boil over low heat.

    As soon as the syrup begins to boil, pour it over the fruit again. Screw the container under the key and turn it over. Wrap with something warm and leave until the blanks cool completely.

That's all the secrets of cooking compote from ranetki for the winter!

Video recipes

Video recipes will help novice cooks in preparing compote from heavenly apples for the future:

Step 1: prepare inventory.

In order for the fragrant drink to stand all winter and not deteriorate, first of all, you must carefully prepare all the dishes that will be needed for conservation. So, we carefully inspect the cans, as well as metal screw or ordinary lids for cracks, notches and rust. Then we wash all the inventory with a soft kitchen sponge, baking soda or detergent with a minimum content of chemical additives. After that, we process small dishes with hot water, boil the lids in a small saucepan for 10–15 minutes and leave it in it until use, and sterilize the jars in any convenient way and put them on a clean kitchen table. Also, simultaneously bring the right amount of purified water to a boil in a large saucepan.

Step 2: Prepare apples.

Now we begin to deal with ranetki. This early winter apple variety is perfect for harvesting like no other. Jam, jam, marmalade are made from it, added to adjika, horseradish and, of course, compote. It is worth noting that these fruits, unlike their counterparts, contain several times more vitamin C and pectin substances, which are very useful for the body, and this greatly increases their nutritional value. First, we select only strong, juicy, ripe apples, rinse them thoroughly under cold running water. Then, using kitchen scissors, carefully remove the stalk from each and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: prepare the compote from ranetki.

We distribute clean fruits in sterilized jars, filling them in half or a third. After some time, gradually fill them with previously prepared boiling water and leave in this form for 5–10 minutes.

Then, in turn, we put a lid-watering can on the glass container and, holding it with a kitchen towel, drain the already slightly cooled water back into the saucepan. Add the right amount of granulated sugar there and put on medium heat. After boiling the liquid, cook the syrup until the grains are completely dissolved for about 4–5 minutes, while simultaneously removing a thin coating of gray-white foam from its surface with a slotted spoon.

After that, we again pour sweet water into jars with ranetki, cover them with lids and cork tightly. If they are screw, we use a kitchen towel for this purpose, if they are ordinary with an elastic band, then a special key for preservation will do.

Then we turn the workpiece upside down and check each jar for leaks. Air must not escape! Everything is fine? Then we put the preservation upside down tightly to each other, wrap them in a woolen blanket so that there are no gaps, and forget about it for a couple of days. When the compote has completely cooled down, we send it for storage in a cool, well-ventilated place, for example, a pantry, cellar or basement.

Step 4: Serve the compote from ranetki.

Ranetki compote is served at room temperature or chilled to a sweet table. The drink itself is served in a decanter, a jug or in portions in glasses, and the fruits are served on dessert plates. This wonderful nectar has a sweet and sour taste, a delicate aroma and a light reddish or delicate light green hue, depending on the variety of apples. Enjoy and don't get sick!
Bon appetit!

Some hostesses, in order to get a more fragrant compote, add two squeezes of currant, chokeberry or bird cherry to each jar of apples. Also, if desired, spices such as anise, cinnamon, black or allspice peas are put there;

If the ranetki are very large, it is necessary to prepare the compote in three pours, that is, soak the ranetki in boiling water twice, then boil the syrup from this liquid, only after that distribute it among the fruit jars and cork them tightly so that there are no gaps;

Canned apples can be savored just like that, or used as a layer or to make delicious desserts like baked goods.

In the autumn, sometimes housewives begin to engage in canning. They make preparations for the winter from mushrooms, berries, vegetables and fruits, including ranetki (after all, they are fragrant, juicy and contain a large amount of vitamins). All people love these sweet little apples, however, not every person knows the recipe for how to cook delicious compote from them.

The benefits of ranetki compote

apple compote considered the most popular drink prepared for the winter. But it is also cooked in summer, as it, without any doubt, has a great taste and can be refreshing in the summer heat. According to various recipes and taste preferences of family members of different ages, berries and citrus fruits are added to such a drink, which brings even greater benefits.

Ranetki folk rumor has long been dubbed "paradise" apples, as they are pleasant in taste and smell. Perhaps it was this fruit that Eve regaled Adam with, for which God expelled them from Paradise. We will never know about it. But the fact that the compote of them is very useful, there is no doubt.

He retains all set of vitamins and mineral substances of the ranetki themselves, just plucked from the tree. Here there is potassium necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, iron, which is part of red blood cells, as well as phosphorus and potassium, without which bone tissue cannot do.

And these apples are rich:

  • sugar;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil;
  • pectin.

They contain polysaccharides that bind and remove toxic substances and toxins from the human body.

Ranetki are non-allergenic fruits, so even kids can drink compote from them. Having made this drink according to the chosen recipe, it will be possible to drink it throughout the winter, it will not bother anyone and will help support the immune system! And its taste, reminiscent of fresh apples from the garden, will instantly take a person to summer, even if it is severe frost outside. Moreover, the recipe for making compote from ranetki is very simple (if you wish, you can add other fruits and even spices to ranetki for a new flavor). Even the person who can only cook scrambled eggs can use it. And as a result, the whole family will enjoy a great drink!

To prevent the process of fermentation of ranetki in compote, if disinfection was not used according to the recipe, it is necessary to correctly choose apples. Then the winter will pass without disappointment and pity for their work.

There are a lot of recipes for apple compote, each housewife will find the most suitable one for herself. But it is necessary to foresee all the nuances in advance so that the process of making a drink for the whole family goes well. To get the perfect compote (the recipe can be anything) from the ranetki should be sure to consider a few things:

  1. Each ranetka needs to be examined very carefully in order to notice rotten areas and worminess in time. If a flaw is found, it is better to postpone it so that it does not get into the apple compote.
  2. You need to make sure that all fruits have ripeness, smoothness and density.
  3. It is better to select apples that have the same size, then the compote will acquire greater saturation and a beautiful appearance.
  4. When suitable ranetki are selected, then you need to see if they have branches. If there are any, it is necessary to tear them off (however, there are recipes where you can leave the tails).
  5. It is required to wash each apple well and put it in a colander so that excess liquid can drain.
  6. Each fruit will have to be pierced with a toothpick in the base area. This will help the peel not burst when in contact with boiling water during the preparation of compote, regardless of the recipe used.
  7. Then it is necessary to wash each jar into which the compote from ranetki will be rolled up for the winter, and then dry it for a couple.

How easy is it to make compote from ranetki?

You can make compote from ranetki, the recipe of which is very simple, without the use of sterilization.

Such a drink will taste completely different., as it is more saturated and natural. Ranetki, which will be used in such a recipe, will have a taste that is typical for fresh apples. These fruits can be pulled out of compote and consumed with pleasure in winter. So, in addition to a healthy drink, you will get an additional dessert that will appeal to both children and adults.

This compote recipe is universal, as it can be used for other fruits and berries, and it is also possible to cook assorted with it. All components will retain their smell and taste.

To make compote according to such a recipe, you can use the achievement of modern science and technology, namely: a slow cooker. At the same time, you do not need to spend time on jars and lids.

Sweet little apple compote ingredients are:

  • ranetki (1 kilogram);
  • sugar (½ kilogram);
  • water (2 liters);
  • spices based on personal preferences (cinnamon, pepper, anise).

Myself recipe of these apples is:

There are other equally interesting recipes for making drinks from these small sweet apples. Therefore, a housewife, who believes that these fruits alone are not enough, can add mint, cinnamon, honey, grapefruit or cherry to the preparation to give a better taste and color. You can experiment and choose exactly the recipe that will become your favorite.

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