"No" to heating or What can be prepared from honey? Dishes from honey Where honey is added when cooking

Sweets (from lat. confectum, “made”) are heterogeneous sugar or chocolate products, which include candied fruits, pralines. As a rule, sweets contain 60-75% sugar. They are divided into glazed (coated with a layer of glaze), unglazed and chocolate-filled sweets. There are also honey candies.

The term "sweets" comes from the professional jargon of pharmacists, who in the 16th century referred to fruits candied or processed into jam for medicinal purposes. Subsequently, the term began to refer to a wider range of confectionery products from different ingredients.

Coffee caramel (Croatian cuisine)

2 cups of sweetened condensed milk, 0.5 cup of strong black coffee, 2 cups of honey, 2 cups of sugar, a little salt, 0.5 cup of butter, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Mix coffee with milk. Cook a thick syrup from sugar, honey and salt. Add to it gradually coffee with milk and then butter, reduce the fire to a minimum, boil slightly, add vanilla sugar at the end of cooking. Grease a mold 25 cm long and at least 2 cm deep with oil and pour the mixture into it. With the tip of a knife, mark squares on the caramel, put it in the refrigerator. Cut the hardened caramel into squares and put them in paper cuffs.

Honey sweets (Tajik sweet)

For 1 kg of honey sweets, 5 cups of honey.

Boil honey in a cast-iron cauldron for 15-20 minutes with continuous stirring until dark brown. Then put it on a greased tray, knead it and pull it out by weight until flagella form.

Honey sweets - poppy seeds

Honey and poppy in equal quantities.

Boil honey over low heat for 40 minutes to evaporate water. Pour the poppy seeds well washed in hot water into the hot syrup and boil until the poppy seeds stick to the spoon. Pour the boiled thick and frozen mass on a smooth board moistened with water, roll it out. to a uniform thickness and cut into pieces of a square or other shape. During boiling, crushed nuts (hazelnuts or curls) can be added to the mass.

Candy from nuts

350 g honey, 3 cups coarsely crushed nuts.

Boil honey and put nuts in it. Boil the nuts with honey until the mass lags behind the pan (the pan must be stainless steel). Readiness to check as follows: pour the mass on a piece of paper, put it in the air and, if it cools down, it is ready. The cooled mass should be so hard that it can be chopped with a knife.

Honey lollipops

Honey, sugar.

Prepare sugar syrup, as for jam, and add no more than 1/3 of honey by weight to it. Boil the mixture over low heat, removing the foam. When the sample taken will quickly harden, pour the finished syrup into small plates, pre-moistened in water or lined with paper, preventing the candy from solidifying, making indentations and cuts in it. The cooled lollipop is taken out and broken into pieces along the cuts. Store lollipops in a dry place, rolled in powdered sugar.

Caramel honey

350 g of honey, 200 g of granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of milk or cream.

Honey, granulated sugar and milk are boiled while stirring until the mass thickens. The mass is ready if it is dropped into water and it easily rolls into balls^ The hot mass is poured onto a saucer greased with unsalted butter. When it begins to harden, it is cut into pieces and wrapped in parchment paper. To get chocolate caramel, 1 tablespoon of chocolate is added to the mass.

Apple pastille with honey

350 g honey, 2 cups applesauce.

In applesauce, add honey, previously pounded white, and mix until the mass becomes white and friable. Then carefully pour it into paper forms 3 centimeters high, which are laid out on a baking sheet sprinkled with bran, dry the marshmallow in a light heat, remove the paper, fold the finished marshmallow into a jar or put 2-3 layers one on top of the other, grease with honey and dry in a non-hot oven or oven.

Pastila lingonberry with honey

350 g honey, 2 cups lingonberry puree.

First, make puree from lingonberries. Add water to the berries so that they are covered, and boil until the berries turn white. Then put them on a sieve, let the water drain and rub the lingonberries through a clean sieve. Beat the puree, add pre-whipped honey to it and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Put the mass into boxes of pine sticks 9 centimeters long and 7 centimeters wide, lined with paper, with a layer of 2 centimeters. Then it is dried for 24 hours at a temperature of + 40 ... + 50 ° C, after which another layer of 2 centimeters is added to the box and dried again. Top up the boxes with a mass until they are full. Then cover the boxes with boards, nail down with wooden carnations and put in a dry place. Pastila is very pleasant to the taste, it is well stored for several years. Some people prefer old marshmallows to fresh ones,

Cooked lingonberry pastille

700 g of honey, 4 cups of lingonberries.

Mix lingonberries with honey, cook until thick. Then pour the mass onto a dish, and when it cools down, cut into long plastics, sprinkle with sugar and put in jars or boxes.

Halva with honey and nuts

1 kg of honey, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, 1 kg of walnuts.

Boil honey with continuous stirring. Dip the chopped walnut kernels into it, half the granulated sugar and boil until thick. Put the resulting mass on a board moistened with water, and level the layer to a thickness of 1-1.5 centimeters. After cooling, the resulting layer is cut into rectangular slices or squares.

Honey halva

To prepare the dish you will need: 450 g of honey, 800 g of premium flour, 400 g of ghee.

Sift flour, pour into a pan, add ghee, mix and fry until a crumbly yellow mass is formed. Then pour it with honey and boil for 5 minutes. Transfer the hot mass to a flat plate, cool and cut into small pieces of a square shape.

Halva with honey

For 2 kg of halva you need: 6 cups of wheat flour, 2 cups of ghee or mutton fat, 2 cups of honey, 1/2 cup of walnuts (kernels), 2 cups of water.

Fry the sifted flour in a cauldron with butter or lamb fat with continuous stirring until a homogeneous crumbly mass of light brown color is formed. Then add honey, water and cook for about 5 minutes more. Put the finished halva on a dish, sprinkle with chopped walnut kernels and cut into pieces of various shapes.

Halva with honey

350 g honey, 800 g wheat flour, 400 g ghee.

Sift flour, pour into a frying pan, add melted butter, mix and heat until a crumbly yellow mass is formed. Then pour it with honey and cook for 5 minutes. Transfer the hot mass to a plate, cool and cut into small pieces, 43.

Halva badrock

200 g honey, 200 g corn, 200 g walnut kernels, 1 teaspoon melted butter.

Roasted corn and roasted nuts pass through a meat grinder, put in a porcelain cup, greased with ghee. Melt honey in an aluminum saucepan and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then pour it into a cup with the prepared mass, knead, put on a dish with a layer of 1 centimeter. When the mass has cooled, cut it into diamonds and place on a vase.

Lamantsy with poppy seeds and honey

250 g flour, 250 g honey, 2 cups poppy seeds, 50 g bitter almonds, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Vegetable oil, salt, 6 tablespoons of water, knead the flour into a stiff dough. Roll out the dough thinly, place on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, cut with a sharp knife into square pieces and bake. Then take it out and break it along the cuts.

Boil the poppy seeds with boiling water, drain the water, rinse in cold water, drain it. Then grind the poppy in a stone bowl with a wooden pestle until it turns white. Put honey, crushed almonds into it, pour a glass of boiling water, stir, transfer to a salad bowl and stick dried lamants into the mixture.

You can serve lamants to the table like this. Put the lamantsy on a sieve, pour over boiling water, put in poppy seeds and mix.


350 g honey, 300 g granulated sugar, 100 pcs. roasted nuts, whites 5 eggs.

Melt the honey, put sugar in it and cook, stirring with a spoon, until the honey is reddened. Beat the whites, stirring them, and pour sugar-honey syrup into them in a thin stream. Move the pan to a lower heat and boil the mass, stirring gradually.

Clean the nuts and chop coarsely. When the mass thickens enough, pour in the nuts and immediately put the mass on a large sheet of oiled or waxed paper, and cover it with the same sheet on top and put it under the press. Then carefully cut the nougat into pieces.

Gooseberry marmalade

200-400 g honey, 40 g gooseberry puree.

Sort the ripe gooseberries, pour them into a bowl, pour 1 glass of water into it and cook over low heat, rubbing the berries with a spoon. When the gooseberries are boiled, wipe it through a sieve. Add honey to the puree and cook, stirring, until the mixture thickens and begins to solidify. Transfer marmalade to a jar, tie and store in a cold place.

Nuts on honey

50 g honey, 250 g nuts.

Dry the peeled nuts so that they almost crumble. Bring the honey to a boil and, while stirring, add nuts to it so that the mass becomes thick. Boil the mass until it solidifies on a spoon. Spread the finished mass with a spoon on a baking sheet and cool, and then put it in a jar and store in a cool, dry place.

Smolensk exiles

350 g of honey, 3 cups of a mixture of raspberries, nuts and crackers.

To powdered dry raspberries add crushed dry nuts and crushed rye bread crackers in the ratio 1:1:1. Boil honey, add the prepared mixture to it and boil until thick. Spread the mass on a baking sheet with cakes, cool and dry.

Mazurek almond

100 g honey, 400 g sweet almonds, 100 g bitter almonds, 300 g sugar, 5 egg whites.

Skip the almonds through a meat grinder and grind with the protein of 1 egg, add sugar and warm honey. Mix the mass with beaten whites of 4 eggs, make cakes out of it, which are baked on a light heat.

Honey is a natural product that is widely used in cooking and is quite common in the cuisines of probably all countries around the world. It has gained such worldwide popularity due to its amazing, useful and healing properties.

Honey is a natural sugar substitute and is very valuable because it consists of natural fructose and sucrose, without the presence of carbohydrates, which also earned fame and widespread use in medicine and cosmetology. In cooking, there are a great many recipes that include honey and each of them deserves attention.

Delicious and simple honey dishes

Honey dishes recipes with photos are offered to you by our website in large quantities and assortment, where you can choose a variety of delicious honey dishes for your loved ones, or guests, for the celebration and for every day. Honey is very useful for any person and must be eaten to strengthen the body's immune system. But remember the main rule: honey cannot be heated above 40-50 degrees, otherwise it loses all its beneficial properties. You should pay attention to this when preparing honey desserts and honey drinks that are heated or heat-treated.

This is especially true for baking cakes, pastries, honey cakes and gingerbread. In hot drinks, tea, milk, honey should be added when the drink has cooled down a bit. You will also find cold drinks with honey, cocktails, fruit smoothies and salads, milk yogurt with honey and honey kvass, juice and other simple honey dishes on our website. We also offer you recipes for a dish of honey and nuts in several versions: pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts with honey, a mixture of them, or you can choose each one individually.

According to doctors, honey, unlike all drugs developed to date, acts in three directions at once: it envelops, softens and relieves irritation in the throat at the same time. At the same time, many prescribed cough medicines (most of them include dextromethorphan) have been found to be no more effective than no treatment. However, at the same time, scientists note that honey should never be given to children under 1 year of age, as this can lead to the development in the body of immature botulism, an acute infectious intestinal disease.

Honey has a bactericidal effect, enhances metabolism, accelerates tissue regeneration, has anti-inflammatory, resolving and tonic effects. Honey normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the function of internal organs, prevents sclerosis, normalizes sleep, stimulates the body's defenses, etc. It was found that bees, when making honey from nectar, add the substance inhibin produced by them to it, as a result, honey becomes a completely sterile product.

Humans have been using honey for thousands of years. This is the first sweetener in history. From childhood, everyone remembers the words that almost all Russian fairy tales end with: “And I was there, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.” We often hear the expressions “honey lips”, “honeymoon”, “honey saved”, “honey gingerbread”, “land of milk and honey”, “honey rivers with milk banks”. Honey - historically means very sweet and delicious.

Honey is an amazing natural product. It cannot be obtained artificially. It is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Yes, and the "producers" of honey - bees - are amazing and worthy of all respect. In each drop of honey lies the enormous work of a small bee, which makes more than 20,000 flights from the hive, flies around 1,000,000 flowers to collect 1 liter of nectar, from which, in turn, only 300 g of honey will come out. To obtain honey, bees add enzymes to the nectar that convert sucrose (a complex sugar) into glucose and fructose (simple easily digestible sugars or monosaccharides).

Bees are a few of the insects that have survived unchanged since the Neolithic. And although there are far fewer flowering plants left now than several centuries ago, bees continue to make the same honey. In the ancient world, bees were an expression of prosperity (Ancient Egypt), revered as sacred companions of the gods (Ancient India), in many countries beekeeping was one of the important sectors of the economy (Ancient Greece, China). Based on honey, the first alcoholic drinks in history were made. Beeswax was widely used in pagan religious rituals and sacrifices. Without wax, painting, sculpture and writing were impossible. Christian monasteries kept their own apiaries in order to have a supply of wax for candles.

In the Roman Empire, taxes were paid with honey. The Scythians placed the body of the murdered leader in a barrel of honey to take him to his native places. In the Qur'an, a whole sura is dedicated to bees and honey. In Jewish tradition, honey is a symbol of the new year. The traditional New Year's food of the Jews is apple slices in honey. Buddhists believe that the Buddha in hermitage ate honey brought to him by monkeys. In Rus', honey occupied an important place in cooking. It was added to cereals, cottage cheese, pies and gingerbread were baked with it, eaten with berries and nuts, meat and vegetable dishes were flavored with it. Sbitni, jam were cooked on honey, honey kvass, broths, halva, Russian honeys were made.

Honey is different depending on which plants the bees collect nectar from. In different parts of the world, different plants bloom, and therefore bees make different honey. For example, thyme, rosemary and orange honey is produced in Greece. The color of honey varies from almost colorless to dark brown, almost black. In central Russia, light varieties of honey are most highly valued, with the exception of buckwheat. But most often, honey is polyfloral, that is, made from nectar of various colors. One can talk about monofloral honey only when there is a vast array of identical plants blooming at the same time. In our country, such are considered lime, buckwheat, sweet clover, sunflower, clover, raspberry, sainfoin. Rarely found monofloral mustard, mint, tobacco, cotton, eucalyptus, acacia, coriander and chestnut honey. Depending on the place of collection, honey is divided into mountain, meadow, taiga, forest. All types and varieties of honey are extremely fragrant and beneficial to health, however, each honey has its own scope, where it is most useful. Bees have the ability to recognize and avoid plants that contain toxic substances in their nectar. In addition to the nectar of flowers, bees can collect honeydew (aphid secretions) and honeydew from leaves and trunks and make less valuable honeydew honey, which is less digestible and not as rich in vitamins as flower honey.

Honey contains a large number of substances that are very useful for humans. The main components of honey are carbohydrates: glucose and fructose (100 g of honey contains about 77.2% carbohydrates, which give the human body 335 kilocalories). Honey is rich in enzymes that speed up metabolic processes; minerals (salts of sodium, calcium, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, iron, magnesium); trace elements such as manganese, copper, nickel, zinc and others. Honey contains a number of organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, and others), a large amount of B vitamins, vitamin C. Such a rich chemical composition makes honey not only a valuable nutritious product with a high calorie content. Numerous healing properties of honey have been known since ancient times, especially since, as a natural substance, it has the fewest side effects and contraindications compared to modern medicines. Unpasteurized comb honey is especially valuable.

For a healthy person, honey is an excellent prevention of many diseases. Athletes include honey in their daily diet and consume it before competitions. Honey is used as a general tonic, stimulating the immune system, metabolic processes, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the recovery of affected tissues. In ancient times, honey was considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Honey has a detrimental effect on microbes, such as Escherichia and dysentery coli, staphylococci, streptococci. Glucose, contained in large quantities in honey, provides energy to the muscles, including the heart muscle. Therefore, honey is useful for various heart diseases, vascular diseases. This is an excellent sedative. And if we talk about numerous colds and inflammatory diseases, then in these cases, honey is simply irreplaceable. There are dozens of useful recipes for potions with honey that can be prepared at home and used for bronchitis, asthma, chronic tonsillitis, against persistent cough. The healing properties of honey are used in the fight against diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary and respiratory tract. There is no organ in the human body to which honey is contraindicated as a remedy.

A healthy adult can take up to 100 g of honey per day in several doses for the benefit of the body. For better absorption, you can eat 1.5-2 teaspoons of honey before meals or 3 hours after meals. It is useful to dilute honey in warm boiled water or take it with tea or hot milk. Children need 1-2 teaspoons of honey a day. It is better to give honey with cereals, tea or fruits, so as not to cause the child to reject the sweet product. It is not recommended to give honey to children under one year old, as their digestive system is not able to cope with bacteria that are not dangerous for adults. Honey can be poisoned if nectar from rhododendron, mountain laurel, dope and some other plants gets into it.

When buying honey, you can become a victim of fraud or falsification. To prevent this from happening, beekeepers advise in autumn, winter, and especially spring, to pay attention to the consistency of honey. At this time, honey cannot be liquid, it must crystallize. If it is liquid, most likely it has been heated. And we must remember that when heated to 50 degrees, honey loses its useful qualities. When buying in the summer, honey does not have time to crystallize, so it is liquid, but thicker than liquid sour cream. If this is not the case, then the honey is immature, its density is low. Such honey will not be stored for a long time and may turn sour. Mature honey crystallizes quickly due to its high sugar content. White foam on the surface of hardened honey is an indicator of high quality and lack of pasteurization. A three-liter jar of mature honey should weigh 4.5 kg. It is best to buy honey at special fairs, where you can get complete information, and the risk of being deceived is minimal.

Honey can be stored for a long time, but to preserve its beneficial properties, honey should be kept in opaque containers in a dark place. Honey in a glass jar, exposed to the sun for a whole day, loses its healing properties and can only be used to sweeten tea. The optimum temperature for honey storage is +4-+10°C. When heated to 37°C, honey loses about 200 components. Honey is able to absorb moisture and odors, so store it in a dry, ventilated place. In no case do not store honey in a metal container, otherwise it will oxidize and become poisonous! If a container of honey is sealed with wax, its shelf life becomes almost unlimited. In the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, hermetically sealed jars of honey were found, which did not lose its taste and aroma.

In addition to honey, there are several related products of beekeeping: royal jelly, bee venom, propolis, wax, pollen and perga. Royal jelly is produced by worker bees to feed the uterus and contains many substances necessary for any organism. It is a white or creamy mass of sour cream consistency. Fresh royal jelly stimulates the metabolism in the cells of the cerebral cortex and bone tissue, improves blood formation and is a strong antiseptic that can even cure tuberculosis.

bee venom produced by worker bees. With a bee sting, it acts on the nerve endings in the skin and stimulates blood circulation, helping to normalize metabolism, which is useful for arthritis and sciatica. After a bee sting (if there is no allergy), the work of the bone marrow improves, blood clotting decreases, the solubility of stones increases, and sleep improves. Bee venom is a powerful remedy, it is better to refrain from using drugs with it during pregnancy and infectious diseases.

Propolis- a substance of brown or green-brown color with the aroma of pine needles, honey, poplar buds and vanilla, the exact composition of which is still not known. Propolis is collected from the buds of coniferous trees, poplar, birch, oak, elm, willow and chestnut. Bees need propolis to isolate the nest from the tree trunk, to wall up pests that have entered the hive and killed, to polish the cells of the combs. In medicine, propolis is used to treat skin and gastrointestinal diseases.

Wax is produced by special glands of working bees and is a mixture of more than 300 minerals and compounds. Beeswax has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, enhances the formation of milk in nursing mothers, facilitates the course of osteochondrosis and many other diseases. Chewing wax stimulates digestion. Biting off honeycombs, we eat not only honey, but also particles of propolis and wax, which are very rich in minerals and vitamins. Wax cleans the teeth from plaque, and propolis disinfects the oral cavity and destroys the bacteria that cause caries.

Pollen collected by bees from the stamens of flowers in baskets located on their hind legs. Beekeepers collect pollen by arranging obstacles for the bees at the entrance to the hive. Flower pollen contains many trace elements, amino acids and vitamins and helps the body fight bacteria and viruses.

Perga or bee bread is pollen moistened with nectar and treated with the secret of bees. Adult bees harvest bee bread to feed the larvae, so the microelements in bee bread are perfectly balanced. The biological activity of perga is so high that the larvae increase their mass by 1500 times in 3 days. Not a single product in the world has at least close indicators.

Honey and other bee products are actively used in cosmetics. Honey mixtures and shampoos for hair, nourishing creams for the skin of the face and hands based on honey, honey masks for cleansing, softening, nourishing and preventing aging of facial skin, honey compositions for wiping the skin and taking baths - all this is not a complete list of opportunities to stop aging skin and rejuvenate the fading beauty of the face and hands. Honey is widely used in cooking, and this variety is amazing. Let us give a small fraction of examples of the use of honey in the preparation of various dishes.

800 g of meat,
90 g fat
50 g onion
150 g dried prunes, pitted,
100 g honey
1 st. l. tomato puree, spices to taste.

Rinse and cut the meat into portions, fry in 30 g of fat, put in a saucepan. Add browned onions, tomato puree and washed prunes to the meat. Simmer over low heat until done. Five minutes before removing from heat, add honey and spices.

2 cups rice
200 ml of water
100 g dried apricots, raisins and prunes,
5 walnuts,
2 tbsp honey,
salt to taste.

Boil rice in salted water until half cooked, add raisins, chopped dried apricots and prunes to it. Peel, crush and roast the nuts, then add to the rice. Bring the pilaf to readiness, add honey, mix and let it brew.

1 raw egg
2 cups cold milk
6 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp lemon or orange juice.

Mix all ingredients and beat until smooth. Serve very cold.

100 g margarine,
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. l. honey,
2 tsp soda,
2.5 cups flour
250 g butter,
1 can of condensed milk,
1 cup shelled nuts.

Melt 100 g of margarine in a saucepan, add sugar there, stir. In a separate bowl, beat 2 eggs, mix them with honey, combine all this into a total mass. Place the saucepan over low heat, stirring, do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly and add 2 teaspoons of baking soda slaked with vinegar. Put on fire again, bring to a hot state (the mass will turn into a thick foam), add 2.5 cups of flour, knead the dough well and put it in heat for 1 hour. Then divide the dough into 6 equal parts, from which roll out 6 cakes, sprinkling them with flour. Bake the cakes in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Each to a brown tint. Then, after whipping 250 g of butter, pour in the condensed milk there, beat again until smooth. Spread the cream on the cakes, sprinkle with nut crumbs (pre-fry the nuts in a pan without oil and chop) and the edge with the cake.

300 g apples
150 g honey
ginger, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper.

Peel the sour apples from the skin and the seed chamber and, cut into pieces, bake in the oven. Add honey to baked apples rubbed through a sieve and cook, stirring constantly until thickened (a sure sign of readiness: the mass lags behind the spoon). 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add ginger, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper, mix well. Wrap the resulting mass in a napkin, put under the press. After 2 days the cheese is ready to eat.

150 g buckwheat,
1 egg
2 tbsp flour,
6 tbsp honey,
salt to taste
vegetable oil for frying.

Boil buckwheat in salted water and cool. Beat the egg, add honey and mix everything until smooth. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a pan in vegetable oil so that a golden crust appears. Serve pancakes with hot honey.

Recipes with honey

Honey is used in the preparation of many confectionery products: gingerbread, cookies, marshmallows, jams, etc. It is also introduced into dairy products and soft drinks.

Honey is widely used in home cooking. It is used in food both directly - for sandwiches, with fresh fruits, dairy products, and in culinary recipes.

Honey was especially popular in the old days. The widespread use of honey was explained not only by its excellent taste, but also by the deficiency of sugar.

1 lb-410 g

1 inch - 44.45 mm.

1 inch - 25.4 mm.

1 spool - 4.2657 g.

Alsatian gingerbread. Take 1/2 kg of honey, 1/2 kg of wheat flour, 10 g of soda. Honey is heated, mixed with flour and soda dissolved in a spoonful of water is added. The dough is rolled out, cut into pieces and baked. To add shine to the gingerbread, mix one egg white with 125 g of sugar and lubricate the product. Such dough in a cool place can be stored for a very long time.

English honey biscuits. Take 1 kg of honey, 250 g of butter, juice from two lemons, a pinch of grated nutmeg. Honey is put into melted butter and 1 kg of wheat flour is added. The prepared dough is rolled out to a thickness of 1 cm, cut and fried in oil.

french honey cake. Melt 150 g of sugar in 1/8 liter of milk, then add 350 g of honey and boil the contents in a saucepan. Add 1/2 kg of wheat flour and 2 g of soda, make a dough, roll it out, put it on an iron sheet, shape it into a pie and bake for 1 hour.

Honey kvass. Take 1 pound of raisins, 5 sliced ​​lemons, 4 pounds of honey and put it all in a clean tub. Then pour in 30 bottles of boiled water. Dip 1 teaspoon of yeast mixed with 3 tablespoons of flour into the cooled solution. The next day add 5-6 bottles of cold boiled water. As soon as the raisins and lemon rise to the top, the kvass is bottled, corked tightly and kept in a cold place.

Pastila honey. 30 apples are baked in the oven, rubbed through a sieve, mixed with 9 egg whites, rubbed for 3 hours until the mass thickens. Gradually add 2-3 pounds* of honey, spread in a wooden mold or dish and put briefly in a warm oven.

Cheap honey gingerbread cake. Melt 1 pound of honey, take a glass of sugar, 5 eggs, 1 glass of sour cream, a little crushed cinnamon and cloves, 1 teaspoon of soda, 3 glasses of flour. All this is put in a saucepan and whipped until a thick dough is obtained (as for pancakes). The dough is poured into a greased form and baked in an oven or oven.

honey poppy seeds. Boil 1 pound of honey over low heat for 30 minutes, add 1 pound of poppy seeds and continue to boil it until the poppy starts to stick to the spoon. You can add crushed nuts if you like. After boiling the contents, spread the mass on a smooth board moistened with water, roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1/4 inch and sprinkle with ginger. The cooled dough is cut into pieces of a rhombic shape.

Honey gingerbread "precocious". Take 5 cups of honey, 5 cups of wheat flour, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and cloves, 1 teaspoon of soda and 10 egg yolks. Flour is fried until yellow, honey is melted and all this is mixed. Proteins are whipped until foamy and added to the dough. The dough is spread on a baking sheet covered with paper and oiled. If desired, gingerbread cookies can be sprinkled with crushed nuts or orange peel. Bake on low heat.

honey cake. 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon of butter and 1/2 cup of milk are thickly mixed with flour, nuts are made from the dough and boiled in oil, then boiled in honey; they throw in the nuts, taken out of the boiling oil, and immediately put them on a dish.

honey caramel. Take 1 cup of thickened honey, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of fresh cream or milk. Cook until the mass hardens (if you drop it on a saucer). Spread on a greased dish and stir in a teaspoon of vanilla extract. After hardening, cut and wrap in parchment paper. To obtain chocolate caramel, 1 tablespoon of melted chocolate is mixed into the mixture.

Honey gingerbread. 1/2 pound of honey is boiled, allowed to cool, and 5 beaten eggs are placed there (stirring lightly). All this is stirred, then paper molds are prepared, greased with oil, filled with the mixture, sprinkled with almonds, nuts or candied fruit on top, placed on a baking sheet and put in the oven.

Gingerbread "health". 6 yolks are beaten for 1 hour, then 1 1/2 pounds of honey are added, put on the stove and boiled, removing the foam. Once the mixture has cooled (to the temperature of fresh milk), pour in the beaten proteins, pour in 1 1/2 pounds of flour, mix for 4 hours, transfer to paper forms and put in the oven.

Fritters with honey. Take 2 cups of warm milk, 4 cups of flour, 2-3 spools of dry yeast. All this is thoroughly mixed. When the dough rises, beat it, adding a spoonful of butter, 2-3 eggs. Then they let it rise again and, without stirring the dough, bake pancakes.

Honey pastille from apples. Ripe sour apples are boiled in water and filtered through a thick sieve. Honey is put into the resulting puree (1/2 pound of honey per pound of puree), beat the mixture until foamy, spread in a layer of half an inch * in wooden boxes, on the bottom of which paper is placed. Boxes with the mixture are placed in an oven at the same temperature as for baking bread. A day later, a new layer is placed on the old layer, and so on for 5 days. For tinting (before adding honey) marshmallows add cranberry juice.

Viennese pastry. Mix 1/2 lb honey with 5 eggs and zest of 1 lemon, add 1/2 lb flour. The resulting dough is spread on a sheet, lightly oiled, smoothed with a knife, sprinkled with finely chopped almonds and put on a gentle heat for 30 minutes. Cut the product into strips as thick as a finger; without letting it cool down, the strips are bent around a round stick.

Honey gingerbread. Grind white 1 pound of honey, 1 pound of granulated sugar and 8-10 yolks. Slowly pour in 1 cup of sifted rye flour and 1 1/2-2 cups of wheat flour. Then rub the cinnamon in a deep saucer for about 1 hour, add another 1 teaspoon of anise and 20-25 cloves. The dough should be thick, like for bread. Then beat 8-10 proteins into foam, pour 1 teaspoon of soda into the dough, stir, pour in the beaten proteins and mix the dough in one direction. The finished dough is spread on 2 pans, greased with oil and sprinkled with a thick layer of rye flour. The mass should not reach more than half the height of the edges of the pan. Before putting the mass in the oven, put almonds on the surface. Bake for 3/4 hour.

Grapes candied in honey. Put 3 1/2 kg of good bunches of grapes in a jar. A syrup is prepared from 2 kg of honey and 0.5 liters of good vinegar, a pinch of cinnamon and cloves are added, the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, the foam is removed and the hot syrup is poured over the grapes. The jar is hermetically sealed.

Honey gingerbread. They take 4 eggs, 2 cups of honey, rye and wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of soda, knead everything, spread it on a sheet, leave for 2 hours and bake in a light heat. To give the gingerbread a shine, they are smeared with honey and egg white.

Kvass amateur. Take 2 pounds of honey, add 2 lemons, cut into thin circles, 1/2 pound of raisins. All this is poured with 15 bottles of boiled water, in which 2 tablespoons of rye flour and 4 lots* of yeast are pre-mixed. A day later, another 2-3 bottles of cold boiled water are added. As soon as the raisins and lemons float, the liquid is filtered, bottled, corked, putting 2-3 raisins into the bottle beforehand. Bottles are stored in a cold place in a supine position.

Honey mousse. Peel and cut 2 oranges; Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin powder in 1 tablespoon of water. Then 1 cup of honey is heated for a couple and, adding oranges and gelatin, everything is mixed. When the dough has cooled, add a bottle of whipped cream and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Instead of oranges, you can add any fruit.

Cream honey. Take 1 tablespoon of gelatin, 3-4 cups of honey, 1 cup of cream, 1 cup of peaches or other fruits and 1/2 teaspoon of bitter almonds. Cream and honey are heated (do not boil), gelatin and bitter almond extract are added, put in a cold place until it solidifies, cut the peaches into slices and add them to the mass. Allow the cream to cool, decorate it with almonds and serve with cream.

Nougat black. Boil in a flat-bottomed copper basin 3 kg of heather honey. Boil it until, when tested on a finger dipped in water, it forms large balls. Add 5 kg of almonds. The mixture is molded by pressing the nougat layer with a board.

Nut nougat. Boil until white balls appear 1 1/2 kg of honey, add 3 kg of peeled nuts, 500 g of crushed sugar, beaten with 8 egg whites and a small amount of orange blossom.

Pastila cranberry. Crush 5 cups of cranberries and boil it. 10 Antonov apples are baked in the oven, rubbed and mixed with cranberry mass. For 10 cups of this mixture, take 6 cups of honey and stir until white for 2 hours. The finished mass is laid out in pine boxes (5 inches wide, 1 1/4 inches high, 12 inches long), the bottom and sides of the box are pre-lined with paper; a box with a mass is placed in an oven in a light heat for 24 hours. The marshmallow taken out of the oven is cooled.

American biscuits. Take 7 1/2 kg of dark honey, 15 eggs, 8 g of dry yeast, 10 g of liquid ammonia, 1 kg of thinly sliced ​​almonds, 1 kg of lemons, 10 g of cinnamon, 10 g of nutmeg, 9 kg of wheat flour. Honey is brought to a boil, cooled and all of the above is added. Roll out the dough and put it in the oven, after brushing the cakes with egg white and sugar.

Almond honey cookies. Take 1/2 lb butter, 7/8 lb soft flour, 1/2 lb crushed almonds, 1/4 lb sugar, 1/4 lb honey, 2 eggs. All this is mixed, laid out on the table, small figures are cut out, greased with an egg and baked in a light heat.

Honey gingerbread. Take 3 pounds of honey, 3 eggs; the yolks of these eggs are well rubbed with 1 glass of granulated sugar; squirrels are crushed. Then all this is rubbed with honey, take 1/2 cup of ground cinnamon, a teaspoon of ground cloves and 2 teaspoons of soda. The prepared mass is mixed with 12 cups of wheat flour of the second grade. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, put in a frying pan in the form of cakes and put in a warm place. When the cakes rise, they are put in a heated oven, as for baking white bread, and after holding for about 1 hour, they are taken out on a sieve and left to cool.

Chocolate gingerbread. Take 1 pound of honey, 1/4 pound of chocolate, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of ground ammonium, 1/4 pound of butter, 1 1/2 pounds of flour. Chocolate is rubbed on a grater, honey is heated and mixed with chocolate, gradually adding eggs, butter, ammonium and flour. The dough is kneaded, rolled out to a thickness of 1 cm. Placed on a sheet and baked over medium heat.

Sbiten orange. For 1 bucket of water, take 5-6 pounds of honey, boil, remove the foam, add cold water to the previous volume. They take 2-3 oranges (the zest is rubbed from two), 1/2 lot of orris root, 1 lot of ginger and the cut pulp of the third orange. All this is placed in a canvas bag and lowered into a boiling liquid, which is boiled down to 1/10 capacity.

honey pudding. They take 3 cups of apples cut into thin slices, 1 cup of honey, corn and wheat flour, a little oil, 1 teaspoon of soda, juice from 2 lemons and finely grated zest from them, a little salt. All this is mixed with apples, placed in a greased mold and baked in a hot oven.

Sbiten simple. For 1 samovar of water take 1/2 pound of honey. In a canvas bag put 1-2 bay leaves, a few grains of cloves, English pepper and a little cinnamon. All this is boiled in a samovar.

Strudels with honey and poppy seeds. 2 1/2 cups warm water, 2-3 spools of dry yeast and 3 cups flour are stirred and allowed to rise. Then they beat, salt, pour in 1/2 cup of sunflower oil, stir white with 1/4 pound of honey, pour in a little crushed bitter almonds and flour to make a thick dough, stir until it lags behind the hand, let it rise.

2 cups of gray poppy are scalded with boiling water, covered, allowed to stand for 1 hour, squeezed dry, rubbed in a cup, honey, bitter almonds are added and all this is mixed. When the dough has risen, it is divided into several pieces and rolled out on the table, spread with poppy seeds, rolled up and placed on a sheet, oiled and sprinkled with flour. The dough is smeared with honey and water, sprinkled with poppy seeds or sweet almonds and put in the oven for 3-4 hours. Flour requires up to 3 pounds.

Mousse with apples and oatmeal. Take 200 g of cereal, 50 g of nuts, 50 g of cinnamon, 6 tablespoons of honey, 1/2 liter of milk, 4 apples. Mix apple pieces, cinnamon, nuts and cereal. Milk is whipped with honey and poured into mousse.

Honey with milk. Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of milk, mix well; you can add vanilla and cinnamon to taste.

Apple Nut Mousse. For one serving, take 1 sour apple, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of nuts, 3 crackers, 125 ml of orange juice. Honey is well mixed with orange juice. The apple is peeled, rubbed on a grater, mixed with nuts and crackers are added. All this is poured with an orange-honey mixture.

Orange-apple mousse. For a cup of mousse, take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 apple, 1 tablespoon of raisins, 1 tablespoon of nuts, juice of 1 orange, 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of honey. Oatmeal is mixed with nuts and raisins and transferred to a cup. An apple is peeled, rubbed on a grater, mixed with orange juice and added to cereal. Honey with milk is slightly heated until the honey dissolves and poured into the mousse.

honey oil. For 125 g of oil, take 4 tablespoons of honey, a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of chopped candied fruit. Whip the butter until foamy, pour honey in a thin stream and mix. After the honey absorbs the oil, beat it again, adding fruit. This butter is especially delicious with breadcrumbs and honey biscuits.

Blackthorn jelly with honey. 1/2 liter buttermilk, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of blackthorn berries, 4 tablespoons of honey, a little crushed orange peels, gelatin. Everything is mixed well, poured with boiled gelatin, poured into cups and put in the cold.

Carrot salad with honey. 500 g carrots, 1 apple, 2 tablespoons honey, juice of 1 lemon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 pinch of pepper, 1 glass of cream, apple slices and walnuts for decoration. Cream, salt, pepper, lemon juice and honey are mixed. Carrots and apples are peeled, grated, mixed, poured with prepared sauce, put on a plate, decorated with nuts and apple slices.

Kefir with fruits and honey. Take fresh berries or fruits, depending on the season, 1 glass of thick milk or 4 glasses of kefir, 4 tablespoons of honey. The berries are placed in a glass cup, poured with milk or kefir and honey is added.

Spicy honey duck. Take 1 butchered duck, 1 cup of grapes, juice of 2 oranges, pepper, salt, marjoram, 1 cup of fragrant wine, 2 tablespoons of honey. The duck is flavored with salt, pepper, marjoram, put in a duck and put on fire. Then add a little water, rearrange in the oven and fry for half an hour, pouring it with meat broth. Grapes and orange juice are added, smeared with honey, fried for another 30 minutes, pouring sauce over the duck more often, to which flour and spices can be added if desired.

Baked apples with honey. Take 4 large sour apples, 3 tablespoons of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of almonds, honey and butter. The core is taken out of the apples, put on a heat-resistant baking sheet or in a mold. Honey is mixed with almonds and cinnamon and put inside the apple. Oil is placed on each apple and put in the oven. Served with cream or vanilla sauce.

Apple pies with honey. Take 4 sour apples, 200 g flour, 3 eggs, 1 cup milk, 2 cups honey, fat. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices 2 cm thick. Milk, flour and eggs are kneaded into the dough. Apple mugs are dipped in dough and baked in hot fat. Honey is slightly warmed up in a water bath and put on apples.

Round honey cake. They take 200 grams of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 6-7 cups of flour, 150 grams of honey, 4 eggs, 100 grams of almonds, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, some spices - nutmeg, ginger, cloves. Melted butter is well mixed with sugar, eggs, spices, flour, then honey are added.

Beat the dough until bubbles form, spread it on a greased baking sheet with high edges, sprinkle with almonds and bake at 175 C for 30-45 minutes.

Roast pork with sauce. 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1 crushed garlic clove, 3 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon mustard powder, 2 pork chops, fried potatoes.

Mix vegetable oil, garlic, honey and mustard. Pieces of meat are laid out in a pan and poured with sauce, put in the refrigerator for a day, periodically turning the meat over. Then fry for 30-45 minutes. Fried potatoes are poured with sauce, the meat is cut and served.

Peasant honey gingerbread. 300 g honey, 250 g powdered sugar, 700 g flour, 3 eggs, 30 g lemon peel, 10 g cinnamon, 5 g anise, 5 g cloves, 10 g ammonium.

Honey is dissolved in warm water (40 ° C), crushed anise, cloves, cinnamon, ammonium and lemon zest are added. Everything is mixed, flour and eggs are added, uncooked dough is kneaded, allowed to stand for at least 5 hours. Pass through a meat grinder, knead again, roll out, cut out gingerbread cookies of various shapes, bake on greased baking sheets until golden brown, brush with egg. When the gingerbread cookies have cooled, decorate with egg white and powdered sugar glaze.

Cupcake with cocoa and nuts. 250 g honey, 250 g flour, 150 g powdered sugar, 7 eggs, 2 tablespoons cocoa, a handful of walnuts, 100 g candied oranges, 100 g raisins, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and anise, 4 tablespoons warm water. Beat together the yolks, honey, water, candied fruits, cocoa, cinnamon and anise until foam appears. Add flour with pre-prepared protein foam. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained and bake in the oven in a cake mold over medium heat for 45 minutes.

Lemon cake with honey. For the test, take 1 egg, 50 g of honey, a little soda, 100 g of flour. For cream - 250 g of butter, 250 g of granulated sugar, half a liter of milk, 3 tablespoons of flour, zest and juice of a large lemon.

All products are mixed, 4 layers are made and baked in the oven.

For the cream, rub the butter with a spoon, separately mix the flour with a small amount of milk. Put on low heat and gradually pour in the rest of the milk, cook with stirring until a thick paste is obtained. After cooling, pour in the oil, rub thoroughly, adding lemon juice and zest. Lubricate the baked layers with cream, decorate with lemon slices. Honey is heated and dripped onto the cake.

almond cake. 200 g honey, 100 g powdered sugar, 250 g toasted nuts, 3 egg whites, 1 vanilla sugar powder.

Rub honey with ground nuts and one protein until a thick cream is obtained. Separately, beat 2 proteins with powdered sugar until a strong foam is obtained, add to the honey mixture, mix, lay out in handfuls on a baking sheet, bake over medium heat for about 30 minutes.

Cold honey drinks according to original recipes.

Honey-raspberry cocktail "Dibrova". Mix 75 g of natural honey, 200 g of raspberry juice, 1.5 g of citric acid and 130 g of carbonated or mineral water. Drink chilled with ice cubes.

Tonic "Dibrova". Mix chokeberry juice (200 g), blackcurrant juice (100 g), citric acid (2 g), 90 g honey and 100 g mineral water. Drink chilled with ice cubes.


3 apples
- 150 g flour
- 2 eggs
- 100 g butter
- 3 tbsp. spoons of honey
- 1/3 teaspoon of soda
- 1/3 teaspoon of salt
- 1/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Cooking method:

Melt butter and honey. Mix eggs, salt, flour, soda slaked with lemon juice and cinnamon. Pour melted honey with butter into the dough and stir.

Cut the peeled apples into slices and add to the resulting mass. Lubricate the form with oil, pour in the dough and put in the oven preheated to 170 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Castella with honey

- 2 egg whites (room temperature)
- 2 egg yolks (room temperature)
- 5 tbsp. l. (70 g) sugar
- 1/3 cup (50 g) flour, sifted
- 1 tbsp. l. (25g) honey (dilute with 1 tbsp hot water)

Cooking method:
1. Place parchment paper in a baking dish (9cm x 19cm) with aluminum foil. Preheat the oven to 165°C.

2. Pour the egg whites into a large clean bowl, beat with a mixer on high speed until slightly frothy (about 30 seconds). Continue beating, gradually adding sugar over 4 minutes. Add egg yolks, beat (on medium-low speed) for 1 minute, then add flour, beat until smooth. Pour the mixture (1 tbsp honey + 1 tbsp hot water) into a bowl, beat for 1 minute.

3. Pour the dough through a sieve into a biscuit mold. With the help of a spatula, we help the dough pass through the holes of the sieve. Level the surface with a spatula.

4. Bake in a preheated oven for 40-45 minutes or until the biscuit is golden brown.

5. We take out the form with the biscuit from the oven, let it cool. When the biscuit has completely cooled, remove it from the mold. Remove the parchment paper and place on a new piece of parchment paper.

6. Cut (with a very sharp knife) exactly the edges of the biscuit. Cut into pieces. We serve. Bon appetit!

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Lemon Honey Pie

Dough: 200g flour, 100g butter, 50g sugar, zest of 1 lemon, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. lemon juice

200ml lemon juice (3 lemons)
zest of 2 lemons
2 eggs,
150g thick honey
200g fat sour cream
for sprinkling walnuts.

Cooking method
Preheat the oven to 200°C. First, let's make the dough. We put flour, cold butter, sugar in a combine. We rub the zest of one lemon, chop into small crumbs. Add the egg, lemon juice and knead the dough until it sticks together into a ball. We roll out the dough, put it into a mold, trim the edges, send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, rub the zest from two lemons into a large bowl, add the juice of three lemons, honey and stir well. We leave for half an hour. We take out the form with the dough from the refrigerator, put the baking paper, pour the load - balls or beans (or apricot pits).

We bake with a load for 15 minutes, then without a load - another 5-7 minutes. While it's baking, prepare the topping. Add two eggs to the juice with zest and honey, stir well and filter. Mix with sour cream. The filling is liquid. Pour the filling onto the hot cake and return to the oven, reducing the temperature to 160 ° C. If possible, pour the filling onto the cake directly in the oven, without taking it out. The cake is ready when the filling looks like jelly. This takes about half an hour. We take out the cake and cool it.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Easter cake


3 eggs
- 2 cups of flour
- 0.5 cups of granulated sugar
- 100 g butter
- 100 g raisins
- 2 tablespoons honey (recommended)
- 1 tbsp soda, 0.5 tbsp. salt

Cooking method:

Rub the butter with sugar and gradually add eggs, honey, sifted flour, soda and salt to the mixture. We knead the dough, and when it is almost ready, we introduce raisins. We grease the forms with oil, lay down the dough and bake at a temperature of 200 - 210 degrees until cooked (about 30 minutes).

Lubricate the finished cake with icing and decorate with sprinkles.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Diet apple charlotte


Wheat flour - ½ cup
- hercules - ½ cup
- egg - 1 pc.
- egg white - 2 pcs
- kefir - 1 cup
- baking powder - 1 tsp
- honey - 3 tsp (recommended to use )
- apples - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

We mix flour flakes, sugar, egg and proteins, add kefir to the consistency of pancake dough. Let stand for a while so that the flakes swell. Add baking powder and, if desired, cinnamon (vanilla, cocoa). We spread the chopped apples in a mold, pour the resulting mixture. Bake for 30 minutes. Bon appetit!

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Donuts with honey


Flour - 3 cups
- egg - 4 pcs
- soda - 1 tsp
- kefir (or yogurt) - 1 cup
- sugar - 3-4 tablespoons
- vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
- honey (we recommend using honey)

Sift the flour, mix with soda, salt, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar. We combine kefir with about 2 cups of flour. If the dough is still too liquid, then add about a glass more flour.

Let stand for a few minutes at room temperature. The finished dough should be relatively thick (like normal fat country sour cream), but not steep, i.e. the dough should be hard to slide off the spoon, but not pour.

In a thick-walled saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, reduce the heat slightly and dip the pieces of dough into the hot oil with a teaspoon. We fry until ready.

We heat honey in a small saucepan with a few tablespoons of water, add spices to taste (cinnamon, ground black pepper) and mix. Drizzle the donuts with honey and let them cool down a bit. Serve with tea.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Milk apple cake with strawberries and honey


Oat flakes, 70 gr
- semolina, 25 gr
- natural yogurt without additives, 220 gr
- egg white. 2 eggs
- apple, 2 pcs
- carrots, 1 large
- juice of half a lime
- honey 10 gr (we recommend using honey)
-dates, figs or other dried fruits of your choice.

Cooking method:

Combine oatmeal with semolina and pour yogurt, mix. Add beaten egg whites to oatmeal mixture.
On a fine grater we rub an apple and carrots, add them to the dough. Add the juice of half a lime, finely chopped dried fruits and honey to the dough.
We bake the cake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 160 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

While the cake is baking, make the cream.
Add yogurt, icing sugar to the cottage cheese (if the yogurt is sweet, you don’t need to put sugar!), Banana puree, mix everything well.
Finely chop the strawberries and add to the cream. We spread the cream on a slightly cooled cake and leave the cake in the refrigerator all night.
And in the morning enjoy a delicious and healthy dessert!

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Ginger cookie

Cooking method:

We heat the water, add honey, sugar, spices there and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
Take the saucepan off the fire. Add pieces of butter and stir.

Pour flour and baking powder into a bowl. Pouring gradually a thin stream of honey-oil mass - knead the dough. Cover the dough with cling film and put in the refrigerator overnight.

We take out and roll out the dough into a layer 2-4 mm thick (the thinner the dough is rolled out, the crispier the cookies will be). Cut out the figures.

We bake cookies in a preheated oven at a temperature of 170-180 degrees - 7-10 minutes.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Fried bananas with honey

Cooking method:

Biscuit roll with honey


Cooking method:

Put eggs, sugar, honey, soda and flour in a deep bowl, beat with a mixer until smooth and spread on a baking sheet greased with margarine. Pour the mass into a thin layer on a baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.

You can make any filling, based on the products that you have. For example, beat sour cream with sugar. Another option is to rub the lemon with the peel, mix with sugar. The third option is to take any jam.

We check if the biscuit is baked - if it separates easily, then it is ready. Lubricate with the chosen filling, turn into a roll. The roll is ready!

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Cherry pie with honey


250 gr flour
- a quarter cup of honey (we recommend using honey)
- cherry (to taste)
- half a glass of sugar
- 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
- half a glass of milk
- sunflower oil
- 60 ml of rum
- a teaspoon of ground ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
- 1 egg

Cooking method:

Remove pits from cherries and cut in half. In a separate bowl, mix sugar, ginger, flour, butter, milk, egg and baking powder. Stir in the cherry halves. Pour the dough into a greased mold. We put in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees. The cake is baked for 20-30 minutes. Next, mix rum and honey, pour this mixture over the cake and leave it to soak for an hour. Decorate with the remaining cherries and powdered sugar.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Puff pastries with honey


800 grams of puff pastry
- 1 glass of honey (we recommend using honey for this recipe with honey)
- 1 cup flour
- 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
- 5 glasses of milk
- 12 yolks
- 50 grams of butter

Cooking method:

Defrost the dough, roll it into layers 3 cm thick and prick them in several places. We cover the baking sheet with parchment or foil, put the dough and bake for 10 minutes. at a temperature of 200 degrees.

To prepare the cream, beat the yolks with honey, add the flour and beat again. Pour the prepared mixture in a thin stream into boiling milk and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Add butter, mix, cool. Cool the baked puff, cut off the edges and cut each layer into 4 equal parts. Lubricate the pieces of puff with cream and stack on top of each other 3 pieces. Lubricate the top of the cakes with cream, sprinkle with crumbs (prepared puffs from scraps), decorate with honey.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Cottage cheese casserole with honey


1/2 kilo cottage cheese
- 50 grams of honey (we recommend using honey for this recipe with honey)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- two eggs
- 3-4 tablespoons of semolina
- 1 tablespoon butter

Cooking method:

Carefully wipe the cottage cheese, add sugar, honey, semolina and eggs to it. Spread the thoroughly mixed mass in a greased frying pan or baking sheet. Preheat the oven and cook the casserole for 35-40 minutes. Cottage cheese casserole with honey can be served with sour cream or condensed milk or garnished with nuts and fruits.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Honey chocolate cake with apricots


A glass of kefir
- two thirds of a glass of sunflower oil
- glass of sugar
- a tablespoon of honey (we recommend using honey for this recipe with honey)
- one egg
- two cups of flour
- two thirds of a teaspoon of baking soda
- a tablespoon of cocoa powder
- 6-7 apricots
- a handful of cranberries
- powdered sugar

Cooking method:

Mix kefir with soda and leave for 5-10 minutes. Beat the egg with sugar and honey, add kefir with soda and oil. We beat again. Mix flour with cocoa, sift into the dough. Mix thoroughly. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pits. Pour the dough into a greased mold, press the apricot halves and cranberries on top. We put in the oven preheated to 180 C for about 40 minutes. Cool, take out of the mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Lemon cake with honey


50 g honey

150 g flour

250 g butter

250 g granulated sugar

2 glasses of milk

Zest of 1 lemon

Cooking method:

Mix the egg, honey, flour (100 g), soda and knead the dough. After mixing thoroughly, it is necessary to divide the finished dough into 4 layers, which will later need to be baked. In order to prepare the cream, you need to mix butter, flour (50 g), and a little milk. Putting on a slow fire, it will be necessary to add the rest of the milk. Boil the mass until a homogeneous thick mass is formed. Allow the pasta to cool, then add the zest and juice of one lemon. Lubricate the layers with the resulting paste and connect them. On top of the cake, you can decorate with lemon slices and honey.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

Honey cake"


200 g honey

100 g butter

100 g granulated sugar

3 cups wheat flour

2 eggs, 1 g ginger

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

3 teaspoons lemon zest

Cooking method:

Heat honey, add melted butter to it, mix well, add sugar, put ginger and mix everything thoroughly again. After that, add eggs, cloves, cinnamon and gradually add flour while stirring. Then knead the dough well, roll it out to a thickness of 1 cm, cut into pieces and place them on a preheated, oiled baking sheet. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 C.

450 gr. dark chocolate (broken into small pieces)

Cooking method:

In a bowl mix flour, salt, baking powder and soda. In a large bowl, beat softened butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar. Add honey and beat until creamy. add beaten egg, vanillin, milk powder and espresso coffee powder. Add flour mixture and mix thoroughly. Add chocolate pieces and stir.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Put the dough on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

honey biscuits


1/2 cup white wheat flour

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp soda

1/4 cup brown sugar (preferably dark brown or 1 tsp molasses can be added)

85 g (6 tbsp) butter at room temperature

1/2 cup honey

1/3 water/milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

Cooking method:

Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking soda in a large mixer. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead a soft elastic dough (do not knead for a long time). Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out each piece into a 25x30cm rectangle, cut into 30 5cm squares (you can prick the cookies with a fork). Preheat oven to 200°C.

Use in this recipe liquid natural polyfloral honey "Berestov A.S." Altai "Mountain".

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe

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