You can use Suluguni cheese for pizza. Cheese for pizza. What kind of cheese to use for pizza, so that it stretches, is added to suluguni pizza. Classic Italian pizza cheese

She is really very spontaneous and "so uncollected". It was like this: I left the chicken to marinate ... And then we left. We return home, and I think to myself: why come up with this chicken for a side dish? The marinade is wonderful, but I always have a problem with side dishes.
And suddenly:
- Hey, do you want some pizza?
- Well, OK.
We were actually very tired, so the products were limited to the store closest to the house. I look, I'm trying to find a suitable cheese, and then the following dialogue occurs:
- And come on Suluguni?
- What are you! - I'm horrified. - It will be salty!
- So I love it.
That's how the spontaneous recruitment came about. I understand that, looking at the photo, I want to ask: where is the dough? Alas, I'm still true to my habit of "more filling - less dough", so you can hardly see the cake under the filling, and the angle of some kind of "brilliant" turned out ... x) But it is, honestly!

So the composition is simple:

  • tomato sauce

  • 1 pigtail suluguni

  • baked chicken

The chicken must be marinated in advance, so for starters - marinade, I took the recipe from Alena alenakogotkova , the proportions were reduced and edited for "what was." I copy the original text + changes.

4 onions, diced

4 tbsp brown sugar(honey)

4 tbsp tomato paste(I took a couple of tomatoes and chopped finely)

2 tbsp wine vinegar(balsamic)

5 tbsp vegetable oil

4 tbsp spicy soy sauce(regular soy sauce)

3 tsp mustard

½ tsp salt

½ tsp Tabasco

75 ml. water


1. Pass the onion in oil until golden brown, add the rest of the ingredients. Keep on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Add a little more water if necessary. Let the sauce cool slightly (so that it is not scalding hot), puree in a blender (I use medium speed, 10 seconds).*

2. Brush the ribs with the sauce and leave to marinate for 12 hours (closed).

3. Grill until tender, or in an oven preheated to 180 C, about 80-100 minutes.

I had chicken thighs, so I reduced the baking time to 30 minutes. The sauce did not puree.
I also took the cake recipe from Alena's blog. In fact, all the pizza from her various recipes came together x)


  • 80 g wholemeal flour

  • 20 g wheat flour(rye)

  • 60 g of warm water + 1 tbsp. spoon

  • 5 g fresh yeast (3 g dry)

  • 0.5 tsp salt

  • ¼ tsp sugar + pinch

  • 1 tbsp olive oil.

1. Mix yeast, 1 tbsp. water and a pinch of sugar. Leave for 15 minutes in a warm place, covered with a towel.

2. Mix sugar, olive oil and water. Sift flour into a large bowl, add salt. Make a well in the center, pour in the yeast and the mixture of sugar, oil and water. Mix with a fork to form a dough. Transfer it to a lightly floured surface and knead the dough for 5-10 minutes until smooth. If necessary, add a little water or flour.

Roll the dough into a ball, brush with a little olive oil, make a cross cut on top, put in a bowl, cover with a damp kitchen towel and leave for 1.5-2 hours in a warm, draft-free place until doubled in size.

3. Stretch the dough in the shape of a circle, grease the baking sheet with olive oil, transfer the layer to the baking sheet and cover with a damp cloth. Leave in a warm place for 25-30 minutes, or at least while preparing the filling.

Tomato sauce
again, from Alena) I already made pizza with him once, I liked it very much - so I decided to repeat

500 peeled fresh tomatoes, without seeds (or prepared 100% tomato pulp)

1 small onion

3 garlic cloves

1 small chili pepper

1 bunch basil

3-4 sprigs of thyme(dried)

1 tsp dried oregano

2 tbsp olive oil

salt, black pepper, freshly ground black pepper, paprika, to taste


1. Heat the olive oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Finely chop the garlic, fry for 30 seconds. Finely chop the chili, add to the garlic, fry for another 30 seconds.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes, add to the garlic and chili. Fry over medium heat for 4-5 minutes.

3. Cut the peeled tomatoes into cubes and add to the vegetables along with thyme leaves and oregano. Cook the sauce over low heat for 30 minutes. Add some water if necessary.

4. After 30 minutes puree the sauce by adding basil leaves. Salt, pepper and cook for another 4-5 minutes. Cover the sauce with a lid and leave to cool at room temperature.

Store the finished sauce in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

And now it all turns into pizza :)

  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.

  2. Disassemble the chicken into fibers

  3. Put the tomato sauce, shredded cheese, chicken (and everything it was baked with: baked onions become wonderful in this company) on the cake.

  4. Reduce oven temperature to 230 degrees and bake pizza for 15 minutes.

Yes, it turned out to be so spontaneous, wrong and even completely un-Italian ... Which did not stop us from shamelessly eating the whole thing together, without blinking an eye and quietly surprised at how the salty cheese and light spiciness of tomato sauces fit in - and the one in which the chicken was baked, and the second. It has a rich and slightly unusual taste.

The secret of delicious and fragrant pizza lies in the most harmonious combination of proportions and taste of the ingredients. The variety of toppings amazes even the most sophisticated gourmets: there are classic tomatoes with Provence herbs, meat delicacies, seafood, and assorted vegetables or fruits. Despite the great variety in the choice of fillings, only one ingredient remains unchanged - cheese. It is he who gives the pizza an unsurpassed taste and aroma, and its golden crust allows you to save juiciness.

So what kind of cheese to use for pizza to stretch and bake with a delicious crispy crust? Approaching the choice of types of cheese for pizza, you need to be guided not only by its taste, but also by how it will be combined with the main ingredients of your pizza. Do not forget that the wrong choice of cheese can completely ruin your dish.


Choose predominantly hard or semi-hard cheeses. Their sufficient moisture and elasticity contributes to the formation of appetizing stretching strings.


Cheese must be grated and spread on pizza in even layers. Since real pizza is cooked at high temperatures in a short time, the cheese does not have time to completely melt or dry, which allows it to take on an appetizingly gooey form.


It is best to store cheeses in a separate container, away from other products, especially sausages with pungent odors. The freshness of cheese is the key to your culinary success.

In the diversity of the cheese world and its vast geography, one can get confused. Let's figure out which cheese is best for pizza so that it stretches and blends harmoniously with your filling.

  • The classic cheese for Italian pizza, for many centuries, is white Mozzarella cheese. It is a 100% natural product based on milk and cheese ferment, without the use of additives. It has a delicate, slightly fresh taste and elastic shape with a layered texture. This cheese retains its softness and soaks the pizza dough, connecting the whole dish together and harmoniously shading the taste of the filling. It is worth noting that it is better not to rub the mozzarella, but spread it on pizza in thin layers.
  • Another Italian cheese that pairs perfectly with meat fillings is Parmesan. Its pungent and salty goat's milk flavor pairs well with chicken or bacon.
  • Swiss Emmental cheese, also great with Italian pizza. It is a semi-hard cheese with a delicate creamy taste and a floral aroma that opens up when melted.
  • English Cheddar cheese is best paired with mozzarella, as this will result in a crust that is not too baked and has enough bubbles.
  • Dutch Gouda will fill your pizza with a creamy flavor with a sweetish nutty touch and will perfectly set off your vegetable topping.
  • Adyghe cheese, which can be found in Russia, resembles Italian Mozzarella in texture and taste. It is an ideal pizza cheese that stretches when baked and gives off a subtle, pleasant flavor.
  • If you like a golden crust, then it is better to give your preference to the Georgian Suluguni cheese. It will give your pizza a specific spicy taste.

On you will discover the whole palette of taste subtleties and among the many options and combinations, make a choice in favor of your ideal pizza.

Video on the topic of the article. Mozzarella cheese for pizza

Pizza is perhaps the most popular Italian dish. It is easy to cook at home, and the variety of fillings is amazing. Meanwhile, to get a really tasty dish, it is important to choose the right pizza cheese. An incorrectly selected ingredient can spoil the dish or make it outwardly unattractive.

There are some rules for choosing a creamy product that should be followed in order to get a truly delicious meal.

The best choice for a dish with any filling is hard and semi-hard varieties, mostly with a neutral flavor that will not clog or conflict with other ingredients.

If you want Italian food right now, but the varieties described above were not at home, there is a way out. Ordinary cheese can be perfectly replaced with brynza, feta, Adyghe or suluguni. In extreme cases, dryish cottage cheese is suitable, which is pre-flavored with a small amount of seasonings to make it more expressive. It melts perfectly in the oven and creates a delicious crust on the surface of the pizza.

Classic Italian pizza cheese

The original recipe always uses only one type of cheese - mozzarella. This product is ideal for pizza: it has a neutral, mild taste and does not distort the perception of other ingredients. In addition, mozzarella melts perfectly and remains viscous even after the dish has cooled.

Another variety of suitable product is Parmesan. It has a tart taste with distinct milky notes, melts well and remains soft after the pizza is taken out of the oven and served.

Using the above components, you can be sure of the taste of the final result.

What cheeses are included in four cheese pizza

A distinctive feature of this dish is a minimum of ingredients. Only the actual dough, tomato sauce and four types of cheese are used here. They are selected in such a way that their tastes not only combine, but also shade each other.

As a rule, the following types of creamy ingredient are used in such a dish:

  1. Emmental, cheddar or gouda. All of these varieties have a mild, slightly sweet creamy taste, melt well and go well with other ingredients.
  2. Blue mold product. It can be either Gorgonzola or Dorblu. Such a component has a tart taste and aroma, avoiding blandness in the finished dish.
  3. Parmesan and mozzarella. Both are classic pizza cheese varieties, one softer and more neutral, the other tart and flavorful. Their combination gives the finished dish a unique taste and aroma.

It doesn't matter how you put the creamy component on the dough. You can lay out the cheese both in layers and in sectors. It is allowed to mix all 4 varieties and evenly distribute over the surface of the tomato sauce.

Melted product for baking

Despite the great temptation to use processed cheese in an Italian dish, you should not do this. The fact is that this creamy product contains many additives that are responsible for its softness and prevent hardening. When heated, the ingredient can behave unpredictably and form a substance more like slime on the surface of the filling.

However, many housewives speak positively about the use of smoked sausage cheese in pizza. The ingredient is cut into thin slices and spread evenly over the filling. After baking, the cheese remains viscous, while giving the finished dish interesting flavor notes.

The melted component is not an unequivocal taboo for pizza, you can try experimenting with different varieties of the product and choose the best option.

Using mozzarella cheese

This is the best option for pizza.

It is important to follow some rules when choosing and using a product:

  1. The component must be fresh. An ingredient that is past its expiration date may have an unpleasant aftertaste, which will adversely affect the taste of the pizza.
  2. It is best to give preference to a product packaged in vacuum packaging and in the form of a bar. It will not be too wet, while its taste remains on top.
  3. Great if you can buy a product made from buffalo milk. Such a component will give the dish a light creamy flavor, it goes well with tomatoes and basil.
  4. During the melting process, the mozzarella evenly coats the filling, binding all the ingredients together and giving the pizza its famous flavor.
  5. It is best to cut the product into small pieces or slices and spread evenly over the filling for better melting.

It should not be discounted that this variety contains a large amount of vitamins, therefore it will bring undoubted benefits to the body even after heat treatment.

Suluguni for pizza

Suluguni is a good alternative to mozzarella. This component has a dense, slightly layered structure, creamy salty taste and milky aroma. When heated, the product melts easily, creating a uniform layer on the surface of the Italian food, which begins to stretch when cut.

It is best to chop the ingredient before use rather than cut into slices. Then it will melt faster and more evenly and will bind together all the other components of the Italian dish.

When to put cheese on pizza

The creamy product is always laid out on the filling before sending the dish to the oven.

In this case, you should follow some rules:

  1. If it is decided to use mozzarella, then the cheese is cut into thin slices of the same size and spread evenly on the surface of the pizza, avoiding the formation of large areas not covered with cheese.
  2. When using Adyghe cheese, suluguni or feta, the best way out is to finely chop these ingredients and evenly distribute them over the surface of the pizza.
  3. In the case of hard or semi-hard varieties, you need to grate the required amount of the product on a grater and evenly distribute it over the surface of the pizza.
  4. Parmesan should be pre-chopped and sprinkled with the filling of the dish in an even layer.

In some cases, it makes sense to lay out the cheese some time before the end of baking. This is done in cases where it is necessary to bake the dough well, or a thick layer of filling is used. Such a dish with a stretch can be attributed to the classic pizza, and the cheese is laid out later in order to avoid its excessive drying and burning.

What kind of cheese to use for pizza to stretch?

As mentioned above, mozzarella cheese is a classic option, it is he who creates thin stretching threads when cutting the dish.

If the original product is difficult to buy, you can use Russian cheese. It has a neutral and mild taste, melts well, does not burn and creates long stretching threads when eating an Italian delicacy.

Which cheese is better for pizza, each housewife decides for herself. There are classic solutions and preferred options, but nothing prevents you from experimenting with new varieties and varieties of a creamy product and choosing it depending on your own preferences.

How to make pizza calzone:
1. Pizza dough is always very easy to make. The main thing is not to invent anything. No eggs, beer, milk or sour cream. Flour with water - 3: 1, salted, poured yeast, a little sugar, poured olive oil. All! You can do it with cold water, you can do it with warm water. We knead the dough, let it rise, and work with it.
2. Pizza sauce: fry a clove of garlic, discard it; fry the onion until transparent, add tomatoes, basil, oregano, salt, pepper; warm up and punch with a blender.
3. The filling today decided to be like this: onions are fried with mushrooms and garlic.
4. Place the onions and mushrooms on the rolled out dough. Hands picked fresh basil into the filling, poured with sauce, sprinkled with plenty of cheese. I like suluguni in pizza more than mozzarella. We close the pizza for a pie.
5. I preheated the oven to 275 degrees and installed a pizza stone in it. An important point: you need to bake closer to the top shade. I installed it on the penultimate place from the top. Turn on convection mode.
6. After three minutes, the top of the pizza is heavily browned. Pour the pizza sauce over the top of the calzone pizza and sprinkle with a little cheese. And for one more minute.
7. Next, cut the calzone pizza into portions and consume.
Bon appetit!

Usually pizza is cooked with hard cheese, but recently I tried to replace it with suluguni. I must admit that in this version, pizza has become even richer and more satisfying. I recommend cooking it!

Here is a simple recipe for making pizza with suluguni cheese. I use store-bought pizza dough. Dried garlic is great as a main spice. The filling is: marinated champignons, cherry tomatoes and suluguni cheese. Happy cooking!

Servings Per Container: 2-3

A simple recipe for homemade suluguni cheese pizza step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour. Contains only 155 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Amount of calories: 155 kilocalories
  • Servings: 11 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Baking, Pizza

Ingredients for six servings

  • Champignons - 200 Grams (marinated)
  • Mayonnaise - 1 Art. spoon
  • Cherry tomatoes - 15 Pieces
  • Suluguni cheese - 100 Grams
  • Garlic - 100 Grams
  • Pizza blank - 1 piece

Step by step cooking

  1. Lubricate the pizza blank with mayonnaise. We spread the champignons, cut into slices, on it.
  2. Slice the tomatoes.
  3. We put the tomatoes on the pizza. Sprinkle with dried granulated garlic.
  4. Suluguni rub on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the top of the pizza with cheese.
  5. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Bon appetit!
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