Cucumber salad for the winter recipes. Cucumber salad “Gardener's Joy”. Crispy cucumbers for the winter with peppers and carrots

Preparing cucumber salads is an excellent occasion for culinary experiments and a great opportunity to diversify the winter menu.

At the height of summer sunsets, the kitchens of all housewives turn into mini-factories for preserving seasonal gifts of nature. “Summer feeds winter,” people say and fill pantries, cellars and basements with treasured jars of preparations that will make your mouth water in the summer. Canning increases the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, and, accordingly, the vitamins with which the summer bestowed them will live in almost their entire composition in the jar.

Cucumber salad– one of the most popular winter preparations. Cucumbers are wonderful, both “single” and in combination with other vegetables. There are a great many variations on this theme. With tomatoes, cabbage, onions, peppers or carrots, cucumbers acquire a new taste, and the color palette makes this preparation look like summer itself. This is how sweet and sour, spicy or delicate salad compositions are born.

And don’t be afraid of experiments where you can replace one ingredient with another. If you don't like onions, replace them with garlic. The family doesn’t like carrots - let the bell pepper add color and flavor to the cucumber salad. If you love spicy seasonings, light up your cucumbers with hot chili peppers - cucumbers love spicy spices. A handful of basil, rosemary or coriander will give the salad a piquant taste and, perhaps, this will become the very highlight that will determine your unique culinary style.

Most cucumber salad recipes are prepared using simple technology. Vegetables are cut into equal slices, sticks, washers, and the jars are filled in layers or mixed. The whole assortment is filled with marinade with the addition of all kinds of spices, herbs or herbs. The most commonly used ingredients are dill, garlic and hot pepper.

Below is a selection of proven cucumber salad recipes. There are those that have already stood the test of time and the taste of several generations, and those that were created taking into account modern culinary experiments. And, despite the fact that a similar set of vegetables wanders from one recipe to another, the proportion, cutting shape and some secrets of product combinations will allow you to enrich each salad with an individual and unique taste.

9 recipes for cucumber salads for the winter

Recipe 1. A simple and quick recipe for cucumber salad for the winter

Ingredients for half-liter jars (10 pcs.): 6 kilograms of fresh cucumbers, 300 grams of dill, 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, 9 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 13 tbsp. spoons 9% vinegar, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 cup refined sunflower oil.

This is the easiest cucumber salad recipe. It perfectly preserves the freshness of cucumbers for winter feasts. You open the jar and the salad is ready, and the summer cucumber aroma floats throughout the house.

Rinse fresh cucumbers (of any size and shape) in cold water and trim off the noses and tails. Cut into thin slices. Wash and chop the dill. Place cucumbers and herbs in a saucepan and mix well with spices, vinegar and oil. Leave it alone for a while so that the flavors combine and the cucumbers release their juice. As soon as the “marinade” appears, put the vegetables on the stove. Boil, stirring gently. Cook until the cucumbers acquire their characteristic color and smell. This will take 7 minutes. At this time, sterilize the lids and jars. Place the cucumber preparation in glass and roll it up. Wrap the jars in warm clothes and leave to warm up for a day. Afterwards, put it in the pantry until the coming winter.

Recipe 2. Cucumber and tomato salad

Ingredients for 5 half-liter jars: 1 kilogram of cucumbers, 1 kilogram of tomatoes, 1 head of garlic, 10 grams of peppercorns, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 100 milliliters of vinegar.

First cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts, and then into 1.5-2 centimeter cubes. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and immediately plunge into ice water. This shock “bath” will allow the tomatoes to easily get rid of the skin. This procedure is mandatory, otherwise the skin will separate during heat treatment and will spoil the taste and appearance of the workpiece. Cut the tomatoes into 4 slices, cut out the white center and also divide into cubes. Peel the garlic and chop coarsely. Transfer the ingredients into a large container, mix and leave for half an hour so that the vegetables become friends. As soon as they are covered with their own juice, the vessel must be placed on high heat and the contents quickly brought to a boil. There is no need to worry that the cucumbers will cook. The secret is that it is the rapid boiling of the vegetable mass in its own juice that will allow the cucumbers to remain dense and crispy. As soon as the salad ingredients boil, add pepper, pour in vinegar, let it boil again and remove the pan from the hot surface. In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can add bay leaf, dried oregano or basil. These herbs will imbue the salad with the aroma of the sunny coast of Italy. If your soul asks for a fiery Mexican flavor, then you can add a couple of drops of Tabasco sauce or chopped chili pepper to the vegetables. Place the prepared cucumber-tomato salad in sterilized jars and roll up. Hide the workpiece while still hot in a warm place and let it warm up well under the influence of its own temperature. The next day, the salad can be stored in the cellar. The sample can be taken within a day or two, but provided that it cools for a couple of hours in a cold place.

Recipe 3. Cucumber salad for the winter Winter King

Ingredients for 10-12 half-liter jars: 5 kilograms of cucumbers, 1 kilogram of onions, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoon of salt, 100 ml of 9% vinegar, peppercorns.

Wash the cucumbers in cool water. Trim the “limbs” and chop into thin half rings. Peel the onion from dry layers, rinse and also cut into half rings. Disassemble into separate segments. Mix the vegetables in a bowl and let them soak in their own juices for 30 minutes. In a large container, combine everything for the marinade: vinegar, sugar, pepper. Pour in the infused cucumbers and onions. Stir well so that the marinade is distributed evenly and each piece can drink enough of it. Place the pan over high heat, allowing the liquid to quickly boil. Reduce the temperature and cook the salad mixture over low heat until the cucumbers change color. Remove the finished salad from the stove and quickly place it in hot, sterile jars. Fill the jars to capacity or so that the marinade completely absorbs the cucumbers. Cover with sterile lids and tighten. Be sure to turn the rolls upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and forget about them for at least a day. The “Winter King” should define the “throne” in the most honorable place in the pantry.

Recipe 4. Finger-licking cucumber salad for the winter

Ingredients for half-liter jars: 4 kilograms of fresh cucumbers, 300 grams of parsley, 80 grams of salt, one 200-gram glass of granulated sugar and a glass of 9% table vinegar, 1 teaspoon of crushed black pepper, 1 glass of refined sunflower oil, 1 head garlic

This delicious recipe for winter cucumber salad was obtained in what is called a “big secret”. Therefore, cook, treat your friends and family, but don’t reveal your secrets. Let them come more often... for more.

Wash the greens thoroughly and trim the tails. Cut large cucumbers into cubes: lengthwise into pieces and in half. Small - into 2 parts lengthwise. Place in a saucepan. Sort out a bunch of greens, rinse and chop. Place in the pan with the cucumbers. Add sunflower oil, vinegar, pepper, salt and sugar to this. Cut the garlic into slices and place in the same company. Stir and let the cucumbers steep in the marinade for at least four hours. When the vegetables become juicy and thoroughly marinated, put them in jars, sterilized in the usual way. Pour the marinade over the cucumbers that remains in the pan, cover with lids and sterilize in a large bowl of water for 20-25 minutes. Roll up the jars, wrap them in warm clothes and leave them for a day. Store at the temperature required for preservation.

Recipe 5. Cabbage, cucumber and tomato salad

Ingredients for 3 half-liter jars: 500 grams of cucumbers, 300 grams of tomato, 300 grams of cabbage, 300 grams of yellow bell pepper, 300 grams of onion, 30 grams of salt, 50 grams of olive oil, 60 milliliters of vinegar, 6 allspice peas , 3 cloves, 3 small bay leaves.

Wash the cucumbers, remove the stems and peel large specimens from the thick skin. Cut into slices or quarters. Wash the peppers and remove the stems and seeds. Divide into four parts and then cut into stitches. Chop the cabbage and cut the onion into rings. Cut clean tomatoes in half, then into slices. Mix all vegetables together with olive oil and salt. Let sit until they release their juice. Sterilize the jars over boiling water for 5 minutes, and rinse the lids with boiling water. Place peppercorns, cloves, and bay leaves on the bottom of the glass. Afterwards, add the pickled salad in thick layers. Fill each jar with the resulting vegetable juice almost to the edge of the jar. Cover with lids and place in a suitable container for sterilization for 20-25 minutes. The water in the container should reach the vegetables in the jar. Roll up the salad, cover with a blanket, and leave until completely cooled. This salad can be stored in a cool, dark room, but not for long. Often the vitamin preparation leaves without waiting for winter.

Recipe 6. Nezhinsky cucumber salad for the winter

Ingredients for 4 half-liter jars: 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers, 800 grams of onions, 50 grams of dill.
For the marinade: for each half-liter jar you will need: 0.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar, 2 black allspice peas, 1 bay leaf.

This famous salad has a Soviet past. Identical jars were sold in identical grocery stores throughout the Union. But the total shortage dealt with Nezhinsky - the canned food disappeared from store shelves. That’s when the homemade recipe for my favorite salad was born.

Cut the washed cucumbers into extremely thin slices. Peel the onion, rinse with water and also cut into thin rings. Finely chop the washed dill. You can use other greens for the salad, but dill gives cucumbers the most delicate taste. Place allspice peas, salt, sugar, bay leaves in sterilized jars and pour in vinegar according to the proportion. Arrange cucumbers, onions and dill in layers. Pour boiling water over the vegetable mixture, barely adding to the top of the necks. Cover the jars with salad with lids and place them in a large container for sterilization for 10 minutes. Roll up the finished pieces. Wrap the delicate salad warmly and leave to warm for 12-24 hours. Store in a cool place, and season with aromatic sunflower oil before serving.

Recipe 7. Cucumber salad without sterilization

Ingredients for half-liter jars: 3 kilograms of cucumbers, 155 grams of salt, 155 grams of dry mustard, 5 allspice peas, horseradish root, a bunch of dill, a head of garlic, 5-6 cherry or currant leaves.

This original recipe not only does not require sterilization, but also contains ingredients that will make the cucumbers taste “like from a barrel.”

Sterilize glass containers over a steam bath or in an oven. Place washed and prepared into jars: garlic cloves, pepper, horseradish cubes, fruit leaves, dill. Place washed and sliced ​​cucumbers on top. Dissolve salt in water and pour cucumber jars. Cover everything with dry mustard and cover with gauze or a napkin. Leave in a dark place until the cucumbers begin the fermentation process. As soon as the characteristic foamy bubbles and smell appear, seal the jars with pre-sterilized sealing lids. Store cucumbers “from the barrel” in a cellar or cold basement.

Recipe 8. Cucumber salad for the winter in Georgian style

Ingredients for 7 liter jars: 5 kilograms of cucumbers, 2 kilograms of tomatoes, a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 300 grams of garlic, 250 milliliters of 9% vinegar, spices to taste and desire: suneli hops, coriander, black and red pepper, allspice, chili.

Canning will not take much time. Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half and remove the stem. Cut into slices and put into a meat grinder (if the fruits are dense, you can grate them on a coarse grater). Cut off the noses and tails of the washed cucumbers and cut into slices no thicker than 5 cm. Pour the tomato pulp into a container, add salt and vegetable oil. Bring to a boil over high heat, lower the temperature and simmer covered over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Place chopped garlic into the hot tomato mixture and pour in vinegar. Stir. The next stage is cucumbers. Place them in a saucepan along with the remaining spices. Stir again and bring to a boil. Cook until the cucumbers lighten, but for at least 10 minutes. Arrange the spicy cucumbers in tomatoes in jars treated with boiling water to the top, roll up with sterilized lids. The sharp preparation is ready. Wrap it in a “fur coat” and leave it for a day. Store at a temperature not lower than room temperature. Serve with deli meats.

Recipe 9. Korean cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for 6 liter jars: 4 kilograms of cucumbers, 1 kilogram of carrots, a glass (250 g): vegetable oil, sugar and 9% vinegar, 100 grams of salt, 3-4 heads of garlic, Korean carrot seasoning - 15 grams.

Wash medium-sized cucumbers and cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces, and again in half. Trim the stalks and spouts first. Grind clean carrots on a grater for a “loin”. Prepare the marinade: combine vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices. Press the garlic through a garlic press. In a large bowl where the cucumbers are waiting, add carrots, garlic and marinade with spices. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Place the cucumber-carrot salad in dry sterile jars, cover with the same lids and place in a saucepan. Carefully pour water up to the shoulders of the cans and bring to 100 degrees. From the minute they boil, keep half-liter jars for 10 minutes, liter jars for 15. Roll up with a wrench or screw on the lids. To warm up the Korean cucumbers well, insulate them for a day. Place in a place hidden from sunlight.

Every recipe has cooking secrets. Cucumber salad preparations are no exception.

  1. If the cucumbers have been sitting for several days, have wilted and lost their elasticity, they should be soaked for several hours in chilled water. The crunch will return.
  2. A bitter cucumber can be declassified by tasting the darkest part of it.
  3. Cucumbers with pimply skin are better suited for preparations.
  4. To prevent the glass from breaking during sterilization, place a cloth napkin on the bottom of the vessel with water.
  5. Only rock salt should be used for salads. Another may soften the cut vegetables too much, and contribute to the deterioration of the preservation process.

Cucumber salad is enviably popular. Having several types of such salad in the pantry for the winter, the hostess can always be calm that she already has one dish ready for the arrival of guests. Canned vegetable salads will be a wonderful appetizer for your everyday or holiday table.

But how delicious it is to get a jar of salad from different vegetables. Moreover, such salads can be prepared from all the vegetables that ripen in the garden beds. I think that a cucumber salad for the winter will also come in handy.

Today I want to offer you some delicious cucumber recipes. It is better to roll such salads into small jars to open and eat immediately. And any cucumbers will be useful for salads, even large ones, because we will cut them into small pieces. You can prepare such salads only from cucumbers, or you can combine them with other vegetables.

Cucumber salad for the winter “Winter King” (no sterilization required)

When I prepared this salad for the first time, I understood where its name and popularity came from. We often get tired of canning with sterilization and a long process. And this salad is prepared extremely simply and quickly, and no sterilization is required. And the ingredients are very simple, you always have them on hand.


  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • onion - 100 gr.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar - 20 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 50 gr.
  • black pepper - 1/2 tsp.
  • garlic to taste
  1. Cut the cucumbers into slices, the onion into half rings and put them in a saucepan. Add salt and sugar. Stir and leave to stand for 30-40 minutes.

2. Pour vegetable oil, vinegar into the pan and add ground black pepper. Mix cucumbers with spices. Adjust the amount of pepper yourself, but do not forget that we will also add chili pepper.

3. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Add chili pepper and chopped garlic to the boiling salad. I don’t specifically specify the amount of garlic in the recipe, adjust it yourself. 2 cloves is enough for me. Boil the salad for 3-4 minutes over low heat

4. The salad is ready. Place the hot salad in sterilized jars and secure with metal lids. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket. Keep it this way until the salad cools completely.

Cucumber salad for the winter “You'll lick your fingers”

The composition of the salad is even simpler than the previous one; it is prepared only from cucumbers. It can be eaten immediately after preparation, or it can be prepared for the winter. You can safely use large, overgrown cucumbers in this recipe.


  • cucumbers – 2 kg
  • garlic - 1 head
  • parsley - bunch
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1/2 cup
  • vinegar 9% - 1/2 cup
  • vegetable oil - 50 gr.
  • black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. For this salad, we cut the cucumbers in half crosswise, and then lengthwise into 4 or 6 strips.

If cucumbers have hard skin, it is better to peel it

2. Place the cucumbers in a deep bowl, add ground black pepper, salt and sugar.

3. Pour in vinegar and vegetable oil. Finely chop the garlic and parsley and add to the salad.

4. Mix well and leave the salad for 4-5 hours. During this time, the cucumbers will give juice and marinate. You can already eat them.

5. But if you want to prepare it for the winter, you will need to heat-treat it. Place the saucepan with the salad over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

6. That’s it, the salad is ready, all that remains is to put it in sterilized jars and roll it up with metal lids.

Cucumber salad for the winter “Nezhinsky” (no sterilization required)

Another great cucumber salad recipe. Please note that there is quite a lot of onions here, approximately in a ratio of 1:3. But the salad is prepared just as simply as the previous ones. And you can also use overgrown cucumbers, which are not suitable for pickling whole.


  • cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • onions - 400-500 gr.
  • dill or parsley - 50 gr.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  • allspice - 4-5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp.
  1. Even for salad, it is still better to keep cucumbers in cold water for at least an hour. After this, wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut into rings or half rings.

2. Cut the onions into half rings, add salt and mix with cucumbers. Leave for 30 minutes so that the cucumbers release their juice.

3. Place spices in a separate pan - peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf and mustard seeds. Add sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.

4. The cucumbers and onions have already given juice, pour the vegetable mixture into the pan, stir and put on fire. Chop the greens and add to the cucumbers.

5. Bring to a boil and then boil for 5 minutes. Don't forget to stir. During heating, the cucumbers will change their bright green color to a darker color and become transparent.

6. That's all, all that remains is to put the salad into jars and close the lids. Don't forget to turn the jars over and wrap them in something warm.

Empty jars must be pre-sterilized if you do not want to sterilize them along with the preparation

Cucumber salad for the winter with tomato paste - you'll lick your fingers

A wonderful appetizer made from cucumbers can be prepared quickly and easily, and the taste is excellent. Moreover, you can use larger cucumbers that do not fit whole in the jar. I can assure you that such a snack will disappear from your shelves instantly - I tested it myself.


  • cucumbers – 2 kg
  • water - 1 liter
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • tomato sauce “Chili” - 10 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass
  • dill
  • black peppercorns
  • garlic

  1. IN clean jars, add a sprig of dill, a few black peppercorns and a clove of garlic. Spicy lovers can also add a piece of hot pepper.

2. For this appetizer, you can cut the cucumbers into slices, but I tried just cutting the cucumber lengthwise into 4 pieces. Place the cucumbers tightly in the jars. It is best to place them vertically - this way a lot of cucumbers fit into the jar.

3. Prepare the marinade. To do this, add sugar, salt, pepper and vinegar to boiling water. You can use any tomato paste, but I use spicy tomato sauce “Chili”. It is better to stir the sauce first in a small amount of marinade so that all the lumps dissolve. Then mix all the ingredients and let the marinade cook for a couple of minutes. Pour the marinade into jars.

4. Place the jars in hot water, bring the water to a boil and sterilize for 10-15 minutes (time for 0.75 - 1.0 liter jars). We also lower the lids into boiling water for a few minutes. We twist the jars and turn them over.

Cucumber salad for the winter in Korean

Another awesome salad that most likely deserves special attention is Korean cucumber salad. Quite a spicy appetizer and now there are many recipes for this cucumber salad.

Cucumber and carrot salad for the winter is to die for

This salad of cucumbers with carrots, onions and garlic can rightfully be called vitamin-rich. If you think there is too much vinegar in the recipe, reduce the amount and the salad will become more tender. I recommend making this salad for the winter.


  • cucumbers – 4 kg
  • carrots - 500 gr.
  • onions - 500 gr.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • dill seeds - 10 gr.
  • sugar - 180 gr.
  • salt - 100 gr.
  • vinegar 9% - 300 ml
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.

1. Cut the cucumbers for this salad lengthwise into 4 - 8 pieces (depending on the size of the cucumbers). If the cucumbers are large, then you can cut them in half crosswise, and then lengthwise.

2. Grate the carrots into strips on a special grater, as for Korean carrots. If you don’t have such a grater, you can cut it into thin strips.

3. Cut the onion into rings or half rings. Pass the garlic through a press.

4. Combine all ingredients, mix, add salt, sugar, dill seeds, bay leaf, vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix everything well and leave for 2 hours at room temperature. It is advisable to stir the salad a couple of times during this time.

5. No more heat treatment. Simply put the salad in pre-sterilized jars, cover the top with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Then we roll up the metal lids, turn the jars over and cover with a warm blanket.

It is advisable to store this salad in a cool place.

Cucumbers with honey - salad recipe for the winter

Honey and turmeric give this salad its original taste. If you are looking for new recipes, then this one is for you.


  • cucumbers – 2 kg
  • water - 1 liter
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass
  • turmeric - 1 tsp.
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • black and allspice pepper
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bay leaf
  • dill
  1. Place dill, bay leaf, pepper and garlic at the bottom of the jars.

2. Cut the cucumbers into circles and place them in jars.

3. Prepare the marinade, add salt, sugar, turmeric and honey to boiling water. Lastly, add vinegar.

4. Pour the marinade into jars, cover with lids and leave to stand for about 1 hour.

5. After this, sterilize the jars in boiling water for 10-15 minutes and screw on the lids.

Winter cucumber salad in Georgian style

I think you will also like this cucumber salad recipe. After all, Georgian cuisine has long delighted us with its delicious recipes.

As you can see, we can preserve the taste of summer with the help of ordinary cucumbers for a long time, until the next harvest. All cucumber salads are so varied that it is better to make preparations for the winter using several recipes at once. Cook with pleasure and love, and I’m sure your family will love you even more when they see such beautiful jars.

Recipes for cucumbers for the winter are very diverse. Cucumbers can be preserved whole or sliced, in salads, and even made into cucumber jam. But almost every recipe for rolling cucumbers can be described either as a recipe for pickling cucumbers (sourdough) or as a recipe for pickled cucumbers.

Preserving cucumbers without vinegar is called pickling or sourdough. How to pickle cucumbers? Before you pickle cucumbers, keep in mind that pickling cucumbers takes time - pickling cucumbers takes place within 3-10 days. Cold pickling of cucumbers means soaking cucumbers in cooled brine. And for quick salting, the brine for cucumbers is preheated. Pickling cucumbers with vodka preserves their color. Dry salting of cucumbers is very interesting - in this case, cucumbers sprinkled with salt release juice, no water is used. Pickling cucumbers in the classic version means pickling cucumbers in a barrel, preferably an oak one. The recipe for barrel cucumbers is simple, but it is the wooden barrel that gives the cucumbers a special taste - pickled cucumbers cannot be confused with anything else! Pickled cucumbers are often stored without additional heat treatment in a cool, dry place. But canning cucumbers is also possible - after salting, they are placed in jars, filled with hot brine and rolled up. Pickling cucumbers with mustard gives an interesting taste and guarantees that cucumber preparations will not “explode.”

Pickling cucumbers - twisting cucumbers with the addition of vinegar. How to pickle cucumbers? The marinade for cucumbers is brought to a boil, then the cucumbers previously placed in jars are poured over them and sterilized. You can also pickle cucumbers with citric acid.

Pickled crispy cucumbers, delicious pickled cucumbers with mustard are indispensable on the winter holiday table. A cucumber salad for the winter will also come to the aid of the housewife. Canning cucumber salads, pickling cucumbers for the winter, pickling cucumbers in jars, canning cucumbers - the recipes for all these preparations are varied and allow us to diversify our menu.

From the recipes on our website you will learn detailed answers to questions: how to roll cucumbers, how to pickle cucumbers in jars, how to pickle cucumbers correctly, how to make a canned cucumber salad, how to roll cucumbers in tomato sauce. And also how to make crispy canned cucumbers, how to wrap pickled cucumbers for the winter, how to prepare pickled crispy cucumbers and pickled cucumbers for the winter, and even how to wrap canned cucumbers with ketchup and canned cucumbers with mustard. After all, we have hundreds of different recipes for prepared cucumbers, recipes for canned cucumbers, including a recipe for sour cucumbers, a recipe for pickled cucumbers, a recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers, barrel cucumbers, a recipe for pickled cucumbers...

How quickly summer flies by, and especially the season of delicious preparations for the winter. It seems that you can always make it in time, there is still a car of time, and autumn is already literally knocking on the doorstep and the understanding comes that summer is almost gone. And how many interesting recipes could be prepared for the winter.

So, if we have already covered cucumbers in all sorts of ways, in cabbage, in tomato sauce and simply. Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with interesting ways of preparing various salads for the winter from these tasty and no less healthy vegetables.

They, like no other vegetables, perfectly remove excess fluid from our body. They perfectly improve the functioning of the intestinal tract, and most importantly, the high content of vitamin A makes it a valuable product both independently and in combination with other vegetables in various salads.

Cucumber salad - a simple and tasty recipe for the winter

Green fruits for this snack are suitable for completely different degrees of ripeness. Both very young and already overripe vegetables. And the taste of the finished dish comes out with a pleasant crunch, which is suitable both for lunch and as a holiday snack.

Products for cooking:

  • Cucumbers – 4000 grams, after cutting;
  • Onion - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Dill – 50 grams;
  • Vinegar – ¾ cup;
  • Refined butter – 1 glass;
  • Refined sugar – 150 grams;
  • Rock salt – 60 grams.

Let's start cooking:

First of all, cut the cucumbers into arbitrary cubes.

You can do it in a circle, you can do it in a semi-circle, or you can do it with small chopsticks, as your family likes to eat.

The onion is cut into rings and placed in a bowl with cucumbers.

Chop the prepared greens not very finely and mix with other prepared ingredients. We also add granulated sugar, rock salt and vegetable oil. Mix the products as best as possible and leave to steep in a cool place for several hours. It took me about 4.5 hours.

Then put the bowl on medium heat and wait for it to boil. Add table vinegar and boil for exactly five minutes. Stir the cuttings periodically. Pour into pre-sterilized jars.

There is no need to cover this appetizer until it cools, otherwise the finished product will become soft and not crunchy.

Transfer the cooled jars to a cool basement for storage. Cucumber salad. Roll up with tin lids.

Cucumber salad for the winter - the most delicious recipe

The taste of this dish will be appreciated by lovers of piquancy and unusualness, and the simplicity and ease of preparation encourages even the most novice housewives to prepare it.


  • Green fruits – 4000 grams;
  • Greens – 50 grams;
  • Sunflower oil – 250 grams;
  • Table vinegar – 250 grams;
  • Refined sugar – 250 grams;
  • Rock salt – 4 tablespoons;
  • Garlic – 8 cloves;
  • Ground pepper - ½ tablespoon.

Let's start cooking:

Take cucumbers of medium length and thickness. Rinse thoroughly in running water, cut off the ends. Cut into four lengthwise pieces or into equal rings. We put them in a deep container.

Take the greens, wash them and cut them without thick stems.

The recipe requires the use of parsley, but I often replace it with dill, since I like it better, and it turns out just as good.

Chop the garlic cloves as finely as possible.

Mix the chopped ingredients as thoroughly as possible, but try not to break long pieces.

Let the salad sit for about five hours to saturate each other’s juices.

At the same time, we sterilize liter containers and lids. Then we serve the infused salad in them, try to place the fruits vertically. After the vegetables are laid out, pour the remaining juice into them.

Now you need to sterilize the jars with chopped vegetables. We cover the bottom of a huge vat with a cloth, place the jars so that they do not touch the adjacent walls and add water at room temperature, not reaching the neck by about two centimeters. We wait for it to boil and sterilize for fifteen minutes.

After this, using a special key, close the jars with tin lids, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket and wait for them to cool to room temperature.

Cucumber salad recipe is to die for

A very tasty appetizer that instantly disappears from the table. You can even thinly chop large vegetables; this will not spoil the taste of the finished product.

Product composition:

  • Cucumbers – 2000 grams;
  • Drinking water – 1000 grams;
  • Refined sugar – 250 grams;
  • Rock salt – 25 grams;
  • Spicy tomato sauce – 150 grams;
  • Table vinegar – 250 grams;
  • Dill – 1 bunch;
  • Pepper – 10 peas;
  • Garlic - 6 cloves.

Let's start cooking:

We take sterilized containers and put herbs, three peppercorns, and a couple of cloves of garlic in them.

Do you like it spicy? Add another half pod of hot pepper.

We cut the green fruits into long pieces and put them in jars.

Making the fill:

We heat the water, pour granulated sugar, rock salt, pepper and table vinegar into it.

First, thoroughly mix the spicy tomato sauce with a small amount of water, then pour it into the rest of the water.

Boil the filling for four minutes, and then pour it into the jars of vegetables.

Place the containers in a large saucepan and sterilize the liter jars for fifteen minutes. I described the entire sterilization process in detail in the previous recipe.

Then twist the salad and turn it over onto the lids until it cools completely. Next, you should transfer them to the cellar for storage and wait until the winter cold to start tasting this delicious salad.

Delicious cucumber salad without sterilization

Product composition:

  • Cucumbers – 2000 grams;
  • Onion – 0.4 kilograms;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Table vinegar – 40 grams;
  • Salt – 25 grams;
  • Pepper – 9 peas;
  • Greens are at your discretion.

Let's start cooking:

First, soak the green fruits in cold water for at least two hours. This will make the fruits more elastic in the future.

Cut the onion into halves of rings of the same thickness.

Chop any greens and mix the preparations together with rock salt. Set the food aside for an hour to release its juices.

Then put the slices in a large saucepan, add granulated sugar, table vinegar and peppercorns. Boil over low heat. Cook for no more than four minutes.

Pour the hot salad into clean containers and roll up immediately.

By the way, pour the remaining juice into jars too.

I advise you to leave a little for testing; I think you will really like the taste of this cooled salad.

Winter salad with mustard

This quick way of preparing salad differs only in the addition of mustard, but this changes the taste of the dish so much and makes it very tasty. There is simply nothing tastier than salad.

What you will need to prepare:

  • Green fruits – 4500 grams;
  • Table vinegar – 1 glass;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 cup;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • Rock salt – 5 tablespoons;
  • Black pepper – ground 2 tablespoons;
  • Mustard powder – ½ tablespoon;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.

How to cook:

We take medium-sized fruits and cut them into several longitudinal parts.

Sprinkle with all the prepared ingredients at once; for beauty, you can add whole mustard seeds. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for four hours.

Place the finished salad in prepared containers and pour in the remaining juice.

Sterilize the jars for exactly ten minutes, roll up the tin lids,

turn the lids down and leave until cool. The salad is soaked for about a day, and then you can safely take a sample from them. Bon appetit!

Cooking with Irina Khlebnikova

I always watch all of Irina’s videos with interest. Very detailed, interesting and every time the dishes turn out very appetizing and aromatic in taste. Therefore, after seeing her method of preparing cucumber salad for the winter, I decided to definitely include it in my selection of recipes.

In general, such salads are prepared quite simply and quickly, so after finishing covering whole fruits with various options, I definitely start preparing salads.

Well, that’s all for today, I hope after watching the video recipe you will see how simple it is and will definitely want to please your family by preparing cucumber salad for the winter.

And if you prepare this appetizer in your own interesting way, then write to me in the comments, and I will be happy to try to cook the same way. Until we meet again, my friends.

Cucumbers in tomatoes for the winter

Recently, the trend for cucumber preparations has been unusual combinations. For example, these are cucumbers in tomato-garlic sauce. Try it, it's very tasty!

Pickled cucumbers

An excellent recipe for crispy, fragrant and strong pickled cucumbers for the winter. The jars don't explode, the cucumbers stand perfectly.

Crispy sweet pickled cucumbers

This recipe for cucumbers for the winter has been a hit for the last two or three seasons. When you read, you really are surprised: is it possible to pickle cucumbers in such a strange way? But when you try what happened, you immediately tell yourself: not only is it possible, but it’s necessary! That's the only way it's needed. They crunch so much that words cannot describe them. What kind of cunning recipe is this? Read and find out everything.

Cucumbers with red currants for the winter

A simple recipe for homemade cucumbers and red currants. Marinade with vinegar and honey, a lot of fragrant herbs, a detailed step-by-step recipe that you can use as instructions for preparing pickled cucumbers with other additives.

Crispy pickled cucumbers

An original method of pickling cucumbers, which is suitable for those who immediately make large batches of the preparation in one go. The cucumbers are first soaked in cold water and then immersed in hot vinegar for three minutes. Vinegar is no longer added to jars. Only salt, sugar and spices. The jars are filled with boiling water and immediately rolled up.

Pickled cucumbers

A wonderful recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter, which taste indistinguishable from barrel ones. Cucumbers become vigorous and crispy thanks to the addition of dry mustard and pickling in ice water.

Cucumbers in adjika for the winter

A simple and exceptionally tasty preparation of cucumbers for the winter. Spicy tomato adjika goes perfectly with cucumbers. You can use both gherkins and overgrown cucumbers. You can cut them into circles or medium cubes, as desired.

Danube salad for the winter

Cucumbers are the main ingredient in this version of the Danube salad for the winter. If you use overgrowths, do not forget to remove large seeds from them and then follow the instructions.

Cucumbers in tomatoes are awesome for the winter

This cucumber preparation is so delicious that everyone who tries it will definitely ask you for the recipe. The non-trivial combination of sliced ​​cucumbers with a rich, spicy tomato sauce made from fresh tomatoes and store-bought pasta creates such an interesting taste that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from these cucumbers!

Cucumbers in their own juice for the winter

This method of preparing cucumbers may seem very unusual to some, because instead of boiling the brine, it is made from grated overgrown cucumbers. As a result, cucumbers acquire a rich, fresh taste. The preparation method is cold, without vinegar, only vegetables, spices and salt. Storage - in the cellar.

Pickle of fresh cucumbers with pearl barley for the winter

If you have an abundance of overgrown cucumbers left, or the harvest never tires of delighting you with its abundance, prepare an interesting preparation for the winter from cucumbers - pickle with pearl barley and vegetables. The soup concentrate contains the entire recipe set for pickle, with the exception of meat. One can is enough for a three-liter pan of soup. You can prepare it in winter in about 10 minutes. Isn’t it tempting?

Cold pickled cucumbers for the winter

A classic recipe for cold-method pickles for storage in the cellar or refrigerator. Ideal for your first experience in pickling. The cucumbers turn out fragrant and strong. No vinegar is used.

Cucumber salad for the winter with onions and vegetable oil

The simplest way to prepare substandard cucumbers for the winter. Don't go into the jar? Do they look like objects in Salvador Dali's paintings? No problem! We chop the vegetables finely and prepare a delicious salad from them. And then we hide it away from the male half of the family, since I personally have already gobbled up one jar and didn’t have time to bring it to the pantry.

Pickled cucumbers for storage in an apartment

If you have always been sure that pickles can only be stored in the cellar, in a cool place, otherwise you will definitely have to add vinegar or citric acid to them, then there is a special surprise for you - this technology allows you to prepare real pickles for the winter, which are stored in the most ordinary pantry.

Pickled cucumbers with citric acid

A popular recipe for preparing cucumbers without vinegar. It is simple, does not require sterilization, the only skill that is required from you is pouring boiling water into jars and back from the jars - this procedure will have to be repeated three times. Stock up on a special lid with holes; it is a lifesaver for large volumes of workpieces.

Cucumber lecho for the winter

An extremely tasty winter preparation of cucumbers, which is prepared using lecho technology. I personally was completely surprised that, after boiling in tomato sauce for half an hour, the cucumbers remained strong and crispy.

How to pickle cucumbers with vodka

It is usually recommended to store pickled cucumbers in the cellar, otherwise you have to add vinegar to them, which is why they turn from pickled to pickled. Recipe for pickling cucumbers in jars without vinegar. Vodka and citric acid are used as a preservative.

Bulgarian cucumbers from the USSR

These sweetish, spicy pickled Bulgarian cucumbers were in short supply during Soviet times and seemed impossibly delicious. The secret of their popularity turned out to be simple: the combination of sugar and salt in the marinade (almost 1 to 1) is perceived by our taste buds as one of the most tempting tastes.

“Nezhinsky” cucumber salad for the winter

A delicious cucumber salad for the winter - you'll lick your fingers! The recipe is very simple, sterilization is used. No water is added to the marinade; the cucumbers are obtained in their own juice. And most importantly - they remain crispy!

Recipe for a delicious marinade for cucumbers

Sometimes it takes quite a long time to develop a recipe for the perfect marinade for canned cucumbers. We offer you a ready-made option. The recipe was developed by trial and error. For my taste, this is the optimal combination of salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. Try it yourself!

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