Fish with orange sauce - recipe with photo. Fish in orange-lemon sauce with spices Fish in orange sauce

Spring, healthy eating and only healthy products! Only I am with both hands for the food to be not only healthy, but also certainly tasty!
Have you tried just chewing a leaf of lettuce? How about filling it with at least lemon juice? Not a single drop of salt, not a drop of oil, but already so delicious!
It’s the same with many products - small additions, a successful marinade and an ordinary dish will sound new.
I invite you to rediscover fish. For this recipe, any sea fish is suitable, be it red or white, but red simply looks more elegant in a plate on a green salad bed. No oil (only what is in the fish itself) and almost no salt (only what is in soy sauce, so if you have a salt-free life, choose the one that says “less salt”).
I made this dish with both trout and chum salmon, but personally we especially liked it with salmon.

All the magic of the recipe lies in the amazing marinade; you can season the salad with the same marinade.

For 500 grams of fish you will need:

  • juice of 1 orange
  • 2 tablespoons mustard with grains
  • 2 tablespoons orange jam
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 0.5 teaspoons ground coriander

You can buy a whole fish and cut it into pieces, you can splurge on a perfect fillet without skin and bones, I buy these “puck” steaks, cut them in half, remove the bones and remove the skin. You can leave the steaks like this, but then you will get fewer portions))

Then everything is simple: cut the fish into portions, mix the marinade, dip the fish pieces in it and leave to marinate for 30 minutes (it can be longer if serving the hot dish is delayed).
Then we cover a baking sheet or baking dish with parchment and lay out the pieces of fish, not really trying to shake off all the marinade.
Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the fish for only 15 minutes. It couldn't be faster or easier!

While the fish is baking, rinse the lettuce leaves with running water and dry them with a towel or in a special dryer, tear them into large pieces and pour over the remaining marinade in which the fish was marinated.
For additional ingredients, to create a completely orange mood, for a simple side salad, you can peel the zest from the orange and cut out the pulp (without any hard and bitter films).

Place a piece of fish on a salad bed - tasty, healthy, easy, fast! The fish has time to bake and warm up inside, but remains juicy, soft and not dry at all.

By the way, this is the perfect party backup dish. You can prepare the main course and appetizers and prepare at least a whole baking sheet with such fish. And at the very end of the evening, when the table is empty, but you still want something tasty, you can collect a bunch of likes by surprising your friends with such a delicious dish!
Well, or make this fish the main dish of the table, but bake it only when everyone wants to eat - until everyone is seated. everything will be ready!
And of course it is not necessary to bake such fish exclusively in the oven; grilled is also very tasty!

Have fun!

The invigorating aroma of orange spreads throughout the house, it beckons and calls you to come to the kitchen and ask for at least one slice of this sunny happiness. The orange fruit is amazing: very small, sometimes a little sour, it has won and conquered more than one heart. People's love for this orange fruit is well founded: it contains vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, and also improves tone and mood. What can be made from oranges? “Juice,” you will answer, and you will be right, but today we are not talking about juice, but about its derivative - orange sauce.

Benefits of oranges

Before we talk about sauces, let’s remember once again about the truly magical properties of an apple from China (for this is how the word “orange” is translated):

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • “lifesaver” during the season of colds and viruses;
  • prevention of constipation;
  • protection against infections and prevention of the development of cancer cells;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • weight loss assistant (red orange);
  • a low-calorie way to eat due to the fiber it contains.

The orange fruit has become world famous due to the abundance of vitamins it contains, as well as its unique, refreshing taste, which goes well with fish, meat, duck and sweet dishes such as pancakes.

Sauce options

The versatile taste of orange is an excellent base for a wide variety of dishes. Variations in orange sauce will depend on the choice of main course.

The change of seasons also changes the ingredients of the orange sauce. For example, on cold winter days, orange sauce with cinnamon and ginger will be in order. The resulting spicy taste will complement the Christmas duck and fill the body with pleasant warmth, so necessary on stormy snowy days.

Vitamin deficiency in early spring can completely unsettle you, because the brain so needs useful “doping” for active work. Orange sauce with mustard, herbs and hot chili will come to the rescue. A sauce with the addition of honey will invigorate a dull autumn evening and give the warmth of a summer day and the care of the hot sun.

Recipe for fish

Any housewife can prepare orange sauce for fish. To prepare you need:

  • oranges – 2 pcs.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • cream 20-33% - 2 tbsp.
  • melted butter - 2 tbsp.
  • flour (starch) – 2 tbsp.
  • horseradish, pepper and salt - to taste

Follow the instructions carefully:

  1. Pour boiling water over the oranges, cut off the top orange layer of peel and cut into small strips.
  2. Strain the squeezed juice of two oranges.
  3. Chop the onion as finely as possible and saute it until translucent in a frying pan with butter.
  4. Add flour to the onion. Add a little at a time to prevent lumps from forming.
  5. Stirring constantly, pour the cream and squeezed juice into the frying pan.
  6. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes. Stir while simmering.
  7. Add the chopped zest to the sauce and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  8. We taste and, if necessary, add pepper and salt - the orange sauce is ready!

Recipe for meat

There are many options for sauce for meat and meat dishes. We bring to your attention the most successful universal recipe that even the most picky gourmet will appreciate. It will be necessary:

  • orange – 1 pc.
  • egg yolks – 4 pcs.
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • butter – 100 g
  • mustard, black pepper, salt - to taste

Preparing the sauce is not difficult, but it will require care and attention:

  1. Scald the orange, cut off the top part of the zest (orange) and cut into small strips.
  2. Squeeze the orange juice and strain.
  3. Beat the chicken yolks with a mixer, adding lemon juice and salt.
  4. Pour in orange juice and stir.
  5. All that remains is to add finely chopped zest, mustard, butter (pre-melted) and pepper.
  6. Mix everything well. Orange sauce loves experiments: use new ingredients and seasonings: horseradish, herbs, cloves, cinnamon.
  7. Orange sauce is ready!

Recipe for poultry

How to make orange sauce that would be ideal for poultry? We offer you a simple recipe for duck sauce that will delicately highlight the taste of the meat, help it reveal a new side and give the dish a unique aroma and tenderness. For cooking you need:

  • oranges – 2 small or 1 large
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp.
  • butter – 0.5 tbsp.
  • onion – ½ pc.
  • dry white wine – 50 ml
  • chicken broth – 50 ml
  • honey – 1 tbsp.
  • wheat flour – 0.5 tbsp.
  • vinegar – 15 ml
  • salt, pepper - to taste

We start preparing as follows:

  1. Pour olive oil and butter into a preheated frying pan, sauté finely chopped onion. Fry until translucent.
  2. Squeeze the juice from two oranges.
  3. Pour wine into the fried onions and saute until the wine has completely evaporated.
  4. Add freshly squeezed orange juice, vinegar, honey and pepper and salt to taste to the resulting mass. Simmer the aromatic mixture for about 5 minutes.
  5. Dilute flour in half a glass of warm water and add flour dressing to the sauce.
  6. Boil for a minute and turn off. The aromatic and very piquant orange sauce is ready.

Recipe for sweet dishes

A tall stack of freshly baked pancakes invites friends and family to the table. How to make a delicious dessert even more tempting and unique? Is it really possible to serve orange sauce with pancakes too? It is possible and even necessary, because a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, complemented by a bright orange mood, will truly become a decoration of the table. Orange sauce will be a great addition not only to pancakes, but also to pancakes, cheesecakes, biscuits and waffles. To prepare, you must have the following products in front of you:

  • orange – 2 pcs.
  • honey - 3 tbsp. (can be replaced with sugar)
  • butter – 20 g
  • orange liqueur – 250 ml
  • cinnamon, cloves - to taste

Let's start raising your mood by preparing sunny orange sauce:

  1. Scald the oranges and cut off the orange zest from the fruit and chop finely.
  2. Next, you need to squeeze the juice from two oranges.
  3. Add honey to melted butter. Place the mixture on low heat.
  4. Add liqueur, finely chopped zest and orange juice, stirring.
  5. Cook the sauce for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
  6. Two minutes before removing from heat, add seasonings - cloves and cinnamon.
  7. It is recommended to serve orange sauce cooled.

Features of preparing orange sauce

In order for the orange zest to lose its bitterness, it must be scalded with boiling water. This simple procedure guarantees a complete absence of bitterness when cooking.

Chefs recommend using arrowroot as a thickener. Starch obtained from tubers of plants of the genus Maranta, as well as from tubers of turmeric and other tropical plants, is characterized by an absolute lack of taste, which is ideal for making sauces. Unlike potato or corn starch, arrowroot doesn't leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the tongue and keeps the sauce clear and clean, which will add brightness and juiciness to the orange blossom.

When sautéing, do not overcook the zest, otherwise it will become soft and lose its expressiveness.

When adding starch of any kind, be sure to mix everything thoroughly so that the lumps are completely dissolved. Clots of starch will leave unpleasant memories in the memory even with the excellent taste of the sauce.

The sauce is served exclusively fresh, otherwise there is a possibility of a film forming that will spoil the appearance.

When using meat broths, be sure to skim off the fat while cooking. Excess fat risks “floating” to the surface of the finished sauce, thereby spoiling its beauty and attractiveness.

Oranges are beautiful

Special attention should be paid to serving the sauce. If the sauce is very liquid, then serving it in a gravy boat is optimal. The thick sauce can be served in a variety of ways. The most original is the design of the drawing. Of course, no one expects artistic paintings from you - it is enough to depict something very simple: a mesh of thin threads, dots and other simple patterns. This method of serving with desserts will look very nice.

An original idea would be to serve the roast with orange slices pre-fried with sugar. Appetizing orange slices will not only add aesthetics to your dish, but also make it tastier.

Submission is the main task. It is the key to an excellent appetite, and it is also a visual invitation to the world of unique taste.

Fish cooked in orange sauce turns out much tastier and more original than simply baked in the oven - it is thanks to the fruit marinade that it acquires a piquant sour taste, and the inside remains very tender and deliciously juicy. Let's learn with you some recipes for preparing this fabulous and unusual dish. Mashed potatoes and vegetables, buckwheat, rice or peas are perfect as a side dish.

Sea fish in orange sauce


  • sole fillet - 600 g.

For the sauce:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • corn starch - 1 teaspoon;
  • saffron - a pinch;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - for frying;
  • orange zest;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • parsley.


We offer another option on how to cook fish in orange sauce. Take cornstarch and dilute it with saffron in cold water so that there are no lumps. Squeeze the juice thoroughly from the oranges and lemon.

Add some salt to the fish, fry in olive oil until cooked and transfer to a warm plate. In the same frying pan, quickly fry the chopped garlic and parsley, pour in the juice. Lightly evaporate the liquid, pour in the starch and saffron diluted in water, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous sauce is obtained. Then add a little grated orange zest and mix. Serve the dish to the table, pouring the prepared sauce over the fish.

Recipe for pollock in orange sauce


  • pollock - 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Sesame oil.

For the sauce:

  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 100 ml.


We take fresh fish, remove scales, gut it, rinse thoroughly and cut into small portions about 2 cm wide. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs well, add salt and pepper. Then place the pollock in the egg mixture and leave for 5 minutes. After this, dip each piece in flour mixed with starch and place in a very hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish on all sides until golden brown.

Next, we move on to preparing the sauce: squeeze the juice out of the orange and lemon, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then carefully pour in water with diluted starch and stir until the mixture thickens. Place the finished pieces of pollock on a dish, pour over the sauce and serve.

Red fish in orange sauce


  • salmon steak - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt and pepper.


To prepare salmon steak with orange sauce, take one orange and squeeze the juice out of it. Add lemon juice, a little mustard to it and mix until smooth. We wash the fish well, dry it and rub it with salt and pepper. Then we transfer the salmon pieces into a deep bowl and pour in the previously prepared marinade. Leave for 10-15 minutes so that the fish is properly saturated with fruit juices.

During this time, cover the baking sheet with foil and grease with butter. Wash the remaining orange, cut into thin circles and place on a baking sheet. When the fish is marinated, carefully transfer it to citrus slices and pour the remaining marinade generously on top.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the dish for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked. Serve the finished sweet and sour salmon with your favorite vegetables and side dish.

Recipe fish with orange sauce:

Any sea fish without small bones (pangasius, hake, tilapia, salmon), a whole carcass or fillet pieces is suitable for this dish. Wash the fish fillet or carcass, dry with napkins, cut into small portions.

Line a baking dish with foil and grease the foil with vegetable oil. Place the fish pieces in the mold. Sprinkle them with salt and curry seasoning. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the fish is baking, prepare the orange sauce. It must be said that it not only goes well with fish, especially “fatty” fish, but also perfectly complements any meat or poultry. For meat, we recommend combining orange juice with other ingredients such as mustard and soy sauce. Squeeze the juice from the orange: at least 100-120 ml of orange juice will be needed for the sauce. If this amount of juice is not available, dilute it a little with water. Add 1 tbsp to orange juice. lemon juice.

Dissolve starch in orange juice and stir until lumps are removed.

Heat vegetable oil in a small saucepan and add chopped garlic.

Warm it up for literally 20-25 seconds until a characteristic aroma appears and nothing more. Add chopped parsley to the heated oil.

Pour in orange juice with starch and salt. Stirring, cook the sauce to the desired thickness. Test for sugar; if the orange is not sweet, you may need it.

At the very end, add a little more curry to the sauce and stir. Orange sauce for fish is ready!

Remove the baked fish from the oven, place on a plate and generously pour over the delicious and aromatic orange sauce.

Fish cooked in orange sauce turns out much tastier and more original than simply baked in the oven - it is thanks to the fruit marinade that it acquires a piquant sour taste, and the inside remains very tender and deliciously juicy. Let's learn with you some recipes for preparing this fabulous and unusual dish. Potatoes, buckwheat, rice or peas are perfect as a side dish.

Sea fish in orange sauce


  • sole fillet – 600 g.

For the sauce:

  • orange – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • corn starch - 1 teaspoon;
  • saffron - a pinch;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - for frying;
  • orange zest;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • parsley.


We offer another option on how to cook fish in orange sauce. Take cornstarch and dilute it with saffron in cold water so that there are no lumps. Squeeze the juice thoroughly from the oranges and lemon.

Add some salt to the fish, fry in olive oil until cooked and transfer to a warm plate. In the same frying pan, quickly fry the chopped garlic and parsley, pour in the juice. Lightly evaporate the liquid, pour in the starch and saffron diluted in water, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous sauce is obtained. Then add a little grated orange zest and mix. Serve the dish to the table, pouring the prepared sauce over the fish.

Recipe for pollock in orange sauce


  • pollock – 500 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Sesame oil.

For the sauce:

  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 100 ml.


We take fresh fish, remove scales, gut it, rinse thoroughly and cut into small portions about 2 cm wide. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs well, add salt and pepper. Then place the pollock in the egg mixture and leave for 5 minutes. After this, dip each piece in flour mixed with starch and place in a very hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish on all sides until golden brown.

Next, we move on to preparing the sauce: squeeze the juice out of the orange and lemon, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then carefully pour in water with diluted starch and stir until the mixture thickens. Place the finished pieces of pollock on a dish, pour over the sauce and serve.

Red fish in orange sauce


  • salmon steak – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • orange – 2 pcs.;
  • mustard – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt and pepper.


To prepare with orange sauce, take one orange and squeeze the juice out of it. Add lemon juice, a little mustard to it and mix until smooth. We wash the fish well, dry it and rub it with salt and pepper. Then we transfer the salmon pieces into a deep bowl and pour in the previously prepared marinade. Leave for 10-15 minutes so that the fish is properly saturated with fruit juices.

During this time, cover the baking sheet with foil and grease with butter. Wash the remaining orange, cut into thin circles and place on a baking sheet. When the fish is marinated, carefully transfer it to citrus slices and pour the remaining marinade generously on top.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the dish for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked. Serve the finished sweet and sour salmon with your favorite vegetables and side dish.

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