Homemade chopped sausage. Ham-chopped sausage at home Homemade chopped sausage

The sausages will cook evenly in the oven. Unlike frying in a pan, they are guaranteed not to remain raw inside. Another plus is that they do not need to be boiled first.

How to cook sausages for frying in the oven without them bursting?

The most important rule is to prick over the entire area with a thick needle (gypsy) or toothpick. Under the influence of high temperatures, the casings will shrink, and the air inside the meat delicacy, on the contrary, will expand. Due to piercing, excess steam will come out, which means the sausages will remain safe and sound.

What oven is used in: a sleeve, a baking sheet or a mold?

To prevent the sausages from losing their juiciness and tenderness, it is best to bake them not on a baking sheet, but in a mold or in a sleeve - this way they will release their own juice and stew in it, and at the very end they will be covered with a golden brown crust.

How long should I bake the sausage to make it juicy?

It all depends on the size of the semi-finished product. The larger they are, the longer they will take to cook. On average it will take 40-50 minutes.

Total cooking time: 55 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Yield: approximately 1 kg


  • grilled sausages (semi-finished products) – 1.5 kg
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.


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If you have the right ingredients, you can make anything! Even delicious, aromatic homemade sausages. And, probably, this is the case when you are absolutely sure that the composition contains only natural products... (or rather, products that you yourself put in the dish). Moreover, making such a dish is an opportunity to create your own culinary masterpiece. By choosing seasonings, a certain type of meat and a cooking option, you can make sausages and sausages to your liking.

I admit, I had no idea that any sausage, be it “dry-cured”, “Kracow” or “liver”, can be made by yourself in your own kitchen!!! Yes, knowing the composition and technology of the process, this is real. And at the same time, you yourself can prepare everything for the holiday or just for a treat. It only takes a little time for a delicious aroma to settle in your home.

By the way, about the process technology. I tried to cover different options. Some of them require special equipment, for example, a meat grinder with an attachment. For others, the oven is the “production tool” that will help you. And there is also a frying pan option! And yet, every recipe has its secrets. And I will also try to tell you everything about them.

Homemade pork sausage in intestines - recipe according to GOST

I always like to first get acquainted with the classic options that have stood the test of time. And only then, taking these instructions as basic ones, create something more complex and interesting. Therefore, I start with the recipe according to GOST.


  • Medium fat pork – 4 kg.
  • Fat pork – 1 kg.
  • Natural pork casing – 8 m.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Garlic – approx. 7 teeth.
  • Onion (granulated) – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt – 4 tbsp.
  • Nitrite salt – 1 tsp.
  • Mustard (beans) – 1 tbsp.
  • Ground pepper – 1 tsp.
  • Coriander (powder) - 1 tbsp.
  • Celery (ground) – 1 tsp.
  • Water (ice) – 500 ml.
  • Cognac – 100 ml.


Twist 1/3 of the meat on a large wire rack. Cut the rest of the meat into pieces approximately 1 by 1 cm.

We combine the twisted and chopped meat.

This consistency will provide a viscous meat “dough” consistency.

Mix the meat and add spices (all), cognac, garlic (passed through a press) and water (with luda).

Knead the mixture, evenly distributing the spices throughout the minced meat.

Why do you need ice water? The process requires kneading by hand. If you do not refrigerate fatty meat, the fat will begin to melt, the consistency will lose elasticity, become sticky and it will be impossible to work with the minced meat.

Divide the resulting mass in half. Add diluted water to one part of the minced meat. nitrite salt if you want a pinker sausage.

Cover one and the second part of the minced meat with lids and place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

After cooling, fill the shell with minced meat.

There are special units that make this easy to do. But you can even use plastic bottles.

As soon as the meat begins to fill the shell, pierce it with a needle to let the air out.

You cannot fill the casing tightly with meat if you do not want the sausage to burst during subsequent work.

We tie the edges of the shell after filling it. And pierce the shell with a needle over the entire surface.

Since the meat is not tightly packed into the casing, it is easy to separate into individual sausages and rotate the casing. You can pierce the shell with a needle in some places, so there is less chance that it will burst during cooking.

We twist it into rings and tie the ring in 3 places. This is done to make it more convenient to turn it over and remove it from the pan after cooking.

Boil in hot water for 45 minutes. To do this, place a pan with a wide bottom on the stove so that the rings can fit freely there. When the water boils, add the semi-finished products (you can cook 2 rings at the same time, placing one on top of the other).

The water should not boil. When adding the sausage, turn the heat to minimum. Then she will languish.

Place the cooled product on a baking sheet greased with butter. Lubricate the product itself with oil. Bake at 200-220C for 30 minutes.

If you don't plan to cook it right away, you can freeze it after boiling.

Sausage with nitrite salt has an appetizing pink appearance when cut.

If you cook with regular salt, it is no less tasty, but its color is lighter.

Homemade pork sausage in intestines - recipe according to GOST. Author https://youtu.be/tICxN85hx0k

Is it possible to cook Krakow sausage at home? It is special, tasty, tender, aromatic. I would endlessly look for the most flattering names for her. I can’t even believe that anyone who has an oven can make a Krakow one! And now I will tell you how.


  • Beef – 1.2 kg (30% of the total weight);
  • Pork (shoulder) – 1.6 kg (40% of the total weight);
  • Pork (fat brisket) – 1.2 kg (30% of the total weight);
  • Sugar – 6g (per 1kg 1.5g);
  • Black pepper – 4g (1g per 1kg);
  • Allspice 4g (1g per 1kg);
  • Garlic (granulated) – 8g (2g per 1kg);
  • Salt (simple and nitrite) – 100-110g each (3% per 1kg).
  • The shell is natural.


We wash the meat, cut it and leave it to salt for 24 hours. Add regular and nitrite salt to the meat.

Cut the brisket into 6-8mm pieces. Pass half the pork (shoulder) and beef through a meat grinder (medium or small grill). Cut the second half of the shoulder blade and the beef into 6-8mm squares.

Mix the chopped and ground shoulder and beef, adding finely ground seasonings to the meat. Stir until sticky and homogeneous.

Then add the brisket to the minced meat in parts, mixing everything well.

We wash and process the shell. We will fill it using a special syringe.

We rewind the edge and stuff the shell with meat. We don't do it tightly.

Fry in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 80-100C. You can fry on a baking sheet, or you can hang the rings on arranged skewers.

After 0.5 hours, put a bowl (pan) with hot water in the oven so that the water steams. Leave everything for 1 hour.

You may have to bake not 1.5 hours, but 2, readiness is determined by the color and characteristic aroma of the sausage.

Krakow homemade sausage according to GOST. Author https://youtu.be/h42B_N28FVg

Chicken sausage in chicken intestines - amazing taste

For those who prefer low-fat sausage, this cooking method is suitable. Leaner chicken is used here. Very tender, tasty and aromatic. It is better to take chicken quarters, since they have fat on them, and this will give us the opportunity to get a juicy product.


  • Chicken (quarters) – 1.8 kg;
  • Shell – 2 pcs.;
  • Water – 150ml;
  • Garlic – 4 teeth;
  • Mustard (dry) – 3 tsp;
  • Pepper – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 2 tsp.

Cut out the bone from the chicken quarters. We separate the meat from the skin and fat. Cut the meat into 1-1.5 cm cubes.

We pass the skin and fat through a meat grinder (fine sieve).

Mix meat with fat. Add garlic minced in a meat grinder. Add seasonings and stir until smooth.

Pour in water (cold) in 2 stages. Mix.

Using a meat grinder, we form sausage rings. Cover a baking sheet with foil or a mat. Lay out the rings. We pierce the shell with a needle or toothpick along the entire length. Pour water (about a glass) onto a baking sheet. So that she floats.

Bake for 1 hour at 180C. After an hour, take out the baking sheet. Drain the water. We turn the rings over and pierce them along the entire length again.

Bake for another 20-25 minutes until browned.

Simple recipe. The sausage turns out golden brown, well cooked and can be made very, very quickly.

Chicken sausage in chicken intestines - amazing taste. Author https://youtu.be/U-utEzUjESA

The best recipe for homemade blood milk with buckwheat! According to this recipe, your sausage will be juicy, tender and very tasty! And the content of milk and lard is also important so that it is not dry.

To prepare you will need:

  • Pork blood - 1 liter
  • Lard - 400 gr.
  • Large onions - 2 pcs.
  • Medium head of garlic - 1 pc.
  • Meat or minced meat - 200 gr.
  • Milk - 350 gr.
  • Boiled buckwheat - 300 gr.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Pork intestines, washed - 4 pcs.

We cut the lard into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. We also grind blood clots (if any), meat (if you have a whole piece), garlic and onions.

Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and mix with a spoon.

We tie the end of the intestine into a knot and tie it with thread. Pull it onto the nozzle.

Using a spoon, fill it not too tightly to the end, tie it with thread and make a knot. Because when it cooks, it may burst if it is packed too tightly.

Before cooking, pierce it with a needle along the entire length so that it does not crack.

When the water boils, switch to low heat; it should simmer slightly. Add some salt and add the sausage to the water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and lay out the products. We also grease the top of the sausage with oil.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. 15-20 minutes (10 minutes on one side, 10 minutes on the other side).

How to cook homemade blood sausage in intestines. Author https://youtu.be/Argut7RtDzM

Homemade pork liver sausage

Probably, of all types of sausage, liver sausage is the most popular because of its versatility. Liver can be eaten as a separate dish. But you can mix it with other products for an incredibly tasty filling. So let's see how it can be done!


  • Brisket (fatty, skin on possible) – 550-570 gr. (38%)
  • Lean pork (or beef) – 370-390 gr. (25%)
  • Liver (pork or beef) – 500-520 gr. (33% of the total mass)
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1 tooth.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk (from 2.3%) – 125 ml.
  • Flour (starch) – 22-23 gr.
  • Regular kitchen salt – 30 gr.
  • Ground pepper – 1 gr.
  • Nutmeg (or cardamom) – 1 gr.
  • Sugar – 2 gr.
  • Casing (washed intestines)

Cut the liver and pork into 300-500g. Place the liver and pork in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Cut the cooled meat into small pieces.

We pass all the meat through the finest sieve in a meat grinder. We also pass the onions and garlic through a meat grinder.

Add spices and mix the mass. Grind the whole mass again in a meat grinder. Add milk, egg and flour to the pate.

Mix with your hands or an immersion blender.

Fill the shell with the mass. First, we do not tie the intestine so that air does not collect. When we fill it with the first minced meat (2 cm), release the air and tie it, continue stuffing.

The sausage must be thermally treated in one of the following ways:

  1. 30-40 minutes in the oven at 80C.
  2. or cook at 80C for 30-40 minutes (if the temperature is higher, we risk losing moisture). That is, the water should not bubble or boil; to do this, after boiling, set the heat to minimum.

Cool the sausage quickly in ice water.

Cool to 25C. It tastes more than real, even elite liver sausage! And it’s really possible to do it. The process is not lengthy. And that's great!

Homemade liver sausage according to GOST. Author https://youtu.be/oAk8otN925k

Video - recipe for homemade dry-cured sausage in the intestines of pork and beef

This recipe, I think, is for those who have mastered the preparation of this dish. Well, at least once, I did them. Now it’s worth complicating the process a little. We will try to make dry-cured sausages.

By the way, I never told you how to prepare the shell itself. And this depends on which one you bought. The following types of natural casings are sold:

  • dry - measure the required length, soak for 30 minutes in cold water, rinse, check integrity, then soak briefly in water with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. alcohol vinegar;
  • in brine - rinse them, measure out the required amount, rinse from the inside, soak in brine for 60 minutes;
  • frozen - carefully defrost them, it is better to leave them overnight. Soak in brine for 2 or 3 hours.

If you find holes in the shell, simply cut off this area.


  • Pork – 1kg;
  • Beef – 0.5 kg;
  • Lard (cut from the brisket) – 0.5 kg;
  • Nitrite salt – 46g;
  • Coriander – 5g;
  • Ground pepper – 5g;
  • Granulated garlic – 5g;
  • Cognac – 70g;
  • Shell.

Grind the spices in a mortar. Cut the meat and lard into pieces about 1 cm.

Add spices, salt and cognac to the meat. Mix very well.

Cover the bowl with film. And put it in the refrigerator for a day. Soak the shell in water for 4-8 hours.

Stuff the minced meat into the casing.

We pierce the shell with a toothpick along the entire length.

We hang the products in the refrigerator. Let them hang for about 3 weeks.

In 3 weeks she is ready! Gorgeous, aromatic, no worse than store bought, rather better in composition and taste.

You already understand that we complicated the recipe solely with our aging! Otherwise it is very, very simple!

Author https://youtu.be/FliTx2whaOQ

The second option is dry-cured tourist sausages according to GOST at home. It's all about the spices here. For 1kg:

  • 1.5 gr. pepper
  • 0.5 gr. caraway
  • 0.5 gr. garlic
  • 2 gr. Sahara

Also, this option, unlike the previous one, is prepared in a meat grinder.

I have another recipe for you, which includes beef, or rather veal. Kupati (Georgian cuisine) can be prepared from any meat you like. This recipe is clearly for those who love flavorful sausages. The dish just exudes the smell of spices.


  • Minced Veal - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 20 gr.
  • Coriander - 1 tsp.
  • Kondari (savory) - 1 tsp.
  • Sumac - 1 tsp.
  • Chili pepper flakes - 1 tsp.
  • Pomegranate seeds - half a cup
  • Salt - 25 gr. or to taste
  • Water - 100 ml.

We pass the veal through a meat grinder. Mix all the ingredients: meat, spices and water. At the end, stir in half a glass of pomegranate seeds.

Fill the shell not very tightly. We tie the edges with a knot. Before cooking, pierce the shell. To release the air.

Place in boiling water for literally 2 minutes. We leave the baths hanging in a well-ventilated form for 1 day.

After hanging for a day, they can be put in the freezer and defrosted before frying.

Before cooking, grease with adjika. Fry in a frying pan on both sides in vegetable oil under the lid. Kupaty is served hot with various hot sauces.

Homemade beef sausage in intestines. Author https://youtu.be/T9kSAVbVLPg

This is an interesting selection released today for sausage lovers. Of course, homemade products are a hundred times tastier and better than store-bought ones.

And again I come to you for advice! What do you think of this culinary assembly? Do you have any interesting recipes or experience in preparing this dish? Share your knowledge. and share the link to the article on your social networks! And, if you haven't subscribed yet, you can! Then you will have all the most relevant and interesting culinary tips in your bookmarks!

A very simple sausage recipe to make at home.

2.5 kg, lean pork shoulder.
250 grams of lard (not salted, of course)
2.5% of the total mass of salt (I took half nitrite and half regular)
At the rate of 3 grams per kilogram - food phosphate.
2 tsp - peppercorns (I had Bourbon pepper here, it is not very hot and very fragrant)
2 tsp - rosemary.
3 cardamom buds.
10% by weight of ice water.

Rosemary and cardamom were ground in a coffee grinder, and pepper was crushed with a masher.
I cut the meat and lard into small pieces, about 1x1 cm. I salted the resulting minced meat and put it on the balcony for a day (I had somewhere around +3/+5C, you can put it in the refrigerator if you have room).
The next evening, after work, I added spices, phosphate, water to the minced meat and mixed it well. Until the characteristic sticky state of the mixture. At the same time, when kneading, the minced meat should not be overheated above 12C.

Since the minced meat is cold and your hands get cold when kneading, it is convenient to wear a regular construction glove on your hand, and a thin latex glove on top of it. And not cold and hygienic. For stuffing, I use a special sausage stuffer. In addition, the sausage casing can be stuffed using a regular meat grinder.

I stuff the bars tightly. If necessary, I remove visible air bubbles by piercing the shell with a thin needle. I put the sausage in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day. I'm starting to bake the sausage. For the first hour they warmed up for me at a temperature of 50C. Then at 80C, until the temperature inside the loaf is 75C. My total baking time was about 4.5 hours.

After the sausage is ready, I cool it for 20 minutes in cold water.
After which I wipe the loaves and put them in the refrigerator until the next morning.

We'll try it in the morning. The sausage turned out dense, juicy, aromatic.
Not difficult, but most importantly economical!
While I was taking the photo, the homemade loaf had already been taken away piece by piece.
Hello everyone!


  • Pork (ham) - 2 kg.
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Lard - 200-300 gr. (can be done without lard)
  • Nitrite salt - 20g. (I put 17-18 grams per 1 kg of meat)
  • Nutmeg - 1 tsp. by 3 kg. meat
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp. by 3 kg. meat (it is better to grind the black peppercorns by hand - coarsely)
  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp. for the entire volume of meat (you don’t have to use it)
  • Ground coriander (I used natural cilantro seeds from the bush) - 1 tsp. for the entire volume of meat
  • Sausage protein (collagen) casing with a diameter of 65 mm - only about 70 cm.
  • Leg-split
  • Wood chips (alder) - for smoking sausage
  • Salt and water - for soaking the shell
  • Thermometer

Homemade sausage recipe:

Seasonings for cooking sausage You can use the ones you like most. After tasting my sausage, I realized that this set of spices was very suitable for me. You can try with various other supplements.

First of all, you need to buy good quality meat. It is best to use meat from livestock. I had lean pork butt and chicken breast. I also used homemade lard. Cut the meat and chicken into small cubes 1-1.5 cm in size into a common bowl.

Add finely chopped lard.

Add nitrite salt and all the spices to the meat.

Knead the meat for 15-20 minutes until a “white thread” appears. The protein should be released.

Stuff the casing with meat, having previously cut it to the required length.

The collagen shell must first be soaked in water and salt for 5 minutes. She becomes soft.

Stuff the shell with minced meat. Packing the meat as tightly as possible. It is better to stuff it using a sausage press, but you can also use the usual method with a spoon.

Seal the loaf and tie the edges with twine.

I got 2 long sausages, weighing 1 kg each. I’ll say right away that it’s better to make the sausage shorter... This is my conclusion. Place the sausages in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Then remove the sausage from the refrigerator for a day, keeping it at room temperature.

After lying at room temperature all day, we begin cooking it in the oven by placing it in a cold oven and increasing the temperature from 50 to 80 degrees hourly. During cooking, turn the sausages every 20-30 minutes so that the resulting juice does not accumulate in one place. 1 hour - 50 degrees, 2 hours - 60 degrees, 3 hours - 70 degrees, 4 hours - 80 degrees. At the end of cooking, the temperature inside the sausage loaf should be 69-70 degrees. This can be checked using a probe thermometer. It will also be convenient if, immediately before putting the sausage into the oven, you insert a probe with a thermometer inside one of the sausages.

These are the sausages I pulled out of the oven after 4 hours. It was 70 degrees inside the loaf.

Sausages can be immediately cooled in cold water with ice for 20 minutes or additionally smoked in a smokehouse for 30-60 minutes. I smoked for 30 minutes.

This is the beauty I pulled out of the smokehouse. Now we send the sausage to air in a cool place for 3-4 hours, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

You can try the sausage in the morning.

This is such a beautiful and very tasty, aromatic homemade chopped sausage from pork and poultry that I got. My family were surprised that the sausage tasted exactly like store-bought sausage, even though we cooked it ourselves and only added meat and spices.

And this is a pork and chicken sausage that I prepared for the second time. It can be seen that this result turned out much better for me.

And I cooked it in a large quantity of 6 kg at once. total weight of meat. But I got such a beautiful sausage mound after cooking and then smoking the sausages. I made a couple of sausages in a beautiful honeycomb casing.

In my opinion, the sausage turned out very well.

I also want to show you how delicious my sausage was made from coarsely chopped pork with the addition of turkey meat. Insanely tender, aromatic and delicious. For spices, I added to the chopped minced meat: chopped coriander, mustard seeds, dried garlic, coarsely ground black pepper and of course, nitrite salt.

Svetlana and my home site wish you all a bon appetit!

Today you will find out how to cook homemade sausage without fat, spicy and delicious! It has a very original taste; no store-bought product can compare. The recipe even contains honey, perhaps it is because of this secret ingredient that the meat turns out so juicy...

When I prepared this sausage for the first time, I was worried: I couldn’t believe that it was possible to make a product at home that was in no way inferior in aesthetics and taste to store-bought sausage. I will say that I have never been disappointed in the recipe! It always turns out to be a first class appetizer.

How to make homemade sausage


  • 1.5 kg beef
  • 2 kg boneless, trimmed chicken thighs
  • 75 g salt
  • 350 ml broth
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • 2 tbsp. l. paprika
  • 1 tbsp. l. coarsely ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried dill
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried basil
  • black peppercorns for broth
  • casing for sausages (for example, polyamide 60 mm thick)


  1. Remove chicken meat from bones and skin. Prepare broth from the bones with the addition of black peppercorns and salt. Strain it and put it in the refrigerator.
  2. Take half the beef and the fattier part along with the skin from the chicken thighs, pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Cut the remaining beef and chicken into cubes approximately 2 cm in size.
  3. Combine minced meat with minced meat, add honey, mix. Combine salt and spices in a dry bowl and add this mixture to the minced meat. Mix it well, adding cold broth little by little.
  4. Fill the sausage casing tightly with minced meat, making sure no air gets inside. If air does get in, pierce the area with a thin needle. Tie the ends. Casing for homemade sausage must be of high quality, the success of the entire event depends on it!
  5. Hang the sausage blank vertically for 1–2 hours at room temperature.
  6. Boil the sausage at a temperature of 80–85 degrees for 1.5–2 hours.
  7. Quickly cool the finished dish under a cold shower and hang it in a cool room for 12 hours. After this, wrap the sausage in paper and put it in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

After trying this recipe, I told all my friends, how to make sausage. When cut, it looks gorgeous and very appetizing, and the sausage has a spicy, rich taste. I sincerely advise you to make up your mind and cook this miracle; chopped homemade sausage will become a frequent guest on your table!

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