How many calories are in different varieties and types of apples? Green apples: composition, calorie content and glycemic index How many grams are in 1 green apple

Apples. Juicy, plump, rosy. A traditional product for Russia, loved by both adults and children. In addition to their wonderful aroma and refreshing taste, apples contain many useful components - vitamins, microelements, fiber, pectin. Do you know how many calories are in an apple? There is very little that makes this wonderful fruit also a dietary product.

So what are the benefits of apples?

An apple is 87% water; There are enough calories in a red apple to provide about 3% of your daily calorie intake. The dry residue contains a lot of ballast substances - plant fiber, pectin, starch, which are absorbed by the body for a long time. At the same time, the average fruit contains few carbohydrates and almost no fat, which determines the low calorie content of the apple.

An apple also does not contain protein and is not a balanced product. In terms of the content of microelements and vitamins, a ruddy apple is a real treasure: vitamin C, B vitamins, including vitamin PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels; potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron - and this is not a complete list. However, you can only fully benefit from a fresh, recently picked apple.

Who benefits from apples?

  1. For those who want to lose weight - calorie content of 1 apple weighing 100 grams is from 45 to 90 kcal . This makes the apple indispensable as a snack or as part of apple diets - apple-curd, seven-day apple, in a diet that calculates how many calories are eaten per day. The apple contains enough useful substances, and long-term absorption by the body provides a feeling of satiety, while the vitamin cocktail in the composition will not allow the diet to affect the condition of hair, skin, and nails.
  2. For people with diseases of the endocrine system - due to their low glycemic index, apples are recommended for people with diabetes. However, you need to keep in mind that baking an apple with added sugar or honey increases the number of calories in the baked apple.
  3. To reduce cholesterol - thanks to ballast substances that adsorb fats and prevent them from being absorbed. Apples also have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of certain acids and are therefore useful for people suffering from other metabolic disorders, such as gout.
  4. For children and weakened people - as a source of natural microelements and vitamins.

Who shouldn't have apples?

There is a category of people who need to limit apples in their diet, or even completely exclude them - these are allergy sufferers, people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcers, intestinal diseases - there are few calories in a green apple and its nutritional value is low, but fiber irritates the wall of the digestive tract, intensifying the symptoms of the disease and increasing gas formation.

Red or green

Apples have a huge number of varieties, striking in their variety of colors - from soft yellow to dark burgundy; taste - from desperately sour to sickly sweet; weight - the fruits of some varieties reach 400 grams, and a ranetka apple can weigh only 10 grams. Among red apples, sweet ones predominate, and among green apples, sour ones.

The calorie content of a green apple is slightly lower - 35 kilocalories per 100 grams. It is preferable to include green apples in diets; green apples are also less allergenic and it is with green apples that children begin to be introduced to this fruit. For a detailed table of caloric content of all fruits, see ours.

This is how multifaceted the familiar fruit turns out to be. It gives pleasure, beauty and health, because it is not without reason that there is a saying - where there are apples on the table, there is no need for a doctor.

Apple is the most accessible, inexpensive and healthy fruit.

Apple is the most accessible, inexpensive and healthy fruit. It is often used in various diets. Apples contain a lot of fiber, water and virtually no fat, which makes them a dietary product. In addition, apples have a low glycemic index, that is, the fructose contained in the fruit is absorbed slowly and does not contribute to weight gain.

Benefits and calorie content of apples

Apples contain a lot of vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, A, B. The amount of vitamin B varies depending on the type of apple and shelf life. As you know, vitamin C has the ability to be destroyed, so it is not recommended to store fruits for a very long time and cut them with a steel knife. It is better to use ceramic knives or just gnaw whole apples.

Thanks to pectin, apples do not cause sugar spikes; they are classified as foods with a low glycemic index. They can be safely consumed while on a diet. Moreover, the calorie content of apples ranges from 35 to 50 kcal per 100 g. The average calorie content of apples is 47 kcal. Many will be curious to know. So, 1 piece contains approximately 77 kcal (165 g).

Apples prevent the formation of uric acid and promote the breakdown of formic acid. That is why they are recommended for people suffering from gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, chronic eczema, constipation and other diseases.

Apples make hair and nails stronger, improve vision, help normalize blood pressure, relieve diseases of the nervous system, and cleanse blood vessels and blood.

The fruits are extremely beneficial for the lymphatic system. Apples contain substances that make iron better absorbed from other foods, such as beef liver or eggs.

Apples are best eaten raw. This way they will saturate the body with the greatest amount of nutrients. You should not peel apples, since it contains the lion's share of vitamins and microelements. But it is better to remove the seeds, since they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is a poison. If you eat one whole apple a day, there will be no harm, but systematic use of the seeds is not advisable.

Apples, like many other fruits, contain virtually no fat or protein. The main part is water, fiber, carbohydrates and fructose. Apples are the best snack option. To avoid digestive problems, it is better to eat fruits separately between main meals or combine them with cereals. For example, an excellent option for a tasty and healthy breakfast: take a handful of oatmeal, pour boiling water over it, add a grated apple, a couple of walnuts and a teaspoon of honey. This “beauty porridge” will add energy to you throughout the day, cleanse your intestines and give you a good mood. And if you add a little cinnamon to the dish, it will resemble apple strudel. It is worth noting that baked apples are an excellent source of pectin.

Apple is one of the most popular and affordable fruits.

Its prevalence is explained by the presence of vitamins A, B and C, and the amount of useful substances depends on the type, storage conditions and preparation recipe.

Due to the lack of fat, the calorie content of apples is low, but they bring enormous benefits to the body.

One red apple contains 75 kcal.

The latest data provided by scientists suggests that eating two of these fruits daily will normalize cholesterol levels and improve stomach function.

The high sweetness of such apples makes them an excellent raw material for the production of jam and various desserts.

The calorie content of a green apple is lower than that of a red apple, making it a good choice to eat on fasting days. To normalize the functioning of the intestines, it is recommended to eat this fruit with the peel.

One piece of green apple contains 70 kcal.

Such fruits provide saturation to the body and are recommended for fruit diets.

Apples of the Semerenko variety

Green, sometimes with a yellowish tint, Semerenko apples, like many varieties of these fruits, do not contain many calories and have a very good effect on the body’s metabolic processes, since sugar and acids are in an ideal combination. They can be eaten after six, even for those who are watching their figure, and can also be enjoyed during intermediate meals.

One Semerenko apple contains 60 kcal.

Table wines are produced from these fruits and used as food raw or soaked. In winter they are used in jams, compotes, and juices.

Energy value of Golden apples

The shape of Golden apples is round, resembling a cone, the skin color is yellow with a green tint and characteristic black dots throughout the fruit.

Their benefits for the body are very significant:

  • improve vision and bone growth;
  • increase the strength of hair and nails;
  • strengthen bones;
  • protect the body from viruses and bacteria and increase immunity;
  • Apple seeds have a beneficial effect on the body of people with thyroid diseases.

1 piece of Golden apple contains 90 kcal.

They can be eaten by people who are on a diet and want to get rid of extra pounds.

Granny Smith apple variety

The fruits of this variety are green in color and large in size and round in shape. Their pulp is juicy with a sour taste and low sugar content.

Like all apples, Granny Smith fruits are very healthy due to the vitamins and minerals they contain. These fruits are appetizing, can quench thirst and saturate the body with many useful substances.

The energy value of one Granny Smith apple is 150 kcal.

When eating such apples, the body will not retain toxins and heavy metal salts, and cholesterol levels will always be normal. To improve brain activity, it is recommended to eat 3 fruits of this apple variety per day.

Apple based diets

The beauty of apple diets is that In addition to weight loss, they also lead to a healthier body. You can buy this fruit throughout the year, which is good news, because the decision to go on a diet can come at any season.

It is important before starting the apple diet to consult with a therapist and obtain his approval of the chosen diet.

Despite the limited benefits of apples, sometimes instead of constantly eating them It’s better to arrange fasting days with their help for a while. Once or twice a week, eat only these fruits and drink plenty of water or green tea.

But more easy food option on such days:

  1. Morning meal: grate an apple, mix with low-fat yogurt and a tablespoon of oatmeal and after five minutes you can eat.
  2. For lunch, you can eat two apples cut into small pieces with lettuce, herbs and a sauce of apple cider vinegar, low-fat yogurt and olive oil.
  3. After a few hours you can eat an apple.
  4. Dinner: cut a salad from one apple and add low-fat cheese.

Sample diets:

  1. For three days, eat only apples (up to 1.5 kg) and drink mineral water. Fruits can be baked in the oven, pureed or juiced.
  2. For a week, eat only apples (6 pieces of green fruits per day) and kefir with 1% fat (600 ml per day), you can drink green tea and mineral water without gas and sugar. There should be six identical meals a day.
  3. On the 1st and 6th days you need to eat a kilogram of apples, on the 2nd and 5th – one and a half kilograms, and on the 3rd and 4th – two kilograms. You are also allowed to eat dried rye bread and drink herbal tea without sugar.

By adhering to any of the listed types of nutrition, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg of excess weight.

Apple is the most common fruit in Russia and some other countries. Is easily accessible. The fruits of these trees can be consumed in different ways: raw, added to various dishes, heat-treated, used in making drinks.

Calorie content of an apple, what it depends on

There are a huge number of varieties of apples, differing to some extent in their beneficial properties. But all types of apples contain a fairly large list of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body.

However, everyone knows that breeders, trying to satisfy the needs of various groups of connoisseurs of taste, have bred and continue to create many varieties that differ in taste - sometimes sweet, sometimes slightly sour, and even downright sour.

How does this affect the calorie content of apples? What fruits are preferable if you want to lose weight with their help?

The calorie content of an apple depends on the following factors.

  • Skin variety and color.
    Red apples are sweeter and therefore often higher in calories than ripe green varieties.
  • Growing method.
    Apples grown in fertile southern soils contain more sugar, which means they “burn” and release more heat.
  • Manufacturer country.
    Inexplicable, but true - for northern residents, native northern apples will become more pleasant when it comes to losing weight. Carbohydrates of southern fruits are absorbed quickly and are deposited more clearly on the sides.
  • Weight of apples: the more, the more satisfying.
  • Method of preparation.
    It is known that baked apples are considered dietary. However, due to the evaporation of water during baking, the calorie content of one piece increases significantly, sometimes by 2 times.

Sugar is often used for cooking. By impregnating the product with itself, it makes it heavier in terms of the carbohydrates inside, which means that losing weight on such sweet apples is out of the question.

How many calories are in 1 apple (calories per 100 grams)

It would be a misconception to calculate the calorie content of an apple based on the color of its skin: green ones are the lowest in calories, red ones contain the highest amount of calories, and yellow ones are somewhere in the middle.

It is known that the calorie content of a fruit depends on the degree of its ripeness, water content, fructose, skin thickness and other characteristics.

Fresh apples, depending on the variety, contain, on average, 34 - 41 kcal.

Apple jam contains 180 – 235 kcal per 100 g. Even less than dried apples, if you take into account that the calorie content of dried apples is in the range of more than 200 kilocalories per 100 g.

Calorie content of dried apples – 200 – 250 kcal. Dried apples are not currently produced on an industrial scale. Meanwhile, drying differs from drying foods for the better. Dried fruits lose moisture naturally, resulting in biological preservation of nutrients.

Such products are practically not subject to rotting and retain their taste and nutritional properties for a long time, regardless of storage conditions (normal).

This is interesting! An apple eaten half an hour before meals reduces the absorption of food taken by 180 kcal. However, the apple itself can contain much more calories. Choose your fruit carefully!

How many calories are in a green apple?

The calorie content of green apples depends on the variety. Firm, green apples when ripe can contain 35 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

The average calorie content per 100 g of green apples is about 40 kcal

They contain fiber, ash, pectin, some useful elements of the periodic table - fluorine, cobalt, zinc, copper, iodine, iron.

Generally, green apples are more sour. This is due to the presence of more malic acid in them. It allows the iron contained in foods to bind more quickly to hemoglobin in the blood and thereby increases the hemoglobin threshold. For anemic and anemic people, eating apples is very beneficial.

This is interesting! The myth that is firmly entrenched in human minds that an apple turns dark because it is rich in iron has long been debunked by scientists.

The cut of this fruit is covered with a brown coating due to the activity of a special enzyme - an oxidizer, which interacts in the open air with polyphenols contained in apples. To stop this reaction, simply wipe a fresh cut of an apple with lemon juice. And cutting from them will retain its beautiful appearance for a long time.

Who should not eat green apples?

Due to the high content of tannins and fruit acids in these apple varieties, they are not intended for consumption in large quantities by people with a weak gastrointestinal tract.

Hard skin can irritate the walls of the esophagus and intestines, and coarse fiber can burden the stomach. In addition, malic acid has a fatal effect on tooth enamel. After eating an apple, it is better to rinse your mouth and even brush your teeth.

How many calories are in a red apple?

In addition to sugars, red apples contain vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. Their content determines how beneficial the fruit will be for humans.

Red or yellow fruits, the same size as green ones, contain 48-55 kcal per 100 g. It depends on the sweetness of the variety, the thickness of the skin of the fruit, and the size of the seeds.

In fresh form, it will satisfy the body's need for vitamins E, C, PP, group B, vitamin K. Manganese, iron, molybdenum - these microelements are more active in red apples than in fruits with a different skin color.

Who may be allergic to red apples?

Raw apples contain a special protein, Mal d1 protein. It is the content of this chemical that causes an allergic reaction.

It can also be present in green-colored fruits, but it tends to contain beta-carotene, which gives the skin a red color. Therefore, allergies to red apples develop more often.

Thus, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, young mothers are not recommended to eat apples of this color. The allergen may not appear in a woman, but if she passes it on to her baby through breast milk, she will cause him and herself several unpleasant hours of life.

Diathesis, colic, abdominal upset, sour stools that corrode the delicate skin of the bottom - the torment of a child will not add a good mood to his parents.

The allergen is present in large quantities in the skin; it can be removed first, and the risk of an unwanted reaction is reduced many times.

Fortunately, this protein breaks down very well during cooking. Therefore, you just need to work a little - bake, fry the fruit - and you can eat it without fear for your health.

Dried apples, calories

The calorie content of dried apples increases as the weight decreases due to the evaporation of water.

Dried apples, depending on the variety, will add 200 - 240 kcal to the diet for every 100g of product

This is interesting! Dried apples contain virtually no water. Despite the small weight of one piece, it is an example of a real chest of calories.

A dried apple contains 5 times more calories! Therefore, they can be used as an “energy bar” when traveling, hiking, and for light snacks.

Golden apple calories

These apples are not much different from their red or green counterparts, and their calorie content is about the same. But for their pleasant taste and bright color, they are very popular with customers. The average calorie content of a Golden apple is 41 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of soaked apples

Soaked apples have a slightly increased calorie content - 47 kcal per 100g.

Calorie content of baked apples without sugar

100 g of baked apples without skin – 45 – 50 kcal.
100 g of baked apples with skin - 65 - 70 kcal.
Apples baked with honey, in skin – 90 kcal per 100 g.

Semerenko apple, granny smith apples, calorie content

There are two particularly popular types of familiar green apples.

The number of calories in each is different:

  • Semerenko apple - calorie content 40 kcal.
  • Grannismith apples - calorie content 51.5 - 53 kcal.

It is useful to be interested in the calorie content of foods if you want to optimize your weight and diversify your diet. But we should not forget that the calorie content of foods is measured for every 100 g.

Meanwhile, one medium apple, which can fit between the thumb and forefinger of both hands together, weighs 130 g. If you connect your middle fingers to each other and make a circle of them and your thumbs, then such an apple will already weigh 200 g.

Apple diet: who is it for?

Such a diet will not harm those who want to lose a few extra grams in one day. It is often prescribed not only to people who are obese, but also to pregnant women who have begun to gain weight too quickly, but, due to their special situation, cannot use aggressive diets or intense exercise.

The apple diet for expectant mothers is prescribed only by the attending physician!

The apple diet (like other fruit diets) is a mono-diet. A mono-diet is a short-term diet that involves the presence of only one product in the diet. All mono-diets have strict time limits. If you don’t have the habit of dieting, then you should start with a fasting day on apple fruits. A fasting day can be carried out maximum once every 14 days.

It is important to know! Whatever they say about mono-diets, you should know that if such diets are prolonged, they do much more harm than good.

Not everyone knows that During a diet on apples, you can eat them not only raw. More humane to the body would be a combination of raw fruits with baked ones, or making purees from them.

There is also another popular misconception - an unlimited number of apples eaten. The daily intake of apples is up to 1.5 kg per day.

Today, such a mono-diet is very effective (weight loss can reach up to 3 kg in 3 days), but this does not mean that it will be easy. Many do not meet the deadlines, because... Apples cause an increase in appetite.

If you cannot control your appetite, then it is worth considering other fairly popular diets. But one cannot ignore the fact that choosing apple fruits is one of the most effective and healthy.

The benefits of the apple diet

Among the positive aspects of the apple diet:

  • Effective weight loss;
  • Allowed for people with various diseases (if you have any, consult a specialist in advance);
  • Saturates the body with a large number of various vitamins and essential elements;

People who really like apples will be happy to improve their body health by consuming their favorite product.

Disadvantages of the apple diet

Cons of the apple diet:

  • Possible allergy to the product;
  • Contraindicated in case of increased acidity in the stomach;
  • Not recommended for people with various gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, etc.).

Diet plan

The apple mono-diet is quite simple, but it requires willpower. Over the course of 3-7 days, you need to eat 1.5 kg of apples throughout the day, which are distributed over several meals.

The last one must be no later than 8 pm. It is recommended to drink 2 glasses of warm water in the morning. After 30 minutes you can eat breakfast. You need to drink about 2 liters per day. water. Also, do not use other drinks - your diet should include only apples and water.

Other apple diet options

Let's take a closer look at the options for apple diets.

7 days

The real name of this diet is “apple diet minus 10 kg.” Her main goal is to lose weight by exactly 10 kg per week. However, doctors do not recommend using it, because such rapid weight loss has an adverse effect on health.

The number of apples eaten should be as follows: on the 1st and 7th day - 1 kg, 2nd and 6th - 1.5 kg, 3rd, 4th, 5th - 2kg. The diet should consist only of apples. If you really want it, you can indulge yourself and add 100 g of bread (preferably rye) and green tea without sugar to the apples.

"Lazy" diet

Based on the use of apple cider vinegar instead of apples. It is not recommended to buy it in the store - it is better to prepare it at home. The essence of the diet is simple - after each meal (3-4 times) drink a solution of apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water).

The following should be excluded from the diet: meat, fats of animal origin. Preference should be given to fish, seafood, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Apples and kefir

The diet plan is simple - each of 5 meals should consist of 1 green apple. Half an hour after eating you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir. It is also acceptable to have green tea without sweeteners and still mineral water in the diet.

Apples and cottage cheese

The apple-curd diet is very simple and enjoyable.

The course of the “apple + cottage cheese” diet can last up to 14 – 21 days

1.5-2 kg of apples and 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese are divided into 4-5 meals.

During the diet, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids (the best option is still mineral water) and exercise, which will contribute to rapid weight loss. The break between diets should be at least a month.

Fasting apple days

Apples can be included not only in the regular menu for every day, but also used for fasting days.

Fasting days are designed to keep your figure in good shape and give the body a break from digesting heavy food. That's why they are often held after the holidays, which are often accompanied by large volumes of not the most healthy food.

It is recommended for each person to have fasting days 2 times a month (if there are no health problems or other indications). If you want to lose a couple of extra pounds, but cannot use various diets for this, after consulting with a specialist, you can reduce the intervals between them.

A standard fasting day on apples involves using 1.5 kg of these fruits in the daily diet. Divide the apples among four meals (the last one should be no later than 8 pm).

If you want to get rid of excess fluid in the body, you can eliminate its consumption throughout the day. To avoid dehydration, you should not do this in the hot season, when the body experiences a lack of moisture.

To ensure that the fasting day does not cause you discomfort, it is better to choose your favorite variety of apples.

Note! Give preference to domestic fruits - they are healthier and are not waxed.

Calorie content of charlotte with apples

Apples are undoubtedly low-calorie, but not always. For example, consider the recipe for the most popular apple dish - charlotte.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Apple - 250 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  1. Beat sugar and eggs well, add flour, mix very thoroughly.
  2. Grease a baking dish with butter.
  3. Place pre-diced apples on the bottom and pour in the whipped mixture.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes. At a temperature of 230 degrees.
  5. It is better not to open the oven until the time has expired.

The calorie content of such a charlotte with apples is 208.6 kcal per 100 g. There are not many of them in 100 g, but if you are worried about the amount of extra pounds, it is better to refrain from such a delicacy.

If your figure is in decent shape, a few tasty calories from such a pie won’t do any harm.

How many calories are in a banana and an apple?

Both fruits are rightfully considered dietary. There are varieties of mono-diets based on both apples and bananas.

A banana, of course, has slightly more calories than an apple (the average value is 89 kcal). This is due to the fact that the basis of the fruit is carbohydrates. Due to the dense consistency of the fruit, one banana will have more calories than one small apple.

The healthiest apples

Apples are undoubtedly an excellent source of vitamins and various microelements, but not all apples are equally beneficial for the body. They may differ in varieties, degree of ripeness and other factors that influence the content of substances needed by humans.

Before choosing apple fruits that your family and yourself will consume, it is worth understanding which apples are the most healthy.

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

  • When choosing, be sure to take into account your health status (the presence of diseases or allergies, which were mentioned earlier);
  • Give preference to strong and elastic fruits;
  • Discard apples with rot or dark circles on the surface;
  • Use medium-sized apples, because... small ones may be unripe, and large ones may be overripe;
  • It is better to cut the skin off store-bought apples. During transportation, apples are coated with wax for better preservation. This wax is harmful to the body and is practically not washed off when washing fruits, even in hot water;
  • Scientists advise us to eat foods that grow in our usual climatic conditions. This suggests that it is better not to eat imported varieties of apples.

If you eat apples grown in your own garden, and you know for sure that there can be no harmful substances on their surface, then do not cut off the skin - it contains the largest amount of vitamins.

When apples are contraindicated

Undoubtedly, apples have a number of beneficial properties, but, like any product, they have contraindications.

Apples or apple juice contain large amounts of acids, which can destroy enamel and lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

If you have problems with your teeth, you need to eat apples carefully. After eating them, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water in order to get rid of residual acids in the oral cavity.

People who suffer from diabetes should not eat red and yellow sweet apples.. They contain sucrose, which can be harmful to health. Diabetics are advised to give preference to green apples.

At risk are:

  • Children (especially very young ones);
  • Pregnant women;
  • Those who have a genetic predisposition.

Important to remember! Also, an allergy to apples can be caused by the chemicals used to process them.

If you don’t know whether you or your children may be allergic to apples, then remember whether such cases have been noticed in other family members.

But not only red apples can harm the body. There is a category of people who should not eat green apples.

These include people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastritis and ulcers. Green apples are more acidic, so they can aggravate the disease.

Apple is an excellent product that is suitable not only for diets, but also for making treats. And thanks to its beneficial properties, it can be called a must in the diet of every person.

How many calories does a red apple have? What is special about apples for diet? Find out from this useful video:

Apple diet: what are its features? Watch an interesting video:

The apple is one of the most common fruits on the planet; it is grown on an industrial scale, along with bananas and grapes. It is applesauce that is added as a base for most juices and jams from other fruits. Thanks to its unique properties, the apple tops the ratings of the healthiest foods and is widely used even in the most strict diets. The unpretentiousness of the apple tree allows this fruit to be grown almost all over the world, making it an accessible and inexpensive addition to any table.

The benefits of apples

In search of the beneficial properties of apples, a lot of research has been carried out, and many scientific articles have been written. The conclusions of all these works indicate one thing - apples have a wide variety of positive aspects that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The fruits contain a large amount of pectin, which helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Pectin binds and removes excess cholesterol and heavy metals from the body.

Apples are rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines and the digestive system as a whole. Fiber stimulates digestion, peristalsis (contraction of intestinal walls), and also removes toxins. The acids and tannins contained in the fruits stop the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines.

Nutritional and energy value

Apples have a low energy value, which in no way reduces their benefits. On the contrary, due to its low calorie content, this fruit is considered an excellent dietary product.

Vitamins A b-car B1 B2 B5 B6 B9 C E H K PP
Content (mg) 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.01 10 0.2 0.3 2.2 0.4
Minerals K Ca Si Mg Na Ph Cl Fe I Mn Cu Mo Se Zn
Content (mg) 278 16 30 9 26 11 2 2.2 2 0.05 110 6 0.3 0.15

Glycemic index

The glycemic index is a measure of the rate at which carbohydrates from a particular food are metabolized in the body and how much the blood sugar level rises after eating it. Foods with a high glycemic index sharply increase blood sugar levels, disrupt metabolic processes, provoke feelings of hunger and promote the formation of fat deposits, while foods with a low glycemic index are absorbed slowly, having a beneficial effect on sugar levels and maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Apples have a low glycemic index - 30. For comparison, the index of a banana is 70, and the index of white bread is 130. Glucose, fructose and sucrose contained in the fruit are slowly absorbed by the body and do not pose a danger to the figure. The amount of sugar in a fruit depends on the variety and weight. On average, this is 6 grams of fructose and 2 grams each of fructose and sucrose. This amount of sugar stimulates metabolic processes in the body and does not cause any harm.

Nutritional value of different varieties

The nutritional and energy value of apples of different varieties does not differ too much, just as they do not differ in the set of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Mainly, the difference is in the sugar content, which affects the taste and calorie content of the fruit. Let's look at the most popular Russian and foreign varieties:

Variety Calorie content (kcal) Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
Granny Smith 47 0,39 019 9,7
Golden 53 0,42 0,18 10,7
Red Delicious 49 0,21 0,21 10,4
Fuji 68 0,36 0,22 18,6
White filling 45 0,41 0,36 9,8
Antonovka 51 0,33 0,12 11,5
Simirenko 45 0,40 0,19 10
Ranetki 47 0,23 0,20 9,8

About cooking apples

Apples can be consumed not only fresh; there are many processing methods and many recipes with them. The fruits can be baked, canned, made into juices, jams and jams, used as a filling for pies and pies, and even dried. Unfortunately, their beneficial properties are partially or completely lost during processing, cutting, and even simply during long-term storage. During heat treatment of fruits, most of the vitamins are lost, but the amount of pectin increases, which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.

Calories and nutritional content will also vary, depending mainly on the amount of water remaining in the product after processing and the addition of other ingredients during cooking. The energy value and glycemic index will increase rapidly if sugar or honey is added to the fruit; such a product can no longer be called dietary.

Baked apples

Baked apples are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. They can be served with honey, nuts, cranberries or caramel, as a side dish for meat or poultry, or as a dessert on their own.

You can bake apples either whole or sliced. If the core is removed, the fruit can be stuffed with nuts, raisins or cottage cheese, which will have a beneficial effect on the variety of the table. For baking, you should choose sour green fruits, such as Granny Smith or Antonovka. During heat treatment, the sucrose contained in the fruit breaks down into glucose and fructose, which allows baked fruit to be absorbed better than fresh fruit. The amount of pectin also increases, which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels in the body.

If earlier to prepare baked apples it was necessary to preheat the oven, now there are many recipes for preparing them in the microwave, double boiler and multicooker, which significantly speeds up and simplifies the cooking process.

During heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed, but all minerals remain, which allows us to still consider a baked apple a healthy product. Due to their low calorie content, high digestibility and benefits for digestion, there are special diets based on baked apples.

But it should be remembered that any additives to this dish significantly change the nutritional and energy value of the product. For example, the calorie content of a baked apple is only 46 calories per 100 grams, and with the addition of honey this figure increases to 90 calories, with sugar - 70-80 calories, depending on the amount of additive. The sugar level increases from 10 to 17-19 grams. So you shouldn’t overuse sweeteners, but it’s better to give them up altogether. Also, you should not peel the fruits before baking - most of the vitamins and minerals are contained in the peel or under it.

Dried apples

This type of preparation, such as drying, appeared in ancient times. They dried and cured not only fruits, but also meat. Without appropriate technologies, this was the only source of vitamins and microelements in the winter.

A dried apple retains almost all the vitamins and beneficial properties of fresh fruit. It will be useful to add it to your diet as a snack, or replace chips and snacks with it. You can not only eat dried apples in their natural form, but also as a pie filling and make compotes from them, which will also serve as an excellent source of vitamins.

Fruits of any variety are suitable for drying. The thickness of the slices should not exceed one centimeter. To preserve the light color during drying, place the apple slices in boiling water for a few minutes. The drying process itself takes place in the oven at a temperature of 60-90 degrees, depending on the desired effect, and lasts from four to eight hours.

The finished dried apple should be firm, but not breakable. In the southern regions, you can dry it in the sun, in which case the whole process takes several days. Dried apples should be stored in a glass container, cloth bag or paper bag at room temperature. Storage in polyethylene or in the refrigerator is not allowed.

The nutritional value of a dried apple is much higher than a fresh one, which is explained by the lack of moisture in it. The calorie content of such a product ranges from 270-300 calories, and the amount of vitamins and minerals increases 5-6 times.

Sun-dried apples

Unlike dried apples, dried apples are already a full-fledged dessert. They are prepared using a large amount of sugar, and the amount of vitamins and the degree of benefit, alas, give way to their amazing taste and aroma. The apples are cut into slices about two centimeters thick, covered with sugar, and left under pressure for a day, allowing the excess juice to drain. Then they are dried in a low-heat oven for two to three hours. To prepare a delicious delicacy, it is very important not to overcook the slices in the oven.

Dried apple is soft and sweet, and it is recommended to store it only in a tightly sealed glass container. The calorie content of dried apple is 280 calories per 100 grams of product. The sugar content in it is 50-60 grams!


Jam is fruit puree boiled with sugar. Apple jam is especially thick thanks to pectin, a natural thickener that only increases as a result of heat treatment.

The process of preparing jam is quite long and labor-intensive; in addition to preparing the raw material (applesauce), you need to keep it on the fire for several hours, stirring regularly. As a result, it is very rare to find homemade apple jam on the table now. It is much easier to buy it in a store; the price of jam is quite low, and the assortment is always large.

Homemade jam will have a brighter taste and the absence of many preservatives that manufacturers add to their product. To ensure that the jam does not ferment and the consistency is dense, at least 60 percent sugar must be added to it. Otherwise, incorrect proportions will have to be more than compensated for with artificial preservatives and thickeners. Homemade jam also does not need to be pureed to perfection; small soft pieces of an apple that is translucent from prolonged cooking will only improve its taste.

A lot of sugar is added to the jam, which does not allow this type of apple product to be called dietary. The calorie content of jam is 230-240 calories, sugar more than 60 grams per 100 grams of product. Most of the vitamins and microelements are lost from prolonged cooking.

Apples and baked goods

Apple filling has become a classic for baked goods, pies and pies. You can use both fresh apples and jam. These are the two most popular types of filling using apples. In the case of jam, everything is simple - it does not need to be further processed or added sugar before using it as a filling.

When using fresh apples for the filling, you need to take into account that it will give a lot of juice during the cooking process. As a rule, when preparing oven pies, fresh fruit is cut into cubes, sprinkled with sugar and placed in the dough. During the baking process, the apples will have time to bake properly, giving a sufficient amount of juice, so these pies will be very juicy. If you fry the pies in a frying pan, first simmer the chopped apples with sugar for a few minutes. When frying, the dough cooks much faster, and the fresh apple does not have time to bake inside.

The calorie content of apple pies varies from 200 calories (oven) to 280 (fried). It can be reduced a little more if you do not add sugar to the filling.

Choosing the right apples

To enjoy the taste of apples and get a good portion of vitamins and microelements, you need to take into account several nuances when choosing apples, namely:

  • First of all, you need to understand that every fruit has its own season. For apples this is August-October. And if in the middle of winter, apples of winter varieties are still full of useful vitamins, then in the spring or early summer on the shelves you can only find fruits treated with the strongest chemicals, which have completely lost any beneficial properties;
  • the surface must be smooth, without damage, dark spots or dents;
  • there should be no wrinkles on the surface of the fruit. This indicates the wilting of the fruit; its taste will be hopelessly spoiled, not to mention its beneficial properties;
  • choose medium-sized fruits that are as natural in appearance as possible. Apples that are too large or have a perfect uniform color have been treated with growth enhancers and ripening accelerators;
  • the fruit should not be sticky or too shiny, this is a sign of chemical treatment for longer storage;
  • the smell doesn't have to be apple. Most varieties have almost no smell unless the skin is damaged.

If you nevertheless purchased a beaten apple, or found signs of rotting during storage, immediately separate it from the rest. The process of rotting in apples quickly spreads not only inside the fruit, but also to neighboring fruits.

You can learn about the dangers and benefits of apples, as well as their calorie content, in the following short video:

Let's sum it up

A correctly chosen apple will become a valuable source of nutrients and a necessary element of any diet. The benefits of one apple a day can hardly be overestimated, and desserts containing it are distinguished by their bright taste and wonderful fruity aroma, which cannot be confused with anything else. Possessing all these qualities, apples should become an integral part of everyone’s diet for energy, vigor and well-being.

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