Cookies "Nan Bukhara". Oriental sweet “nan Bukhara” How to bake nan at home

Most oriental sweets, according to GOST, are made from shortcrust pastry. Their main feature and advantage is tenderness, fragility and friability. In order for the products to turn out correctly, it is important to knead the dough in a certain sequence. Usually, they first grind the butter with powdered sugar, then add all the ingredients except flour, grind it well or beat it again, and only then add the flour and knead the dough very quickly. A small amount of liquid in the dough and a short kneading time contribute to very little gluten development, and as a result, the cookies turn out exactly as they should. It is also important to remember that the dough for oriental sweets should not be left - it must be cut immediately, since aging, again, strengthens the gluten. Yes, and choose weaker flour...

By the way, how can you determine the amount of gluten in flour? It's very simple. Look at the package. The composition of the flour is indicated there, the amount of protein is the percentage of gluten in the future dough. In ordinary Russian flour, the amount of protein is about 10%, this is the correct indicator for most types of confectionery dough (except stretch, puff and choux) and, including shortcrust pastry. If the percentage is higher, replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with the same amount of starch.

According to tradition, nan Bukhara is decorated with pink lipstick. Before coating, put the pieces of lipstick in a saucepan, add a spoonful of currant or beet juice and heat over very low heat until liquid. Remember that the lipstick should not be overheated, and if it is too thick, you just need to add a spoonful of water. Prepare lipstick immediately from half a kilo of sugar, it will be left for the future. Unused lipstick can be placed in a container and stored in the refrigerator.


300g flour,
70g butter,
155g powdered sugar,
1 large egg,
75g milk,
70g raisins,
75g candied fruits,
35g chopped almonds,
1 tsp with a heap of baking powder.

All products should be at room temperature.

(you will need half a serving):
500g sugar,
150g water,
1 tsp lemon juice.

Preheat the oven to 180°C


Cut the candied fruits into pieces, raisins too, if they are large. Chop the nuts and roast them.

Beat butter with powdered sugar.

Add the egg and beat until smooth.

Add milk little by little, whisking until creamy, it may ripple a little.

Add the prepared dried fruits, nuts and flour with baking powder and quickly knead the dough.

As soon as there is no unmixed flour left, we stop.

A complex recipe for nan Bukhara according to GOST home cooking standards step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 2 minutes. Contains only 261 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 261 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 8 servings
  • Complexity: Complicated recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Cookie

Ingredients for eight servings

  • Pomade:
  • granulated sugar 245 g
  • molasses 25 g
  • Water - 82 g
  • Essence - 6.6 g (did not use)
  • flour 327 g
  • eggs 72 g
  • butter 78 g
  • powdered sugar 170 g
  • eggs for lubrication 13 g
  • whole milk 82 g
  • raisins 78 g (+49 =127 g)
  • dried candied fruits 49 g (I didn’t use them, they sell them very poorly, colored ones, I used raisins instead)
  • ammonium 1.6 g (I took baking powder 10 g)
  • dried hazelnut kernel 39 g
  • yield 1000 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. The product is made from butter dough, with candied fruits and raisins. It has the shape of round buns, glazed with pink lipstick.
  2. The nuts are crushed, the candied fruits are cut into small pieces, the butter is ground with powdered sugar until smooth. Eggs, raisins, nuts, candied fruits, milk and ammonium (baking powder) are added to the mass. Mix everything, add flour and quickly knead the dough. The products should be prepared in a room whose temperature does not exceed 18-25 C, otherwise the dough will tighten (the dough was made in a container, which was lowered into a container with cold water).
  3. The dough is divided into 60 g portions, shaped into round buns with a diameter of 60-65 mm and placed on sheets lined with parchment paper (the dough turns out tender, so I used a pastry bag to speed up the process). Before baking, brush with egg and bake at 180-200 C for about 20-25 minutes. The baked goods are cooled and glazed with pink fondant. Lipstick is prepared using basic technology.
  4. 1 kg of products contains 12-14 pieces.
  5. Pomade:
  6. Sugar - sand and water in a ratio of 3:1 are brought to a boil in an open container while stirring, removing the resulting foam. Then close the lid, boil the syrup to a temperature of +108 C and add molasses heated to +50 C, after which it is boiled to a temperature of +115. 117 C (test for a weak ball). At the end of cooking, essence is added.
  7. Hot syrup is poured in a layer of 20.30 mm on a table with a marble lid and cooled to a temperature of +35. 45 C for 40.45 min. Beat the cooled syrup on a beater for 15-20 minutes or manually on the table using a spatula.
  8. Characteristics of the semi-finished product.
  9. Homogeneous, plastic, glossy mass of white color.

New points: 1. I used maltose molasses, it’s dark, it’s better to take light... . (but it’s very difficult to get it here, so I bought whatever I came across) 2. I didn’t use dye for pink lipstick, because I have a small child. . and I don’t want to feed him chemicals... . . You can probably use beet juice, but I haven’t found how much to add yet, if I find it I’ll definitely add to the recipe... . . 3. The process of glazing with lipstick is not fully disclosed in Gost... . . Therefore, from experience, I say that you need to glaze with hot lipstick, without cooling it on the marble... . once it cools down it is difficult to work with... . My lipstick has hardened a little... ... . and therefore lies unevenly on the product... . . If anyone has worked with this lipstick please write... ...

Taba-nan is a Kazakh wheat bread made from sour dough. Traditionally, it is baked in a tandoor, but not everyone has this opportunity. So we'll bake it in the oven.

The dough recipe indicated dry yeast, but lately they have disappointed me and I only make the dough with fresh yeast. Dough made with raw yeast “puffs” and rises perfectly. As a result, my drawing on the side almost swam. But this did not affect the taste. It is recommended to store Taba-nan in a closed bread box or bag. I didn’t have time to save it, because it was eaten during the evening with a shish kebab)).

Heat the milk and water a little.

Dissolve yeast and sugar in liquid.

Add flour and salt.

Stir and finally add oil.

Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands.

Cover the dough and keep warm to rise. It is advisable to knead the dough a couple of times.

Divide the dough in half. Using your hands, form the dough into a flat cake with edges.

Use your fingers to pinch the sides. Prick in the center with a fork.

Transfer the preparations to a baking sheet. Bake Taba-nan in a hot oven at 200 degrees until golden brown. Approximately 12-15 minutes.

This is such a beautiful and tasty bread, and so fragrant, mmmm...

Bon appetit.

We and our guests liked Taba-nan with the smoky aroma even more.

Probably, in every city there is a store (namely a store, because it is tiny and located in a God-forsaken place), which seems to be a hundred million years old. It happens that you come there in the morning, and inside is the dizzying aroma of freshly baked bread and the sellers in top hats and snow-white aprons are kindness itself.
There are three departments: bread, where there is always a gray round and “brick” and sliced ​​loaf, sausage and milk, with your favorite “Doctorskaya”, milk sausages and cheeses “Yantar” and “Omichka”, and a sweet department. We go there last, with a hefty loaf of “Doctorskaya” (yes, yes, it happens) and an already bitten off loaf of bread. The "sweet" has a special atmosphere. It’s always homely and warm here, and the smell of the freshest cakes and cookies is... indescribable... well, you understand what I mean:) Here and only here you can buy sweets from your childhood or youth: sand rings with nuts, baskets with cream, eclairs. It happens (happens often), you go to the store, buy the treasured ring and go home, happy.
Don't think that this is the store of my memories, no, no. There are also islands, not eaten up by the huge hypermarkets, where time seems to stop. And, in my opinion, this is wonderful!

And this is what this is all about. Cookies were sold in this store. "Nan Bukhara" was called. Tender and crumbly, with nuts, candied fruits and raisins. It was sold and sold, and then disappeared. It would seem that the problem is: wherever you go, there are plenty of cookies of all kinds, choose what your heart desires. But my soul stubbornly desired “Nana”. And then I decided to bake it myself....

Naturally, I wanted the cookies to turn out the way I remembered them from childhood. Kengis's cookbook came to the rescue, using which I made sand rings. What good recipes are in this book. The ingredients are available, the dough is pleasant to work with, and, most importantly, everything always works out! And it turns out delicious!

I baked my Bukhara beauties, poured a glass of cold village milk, took a bite of the cookies know, guys, this is not just delicious. It's incredibly delicious! Here it is, “the same one.”

Cookies "Nan Bukhara"

Ingredients :

For 750 g cookies:
2 cups of flour,
1 cup powdered sugar,
75 g butter,
3/4 cup raisins and candied fruits,
2 eggs,
1/3 cup sour cream,
2 tbsp. spoons of roasted nuts,
1/4 teaspoon of ammonium or soda.


Grind the butter with powdered sugar for 2-3 minutes, add sour cream, eggs, nuts, washed raisins and diced candied fruits, mix everything well, add flour mixed with soda or ammonium, and for 1-2 minutes knead the dough from which to form small buns weighing 10 g.
Place the buns on a baking sheet lined with paper and bake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200°C.

I also sprinkled the cookies with powdered sugar :)

And, my dears, sorry for the not very beautiful photo. I hurried to the generous distribution of machines for consultation on the exam, and when I returned home, there were two and a half cookies left; the light was not very good. I hope that my post, written sincerely and from the heart, will compensate for this small shortcoming.

Enjoy your tea!

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