Cabbage soup - proven and original recipes. How to make cabbage soup from different cabbage: cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi. Cabbage soup One year old cabbage soup

Housewives have been preparing cabbage soup for a long time, as they are original Russian and Ukrainian dishes. Our body digests cabbage remarkably well, taking the most valuable microelements from it. Everyone knows that cabbage is rich in potassium, vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, fluorine and other elements. So beneficial for the stomach and intestines, it is a digestive regulator. Cabbage soup perfectly cleanses the body of decay products, toxins and waste.

Recently, creamy soups with cauliflower and broccoli have become popular. True natives of the Mediterranean, the sisters of our white compatriot were used in preparing dishes from the cuisines of northern countries, where it is very cold. In times of bad weather, cream soup warmed and nourished the body. In the 18th century, this was the original purpose of cabbage, a pureed dish.

Cook's tip: cabbage soups are good for children, but not all picky little ones like them. For mothers, an excellent solution would be to prepare puree soup for their babies with the addition of cream or milk.

How to cook cabbage soup - 15 varieties

This incredibly rich dish is satisfying and appetizing. Thanks to its rich vegetable composition, the soup is also very healthy.


  • Four liters of meat broth.
  • 100 g bacon.
  • 480 g potatoes.
  • 190 g cabbage.
  • 380 g zucchini.
  • 250 g sweet pepper.
  • Celery root.
  • 300 g carrots.
  • 5 stalks of celery.
  • Two onions.
  • Two cloves of garlic.
  • Parsley, vegetable oil, salt.


Finely chop cabbage, zucchini, peppers, carrots, stems, celery root, onions, and leeks. We saute the products in lean fat. Heat the broth to a boil and add the fry. Next add the diced potatoes. Season the soup with salt and pepper and cook over low heat for half an hour. At the end of cooking, add bacon strips, chopped parsley and squeeze out the garlic. Bring to readiness for another five minutes.

Light, slightly fried soup, low in calories. This dish is good for fasting or dieting.


  • 350 g potatoes.
  • 100 g carrots.
  • 100 g of onion.
  • 350 g cabbage.
  • Olive oil for frying.
  • 80 g millet.
  • Salt, peppercorns.
  • Dried parsley.
  • Bay leaf.


Cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in the boiling broth. Next add the washed millet. Salt the broth and add bay leaf. Chop the cabbage and add to six-month-old potatoes and cereals. Chop carrots and onions and fry in olive oil. Transfer the finished roast into a saucepan. Boil the soup until fully cooked.

Broccoli, as one of the varieties of cabbage, is a storehouse of useful microelements. Housewives love to prepare soup with her participation, as the dishes always turn out tasty and light.


  • 3 liters of water.
  • 0.5 kg chicken.
  • 0.5 kg of broccoli.
  • 150 g rice.
  • 90 g carrots.
  • Leek.
  • Bay leaf, herbs, salt.


Chop the chicken into pieces and place in a pan with water. Bring to a boil and cook for an hour with bay leaf. After a while, chop the carrots and add to the meat. We also add one stalk of leek here. Cook for another 15 minutes.

Remove the onion and bay leaves from the pan, add rice and broccoli. Cook until the rice is ready. Season the finished dish with herbs and seasonings.

This dish should not be confused with fish soup, as it is prepared using a large number of ingredients. The soup can be called fish soup. It turns out to be useful and bright.


  • 300 ml water.
  • 500 g salmon fillet.
  • 300 g potatoes.
  • 300 g cauliflower.
  • 80 g onions.
  • 100 g spinach.
  • 250 ml milk.
  • 100 ml cream.
  • 40 g butter.
  • 40 g flour.
  • 10 g Tabasco sauce.
  • 10 g paprika, salt, pepper.


Chop the onion and sauté in butter until golden brown. Then add the flour, mix and fry for another couple of minutes. Transfer the vegetable to a saucepan, pour in boiling water and add chopped potatoes and cabbage umbrellas. Season the soup with salt and pepper and cook until the potatoes soften.

At the end of cooking, add 2 teaspoons of paprika, Tabasco, milk, heavy cream. Bring the dish to a boil, reduce the heat level and add the fish cut into pieces. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes and add chopped spinach. Stir the dish and remove from heat.

Not many people like to cook soup with sauerkraut because of the characteristic sourness of cabbage. If the dish is prepared correctly, it will turn out truly tasty and aromatic.


  • Pork ribs.
  • 300 g potatoes.
  • 20 ml vegetable oil.
  • 60 g onions.
  • 40 g carrots.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 20 g tomato paste.
  • 250 g sauerkraut.
  • 60 g millet.
  • Salt, bay leaf.


Before preparing the soup, you need to boil the ribs or meat in three liters of water. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in butter with tomato paste. Place chopped potatoes into the broth, and after 10 minutes add sauerkraut and fry. After 5 minutes add millet. Season the soup with salt, bay leaf and simmer on the stove until done.

Aromatic cabbage soup will bring all family members together for dinner. Even young little ones will appreciate the dish.


  • 500 g of fresh mushrooms.
  • 1 kg cabbage.
  • 150 g onions.
  • 6 sprigs of parsley.
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.
  • 40 g flour.
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper.


Boil the mushrooms, remove, chop and sauté in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Shred the cabbage, place it in a saucepan, add a little liquid and simmer until done. Along with the cabbage, add bay leaf and salt. At the end of cooking, “dust” the cabbage with flour, mix and simmer for another 3 minutes.

Strain the broth in which the mushrooms were boiled and boil. We put mushrooms, cabbage, chopped herbs, seasonings, and salt into it. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from the stove.

Who would refuse a plate of aromatic borscht? Perhaps most of the citizens of our country love this dish for its satiety, incredible deliciousness and healthiness.


  • Three liters of meat broth.
  • 50 g dried mushrooms.
  • 500 g potatoes.
  • 180 g cabbage.
  • 180 g beets.
  • 120 g carrots.
  • Parsley root.
  • 100 g beans.
  • 120 g onions.
  • Two loaves of round bread.
  • Sour cream, herbs, butter.
  • 60 ml vegetable oil.
  • 80 g tomato paste.
  • 10 ml vinegar.
  • 10 g sugar.
  • Salt pepper.


Wash the mushrooms, boil them, cut them thinly. Boil the beans. Chop the beets, fry them in oil, add sugar, vinegar, and tomato. Add a little water and simmer until soft.

Chop the carrots, parsley root, and onion into strips and sauté in oil. Boil the broth, add cabbage and potato cubes. Cook for 15 minutes. Then we add legumes, mushrooms, stewed beets, and sautéed carrots. Season the borscht with salt and pepper and cook for about 10 minutes.

Remove the top of each loaf of bread with a knife and scoop out the pulp. This way you will get two pots. Grease the bread with butter and brown in the oven for about five minutes. Pour the finished dish into pots, season with sour cream, herbs and serve immediately.

Smoked meat creates a special deliciousness in the dish. The soup turns out delicious and aromatic.


  • Head of cabbage.
  • Two carrots.
  • One onion.
  • Three potatoes.
  • Smoked brisket.
  • Butter.
  • Leek.


Take 400 g of brisket and cut into pieces. In a thick-walled saucepan, melt a piece of butter and transfer the meat. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Cut the onion, leek, carrot into half rings and add to the brisket. Cook for another 10 minutes. Chop the potatoes into cubes, and shred the cabbage randomly.

Place the vegetables in the pan and add enough boiling water so that the liquid part covers the contents of the pan with an allowance of 5-7 cm. The soup should be thick. Boil the dish until cooked, season with salt, remove from heat and let sit.

The dish can be safely included in your diet. You can cook it every day. Soup cleanses the body and saturates it with healthy vitamins.


  • Half a head of cabbage.
  • 100 g carrots.
  • 100 g of onion.
  • 150 g potatoes.
  • 200 g turkey.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Salt pepper.


Cut the turkey into slices. Chop the onion and carrots. Simmer the meat and vegetables in vegetable oil until the onions are golden and the meat is crusty. Boil two liters of water, add salt and bay leaf. Place the roasted turkey into the broth. Chop the potatoes into cubes and add them to the soup along with the rest of the ingredients. Simmer the dish for half an hour and remove from heat.

A rich, nutritious soup suitable for every day menu. Good served with sour cream or mayonnaise.


  • 0.5 heads of cabbage.
  • 500 g beef.
  • 120 g onions.
  • 120 g carrots.
  • 100 g bell pepper.
  • 150 g of tomato.
  • 150 g potatoes.
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.


Peel the beef from veins, cut into 22 cm cubes and place in a thick-walled pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry the meat thoroughly, add chopped onions and carrots. Simmer the products, stirring, for 15 minutes. At the end add chopped pepper and tomato. Mix everything and fry for another 7 minutes.

Pour 2.5 liters of boiling water into a saucepan with meat and vegetables, add salt and put a bay leaf. Let the ingredients boil for 15 minutes and add the diced potatoes. Keep the cabbage soup on the stove until the potatoes soften.

Finely chop the cabbage and place it in the pan. Vegetable cooking time is 5-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices. When all the ingredients in the soup are cooked, turn off the stove and let the dish brew for a couple of hours.

The soup is very easy to prepare. Preparation will not take much time, and the result in the form of a delicious dish will definitely surprise you!


  • 300 g cabbage.
  • A pack of milk.
  • 200 g carrots.
  • 200 g zucchini.
  • 20 g butter.
  • Salt pepper.


Boil two liters of water in a saucepan and add the cabbage cut into strips. Boil until half cooked. Finely chop the carrots and cut the zucchini into cubes. Send vegetables to cabbage. When all the products are boiled, pour milk into the pan and add salt.

Cook's tip: after the milk, add butter to the soup. It is important not to wait for the milk foam to appear. This approach will prevent the milk from curdling.

Surely many people think that meatball soup is prepared only with noodles or potatoes. In fact, this is not the case, because cabbage is a universal product and allows you to combine a wide variety of ingredients.


  • 400 g cabbage.
  • 80 g onions.
  • 80 g carrots.
  • 300 g minced meat.
  • Salt pepper.


In a heated frying pan, fry finely chopped onions and carrots. When the vegetables become soft, add shredded cabbage to them. Simmer food for 7-10 minutes.

Boil two liters of water in a saucepan, add salt, add a bay leaf and add the roast.

Form the minced meat into meatballs and place in the soup. Cook the dish until all the ingredients are cooked.


  • 500 g fish.
  • 300 g seaweed.
  • 300 g potatoes.
  • 100 g carrots.
  • 70 g onions.
  • 150 g pickled cucumbers.
  • 60 g butter.
  • Herbs, salt, spices.


Remove the fish from the bones, put it in a saucepan and add two liters of water. Cook until done. Cut the boiled fish into pieces. Chop the potatoes into cubes, add to the broth and cook until softened. Chop the carrots and onions and sauté in oil. Place grated cucumbers and chopped seaweed into the frying pan. Cook for no more than 10 minutes. Place the finished roast into a saucepan and simmer for 15 minutes. Season the soup with salt and pepper. The pickle should be served with pieces of boiled fish and herbs.


  • 600 g tomatoes.
  • 100 g of onion.
  • 300 g broccoli.
  • Celery greens.
  • Half a glass of milk.
  • 40 g flour.
  • 80 ml vegetable oil.


Boil broccoli umbrellas in 1.5 liters of water until tender. Remove the finished cabbage and leave the broth.

Chop the tomatoes and place in a frying pan. Add chopped onion and celery greens. Stew the products for 15 minutes. Puree the finished roast together with broccoli in a blender. Transfer the pureed mass into the broth. Add salt and simmer for five minutes. Then pour in hot milk, add herbs and bring the soup to a boil.

This soup is the perfect balance of simplicity and deliciousness. The recipe proves: to prepare a tasty, healthy dish, you don’t need to spend money on expensive products. It is enough to take what is in the refrigerator and kitchen bins. Let's get acquainted with another budget recipe for cabbage soup with cereals.


  • 400 g cabbage.
  • Onion head.
  • Half a glass of rice.
  • Dried cherry plum.
  • A third of a teaspoon of turmeric.
  • Salt, pepper, saffron.
  • Spoon of butter.


We tear the cabbage into pieces with our hands and place it in a saucepan with a liter of boiling water. Immediately add washed rice and salt. Cook until soft.

Melt butter in a frying pan and fry thinly sliced ​​onions. After two minutes, add salt and season with saffron and turmeric. Cook for a couple more minutes.

Pre-soak the cherry plum in water, cut it into pieces and dip it into the prepared potatoes and cabbage. Next we add the fry. Season the soup with pepper and cook until ready for five minutes.

Every housewife always has white cabbage in stock. Many delicious dishes are prepared from this versatile vegetable. First of all, these are a variety of soups with cabbage. Their list is much wider than the usual borscht or cabbage soup.

Ingredients: half a kilo of pork, 2 carrots, 4 potatoes, a handful of fresh green peas, salt, 420 g of cabbage, a piece of butter.

  1. A broth is made from the meat, after which it is cut into small pieces.
  2. The potatoes are sent to the pork about 15 minutes after the water boils.
  3. Grated carrots and onion cubes are fried in butter.
  4. The frying is transferred to the almost finished potatoes along with finely shredded cabbage.
  5. All that remains is to add green peas and salt.

Until the fresh cabbage soup is fully cooked, cook for another 8-9 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Product composition: 1 pc. onions and carrots, 4-5 potatoes, 370 g pork ribs, 230 g white cabbage, salt, half a sweet bell pepper, 2 garlic cloves, 3 liters of purified hot water, seasonings, 2 tbsp. l. white rice.

  1. The ribs are fried in a suitable device program for 15-17 minutes. Then pieces of carrots and onions are poured into them. Cooking the meat and vegetables continues for the same amount of time.
  2. Pour washed rice into the bowl and add diced potatoes. The ingredients are sprinkled with seasonings and salt.
  3. After pouring hot water into the bowl, the mixture simmers in the “Stewing” program for 40-45 minutes.
  4. Then sweet pepper cubes, chopped garlic and thin cabbage strips are added to the slow cooker.
  5. The “Baking” program is set for 15-17 minutes. It is difficult to say exactly how long it takes to cook cabbage in a slow cooker. The time depends on the thickness of the straw and whether the vegetable is young. If necessary, you can add a few more minutes to prepare the dish.

The finished soup is poured into bowls and sprinkled with freshly ground pepper.

Cooking from sauerkraut with meat

Ingredients: 310 g pork, 1 pc. carrots and onions, 170 g sauerkraut, 2 small potatoes, salt, dried herbs.

  1. The meat is cooked in salted water. 20-30 minutes after boiling, pieces of raw potatoes are poured into the broth.
  2. A ruddy fry is prepared from onions and carrots.
  3. If the sauerkraut is long, its strips are first cut into 2-3 parts and only after that are sent to the frying pan with the vegetables. Together the ingredients simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  4. The finished meat is cut into small pieces and returned to the broth. Salt, frying and dried herbs are also added here.

Sauerkraut soup with meat will cook for another 5-6 minutes, after which it can be served with homemade sour cream.

From seaweed

Ingredients: 2 liters of any broth, 270 g of canned seaweed, medium carrots, 3 potatoes, half a can of canned peas, 3 boiled quail eggs, onions, rock salt.

  1. The broth is brought to a boil, all the chopped vegetables specified in the recipe are poured into it. Cook the mixture until the potatoes are ready.
  2. The marinade is drained from the peas and cabbage. The ingredients are transferred to the soup.
  3. Add grated eggs and salt to taste.
  4. Cook the ingredients together for 8-9 minutes.

Before serving for dinner, seaweed soup should be thoroughly steeped.

Classic cabbage soup

Ingredients: 520-620 g beef on the bone, 330 g sauerkraut, 1 pc. carrots and onions, 3-4 small potatoes, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. To cook cabbage soup deliciously, the first thing you need to do is make the broth. The meat is washed, placed in a pan, filled with cold water and cooked for 80-90 minutes. The beef is then removed from the broth, finely chopped and returned.
  2. Vegetables are peeled, finely chopped and sent to the prepared broth. The cabbage is lightly squeezed out first.
  3. The future soup is salted, peppered and cooked for 10-12 minutes.

The pan is removed from the stove and left for 15-17 minutes.

Cauliflower and Chicken Soup

Ingredients: 2.5 liters of purified water, 3-4 chicken wings, 2 potatoes, onion, 230 g cauliflower, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable seasoning, half a bunch of green onions, salt.

  1. Potato blocks with wings are left to cook until tender. After 20 minutes, the chicken is removed from the pan, the meat is removed from the bones and returned to the broth.
  2. Onions and carrots are roasted golden brown. Then small raw cabbage inflorescences are poured onto it. The ingredients are mixed and fried for 5-6 minutes.
  3. The contents of the frying pan are added to the chicken. Salt and seasoning are added.
  4. The treat is cooked for another 10-12 minutes.

Serve soup with cauliflower and chicken, garnished with finely chopped green onions.

With Brussels sprouts

Ingredients: 360 g Brussels sprouts, 420 g potatoes, 130 g each sweet pepper, celery root, carrots, onions, 1.5 l purified water, fresh garlic, salt.

  1. Peeled celery root is grated. Carrots are also processed. Onions and peppers are chopped into cubes.
  2. Place all the vegetables together in a well-heated frying pan with oil. They should be lightly browned and fragrant.
  3. Potato bars are immersed in water. When the vegetable softens, add cabbage to it. The cabbages can be cut in half.
  4. After 7-8 minutes of cooking, add frying, salt, crushed garlic.

After another 10 minutes of simmering over low heat, the soup will be completely ready.

From Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: half a kilo of Chinese cabbage, 1 liter of vegetable broth, 8 pcs. dried tomatoes (in oil), dried garlic, a pinch of turmeric, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, table salt.

  1. The cabbage is washed and damaged leaves are removed. Next, the head of cabbage is cut into 2 halves and the dense lower part is removed.
  2. The cabbage is fried directly in the pan. It is prepared with a spoonful of tomato oil.
  3. The vegetable is sprinkled with salt and garlic.
  4. When the cabbage softens and browns, add chopped tomatoes and add turmeric. The broth is poured in.
  5. The soup is brought to a boil and cooked for a couple of minutes.

Citrus juice is poured into the finished dish and more salt is added if necessary.

Broccoli and cauliflower soup

Ingredients: 230 g frozen broccoli, 160 g fresh cauliflower, 3 medium potatoes, small carrots, half a large onion, 1 liter of chicken broth, 80 ml medium-fat cream, 40 g butter, table salt, ground black pepper. How to make tasty broccoli and cauliflower puree soup is described below.

  1. The broth is sent to the stove and brought to a boil.
  2. At this time, all the peeled, chopped vegetables are fried in butter. The main thing is to prevent the components from burning.
  3. When the vegetables have absorbed all the oil, they are placed in boiling broth and cooked for another 12 minutes.
  4. Both types of cabbage are disassembled into inflorescences. Cauliflower is boiled for 2-3 minutes in a separate pan to rid it of its specific taste. Next, the prepared main components are transferred to the broth.
  5. After 7-8 minutes of cooking, the ingredients of the soup are pureed, salted and peppered.

The soup is brought to a boil, cooked for 7-8 minutes, then salted, turned off and left to infuse for about half an hour under the lid.

Cabbage with meat - a hearty lunch

Ingredients: half a kilo of pork, 2 garlic cloves, 4 potatoes, 2 pcs. onions and carrots, 270 g of sauerkraut, half a glass of millet, 2 tbsp. l. flour and tomato paste, salt, any spices.

  1. Broth is made from pork. About 20 minutes after boiling, pour the potato halves into the liquid. When the meat is completely cooked, it is removed from the pan, finely chopped and returned. The washed millet is also placed there.
  2. The potatoes are taken out of the broth, mashed into puree and sent back.
  3. The roast is prepared from garlic, carrots and onions. Tomato paste, spices, and flour are added to the already rosy vegetables.
  4. After another 5-6 minutes, you can send the mass into the broth along with the cabbage.
  5. After 10 minutes the soup is turned off and infused.

Option for preparing soup for the winter in jars

Ingredients: a kilo of white cabbage, half a kilo of carrots, sweet peppers and tomatoes, 330 g of onion, 80 ml of refined oil, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence and salt, 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

  1. First, the onion is fried in half of the refined oil. Then carrots are added to it.
  2. After 5-6 minutes of frying, pieces of pepper and peeled tomatoes are added to the pan.
  3. The cabbage is finely chopped and placed in a pan. The remaining oil is poured on top, as well as the contents of the pan along with the fat.
  4. After mixing, add sugar and salt to the ingredients. It remains to boil the vegetables for 6 minutes after boiling, add vinegar, simmer for another 2 minutes and place in sterilized jars.

The most common recipe for cabbage soup is cabbage soup.

They have been preparing them in Rus' for many centuries.

But, besides cabbage soup, you can make many delicious soups from cabbage.

Cabbage soup is perfect for those who are watching their figure.

Cabbage soups are suitable for baby food.

Cabbage soup - basic cooking principles

Cabbage soup is prepared from all types of cabbage: cauliflower, broccoli, sea cabbage, white cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc. Regardless of what type of cabbage you use for the soup, in any case it will turn out tasty and healthy.

The soup is cooked in meat, vegetable or fish broth.

In addition to cabbage, other vegetables, cereals or pasta are added to the soup. Before cooking, vegetables are peeled and chopped. White cabbage is chopped into thin strips. Cauliflower and broccoli are separated into inflorescences. Whole Brussels sprouts are added to the soup.

Onions and carrots are chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil. You can add tomato paste or finely chopped fresh tomatoes to the frying.

At the end, the cabbage soup is seasoned with salt, spices, aromatic herbs and fresh herbs.

If you add cheese, cream or natural yogurt to the soup, it will acquire a delicate creamy taste.

Recipe 1. “Light” cabbage soup made from cauliflower


a glass of cauliflower;

30 g grated cheese;

two potatoes;

125 ml yogurt;

olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Separate the cauliflower into florets, place it in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Cook over low heat for about five minutes.

2. Peel the carrots and potatoes, wash them and grate them. Place the grated vegetables in heated olive oil and fry, stirring constantly, until lightly browned.

3. Place the fried vegetables in a saucepan with cabbage, stir and cook for another ten minutes. Add salt and cool slightly.

5. Pour yogurt into the soup, stirring continuously, sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Recipe 2. Irish cabbage soup with bacon


a pinch of black pepper;

90 g bacon;

a pinch of salt;

40 g butter;

450 g of tomatoes in their own juice;

150 g potatoes;

100 g onion;

300 g white cabbage;

700 ml vegetable broth.

Cooking method

1. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Chop the peeled onions as finely as possible. Peel the potatoes and also cut them into small pieces.

2. Heat the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add the onion and bacon into it. Fry everything together for three minutes.

3. Add potatoes to the bacon and onions and fry, stirring continuously, for a couple of minutes. Now add the tomatoes in their own juice and hot broth. Mix and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. The potatoes should become soft.

4. Shred the cabbage into strips as thin as possible, and put it in the soup, and cook for another ten minutes, stirring. Salt, pepper and as soon as it boils, remove from heat. Cover with a lid and leave the soup for half an hour.

Recipe 3. Broccoli and cheese cabbage soup


two chicken thighs;

50 ml vegetable oil;


three bay leaves;


a pinch of ground nutmeg;

four potatoes;

fresh parsley, onion and dill;

broccoli – 400 g;

a can of canned green peas;

processed cheese – 200 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken thighs, place them in a saucepan and cover with boiled water. Place the pan on the fire and boil. Reduce heat and cook the meat, skimming the foam from time to time, for half an hour.

2. Peel the vegetables. Divide the broccoli into florets. Rinse the greens, dry and finely chop.

3. Chop the onion into half rings and fry in hot oil until transparent. Add the coarsely grated carrots to the onions and fry, stirring constantly, for another two minutes. Pour in half a glass of water. Stir and simmer the vegetables for another quarter of an hour. In a separate cup, dissolve the flour in water and pour this mixture in a thin stream into the soup. Cook until thickened.

4. Add diced potatoes to the broth and cook until soft. Cut the processed cheese into cubes and add to the soup. Stir until it is completely dispersed in the broth.

5. Now add broccoli florets to the soup and add green peas. Lay out the fried vegetables, stir and add herbs. Season the soup with nutmeg and add a bay leaf. Once the soup boils, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. After five minutes, pour into serving bowls.

Recipe 4. Cabbage soup with kohlrabi and chicken meatballs


half a kilogram of minced chicken;

two liters of purified water;

four potatoes;

dill and parsley;

50 g each of celery and parsley roots;

a pinch of curry;

50 g carrots;

chicken seasoning;


black pepper;

kohlrabi – 200 g;

50 g butter.

Cooking method

1. Peel the vegetables and wash them well. Grate the celery and parsley roots, carrots and kohlrabi into small strips. Chop the onion into small pieces. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

2. Add seasoning, pepper and salt to the minced chicken. Mix well and make small balls with wet hands.

3. Add onion to heated oil and fry it until soft, add carrots and celery and parsley roots. Fry, stirring regularly, for three minutes. Season with curry and stir.

4. Place potatoes and meatballs in boiling water. Cook from the moment of boiling, stirring, for 15 minutes.

5. Add kohlrabi and fried vegetables to the soup. Add salt and cook for three minutes. At the end of the soup, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Recipe 6. Cabbage soup “Mix”


three liters of broth;

150 g pearl barley;

large carrot;

a pinch of ground ginger;


Brussels sprouts and cauliflower;


5 g cumin.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pearl barley and place it in boiling broth. Cook the pearl barley until done.

2. Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil until lightly browned.

3. Place cauliflower and broccoli, disassembled into inflorescences, into the broth with barley. Place the whole Brussels sprouts into the soup. Stir and cook until all the cabbage is cooked.

4. Season the soup with ginger and cumin, and salt. After ten minutes, add the fried vegetables to the soup and cook for another five minutes.

Recipe 6. Cabbage soup with fish and corn


a small head of Chinese cabbage;

50 ml soy sauce;

300 g salmon fillet;

150 g Tofu cheese;

can of corn;

two liters of vegetable broth.

Cooking method

1. Wash the salmon fillet and dry with a napkin. Cut Tofu cheese and fish into small cubes. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Open the can of corn and drain the liquid.

2. Pour the vegetable broth into a saucepan and boil. Place salmon pieces in it and cook for ten minutes.

3. After this time, add corn and cabbage to the soup and cook for another three minutes. Pour soy sauce into the soup, stir and cook for the same amount of time. Place pieces of cheese on plates and pour the finished soup over it.

Recipe 7. Old Bohemian cabbage soup


three large potatoes;

400 g white cabbage;

30 ml vinegar;


two sausages;

30 ml sunflower oil;

25 g sweet paprika;

2 pinches of cumin;

6 peas each of black and allspice;

2 bouillon cubes;

3 bay leaves.

Cooking method

1. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces.

2. Melt the fat in a cauldron and fry the onion in it until soft. Season it with cumin and paprika. Stir and cook for another minute. Pour in purified water and boil. Place potatoes and cabbage in boiling water. Crumble the stock cubes and add them to the soup. Add peppercorns and bay leaves here too. Cook until vegetables are soft.

3. Cut the sausages into rings and fry in sunflower oil. Place the sausages on a napkin to remove excess fat.

4. In a separate frying pan, melt the fat and fry the flour in it, stirring constantly.

5. Place the fried sausages and flour mixture into the soup. Stir everything well so that there are no lumps. Salt and pour in a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. Pour the finished soup into bowls and serve with fresh bread.

    If you are making sauerkraut soup, simmer it separately in melted butter, adding a little liquid.

    Add the roasted vegetables, peppercorns and bay leaves to the soup at the end so that they retain their flavor.

    Vegetables in soup should be cut into equal pieces.

    Place soup ingredients only in boiling water.

    Sauté vegetables in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or cast-iron skillet, stirring constantly.

If you need to quickly prepare the first dish for your everyday lunch, then I offer a simple recipe for incredibly tasty cabbage soup. It is prepared on the basis of chicken broth and we will need a small amount of time to create this wonderful dish. This is not cabbage soup or borscht, it is a simple homemade soup with several types of cabbage and potatoes.

In addition to white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are great here (depending on the season, the latter can be used fresh or frozen). Cabbage soup always turns out very aromatic, tender, nutritious and is sure to please the household. In some ways, this dish can easily be classified as dietary. Chicken meat does not contain excess fat, and I do not pre-fry the vegetables for the soup, which eliminates any oil in the recipe.


  • 600 g chicken breast on a frame
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 300 g white cabbage
  • 100 g broccoli
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • salt, pepper, seasonings

Cooking method

First of all, boil the prepared chicken in salted water until tender, remove the meat and let it cool. If necessary, strain the broth and add

chopped potatoes and carrots. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and

add shredded cabbage, small broccoli florets and chopped onion. We continue to cook the soup, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are completely cooked and soft, this will take about 20 minutes.

At the same time, separate the cooled fillet from the bones and divide it into portions.

All vegetable soups are indispensable dishes of vegetarian or lenten cuisine. Very often they are cooked with cereals, pasta, crackers or dumplings are added. Cream or olive oil, grated cheese, chopped eggs, and finely chopped herbs work well as a dressing. To prepare cabbage soup, you can use any variety of cabbage - white broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts, cauliflower, etc. The soup turns out not only very tasty, but also healthy, because cabbage contains a lot of vegetable protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is easily absorbed by the body and removes toxins. Let's look at some interesting recipes for making cabbage soup.

Cauliflower soup


  • cauliflower - 500 g;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth - 2.5 tbsp;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - to taste;
  • nutmeg, salt, pepper - to taste.


How to make cabbage soup? Take a head of cauliflower, rinse well under cold water and dry with a towel. Divide into small florets and cook in lightly salted water for 5 minutes.

During this time, melt the butter in a frying pan and add a little flour to it. Peel the onions and finely chop them. Add it to the pan with the chicken broth and pour in the flour and butter. Bring everything to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 25 minutes.

Then cool the broth and add chopped cauliflower. Mix the soup well. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix with the cream whipped with egg yolks. Dilute the mixture with broth, then carefully pour it into the pan with the soup. A few minutes before cooking, add salt, pepper to taste, green onions and nutmeg.


  • squid - 50 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • cauliflower - 50 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • greens - optional.


How to cook cabbage soup with seafood? Boil squid fillet and shrimp in salted water. We cut the squid into strips, and peel the shrimp and separate them into fibers. Finely chop all the vegetables, sauté in a frying pan, add to the boiling broth, and after 10 minutes add the cabbage inflorescences. Cover with a lid and cook until fully cooked. At the very end, add seafood, salt, pepper and leave for 20 minutes. Just before serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs and season with sour cream.

Sauerkraut is also perfect for this cabbage soup. It goes well with vegetables, beef and herbs.

Cabbage soup with mushrooms


  • white cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • dried mushrooms - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley, celery - optional.


How to quickly cook delicious cabbage soup? Boil finely chopped carrots, celery and parsley in salted water. Grind the dried mushrooms into powder in a mortar. Add chopped cabbage, potatoes, and chopped mushrooms to the pan. Cook everything over low heat with the lid closed for 20 minutes. At the very end, add salt to taste and season with sour cream.

Cabbage soup puree



Throw coarsely chopped vegetables into boiling water. While they are cooking, fry finely chopped mushrooms and cauliflower in a frying pan with vegetable oil. After 15 minutes, use a blender to grind the entire contents of the saucepan. Add spices, salt and fried vegetables. Cover with a lid and simmer the soup for 10 minutes.

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