Compote – beneficial properties, recipes, harm. Calorie content and beneficial properties - apple compote

It’s quite simple to please all family members - for this you can prepare compote from dried apples.


Dried apple compote has long become an obligatory component of children's menus - people are usually introduced to this drink at a fairly early age. This tasty drink is definitely included in the diet of preschool children, but not only kids, but also adults drink this drink with great pleasure.

The undoubted advantage of apple compote is that it can be prepared at any time of the year., because this requires a minimum of necessary products. This drink is also quite inexpensive. Dried apples, harvested in season, usually store well and retain all their beneficial properties for many months.

To make apple compote, you need good quality apples. Spoiled apples can harm the body and even contribute to the development of food poisoning. That is why, before preparing compote, you should carefully examine the dried fruits for traces of rot.

You can make compote from fresh apples, but many people like the taste of the drink when it is made from dried fruits. They believe that such a drink has a slightly different taste. Also, when preparing apple compote, you can add other additional aromatic additives to it - cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and other spices. This will give the finished drink a new taste and unique aroma.

Composition and calorie content

The nutritional value of the drink can vary significantly. In many ways, the calorie content of apple compote is determined by how many apples and sugar were used to prepare the drink; the type of apple also matters. The more carbohydrates contained in dried fruits, the more calories there will be in the finished compote.

The BJU of apple compote is determined mainly by the apples that were used to prepare the drink. So, on average, 100 grams of apples contain 2.1 grams of vegetable proteins, 0.1 grams of fat and about 60 grams of carbohydrates. If sweeter fruits were chosen to prepare the compote, the natural sugar content will be higher. Calorie content of 100 grams of dried apples is 260 kcal.

Dried apples can be called a storehouse of vitamins.

Among the substances necessary for the body, they contain the following:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

Natural sugars are one of the main components of dried fruits. Thus, their content is more than 10% of the mass of dried fruits. The presence of natural sugars determines the sweet taste of apple compote.

Beneficial features

It is believed that if a child drinks apple compote regularly, he will not get sick. The fact is that this drink has an antibacterial effect. It contains natural components that help fight viruses and bacteria that cause many dangerous diseases. If you drink apple compote systematically, you can strengthen your immune system, since the drink contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

The health benefits of consuming this compote are great. Dried fruits are a natural source of chemicals that can equalize the acid-base balance in the human body. Consumption of apple compote has a positive effect on kidney function. This drink also helps to remove from the body unnecessary metabolites that are formed during the body’s vital functions.

During illness, various toxins accumulate in the body, and harmful substances in this case appear both in the body cells of the baby and in an adult - his nursing mother. In order to remove them from the body, a sufficient amount of fluid is required. Doctors recommend drinking warm compotes, including apple compote. This will help the body quickly cope with the consequences of infectious intoxication.

The chemical composition of dried apples also contains pectin. This substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. Scientists have found that this component is able to restore the motor function of the colon. This biological effect contributes to the fact that stool becomes regular and the intestinal microflora improves.

Dried apples contain dietary fiber, which also affects intestinal contractions. In order to improve digestion processes, a person needs to consume a sufficient amount of fruit. Apple compote can be an excellent option for replenishing the body's physiological need for dietary fiber. It should be noted that to improve intestinal function, it is necessary not only to drink the liquid from the compote, but also to eat boiled apples.

Many mothers of babies are familiar with the problem when the baby flatly refuses to eat fruit. Typically, such resistance leads to the child having difficulty with regular bowel movements. Eating apple compote can help solve this problem. In order for your baby to quickly get used to drinking such a drink, you can turn the process of drinking compote into an exciting game.

Apple compote is an excellent dessert for people who are watching their figure or are in the process of normalizing weight. Many diets exclude the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, but following such weight loss systems is quite difficult. You can treat yourself with apple compote, but you should not add sugar when preparing it. It is better to choose sweet apples, but do not additionally sweeten the drink. In this case, the calorie content of the drink will not be increased due to the calories contained in sugar.

We also note that a person who wants to quickly achieve the desired weight should not drink apple compote in large quantities. A couple of glasses a day instead of dessert will help you bring your weight back to normal faster.


Apple compote is a fairly safe drink, but in some cases, taking it can cause harm to a person. This is manifested by the fact that after consuming apple compote, adverse symptoms appear. Also, in some people, taking this drink can provoke the development of exacerbation of certain diseases that have a chronic course.

Doctors do not advise patients to consume apple compote during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. Dried apples are rich in natural acids, and these substances can increase pain during an exacerbation of an ulcer. You can drink apple compote after the inflammatory process begins to subside.

Also, diabetics who are forced to monitor their blood glucose levels for life should not abuse apple compote, because drinking the drink can cause a rise in glucose concentration. In case of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus, this is very dangerous, as it can even provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma.

People who are obese and forced to stick to a diet should include sweet apple drinks in their menu only after visiting a nutritionist. The doctor will evaluate the possibility of adding such a drink to the diet, and will also make individual recommendations on how much apple compote a particular person on a diet can drink.

Allergy or individual intolerance to apples is a contraindication for taking apple compote. In this case, drinking a sweet drink is fraught with the development of very dangerous conditions that may even require immediate medical attention and possible hospitalization.

People who are unsure whether they can drink apple compote for health reasons should first discuss this with their doctor. The doctor will be able to assess the current state of the body and dispel doubts regarding the possibility of drinking apple drink.

How to dry?

Apples have been used by people for drying for many centuries. These fruits are so loved by the people that they tried to dry them well and preserve them for the whole winter. If necessary, you could take a small portion of apples and use them to prepare a delicious compote.

Many years ago, fruit could only be dried in the usual way - in the open air. This drying method is still occasionally used. Drying apples in this way is quite simple, but first you need to decide what type of fruit you need to use for drying. Many people advise choosing sweeter varieties - in this case, the dried fruits will be more aromatic and sweet.

For drying, you should choose fruits that do not show signs of spoilage. Rotten fruits tend to dry poorly, especially naturally. Also, such fruits have a significantly reduced shelf life.

After all the apples have been selected, they need to be washed well and cut into slices. You can also dry the fruits by cutting them into slices. The thinner the apples are cut, the faster they will dry.

The juicier the fruit, the longer it can take to dry. During drying, most of the natural moisture from the fruit evaporates, and this leads to the fact that the dried fruit loses some weight. Thus, the weight of dried fruits ready after drying is always less than the weight of the apples that were used to make them.

It takes several days for the fruit to dry well. It all depends on the conditions under which drying occurs. Ambient humidity and ambient temperature affect the rate of evaporation of natural moisture from cut fruits. That is why lovers of dried apple fruits recommend drying apples in warm and fairly dry weather. Thus, the fruits will dry out more quickly and turn into dried fruits.

Modern housewives have in their home arsenal quite a lot of useful technical devices that significantly simplify life. Using them, making dried apples is a fairly simple task. So, you can prepare this delicious dessert using a microwave, electric dryer or even a regular oven.

When using technical devices, the cooking time for dried apples is noticeably reduced. So, dried fruits, when cooked in the oven, will be ready, as a rule, in 5-7 hours. Apples should be dried at a relatively low temperature - up to 60 degrees. In this case, the fruits dry well, but cannot burn.

After the dried apples are ready, they should be transferred to a container where they will be stored. If necessary, you can take a small amount of fruit and use it to prepare a delicious compote.

How to cook?

Making a delicious compote from dried apples is quite simple. The classic recipe for making apple compote at home includes only three products: apples, water and sugar. The remaining additives serve only as an addition to the main, traditional method of preparing the aromatic drink.

Dried fruit compote is a drink familiar to everyone since childhood. It perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes, replenishes vitamin reserves and, depending on what fruit it is cooked from, can have different effects on the body. Preparing compote is very simple; all you need is clean water and any dried fruits. There is often simply no need to add sugar to it, since dried fruits contain natural sugars. The only drawback is that dried fruits lose most of their vitamin C, but this can be compensated for by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to the compote.

It is better to cook compote from high-quality local dried fruits.

Compotes made from any dried fruit are certainly healthy. To prepare the drink, you need to take only purified water and good dried fruits. Do not use fruit that is moldy or contains insect larvae or worms. Sugar is added to taste, but it should be remembered that every 10 g of sugar increases the calorie content of the drink by 38 kcal (for the entire volume).

First of all, compotes are a liquid that the human body needs every day. And this is not just water, but a healthy drink containing a whole vitamin and mineral complex, organic acids, dietary fiber and many other nutrients. That is why regular consumption of dried fruit compote will help strengthen the immune system, and during illness, cope with intoxication of the body.

Compotes made from dried fruits are an ideal drink for people who are watching their figure and trying to get rid of fat, since its calorie content is minimal. The uniqueness of the drink lies in the fact that the fruits from which it is brewed contain, and water is necessary for the swelling of dietary fiber in the intestines. Thus, the body immediately receives all the substances necessary for normal digestion.

Compote is a tasty and healthy drink that you can drink without fear, since it contains very few calories, and a small amount of carbohydrates is represented by natural sugars.

100 g of various dried fruits contain on average about 250 kcal, so it is easy to calculate that a glass of drink with pieces of fruit contains no more than 25 kcal (if you use 2 liters of water and 100 g of dried fruit to prepare the compote).

Dried apple compote

Compote made from dried apples is perhaps the most popular among compotes, since apples grow almost everywhere, and drying them is not particularly difficult. Unfortunately, during drying and then cooking, some of the vitamins contained in fresh raw materials are destroyed. But still, dried fruits contain many useful substances. Macro- and microelements (iron, copper and many others), organic acids, fiber are preserved, partially B vitamins and ascorbic acid remain in dried apples. The body receives all these substances when we drink dried apple compote. It is useful not only to drink the drink itself, but also to eat boiled slices of dried fruit, as they are rich in fiber.

Dried pear compote

Pears contain no less useful substances than apples and other dried fruits. But compote made from dried pears with peel can have a fixing effect. This is due to the fact that these fruits, and especially their peel, contain a lot of astringent substances. At the same time, the pear contains enough dietary fiber that stimulates intestinal motility, so pear compote will not have a noticeable effect on digestion. Nevertheless, the benefits for the body are undeniable, since the drink will help quietly cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Compote of dried apricots, dried peaches, prunes or raisins

Compote of these dried fruits is primarily beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. They are very rich in potassium (especially dried peaches and dried apricots), and this macronutrient is necessary for the normal rhythmic activity of the myocardium. In addition, they contain magnesium, calcium and sodium, which are also needed for healthy heart muscle.

Potassium takes an active part in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and promotes the removal of fluid from the body, therefore compotes of dried apricots, prunes and raisins have a diuretic effect. This property of the drink is useful for diseases accompanied by edema.

An infusion of dried apricots, prunes and raisins has... Moreover, such a natural and useful remedy can be used by people who often face this unpleasant problem. In order for the compote to have the desired effect, you do not need to boil the dried fruits, but pour a glass of boiling water over several large dried apricots and prunes and leave for several hours; you can cook it in a thermos. Usually this infusion is quite sweet, so there is no need to add sugar to it. In the morning on an empty stomach you should not only drink compote, but also eat the fruit itself.

The compote will help soften the stool, and the fiber in which these dried fruits are rich will have a mild stimulating effect on the intestinal walls, enhancing its peristalsis. Fiber binds and removes waste, toxins, and rotting products from the intestines, which can accumulate in the intestinal lumen when feces are retained in it. In addition, dietary fiber is necessary for the functioning of normal microflora, so this drink is an excellent remedy for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

These dried fruits are also rich in iron, so they are useful for. This quality makes their compote doubly useful for expectant mothers, who sometimes experience a decrease in hemoglobin levels during pregnancy.

Compote of dried rosehip, barberry, cranberry

Rosehip compote contains a large amount of vitamin C.

These dried berries are often used to prepare compotes with medicinal properties. They contain the most vitamin C and organic acids. In addition, they contain substances that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Compotes of these dried berries are useful to drink for diseases of the urinary, cardiovascular, nervous system, and joint diseases.

Harm of dried fruit compote

If you have an individual intolerance to any fruits, an allergic reaction to a compote made from them is possible.

Excessive consumption of compote fruits, especially infused prunes and dried apricots, can lead to digestive disorders (bloating and abdominal pain, diarrhea).

Acidic compotes, for example, from rosehip or barberry, should not be consumed by people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers, since they contain a considerable amount of organic acids.

Compote made from low-quality dried fruits can harm the body. To prepare the drink, it is better to choose local dried fruits. In order to preserve them during long-term transportation and increase shelf life, imported dried fruits are treated with various chemicals that have carcinogenic properties. For example, good dried apples are unsightly and wrinkled in appearance and have a brown color. If overseas fruits have shiny, smooth skin and bright color, then most likely they contain harmful chemicals that will end up in the compote when cooked.

Channel One, Habitat program on the topic “The benefits and harms of dried fruits”:

OTS TV channel, program “Morning Before Everyone else”, story about dried fruits:

We all know about the high degree of usefulness of fresh fruits and berries for the human body. They contain a high percentage of important trace elements, mineral and vitamin compounds and amino acids, which are essential for the full and healthy functioning of our body. But what to do in winter, when the only fresh fruits and berries are apples and oranges? Many people resort to using dried fruits and berries. What is their usefulness, what properties do they have, can they cause harm, and much more we will consider in our article.

Calories and vitamins in dried fruit compote

Due to the diversity of the composition of dried fruit compote, its calorie content and balance of proteins and carbohydrates may vary slightly. It is believed that compote can be a very high-calorie product, since it is based on sweet water, to which a large amount of sugar is added.

If these two rules are followed, the average number of calories per 100 grams of compote will be equal to 60. Moreover, in 100 grams of compote there will be 0.8 grams of proteins and 11.4 grams of carbohydrates.

The microelements and minerals in the compote include:

  • calcium - 3.1 g;
  • iron - 0.1 g;
  • phosphorus - 4.3 g;
  • potassium - 38.5 g;
  • sodium - 0.5 g;
  • vitamin C - 0.2 g;
  • vitamin B3 - 0.1 g;
  • beta-carotene - 0.0011 g.

Why is it useful?

In general, the benefits of dried fruit compote are quite diverse.

Its main positive qualities include:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • blood purification;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and circulatory system due to increased iron content;
  • saturating the body with useful minerals and vitamins;
  • promoting the normalization of the stomach and intestines;
  • improving brain function and strengthening memory;
  • promoting cell regeneration;
  • relief of all forms of colds;
  • help in reducing temperature during acute respiratory infections;
  • Providing a psychological calming effect, can be used as an antidepressant.

Separately, we should dwell on the variety of beneficial properties for the bodies of pregnant and lactating women, for infants and for those who are trying to lose weight.

Important!Dried fruit compote is much healthier and cheaper than juices from supermarkets. The absence of preservatives and dyes makes it safer than any ready-made drink from the store.

For pregnant and lactating women

If we talk about whether compote made from dried fruits and berries is useful during pregnancy and for nursing mothers, then we can safely say that the usefulness is also very high.

It is during this period that the expectant mother’s body needs additional support more than ever, and this is especially true for hemoglobin levels, which often drop during pregnancy.

Also, such a drink will have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, blood purification, cell regeneration and the absorption of microelements and vitamins into the blood and cells of all systems, which is vital for maintaining the health and performance of the entire body.
In addition, the drink will promote lactation and enrich milk with many useful elements that will enter the child’s body.

Therefore, we can safely say that for pregnant women and those who have decided to breastfeed (breastfeeding), a drink made from dried fruits will be a kind of miraculous elixir that not only can, but also should be consumed.

For weight loss

It turns out that losing weight with the help of compote based on dried fruits and berries is also possible. Due to its ability to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and unwanted “garbage” in the form of toxins and dead cells, this drink is able to “wash out” fats, promoting gradual weight loss.

The functioning of the urinary system is also improved, which promotes rapid redistribution of fluids and reduces the likelihood of edema, which is often found in obese people.
By improving the functioning of the stomach, more elements are processed in the correct form and absorbed in the right places. All excess, on the contrary, is eliminated from the body, and is not deposited as an accumulation of fat in “stagnant” areas. Therefore, when dieting, it is recommended to drink 1 to 2 liters of compote per day.

For babies

Breasts will receive everything they need through mother's milk. Therefore, compote can be introduced into complementary foods from 3 months, if it does not contain any exotic products.

Did you know? The fruity aroma of the drink improves mood and fights depression and loss of energy. This is why most children and adults love him. It is believed that regular consumption of dried fruit compote helps to avoid seasonal infections and not catch a cold in the off-season.

If you add something like papaya, pineapple, coconut or other similar ingredients to the drink, this can provoke allergic reactions and harm the baby. Such experiments are not recommended to be carried out before 6 months of age.

Features of use

Dried fruit compote also has some peculiarities of consumption that have arisen as a result of the presence of various disorders and diseases in people, for which it is necessary to drink such a drink, following the recommendations. We will talk about them in more detail later in our article.

For pancreatitis, gastritis

If there are any inflammatory processes in the stomach, consuming dried fruit compote is not recommended, given the increased acidity caused by the high content of fruits and berries, which contain a large number of various acids.

If you still decide to experiment, then you can only add strawberries to such a compote. These fruits and berries have the lowest degree of acidity and therefore will not cause pain.

For diabetes

If you have diabetes, you should limit sweet fruits and berries as much as possible, replacing them with sour ones, for example, green apples, pomegranates, grapefruits, oranges and others. It is also better to replace sugar with honey.

Diuretic or not

For kidney disease, drinking dried fruit compote is also not recommended, as it is a diuretic. To avoid trouble, you should consult with your doctor in advance about the possibility of drinking such a drink if you have ailments of the urinary system.

Strengthens or weakens

A drink made from dried fruits and berries can have both a laxative and constipative effect. It's all about the ingredients.

Important!It is not recommended to indulge in compote based on dried prunes, as excessive consumption can lead to the occurrence of profuse loose stools. Moreover, you should not drink such a compote if you have diarrhea, because the result will be disastrous.

You can get rid of constipation by adding prunes to the compote, which will then result in a fairly effective laxative. If you add dried pear, the effect will be the opposite.

For those who are planning to prepare a tasty and aromatic fruit drink, we have prepared several recommendations, compiled into a list:

  1. Wash dried fruits thoroughly before cooking.
  2. It is recommended to soak them in boiling water for 15–20 minutes.
  3. If fruits and berries are sweet, then you don’t need to add sugar at all.
  4. The classic ratio of dried fruits to water is approximately 1 to 5.
  5. In addition to the classic method of boiling dried fruits (most of the beneficial elements are lost in this process), you can use the steaming method in a special thermopot. This container will allow the dried fruits to brew, and all the useful elements will remain in the water and not evaporate. In addition, using this method you will significantly reduce the infusion time of the drink. After an hour you can drink it.
  6. To make the compote healthier, replace sugar with honey.
  7. To diversify the flavor palette of this drink, use spices and herbs.

How to store dried fruit compote

After preparing the dried fruit drink, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool at room temperature. If you have cooked a large pan, then after the compote has cooled completely, it is recommended to distribute it into containers (you can use glass jars or plastic bottles), and then put it in the refrigerator for storage.
Next, take out the compote and let it warm up at room temperature before drinking. If you are preparing a small saucepan, then you don’t have to put it in the refrigerator, because the aromatic and tasty drink will quickly spread among your family members.

Important!If mold or an abundance of air bubbles appears on the surface, then you cannot drink such compote, because it has already disappeared or fermented.

In winter, the pan with compote can be taken out to the balcony (in an apartment) or to the veranda (private house). But even when stored in the refrigerator, it is not recommended to keep this drink for a long time. It should be consumed within the first three days from the moment of preparation.

Contraindications and harm

Such a drink cannot cause any harm. It may be more beneficial or less beneficial, depending on what ingredients were used and in what quantities.

Also, the effect of the drink may depend on the individual characteristics of the body, its reaction to certain ingredients. Other factors may include acidity balance, allergic reactions, individual intolerance, as well as some contraindications, usually caused by the presence of diseases.

List of contraindications for the use of uzvar:

  • renal failure;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy.

Did you know? A drink made from dried fruits and berries, called uzvar among the Slavs, differs from ordinary compote based on fresh ingredients in that to obtain aroma and rich taste, it must be infused for at least 12 hours. The longer the uzvar is infused, the more interesting, richer and brighter its aroma and taste will be.

In general, dried fruit compote has a very limited list of contraindications. It is useful for people of all ages and sizes, and is also indicated for use even after undergoing severe operations.

At any time of the year, compote will be a great addition to your diet. In summer, these can be drinks based on fresh fruits and berries; in winter, use frozen or dried ingredients.
Freshly brewed compote will fill your home with the pleasant aromas of the summer garden, and will bring extraordinary benefits to your body and health in general and will have a tonic and invigorating effect.

Try and experiment with different options and combinations of fruits and berries to obtain new, unique tastes.

Very many. In the summer it is brewed from fresh fruits and berries, and if this is not done in time, then in the winter the drink is brewed from dried fruits. The recipe for making compote is extremely simple, and no one doubts whether compote is healthy.

Useful properties of compote

Any compote is very good for health. For certain conditions and diseases, a drink made from certain fruits or berries will be useful. For example, apricot will be useful for diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver.


Pear compote will help cope with stomach, heart, kidney, infectious diseases and neuropsychic disorders.

Useful substances of compote

Fruits and berries retain vitamins even when canned. True, this does not apply to all vitamins.

  • Vitamins PP contained in apples, cherries and plums withstand heat treatment;
  • Compotes made from black currants, peach, strawberries, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, pineapple, apples, plums and apricots are rich in vitamin C;
  • When canning, vitamin B2 is also preserved, which is rich in cherries, plums and sea buckthorn.

Plum compote has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and stomach; it will cure anemia, vascular atherosclerosis, rheumatism, and gout. Quince compote contains tannins and pectins; it has anti-inflammatory properties and will prevent intestinal diseases, anemia and tuberculosis. Raspberry compote contains a lot of vitamin C, which makes it especially useful for colds and viral infections. Grape compote is an excellent diuretic; it is useful for stomach and kidney diseases.

Is dried fruit compote healthy?

Dried fruits retain most of the nutrients and vitamins found in fresh fruits. Each fruit has its own characteristics, many of them go well with each other. By mixing the components in a compote, you can diversify its taste and combine a set of minerals and vitamins.

Compote made from dried apples or pears is useful for diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, ulcers, and gastritis of the gastrointestinal tract.

A drink made from prunes increases hemoglobin and helps the digestive system.

Raisins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Dried apricots and compote made from them are indispensable for anemia, edema and vision problems.

A fig drink improves the functioning of the pancreas and respiratory tract.

Thus, by choosing dried fruits for compote, you can create combinations of useful substances that you and your family need.

So dried fruit compotes are very useful. They contain a lot of pectins, which improve digestive processes, stimulate intestinal motility, normalize metabolic processes, and remove toxins and waste from the body. The vitamins and microelements contained in dried fruit compotes make the drink much healthier than store-bought juices.

Compote is contraindicated:

  • In case of renal failure;
  • Pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimester;
  • For gastritis with increased stomach acidity;
  • For ulcers;
  • If tooth enamel is damaged.

How much compote can you drink per day?

Is compote useful in unlimited quantities? Yes. You can and even need to drink homemade compote as much as you want.

Basic rules for preparing compote

For compote, it is necessary to select only suitable fruits or dried fruits.

You should not add sugar to the drink for infants; you can sweeten it with honey if the baby is over seven months old.

Boil the washed dried fruits for about twenty-five minutes. It is important to remember that the volume of cooked fruit doubles. Based on this, you need to take about a glass of dried fruits per liter of water. Strain the cooked compote and cool before using.

Recipes for healthy compotes

Dried fruits compote

  1. Take 400 grams of any dried fruit and rinse in hot water, leaving them to soak for a while.
  2. Place 2 liters of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar: no more than 150 grams if the dried fruits are sweet.
  3. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add the hardest fruits, pears or apples, for example, to the syrup. They require long cooking. After 20 minutes of cooking at low simmer, add vanilla, lemon or orange zest, as well as other fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes).
  4. Let simmer for another 5 minutes.

The compote is ready. Be healthy!

Fresh apple compote is an important component of the human diet, especially in summer, when the juicy fruits are fresh from the tree and the concentration of nutrients and vitamins reaches its maximum. This drink is recommended for both adults and children from an early age.

Compote composition and cooking methods

The key to preserving nutrients is proper heat treatment and quality products. There are several cooking options: classic or with the addition of other fruits and berries, with or without sweetener. The last option is especially useful for the body.

Apple compote with sugar is easy to make, without wasting time or effort. Use exclusively fresh fruits, so you retain the main beneficial properties to the maximum.

The nutritional value of the drink prepared according to the basic recipe, that is, without the addition of other fruits and berries, is 39 kcal. It contains 0.1 g of protein, the same amount of fat and 9.25 g of carbohydrates.

Important: If you cannot consume sugar for health reasons, due to individual intolerance, or other reasons, use substitutes or spices. For example, with cinnamon and vanilla it will turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic without sugar. The calorie content will be minimal and will be only 16 kcal.

The benefits and harms of fresh apple compote

The properties of the drink are based on the fact that apples are a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body, for example, they have a high concentration of vitamins B and C. This has a positive effect on the immune system, maintaining normal skin condition and maintaining mineral balance in the body.

Fresh apple compote is useful for children in the rapid growth stage to ensure healthy muscles and bones. In addition, apple compote is recommended for people with anemia, liver, bladder and kidney diseases. This is due to the content of microelements such as iron, iodine, magnesium and calcium. The compote will also help people on a diet who pay special attention to physical activity, helping to restore muscle tone.

There is no harm from drinking a homemade drink; rather, it is a contraindication for use. So, apple compote using sugar is taboo for people with diabetes. It can cause heartburn and exacerbation of gastritis if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The reason is the fruit acid contained in apples, which irritates the stomach mucous membranes.

The amount of compote consumed should be limited to people prone to swelling or suffering from kidney or urinary tract diseases.

This is interesting: the use of fruits, even in the form of compote, will supply the body with antioxidants, the main task of which is to stop the aging process by influencing the production of collagen in the skin. Drink the drink twice a week for exceptional benefits.

Fresh fruit apple compote is a good alternative to commercially produced assorted drinks, but contain large amounts of sugar, gas and harmful chemicals. Homemade drinks are much tastier and certainly safer, and they are quick and easy to prepare. Their benefits, as well as their beneficial effects on the body, are tangible and do not require proof.

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