Brussels sprouts: benefits, calorie content, photo. For weight loss. Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition. For asthma, bronchitis

They amaze with their diversity. There are more than 100 of them. Sometimes it seems that these completely different plants are united under a common name. They differ in taste, size, shape, fruit density, ripening period, and nature of use. Therefore, the popularity of the vegetable is enormous. The smallest fruit in terms of size is.

Carbohydrates in the plant are 3.1%, which is 2 times less than in its white cabbage sister. The exceptional value of the product lies in the quantity and variety of vitamins and minerals.

No one doubts the beneficial properties of this variety of vegetable, but if you compare it with Brussels sprouts, the numbers exceed all expectations. See for yourself.

Vitamins (/Brussels sprouts):

  • vitamin A - 3 mcg/50 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.06 mg/0.3 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg/0.1 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 0.07 mg/0.2 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.1 mg/0.28 mg;
  • vitamin B9 - 22 mcg/31 mcg;
  • vitamin C - 60 mg/120 mg;
  • vitamin E - 0.1 mg/1 mg;
  • vitamin PP, NE - 0.9 mg/1.5 mg.

The microelements contained in its composition include:
  • potassium - 500 mg;
  • calcium - 40 mg;
  • magnesium - 40 mg;
  • sodium - 7 mg;
  • phosphorus - 110 mg;
  • iron - 1.3 mg, etc.
Dishes prepared from small heads of the plant have a high calorie content - 156 kcal per 100 g of leaf part, a slightly lower content of vitamins, but are easier to digest by the gastrointestinal tract.

What's the benefit?

Based on the amount of nutrients, there is no doubt about the benefits of Brussels sprouts. This is an indispensable food product for both the elderly and children.

Did you know? The word "cabbage" comes from a dish common during Lent - pies with. Later, the meaning of the word changed dramatically: it began to be used to describe small, humorous performances on topical topics.

It should definitely be included in the diet of people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension and arrhythmia.
For a stronger effect on the sick body, take juice from fresh heads of cabbage. It stimulates the pancreas, has a general strengthening and wound-healing effect on the body, promotes hematopoiesis, has a mild laxative effect and improves immunity.

This type of biennial is very useful for pregnant women due to its high folic acid content.

Product Application

Cabbage was considered the main vegetable in Europe before the advent of cabbage. Therefore, the use of all its varieties in different areas is common.

Since ancient times, it has been fermented and considered a cocktail of vigor and health. Let's take a closer look at how Brussels biennial is used in cooking and nutrition.

In folk medicine

Traditional medicine widely uses Brussels sprout juice to treat pulmonary diseases. It is used in combination with other healthy juices. This vitamin bomb helps cope with asthma, bronchitis and other diseases.

You can prepare medicinal fresh vegetable juice in the following ratio: 100 ml Brussels sprouts juice, 50 ml juice, 50 ml radish juice and 50 ml juice. The mixture is taken in this volume on an empty stomach once a day until complete recovery or during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Chicken broth with Brussels sprouts has a tonic effect on a weakened body.

The decoction is often used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. To prepare it, chop 200 g of cabbage, add 600 ml of water, and bring to a boil. The broth is infused and cooled. Take once a day.

In dietetics

This is indispensable in dietetics. Since the product is low-calorie, it is recommended to use it during body weight correction. And, what is especially important for the people involved in this process, the amount of product consumed does not need to be regulated.

At the same time, fiber helps lower blood cholesterol. There are even cabbage diets. But doctors do not recommend using it. Large amounts of fiber can cause stomach rumbling, bloating and diarrhea.

The benefits of Brussels sprouts for women are observed due to the high content of folic acid in them. This substance is very useful in the early stages of pregnancy.

Thanks to the phytonutrient diindolylmethane, which is contained in the vegetable, the hormonal balance of a woman is maintained and the production of the female hormone estrogen is stimulated.
Also, eating Brussels heads stimulates an increase in the number of sperm and their vitality. Therefore, it is very important to include dishes with vegetables in the diet of future parents when planning a child.

Regular consumption of such dishes helps to increase sexual activity in both women and men.

Important! Sauerkraut is much healthier for the body than fresh. It contains lactic acid, which helps maintain beneficial bacteria in the body's intestines. Vitamins and minerals in fermented form are stored for up to 10 months.

In cooking

Using tiny heads of cabbage, you can create many culinary masterpieces. They are usually used to prepare soups, side dishes for meat dishes, or used as the main ingredient.

They are boiled, baked, fried, salted, pickled, frozen and even dried. Let's look at some recipes. Brussels sprouts curry

Ingredients: 1 kg Brussels heads, 100 ml cream, 1/3 tbsp. l. curry powder, ground black and salt to taste.

For better absorption of fiber by the body, the vegetable must be boiled. To do this, first chop it, fill it with water and put it on the fire until it boils.

Then transfer to boiling salted water in another pan and cook over medium heat with the lid open for 10 minutes. Drain the water, add the remaining ingredients and simmer, stirring, until the sauce is absorbed into the cabbage. Serve hot.

Brussels sprouts belong to the cruciferous family. The vegetable crop is a copy of white cabbage only in a reduced size. The weight of one Brussels sprout varies from 10 to 30 grams; the volume of the vegetable does not exceed the parameters of a walnut. It doesn’t end there with these interesting features; cabbage also has a number of positive qualities.

Varieties of Brussels sprouts

There are many varieties of vegetables; the popularity of a particular type depends on the area where it grows and the personal preferences of the population itself. In the vastness of our homeland, the following varieties are in wide demand:

  1. Dolmik. Early ripening Brussels sprouts, which were bred and cultivated by the Dutch. The variety has rounded roots that have a dull greenish tint and are medium in size. Most often, “Dolmik” is consumed fresh, it is frozen for the winter, and also stewed.
  2. Boxer. The variety has become popular due to its resistance to temperature changes and the first frosts. Boxer, similar to the previous variety, was bred in Holland. Its roots are round, dense, medium in size, rich green. Cabbage is suitable for making puree (spinning), freezing for the winter, stewing, and eating fresh.
  3. Curl. Late-ripening cabbage, bred by the Czechs. The roots are of medium density and relatively light weight, the color varies from yellow-green to faded green. “Zavitka” is in demand due to its excellent taste, and the variety itself is high-yielding. Fresh or processed cabbage is suitable for use.
  4. Hercules. The variety was bred and cultivated by our compatriots. Late-ripening cabbage is extremely resistant to the first frosts and temperature changes. The roots are oval in shape, the diameter varies between 3-5 cm, and the density is low. This variety of cabbage is suitable for canning and using at home (stewing, etc.).

Benefits of Brussels sprouts

  1. You should include cabbage in your daily menu to compensate for the lack of nutrients. The vegetable concentrates folic acid, which has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and fetus inside the womb.
  2. Cabbage also accumulates other B vitamins; they are responsible for the activity of the human central nervous system. Frequent use improves the psycho-emotional environment and reduces the likelihood of insomnia.
  3. Brussels vegetable improves digestive processes and is often used to combat constipation. Low calorie content allows overweight people to eat cabbage and at the same time gradually lose weight.
  4. Incoming amino acids, combined with natural saccharides, cleanse blood channels of cholesterol and protect the heart muscle from failure. Minerals strengthen blood vessels and arteries, increase blood circulation.
  5. Cabbage contains mineral compounds that increase their beneficial properties when combined with olive oil.
  6. The culture includes zeaxanthin and lutein, these substances are required to maintain eye health. Cabbage is recommended for consumption by categories of people with low vision. Special substances prevent fiber degeneration and prevent glaucoma.
  7. Brussels sprouts contain large amounts of vitamin K. It is necessary for stimulating brain neurons, increasing mental activity, improving memory and concentration. In combination with B-group vitamins, the functioning of the heart and central nervous system improves.
  8. Beta-carotene, coupled with antioxidants, immunostimulants, and dietary fiber, cleanses the body comprehensively. Cabbage is necessary to prevent premature aging of tissues, remove toxins and prevent cancer.
  9. Vegetable crops are beneficial for older people. Cabbage strengthens bones and reduces the likelihood of fractures, lubricates joints, and prevents senile dementia. The vegetable also has a positive effect on the heart, reducing the risk of defects to a minimum.
  10. There is also the value of cabbage for children. The composition contains vitamins and other compounds that improve the absorption of calcium and form the child’s central nervous system.
  11. Brussels sprouts can safely be called a man's vegetable. A vegetable-type crop is necessary for the prevention of diseases associated with the genitourinary system. Cabbage also increases the ability to conceive, increasing the burning sensation of sperm.
  12. Experienced doctors advise taking heat-treated cabbage to people who have recently undergone surgery or a serious illness. The vegetable has regenerating properties, so recovery will come faster.

  1. All of the above beneficial qualities can be safely applied to the health of the female half of the population. But there are some other features. Thus, the culture improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  2. Cabbage is indicated for consumption by girls who are carrying a child or are breastfed. In the first case, the fetus will be formed in accordance with the term, in the second - lactation and milk fat content increase.
  3. Indole-3-carbinol, which is present in the vegetable, is necessary for the prevention of breast cancer and the treatment of an existing disease. This complex compound cuts off the blood flow to the tumor, triggering its destruction.
  4. The beneficial qualities also apply to those who are just planning to conceive a child. Folic acid has a positive effect on the reproductive system, increasing the chances of reproducing children.

Brussels sprouts for weight loss

  1. Brussels sprouts are extremely low in calories. Per serving weighing 100 g. only 42 kcal is allocated. The final value depends on the variety, sometimes the calorie content rises to 50 Kcal.
  2. Despite these indicators, the nutritional value of the vegetable crop is high. Eating two servings a day will relieve sudden hunger pangs and increase metabolism.
  3. Brussels sprouts go well with stewed meats and other vegetables. Thanks to this, you can balance the right diet.
  4. To achieve weight loss results, balance your diet. Avoid fast food and other unhealthy foods. Get into the habit of doing exercises or start going to the gym.

  1. Studies have been conducted using this crop, during which they proved the beneficial properties of cabbage for cancer patients.
  2. The vegetable concentrates isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol. These substances prevent cancer of the lungs, mammary glands, ovaries, and colon.
  3. The effect of cabbage on the body is impressive. Special substances block blood circulation and the formation of new capillaries in the tumor area. The tumor begins to dissolve, and partial or complete recovery occurs.
  4. Among other things, isothicyanates free internal organs from radionuclides, remove toxic substances and heavy metal salts. All this leads to improved cardiac performance.

Brussels sprouts are harmful

  1. If you consume stewed cabbage, the muscles of the digestive tract begin to relax. This can lead to heartburn and flatulence.
  2. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs, this is also worth remembering.
  3. If you have chronic stomach or intestinal ailments, visit a gastroenterologist before trying the vegetable for the first time.
  4. In vegetable crops, a high accumulation of geitrogens has been observed, which do not have the best effect on the activity of the thyroid gland. Therefore, if you have diseases of the endocrine system, be careful.
  5. Indoles interfere with the complete absorption of iodine. Avoid consuming cabbage if you are deficient in this element.

Brussels sprouts are beneficial for the human body if consumed correctly. Follow the measure, take into account contraindications, make sure there are no chronic diseases. Stew the vegetable or consume it in fresh form, combining it with meat, herbs and even nuts. This type of cabbage is often used to get rid of extra pounds.

Video: how to cook Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable crop of the cabbage variety. It was bred by Belgian breeders based on ordinary kale. The miniature size and cute appearance of the heads, combined with a bright and eye-catching color, have made this variety popular both in everyday food and on the holiday table.

Calories and nutritional value

100 g of raw Brussels sprouts contains:

  • carbohydrates - 8.0 g;
  • proteins - 4.8 g;
  • sugars - 2.2 g;
  • fat - 0.3 g;
  • fatty acids - 0.1 g;
  • calorie content - 43 kcal.
By the way, the calorie content of 100 g of baked vegetable is 156 kcal.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks believed that cabbage was good for relieving alcohol intoxication. Therefore, this vegetable was considered a symbol of sobriety. But in Japan, cabbage is still not only eaten, but also planted as an ornamental plant.

Vitamin and mineral composition

100 g of raw Brussels sprouts contains:

  • - 104.4–207.7 mg;
  • carotene - 0.1–0.5 mg;
  • - 0.13 mg;
  • - 0.15 mg;
  • - 0.28 mg;
  • - 31 mg;
  • - 0.70 mg;
  • salts - 7 mg;
  • salts - 500 mg;
  • salts - 40 mg;
  • salts - 40 mg;
  • salts - 110 mg;
  • salt - 1.3 mg.

In addition, it contains a set of enzymes, free amino acids and. The rich vitamin and mineral complex of this cabbage makes it valuable for the human diet, as well as an important natural remedy.

What is good for the body

Brussels sprouts have the following beneficial properties for the human body:

  • amino acids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the content of “harmful”;
  • , lutein and zeaxanthin promote and slow down degenerative processes in the retina;
  • beta-carotene is a strong antioxidant and also strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of viral infections and lung problems;
  • protects brain neurons from damage, which has a positive effect on the general state of brain activity and is a prevention against Alzheimer’s disease;
  • with constant consumption of cabbage, the isothiocyanates contained in it will help protect the body from carcinogens;
  • high content normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • organic compounds of amino acids and glucose - glucosinolates - have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
In addition, fresh juice helps heal wounds and restore the functioning of the pancreas, which is extremely important for diabetes.

Important! When choosing Brussels sprouts, pay attention to the freshness of the top leaves and the absence of signs of rotting or dark spots on the stem and on the heads themselves. A yellow tint indicates a deterioration in the quality of the vegetable.


Brussels sprouts are extremely valuable for men's health. Unfortunately, poor environment, frequent stress and bad habits weaken male strength and reduce sperm quality. In this case, this healthy vegetable will come to the rescue. It is a good prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, and also improves sperm activity and the ability to conceive.


All the general valuable properties of cabbage are applicable to the female body, but it also has its own characteristics. For example, the indole-3-carbinol it contains can prevent breast cancer cells from replicating. Cabbage improves the condition of the skin, and this is especially important for women.

In addition, regular consumption of this vegetable improves blood circulation in the female genital organs and improves the health of the body as a whole. And the low calorie content and abundance of fiber also help.


This type of cabbage is very healthy for all ages, so it should be included in the diet of children. However, not earlier than a year and a half and gradually, like any other product. The vegetable is rich in calcium, which is extremely necessary for a growing child’s body, especially for its bones. And the extensive composition of vitamins and minerals will have a positive effect on the development of the whole organism.

It is also invaluable that the substances contained in the vegetable increase the body’s defenses and help to quickly cope with infections and viruses.

What can be done and what can be combined with

For food, heads of cabbage with high nutritional qualities are used, which are formed in the axils of the leaves from the lateral modified buds. They have a sweet and slightly nutty taste and are highly prized by gourmets around the world. They are eaten raw, boiled, fried, stewed or steamed.

Brussels sprouts are considered an almost universal product and are good in many dishes: soups, salads, stews, omelettes, casseroles. It goes well with other vegetables and is often used in frozen vegetable platters and pickled sets. Whole heads of cabbage look attractive on a plate and are perfect as side dishes for any meat, poultry or fish. Moreover, they can act as independent side dishes or in combination with other products.

Did you know? The well-known sauerkraut was first invented in China. To give it a specific taste, it was soaked in wine. This simple dish was fed to the slaves building the Great Wall of China.

Is it possible to eat on a diet

Due to its low calorie content and rich vitamin complex, Brussels sprouts are used as a dietary product. In addition, due to its high fiber content, it helps remove toxins from the body and establish proper intestinal function. And its high protein content improves the quality of this product.

Fiber also helps improve digestive processes and quickly saturates the body, which is a definite plus for those losing weight. The vegetable is best consumed raw, boiled or baked and not get carried away with various dressings and oils. However, if you are prone to flatulence, it is better to reduce the quantity and frequency of consumption of cabbage heads. In any case, it is better to focus on how you feel.

For those on a diet for a long time, it is especially important that the vegetable will not only enrich the usual diet with valuable nutrients, but will also help diversify it.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

Brussels sprouts are good for pregnant women to eat because their high content of folic acid (vitamin B9) reduces the risk of birth defects in the baby, such as cleft palate or spina bifida. The intake of folic acid into the body of the expectant mother is especially important in the first two months of pregnancy, when all internal organs are formed, including the neural tube of the fetus - the future spine.

It will also help replenish calcium deficiency and get rid of diarrhea, which is a common problem for pregnant women. And the low calorie content of the product will contribute to weight control.

With normal tolerance, this vegetable will also be useful. It contains substances that increase the body's defenses and also reduce the risk of bleeding during the postpartum period. Therefore, it is worth including it in your diet at least once a week. However, it should be introduced gradually, monitoring the child’s condition so as not to provoke colic.

Important! It is good to store grown or purchased Brussels sprouts in the vegetable section of the refrigerator and cut off the heads from the stem as needed. If signs of rotting appear, damaged areas should be removed and the heads should be frozen.

Contraindications and harm

Brussels sprouts can cause bloating, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's syndrome. Increased gas formation is caused by fructose residues - fructans.

In case of individual intolerance, the vegetable, especially when cooked in a stew, can cause an increase in acidity and.

People with thyroid dysfunction should also be careful. Like other cruciferous vegetables, this vegetable can lead to the development of hypothyroidism, which is facilitated by goitrogens, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones. But some nutritionists believe that the effect of goitrogens can be neutralized by thermally treating the heads of cabbage. However, it also contains indoles, which interfere with the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland.

Like any other product, Brussels sprouts must be consumed wisely, and then they will undoubtedly bring great benefits to your body and delight you with new delicious tastes. Try to stay in moderation, eat a varied diet and include these delicious cabbages in your diet at least once a week.

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable crop that belongs to the category of biennial plants. The first fruits after planting the crop can only be obtained in the second year. Brussels sprouts produce fruit the size of a walnut. Many doctors recommend using E6e in food, which is explained by its highest efficiency.

Brussels sprouts have a huge amount of useful substances.

Brussels sprouts have a versatile composition. That is why it has a huge number of advantages. With the help of this culture the following is carried out:

  • Normalization. Regular consumption of Brussels sprouts can normalize cholesterol levels. It is also characterized by a positive effect on cardiac activity.
  • Due to the presence of carotenoids in this plant, its use limits the possibility of damage to the retina. The action of vitamin A is aimed at maintaining and improving visual acuity. Thanks to regular use of this product, it is possible to maintain one hundred percent vision.
  • With the help of vitamin C and dietary fiber, gastric acidity is reduced and eliminated.
  • Brussels sprouts are often consumed in the postoperative period or after significant blood loss. This is explained by its positive effect on blood composition and stimulation of red blood cell synthesis.
  • To eliminate stool retention, patients are recommended to add Brussels sprouts to a variety of dishes. Thanks to the presence of fiber in the composition of this product, its normal functioning is restored.
  • Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in the composition of Brussels sprouts, a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body is ensured, as well as restoration of the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • The plant acts as a prophylactic against acute respiratory diseases. The product contains β-catrotinin, which has antioxidant activity. This has a positive effect on reducing the risk of diseases such as viral infections, asthma and emphysema.
  • Brussels sprouts are characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. This plant strengthens vascular walls and also has a positive effect on the treatment of various cardiac pathologies.

Brussels sprouts have a huge number of beneficial properties, which allows them to be used for prevention and treatment.

Cabbage and pregnancy

Due to the presence of indole-3-carbinol in this product, the possibility of proliferation of pathological cells is eliminated.

That is why female representatives often consume Brussels sprouts as a preventive measure for breast cancer.

Doctors recommend the use of Brussels sprouts during the period of planning a child. Thanks to the presence of folic acid in Brussels sprouts, the normalization of a woman’s hormonal levels is ensured, as well as an increase in the chances of successfully conceiving a child.

During pregnancy, the fairer sex is required to eat this vegetable. This is explained by the presence of a large amount of folic acid in its composition, which limits the possibility of congenital pathologies in the unborn child in the form of cleft palate or spina bifida.

Brussels sprouts also contain calcium. Its action is aimed at maintaining the normal condition of nails, bones and teeth. With the help of vitamin C, various infectious processes are prevented.

The vegetable is characterized by a minimal amount of fat in its composition. Brussels sprouts replace them with more protein. This provides an opportunity to replenish nutrients. This allows you to limit the possibility of obesity for the expectant mother.

Brussels sprouts are quite beneficial during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that it contains plant fibers. During the period of taking this product, normalization is carried out. This is an excellent remedy for constipation, which is often the cause of hemorrhoids.

The plant plays an important role for a woman during pregnancy. This is why Brussels sprouts must be taken daily during pregnancy.

Vegetable harm

If you have intestinal diseases, you should not use this product.

Despite the huge number of benefits, in some cases Brussels sprouts can be harmful to human health.

If cabbage is consumed by a certain group of people, it leads to muscle relaxation.

This is why the vegetable can increase acidity and cause heartburn. This side effect is explained by individual intolerance to the product.

If a person has chronic intestinal or stomach diseases, then eating Brussels sprouts should be done with the utmost caution. People may experience symptoms when taking this product. Side effects also include the appearance of gas.

In some cases, eating Brussels sprouts is accompanied by poor health. The vegetable consists of indoles, which prevent iodine from being absorbed normally. But, if you carry out proper heat treatment of Brussels sprouts, this will lead to the neutralization of these substances.

If patients have thyroid disease, they should eat Brussels sprouts only after consulting a doctor. This is explained by the fact that the product contains geitrogens, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones.

If Brussels sprouts are consumed in excessive quantities, this can lead to hypothyroidism. This disease occurs as a result of a lack of thyroid hormones.

Since Brussels sprouts have contraindications, they should be consumed in moderation. It is best to consult a doctor before using this vegetable.

Features of the use of cabbage

Brussels sprouts can be eaten stewed.

Brussels sprouts have a sweet, nutty flavor. That is why it is highly valued by gourmets. Since the product has excellent taste, people find it very useful.

Brussels sprouts can be used to prepare main courses, salads, side dishes for meat and fish, and cabbage soup. This product is widely used in frozen vegetable mixtures. You can use it to prepare pickled mixed vegetables.

After boiling the cabbage, it is fried until a golden brown crust appears on it. For this purpose, it is first coated in breadcrumbs. Brussels sprouts can also be sautéed in oil. Sour cream or cream can be used as a sauce for the dish.

Brussels sprouts go very well with side dishes such as potatoes and. Brussels sprouts are an excellent decoration for the holiday table, due to their small size and original shape.

When preparing Brussels sprouts, it is recommended to cook them for no more than 5-10 minutes. This is explained by the possibility of vitamin C destruction during prolonged heat treatment and the product losing its beneficial qualities.

It is best to steam or fry the Brussels sprouts in oil. It will be the perfect addition to vegetable soup. Brussels sprouts are characterized by a universal composition, which provides them with a huge amount. The vegetable is characterized by the presence of contraindications, in the presence of which it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

A thematic video will tell you about the benefits of Brussels kaputa:

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Brussels sprouts are a variety of the Cruciferous family. You will not find it in the wild - this is the result of selection by Belgian agronomists. Hence its name in honor of gardeners from Brussels.

Now the vegetable is widely cultivated in Western Europe, the USA and Canada.

Externally, Brussels sprouts are very different from their “relatives” in the family; they are a thick stem (about 60 cm long) with leaves, in the axils of which miniature heads of cabbage are formed: they are used for food.

Its feature is resistance to low temperatures. Adult varieties can withstand cold temperatures down to -8 °C. But in Russia this agricultural crop is not widespread, mainly in the central part.

This is due to the long growing season of 134-160 days. But a number of varieties are grown in Russia: Boxer, Hercules, Fregata, Explorer, Dolmik, Zavitka, Casio, Rosella.

Beneficial features

Let's look at Brussels sprouts from all sides: their harm and benefits for the health of women, men and children, existing contraindications for consumption.

Benefits for men and women

In terms of the balance of nutrients, the vegetable is not inferior to other cruciferous vegetables, even superior to them. high protein content- 4.5 g per 100 g of product (versus 2.8 g for white cabbage and 2.8 g for broccoli).

By including If you include dishes from it in your diet, subject to other diet conditions, you are guaranteed to lose weight and improve your body shape.

Impressive too high content of vitamins, minerals. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, agriculture is in 6th place, surpassing even citrus fruits.

Are Brussels sprouts healthy and why, nutritionist Lydia Ionova will tell you:

Nutrient balance:

Vitamins and minerals Contents per 100g of product Daily value (mcg) % of daily value
A, RE (mcg) 50 900 5.6%
Beta carotene (mg) 0,3 5 6%
B1, thiamine (mg) 0,1 1,5 6.7%
B2, riboflavin (mg) 0,2 1,8 11.1%
B5, pantothenic (mg) 0,4 5 8%
B6, pyridoxine (mg) 0,28 2 14%
B9, folate (mcg) 31 400 7.8%
C, ascorbic acid (mg) 100 130 77%
E, alpha tocopherol, TE (mg) 1 15 6.7%
RR, NE (mg) 1,5 20 7.5%
Potassium, K (mg) 375 2500 15%
Calcium, Ca (mg) 34 1000 3.4%
Magnesium, Mg (mg) 40 400 10%
Sodium, Na (mg) 7 1300 0.5%
, Ph (mg) 78 800 9.8%
, Fe (mg) 1,3 18 7.2%

Brussels sprouts useful for various body systems:

For children and the elderly

Macronutrient balance is very important for a growing body. That's why Brussels sprouts, as a storehouse of vitamins, must be included in children's diets.

Calcium intake is especially important for the formation of strong bone tissue.

But, like any product, the vegetable must be introduced with caution, not earlier than six months. Start with a teaspoon in the first half of the day, gradually increasing the dose and observing the reaction of the baby’s body.

Elderly people need carefully monitor your health. Cabbage is an important helper in this for them.

This protects the cardiovascular system, which is so vulnerable in old age, nourishes bone tissue, and helps the digestive tract.

For pregnant and lactating women

While pregnant and breastfeeding, a woman's diet should be as balanced as possible. It is recommended to include a healthy product in the diet from the earliest stages.

Folic acid is involved in the formation of the brain and neural tube of the fetus. Its deficiency can lead to pathologies such as cleft palate and spina bifida.

Vitamin C will strengthen the immunity of pregnant and lactating women and increase resistance to infections.

Calcium deficiency often accompanies pregnancy and breastfeeding, Brussels sprouts will help replenish it.

Another problem that often accompanies pregnancy is constipation. It can be solved thanks to its high fiber content. The dietary composition of the vegetable controls weight gain.

Nursing mothers need to introduce vegetables into their diet gradually., preferably when the child reaches two months of age to avoid colic and problems with the baby’s digestion.

Contraindications and precautions

Brussels sprouts are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, but there are still contraindications to its use.

People with thyroid problems should be treated with caution..

The vegetable, like other cabbage vegetables, contains goitrogens - elements that suppress the production of its hormones. True, recent studies prove that heat treatment neutralizes this negative effect.

Another risk for the thyroid gland is the content of indoles. These are substances that interfere with normal absorption.

The risk group is people with chronic stomach and intestinal diseases. It is not recommended to consume the vegetable if there is high acidity, enterocolitis, weakened peristalsis, or uncontrolled intestinal spasms.

A stroke requires caution.

Brussels sprouts are one of the versatile vegetables that... when prepared correctly, it is tasty and healthy in any form: cheese, baked, boiled, stewed.

The raw product retains the maximum amount of useful minerals and substances, so salads and freshly squeezed juice are at the top of the benefits of this product. But raw vegetables have a more aggressive effect on the digestive tract.

Quick freezing, which is now widely popular, will also allow you to preserve maximum benefits, which makes the vegetable available all year round.

There are no rules for use. In the absence of contraindications, there are also no restrictions (of course, except within the limits of what is reasonable).

If we talk about the minimum portion, then experts say the required weekly portion is 300 g, including for the prevention of cancer.

How to cook a vegetable tasty and healthy

It is necessary to start treatment with juice with a small portion, gradually increasing to a glass per day.

Cabbage juice is widely used in the treatment of external inflammatory processes. Lotions from it treat burns, eczema.

It is useful to gargle and gargle with diluted juice and water. for the prevention of stomatitis, pharyngitis. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Now you know everything about the benefits and medicinal properties of Brussels sprouts for men, women and children, about possible harm and contraindications.

In our country, Brussels sprouts undeservedly lag in popularity behind their “relatives” in the family. But, surpassing them in the content of substances and minerals, she is gaining popularity every year, more and more families are including it in their diet.

And quick freezing made this vegetable available at any time in the nearest supermarket.

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