Pork liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce. Beef liver with champignons. Beef liver with mushrooms

And you probably know how delicious it is. Have you ever stewed liver and mushrooms together in sour cream? It turns out twice as tasty! I will say more - such overeating that it can easily lead to the sin of gluttony.

The dish is prepared from readily available ingredients. Although, maybe not exactly budget ones. No, liver is definitely cheaper than meat now. But prices for frozen wild mushrooms and sour cream can be steep. However, let’s not forget about the benefits of offal and “forest meat” (as nutritionists jokingly call mushrooms from the forest, and there is some truth in every joke). Therefore, let's pamper our family, prepare for them a delicious dinner or a main course for lunch - beef liver with mushrooms and onions stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker.

Comment for those whose “magic pot” differs from mine in both model and brand. Don’t let the fact that the recipe belongs to another slow cooker stop you or scare you. After all, nowadays almost any device has a “Extinguishing” button. Also, most people have “Frying”, and where it is missing, “Baking” comes to the rescue (for me, for example). The remaining nuances of preparation will be described in detail below step by step.

Ingredients for cooking

  1. 1 kg beef liver
  2. 400-450 g frozen (or fresh) forest mushrooms
  3. 1-2 heads of onions
  4. 200-250 g sour cream
  5. 1-1.5 tbsp flour
  6. salt and ground black pepper to taste
  7. vegetable oil for frying

1. Prepare the liver (wash and dry with a paper towel or napkins). If it’s a little more or less than a kilogram, as they say, it won’t make a difference. Ideally, for extra softness, it is good to soak it in milk or, even better, in kefir for an hour or two in advance. But I received the freshest offal from relatives from the village, so I skipped the soaking process. Next we have mushrooms. Actually, they don’t have to be wild (frozen (like mine) or fresh). Champignons or oyster mushrooms will do. However, the aroma of the dish will be less pronounced. Once you remove the mushrooms from the freezer, there is no need to defrost them. It is enough to rinse under water and leave for 15 minutes in a colander. The next product needed for the dish is sour cream. Take it with the fat content that suits you. And the remaining ingredients that do not need comment are salt, pepper, flour to thicken the sauce, and oil for frying.

2. Cut the peeled onion into cubes or half rings (as you like) and fry in a slow cooker. Before doing this, pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl. Turn on Oursson to the “Baking” mode, leave the lid open.

3. As the onions begin to turn slightly golden, place the mushrooms in the bowl. Continue frying until the moisture evaporates and the mushrooms are lightly fried. While the mushrooms and onions are fried, we can strip the liver of films and veins, then cut into small pieces.

4. Empty the multi-pan and transfer the mushrooms and onions into any suitable container. Now put the offal into the slow cooker and lightly fry it. At the same time, stir frequently so that the pieces do not stick together and fry evenly. You can add a little oil. When the process is complete, turn off “Baking”.

5. We still have the liver in the bowl. We combine it with onions and mushrooms, which were fried before it. Salt and pepper to taste.

6. Add sour cream. If it is too thick, you can dilute it a little with boiled water. Mix the contents of the bowl. Close the lid of the device and turn on “Quenching” for an hour (in this mode, Orson works without pressure, i.e., like a regular multicooker).

7. After the signal, carefully add flour - one or one and a half spoons, depending on the desired consistency of the gravy, but if you want to leave it completely liquid, skip this step. We switch the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. Bring to a boil (be sure to stir often!) and after a couple of minutes turn off the “miracle pan”. Our dish is ready.

8. According to the classic version, serve delicious liver with mushrooms with mashed potatoes. But it would be a good combination to serve with pasta or cereals (buckwheat, rice, bulgur).

Bon appetit!

If you want to try something new and original, and you have some liver, a couple of tomatoes and mushrooms lying around in the refrigerator, you can combine all these ingredients into a simple, but at the same time nutritious and tasty dish. In addition to the liver, you get a lot of tasty gravy, which will also come in handy if you have buckwheat or rice porridge as a side dish. A multicooker will help save some time and effort...


  • 1 onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 400 g liver
  • 250 g champignons
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 150 ml water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • salt and spices to taste

Since the liver “loves” onions, it is better to take a larger onion. After peeling it, cut it into small cubes. Pour into the multicooker bowl, after pouring oil into it.

Tomatoes need to be washed and cut into small cubes. If the tomato peel bothers you in a dish, it’s easy to remove. Simply place the vegetables in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cool and peel off the skins with ease.

The champignons need to be thoroughly washed and cleared of debris. Then cut the caps together with the legs, determine the size of the pieces to your taste.

Combine all the chopped vegetables and mushrooms in the multicooker bowl, stir and turn on the Fry or Baking mode for 10 minutes. The contents of the pan need to be stirred periodically.

While the vegetables are being fried in a slow cooker, the liver should be washed under running water, all veins should be removed, and cut into small pieces. Please note that after stewing, the liver will decrease in size by 1.5 times. You can use any liver - pork, beef, poultry, but to make it tastier, soak it in cold water for several hours.

Place the liver pieces into a multicooker pan and fry for a few minutes. Then add water, add salt and spices, add a bay leaf, and select the Simmer mode for 1 hour. Simmer with the lid closed, no need to stir.

After the beep, the liver stewed with mushrooms and tomatoes is ready. You can put it on a plate and serve it along with a side dish, vegetables and herbs.

Peel the onion, wash it, chop it. Wash the champignons, boil them, cut them. Wash the parsley and chop it.

Place the prepared pieces of liver and onion into a heated bowl and heat at full power for 2 minutes, turning the pieces over after a minute. Add chopped champignons to the liver, sprinkle with onions.

Then mix the broth with cream and pour this mixture over the liver and mushrooms and simmer for 1-2 minutes at full power. Add salt, pepper, Madeira, mix, sprinkle with parsley.

2.Liver with mushrooms Milanese style

beef liver 200 g

champignons 250 g

onions 2 pcs.


Rinse the beef liver with cold water and cut out the bile ducts. Cut the prepared liver into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Cut the onion into small cubes, fry, add the liver, fry together for 2-3 minutes and cool. cut into slices. Place the fried liver, onions and mushrooms in a bowl, season with mayonnaise and stir. Place in the refrigerator for 30. Before serving, transfer the salad to a salad bowl and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


Veal liver (beef) - 800g

Sour cream - 1 glass

Onions - 2 pcs.

Mushrooms (dried) - 5-6 pcs.

Sugar - 2 tsp.

Tomato puree - 1-2 tbsp.

Butter - 50g

Flour - 1/2 cup

Salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Cut the liver into small slices (the thickness of a finger), sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter. In this case, after piercing with a fork, red juice should be released from a piece of fried liver. Soak the mushrooms, boil, finely chop and fry along with chopped onions. Place the liver along with mushrooms and onions in clay pots (or in a saucepan), pour 1/2 cup of mushroom broth, 1/2 cup of sour cream, a spoonful of tomato puree into each pot and simmer until the liver is ready for 15-20 minutes in the oven. Serve the liver with sauerkraut, cucumbers, and fresh salad. You can also put potato slices in the pot.

  • Liver with mushrooms, in sour cream... Quick and not troublesome...
  • Cut the onion into half rings, fry, then the mushrooms, and a little later the liver...

    Until done... pour in, let simmer... Serve with buckwheat... delicious...

  • I cut the liver into small pieces and fry it with onions. Salt, pepper.. Add mushrooms and sour cream fried with onions.. Simmer until done. Good luck! :)
  • Liver with mushrooms - fast, tasty, healthy.
  • Lightly fry the onion (cut into half rings), add the liver, cut into strips, add salt, and let the liquid evaporate. Fry the mushrooms (preferably champignons) separately, add sour cream, heat quickly (so that the sour cream does not curdle), and combine the liver and mushrooms together. Add parsley. Bon appetit!

  • and I would replace sour cream with cream but not lower than 33%
  • Fry the liver, then the mushrooms with onions. We lay out the liver, mushrooms with onions, salt and pepper, cover it all with sour cream and put it in the oven for 15 minutes
  • Recipe for liver with mushrooms
  • The recipe for liver with mushrooms is suitable for a tasty and original lunch. Remove 500 g of liver from films, cut into pieces, roll in flour and fry along with chopped onions (2 pcs.).

    Peel 250 g of champignons, boil and cut into strips. Place the liver along with the mushrooms in a cauldron, add salt and pepper, pour in fortified wine to taste and a little mushroom broth. Stew everything together.

    Beef liver with mushrooms

    The recipe for liver fried in sour cream is quite famous. I modified it with mushrooms and marjoram, and it turned out pretty good.


    Beef liver 1kg

    Mushrooms (I use oyster mushrooms) 600g

    Onion 2 heads

    Sour cream 150g

    Vegetable oil 100g

    Salt, black pepper, paprika, marjoram to taste

    The liver is cut into medium pieces and fried in a frying pan with the addition of 50 grams of oil. The onion is cut into half rings and also fried in another frying pan. Once the onion is slightly fried, add finely chopped mushrooms and fry over high heat.

    As soon as the mushrooms and onions are fried, add them to the pan with the liver, salt and pepper, add fresh or dry marjoram. Then pour sour cream over everything and simmer until fully cooked.

    Bon appetit!

    Beef liver with champignons

    Clean the liver from films and tendons, cut into pieces and soak in milk; as a result, the liver will be soft and tender.

    Wash fresh champignons, peel thoroughly, cut into pieces.

    Heat a deep frying pan, fry the vegetables in a mixture of vegetable and butter, or just vegetable oil, depending on your taste.

    Add pieces of liver, after 10 minutes add champignons, pour in sour cream, simmer for another 10 minutes, add freshly ground pepper, nutmeg, salt to taste, add herbs.

    Culinary what to cook (boil) for lunch?: how to cook beef liver with mushrooms for lunch culinary recipe

    We will need products:

    • Beef liver - one kilogram
    • Onion - one head
    • Champignons - three hundred grams
    • Tomato - one or two pieces
    • Butter 150 grams,
    • olive oil - 50 milliliters
    • Salt,
    • pepper,
    • dill

    Cut the onion into cubes

    Cut the mushrooms into large pieces

    Add 50 grams of butter to the pan and

    25 milliliters olive oil

    Fry mushrooms with onions until golden brown

    Wash the liver, remove the films

    Cut the liver into pieces one centimeter thick

    Add the remaining butter and olive oil to another pan.

    Place the liver pieces in hot oil and fry

    three to five minutes on each side

    Place mushrooms and onions on a plate and place on top

    thinly sliced ​​tomato slices

    Place the hot liver on the tomato, sprinkle with dill

    Bon appetit!

    Beef liver stewed in sauce with mushrooms with photo

    • beef liver - 0.700 g;
    • mushrooms - 300 g;
    • onion - 1 piece;
    • carrots - 1 piece;
    • milk - 1.5 cups;
    • sour cream - 3 tbsp;
    • salt, ground black pepper (to taste);
    • flour (for breading);
    • vegetable oil (for frying);

    Beef liver with champignons recipe with - yanai

    • Beef liver - 500 g;
    • Champions - 200 g;
    • Sour cream - 100 g;
    • Onion - 1 piece;
    • Spices and salt (to taste);

    The official status of liver is by-product. Like most offal, beef liver is much cheaper than meat. However, in terms of nutritional properties, liver is in no way inferior to meat, and even surpasses it in some ways. Of course, liver does not contain as much protein as meat. But the liver is simply a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Beef liver is rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, K. It also contains trace elements such as Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu, K, Cr, P. These elements are not just “chemistry”, they are part of the vital body processes. And by treating yourself to liver, you don’t have to worry about your figure at all. There is only 2-3% fat in the liver, and only 100 kcal.

    With such excellent dietary qualities, not many people like liver. Probably these people have never tried properly prepared liver according to a good recipe. We want to correct this situation and rehabilitate the liver in their eyes. We suggest you try cooking beef liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce.

    The beef liver recipe consists of the following products:

    • beef liver - 500 gr.;
    • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
    • canned champignons (cut) - 1 can;
    • cheese - 100 gr.;
    • sour cream - 200 gr.;
    • flour - 1/2 cup;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    First of all, let's prepare the products.

    The liver must be cleared of the upper film and bile ducts. To make the film come off easier, the liver can be slightly frozen.

    Pour milk over the liver pieces and leave for a couple of hours. Firstly, milk will draw out the bitterness from the liver, and secondly, it will make it softer and more tender.

    Cut the onion into half rings, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    Mix flour with salt and pepper. I had spicy salt with spices. Of course, you can use regular salt and add whatever spices you like separately. Or you can limit yourself to regular salt and pepper.

    Roll the liver pieces in the spiced flour mixture. This will not only add flavor to the liver, but will also prevent juice from leaking out of the pieces.

    Place the breaded liver in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil and quickly fry. The pieces will brown, but you shouldn’t keep the beef liver on the fire for a long time, otherwise it will become tough. As soon as the liver has browned, immediately remove from the heat. Finally, it will arrive in sour cream sauce.

    Fry the onion. Following the onions, we send a jar of canned chopped champignons. Let's simmer them together for about five minutes.

    Then add the liver and sour cream to the onions and mushrooms.

    Mix everything, sprinkle grated cheese on top. Cook until done with the lid closed. If no more blood comes out of the pieces, then the liver is ready.

    Rice or boiled potatoes are perfect as a side dish for liver.

    Before serving, a plate with aromatic tender liver can be decorated with fresh herbs.

    Bon appetit!

    Tags: mushrooms, offal, beef liver

    Liver with champignons. recipe with photo, we will tell you how to cook!

    Cut the onions into half rings (I like a lot of onions, so I put 3 large heads, less if desired). Also cut the champignons into half rings.

    In a good way, all this should be fried, but I simmer it in a saucepan until the onion becomes transparent.

    Then add chopped liver (pieces approximately 2*2cm) to the stewed (fried) onions and mushrooms. After 2 minutes, pour in the cream and cook over medium heat until the liver is cooked. Then add salt, sour cream, mix. And you're done.

    One of the most useful by-products, from the point of view of nutritionists, is pork liver. A real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and enzymes. It is more tender than beef and is practically not bitter. Prepares quite quickly. The main thing is not to overheat it! It costs just a penny compared to meat. For example, a half-kilogram piece cost less than 70 rubles! And an amazingly tasty dish arrived on the table. By the way, the pork liver itself contains 110 kcal, no more.

    For 3-4 servings we will need:

    Pork liver – 500 g

    Champignons – 5 pcs

    Frozen wild mushrooms – 200 g (you can do without them)

    Onion – 1 head

    Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon

    Sour cream 15% – 4 tbsp. spoons

    Fresh rosemary – 1 sprig

    Vegetable oil for frying

    Salt, pepper to taste

    Cut the onion into half rings. They should not be thin like a salad. We also cut the mushrooms into plates quite large.

    Wash the liver, clean it from the ducts, if any, and from the film. The liver treatment process is described in detail here. First we cut the liver lengthwise, and then each layer into 2-3 pieces. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.

    Mix chopped rosemary, sour cream and tomato paste. Add ground pepper. You can add a couple of tablespoons of hot water to prevent the sour cream from curdling.

    In a frying pan, fry the liver for literally 20 seconds on each side. More precisely, we don’t even fry, but “seal” all the juices inside the liver. Immediately place it - piece by piece - in a fireproof form.

    Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Add champignons and wild mushrooms. Fry for about 20 minutes. Then add sour cream sauce and bring to a boil.

    Pour the sauce over the liver. If you don’t plan to add salt to the dish, you can sprinkle with grated Parmesan or any other cheese. Place in the oven for 15 minutes. Then turn it off and let it sit for another 10 minutes. If you are planning a simple side dish like buckwheat porridge or pasta, it’s time to do it as soon as you put the liver in the oven.

    Liver goes well with mashed potatoes, rice, and millet porridge. It is so tender that you don’t even need a knife - the pieces come off with a fork.

    Bon appetit!

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