Homemade lazy cabbage rolls. Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese - not just for breakfast! The most successful recipes for lazy dumplings with cottage cheese: sweet and salty. How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in the oven

3 years ago


Many people love cabbage rolls, but not everyone will find the time to cook them for the whole family. The name lazy cabbage rolls means that the housewife does not have to stand at the stove for long. They do not differ from classic cabbage rolls in taste - the same taste and composition, therefore, lazy cabbage rolls with cabbage, rice and minced meat They differ from ordinary ones only in that their preparation takes several times less time. Those who do not eat meat can prepare vegetarian cabbage rolls -.
Today I want to tell you 2 WAYS to prepare lazy cabbage rolls - how to cook lazy cabbage rolls in the oven and in a frying pan. The best recipes for lazy cabbage rolls.

Ingredients for lazy cabbage rolls:

  • 500 g minced meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey or mixed)
  • 600 g cabbage
  • 100 g carrots (1 medium size)
  • 2 onions
  • 1 cup rice (cooked until half cooked)
  • 2 eggs
  • salt pepper
  • dried and smoked paprika (optional) or other spices
  • vegetable oil
  • 50 g butter
  • greens, garlic

Sauce for lazy cabbage rolls in the oven we'll cook with sour cream:

  • 3 tbsp sour cream
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1.5-2 glasses of water
  • 50 g cheese

Tomato sauce for lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan:

  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1.5-2 glasses of water
  • 1 tsp sugar

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls recipe with photos

So, how to make lazy cabbage rolls. First, cook it in a frying pan in tomato sauce.

TO how to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan

All ingredients must be prepared in advance. Rinse the rice before cooking (see how to do this correctly), boil until half cooked, rinse and allow excess water to drain thoroughly in a colander.

Finely chop the cabbage. (!) At this step, I want to immediately reassure you - when you chop 600 g of cabbage, you will get a very large volume and it may seem that this is too much for 500 g of minced meat. But that's not true! After all, the cabbage must first be boiled so that it becomes soft and easily mixes with the minced meat. And after cooking, the cabbage will significantly decrease in volume.

Pour boiling water over the cabbage and cook over high heat for 3 minutes.

Cook cabbage for 3 minutes

Place in a colander, let the water drain thoroughly and cool the cabbage to room temperature.

Cool the cabbage in a colander

Scroll the minced meat together with the onion. Grate the carrots.

Combine the prepared ingredients - minced meat, rice, eggs, carrots, salt, pepper.

combining the ingredients

Add boiled cabbage in 2-3 additions.

add cabbage to the minced meat

At the end you can add paprika or other spices you like.

add spices

Now we form the lazy cabbage rolls into cutlets, I make them rectangular in shape so that they are more similar in shape to classic cabbage rolls. But this is optional. Can be rolled in breadcrumbs.

form rectangular cutlets

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add cabbage rolls and fry for 2 minutes on each side.

fry on both sides

Prepare tomato sauce. First, thoroughly mix the tomato paste with flour,

preparing tomato sauce

then gradually add water. Add sugar.

Pour tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30-35 minutes.

pour tomato sauce over cabbage rolls

10 minutes before cooking, add butter; it will enhance the taste of the dish and make it softer.

10 minutes before the end add butter

Then greens

sprinkle with herbs

Remove from heat, add finely chopped garlic. Let it sit for 5 minutes.

sprinkle with garlic

All, lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan ready. When serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

I still remember how in kindergarten they gave unusual dumplings for dinner. Sometimes I want to remember the taste of childhood, and then I cook lazy cottage cheese dumplings. This is an excellent alternative for busy housewives who want to pamper their family with a light dietary dish. Agree, it takes a lot of time and effort to make real dumplings. A compromise was found that suited everyone, and there was much less hassle. Everyone, young and old, loves the dish, and it’s quicker and easier to prepare. Simple dumplings are a dish that can be offered to children aged one year and older.

In national cuisines, the same dish is often known under different names. Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians know dumplings without modeling as dumplings. Italians love gnocchi, in the Czech Republic they are proud of dumplings, and these are nothing more than cottage cheese dumplings prepared using a very lazy technology.

There are several recipes for preparing your favorite dish. Lenivits with cottage cheese are made sweet by adding raisins and semolina. Recipes for salted dumplings include herbs, soft cheese, and onions, and are served fried. I suggest you get acquainted with different step-by-step cooking methods.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese - a classic recipe

Keep a classic recipe from an old book about delicious and healthy eating.

You will need:

  • Cottage cheese of any fat content – ​​400 gr.
  • Flour - a glass.
  • Eggs – a couple of pieces.
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.
  • Butter – 70 gr.
  • Salt.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making dumplings

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, or grind it with a sieve if you purchased grainy cottage cheese, as in the photo.

Beat in the eggs. Add sugar and salt. Stir the mass.

Melt the butter in a bathhouse and pour into a bowl. Stir again.

Add flour in small portions. Do not rush to fall asleep immediately, this will make it difficult to knead the dough. Initially mix the ingredients with a spoon.

When the mixture becomes stiff, transfer the contents of the bowl to a work surface. Keep working with your hands.

Divide the test lump into parts. Roll each into a sausage and flatten it with your hands on the sides. Divide into pieces.

Boil water in a saucepan and add salt. Throw in a portion of the prepared dumplings. Stir, they tend to stick to the bottom.

Wait for it to boil. Mix well again. Soon the pieces will float to the surface.

How long to cook dumplings? Count 3-5 minutes (small ones will cook faster), turn off the heat.

Recipe for lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and semolina

Semolina has found active use in cooking, often replacing flour. The replacement is adequate, since the product is also made from wheat, only more coarsely ground. Semolina swells well, making the dumplings more fluffy and tender. The recipe is suitable for preparing a sweet children's version. For children, products can be made in an unusual way. For example, cut out various shapes with a cookie cutter and roll into balls. Serve with sour cream, honey, jam.

You will need:

  • Cottage cheese of any fat content – ​​500 gr.
  • Eggs - a couple.
  • Semolina – 250 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - half a glass.
  • Flour – 100 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook delicious dumplings with semolina:

  1. Combine sugar, eggs, cottage cheese. Rub it.
  2. Salt and add semolina. Mix well and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. Once the time is up, start adding flour. There is very little of it, so add it all at once. Knead a thick dough.
  4. Form a rope and divide into equal pieces.
  5. Boil in slightly salted water, remembering to stir occasionally, lifting the pieces from the bottom of the pan.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese for children, just like in kindergarten

Cottage cheese is good for kids because it contains calcium, which is necessary for bone growth. But the trouble is, it’s quite difficult to get the product to eat in its pure form. The recipe for children's dumplings is similar to the classic one, but the cottage cheese must be taken with low fat content, no more than 5%. To make it more attractive, you can add raisins and vanillin.


  • Low fat cottage cheese – 600 gr.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 50 gr.
  • Flour – 200 gr.
  • Melted butter – 50 gr.
  • Salt, vanilla on the tip of a knife, a handful of raisins. It is not necessary to use raisins; they are not included in the original recipe. But if the child refuses to eat cottage cheese, add it.

How to do:

  1. The technology for preparing sloths differs little from the classic recipe. Watch the step-by-step story and act in the same way.
  2. If you decide to add raisins, first steam them for 15 minutes by pouring boiling water over them.

Calorie content of the dish

There is an opinion that all dough products are harmful to the figure. There is a grain of truth in this, in 100 grams. ready-made sloths 190-200 kcal. The nutritional value depends on the fat content of the cottage cheese, the addition of flour and semolina, and the amount of sugar.

Dietary lazy dumplings without flour and semolina

It was not in vain that I talked about the calorie content of this delicious dish. With a little ingenuity, you can replace harmful ingredients with healthy ones, and make the dumpling recipe less dangerous for your figure. Serve the dish with yogurt, fresh fruit, and berries.

You will need:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 gr.
  • Egg.
  • Hercules (oatmeal) – 6 large spoons.
  • Sugar – 2 spoons.

How to cook:

  1. To make dietary dumplings tasty, I advise you to use grainy cottage cheese. Rub it through a sieve, or use a blender.
  2. Beat the egg into a bowl. Stir.
  3. Grind into rolled oats flour in a coffee grinder. Combine with cottage cheese. Mix the contents with a spoon first.
  4. Then transfer the dough to the board and start working with your hands.
  5. Roll the finished dough into a sausage. Cut into small pieces.
  6. Boil in plenty of water. After floating, cook for 3 minutes.

How to make very lazy dumplings without eggs

Not everyone can afford eggs as part of a dish. But this is not a reason to refuse delicious food. The absence of eggs does not negatively affect the taste of the treat. The only condition is that you take the cottage cheese wet, heavy, grainy will not work.


  • Cottage cheese – 500 gr.
  • Flour – 150 gr.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Granulated sugar – 100 gr.
  • Starch – 60 gr.
  • Cinnamon, vanillin.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place all ingredients from the list in a deep bowl. I advise you to first add not all the flour, but only 2/3 of the total amount. Dumplings made from this amount of flour will be more airy. If you like a dense structure, add everything.
  2. Stir the contents of the bowl with a spoon. Gradually, the flour and starch will “grab” and combine the remaining components.
  3. Transfer to the table and continue kneading with your hands. The dough will come out plastic and soft.
  4. Form the dough into balls. Cook by throwing into boiling water. Cooking time – 3 minutes.

Delicious homemade dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes

Don't like sweets? Make a lazy potato dish. Another recipe, but without cottage cheese, find out from another menu by getting acquainted with the recipe

  • Cottage cheese - a pack.
  • Potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
  • Large onion.
  • Eggs - a couple.
  • Starch – 100 gr.
  • Flour – 100 gr.


  1. Chop the onion into cubes and fry in a frying pan in oil until golden.
  2. Great, if you have some mashed potatoes left over, use it. Otherwise, boil the tubers and mash them into a puree. Add the yolks and mix.
  3. Add starch, cottage cheese, flour. Stir again.
  4. Season with salt and add egg whites. Knead the dough by hand.
  5. Make sausages from the dough, cut into pieces.
  6. Boil by adding salt to the water. When serving, top with fried onions.

Secrets of delicious dumplings

  • The tenderness of the food directly depends on the quality of the main ingredient. Take grainy cottage cheese, the wet one will use more flour. As a result, instead of a tasty dish, you get “boiled buns.”
  • Don’t be lazy to grind, the products will come out airy and soft, which is important for children.
  • Choose non-sour cottage cheese, since neither sugar nor jam can hide the sourness.
  • Do not spare water in the pan - sloths should swim freely.
  • To prevent the pieces from sticking together, place them on a plate, immediately pour sour cream on them, and season with butter.

Video recipe for making lazy dumplings with a step-by-step story. May you always have delicious food!

Cabbage rolls are a dish of minced meat with rice or buckwheat wrapped in cabbage leaves. Lazy cabbage rolls are almost the same, but the most labor-intensive process - wrapping in leaves - has been removed.

Lazy cabbage rolls are less cabbage-like, so to speak. Not everyone likes cabbage, and sometimes you just can’t get kids to eat it. Sometimes adults behave the same way. You make cabbage rolls, put them on plates, serve them, but they unwrap the cabbage, eat the minced meat, and the cabbage remains the same. This is where lazy cabbage rolls come to our aid.

But why are they still called lazy? Well, of course, because they are much easier to make. Lazy cabbage rolls can have any minced meat. This includes meat, poultry, even fish and seafood. Use your imagination, add various herbs and spices and you will always have tasty and different lazy cabbage rolls.

Lazy cabbage rolls are usually prepared in a saucepan, cauldron or oven. We'll cook it in the oven today.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls. Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven recipe with photos step by step

Today we will look at a version of not very simple, but not complicated, but very tasty lazy cabbage rolls.


  1. Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven


  • Minced meat - 500 g (250 g pork and 250 g beef)
  • Cabbage - 250 g.
  • Rice - 100 g.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. average
  • Onions - 2 large heads
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs. or 1 cup rolled
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2-3 glasses
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, sugar, pepper


1. Finely chop the cabbage. You can cut it larger or mince it, then the taste of cabbage will be practically undetectable. We usually take half of the minced cabbage. Those. 500 g minced meat, 250 g cabbage.

2. Place the chopped cabbage in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid. Set aside for 15-20 minutes until the cabbage is half cooked.

If you have young or tender cabbage, for example Savoy or Peking cabbage, you don’t need to pour boiling water over it, but simply salt it and knead it a little. If the cabbage is denser, for example winter cabbage, you can pour boiling water over it and cook for 2-3 minutes. Do not boil the cabbage until fully cooked. It will become very soft and the cabbage rolls will not be tasty.

3. Wash the rice, add about 1/2 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes until half cooked. I usually use short-grain rice for cabbage rolls, but long-grain rice is also possible. Remove the rice from the heat and leave it in the pan without draining the water for 10-15 minutes.

4. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. You can increase or decrease the amount of any ingredient to suit your taste.

5. Finely chop the garlic. Of course, you don't have to add garlic. Again, look how you love.

Let's start roasting vegetables

6. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and put the onions there. Fry the onion for 1-2 minutes until transparent. Place 2-3 tablespoons of fried onion in a separate cup. We will add it to the minced meat.

7. Add grated carrots to the onion in the pan. Fry for another 2-3 minutes. Place approximately 1/3 of the fried vegetables in a separate cup. We will place them on the bottom of the mold so that the cabbage rolls do not burn.

8. Add a tablespoon of flour to the remaining vegetables in the pan. Add flour to make the sauce thicker. You can do it without flour. Let's mix.

9. Add tomato paste. Tomato paste gives a beautiful color to the sauce and adds flavor. Mix everything again.

10. If you have fresh tomatoes, pass them through a meat grinder and add to the sauce. Mix.

11. Add salt to taste and be sure to add sugar to taste. Tomatoes and tomato paste are sour, so you need a little sugar.

12. Pour in 2-3 glasses of water, you can first pour in less and then add. Let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

13. Add black pepper to the sauce, add red pepper if you want. At this point you can add sour cream, but we cook without sour cream, adding only tomato paste. I proceed from the fact that it is better to serve sour cream separately with ready-made cabbage rolls. He who loves will add to himself.

14. If you do add sour cream, then after adding it to the sauce, let it boil for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.

15. Taste the sauce, add if something is missing. If desired, add finely chopped garlic to the sauce. The sauce is ready. Remove from heat and set aside for a while.

Making lazy cabbage rolls

16. Our cabbage has already become soft. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon, squeezing directly into it. There is no need to squeeze too hard to make the cabbage dry. Squeeze so that it is not too wet, but not completely dry.

17. Our rice is also ready, cooked until half cooked. It should absorb almost all the water. If not absorbed, drain off excess. Place the rice in a separate cup and let cool.

18. Add minced meat to the cabbage, set aside fried onions, beat in one egg. Let's add salt and pepper.

19. Mix everything well until smooth.

20. Lastly, add the rice, boiled until half cooked. Rice should not be hot, it should be warm. Mix everything well again. The minced meat should not be dry. The cabbage rolls should stick together well. If they are a little dry, add some cabbage water or just boiled water.

21. Place the reserved, fried vegetables on the bottom of the form in which we will bake the cabbage rolls.

22. Wet your hands with water; if you are wearing food gloves, moisten them with water so that the cabbage rolls do not stick to your hands. We sculpt them quite large.

23. Place the cabbage rolls in the mold. Try not to let them stick to each other. If they are still very tight, carefully separate them with a knife. Place them in an oven preheated to 200° for 20-25 minutes.

24. After time has passed, remove the cabbage rolls from the oven. They grabbed a crust.

25. It's time to fill them with sauce. Stuffed cabbage rolls should be completely filled with it

26. If the sauce is a little lacking or it is very thick, you can add a little boiling water. Don't add a lot of water. The cabbage rolls should only be covered.

27. Reduce the oven temperature to 170°-180° and place the cabbage rolls there for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove from the oven and cover the pan with foil. So that the cabbage rolls are stewed well.

28. Place the pan in the oven again for another 30-40 minutes. If your cabbage rolls are small, you can wait less - 20-30 minutes.

29. Let's cut it and take a look. Our cabbage rolls are ready.

What beauties they turned out to be. Serve with herbs, vegetables, sour cream. If you want, you can prepare a side dish for them. I usually serve it as a separate dish.

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat in a pan

Bon appetit!

Making lazy dumplings is a simple matter. First you need to mix all the ingredients except the flour. Take fatty cottage cheese; if it is grainy, it is better to beat it with a blender or grind it through a sieve. But I always find sticky, non-grainy curd, so I skip this step. Add egg yolks to it. Now add sugar, a pinch of salt and grate the butter. You can use a blender again or just mix everything well. Curd dumplings are lazy precisely because they are almost ready :)
Sift flour into the curd mass and mix thoroughly. The dough for lazy dumplings with cottage cheese should not be too viscous; it should stick to your hands or a fork.
The recipe for lazy dumplings with cottage cheese is simple. Sprinkle the work surface with flour, coat your hands with flour, and dump the curd dough onto the surface. Roll it into a cylinder, adding more flour if necessary.
Now we tear off a piece of curd dough from the cylinder and roll out a long sausage on a surface sprinkled with flour again, and then press it a little on top. Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese should be a little flat.
Cut the flattened sausage slightly diagonally into pieces 1 cm wide.
We repeat the process until the curd mass is finished: roll the sausage out of the curd dough, press a little on top, cut slightly diagonally. At this time, bring purified water to a boil in a saucepan. The more water, the better. Add a little salt and start plunging the most delicious lazy dumplings with cottage cheese into boiling water, one piece at a time. We do this very quickly, stirring occasionally so that they do not stick to anything. After the curd dumplings float to the surface, cook for 2-3 minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, remove the cottage cheese dumplings from the water and place them directly into plates. That's it, now you know how to cook lazy dumplings with cottage cheese!
You can serve the most delicious lazy dumplings with cottage cheese with anything. The classic is sour cream or butter. I added more berries (blueberries and raspberries) to the sour cream and sprinkled powdered sugar on top. A little secret: if you want the sweet dish to look beautiful, just add berries and sprinkle with powder 😉 Lazy dumplings, the recipe with photos of which I described and showed, are ready to serve!
Let's summarize how to cook lazy dumplings.

The most delicious lazy dumplings with cottage cheese. The recipe is short

  1. Grind the grainy cottage cheese in a blender, and mash the non-grainy cottage cheese with a fork. Mix it with the yolks, sugar, salt and grated butter.
  2. Sift the flour into the curd mass and knead the sticky curd dough.
  3. Generously sprinkle the surface and hands with flour, dump the curd dough onto it and roll it into a cylinder.
  4. Pinch off a lump of curd dough from the cylinder, roll it into a sausage and press it down a little on top.
  5. Cut the sausage from the cottage cheese dough slightly diagonally into lazy cottage cheese dumplings 1 cm wide.
  6. Boil a large amount of water, lightly salt it and throw the lazy dumplings with cottage cheese into the boiling water: one at a time, very quickly, stirring occasionally so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  7. When all the curd dumplings float to the surface, cook them for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. We take the finished dumplings out of the water and place them on plates. Now you know how to cook lazy dumplings.
  9. Serve with sour cream or butter, sprinkle with berries or powdered sugar. You can pour some honey or throw in a couple of pieces of dark chocolate, which will melt instantly.

These lazy cottage cheese dumplings come out incredibly tender and tasty. They are very similar to mine, I’m not afraid of this word, , only there the curd dough is fried. They also turn out super tender and delicious.
That's it, the most delicious lazy dumplings with cottage cheese are now on your tables. And very soon another delicious breakfast awaits you - ! To avoid missing anything, subscribe to updates in the right sidebar, try cooking, leave comments and ratings. Remember that you are more talented than you can imagine and of course, enjoy your food!

I really love lazy dumplings, they are truly a universal dish! Tasty, healthy and quick to prepare: one or two and breakfast is ready, and they go great for dinner too. And most importantly, lazy dumplings are loved by everyone, both adults and children. They can be served with sour cream, honey, jam, even condensed milk or melted chocolate. Lazy dumplings can be prepared in small portions, or you can immediately make larger ones and freeze them, very convenient and practical. So, a simple and delicious recipe for lazy cottage cheese dumplings.


(64 lazy dumplings)

  • 300 gr. non-sour cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • sour cream
  • Since the main ingredient of lazy dumplings is cottage cheese, we choose non-acidic, full-fat or semi-fat cottage cheese. This type of cottage cheese is usually soft and comes in small flakes. As for low-fat cottage cheese, it is usually hard and not so tasty (hard grains can be felt on the tongue), which naturally affects the taste of the entire dish.
  • Combine cottage cheese and sugar. If the cottage cheese is wet, then add half an egg; if it is dry, then add a whole egg.
  • Mix the cottage cheese with a spoon, then add half a glass of flour. Pre-sieve the flour.
  • Mix with a spoon until you get a homogeneous dough.
  • Take a cutting board, pour out another half glass of flour, and lay out the dough.
  • Next, knead the dough for lazy dumplings with your hands. Depending on the moisture content of the curd, you may need a little more flour. As a result, we should get a fairly soft curd dough that holds its shape.
  • Divide the dough into parts. From each part we form a sausage with a diameter of one and a half to two centimeters. Cut into pieces about a centimeter and a half thick. Roll each piece in flour, pressing lightly in the center. This is, so to speak, the traditional form of lazy dumplings, but you can come up with something of your own.
  • Dumplings are for the lazy, oh, for practical housewives, it’s convenient to immediately put them on a sieve.
  • Place a pan of water on the fire and add a little salt. Place lazy dumplings in boiling water. Carefully move a slotted spoon along the bottom of the pan so that the dumplings do not stick to the bottom (no need to stir vigorously).
  • We increase the fire. When the water boils again and the lazy dumplings themselves float, count down one minute.
  • After a minute has passed, immediately remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon. There is no point in cooking longer, the dough and cottage cheese are ready. With longer heat treatment, dumplings lose their elasticity.
  • Important! We cook dumplings (lazy dumplings) not all at once, but in portions, in general, like any dumplings or
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