Quick salting of grayling fish. How to salt grayling at home

Grayling fish contains many useful substances. It has very tasty, white-pink, tender and lean meat, and is rightfully considered a delicacy. There are a lot of recipes for preparing grayling. You can fry, smoke, stew and bake this fish. You can also cook delicious fish soup. The calorie content of fish is low, so it is often used in dietary nutrition. But no matter how it is prepared, it will undoubtedly always be a decoration for any table. Let's look at the best cooking recipes.

Grayling in sour cream

To do this you will need the following products:

  • Grayling - five pieces.
  • Onions - three pieces.
  • Carrots - two pieces.
  • Tomatoes - two pieces.
  • Greens - one bunch.
  • Sour cream - 500 grams.
  • Cheese - 150 grams.
  • Oil.
  • Pepper.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.

Cooking grayling

First you need to prepare the fish. It must be cleared of scales, the entrails and head removed, rinsed well under running water, rubbed with a small amount of pepper and salt and divided into pieces. For now, you can put the fish aside and start preparing vegetables for the sauce.

Peel the onion, wash and chop into rings. Wash ripe, preferably hard varieties, tomatoes and also cut into rings. Peel the carrots using a special knife. Rinse and rub through a fine grater. Grate any type of cheese. In this grayling recipe, the fish is first fried and then baked.

To prepare the sauce, you need to take a frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil and put it on fire. When the pan is hot, add the onion and fry until slightly golden brown. Then add the carrots to the onions and simmer for ten minutes. After this, pour in sour cream, preferably with a high percentage of fat content, bring to a boil, add a glass of hot boiled water, add salt and pepper. Now you can also add any spices to your taste and simmer with the lid closed for ten minutes. The sauce for this grayling recipe is ready.

Now you need to start cooking the fish. While the sauce was being prepared, the fish was soaked in salt and pepper, and it can now be fried. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and place pieces of fish sprinkled with flour, fry until a crust appears on them. After the fish has been fried, it must be placed in a fireproof dish, greased and lined with baking foil. Place tomatoes cut into rings on top of the fish, pour the sauce evenly and sprinkle with cheese.

Place the refractory dish with the fish for thirty-five minutes at a temperature of one hundred and seventy degrees. Using this recipe for cooking grayling in the oven, you can get fish that is juicy and soft inside, but with a golden crispy crust on top. When serving, you can decorate it with herbs. This fish is perfect as a side dish for potatoes, rice or another main dish.

Grayling fried with vegetables

Required Products:

  • Grayling - one and a half kilograms.
  • Tomatoes - five pieces.
  • Onion - two heads.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • Flour - half a glass.
  • Oil.

Cooking process

The fish must be scaled, head and fins removed, cut and gutted. Then rinse very well under running water and cut into pieces. After that, place the prepared pieces of grayling in milk, to which pepper and salt have been added, and dip in flour. Pour oil into a frying pan and put on fire; when it warms up, add pieces of fish and fry until golden brown and crispy.

The fish is ready, now it’s the turn of the vegetables. Wash ripe and red tomatoes, cut into four parts, add pepper, salt and lightly fry in oil. Remove the peel from the onion, wash it, chop it into rings and sauté in oil until golden brown. This recipe for preparing grayling fish will not be at all difficult for even a novice, inexperienced cook to master. The last thing you need is to place pieces of fried fish on a beautiful dish, place stewed vegetables next to it and garnish with chopped herbs. Tasty and healthy fish is ready to serve.

Salted grayling

Among the considerable number of existing ways to cook fish, there is also a recipe for preparing salted grayling. There are few ingredients in this recipe, and it is quite simple to prepare.

What we need:

  • Grayling - one kilogram.
  • Salt - half a glass.
  • Pepper - one teaspoon.
  • Garlic - three to four cloves.

Fish salting process

It is advisable to purchase fresh fish for salting. You need to remove the scales from it, cut off the head and fins, cut and remove the entrails and gills. After that, be sure to rinse under the tap with cold water and cut into small pieces. Place the fish in the prepared dish, add garlic, salt and ground black pepper.

Gently mix the fish with spices and cover with a lid of a smaller diameter, placing any weight on top. Then place it in the refrigerator for at least six hours, or better, if you followed this recipe for preparing grayling for pickling, leave it in the refrigerator for ten hours. The result will be salted grayling. This fish is served on the table as a cold appetizer, which must be decorated with herbs and lemon. In addition, one of the fish sauces can be served.

Pickled grayling

Required Products:

  • Onion - two heads.
  • Fish - four pieces.
  • Lemon - two and a half.
  • Oil - four tablespoons.
  • Vinegar.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.

Preparing pickled grayling

The first thing to do is to clean the fish from scales, remove the head, fins and tail. Then cut lengthwise and get rid of the insides. After this, rinse it very well and divide it into parts. The fish prepared in this way should be placed in a deep pan and sprinkled with black pepper and salt. Stir and leave for twenty-five minutes to allow the fish to release its juices and soak in the salt and pepper.

Next, you need to dilute the vinegar to your usual taste. It should turn out sour. Cut the lemon into thin rings and, after the required amount of time has passed, place on top of the fish. Pour diluted vinegar into the pan.

All that remains is to peel, wash and cut the onions into thin rings, which we also add to the pan with the fish. At the end, add vegetable oil, mix all the ingredients again and leave to marinate for an hour and a half. After which the pickled slightly spicy grayling fish can be eaten.

Grayling in brine

What you need for cooking:

  • Grayling - one kilogram.
  • Black pepper - four peas.
  • Salt - four tablespoons.
  • Carnation - three flowers.
  • Bay leaf - two pieces.
  • Sugar - two heaped tablespoons.
  • Water - one liter.

Cooking grayling in brine

Using one of the recipes for cooking grayling in brine, we will get tasty, healthy and salted fish. Remove the scales from fresh fish, remove the head, fins, and tail. Then remove the skin and remove all the bones. Be sure to rinse well and cut the resulting fillet into small pieces. Place in any dish.

Next, pour one liter of water into the pan and put all the spices into it one by one: sugar, bay leaf, cloves, salt and pepper. Place the pan on the fire. When the brine boils, cook it over low heat for ten minutes. After this, remove from the heat, collect the foam formed during the boil and remove the spices. Let the brine cool slightly and pour it over the fish. Place a plate on top of the fish and place a weight. Place the fish in the refrigerator and leave for two days. After the required time has passed, drain the brine and transfer to another container with a lid. Place in the refrigerator again. Grayling should be consumed within one week.

Often, fishermen prepare salted grayling directly while fishing, using the “dry” cooking method. After cleaning, the fish is gutted. The insides along with the blood are removed and then wiped with a dry cloth.

A prerequisite is that the fish does not come into contact with water.

To make such salted grayling, the recipe requires mixed 2 tbsp. l. salt and one sugar. Having distributed the mixture in an even layer along the entire length of the carcass and inside it, place the fish in a saucepan or food tray, belly up. Grayling is kept in this state for about five hours.

The room should be cool. When salting several carcasses at the same time, it is necessary to put pressure on them. The salting process in this case may take about a day.

Lightly salted grayling

If you are interested in salted grayling, the marinade recipe is attached below. First you need to clean the fish and cut it into portions. Then layers of grayling are placed in an enamel bowl. The fish is sprinkled with one tbsp on top. l. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara.

All kinds of spices and pepper are used for taste. marinated, sprinkle vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions on top. The pressure is placed on the fish and the container is tightly closed with a lid. After a few hours, the grayling is ready to eat.

Grayling salted in lemon and soy sauce

Many people are interested in how to salt grayling in sauce and lemon. To do this, take the fish, cut it into small pieces and pour it with a mixture, the main component of which is lemon. For this purpose, put one lemon in a bowl, squeeze the juice out of it, add a spoonful of sugar and salt to it.

A set of spices, pepper and herbs are added at your discretion.

The mixture must be stirred thoroughly. The fish should simmer in this mixture for about half an hour, then it can be served. If you don’t have lemon on hand, you can dilute 1/2 a pack of citric acid in one spoon of water.

Coarse salt is best; it is better not to use iodized salt for this process.

The simplest type of salting of grayling is considered to be in soy sauce. This recipe will suit even the lazy: buy soy sauce in the supermarket and pour the mixture over the grayling for the time indicated on the package by the manufacturer.

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Grayling is a fish of the salmon family. A resident of Siberian reservoirs has a particularly refined taste and is very popular among fishermen. A real fisherman should know how to pickle grayling - after all, this is an excellent snack, a tasty delicacy for the whole family.

Preparing the fish

Before salting fish, the carcass must be prepared. There are many methods of salting, but for any of them the fish must be cleaned. Cut off the head of the grayling, remove the entrails and, if desired, remove the scales. Rinse the carcass thoroughly under running water.

For salting, use only fresh fish; most fishermen prefer to salt grayling directly while fishing, as this product quickly deteriorates. Frozen grayling is also suitable, but if properly defrosted - at room temperature.

To make the salted fish look attractive, it is better to cut the carcass into small pieces before cooking.

Lightly salted ambassador

One of the simplest and most popular salting methods is lightly salted. When wondering how to salt grayling while fishing, pay attention to this recipe. If you are an inexperienced person in this matter, the lightly salted method is just for you.

Gut and wash the fish, cut into pieces, maintaining a thickness of 1.5 cm.

Take the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Place the onion with the fish in a pickling container. Next, the fish must be salted. For 3-4 medium-sized fish, a teaspoon of salt is enough. However, most focus on their taste preferences. You can also add a little pepper or fish seasoning to the fish. Some recipes suggest adding sugar or vinegar to taste.

Mix the ingredients, cover with a lid and hide in a cool place. It takes about half an hour to salt the fish using this method - it all depends on the thickness of the pieces.

As a result, you have delicious fish in an hour.

Dry pickling

Another tasty way to salt grayling is dry. Fish salted in this way will be ready within a day, so this method is also relevant for fishermen.

So, freshly caught fish is taken for salting, it is cleaned and gutted. For this method, the fish is not washed, but wiped with a dry, clean cloth. After cleaning, the fish must be rubbed with salt and sugar 2 to 1. Mix salt, sugar, and you can also use various spices. Rub the mixture well with the fish inside and out and place it in a bowl, backs down. Cover the fish with a flat dish and place under a press. Hide the workpiece in a cool place.

The fish is salted this way from 5 hours to 24 hours, and readiness is determined by the sampling method.

Fish in brine

How to salt grayling at home in brine? An equally tasty method of salting fish requires a little more time, because it must be gutted, washed thoroughly, and then the fillet separated from the backbone and bones. Once you have freed all the fillets, prepare the brine. To prepare it, take a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water into it and bring it to a boil. Then add 2 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and pepper to taste. In the supermarket you can find spice mixtures for salting fish - they are perfect for this method.

Place the grayling fillet in a glass container and fill it with brine; the fish meat can also be covered with a plate and placed under a press.

How long does it take to salt grayling using this method? The very next day you can enjoy this delicious fish cooked in brine.

Pickling for the lazy

Another interesting way to pickle grayling is with lemon or soy sauce. This method can be called “for the lazy”, since it does not require much effort. It is worth noting that as a result the fish will have an excellent taste; lemon perfectly complements the taste of noble grayling.

The processed, cleaned carcass must be cut into small pieces and placed in a glass container. Then prepare the filling. Squeeze the juice of one large lemon into a separate container, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and sugar. Based on your taste, add ground black pepper and fresh herbs - dill is perfect for this method of pickling.

Stir the ingredients and pour over the fish. It takes no more than half an hour to prepare. Ready grayling has a pleasant piquant taste and slight sourness.

By the way, if there is no lemon in the refrigerator, you can safely use citric acid by mixing 1 tbsp. l. water and 0.5 sachet of lemon.

Pickling with soy sauce is also very popular and requires no effort at all. Clean the fish, rinse thoroughly and place in a container. Pour store-bought soy sauce over the fish. Grayling is salted according to the time indicated on the package.


So, we figured out how to salt grayling, but what to do with caviar? If you have accumulated a lot of caviar, we know how to salt it - you will get the best appetizer for all occasions.

Using a small fork, remove the film from grayling eggs. Then, in a small strainer or using gauze, the caviar must be rinsed under running water. Afterwards, for salting, prepare a brine solution of 150 g of salt per liter of water.

To make the caviar tender, it is better to use a warm solution for salting. Pour it over the caviar and leave for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on your taste preferences - the longer you keep the caviar, the saltier it is.

Then drain the liquid and place the caviar in glass jars. You can store caviar for no more than a week. In order for caviar to be stored longer, it must be kept in brine longer, but then the eggs will become tough, although no less tasty.

Thanks to salting grayling, you will provide yourself with a table with fresh, tasty fish, salted according to your favorite recipe. This snack is a beautiful decoration for the holiday table and a storehouse of vitamins. Be sure to try salting grayling at home - you will definitely be pleased with the results.

Grayling belongs to the noble salmon family. Its appearance is distinguished by its special coloring and beautiful fins. This representative is found in Siberian reservoirs and is very popular among fishermen. Every angler knows how to salt grayling immediately after catching.

But in order for fish meat to retain its taste and delicate structure when salted at home, you need to know a few simple rules and follow them. Then the grayling snack can take pride of place on your table.

How to properly prepare fish

The most common method of salting grayling is lightly salted. It is also the fastest and least labor-intensive. And most importantly, in this way the fish can be salted as soon as it is pulled out of the water. There are other methods that are more suitable for salting at home.

It doesn’t matter how exactly you want to salt the grayling, you still need to clean it of its entrails, remove its head and fins. Some techniques even allow you to leave scales. Salted fish will have a richer taste and beautiful appearance if it is first cut into slices.

Advice! Use fresh fish for salting, as grayling quickly begins to spoil.

Freshly frozen fish is also suitable, but it should only be thawed at room temperature.

Lightly salted ambassador

Freshly caught grayling is gutted and washed. Cut into pieces 1.5 cm thick. The onion must be peeled and thinly sliced ​​into half rings. Combine fish slices, onions, pepper and salt in a pickling container. Mix thoroughly and send to a cool place. Salting time ranges from 10 minutes to 1 hour. The amount of ingredients will depend on how much fish you need to salt. Some recipes include lightly salted grayling with the addition of sugar, fish seasoning and vinegar.

Dry method

Another simple way, created by fishermen, to prepare a quick snack from a fresh catch. The grayling is cleaned and its entrails are removed. Carcasses in

In this case, do not wash, but wipe with a dry, clean cloth. For one fish you will need 2 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tbsp. l. sugar, rub the fillets with this mixture on all sides. Place each fish in a pre-prepared container, back down. Cover with something flat and place a press on top. This recipe requires 5-24 hours before the end of salting. You should salt according to your preferences, periodically taking samples. During this entire period, the dishes with fish are kept in a cold place.

Salting in brine

The method requires effort, since you will have to separate the already washed grayling fillet from the ridge and all the bones.

Ingredients for brine:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

After the water with salt and sugar boils, add pepper and a set of spices. Pour the prepared mixture over the fish meat. For pickling, it is better to take a glass or enamel container. You can prepare the seasoning for the brine yourself using your favorite spices, or you can purchase a set at the store.

Recipe using lemon juice

Prepared fish bars are poured with a mixture of lemon juice and spices. To get this special liquid, squeeze out the juice of one medium lemon, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, ground black pepper to taste, some herbs and several types of spices. If you don’t have a whole lemon in the kitchen, you can use 1 tbsp instead. l. water and 0.5 sachet of citric acid. Salting in this way should take no more than 30 minutes, after which the fish is ready to eat. Already salted fish will have a slight sourness and an interesting spicy taste.

Salting caviar

If you happen to catch or purchase fish with caviar, then you need to know how to salt caviar at home.

Using a fork, carefully remove all films and rinse under running water. Prepare a saline solution that requires 150 g. salt per 1 liter. water. It is better to salt a lot of eggs with warm brine to make them even more tender. Leave to brew for 5-15 minutes. The liquid is then drained, and the caviar is placed in glass jars. It is important to know that the finished dish will be stored longer if you increase the time spent in the brine, but at the same time the eggs themselves will become tougher.

Advice! Use coarse salt, but not iodized salt.

Salting grayling at home means providing your table with a fresh, prepared according to your own preference, snack. In addition to the fact that the dish will look beautiful and smell fragrant, it will also bring many benefits to the body. Everyone knows how many nutrients and various vitamins fish fillet contains. It would be useful to remember how to salt grayling at home. This representative of salmon fish constantly attracts the attention of fishermen with its appearance, habitats and pleasant delicate taste. Grayling dishes are very popular in Siberia. It will be useful for many to know at least one recipe for salting this fish.

Grayling has amazing taste. You can prepare many dishes from such fish, but it is best to salt it, because it takes a minimum of effort and requires a small amount of ingredients.

Choose your recipe

Products required for salting grayling

The classic recipe for salting grayling includes the following ingredients:
- grayling – 3 kg-
- table salt - 4 teaspoons -
- onions – 2 pcs.-
- bay leaf – 3 pcs., -
- black pepper - 2 teaspoons -
- ground cloves – 5 g.

Fish cooking process

In order to properly salt grayling, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence in preparing such a dish. First of all, you need to take fresh fish, rinse it under running water, place it on a cutting board and remove scales using a sharp knife. Then cut open the belly of each grayling and remove the giblets. In addition, it is necessary to scrape off the black and white film that will be present inside the fish.

Rinse each grayling again under water, place it on a cutting board and cut into portions. It is desirable that they have a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. After all, then it will take much less time to salt the fish, and such pieces are much more convenient to eat.

Place the chopped fish in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt, black pepper and ground cloves. Mix it thoroughly and set aside. At this time, peel the onions, rinse under water and place on a cutting board. Vegetables must be cut into thin half rings. Then put the onion in a bowl with the fish and mix everything, add the bay leaf, cover everything with plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator.

Everyone determines the time for salting grayling for themselves. You can get the fish out after 1 hour. It will be lightly salted, but still suitable for consumption. The taste of raw grayling will not be felt, since the onion will give up its juice, and the spices will have time to add piquancy to the fish. If you want it to be well salted, then leave it in the refrigerator for a day, and then you can serve it along with onion rings to the table. This dish goes well with mashed potatoes and side dishes of cereals.

If you caught or bought such a small fish, then after removing the scales and removing the giblets, you can not cut it into pieces. You just need to rub each fish with salt and spices inside and out so that it is marinated on all sides. Then mix it with onion rings, and then leave it to pickle in the refrigerator for three days.

Instead of ground black pepper, you can use its peas, and the cloves can be replaced with any other spices to your taste.

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