Strawberry jam is a dessert with the taste of summer. Strawberries for the winter - recipes for syrup, jam, confiture, jam and other preparations How to make strawberry jelly for the winter

You can always find a jar of jam at home, but sometimes it’s hard to find a use for the leftovers. Excess jam can be used to make baking fillings and as a topping for ice cream. But what if you find a more original way to utilize the leftovers and use them to make jelly. Jam jelly is prepared in a matter of minutes (although it then needs time to cool), and is eaten even faster.

Strawberry jam jelly with gelatin


  • strawberry jam - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.


Fill the gelatin with cold water and let it swell according to the instructions in the instructions. We take the berries out of the strawberry jam and dilute the syrup itself with water to get rid of the cloying sweetness. Pour the jam syrup into a saucepan and add gelatin. Cook everything over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

The berries left over from the jam can be used by placing them on the bottom of dessert molds. Pour the future jelly on top of the berries and leave to harden in the refrigerator.

How to make cherry jam jelly with wine?


  • wine - 3 1/2 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • cherry jam - 150 g;
  • pectin - 80 g;
  • sugar - to taste.


Mix wine, lemon juice and pectin in a saucepan. Separate the cherry jam from the berries, and add the syrup to the wine mixture. At this stage, spice lovers can diversify the taste of the future jelly with cinnamon, cloves or anise.

Cook the mixture over low heat for 1 minute after boiling, then remove from heat and pour into molds or jars. Add the cherries from the jam to the jelly and put them in the refrigerator. The finished jelly will not have such a dense consistency as the usual jelly with gelatin, but this is the kind of product that is suitable for spreading on bread or putting on tarts.

Raspberry jam jelly recipe


  • raspberry jam - 250 g;
  • orange juice - 125 ml;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • gelatin - 3 teaspoons.


Since raspberries are replete with small seeds, those who do not like this should first rub the raspberries through a sieve, but the rest can simply remove the berries and return them immediately after pouring the jelly into molds, as in previous recipes. Mix the prepared raspberry puree or syrup with water and orange juice, add sugar to taste. Fill the gelatin with cold water and leave to swell.

Pour a mixture of jam, juice and water into a saucepan, add gelatin and cook everything over low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Pour the finished jelly into molds and leave to harden in the refrigerator.

Fruit jelly made from apple jam and mint


  • apple jam or jam - 250 g;
  • mint - 1 bunch;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - to taste.


Place apple jam or jam in a blender and puree until smooth, or grind through a sieve. Dilute the resulting puree with water and add sugar if necessary. Chop the mint and mix with the resulting solution, pour everything into a saucepan and put it on the stove to simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, pour cold water over the gelatin and leave to swell. We use a little less gelatin than usual, since apples themselves are rich in pectin; if we used fresh apples, gelatin could not be used at all.

Add the swollen gelatin to the contents of the saucepan and cook the jelly until the gelatin crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the apple jelly into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

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A delicious and practically dietary recipe for fruit jelly will suit everyone’s taste and budget. Jelly made from natural products is also a complete source of vitamins. Let's get acquainted with the recipes and get down to business.

Lemon sorbet is a great summer dessert, reminiscent of ice cream, but much more refreshing, tastier and easier to prepare. We invite you to prepare an original sour delicacy at home.

Sweet soup made from beans is an original and quite tasty dish that can even be served as a dessert. Let's find out with you how to prepare it and surprise your guests with such an unusual delicacy.

Sorbet is a fruit ice cream that usually does not contain dairy products or eggs. This original delicacy is made from berries and fruits with the addition of sugar syrup. We bring to your attention several interesting recipes for this dessert.

Strawberry jam jelly


1 cup strawberry jam 0.5 cup sugar 25 g gelatin 2 tbsp. l. liqueur

Whipped cream for decoration


1. Dilute gelatin according to the instructions on the package.

2. Dilute strawberry jam with 2.5 cups of boiling water, stir gently so that the berries remain intact.

3. Remove the berries using a slotted spoon and place in a separate bowl.

4. Pour the strawberry syrup into a saucepan, add sugar and the previously prepared gelatin mass.

5. Stirring, heat, but do not boil.

6. Then pour in the liqueur, strain and cool slightly.

7. Arrange the berries in the molds.

8. Pour jelly over the strawberries and let cool.

9. Then put it in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

10. Before serving, decorate the jelly with whipped cream.

How to make jelly from jam: revealing all the secrets

For many, jelly is associated with a dessert made from powder, which must be diluted with boiling water and left in the refrigerator until it hardens. In fact, you can prepare it at home, and to get a richer taste you should use your favorite homemade jam. This original delicacy is suitable for both a regular dinner and a holiday table.

In addition, such a dessert is healthy because it does not contain any chemicals or flavors. It contains many easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as gelatin, which reduces the risk of developing arthritis and other joint diseases.

This recipe can be called classic because it contains a minimum of ingredients. As for jam, you can use any jam, but it is advisable that it is not too liquid. Or in this case, in order for the dessert to freeze accurately, you should take more gelatin.

Ingredients used:

  • Jam – 1 tbsp;
  • Gelatin – 25 g;
  • Sugar, water.

Cooking process

You should start by soaking the gelatin in cold water. It is best to use boiled liquid. It is important to observe the proportions: 1 part powder to 10 parts liquid. It must be left for an hour for the gelatin to swell. At this time, let's move on to the jam. It should be diluted with two glasses of water and strained to remove whole berries or fruits.

If it's not sweet enough for you, you can add sugar to taste. The resulting syrup should be boiled for 10 minutes. and leave to cool for a while.

It's time to return to gelatin. Place it over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring it to a liquid state, but not to a boil. Then combine it with syrup. Berries set aside earlier can be used to improve flavor and decoration. They should be placed at the bottom of a vase or glass, it all depends on your desire.

Pour the syrup over the berries, and when it reaches room temperature, you can transfer the container to the refrigerator. There the dessert should stand for five hours until completely frozen. When serving, jelly can be decorated with whipped cream, powdered sugar or mint.

An original dessert prepared at home will be in no way inferior to restaurant options. By making this jelly with your own hands, you will be confident in its quality and benefits, so you can safely offer it not only to adults, but also to children.

Ingredients used:

  • Jam – 100 g;
  • Gelatin – 1 sachet;
  • Water – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Sour cream – 600 g;
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Cocoa – 1 teaspoon;
  • Instant coffee – 1.3 teaspoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin, citric acid.

Cooking process

As for jam, you can use any jam, but raspberry, strawberry and currant are best suited for this recipe. The originality of the dessert lies in the fact that it consists of different layers.

Pour cold boiled water and gelatin into the container, and then leave for an hour. Heat the liquid over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the entire volume of liquid into three identical containers, which must be covered with a tight lid to prevent solidification.

To make the first layer, you need to combine 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 200 g sour cream and mix until completely dissolved. Add cocoa, coffee, citric acid and vanillin. Mix everything well and add one of the gelatin portions. Using a whisk, whisk everything and pour into the prepared container.

It is best to use a transparent bowl so that you can see the layers of jelly. You need to put everything in the refrigerator on the top shelf for 40 minutes. until completely frozen. It is important not to use the freezer as the water crystallizes rather than solidifies.

To prepare the next layer, you need to beat the eggs using a whisk. Combine 200 g sour cream, 0.5 tbsp. sugar and eggs. Add citric acid, vanillin and a portion of gelatin there. Mix everything well and pour the mixture on top of the already hardened first layer. Place the container in the refrigerator for about 1.5 hours.

Now the third layer remains. To do this, mix the rest of the sour cream, sugar and jam, from which you should remove the berries. Keep in mind that if the syrup is too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm water. You need 0.5 tbsp. syrup. Add citric acid, vanillin and a third of the gelatin there. Mix everything well and pour it onto the frozen second layer, and then leave it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

That's it, the jam jelly is ready! You can serve it in a glass or dip it in hot water for a few seconds and then turn it over onto a plate.

This dessert is ideal for breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea. Due to the alcohol content, this jelly is not recommended for children.

Ingredients used:

  • Cherry jam – 150 g;
  • Wine – 3.5 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Pectin – 80 g;
  • Sugar.

Cooking process

Pectin is one of the existing gelling substances found in fruits and berries. If desired, you can replace it with gelatin. Combine wine, lemon juice and pectin in a container. It is necessary to separate the berries from the jam, and the remaining syrup should be added to the wine. If you want to diversify and improve the taste of the finished dessert, then at this stage you can add cinnamon, cloves or anise to the mixture.

Please note: the wine must be natural, not powder! Boil everything over low heat for 1 minute. after boiling. Then divide the mixture into containers or jars. For decoration, you can add jam berries. Place the containers in the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, the jam jelly is not as thick as a more familiar dessert, and all because pectin is used. This jelly can be spread on toast or placed on tarts.

This is another option for an adult dessert. Thanks to the use of liqueur, its taste is richer and more original.

Ingredients used:

  • Jam – 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Gelatin – 25 g;
  • Liqueur – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking process

Homemade jam must be diluted with 2.5 tbsp. boiling water, after selecting the berries from it. Mix the syrup with sugar, gelatin and place on low heat. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Then add the liqueur, strain the mixture and leave to cool slightly. Distribute the berries into the molds, pour the mixture and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

The dessert turns out refreshing and original thanks to mint. It is better to use fresh leaves, but dry ones, previously soaked in warm water, are also suitable.

Ingredients used:

  • Apple jam – 250 g;
  • Mint – 1 bunch;
  • Water – 2 tbsp.;
  • Gelatin – 2 teaspoons;
  • Sugar.

Cooking process

You can use jam instead of jam. It must be pureed using a blender, and then rubbed through a sieve. Add water to the puree and, if desired, a little sugar. Chop the mint with a knife and add to the puree. The entire mass must be placed on low heat and boiled for 15 minutes.

Pour cold water over the gelatin and leave to swell. Then add it to the puree and cook, stirring, until completely dissolved. The jelly must be divided into molds and refrigerated until completely hardened.

This is another original dessert that will appeal to many. The recipe is simple and anyone can handle it.

Ingredients used:

  • Bananas – 3 pcs.;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice – 600 ml;
  • Powdered sugar – 300 g.

Cooking process

The taste of this dessert is sweet and sour, which will allow you to refresh yourself, this is especially true for the hot summer. Peel the bananas and cut them into large pieces along with the lemon. By the way, you don’t need to zest the lemon. Add powdered sugar to the fruit and grind everything in a blender. Add lemon juice there and beat again.

Taste, and if there is not enough sweetness, you can add a little banana or powdered sugar. Pour the finished mixture into a plastic container and place it in the freezer. Every 2 hours, take out the sorbet and mix thoroughly. Repeat the procedure until completely hardened.

Knowing these simple recipes, you can pamper your household with a delicious, and most importantly, healthy dessert. Based on the options considered, if you wish, you can experiment and get new original goodies. Bon appetit!

Strawberry jelly jam

If you haven't made strawberry jam before or just want to update your usual recipe, try the delicacy options below. You will certainly be pleased with its pleasant jelly consistency, and will also be surprised by the amazing taste and aroma of the preparation.

How to make strawberry jelly jam?


  • fresh strawberries - 5.5 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 8 glasses;
  • citric acid – 10 g;
  • filtered water – 2/3 cup.


To prepare the preparation for this recipe, wash fresh strawberries with cool water, let them drain and remove the stems. We combine half the norm of granulated sugar in a container for making jam with some water and place it on the stove burner. After boiling and complete dissolution of all the sweet crystals, pour all the prepared berries into the syrup, boil them for fifteen minutes, then add a second portion of sugar, citric acid and stir so that all the crystals disperse again.

Now pour the hot delicacy into glass jars prepared in advance, seal them hermetically and leave them upside down to cool under a warm coat or blanket.

The consistency of the jam prepared according to this recipe is pleasantly jelly-like.

How to make strawberry jelly jam with whole berries?



The special technology of this recipe allows you to get an incredibly tasty jelly consistency of strawberry jam, which it reaches two months after cooking. In this case, all the berries remain safe and sound. To prepare such a preparation, remove the sepals from the washed and dried strawberries, pour granulated sugar into a wide bowl and leave for twelve hours at room conditions. During this time, the berries will release juice and end up in syrup. Dissolve citric acid in a tablespoon of water, pour the solution over the strawberries, place the preparation on the stove burner and heat it, stirring it very carefully with a wooden spoon or spatula until all the sweet crystals are dissolved. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, remove the vessel from the heat and proceed to the next stage of cooking the jam.

Pour about two cups of strawberry base with syrup into a small stainless steel bowl and put on fire. After boiling, keep the jam boiling vigorously for one minute, and for another four minutes, slightly reducing the heat under the pan. During this time, the foam should settle and the syrup should become transparent. Now pour the first portion of jam into a sterile dry jar prepared in advance and move on to the next one. Repeat the process until the last drop of strawberry base. It is this kind of portioned, short-term cooking of jam that will preserve the integrity of the berries and achieve a jelly-like consistency. Let the jam in the jars cool completely, then seal it with sterile lids and store it.

Delicious strawberry jelly jam with gelatin


  • fresh strawberries – 1.5 kg;
  • gelatin – 1.5 tbsp. heaped spoons;
  • granulated sugar – 745 g.


To prepare jam with gelatin, wash the strawberries, let them drain, tear off the sepals and place the berries in a wide container, sprinkling the layers with granulated sugar (two-thirds of the total amount) mixed with gelatin granules. We leave the preparation for several hours so that the berries release juice, after which we put it on the stove and heat it until the first signs of boiling, stirring continuously. Let the jam sit for one hour, then add the remaining sugar, heat the strawberry mass again to a boil and boil it this time for five minutes. Immediately pour the treat into sterile, dry containers, quickly seal and let cool under a warm coat or blanket.

But there are more original ways of cooking. For example, with cognac, champagne and basil. If you want to serve an exquisite dessert on the table in winter, use the recipes below.

Strawberry jam with whole berries, with cognac

To prepare you will need:

  • 1.5 kg strawberries;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of any cognac (I use the cheapest one, such as “White Stork”);
  • juice of 1 lemon in medium proportions;
  • zest of 1 lime (you can use dried);
  • sterilized jars with lids.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of ingredients, but the process of preparing this original strawberry jam with whole berries is not much different from the classic “five-minute jam.” Now you can see for yourself:

  1. Peel the strawberries, wash them, sort them. Remove wrinkled or spoiled berries without hesitation.
  2. Pour the fruits into any container and pour cognac over it.
  3. Leave it to steep overnight.
  4. In the morning, pour out the cognac (by the way, you can drink it... if you like the strawberry aroma that appears) and cover the strawberries with sugar.
  5. Wait half an hour or even 40 minutes for the juice to appear. If desired, you can shake lightly several times.
  6. When there is enough juice at the bottom (at least 0.5 cm), put the dishes on the fire and boil the contents.
  7. Then set aside until completely cool.
  8. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times, remembering to collect the resulting foam each time.
  9. For the last (third or fourth) time, add finely grated lime zest and the juice of one medium lemon and cook until tender.
  10. Place the sweets into jars and screw on the lids.

I would like to note that the dessert turns out to be unsweetening, and therefore ideal for serving with pancakes and pancakes. By the way, you can add not only lemon and lime. For example, cinnamon and ginger fit well into strawberry jam made with cognac. In this case, for 1 kg of berries I add 1 tbsp. spoon of dry ground spices. This option is in no way inferior to the previous one, only the result is a little sweeter.

Strawberry jam with whole berries, with champagne

Strawberry jam, the recipe for which contains champagne, looks original and tastes good. Of course, not real French, but the most ordinary sparkling wine produced in our country. Do you want to surprise your guests? Be sure to treat them to this jam.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg strawberries;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of dry (!) champagne;
  • 1 sachet of pectin-based jam thickener;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • sterilized lids and jars.

Despite the fact that this recipe contains alcohol, everything is prepared very quickly. You don't have to pre-soak the berries. And it will take a maximum of an hour and a half to do everything about everything. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Wash and sort the strawberries.
  2. Grind a third of the berries to a puree.
  3. Add sugar, citric acid and a pectin-based food additive to the mashed strawberries.
  4. Pour in the champagne and put it on the fire.
  5. While stirring, dissolve the sugar.
  6. Add whole strawberries and cook until tender.
  7. Pour into jars and seal.

Strawberry jam with whole berries and basil

This recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries contains the ingredient basil. Some may think that weed is inappropriate in dessert, but don’t jump to conclusions. The spicy smell of basil combines perfectly with the aroma of strawberries and at the same time gives the taste of the dessert a special piquancy.

To prepare the sweets you will need:

  • 1 kg strawberries;
  • 800 g of granulated sugar (you need to weigh 2 portions of sugar: 700 g and 100 g);
  • 1 pack of pectin-based jelly-forming food additive;
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a small bunch of basil (15-20 g).

This easy strawberry dessert recipe doesn't take much time. Therefore, I recommend that busy girls focus on this option for preparing original strawberry jam with whole berries. So, let's start the culinary process:

  1. Wash, peel and sort the berries.
  2. Add a large portion of sugar and place on low heat.
  3. Dissolve the sugar thoroughly, but do not let the jam get too hot. The temperature of the syrup should be less than your body temperature. You can use a special thermometer; its readings should be no more than 30 degrees.
  4. Mix the remaining sugar with a pectin-containing food additive and add it to the future dessert.
  5. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  6. Grind the basil in a blender or finely chop it.
  7. Add chopped herbs and lemon juice to the brew.
  8. Place the vessel on the fire again and bring to a boil.
  9. Skim off the foam and boil the dessert to the consistency you like.
  10. Pour the finished sweet into jars.

Now you know how to make strawberry jam. And so that everything turns out just super-duper, I’ll tell you a few secrets.

  • In order to make strawberry jam with whole berries, it is better to choose medium-sized or small fruits. Large ones will need to be cooked longer, and prolonged exposure to high temperatures will cause the berries to “fall apart.”
  • Try to select berries of the same size. Otherwise, the smallest of them may become limp.
  • It is best to stir the dessert while cooking with a wooden spatula. Moreover, it is desirable that it does not have sharp corners. Strawberries are very delicate; they can “fall apart” even from minor mechanical damage.
  • Each housewife selects her own fire for making jam for the winter. For example, I prefer to cook over high heat, but I always make sure that my brew does not boil too much. Otherwise, injury in the form of burns cannot be avoided, and the jam can be easily overcooked. In general, experiment.
  • When the sweetness is “resting”, be sure to cover the dishes with clean gauze. This way, flies won’t land, condensation won’t form, and the “semi-finished product” will cool faster.
  • If you manage to purchase loose pectin (this is sooooo rare, but it can be found on sale), then you should add 20 g of pectin per 1 kg of berries.
  • Check the readiness of the jam by dropping it onto a dry saucer or fingernail. If the drop doesn't spread, you're done.
  • You can also check readiness by passing the back of a spoon or its edge through a large drop (a third of a teaspoon) poured into a saucer. If the drop quickly “runs back”, you need to cook more, and if the cleared strip remains, the dessert is ready.

When preparing jam or preserves, every housewife wants to receive not only a tasty, but also a healthy delicacy. Strawberries are one of those berries that are most often used when preparing sweet supplies. In an effort to please their loved ones with tasty, healthy and aromatic treats, resourceful housewives have come up with many ways to make jam from these berries. Being the main ingredient or combined with other berries or fruits, strawberries invariably impart a bright taste and unforgettable aroma to the stocks prepared from them. You can also quickly and deliciously cook from berries, which will remind you on a cold winter evening of warm summer days.

Strawberry jam prepared according to this recipe has a homogeneous jelly-like consistency. It is convenient to spread on bread or use to decorate baked goods. The finished jelly has a rich color, and its aroma and taste will not leave any lover of sweets indifferent.

To prepare strawberry jelly-jam you need to take:

  • Strawberries 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Citric acid – 3 g;
  • Gelatin - 15 g;
  • 3 glasses of clean water.

Before you start cooking, you must first carefully sort the strawberries and remove spoiled and unripe berries. The raw materials also need to be washed. To do this, pour the berries into a colander and dip them several times in a container of cold water. The liquid should drain thoroughly. Now you can start cooking.

Preparation of strawberry jam-jelly:

Soak gelatin in warm water;

bring the water to a boil and add the prepared berries to it;

Reducing the heat, boil the strawberries for 10 minutes and remove the pan from the stove;

The juice that the berries released during the cooking process must be drained by passing it through a thick cloth or fine sieve. Squeeze out the berry mass.

you will get approximately 1 liter of juice, which must be boiled, gradually pouring sugar into it;

You should also add swollen gelatin and lemon to the juice;

Having added all the ingredients, you need to cook the mixture, stirring it periodically and removing the foam that forms on the surface. The sugar should completely dissolve and the volume of the jelly should be reduced by half;

To check the readiness of the jelly, you need to place a little product on a plate. If the jelly hardens quickly, then cooking is complete;

Immediately place the finished jelly into clean and dry jars until it has cooled. Cover with tin lids, but do not roll up.

Now the jelly must be pasteurized.

For this:

jars filled with it are placed in a deep container with boiling water (the temperature should be at least 90 degrees). Pasteurization time for half-liter jars is 5 minutes, for liter jars – 10 minutes;

the process is carried out under a closed lid, with constant monitoring of the water level. It should not fall below 3 cm from the neck of the cans;

When pasteurization is complete, the jam jars are sealed with tin lids.

Now the jelly is completely ready. When cooling the preparations, the jars do not need to be turned over so that the structure of the jelly is not disturbed.

Classic strawberry jam

Strawberries in jam prepared according to this traditional recipe do not lose their shape and look very appetizing. The sweet and aromatic delicacy will be perfectly stored until spring.

So, for this jam you will need:

  • Strawberries – 1.5 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • Citric acid – 1.5 g. or lemon juice - 1.5 tsp;

When preparing the berries for cooking, you need to carefully sort them, remove the leaves and rinse them in a colander under the tap.


Place the strawberries in layers in a large bowl (in which you will prepare the jam), sprinkling each layer with a small amount of sugar;

let the resulting mass brew for about 6 hours (during this time, the berries, under the influence of sugar, will release enough juice);

Now you can start cooking: place the container with the future jam on the stove and bring its contents to a boil;

as soon as the jam boils, you need to remove it from the stove and let it brew for another 15 minutes;

then the pan is again placed on low heat until the jam boils and again removed from the stove for 15 minutes (this action must be repeated 4 times in total);

during final heating, you need to add citric acid to the jam or pour in lemon juice to prevent its possible sugaring;

the finished jam is poured into dry sterilized jars and rolled up with tin lids;

filled jars should be placed in a dark and cool place, placing them there with the bottom up. Leave it like this until it cools completely.

Jam according to this recipe can be made from more berries. Only in this case you will need more sugar and citric acid, as well as a larger cooking container.

You can also find on our website various delicious recipes that are familiar to everyone from early childhood.

Strawberry jam with oranges

Harmoniously combining the bright aroma of strawberries and fresh notes of orange, this jam will appeal to even the most sophisticated lovers of sweets. An original delicacy prepared according to this recipe will not only be suitable for home gatherings with a cup of tea, but will also perfectly complement a festive sweet table.

To make strawberry-orange jam, you will need:

  • Fresh strawberries – 400 gr.;
  • Oranges – 250 gr.;
  • Sugar – 650 gr.;
  • Mint or lemon balm - a few leaves;
  • Orange liqueur (can be replaced with vodka or cognac) – 2-3 tbsp. l.

Before you start making jam, berries and citrus fruits need to be prepared.

Strawberries must be sorted, removing debris and bad berries, and washed in cold water.

Oranges must be washed and scalded with boiling water (to remove the layer of wax that covers the fruit for better preservation). To make jam, you can use both peeled oranges and peeled fruits. This is a matter of taste and choice of each housewife.


Prepared oranges need to be thinly sliced ​​and sprinkled with 1 glass of sugar. Leave the fruit in this state for 8-10 hours (can be overnight);

strawberries require less time to brew: clean berries need to be covered with the remaining sugar and left for an hour;

after the required time has passed, the fruits and berries are combined in a deep saucepan and sent to the fire;

now you need to add finely chopped mint or lemon balm leaves to the jam (2 tbsp is enough);

after boiling, you need to boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes and pour liqueur (or other drink on hand) into it. Be sure to mix well;

without waiting for the jam to cool, it should be immediately poured into pre-sterilized jars and sealed with tin lids;

let the jars cool, placing them upside down;

The original and delicious orange-strawberry jam is ready!

From the remaining oranges you can prepare another home-made preparation for the winter.

Five-minute strawberry jam with red currants

Berries in jam prepared according to this recipe retain more beneficial properties and vitamins than in preparations that require long-term cooking. Therefore, such sweetness will not only cheer you up on a cold and stormy day, but will also become an excellent ally in the fight against off-season vitamin deficiencies.

To prepare five-minute strawberry jam according to this recipe you will need:

  • Strawberries - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Red currant - 500 g.

Red currants are added to the jam in order to neutralize the characteristic strawberry bitterness. In addition, it gives the taste of the dessert an interesting sourish tint.

First you need to prepare the berries. To do this, they are sorted and washed with cold water. You should not get carried away with washing strawberries, otherwise the fragile berries may lose their shape. You just need to rinse them lightly with water.

How to cook:

The berries should be placed in a deep container and covered with sugar. Leave until juice appears;

the berries that have given juice are sent to the stove, where they need to be heated until boiling, stirring constantly;

The jam should boil for 5 minutes, no more. The foam formed during the cooking process must be removed with a slotted spoon;

the finished jam is poured hot into clean jars, which are then sealed tightly;

Hermetically sealed jars are turned over onto the lid and kept in this form until they cool completely.

The finished jam can be stored both in a cool place (for example, in a cellar next to other preparations) and at room temperature (for example, in a kitchen cabinet).

Strawberry jam

This version of strawberry delicacy will appeal to those who do not like whole berries in jam. Having a homogeneous and delicate consistency, the jam according to this recipe turns out tasty and very aromatic. It can be eaten in its pure form, washed down with hot tea, and also used as a coating for cakes and a filling for sweet pies.

In order to cook jam from 1 kg of berries, you will need:

  • Ripe strawberries – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 600 gr.;
  • Water – 50 ml.

For jam it is better to take ripe and juicy strawberries. When sorting the berries, you need to free them from leaves and other debris and remove rotten fruits. Then the strawberries need to be washed and allowed to dry. When preparing jam, you need to pay special attention to washing strawberries, because if there are particles of dust or sand left on the berries, this will have a bad effect on the taste and consistency of the finished delicacy.

How to cook:

The prepared berries should be placed in a container of suitable size and, using a masher, mash them thoroughly;

pour water into the resulting slurry and place the future jam on the stove;

cook the berries until they are completely softened;

softened strawberries must be removed from the heat and passed through a sieve;

sugar is added to the resulting mass;

Now the jam needs to be put on the fire again, where it will remain until fully cooked (about 20 minutes).

After the finished jam has cooled a little, you need to place it in dry and sterilized jars. Roll up with tin lids.

Jars of strawberry jam, like most preparations, should be stored in a dry and cool place.

Being a source of valuable vitamins and having a pleasant taste and unforgettable aroma, strawberries are also used as a base for jam in many other recipes. Therefore, having decided to prepare sweet and healthy supplies from this berry for the winter, every housewife will be able to choose an option that suits her taste.

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What do you think is the advantage of winter jelly over regular jam? Most likely, your answer will concern the special consistency, thanks to which the taste of berries and fruits prepared for the winter is revealed in a special way. In addition, it is the jelly form that helps make amazingly tasty desserts from berries, which in ordinary jam quickly boil down and lose their taste/color. For example, strawberry jelly for the winter is much richer in taste and aroma than its jam counterpart. But don't think that making canned strawberry jelly is much more difficult than making jam. No, under normal home conditions anyone can make jelly from fresh or frozen strawberries. When it comes to special ingredients, most winter strawberry jelly recipes use gelatin. Although you can cook this yummy without it without difficulty, if you know the right recipe. These are the step-by-step recipes with photos and videos for preparing strawberry jelly for the winter that await you next.

Delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without gelatin - step-by-step recipe with photos

Of course, there is practically no pectin in strawberries themselves, which is responsible for the formation of a jelly-like state. Therefore, to prepare delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without using gelatin, you will need to add other fruits/berries that are rich in pectin. For example, unripe apples are great for this purpose. Learn more about how to make delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without gelatin in the step-by-step recipe with photos below.

Necessary ingredients for delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without gelatin

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • green apples -0.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for delicious strawberry jelly for winter without gelatin

Simple jelly from frozen strawberries for the winter, recipe step by step

Frozen strawberries, of course, are inferior in taste to fresh berries, but you can also make jelly from them for the winter using a simple recipe. You just need to understand: to make this strawberry jelly really tasty, it is better to use sweet and ripe home-frozen berries. In other words, you shouldn’t make simple jelly for the winter from frozen strawberries bought in a store.

Necessary ingredients for simple frozen strawberry jelly for the winter

  • frozen strawberries - 500 gr.
  • gelatin - 1 sachet
  • sugar - 500 gr.

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for frozen strawberry jelly for winter

  1. Make syrup from a liter of water and half a kilogram of sugar.
  2. When the syrup boils, take about 50 ml and pour it into a deep bowl. Add gelatin and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, add frozen strawberries to boiling syrup and stir.
  4. As soon as the berries become soft, remove the syrup from the stove and grind the strawberries in a blender.
  5. Pour gelatin into the berry mass and cook for literally another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Pour the thickened hot syrup into sterile containers and screw on the lids. Let it cool completely upside down.

How to make strawberry and raspberry jelly with gelatin, step-by-step recipe

This jelly recipe is good because in addition to strawberries, you can add other berries to it. For example, make jelly from strawberries and raspberries with gelatin, which is sure to please those with a sweet tooth on long winter evenings. Read more about how to prepare jelly for the winter from strawberries and raspberries with the addition of gelatin below.

Necessary ingredients to make strawberry and raspberry jelly with gelatin

  • strawberries - 500 gr.
  • raspberries - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • gelatin - 30 gr.

Instructions for making strawberry and raspberry jelly with gelatin for the winter

  1. First, we prepare the berries: wash and remove any spoiled ones, cut off the sepals.
  2. Using an immersion blender, grind the strawberries and raspberries into a puree in separate containers - this will make the total mass more homogeneous.
  3. Mix both berry purees in one container, add sugar and put on the stove.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, remove the foam and add gelatin, mix well.
  5. Continue stirring, reducing the heat, until the mass thickens.
  6. Pour the hot jelly into sterile jars and cover with lids. Additionally, pasteurize in a container with boiling water for another 10 minutes.
  7. Screw on the lids and you're done!

Delicious jelly from fresh strawberries and cherries for the winter, recipe step by step

Cherries and strawberries are an incredibly tasty and healthy combination. It is not for nothing that it is often used to prepare various delicacies for the winter, including in the recipe for jelly from fresh strawberries and cherries. Learn more about how to make incredibly tasty jelly from fresh strawberries and cherries for the winter in the step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for delicious fresh strawberry and cherry jelly for the winter

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • cherry - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • gelatin - 1 package

Step-by-step instructions for delicious fresh strawberry and cherry jelly for winter

  1. We prepare well-washed berries in the following way: remove the pits from the cherries and remove the leaves from the strawberries.
  2. Pass the berries through a meat grinder or grind in a blender until smooth.
  3. Sprinkle the finished berry puree with sugar mixed with gelatin.
  4. Mix thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes. Then we put the saucepan on the fire.
  5. Stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon, bring the mixture to a boil and remove the foam. Add lemon juice and cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the finished jelly into sterile containers, seal with lids, and turn over.

How to make strawberry jelly for the winter at home, recipe with video

You can make very thick and tasty strawberry jelly for the winter at home using gelfix, an analogue of gelatin. Unlike recipes for strawberry jelly without gelatin, this option not only allows you to prepare a thick treat, but also saves on adding sugar. Learn more about how to make fresh strawberry jelly for winter at home in the step-by-step recipe with video below.

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