Egg cookies. How to make cookies without eggs: the best recipes and tips Making shortcrust pastry with cinnamon and jam

Prepare the necessary ingredients. Very carefully separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Pour chicken whites into a dry, clean bowl and beat with a mixer at low speed for 2-3 minutes. The whites should turn into a fluffy mass.

Without stopping the mixer, but increasing the speed to maximum, add sugar and continue beating until a dense, thick mass. By lifting the beaters, you will see that the whipped whites are held motionless on them.

Beat the yolks for 2-3 minutes (the mass will become liquid and homogeneous). At the end of beating, add vanilla.

Combine the whites with the yolks.

Using a spatula, mix the mixture until the color is uniform.

Add sifted flour.

Very gently, carefully, using bottom-up movements, mix the dough with a spatula. It will turn out homogeneous, without lumps.
Slowly place the dough into a pastry bag and pipe small pieces of cookies into a baking pan lined with baking paper.

Bake egg cookies in a preheated oven for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees.

Place tender, airy and light cookies on a wire rack to cool completely.

Just three ingredients (flour, eggs and sugar), just a little time and you will have delicious homemade cookies on your table.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!

2 glasses of 250 g poppy seeds,
0.5 cups raisins.
0.5 cups of nuts,
5 tablespoons breadcrumbs,
10 eggs,
13 table. spoons of sugar.
1 can of boiled condensed milk
0.5 kg butter,
juice of 1 lemon.
Steam the poppy seeds overnight.
Grind twice through a meat grinder, add raisins, nuts and crackers.
Separate the whites from the yolks, beat until stiff foam
- whites with 7 tbsp. l. Sahara,
- yolks with 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Add the eggs, spoon by spoon, into the poppy seeds.
Line a springform pan with foil and grease with oil.
pour the dough, put in a hot oven for 1.5-2 hours.
Cool completely, cut into 2 or 3 cake layers, spread with cream.
Drizzle with chocolate glaze.

Cake "Love me"
Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix 9 egg whites and 3 cups sugar without beating, and refrigerate for an hour, then beat until the consistency of meringue. Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour or put tracing paper and place the whipped whites on the baking sheet in small flat cakes (the size of a Soviet nickel, for those who no longer remember what it looked like - 3 cm in diameter), put in a warm oven and dry until ready. Grind half a kilo of butter and 3/4 cup of sugar until fluffy and gradually add slightly beaten yolks. Finely chop the nuts or pass through a meat grinder. Pour nuts and vanilla to taste into the whipped mass, pour in 50 grams of vodka and beat again until fluffy. Assemble the cake immediately in the dish that is served on the table. Grease each dried flatbread with cream and place on a dish, spread the remaining cream over the entire mound, decorate the top with the remaining flatbreads or sprinkle with chocolate or nuts and refrigerate.
eggs - 9 pcs., sugar - 3.75 cups, walnuts - 1 cup
vodka or cognac - 50 g, butter - 0.5 kg

Cake "Turtle"
DOUGH: 6 eggs + 1.5 cups sugar (dissolved) + 2 tablespoons cocoa + 1 teaspoon soda + 2 cups flour.
GLAZE: 2 tablespoons milk + 2 tablespoons sugar + 50 g butter (butter) + 2 tablespoons cocoa. Cook the glaze over low heat until it becomes liquid sour cream. CREAM: 2 cups sour cream + 200 g butter + 1 cup sugar. Whisk everything.
Lightly sprinkle the baking sheet with flour and place teaspoons of the dough in the form of small cakes. Bake at 200C. Dip each flatbread in the cream and place in a heap on a shell-shaped dish. Make 4 legs and a head on the sides. Pour glaze over the shell (if there is not enough glaze, make another portion) Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight to soak.
Eggs - 6 pcs., Flour - 2 cups, Sugar - 2.5 cups, Cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons
Soda - 1 teaspoon, Milk - 2 tablespoons, Butter - 250 g, Sour cream - 2 cups.

Cupcake "Christmas"
Grind the butter and sugar until white, add the yolks and continue grinding until the sugar crystals completely disappear. Then add warm melted honey with cinnamon, add sour cream, salt, soda, add flour and add the whites whipped into a stable foam, quickly knead a light fluffy dough with the consistency of thick sour cream, also quickly spread into a cake pan generously greased with softened butter and dusted with flour, carefully place into the oven and bake at t = 180C for an hour or a little more.
flour - 600 g, butter - 250 g, honey - 250 g, powdered sugar - 250 g
sugar – 1 glass, eggs – 6 pcs., sour cream – 500 g, finely chopped nuts – 100 g
soda - 1 teaspoon, cinnamon - 1 teaspoon, salt - a pinch

Norwegian cookies “Bows”
3 eggs, 2 tbsp. Flour, 0.5 tbsp. Melted Drain. butter, powdered sugar.
Grind the yolk of a hard-boiled egg well. Add 2 raw yolks and grind the mixture until smooth. Add 1 tbsp. flour, add melted plums. Oil and 1 more tbsp. flour. Knead a smooth dough, separate pieces the size of a nut from it, pull them out in the form of a ribbon and tie them with a bow. Beat the remaining 2 egg whites into a stiff foam and dip the “bows” into it, then roll them in powdered sugar and place them on a greased baking sheet. Bake in a very hot oven.

Dough: 8 eggs, 8 tbsp. l. ground, unpeeled almond kernels, 1 orange, 1 tbsp. l. grated crackers, 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Cream: 4 yolks, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 orange, 180 gr. vanilla 175 gr. sour cream.
Decoration: 1-2 oranges.
Yolks 8 eggs with 8 tbsp. l. Grind the sugar with a mixer or by hand (20 minutes). Add the zest and juice of 1 orange. Place the mixture in two identical molds, greased and sprinkled with flour.
Cream: Steam yolks, sugar, milk, juice of 1 orange and vanillin until thickened. Remove from heat and add a piece of butter, stirring constantly. Place the cream on one cake layer and cover with another. Grease the top of the cake with cream again. Garnish with sour cream whipped with sugar and orange slices.

"Lady fingers"
On fire 1.5 tbsp. water + 150 gr. oil and, when it boils, add 1.5 tbsp. flour, stirring. Cool the dough, beat in 6 eggs one at a time. Place the choux pastry on a baking sheet, greased with oil, with small oblong sausages.
Cream: 2 tbsp. cold sour cream + tbsp. Sahara. Dip the baked fingers into the cream and place them on a plate in a woodpile. Sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top.

Fruit juice muffins

sugar - 1 glass;
egg - 8 pcs.;
ground walnuts (or hazelnuts) - 1/2 cup;
flour - 1/2 cup;
butter -3 tbsp;
fruit juice (cherry is best) - 100g;
grated lemon zest of lemon and orange - to taste;
vanilla sugar - to taste;
cream - 1.5 cups;
egg - 8 pcs.

Beat egg yolks (6 pcs.), 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar until foamy, then add vanilla sugar, strong foam from 6 egg whites and 3 tbsp. Sahara. Mix flour with ground almonds, zest and add to the prepared mass. After this, mix the whole mass with melted butter.

Grease small muffin tins, fill them halfway with the mixture and bake at low temperature. Place the finished muffins on a plate and pour over fruit (cherry) juice.

Whip cream with 2 tbsp. sugar into a strong foam, fill a pastry syringe with them and decorate the surface of the cupcakes. You can place fresh or canned berries on top.

Cupcake with nuts and raisins
To make cupcakes you will need:
flour - 1 glass;
egg - 6 pcs.;
peeled nuts - 1 cup;
raisins (seedless) - 1 cup;
sugar - 1 glass.

Beat the whites into a strong foam, grind the yolks with sugar, then mix it all and add nuts and raisins. Mix well again. The prepared dough is poured

Place in a mold lined with oiled paper and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

04/27/2002 18:59:43, OxanaE

1 0 -1 0


350 g flour
250 g butter margarine or butter
250 g sugar (preferably powdered sugar)
5 eggs
100 g raisins
1 teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with lemon juice or vinegar
2-3 tablespoons ground coffee, brewed in 100 ml water, cooled and strained

Separate the whites from the yolks of three eggs. Grind margarine and sugar until white. Without stopping grinding, gradually add 3 yolks and 2 eggs one at a time, pour in the coffee and mix everything carefully. If you don't have ground coffee, you can replace it with instant coffee. Pour flour and baking soda into the dough. Roll slightly steamed raisins in a small amount of flour and add to the dough. Mix everything thoroughly. Then beat the whites into a strong foam and quickly combine them with the dough, carefully mixing with smooth movements from top to bottom.
Place the dough in a mold that has been thoroughly greased and dusted with flour. Bake in the same way as in the recipe “Curd-lemon cupcake-2”. Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.
You can bake small cupcakes instead of a whole cupcake.

200 g ham (or boiled sausage)
100 g cheese
50 g grated cheese
30 g fresh olives
50 g cottage cheese
50 g butter
4 eggs
150 g flour
1/2 l dry white wine
baking powder

Grind the cottage cheese and butter until smooth, add the yolks, flour, stirring constantly, pour in the wine, salt, pepper, grated cheese, half a packet of baking powder, then add the ham and cheese, cut into pieces, and finally the olives, cut into halves. Place the whole thing in a greased rectangular cake pan and bake in a hot (200°) oven for 45 minutes. Before serving, cut into slices, arrange beautifully on a platter, and scatter olives on top.
27.04.2002 19:04:47,

Most often, eggless baked goods are prepared with kefir - milk and other dairy products are excluded. Instead of kefir there can be: whey or water. The dough is kneaded as usual and can be:

  • yeast
  • flaky
  • sandy
  • insipid

You can bake any pastry from it, sweet and savory, fresh and rich, and it turns out no less fluffy and tender. For example, from wheat flour, vegetable oil, sugar, water and soda, you can knead elastic dough for a sponge cake, cupcake or roll. You can add nuts, dried fruits, cocoa, tea leaves, and coffee to the dough. Such baked goods are a salvation for those with a sweet tooth, allergy sufferers and vegans.

The five most commonly used ingredients in eggless baking recipes are:

Baking without eggs - simple recipes from the site

On the site there are hundreds of recipes for baking without eggs: pies, pies, cookies, cakes, pastries, bread, pancakes, pancakes, charlottes, muffins, buns, pancakes, buns, donuts, muffins, flatbreads. Through the search, you can also exclude products such as milk, sour cream, butter, kefir, in order to focus on lean dishes.

Homemade cookies are a favorite treat for millions of people. Our children especially love sweet cookies. Is not it? Of course, today in the store you can find baked goods, including cookies, for every taste, but they cannot compare with home-baked goods. So, you decided to please your family with something tasty and sweet, but you don’t know how to make cookies? No problem. There is nothing easier than finding a recipe for delicious cookies. Thanks to the wide selection and variety in this subcategory, you will find the most delicious, most unusual cookie recipes and learn how to bake homemade cookies, which are both healthier and tastier than store-bought ones. These include sour cream cookies, cottage cheese cookies, as well as simple cookies that are prepared in almost a matter of minutes. In addition to the fact that homemade cookies bring a lot of joyful impressions, they can also become a real symbol and attribute of the holiday. For example, New Year’s cookies “Winter Christmas trees”, “Piece of Summer” will perfectly decorate the New Year’s table, and Halloween cookies “Witch’s Fingers” or “Bat” will simply amaze with their unusual appearance and no less original taste. Baking cookies can also be a great way for you and your kids to spend time together. Your child will definitely enjoy making cookies and decorating them brightly. And cookie recipes with photos will be an excellent assistant for you in preparing delicious baked goods. Having chosen the most suitable homemade cookie recipe for yourself and learned how to make cookies, you can safely start preparing them. And rest assured, you will certainly get the most delicious cookies. But do not forget that you need to prepare a lot of homemade, fragrant cookies, as they are eaten very, very quickly.


Homemade ladyfingers cookies

Ingredients: flour, sugar, egg, starch, baking powder, salt

Delicate and tasty biscuit dough cookies with the beautiful name “Lady Fingers” are very easy to make yourself. Especially if you have our recipe at hand.

- 160 g flour;
- 160 g sugar;
- 2 eggs;
- 20 g starch;
- 0.5 tsp. baking powder;
- 1 pinch of salt.


Cookies "Minutka" with jam according to GOST

Ingredients: butter, sour cream, flour, jam

If you want to pamper your homemade baked goods, but you don’t have the opportunity to cook something grandiose, then the recipe for delicious and tender Minutka cookies with jam will come to your aid.
- 200 g butter;
- 150 grams of sour cream with a fat content of 21%;
- 500 grams of premium wheat flour;
- 300 grams of jam.


Lush brushwood with milk

Ingredients: flour, egg, milk, vodka, sugar, salt, powdered sugar, vegetable oil

I suggest you prepare a delicious and easy-to-prepare pastry - brushwood with milk. The cooking recipe is described in detail for you, so you can easily cope with this baking.


- 200 grams of flour;
- 1 egg;
- a third of a glass of milk;
- 1 tbsp. vodka;
- 1-2 tbsp. Sahara;
- a pinch of salt;
- 3-4 tbsp. powdered sugar;
- vegetable oil.


Cookies for February 14

Ingredients: flour, sugar, egg, butter, soda, vinegar, powdered sugar

On February 14, you can prepare a gift with your own hands, and it’s also edible. These are heart-shaped cookies, delicious and beautiful. For details on its preparation, see our step-by-step recipe.
- wheat flour - 2-2.5 cups;
- sugar - 1/3 cup;
- eggs - 1 pc;
- butter 72% - 50 g;
- soda slaked with vinegar - 1/3 tsp;
- powdered sugar.


Cookies "Nuts" in gas form

Ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, mayonnaise, soda, butter, starch, boiled condensed milk, walnuts

Cookies "Nuts" with condensed milk will become one of your children's favorite treats! It’s not at all difficult to prepare, the main thing is that you have a special form that fits on a gas stove.
- flour - 3 full glasses;
- sugar - 0.5 cups;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- mayonnaise - 70 gr;
- baking soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp;
- butter - 0.5 packs (100-120 g);
- potato starch - 1 tbsp.

For filling:
- boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
- walnuts - 1-2 handfuls.


Crumbly shortbread cookies

Ingredients: butter, eggs, baking powder, flour, sugar, salt, vanilla sugar

Many people love shortbread cookies and buy them in stores. Mostly, margarine or spread is placed in store-bought cookies, but it is better to replace these products with natural butter. The dessert turns out tasty and healthy, and you can safely feed this delicacy to your children.

Products for the recipe:
- butter - 100 g,
- one egg,
- baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
- flour - 2 cups,
- sugar - 100 g,
- salt - a pinch,
- vanilla sugar - 2 pinches.


Icing - royal icing. Painted New Year's sweets

Ingredients: powdered sugar, food coloring, creamy margarine, granulated sugar, flour, soda, egg, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg

Today I will be preparing a themed New Year's treat - gingerbread with royal icing. It is not so easy to prepare and decorate desserts with icing, so we will immediately give you a master class in our recipe to make it easier and simpler for you to prepare this exquisite and beautiful treat. You will need patience and attentiveness. We are sure that everything will work out for you and you will delight your family and friends with beautiful New Year's gingerbread cookies.

For icing:
- 50 g of raw chicken protein;
- 300 g of powdered sugar;
- food coloring – red, yellow, cream;

For the test:
– 55 g butter margarine;
– 75 g granulated sugar;
– 165 g wheat flour;
– 3 g soda;
– 1 egg;
- cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg;


Original beer cookies

Ingredients: flour, margarine, beer, soda, vinegar

An excellent alternative to chips would be unsweetened cookies, which are prepared with margarine and beer according to a simple recipe. Don't believe me? Try it and see that it’s tasty, quick, and much healthier than store-bought snacks.
- flour - 1 glass;
- margarine - 125 gr;
- beer - 50 ml;
- soda - 0.25 tsp;
- vinegar 9% - 1 tsp.


Processed cheese cookies

Ingredients: processed cheese, egg, margarine, sugar, salt, flour, baking powder

There are many recipes for a wide variety of cookies. Sometimes you won’t even immediately guess what’s in it. Have you tried cookies made from processed cheese? But it turns out very tasty and interesting! We recommend!
- processed cheese - 1 piece;
- egg - 1 pc;
- margarine - 40 gr;
- sugar - 1 tsp;
- salt - a pinch;
- flour - 1 glass;
- baking powder - 0.5 tsp.


Honey cookies

Ingredients: eggs, margarine, sugar, honey, baking powder, flour, walnuts

You can easily and simply bake these honey cookies. I described the recipe for making cookies in detail for you.


- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- margarine - 100 grams,
- sugar - half a glass,
- honey - 3 tbsp.,
- baking powder - 2 tsp,
- flour - 400-450 grams,
- walnuts.


Cookies with condensed milk

Ingredients: flour, baking powder, butter, milk, sugar, vanillin, coconut flakes

I often make these cookies for my children. I have described the recipe for this delicious and simple shortbread with condensed milk in detail for you.


- 175 grams of flour;
- 5 grams of baking powder;
- 120 grams of butter;
- 110 grams of condensed milk;
- 30 grams of sugar;
- vanillin;
- coconut flakes.


Delicious cookies with sour cream

Ingredients: butter, sugar, egg, vanillin, sour cream, flour, salt

No store-bought cookies can compare to homemade ones! Moreover, making it is not so difficult, especially if you have our simple recipe for tender and crumbly cookies with sour cream on hand.


- 50 grams of butter;
- 80 grams of sugar;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
- 60 grams of sour cream;
- 200 grams of flour;
- 1 tsp. baking powder;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 tsp. vegetable oil.


Cookies that melt in your mouth

Ingredients: butter, powdered sugar, flour, potato starch, salt

These melt-in-your-mouth cookies are very tasty. The recipe is simple and quite quick.


- butter - 180 grams,
- powdered sugar - 100 grams,
- flour - 150 grams,
- potato starch - 70 grams,
- salt - 1 pinch.


Cinnamon Cookies

Ingredients: cinnamon, egg, sugar, flour, butter, baking powder

What distinguishes homemade baked goods from store-bought ones? Of course, the quality of the products and the opportunity to experiment with ingredients. Just add a little cinnamon to simple shortbread cookies, and you will get a surprisingly aromatic pastry with an original taste. Delight your loved ones with a delicious treat with or without a reason!

Required Products:

- ground cinnamon;
- egg;
- granulated sugar;
- Wheat flour;
- butter;
- baking powder.


Christmas gingerbread men

Ingredients: flour, butter, sugar, egg, ginger, powder, cinnamon, seasoning, coloring, salt

For the Christmas or New Year holidays, I suggest you prepare delicious gingerbread men. These gingerbread cookies are not only beautiful, but also delicious.


- 215 grams of flour;
- 125 grams of butter or margarine;
- 75 grams of sugar;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. ground ginger;
- 4 grams of baking powder;
- 5 grams of ground cinnamon;
- cardamom;
- carnation;
- allspice;
- salt:
- 100 grams of powdered sugar;
- red and green food coloring.


Curd cookies

Ingredients: margarine, sugar, vanillin, eggs, cottage cheese, flour, baking powder

Delicate, tasty cottage cheese cookies can be prepared very simply using this recipe with photos. A little time and patience, and a sweet dessert for tea will grace your table.

- flour - 250 g,
- cream margarine - 150 g,
- sugar - 120 g,
- cottage cheese - 200 g,
- vanillin - 1 sachet,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- baking powder - 7 g.

Simple recipes for delicious homemade cookies will help the housewife quickly prepare gastronomic products without any chemicals, harmful dyes or thickeners. Because the ingredients are available in every kitchen and used in everyday life. This pastry has many variations and is perfect for a holiday table, decorating the delicacy with multi-colored glaze or all kinds of sprinkles, and for evening tea.

  1. In a bowl, mix soft butter - 100 g with sugar - 200 g, a chicken egg and 80 ml of cow's milk.
  2. Half a kilogram of wheat flour is shaken through a sieve with 10 grams of baking powder.
  3. The dough is kneaded, soft in consistency, which is rolled out with a rolling pin to a width of about 1 cm.
  4. The cakes are squeezed out using a mold, placed on a greased baking sheet, brushed with egg and placed in an oven preheated to 200⁰C.
  5. Cook for a quarter of an hour until the surface is golden brown. The cooled pastries are sprinkled with powdered sugar and served.

Homemade baked goods with sesame seeds in the oven

Making homemade cookies in the shape of your favorite cartoon characters by involving children in cutting out the figures is an exciting and fun process.

  1. Using a food processor or mixer, beat 3 chicken eggs with 300 grams of granulated sugar.
  2. When the structure of the eggs is completely destroyed, add 250 grams of soft butter and beat until the butter and eggs are completely mixed.
  3. 350 grams of wheat flour is sifted with a bag of baking powder and tbsp. spoon of cinnamon powder. Mix in small portions into the butter-egg mixture.
  4. The finished dough is placed in a container and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The cooled workpiece is rolled out with a rolling pin, after which curly saplings are cut out of it and placed on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  6. The top of the cookies is generously sprinkled with sesame seeds and baked in a preheated oven until an appetizing surface forms (about 30-45 minutes) at 180⁰C.

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

Making healthy oatmeal cookies at home is much easier than it seems. You just need to stock up on instant oatmeal in advance (those that just need to be poured with boiling water).

You can diversify the taste of traditional oatmeal baking by adding pieces of dried fruit or any other low-calorie product.

  1. Place 200 grams of soft sweet cream butter in a food processor with a dough attachment, two tbsp. spoons of sugar and a couple of pinches of crystalline vanillin. Everything is mixed until the mixture becomes white.
  2. Then add one egg and stir until smooth, only then add the second egg and beat just as thoroughly until fluffy.
  3. After whipping, add one and a half cups of oatmeal and mix.
  4. 200 grams of wheat flour is sifted with 10 grams of baking powder and added to the rest of the ingredients. Since oatmeal cookie dough is often quite sticky, you can form neat balls for baking with your hands dipped in water.
  5. The finished dough is placed in a bag or container, preventing air from entering, and placed in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
  6. Balls with a diameter of 2 cm are formed from the chilled dough. Placed on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper. It is important to ensure that there is a large distance between the balls, so that the shape of the cookies deforms during baking.
  7. The pastry is formed by lightly pressing the balls with your hand.
  8. Bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 180⁰C.

Making shortcrust pastry with cinnamon and jam

  1. 400 grams of wheat flour is sifted into a bowl in a heap.
  2. The yolks of three eggs are beaten with a whisk.
  3. A small depression is made in the center of the flour mound, into which the yolks are poured, 250 grams of granulated sugar are added, 200 grams of soft butter or margarine, a pinch of table salt and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon are added.
  4. The ingredients are kneaded by hand into a dough, which is subsequently wrapped in film and placed to “rest” in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The chilled dough is rolled into a sausage and cut into rounds up to 1 cm. You can roll it into a layer and cut out shaped products.
  6. A small depression is made in each round. For example, the bottom of a glass.
  7. Crushed nuts are poured into the bottom of the cavity, and thick jam is placed on top.
  8. The oven is preheated to 220⁰C.
  9. The baking tray is covered with baking paper, on which the products are laid out and baked for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Homemade shortbread cookies with jam must cool on the baking sheet, otherwise they may break.
  11. If desired, dust the finished baked goods with powdered sugar.

Delicious homemade kefir cookies

  1. Thoroughly beat 200 ml of kefir with 100 grams of granulated sugar. It is necessary that the dry substance is completely dissolved.
  2. Then add tbsp to sweet kefir. a spoonful of melted sweet cream butter and half a teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with apple cider vinegar. Everything gets mixed up.
  3. 350 grams of wheat flour sifted through a fine sieve are slowly poured into the kefir mixture. The dough is kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands. After kneading, it is wrapped in a bag and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. The cooled ball is rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of half a centimeter. The succulents are cut out using a mold and placed on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper.
  5. The cookies are baked in an oven preheated to 180⁰C for a quarter of an hour.
  6. After the time has passed, the baking sheet is taken out, the products are greased with milk and left to brown for another five minutes.

Tender sour cream cookies in a hurry

Soft pastries with a crispy crust, cooked in a frying pan, are an easy way to pamper your household.

  1. In a container, mix 100 grams of sour cream with one yolk and two tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.
  2. Add 300 grams of granulated sugar to the sour cream mixture and mix well.
  3. 250 grams of wheat flour is sifted with a bag of purchased baking powder and added in small portions to sour cream.
  4. The finished dough is smooth and does not stick to your hands.
  5. The dough is rolled into a sausage with a diameter of up to 3 cm. Then round pieces are cut with a thickness of up to 1 cm. The cut flat cakes are lightly squeezed into pucks by hand, so that the center of the cookies is completely baked.
  6. A non-stick frying pan is heated, after which the cookies are fried on both sides for 2-3 minutes until a beautiful crispy crust forms.

Homemade sugar cookies

  1. Sift three cups of flour with a packet of baking powder into a deep bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk 200 grams of soft margarine or spread with 300 grams of sugar until fluffy.
  3. Then add a bag of vanilla sugar to the mixture and add a chicken egg. Everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  4. All ingredients are mixed into a plastic dough, which should “rest” in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
  5. You can roll the chilled dough into small balls, which are placed on a greased baking sheet and slightly flattened by hand. Or roll it out into a not too thin layer and cut out shapes using molds or a regular glass.
  6. Sugar cookies are prepared in a preheated oven for ten minutes at a temperature of 180⁰C.

Hot baked goods are very soft, but tend to harden as they cool.

Unique curd snails: simple and tasty

  1. 270 grams of homemade cottage cheese are ground with a couple of eggs and 100 grams of granulated sugar. At the very end, add ¾ of a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. One and a half cups of sifted wheat flour is mixed into the curd mass and a soft dough is kneaded. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. The cooled semi-finished product is rolled out thinly with a wooden rolling pin.
  4. 90 grams of cottage cheese mixed with one tbsp. spoon of sour cream and spread evenly over half the layer.
  5. Sprinkle cottage cheese on top with two tbsp. spoons of sugar (you can add raisins if desired) and cover with the second half of the dough.
  6. The stuffed layer is rolled into a loose roll and cut into pieces up to two cm thick.
  7. The oven is heated to 200⁰C.
  8. The baking sheet is covered with tracing paper and greased with vegetable oil.
  9. Curd snails are baked for half an hour.

Cheesy crispy treat

  1. In a bowl, mix 150 grams of hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater with 3 tbsp. spoons of soft butter and two pinches of salt.
  2. Pour 4 tbsp into the cheese mass. spoons of low-fat milk and 200 grams of sifted wheat flour.
  3. The kneaded dough is rolled out into a thin layer with a thickness of no more than two mm.
  4. The oven heats up to 200⁰C.
  5. The products are cut out using shaped molds, laid out on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil, and baked until browned for about 10 minutes.

Homemade ready-made cheese cookies are a great alternative to store-bought chips or popcorn.

Children's chocolate spirals

  1. One and a half glasses of wheat flour are sifted with a bag of baking powder and ½ teaspoon of table salt.
  2. In a bowl, mix 100 grams of soft butter with one yolk, three tbsp. spoons of low-fat milk and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. The flour mixture is poured into the butter mixture in portions and kneaded into a soft dough, which is divided into two equal parts.
  4. Half of the dough remains white; the second half is filled with a bar of your favorite chocolate, melted in a water bath.
  5. Both parts are wrapped separately in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Each ball of dough is individually rolled out into a thin layer between sheets of parchment or cling film.
  7. A layer of chocolate dough is placed on a layer of white dough, after which the layers are rolled into a roll and placed in the refrigerator for about an hour.
  8. The oven is turned on at 200⁰C.
  9. The chilled roll is cut into round pieces 1 cm thick, which are laid out on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper.
  10. Chocolate spirals are prepared within 7 minutes.

A quick treat made with sour cream without eggs

  1. In a container, carefully grind a glass of sugar with 200 grams of creamy margarine and a bag of crystalline vanillin.
  2. Next, 300 grams of homemade sour cream with a fat content of no more than 25% is added to the mass.
  3. The baking powder is sifted with a small part of the flour, which is added to the sour cream mass first.
  4. When kneading the dough, add just enough flour so that it stops sticking to your hands, but is not too hard.
  5. The rolled dough ball is wrapped in film and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. The chilled dough is rolled out into a layer of no more than 5 mm.
  7. The cut out figures are sprinkled with sugar mixed with lemon or orange zest and baked on a greased baking sheet for 30-40 minutes at 180⁰C.
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