Recipe for making liver roll. Beef liver roll with onions, carrots and butter - a step-by-step recipe with photos on how to prepare it with stuffing inside at home. Liver roll with butter - recipe

Liver roll with butter – recipe with photo:

Initially, you should prepare the main component of the dish - chicken liver. It needs to be washed well, the drops blotted with a towel, and cleared of film and fat. It is also necessary to first remove the butter from the refrigerator; it should become soft and elastic.

Place the liver in a saucepan with water, set on fire, cook until ready, about 10–12 minutes after the boiling stage, season with salt. Drain off the hot water and leave the liver to cool.

Meanwhile, start chopping vegetables. Peel the onion from the film, chop into cubes.

Remove the top layer from the carrots with a knife, rinse, and chop with a grater with large holes.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, remove the tail, and cut into strips. Wash the greens under running water and chop finely.

Then mix 150 g of soft butter in a separate bowl with herbs, crush with a fork.

Pass the cooled chicken liver through a meat grinder, alternating it with small portions of fried vegetables and garlic. Throw the remaining 50 g of butter into the resulting mass, mix thoroughly so that the butter is completely combined with the liver base. Taste the liver pate and add salt and pepper if necessary.

Lay a piece of foil on the work surface, place liver pate (about 1 centimeter thick) on top in an even layer, then apply a layer of butter with herbs, place strips of pepper (as shown in the photo).

Next, using foil, roll the liver into a roll, which is then wrapped in cling film or the same foil. The appetizer will turn out beautifully cut if the butter hardens well, so the roll should be placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

An appetizing liver roll with butter is ready!

Liver is not only a healthy product, but also a universal one. You can prepare many delicious and original dishes from it. Beef liver is tougher than chicken or turkey liver, but it can be especially tender if cooked as a pate. And so that the pate looks like a finished separate dish, you can make a roll based on it.

We offer three simple recipes, from which you will definitely choose at least one to your liking as an appetizer for the holiday table, a snack or a wonderful breakfast.

Liver roll with butter

To prepare it, you must first prepare the liver pate. You can take any liver, beef, pork or lamb. In the step-by-step photo recipe, chicken liver is used in preparing the roll. How to cook the dish, traditionally or in a slow cooker, is up to you (recommendations will be given for each option).

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  • 500 livers,
  • 1 stick of butter (200 gr.),
  • 2 boiled eggs,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1-2 carrots,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic,
  • spices and salt to taste,
  • sunflower oil - a couple of spoons.

Cooking process:

Set two eggs to hard boil. We will add them together with vegetables to the pate for the roll. The butter should be removed from the refrigerator and kept at room temperature until softened.

I'll tell you how to prepare the ingredients for pate in the traditional way. Beef or pork liver (washed and cleared of films and large ducts), previously cut into small pieces, must be boiled in unsalted water. During cooking, add three peas of allspice and black pepper and one bay leaf to the pan. There is no need to chop the chicken liver.

Separately, boil the carrots and fry the onions in oil. Don't chop the onion too finely - it will come out less juicy and lose some of its flavor.

How to take the easier route and cook liver and vegetables for pate in a slow cooker. Peel the carrots and cut into large cubes. Chop the onion coarsely as well.

Place vegetables and chicken livers (or pieces of liver from large animals) together in a multicooker bowl. Drizzle with oil.

In a multicooker with a power of 670 W (I cooked in a Panasonic 18), cook with the lid closed on the “baking” program for 30 minutes, stirring the ingredients several times, starting after 15 minutes from the start of cooking.

If desired, in the middle of cooking, add a couple of cloves of crushed garlic and at this point add salt and spices to taste. The roll will be more aromatic and its taste richer. There was enough juice. In a more powerful multicooker, the cooking time (as well as the temperature) will need to be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations from the recipe book. You may need to add a few tablespoons of broth or boiled milk.

The finished liver along with carrots and onions should be pureed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder several times.

Gradually add a quarter of all the butter specified in the recipe and crumbled boiled eggs to the pate. Add salt to the resulting pate if you are preparing the liver roll in the traditional way and not in a slow cooker.

The consistency of the mass should be thick so that the roll holds its shape well.

At the next stage, we take food foil and spread the liver mass on it, spreading it in an even layer of 1.5 - 2 cm. Apply the remaining butter on top of the pate layer, distributing it evenly over the entire surface of the lower layer with a spatula or knife. This is why the butter must be softened.

Carefully roll all this into a roll using foil, gradually separating it from the part that is wrapped like a snail in the middle.

Place the finished roll in the refrigerator for at least an hour or two to cool. Ideally, prepare the roll the night before and eat it for breakfast.

Before serving, cut the buttered liver roll into slices 2 centimeters thick and place on fresh bread. Use a sharp knife, so the cut of the roll pieces will be smooth and beautiful.

We really enjoyed this breakfast dish with sweet coffee. You can also wrap such a delicious sandwich in foil or baking paper and take it with you to work or school.

If you want to surprise your guests with an original presentation and spicy taste of the dish, add chopped dill, garlic, basil or parsley to the oil.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several more recipes for preparing liver rolls with the addition of meat. Such options will appeal to those who do not like a pronounced liver taste.

Liver roll with meat and prunes

The snack is also easy to prepare. In this case, the roll, or rather a rectangle in the form of a small log, will be baked in the oven.

Boil 500 g of meat along with onions and carrots. About 15 minutes before the meat is ready, add beef liver to the pan (you will only need 200 g).

Prepare minced meat from boiled meat, liver and vegetables, adding a raw egg, ground pepper and salt. Then mix with prunes.

Place the entire mass in a rectangular oblong mold, greased with butter. This one is baked in the oven until done for about an hour and served slightly warm, unlike the first recipe.

Delicious pate in bacon

This recipe is suitable for those who do not really like liver. Due to the fact that several types of meat are used to prepare the roll, it does not have the rich taste of liver, but only has its notes.

To prepare the roll you will need:

  • 350 g bacon,
  • 250 g boiled pork,
  • 200 g smoked ham,
  • 250 g boiled liver,
  • 150 g white bread (crushed into crumbs)
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 1 medium sized onion
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of greens,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of broth,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

We grind all the meat together with the liver through a meat grinder. The onion and garlic must be chopped and mixed with bread crumbs. Beat two raw eggs together with broth and herbs, not forgetting to add salt and pepper. Mix the resulting egg mixture into the minced meat.

Thin slices of bacon should be arranged in such a way that they completely cover the bottom of the pan and at the same time extend beyond its edges. They need to be laid out overlapped.

Place the minced meat in a baking dish lined with bacon. Carefully cover it with the hanging strips of bacon. To ensure that the roll is well baked inside, cover it with foil on top, firmly fixing it at the edges of the pan. The dish is prepared in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. After this, the roll needs to sit for another 10 minutes without removing the foil. The finished pate is cooled in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours, and only then served.

Anyuta and the Recipe Notebook wish you a bon appetit!


Liver roll it turns out tasty and healthy, and its preparation is a simple task that even a novice housewife can handle. The main thing is to follow the instructions and there will be no problems.

Which liver should you prefer? Pork, chicken, beef will do. Most often it is made from beef liver (as in our case) or turkey.

As an additional filling we will use fried vegetables - onions and carrots, butter will take care of the softness, and the egg mass will be the binding component. The result is a very tasty roll that can be cut into pieces or used as a pate.

Calorie content is kilocalories per 100 grams. This means that every housewife can make such a roll from boiled ingredients and treat her loved ones to it at least occasionally.

A step-by-step recipe with photos is below, follow it when preparing a delicious dish with filling inside. Ease of cooking is one of the main advantages. The food can be eaten immediately, and its taste will be pleasant and piquant.

We wish you good luck in your culinary experiments at home!


  • (600 g)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1-2 pcs.)

  • (120 g)

  • (chopped, 1 tbsp.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (for frying)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Beef liver should be taken frozen. Then it is easy to cut into pieces. If there is film or membranes, you need to get rid of them. Place the pieces of product in a bowl and fill with milk (can be replaced with cold water). Leave to soak for one hour.

    The beam should be peeled, washed and dried, and then cut into small pieces.

    The carrots are peeled, washed, dried and grated on a medium grater.

    Both vegetables need to be placed in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Add salt to taste.

    Let the butter sit at room temperature until it softens. Then add herbs and salt to taste.

    After that, the products need to be mashed until smooth using an ordinary fork.

    Chicken eggs should be boiled, cooled, and then chopped with a fork or grated on a medium grater.

    When the hour of soaking the liver has passed, you need to put a pan of salted water on the stove. As the liquid boils, you need to lower the offal into it and boil for 15-20 minutes. Readiness can be judged by the transparency of the liquid and the softness of the piece; it should be pierced with a knife.

    Now the liver can be passed through a meat grinder.

    Chop the fried vegetables in the same way.

    To ensure homogeneity of the mass, you need to mince it again and mix all the ingredients well. Ground black pepper and salt are added to taste, you can additionally use garlic and your favorite spices. Stir the mixture again until it is smooth. If it is too dry and not flexible, add 50 grams of butter.

    The finished liver mass must be laid out on a sheet of parchment in the form of a kind of pancake.

    On top of the mass should be greased with a thin layer of butter with herbs, this will be a kind of filling.

    It remains to sprinkle with chopped chicken eggs.

    Now it's time to start rolling the roll. Roll the mass gradually, helping to release the parchment.

    You should have a finished roll.

    The workpiece should be wrapped in parchment paper and placed in the refrigerator. Approximate hardening time is from two to five hours, but more is possible.

    When ready, cut the dish into slices up to one centimeter thick. You can use a sharp and thin knife or ordinary thread. You can serve this delicious dish, prepared according to a step-by-step recipe with photos, either on its own or on a piece of bread.

    Bon appetit!

Hello, dear friends. Today we are preparing liver. Liver is not only healthy, but also a versatile product from which you can successfully make many original and wonderful dishes. For example, a spectacular, tasty and elegantly served liver roll with butter.

The appetizer is perfect for a holiday table, light breakfast or snack. It is prepared from any type of liver, the fillings are combined with all kinds of products, the snack is easily cut into neat slices, it does not crumble, and it is obtained in large quantities. Serve the food by placing it on a dish in one layer, or make small ones.

  • If you use pork or beef liver, then immerse it in hot water for 1 minute, then it will be easier to get rid of the film.
  • To make the product tender, the main ingredient is soaked in milk.
  • The offal should have a rich red color, be elastic and smooth.
  • To ensure that the dish has a uniform consistency, the mass is passed through a meat grinder two or three times.
  • The liver can be prepared in several ways. The main component is fried or boiled. More juicy - boiled.
  • In addition to the main ingredients (carrots and onions), you can add boiled eggs, alcoholic drinks, cream, garlic, herbs, cheese to the pate...


  • Pork liver – 600 grams.
  • Carrots and onions – 2 pcs.
  • Lard and butter - 100 grams each.
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.


Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into cubes.

Remove the husks from the bulbs, wash, wipe with a dry cloth and cut into any shape.

Remove the film from the liver, remove the bile ducts, rinse and cut into cubes. Do not cut it very finely, otherwise during frying it will burn and dry out too much.

Place the frying pan on the fire, pour in the oil and heat. Place carrots and onions to fry.

Lightly fry the vegetables over medium heat and add the prepared offal to them.

Fry the food over medium heat until fully cooked. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and pepper. If you like spicy food, then add red pepper, curry or chili.

When frying ingredients, be careful not to overcook the liver, otherwise the dish will turn out dry. But you also can’t let it stay raw. Readiness is determined by piercing or a small cut - there is no blood, you can remove it from the heat.

After this, install a meat grinder with a medium or fine grid, pass lard and fried foods through it.

Twist the mass 2-3 times, more is possible, because... The more uniform the texture, the tastier the snack will be. Add 20 grams of butter to the pate and mix well.

Wrap a bamboo mat in cling film or take parchment paper and spread the liver mixture in an even layer in a rectangular shape. Pack it tightly.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it reaches room temperature. If you wish, you can beat it with a mixer. Then apply a thin layer on the liver pate.

Using a mat (cling film), roll the food into a roll and wrap it in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for an hour to set and soak.

Afterwards, remove the cling film, cut the roll into portions and serve for your meal.

Bon appetit. If you liked the recipe, share it with your friends and press the social media buttons.

It is a proven fact that liver is a very nutritious and tasty product. From beef, chicken or pork liver you can get dishes that are useful for children and people suffering from diabetes, women who dream of having beautiful and youthful skin.

Offal prepared in the form looks very colorful and appetizing.

The originality of this “product” is given by carrots, boiled eggs, butter or other ingredients, used in accordance with your own tastes. The main condition for a guaranteed result is the choice of a fresh and high-quality product. The recipe I proposed will tell you the rest.

Delicious liver roll

For a cold appetizer you will need


  • 0.5 kg of beef, chicken, veal or pork liver (you can mix several types of liver),
  • 1-2 onions,
  • 200 g unsalted butter,
  • 50 ml vegetable oil,
  • 1-2 sweet carrots,
  • 2-3 boiled eggs,
  • 50 g salted lard or butter,
  • spices - to taste,
  • salt,
  • Greens for decoration (green onions or parsley).

Cooking process:

The dish will turn out beautiful if the liver pate is prepared correctly so that it does not crumble in the finished product, but has elastic properties.

Initially, the liver should be cleared of film, the hard bile ducts should be cut out, cut into pieces and filled with milk for an hour and a half. If you are using tender chicken livers, you can skip this step. For a more delicate taste, use a small piece of salted lard or bacon. Cut it into small pieces. Prepare vegetables, peel and rinse them. Coarsely chop the carrots and onions. Boil chicken eggs hard and peel.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan or multicooker bowl and heat. Place chopped pieces of bacon, liver, chopped vegetables. Fry everything together, stirring constantly.

Cook the liver in a multicooker using the “Baking” program, cooking time 30 minutes. It will take a little less time in the frying pan; we look at the degree of frying of the offal.

At the end of frying, do not forget about salt. To keep the liver juicy, you need to salt it at the very end.

For a dietary version of pate, frying in a pan is unlikely to work. Then we go the other way, boil the liver, carrots and eggs separately.

Fried liver with vegetables and eggs should be chopped with a meat grinder or blender.

If the option with lard does not suit you, you can replace it with butter. Add it at the time of pureeing. All that remains is to mix, check for salt and pepper. Cool to such a temperature that the butter, which will be applied in a layer when wrapping the roll, does not melt.

Preparing the roll is the most crucial moment. To do this, you will need a sheet of foil or food paper (baking paper).

The pate should be laid out in a layer on paper, leveling over the entire surface.

Spread butter, softened at room temperature, over the entire surface of the pate layer.

All that remains is to contrive and, together with the pate, carefully and carefully roll up the foil or paper, separating it at the same time from the inner layers. Wrap the “log” of pate in the same auxiliary material so that the surface does not become weathered.

Place the finished liver roll with butter in the refrigerator so that it hardens and acquires all the exquisite qualities of the original dish. This is a really tasty product, suitable for breakfast, dinner or snacks.

Cut into small slices and laid out on a beautiful plate, the liver will take its well-deserved place of honor on the table as the main decoration.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

Best regards, Anyuta.

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