Peeling kiwi fruit. How to properly peel kiwi fruit. Kiwi in cosmetology

and many more interesting things about QIWI

Many people still believe that kiwi is a fruit, but it is not. At the time New Zealanders began exporting kiwi to America, the name "Chinese gooseberry" was completely unacceptable due to the outbreak of the Cold War and very high tariffs on the berries. And it was then that resourceful traders came up with a name for the stranger; it sounded like “kiwifruit”. But in fact, kiwi is a berry, it comes from China and is called “Chinese gooseberry”.

A few decades later, kiwi was registered as a trademark, and the fruit itself began to be called simply “kiwi” in honor of the bird of the same name.

All existing varieties of kiwi

The main suppliers of kiwi in the entire world market are New Zealand and Italy. It is in these countries that the highest rates of kiwi consumption are recorded. On average, an Italian eats up to 4 kilograms of kiwi per year, a New Zealander eats up to 3.5 kilograms.

There are just over 30 varieties of kiwi in the world. The most common variety is called Hayward. The fruits of this type of kiwi are late-ripening and are the size of a chicken egg or slightly larger. This variety has a terry green-brown peel; inside the fruit there is light green pulp with dark edible seeds neatly arranged in rows. The taste of ripe Hayward is very delicate, it gives off a hint of sourness; if the fruit is not ripe, it will be very sour.

Monti is a mid-season kiwi variety; the skin of this species is light brown and has a medium-length pile. Monties come in both medium and large sizes, with the fruit being pear-shaped. Monti's flesh is green-yellow, its taste is a little sour, one might say it's not for everybody. This type of kiwi can easily be transported, which is very convenient for producers.

As for early ripening varieties, Bruno is very good here. The flowering of the bushes lasts only 10 days. In mid-December, the fruits are fully ripened, and they have a cylindrical shape. This variety has a red-brown peel with short shiny fibers, the flesh of the fruit is light green, and has a delicate sweetish taste.

Other varieties of kiwi also have a pleasant taste: Tumori, Jenny, Matua, Abot and others.

How to properly clean kiwi

Peeling a kiwi is very simple, you just need to cut off both butts, carefully pick up the skin with a tablespoon and turn clockwise or vice versa. Place a clean dish under the kiwi peeling area in advance so that the peeled fruit can slip into it. If the kiwi is not too ripe, then you can peel it with a simple knife, tearing off a piece of skin.

Most people would never think of eating kiwi with the skin on. Well, those who do not want to peel the peel, so as not to waste precious time, eat the fruit directly with it, not paying attention to the lint.

It turns out that there are special devices for eating kiwi: on one side there is a special spoon, and on the other there is a knife.

So is it possible to eat kiwi with the peel and is it dangerous? It is possible and sometimes even necessary, since the peel of kiwi is edible and full of vitamins. Especially when it comes to a special variety called Covinho, it was bred long ago by Spanish breeders. The skin of this variety of kiwi is very smooth, does not have shaggy fibers, and the fruit is quite small, the size of a grape.

The skin of kiwi contains many antioxidants, more than the fruit itself. It has antiseptic properties and prevents the spread of harmful bacteria in the stomach. But before you eat kiwi with peel, you need to wash it very thoroughly.

Not all people can eat kiwi with the peel. If you have a sensitive mucous membrane, then kiwi should still be peeled before consumption, since the pulp itself has a sour taste, which can irritate the stomach lining, and the skin can cause a sore tongue. In addition, etiquette stipulates the use of kiwi without peel. Therefore, it is better to remove it.

How do you eat kiwi?

Here are several options: peel and eat fresh, make jelly or jam, serve with meat, add to salad, use in making pies. By the way, some winemakers even manage to make wine and liqueurs from kiwi!

Is it possible to give kiwi to children?

Kiwi should not be given to children under 5 years of age. Studies conducted by scientists from different countries have shown that young children from eating this fruit may develop diseases such as laryngeal edema, collapse, swelling of the tongue and dermatosis of the pharynx.

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwi is incredibly useful for all women, it prevents premature graying of hair, helps burn fat in the body, and helps keep the body in excellent shape. In addition, kiwi is a great help for all those who like to overeat. It is enough to eat one kiwi fruit instead of pills to feel relief in the stomach and get rid of heartburn.

Elderly people also need to include kiwi in their diet; it can lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. This happens due to the potassium contained in kiwi.

Kiwi also contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and keep the whole body in good shape. In addition, vitamin C can prevent various nitrates and nitrites from entering the body; they can form toxic substances and cause terrible diseases, sometimes even oncological ones, that is, cancer. The Chico variety is very rich in vitamin C.

Kiwi contains a large amount of iron, so people suffering from blood diseases need to consume kiwi daily. Kiwi is also very useful for athletes, since the substances contained in it contribute to the rapid restoration of strength after heavy exercise.

To keep your facial skin clean and beautiful for a long time, masks are made from kiwi. To obtain products for different skin types, kiwi must be mixed with different ingredients. For example, to supply the skin with vitamins and minerals, as well as to soothe and brighten the skin. You need to prepare the following mask: peel the kiwi, thoroughly mash the pulp with one teaspoon of poppy seeds. Apply the mixture onto your face with light massaging movements, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. This mask is suitable for absolutely any skin type.

The following mask is suitable for aging skin: peel one kiwi fruit, finely chop and mix with one tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask helps saturate the skin with various vitamins and also helps slow down its aging.

How to choose kiwi?

Try not to buy kiwi from street vendors; you will be less likely to encounter fruits that have been chemically treated and grown with large amounts of pesticides.

The best fruits are slightly soft, because if the kiwi is too soft, it is a sign of overripeness, and if it is too hard, it will not be very tasty. You can buy hard kiwi and wait until it “softens” a little.

If kiwi smells like wine, then you shouldn’t take such kiwi, it should be low-odor.

If there are dark spots on the surface, this is a sign of fetal disease.

Lightly press on the place where the stalk was, if liquid is released, then put this fruit aside, no moisture should be released!

Pay special attention to rot! It appears as a gray or gray-violet coating. Carefully inspect the fruits from all sides!

If you see “bald” kiwis, don’t be alarmed - this is a variety that has the name GOLD; this variety is rarely imported to Russia, it is expensive, but according to rumors they are tastier. Have you ever tried these?

And one moment. An opened package is not a sign of poor quality; it is likely that the kiwi was simply taken from low-quality fruits.

Interesting video about an unusual white kiwi chick:

Kiwi is a fruit for weight loss!

This exotic fruit contains many enzymes that accelerate fat burning. So kiwi can be recommended to everyone who dreams of a slim figure! After all, in addition to burning fat, it is also a dietary product in itself. The question may arise, how many pieces can you eat per day? The answer will be: no more than three. And it is advisable to eat them as a snack or 30 minutes before meals.

Kiwi in cosmetology.

It turns out that kiwi is useful not only when consumed internally! After you have peeled this fruit, you should not throw away the peel, because you can use it to make a face mask that will have tonic, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.


Kiwi contains a lot of vitamins. It is useful not only to eat, but also to use for making homemade masks for the face, neck and décolleté. Kiwi cleanses and nourishes the skin well, making it radiant and more youthful.

Kiwi for masks should be firm, without dents or dark spots, but not too hard.

To prepare it, you will need low-fat cottage cheese, a ripe kiwi fruit, peeled (it needs to be grated). Add 6 tablespoons of cottage cheese to the fruit pulp and grind thoroughly. Apply the mask to the face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

To moisturize oily skin, you can prepare the following mask: mix crushed ripe kiwi pulp with grated horseradish root and lemon juice. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

Take a ripe kiwi fruit and half a banana and mash them in a ceramic or glass bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt without preservatives and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to a previously cleansed face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off the mask with cool water.


To prepare the product you will need the white of a chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of green cosmetic clay, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and ripe kiwi pulp. Peel the fruit and mash with a fork. Add chicken protein, vegetable oil and grind thoroughly. Add clay powder there and mix again. Apply the prepared mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face with warm water.

FOR aging SKIN

Finely chop the pre-peeled kiwi fruit and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply to face for 15 minutes. With regular use, the mask slows down the aging process of the skin and saturates it with vitamin C.


To prepare the product, you need to mix the pulp of kiwi, apple, pear, persimmon, taken in equal proportions. Apply the thoroughly mashed mixture to the face and remove it after a quarter of an hour using a damp cosmetic pad.


The strawberry, cucumber and kiwi mask is suitable for all skin types. Grind 5 medium strawberries, ripe kiwi pulp and half a small fresh cucumber in a blender. Mix thoroughly and apply on face for 15 minutes. If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, you can add a spoonful of oatmeal or crushed Hercules flakes. The mask is applied to the face with light massage movements. This is a good way to rejuvenate the skin and cleanse it of old epithelial cells.

Do not forget that kiwi is an exotic fruit and can cause allergies. In order to avoid such a situation, you need to test it on the back of your hand before applying the mask. If there is no reaction within 10-15 minutes, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

Here is such an amazing fruit, which has not only a lot of useful properties, but also an abundance of cooking methods.


How to peel a kiwi

How to peel a kiwi using a spoon, step-by-step instructions with photos:

Step 3

Insert a thin handle of a dessert spoon or teaspoon between the skin and pulp of the fruit (to the middle of the kiwi). Turn the kiwi in your hand, loosening the flesh from the skin. In the same way, insert the handle of a teaspoon on the other side of the kiwi and separate the pulp from the skin there too.

We will need:

  • Cutting board
  • Cup


How to peel a kiwi

Kiwi is an excellent fruit that came to us from China. At the moment, kiwi grows not only in China, but also in New Zealand, Australia, South America and even in some European countries.

Kiwi is a super versatile fruit. It can be used in salads, both dessert and savory. It feels great in marinades and various dressings, on sandwiches and in sweet curd mixture. Kiwi will also decorate your dessert: ice cream, cake, pastry.

Try softening the meat before cooking with kiwi pulp - kiwi enzymes will make the meat juicier and softer. Of course, for all recipes that include kiwi, it is necessary to peel it.

Peeling the skin with a short knife or a special fruit knife is the most common method, but sometimes not the easiest. Try peeling kiwis with a spoon or glass - things will go much faster and easier.

Tamara Sidorova

Kiwi is considered a versatile and healthy fruit. It is often used in salads, marinades, and also as a fruit garnish for cocktails or ice cream desserts. Enzymes make it a versatile meat tenderizer.

The unusual fruits are small, as if they were plush, they contain a lot of potassium (about 120 mg on average) and coarse fiber, as well as vitamins PP, C, E. But there are very few calories.

The taste here combines strawberries, banana, melon and pineapple. Kiwi is eaten fresh, made into jelly, served with meat, and added to salads. A few fruits after a hearty lunch will help you forget about heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and belching.

How to choose?

The main distributors of kiwi on the market are New Zealand and Italy. Here the consumption of these fruits is highest. Italians, for example, eat about 4 kg per year, and in New Zealand - 3.5 kg.

About 30 varieties have already been bred. The most common is Hayward. This species is considered late-ripening and is approximately the size of a chicken egg. Ripe Hayward tastes sweet with a slight sourness. Another variety is Monty. He is mid-season.

Its skin is light brown, the fibers are of medium length. Montys can be medium or large in size and are pear-shaped. The earliest ripening is Bruno. Its flowering lasts 10 days, and the fruits ripen in mid-December. Bruno's skin is red-brown, the fibers are short and shiny, the flesh is green and sugary. There are also Matua, Tumori, Jenny, Abot and others.

The fruit should be slightly soft, capable of pressing when pressed. Excessive hardness or, conversely, softness will indicate immaturity or depravity, respectively. Choose fruit with a light, mild aroma - this is an indicator of high quality. It has its own special aroma. It smells like melon, gooseberry or strawberry at the same time. Fresh fruit should not smell like sour wine.

To choose the right good and ripe fruits, you need to carefully examine them. Pay attention to the hairs - they must be hard, dark, but at the same time easy to peel off. Eliminate dark spots on the skin - a sign of fruit disease. Consider the place where the stalk is located - the humidity there should not be too high.

Even when pressed, no liquid should come out. Otherwise, the fruit was most likely damaged during transportation or storage and may have been spoiled for a long time. “Bald” species have also been bred - this variety is considered elite and can be found on sale very rarely.

How to preserve all the beneficial properties?

It is imperative to store the fruit at low temperatures (you can directly in the refrigerator).

The shelf life can be more than a month. Firm fruits will last longer. If they are not ripe, then you can simply store them on the kitchen table - this way they will slowly ripen and become soft.

It is better to store fruits in containers with air holes. You can use a plastic container or simply poke holes in the bag.

Without air, the fruit will quickly rot and become covered with a moldy coating. It is also worth considering that it perfectly absorbs odors. Keep fruits away from strong odors and foods. Even if you store the fruit for quite a long time, the amount of nutrients will not decrease. This is “guaranteed” by the peel and special acids.

What are the benefits of kiwi?

It is very useful for women! Prevents early gray hair, burns fat in the body, helping to keep you in shape. In addition, it is a faithful assistant for those who prefer to eat heartily. One thing is enough, instead of various pills, to make your stomach feel light and not a trace of heartburn remains. Older people should eat kiwi to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body.

It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens the immune system and keeps the entire body in good shape. It also contains a lot of iron, which is very helpful for blood diseases. Kiwi will also not harm athletes - it helps the body recover faster after physical activity.

To maintain beauty, masks are made from the pulp. By adding various components to it, you can get products for all skin types. For example, to soothe and lighten the skin a couple of tones, you can mash the pulp and add one teaspoon of poppy seeds.

Acts within 10 minutes and is suitable for all skin types. For aged skin, add a teaspoon of honey to the mask.

Any combinations and components will have a beneficial effect on the skin, because kiwi itself works great and saturates the skin with vitamins.

Doctors do not recommend giving such fruits to children under five years of age. Research by scientists has shown that young children can develop diseases such as dermatosis of the pharynx and larynx, and swelling of the tongue. It can also cause allergies.

Is it necessary to peel kiwis?

Some have never even thought about eating kiwi with peel. Only those who do not know how to peel a kiwi, or those who are too lazy to peel it, eat it along with the peel, studiously ignoring the brown hairy skin. There are even special eating tools - a small spoon with a sharp blade on the other end.

But still, can you eat the peel? Can!

The peel is absolutely edible and, moreover, it contains a lot of useful substances, especially if we are talking about Quivigno, a variety bred in Spain. Kivinho is smooth, without hairs, and the fruits themselves are the size of a cherry.

The skin contains more antioxidants than the soft part. It has antiseptic properties and prevents harmful bacteria from spreading in the stomach. Before eating, wash the fruit thoroughly. Not everyone can eat kiwi with peel. People with sensitive mucous membranes should still clean it before use. Even the pulp itself, due to its sour taste, can irritate the mucous membranes, but the tongue can also hurt from the skin.

How to properly peel kiwi in three ways:

Kiwi is an exotic fruit with an indescribable taste. Because of its amazing resemblance to potatoes, people nicknamed it “hairy potatoes.” In fact, this fruit got its name from the little kiwi bird, because it is a little similar in shape and with its “hairs” on the skin. The inside of the fruit is soft and greenish in color. Despite the abundance of seeds, the pulp of the fruit has a very pleasant and delicate taste.

Kiwi selection

It is better to buy ripe kiwi (if you do not plan to store it for a long time). The ripe fruit is slightly soft to the touch, but elastic. When the fruit is too soft and crushes when pressed lightly, it means it is overripe, and it is better not to buy such fruit. There should also be no dents on it. The unripe fruit is hard to the touch. If you bought such a kiwi, don’t be upset, you just need to put it in a dark and warm place, and it will quickly ripen.

Beneficial features

Kiwi has a beneficial effect on the human heart and blood vessels, and on the gastrointestinal tract. Accordingly, for people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system and also have a tendency to high blood pressure, this is an irreplaceable fruit. It also helps with heartburn. Many nutritionists include kiwi in weight loss diets. In cosmetology, this fruit is used as part of toning, rejuvenating and moisturizing masks. It perfectly tightens, refreshes and moisturizes dry and weakened skin of the face and décolleté.

How to clean kiwi and is it cleaned at all?

Peeling the skin from a kiwi is not difficult, although it is edible and the fruit can be eaten directly with it. You can also eat this fruit with pleasure by cutting it in half and scooping out the juicy pulp from the halves using a dessert spoon. If you need kiwi to decorate the table or you just want to present it to guests in a beautiful way, then you will have to peel it. There are two ways to do this. The simplest thing is to peel the fruit like a potato, cutting the skin into a thin spiral or strip.

If you need a perfectly even, smoothly peeled fruit, then use the second method. For this you will need a spoon and a knife. The size of the spoon should be suitable for the fruit, so it is better to take a tablespoon, although a tea spoon is also suitable for small kiwis. First you need to cut off the unnecessary ends (tips). Then carefully insert a spoon between the fruit and the skin and slowly turn the fruit. This way we carefully separate the pulp from the skin. Then carefully squeeze the fruit onto a plate and cut into slices. For this method, the kiwi must be moderately ripe, and not overripe or, on the contrary, “green”.

Knowing how to peel kiwi, you will no longer pass by the counter with it in a supermarket or market, but will treat yourself to a truly exotic and healthy fruit.

The benefits of different methods of peeling vegetables and fruits are obvious: the correct method helps save time and preserve more fruit, because some of the fruits and vegetables sometimes remain on the skin, which we later throw in the trash. Kiwi is a fruit that has earned its love with an abundance of beneficial properties and vitamins for the human body.

Kiwi comes from China. And a similar name with the famous kiwi bird appeared thanks to the breeder A. Ellison, who found an incredible external similarity between them.

Kiwi has the finest taste; their pulp contains a large composition of fiber, amino acids, glucose, and fructose. They are rich in vitamin C, E, PP, A, B1, B2, I3, B6. It has an enviable ratio of useful substances, such as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid. And the optimal proportions of vitamins C, E and A make kiwi a fruit that provides antioxidant properties. That's why every slice of kiwi is so important.

Kiwi pulp is ideal for salads and for making sweet desserts, cocktails, and cakes. In order to avoid damage to the fruit during preparation, special importance should be given to cleaning, especially in cases where kiwi needs to be beautifully cut for a banquet table. An ordinary knife is not always a good attribute for peeling kiwi fruit; it takes time and valuable pulp often remains on the peel. Therefore, we will present to your attention several proven methods for peeling kiwi fruit.

Kiwi peel, by the way, can be used as a face mask. Rub the peel onto your skin and wait until it dries completely. Rinse with water. This mask helps cleanse the face of dead cells.

How to choose the right kiwi

Its further processing will depend on how you buy kiwi. It also depends on the purpose for which you need it. For example, if you simply love the sweetish, mild taste of kiwi, you should purchase ripe varieties that leave a slight indentation when pressed. But when it comes to preparing salads or slicing for the table, the best fruits will be the hard, unripe ones. They lend themselves perfectly to processing, namely manipulation when removing the brown fluffy skin.

If you purchased the fruits completely green, just put them on your table for 4-5 days and they will ripen on their own.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of pesticides, since the fruit is often eaten fresh. If you have found a trusted place and are confident that the owner treats the buyer in good faith, then feel free to buy the product. But if there are no such places, then at least make sure that the fruit has a quality certificate.

For small cracks or other types of damage, do not neglect attention, especially if the kiwi has diaper rash or the skin has taken on a slightly flaccid appearance. The best option is a plump, bright brown kiwi that is firm to the touch.

How to properly process kiwi before eating

It would be rational to use kiwi after thoroughly cleaning it from harmful microbes and bacteria that may be on its peel. Many experts recommend washing kiwi twice. The first one is simply in running water, the second one is in warm water using a brush, so to speak, to do the kiwi peeling procedure.

An intact skin does not allow harmful components to pass through, but a clean skin guarantees the subsequent safe use of kiwi for food.

5 ways to peel kiwi

First way due to its purpose, the most popular, because a vegetable cutter will be used. The device has a thin blade that can remove the skin as accurately as possible without losing the useful pulp.

  • Take a vegetable cutter and pre-washed kiwi. We start cutting from top to bottom, holding the kiwi tightly in our hand.
  • To obtain a translucent skin, press down on the kiwi, pressing it firmly against the blade of the knife.

  • Work your way around the circle, making vertical lines from the top to the bottom of the kiwi around the circle. The fruit is cleaned.

It is important that the kiwi is not too ripe, in which case the cuts will be even and smooth. Otherwise, the kiwi may completely disintegrate and it will only turn out to be porridge, since when pressed the pulp will have the shape of a cake.

Second way. To make the shape of the kiwi as smooth and round as possible, you need to use a regular teaspoon.

  • Take a kiwi, a spoon and a knife. Rinse the fruit well under running water. Cut off the ends of the kiwi on both sides. This method involves a large release of juice, so prepare a container or cutting board ahead of time on which the process will be performed.
  • Place a kiwi in your left hand (if you are right-handed), and take a spoon with your right. Gently slide the spoon under the skin of the kiwi.

  • Promote the kiwi itself, not a spoon, this will make the job and the purpose of the task easier. Do this so that the spoon is as close to the kiwi skin as possible.
  • After making a complete circle, make a vertical cut with a knife along the skin to carefully remove it.

The fruit is ready. This method leaves a clear crust and a beautiful, smooth fruit that can later be sliced ​​or served as a salad along with other ingredients.

Here, too, you can’t do without improvised means. In this case, use a regular glass with thin glass walls. Usually a glass is used.

  • Take a knife, kiwi, glass. Using a knife, cut the kiwi in half.

  • Start with halves one at a time. Take a half so that one end, the softer one, rests on the edge of the glass and press it in so that the skin remains outside and the pulp is in the glass. Do the same with your other half. Before doing this technique, make sure that the fruit is not overripe, so that you don’t end up with blurry pulp.

This peeling method is perfect for fruit salads, making quick jelly, or adding as an ingredient to cakes and pastries.

I think everyone is familiar with the method of blanching vegetables and fruits. The blanching technique involves scalding a fruit or vegetable with boiling water. Thanks to it, some vegetables and fruits can be disinfected or cooked. We will also use it, but only to easily remove the skin.

  • Prepare a container for water and wash the kiwi

  • Bring the water to a boil and throw the fruit into it for 10-20 seconds. The main thing is that it is not too soft, otherwise nothing will work. The pulp may completely disintegrate into small pieces.
  • Remove the kiwi and let it cool slightly. With a light movement we peel off the peel, which remains with a minimal amount of pulp, and often without it at all.

If you are simply too lazy to do any manipulations with kiwi, then just wash it well and eat it whole, including the peel. Just remember that everything should be in moderation. So you can eat one or two fruits no more. There is one more caveat. Many traders treat kiwi with pesticides to keep it looking fresh for as long as possible, so think twice before eating the skin. In any case, let the fruit lie in water for several hours, and then rinse it well, perhaps not even with a stiff brush.

Decorative decoration also requires peeling. But in this case, you can use a method that is effective only in cases of preparing cocktails or decorating a cake. You will need an ice cream scoop. It usually has a round shape with a small diameter. Depending on what shape you need, use a knife to cut the kiwi in half, or make a small cut to make a full round ball.

Eczymes play a big role in the preparation of kiwi. Thanks to them, kiwi is used to make ice cream that has an original taste and unobtrusive aroma. It will be good if the meat is marinated in sour slices.

Cooking time, which method is the fastest

In search of a quick way to peel kiwi, many have probably already tried an experiment using a timer. But whatever the method, it all depends on how well developed your hand is. It will be more difficult for a “student,” for example, to quickly cope with the process of peeling using a spoon than with a regular vegetable cutter. A comparison of these methods can be seen in the video on YouTube.

But we must give credit to the one who came up with the method with a glass, because both the juice and all the pulp remain in the glass, while the fruit has the correct shape for slicing. This method should also be trained for speed. The main thing is that you feel comfortable; the right choice depends on this.

Who should not eat kiwi

Along with its beneficial properties, kiwi still has contraindications. It is not recommended to eat it if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis. And also contraindications should not be neglected by people suffering from diabetes. Allergies are also a reason not to eat kiwi.

How to make kiwi fruit ice cream

It has already been said how beneficial kiwi is for the human body. All kinds of cocktails and drinks containing this fruit are becoming popular. Kiwi ice cream will be especially tasty and healthy during the hot summer.

You will need:

  • Kiwi - 5 pcs.;
  • Juice - 150 ml;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. or sugar.
  • For kitchen utensils, you will need ice cream sticks, disposable cups or special ice cream glasses.

Work process:

Peel the kiwi. Place four in a blender, leaving the rest for decoration. Add 150 ml to the kiwi. juice and beat with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Place thinly sliced ​​kiwi into the cups on both sides. Then pour the contents of the blender into the glass. Carefully insert the stick into the center.

Place the finished ice cream in the freezer for half a day. When the time comes to take out the ice cream, hold the cups in your hand for a while so that the heat causes the walls of the cup to separate from the contents. The ice cream is ready.

Warm kiwi and chicken salad

Warm salad is full of energy and vitamins. You can eat it every day.

Required ingredients:

  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • A mixture of lettuce leaves - a bunch;
  • Cherry tomato – 10 pcs.;
  • Quail eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese, preferably Parmesan - 40 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • White bread - three pieces;
  • Seasonings;
  • Lemon juice - tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.

Cut the fillet into small cubes. Fry in olive oil with seasonings until fully cooked. It is necessary to create a golden crust. To prevent the meat from burning, you can lightly dip it in flour.

Take a spacious salad bowl, tear the greens into small pieces with your hands, after thoroughly rinsing them under running water and drying them.

Add halved tomatoes and fillet to the salad.

Slice the kiwis, peeling them. Add to salad.

Cut the boiled eggs in half and also add to the salad.

Grate the cheese on the grater side to obtain slices.

Cut the bread into cubes and make breadcrumbs out of them, sprinkling with olive oil. An oven or a regular frying pan is suitable for this method.

We are preparing the dressing. Add lemon juice and the necessary spices to taste to the oil; ground black pepper and dry crushed oregano would be an excellent option.

Season the salad, mix and add salt. The salad is ready, enjoy your meal.

Pie with kiwi and almonds

This pie will appeal to both adults and children. Its benefits will be especially felt in winter, when we are so lacking in vitamin saturation.

You will need:

  • Flour - 100 gr.;
  • Almonds - 100 gr.;
  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Liqueur - 30 ml;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.

For filling:

  • Kiwi - 5 pcs.;
  • Cream cheese - 185 gr.;
  • Zest of one lemon;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.;
  • Milk - 2 tbsp;
  • Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.

Prepare the almonds. To peel it, pour boiling water over it for a few minutes. Then peel and lightly fry in a pan. To make it into fine crumbs in the dough, grind it in a blender.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough. Knead and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes have passed, grease the pan with butter and roll out the dough. Prick with a fork and cover with parchment paper. Place beans on top. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

For the filling, mix all ingredients except kiwi. Beat until fluffy. Pour over the dough, and place the kiwi on top, after cutting it into flat slices. The pie is ready.

How to make a kiwi smoothie

Nutritionists promise us a real flow of energy by drinking a kiwi smoothie at least once a day.

For the smoothie you will need:

  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • Apples (sweet) - 1 pc.;
  • Basil - a small bunch;
  • Lime juice - 1 tbsp;
  • Water - 100 ml;

Peel kiwis and apples. Remove the core from the apples. Blend both fruits in a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. A refreshing and energetic smoothie is ready.

Kiwi chips

Admit to yourself that potato chips, unlike their taste, do not provide any benefit to the body, and in some cases, vice versa. Therefore, read how you can make kiwi chips and be surprised at how easy and delicious it is.

So, you will need:

  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 250 gr.;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Prepare a syrup from water, sugar and lemon. Place sugar in water and bring to a boil. Then set the pan with the syrup aside and add lemon juice. In this case, the aroma of other herbs will perfectly reflect the holistic taste of the syrup, so if you have herbs such as lavender, mint or roses in your house, then take advantage of this opportunity.

Now you can move on to fruits. It is good if the fruit is cut as thin as possible (about 1 mm). If you have the opportunity to use a slice grater, then it will come in handy here.

Place the resulting kiwi slices in syrup and leave covered for two hours.

To prevent the fruit from having too much moisture, in this case syrup, you should place it on a paper towel. Set the oven to preheat at 70 degrees.

Prepare a baking sheet by covering it with parchment paper. Place kiwi slices on it and place in the oven for 1 hour. After an hour, turn the fruit over and leave for another 1 hour.

After two hours, check whether the chips break well; if not, then hold for another 10-15 minutes. Now you can eat. You can store kiwi chips for several days in a dry place.

According to European scientists, kiwi peel contains enzymes that help with dysbiosis, and it also helps destroy staphylococcal bacillus. The peeled peel can be successfully mixed with other fruits using a blender. For example, the sour taste of the peel will perfectly complement the sweet taste of the peach.

Kiwi fruit promotes rapid weight loss. During a kiwi diet, the body is saturated with energy and beneficial components, without causing stress to the body. Eat at least one fruit a day and your body will be full of energy, this is especially useful in winter.

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