Children's cutlets. The best recipes for little gourmets Dishes for children. How to make delicious and juicy turkey meatballs for children? Vegetable soup with meatballs for a child

Turkey is ideal as the first meat food for 1-year-old children. This bird requires high-quality food and similar housing conditions. Therefore, its meat is of high quality and healthy composition. In addition, it is dietary, does not contain cholesterol and is not allergenic. Such indicators allow us to consider it the most suitable for a children's menu.

The benefits of turkey in children's diet

It is best for a child's stomach to digest and assimilate ground meat. Tender turkey meatballs always turn out soft and juicy. Poultry breast, which is free of fat and bones, is suitable for their preparation. They are easy to prepare and, most importantly, quick, which is important for busy young parents.

The greatest benefits are retained in the steamed product.

But both boiled and oven-baked meat balls will appeal to kids and adults. It’s worth taking note of the best children’s recipes for kids and preparing them only the healthiest dishes from minced meat.

Steamed meatballs with rice

You won’t find salt in recipes until you are one year old, since it is not recommended for feeding infants. The same goes for spices and seasonings. They are introduced into the diet of babies much later. Pediatricians recommend simple and healthy foods for infants. They are introduced little by little, taking into account the reaction of the child’s body to the new food component.


  • 250 g turkey fillet;
  • bulb;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice;

Cooking process

  • Prepare turkey meat. Only chilled (not frozen) fillets of proper quality, purchased from a trusted place, will do.
  • Pass the washed fillet through a meat grinder, blender or food processor.
  • Rinse the rice in cold water and leave in it for 15 minutes. Squeeze the cereal from the water and mix with the minced meat. Add chopped onion there. Mix the products well until smooth.
  • Form the minced meat into small balls.
  • Prepare a steamer with the required amount of water. Place meat balls on the grill in the appliance and turn on the appropriate mode.
  • Cook the meatballs for about 20 minutes.

Tender meatballs in a slow cooker


  • 500 g ground turkey;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • 150 g rice cereal;
  • parmesan cheese;
  • olive oil.

Step by step recipe

  • Grind thoroughly washed fresh turkey fillet into minced meat. Add grated carrots and chopped zucchini to lean ground meat.
  • Rinse and boil the rice, and then add it to the minced meat. Stir the products until smooth and form small round pieces from it.
  • Grease the inside of the multi-pan with olive oil, not forgetting the sides.

If you don’t want to add fat at all, you can place scalded cabbage leaves on the bottom.

Cook the meatballs on the “Stew” option for 30 minutes. Afterwards, leave them to warm up in the bowl of the device for another 10 minutes.

Boiled meatballs


  • 300 g minced turkey fillet;
  • carrot;
  • half an onion;
  • quail eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • semolina.

Cooking process

  • Finely grate the carrots and chop half the onion with a knife or in a blender.
  • Add vegetables to minced meat. If it turns out liquid, then just add one egg.
  • Roll the resulting mass into small balls (about 2 cm in diameter).
  • Roll the pieces in semolina so that they keep their shape and do not stick to your hands.
  • Boil water in a saucepan. As soon as the liquid boils, add the meatballs and cook until tender (about 20 minutes at moderate boil). You can add greens to the water.

Meatball soup for little ones

Cooking instructions

  • Prepare leeks, carrots and bell peppers by simmering over low heat. All vegetables should be chopped finely.
  • Boil water in a small saucepan and cook meat balls rolled from ground turkey in it.
  • Immediately add the finely diced potatoes. Cook for 15 minutes. Afterwards, add the stewed vegetables to the broth and cook for another 5 minutes.

Spices in children's soup will be unnecessary. But vermicelli is not suitable for satiety.

You can sprinkle a small amount of small pasta along with the vegetables (towards the end of cooking the soup). This is done in order not to cook the vermicelli for a long time, otherwise it will boil and deprive the broth of its appetizing transparency.

Meatballs in creamy sauce

Cooking method

  • Cut the peeled onion into small cubes. Rinse the greens with water and chop with a knife. Set aside a little for the gravy.
  • Place the prepared ingredients in a small bowl. Add finely ground ground turkey and one egg. Stir the products until smooth.
  • Prepare a greased or silicone mold.
  • Roll the mixture into equal balls and place them in a baking dish with spaces between them. Place in the oven at medium temperature for about a quarter of an hour.
  • While the meatballs are cooking, grate the cheese and press the garlic cloves through a press. Mix the products, pour in the cream, add the remaining dill.
  • After half an hour, remove the pan and pour the gravy over the meatballs. Return the pan to the oven for 20 minutes.

Baby meatballs with delicate gravy

Cooking instructions

  • Mix ground raw turkey breast meat with semi-cooked rice.
  • Chop the onion as much as possible and fry until translucent. Add it to the ground turkey and lightly salt it. Knead the ingredients thoroughly.
  • With wet, clean hands, roll into small meatballs. Dip each piece in flour.
  • Place in a sufficiently heated frying pan with vegetable oil. It is better to place meat preparations not closely, but at a distance from each other.
  • Fry for 3 minutes on one side. Do not place the lid on the dish at first, otherwise the meatballs will disintegrate. Turn the meatballs over and fry again for 3 minutes.
  • Pour boiling water over the meatballs to fill them 1/2 full. Add salt and a spoonful of tomato paste. It is better to first dissolve the salt and dilute the paste in water.
  • Place a bay leaf in the water and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  • While the meatballs are stewing, add 1⁄2 tbsp. warm water dilute tbsp. spoon of sour cream, stir with a fork, add tbsp. spoon of flour (heaped). Knead so that no lumps appear. Pour the gravy into the meatballs.
  • Hold the lid on the pan and gently shake the pan.
  • Simmer for 20 minutes on low heat.

Meatballs for babies can be prepared with the addition of many dietary ingredients acceptable for use in children's diets. Instead of rice, hypoallergenic buckwheat is a good choice. It turns out delicious adding oatmeal to the minced meat. If you grind oatmeal, it can be added to gravy instead of wheat flour.

Turkey meat is combined with pumpkin. Grated vegetable in minced meat will give the meatballs more juiciness and a sweetish taste.

It is also delicious to cook turkey meatballs with the addition of millet, cooked until half cooked. They are combined with potatoes, zucchini, and broccoli. Caring and enterprising mothers and fathers can come up with many delicious variations. The benefits of such nutrition for the growth and development of the baby are obvious. And the taste is simply incredible.

See also the recipe for tender turkey meatballs in the oven. Your kids will definitely love this recipe. Bon appetit!

Feeding 1-year-old children is a process in which it is necessary not only to prepare tasty and healthy food, but also to try to feed the little fidget.

For this purpose, all family members, household items, and sometimes fairy-tale characters can be involved.

But still, the success of feeding depends on how appetizing our dish looks and what its taste will be.

Today we will get acquainted with the best meatball recipes for children under 1 year old.

Meatballs for children - basic cooking principles

First of all, I would like to note that this product is loved by both children and adults. Because it is very nourishing, tasty, aromatic and appetizing. But before introducing this dish into your child’s diet, you need to remember that:

The child's alimentary tract must be well developed;

Excess protein can strain the kidneys;

The daily diet of a one-year-old baby should be 80 grams;

Accustom your child to solid foods. Try to reduce the amount of pureed vegetables in the diet of a child who is over 7 months old. He should develop chewing reflexes.

The technology for preparing meatballs for children is not much different from preparing them for adults..

For example:

The broth is boiled twice:

- add meatballs to boiled water and boil for five to ten minutes;

- then the water is poured out, new distilled water is added, which should boil;

- Place the meatballs into new water that has boiled and cook for another 10 minutes before adding the next products.

They try not to use frying, but in our article we will offer an interesting recipe for its supporters.

Potatoes for soup are cut into small cubes to make it easier for the baby to chew.

Carrots and, if necessary, onions must be grated on the finest grater. Some children don't really like the look of carrots and onions they see in soup. But you can show your imagination and cut the carrots into a star, a circle or a flower. This will arouse the baby's interest in the new dish.

No hot spices are added.

Meatballs for children are a universal dish that can be prepared as the first or second dish. And you can even, after boiling a delicious soup, serve the “extra” meatballs with any other side dish.

Variations of meat for minced meat can be different: pork + beef, beef + turkey, beef + veal, veal + rabbit, chicken, or you can use each of them in its pure form.

You can add to the basic recipe for meatball soup:

Vermicelli, noodles, spider web. Now there are very interesting and varied variations that may interest the baby. It is recommended to take instant food and add it 3 minutes before it is ready. And if you have ordinary stars or shells, then add them after the potatoes.

Rice. It is introduced into the child’s diet at 7 months. But keep in mind that this cereal has fastening properties.

Zucchini, cauliflower. Try treating your child to soup with the addition of the above products. To do this, finely chop them into cubes and add them to the soup immediately after the potatoes.

Cheese. It is best to grate it on a fine grater and pour it into the soup immediately before use. Cheese will give the dish a unique taste.

Greenery. Finely chopped parsley will add not only color and aroma to the soup, but also various vitamins.

As a side dish for meatballs for 1-year-old children, you can use mashed potatoes, thin porridge, pureed carrots, cauliflower or other vegetables, as well as various types of cereals.

Recipe 1. Basic recipe for meatballs


Beef – 100 grams

Pork (lean) – 80 grams

White bread (crumb or roll) – 20 grams

Egg white – 1 pc.

Salt - to taste

Greens - optional

Cooking method:

Pass the beef and pork through a meat grinder. Soak the bread in water. Add soaked bread and egg white to the resulting minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly. Form small balls and boil them in salted water with herbs until tender.

Recipe 2. Baby chicken meatballs


Chicken breast – 200 grams

Potatoes – 100 grams

Milk – 60 ml

Chicken broth – 400 ml

Salt, bay leaf, herbs - to taste

Unfortunately, chicken is considered allergenic, so introduce it into your diet after a year. Be sure to start with a small piece and watch your baby's reaction.

Cooking method:

Grind the chicken breast by passing it through a meat grinder or twisting it in a blender. Boil the potatoes. Add milk and potatoes to the resulting minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Form small balls and boil them in chicken broth, which you first salt and add bay leaves and herbs to.

Recipe 3. Meatballs with semolina


Minced pork – 100 grams

Ground beef – 100 grams

Quail eggs – 2 pcs. or 1 chicken egg

Semolina – 3 tsp.

Cooking method:

In our recipe we use ready-made minced meat, but you can prepare it yourself. As always, it all depends on the time that mommy has.

1. Mix two types of minced meat.

2. Add eggs, salt to taste and the required amount of semolina, which will give special tenderness to the meatballs.

3. Form balls and cook in salted water until tender. If desired, turn the resulting meatballs into soup by adding potatoes and carrots.

Recipe 4. Meatballs from dietary meats for children


Tender beef or turkey pulp – 200 grams

Milk (whole, medium fat) – 30 ml

Egg white – 1 piece

Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Remove film and veins from lean beef or turkey.

2. Pass it through a meat grinder, preferably twice.

3. Beat the egg white until foamy.

4. Add milk, whipped egg white, a pinch of salt to the resulting beef fart and mix everything well.

5. Roll into large balls and boil them in boiling water over low heat for 10 minutes.

Recipe 5. Stewed meatballs


Minced meat – 200 grams

Egg – 1 pc.

Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Add egg and salt to any minced meat.

2. Roll out small balls.

3. Place them in a saucepan or frying pan with a small amount of water or broth, about half the height of the meatballs.

4. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes or use a double boiler.

Recipe 6. Meatballs with cottage cheese “Tender”


Beef (raw or boiled) – 100 grams

Cottage cheese (4.5%) – 2 tbsp.

Egg - one

Butter – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder: boiled – 1 time, raw – 2 times.

2. Add cottage cheese, egg, butter, salt. If the child suffers from allergies, then use only the yolk, since the white is more allergenic.

3. Mix everything very well and form balls the size of a small walnut.

4. Steam: from boiled meat - 10 minutes, from raw meat - 20-30 minutes.

Recipe 7. Meatball and noodle soup for children

Ingredients (per 1 liter of water):

Potatoes – 1 medium piece.

Carrots – 1 piece

Minced chicken (fillet + onion) – 200 grams of minced meat and one small onion

Straw noodles – two zhmeni

Salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Place a saucepan with the required amount of water on the fire and bring it to a boil.

2. Form meatballs from minced meat

3. Place the prepared meatballs in boiling water and cook for about five minutes.

4. Then drain the water from the meatballs using a colander.

5. Pour new water into the saucepan, bring it to a boil and lower the already cooked meatballs for another 10 minutes.

6. Cut the potatoes into small cubes so that it is convenient for the baby to chew.

7. Grate the carrots on the finest grater.

8. Add potatoes and carrots to the broth in which the meatballs are cooked.

9. Salt to taste, adding a little salt.

10. After the potatoes are ready, add the instant noodles and cook for about another five minutes.

Recipe 8. Soup with frying

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

Olive oil 1 tbsp.

Water – 1 tbsp. + 200 ml

Leek -1 small head

Carrots – 1 small piece

Bell pepper (it is advisable to give it to a child who has turned 10) – half a peppercorn

Potatoes – 1 medium piece

Preparation of frying: In a saucepan, dilute olive oil and water in a 1:1 combination. Add finely chopped onion and grated carrots and pepper. Let it simmer on the stove for about 5 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare meatballs in any way you like.

2. Pour 200 ml of water into the frying pan and bring to a boil.

3. Throw potatoes cut into small cubes and prepared meatballs into boiling water.

4. Cook the soup until done, about 20 minutes.

Recipe 9. Soup with meatballs, rice and cauliflower for children


Beef (you can use any other type of meat) – 300 grams

Rice (pre-washed and soaked in water) – 100-120 ml

Potatoes (small in size) – 1-2 pcs.

Carrots (medium) – 1 pc.

Small onion – 1 pc.

Cauliflower – 300 grams

Quail egg – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Twist the beef and onions in any convenient way.

2. Add eggs and mix the minced meat thoroughly.

3. Form meatballs.

4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.

5. Place in boiling salted water and cook for 20 minutes:

- potato

- carrots (grated on a fine grater or cut into florets)

6. Meanwhile, boil the meatballs for 10 minutes in another water and drain in a colander.

7. Wash and separate the cauliflower into florets.

8. 10 minutes before the soup is ready, add boiled meatballs and cauliflower florets into it.

You can buy minced meat for meatballs ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself. It all depends on your abilities, desires and availability of free time. The fact that you at least know what you put in it will speak in favor of making your own minced meat.

If the minced meatballs are liquid, add a little semolina to it. It will thicken the consistency and give the dish itself a delicate taste.

Meatballs for one-year-old children can be prepared in advance and placed in the freezer. This will make the process of preparing lunch much easier for your restless baby. Thaw them in hot broth before using.

Be sure to skim the foam from the soup - this will make it transparent and improve its appearance.

Do not offer your baby yesterday's soup.

We hope that meatball soup will be enjoyed not only by 1-year-old children, but also by your entire family! Bon appetit!

We eat soups almost every day, we diversify the menu for children adults meatball soup.

If you have a small child in your family, you will share my opinion that it is more convenient to cook soup with meatballs for the whole family, and not just for the child separately.

How to make meatballs for soup

In children's soups up to one year old, the presence of lean meat and vegetables is important. When preparing meatballs, I use a trick. When preparing minced meat, I add vegetables to it: cabbage, carrots, onions, sometimes raw potatoes and rice. But since we will be cooking soup with meatballs and shell noodles, rice will be superfluous here. What meat to choose for baby food? When my son was still very young, he had food allergies. Therefore, in children's soups up to one year, it is better to use hypoallergenic meat: rabbit and turkey. For older children, lean pork and beef are suitable.

Composition of minced meat for children's meatballs in this recipe:

  • Rabbit fillet,
  • fresh cabbage,
  • potato,
  • carrot,
  • salt.

There is no need to put an egg in the minced meatballs; this will result in a cloudy broth in the soup. But you can add a soaked loaf to tenderize the meatballs. I don’t write the exact amount of ingredients (but there should be more meat than vegetables), it all depends on the volume of the cookware in which I cook.

And I often cook meatballs for future use: I roll minced meat into balls (their size can be the size of a walnut or larger) and put them in the freezer.

And then I cook different first courses: soup with meatballs and rice, potato soup with meatballs, children's vegetable soup with meatballs, soup with meatballs, cabbage and green peas, soup with meatballs and noodles, soup with meatballs and buckwheat, cabbage soup or borscht with meatballs .… Despite the simplicity of preparing meatball soup, there are many variations.

Preparation meatball soup for children and adults

Almost all versions of soups with meatballs contain potatoes; we cut them into cubes and add water to release the starch. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. For bright colors in the soup, you can add sweet pepper, cut it into cubes. As soon as the water boils, immerse the potatoes and vegetables in it. If someone likes them fried, sauté them first. But for healthy and baby food, I advise you to put the vegetables raw, without frying. If your meatballs are large, then place them after the vegetables as soon as the broth with them boils. If the meatballs are small, the size of a hazelnut, then add them 7 minutes after boiling. Cook meatball soup for children and adults for 15 minutes. If desired, you can add rice, buckwheat or pasta to the soup. For children's soup, you can add noodles in the form of Lyubopyshka shells made from soft wheat varieties.

Such pasta is very small and the child will eat it with pleasure. I even resorted to such a trick: I passed the meatball with the soup broth through a blender,

I fed my fidget, and then from a separate cup we caught shells with a spoon, continuing the meal.

But since I don’t have much time with a child, a multicooker helps me out.

Making meatball soup in a slow cooker

All ingredients are placed in the multicooker bowl at once and poured with boiling water. The lid is closed, the “quenching” mode is selected for 1 hour. Don’t worry, with careful cooking in this mode, all vegetables and pasta remain intact and do not become overcooked. In the meantime, the multicooker is cooking soup with meatballs for children and adults, we are walking!

Another low-calorie recipe soup with sorrel, chicken meatballs and egg from veto4ka7356. This soup can be served either hot or cold. Thanks to veto4ka7356 for the sorrel soup with chicken meatballs!

Well, let’s add to the collection of delicious soups with meatballs with a recipe with the participation of Anna Semenovich on the TV Center channel:

Chicken and turkey meatball soup with Brussels sprouts, green beans, cherry tomatoes and bell peppers:

Bon Appetit everyone!


(Age: from 1 year)

Hello, readers of the site, the site is about delicious things and with imagination. At your request, I continue to update the section -. Today, one of the most beloved, probably by all children, is meatball soup.

I have previously posted a recipe for “octopus”, which is suitable for children aged three years and older. Although the meatballs do not boil for very long, the soup still contains a high content of extractive substances. This soup is not suitable for small children. Therefore, I offer you an option for children from one year old. You can even do it a little earlier, from 11 months, then for meatballs use beef, turkey, or rabbit meat. And after a year you can cook from veal and chicken. To my taste, the most tender are made from beef or veal, and from other meats they are also delicious. The meatballs in this soup are prepared from boiled meat. The advantages of this preparation. Firstly, there are few extractive substances in it, but just enough to whet the child’s appetite and prepare the stomach for digesting the second dish. If the meat contained hormones and antibiotics, which I wrote about in the section, then they will not get into the soup with meatballs. Secondly, this children's soup with meatballs is very convenient to prepare. To prepare soup, a child needs a small piece of meat. And because of such a piece, it’s inconvenient to turn on the meat grinder and grind it. I never grind raw meat in a blender, because I use it for cocktails and purees, it would be unhygienic. And this preparation of soup with meatballs is convenient because we grind the already boiled meat in a blender and prepare meatballs from it. Thirdly, the meatballs are much more tender and fluffy than those made from raw minced meat. My daughters enjoy eating this delicious meatball soup. You can add a bay leaf at the end of cooking so that it gives its flavor to the soup. It can be included in baby food after 9 months, one leaf at a time. For example, when you boil vegetables or meat, so as not to add salt to the dish, but to add flavor. So how to cook meatball soup for children.

Meatball soup for children

To make meatball soup for kids you will need:

(makes 2-3 servings, depending on age, but there is still some broth left)

1. 100 g of beef pulp (as I wrote above, you can replace it with other types of meat);

2. 2 medium carrots;

3. 2 medium potatoes;

4. 2 pcs. quail eggs, or half a chicken egg;

5. 1 small onion;

6. 1 clove of garlic (optional).

1. How to cook soup with meatballs. The first thing we will do is boil the meat. Pour a small amount of water into the pan and bring to a boil. Rinse the meat well and place in boiling water. Bring to a boil again and turn on low heat. Boil until done (I cook for 50 minutes for beef, 40 minutes for veal, 30 minutes for chicken). Remove the meat from the broth and cool slightly. We don't need any broth, I drained it, if you want, use it for preparing adult dishes.

2. After we set the meat to cook, we begin to prepare the vegetables. Let's clean them and wash them. Now put water in the pan for the soup, I pour 600-700 ml, cover with a lid. Let's bring the water to a boil. Cut the carrots, onions, potatoes and garlic into cubes.

3. Throw chopped carrots and onions into boiling water, bring to a boil, reduce heat. After 10 minutes, add potatoes and garlic. Bring everything over low heat until cooked (about another 15-20 minutes).

4. Let's figure out how to make meatballs for soup. Grind the boiled meat with a blender. Add 2 quail eggs, or half a chicken egg, mix well. If it looks a little dry, then add a little more egg. Let's form meatballs, you can use regular round ones, I made them in the shape of hearts. First I sculpted a triangle, then pressed down the middle. Throw the meatballs into the soup when the potatoes are cooked. Bring to a boil, meatballs rise to the surface of the water. Boil for two minutes and turn off. Add salt, maybe 1 bay leaf. Keep the lid closed for 1-2 minutes and remove the bay leaf to prevent it from becoming bitter. Our meatball soup for children ready.

5. If you want to have puree soup with meatballs. Then put the vegetables on a children's plate and mash them with a fork, adding broth.

Children's nutrition should be varied and healthy so that the child grows up healthy. Every time, preparing another portion for their child, mothers try to make it not only tasty, but also in such a way that even the most capricious kids do not refuse food. Today we will tell you a few secrets for preparing meatballs for the children's menu.

How to cook meatballs for a child?

Meatballs for children under one year of age are best prepared from lean and dietary meat. Turkey or rabbit pulp is suitable for this. Starting from the age of one year, meatballs for a child can already be made from lean beef or pork, as well as from veal or chicken.

Starting from the age of two, dishes with fish balls are prepared for children. If a child does not like the overly pronounced taste of fish, such meatballs can be added to soup, then some of the flavor is lost.

For young children, it is best to form meatballs from boiled meat, since today it is impossible to be completely sure that it does not contain traces of hormonal drugs or antibiotics. During cooking, all unnecessary substances, if any, go into the broth. The broth itself should not be given to children.

Turkey Meatball Soup

Turkey Meatball Soup for Kids takes a little time to make. In addition, due to the vegetables and lean meat, the soup is very healthy for a small child.


  • turkey meat – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • quail egg - 2 pcs., can be replaced with half a chicken egg;
  • salt, bay leaf;
  • garlic (optional).


Wash the turkey meat and place it in a pan with water. After boiling, boil for half an hour. Meanwhile, put a second pan of water on the fire. You need about 700 ml of water. Peel and cut into cubes potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. When the pot of water boils, add the onions and carrots. After boiling again, cook the vegetables for another 10 minutes and add the potatoes and garlic. Cook all the vegetables for another 20 minutes.

We take the cooked turkey meat out of the broth and pass it through a meat grinder 2 times or grind it with a blender. Add eggs to the meat and form meatballs. Here you can show your imagination and mold interesting shapes out of meatballs to make it more interesting for your baby to eat.

Place the meatballs in a pan with vegetables when the potatoes are cooked. After the meatballs float to the surface, cook the soup for another two minutes, salt it and, if desired, add a bay leaf to the soup.

Steamed meatballs

Steamed meatballs for children can be made from chicken or any other meat, as well as fish.



We pass the chicken meat through a meat grinder twice. Beat the egg into the resulting mass and add all the other ingredients, mixing them well. From the resulting minced meat we form meatballs and steam them until cooked.

These meatballs can be added to vegetable broth or served as a separate dish. Also, meatballs prepared in this way can be additionally placed in the oven for 20 minutes, after pouring them with milk sauce and sprinkling with grated cheese.

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