How to cook kystyby with millet. Kystyby with millet. Cooking kystyby video

Kystyby is a traditional dish of Tatar and Bashkir cuisine. It is a closed flatbread with filling, which can be different, depending on preferences. The most popular filling is mashed potatoes, less known is millet porridge. Undoubtedly, each has its lovers and opponents, but I love both options. But today we will direct our attention to preparing kystyby with millet porridge.

So, the dough for kystybya itself is quite fatty, since for kneading, in addition to flour, salt and milk, we use an egg and butter. The flatbreads are baked in a dry frying pan, but then generously greased with butter along with the filling. So prepare yourself more of this ingredient, because the taste and structure of the finished kystyby depends on it.

The filling is ordinary millet porridge with milk (or water), also flavored with butter. With or without sugar, it’s up to you, I add honey to the millet. The main thing is not to make the porridge too liquid, otherwise it will simply flow out of the hot cake.

In general, the speed of cooking will also affect the outcome of your efforts. It’s better to work with several hands - it’s faster, more fun, and you’ll probably succeed. It is important to fill the hot flatbread removed from the frying pan, bend it and immediately grease it with butter. Only in this case you will receive tender, juicy, soft products. And so that the kystybys do not dry out and cool down, you can cover them with a lid already in the plate.

So, let's prepare kystyby with millet porridge...

We start by preparing the filling. In a saucepan, combine the washed millet, water, milk and salt. Place on low heat and cook the thick millet porridge until tender.

At this time, let's do the dough. In a bowl, combine the egg, milk, salt, sugar and soft butter.


Sift the flour into a separate bowl, starting with about two cups (about 320 grams).

Make a hole and pour in the prepared liquid mass.

Start kneading the dough with a fork.

As soon as all the flour has absorbed the liquid part, we switch to manual kneading, adding more flour if necessary.

After a few minutes of kneading, we obtain a soft and elastic dough for flatbreads that does not stick to your hands. We leave him aside to rest.

Meanwhile, our porridge was cooked. Flavor it with sugar or honey, add a little butter if desired.

Let's return to the test. Divide it into 10-12 equal parts, roll each into a thin cake, preferably symmetrical on both sides.

Bake the cakes in a hot dry frying pan until golden brown.

Place the filling on one side of the hot flatbread.

Cover with the other side and generously grease with butter. Place the finished products in a stack so that the oil penetrates the dough better.

Kystybyi with millet porridge are ready! Bon appetit!

Traditional Tatar flatbreads kystyby - rosy, thin, with various fillings - are good for lunch, dinner, and evening tea. They are very convenient to take with you to the office or on a picnic.

A difficult recipe for kystyby flatbreads with millet porridge and potatoes and onions from Tatar cuisine, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 1 hour. Contains only 333 kilocalories. Author's recipe for Tatar cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Calorie Amount: 333 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 8 servings
  • Occasion: Lunch, Dinner
  • Complexity: Not an easy recipe
  • National cuisine: Tatar cuisine
  • Type of dish: Second course
  • Features: Recipe for an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet
  • Cooking technology: Boiling, Frying
  • We will need: Frying pan

Ingredients for eight servings

  • 530 g flour
  • 300 g sour cream 20% fat
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • For the potato filling:
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 200 g onion
  • 150 ml milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • For the millet filling:
  • 250 g millet cereal
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 100g butter plus more for greasing
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. salt

Step-by-step preparation

  1. For the dough, mix all the ingredients, knead it until smooth, divide into pieces of 25 g. Roll each into a flat cake 1 mm thick, 12–14 cm in diameter.
  2. Fry the tortillas on both sides in a dry, hot frying pan. Grease the finished tortillas with oil, stack them and cover with a bowl to keep the tortillas hot.
  3. Boil the peeled potatoes, drain the water, dry the potatoes in a saucepan over low heat. Add hot milk and butter, mash the potatoes and add salt. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Mix with puree.
  4. Rinse the millet, boil in 1 liter of boiling salted water until half cooked. Pour in milk, add butter and sugar. Cook until done.
  5. Place the filling on half of each flatbread - mashed potatoes or porridge - and cover with the other half. Grease with butter. Serve hot with tea.

If you stand out, then in everything... Prefer to regular vegetable oil Altero Golden, a mixture of sunflower oil with olive oil, if you want something classic, or Altero Bouquet with the addition of rose oil if you want to add a touch of grace to your dishes. The elegant Altero bottle with its original triangular shape will become a true decoration of your kitchen and, without a doubt, will become the object of special attention.

The recipe for making kystyby with millet is for those who are tired of ordinary kystyby with potatoes, but want something satisfying and tasty.

Number of servings: 3-4

A very simple recipe for kystybogo with millet from Tatar cuisine step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 45 minutes. Contains only 320 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 45 min
  • Calorie Amount: 320 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 7 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Tatar cuisine
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Snacks

Ingredients for four servings

  • Milk - 5 Glasses
  • Flour - 350 grams
  • Salt, pepper - - To taste
  • Millet - 250 grams
  • Ghee butter - 50 grams

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Kystyby or simply kystby flatbreads are not difficult to prepare. The dough is usually used unleavened; all you need is water and flour. Although, no one forbids preparing the dough with milk and eggs. In our case, the dough will be prepared with milk) Kystyby with millet is an excellent dish for a lunch snack (or evening snack). Reading the recipe:
  2. First, we make the dough: sift the flour, make it into a hole. Gradually add milk (4 cups), add salt, and knead until the dough comes off your hands. We divide it into equal parts and roll it out quite thinly, focusing on the diameter of the frying pan in which we will fry the flatbreads.
  3. Fry the flatbreads on both sides.
  4. Now you need to properly boil the millet. First, scald the cereal, then pour salted water into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then drain the salted water, add a glass of milk, sugar and salt to taste. Cook until boiling.
  5. Place the finished millet on half of the flatbread, cover with the second one, and grease the top with melted butter. You can also fry it in a frying pan on both sides.
  6. So our kystyby flatbreads with millet are ready! You need to serve them hot, you can also grease them with oil and sprinkle with herbs if desired. Bon appetit!

Today we will prepare kystyby with millet with photos step by step with a recipe! And not only that, below there will also be a video on how to prepare kystyby with millet.

Let's start with what you need to prepare this dish!


Pancake recipe for kystyby with millet

1 liter of water.

1 liter of milk (or kefir)

0.5 teaspoon of soda slaked with vinegar.

Mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp.

Flour until thick sour cream (city

2 tablespoons pakmaya yeast - mix everything thoroughly.

Place in a warm place until bubbles appear, 1.5-2 hours.

Boiled millet porridge.

Recipe for millet porridge for kystyby with millet

To prepare millet porridge you need to take:

Millet cereal – 0.5 kg.

1 liter of milk.

1 liter of water.

A tablespoon of salt without a lump.

A tablespoon of sugar without a lump.

Cook for 25 – 30 minutes.

Add oil 100 - 150 g. And let stand for 30 minutes (without heat).

There are several cooking options; there is a recipe where flat cakes are used instead of pancakes.

Personally, I am still a supporter of pancakes. Maybe because my nenaya cooked exactly according to this recipe.

The process of preparing kystyby with millet.

After you have your pancakes ready and your porridge ready, you need to put them together.

Take a tablespoon of millet porridge with a mound, spread it on one side and cover it with the other side, then squeeze it a little so that the kystyby turns into one whole. The thickness should be approximately 1cm.

As a result, we end up with a mountain of kystyby (30 – 40 pieces)

But that's not all! Our ancestors knew how to cook and present it correctly! Next, before you actually start eating kystyby, you need to heat them in a frying pan in butter like this! Because pancakes love oil, and if you don’t do this, the kystyby will seem dry.

Today, many people forget about this and the kystyby turns out tasteless!

Don't judge strictly, this is one of my very first videos...

We are preparing a kysty video.

Keywords Kitchen, kystyby, millet, today, we will, cook, photo, step by step, recipe, little, from below, there will be, more, video, volume, cook, with millet. Let's start, you need, for a recipe, pancakes, recipe, millet, porridge, process, preparation, millet. , cooking, video. , #kitchen_site
When the file was created - 9.9.2013
File last modified date 05/06/2019
Views 1557 since April 24 (counter launched in 2017)

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  • Let's get acquainted with the ingredients: flour, millet, egg, butter, milk - what we need. You will also need boiled and plain water, as well as salt and sugar.

  • We start by preparing the dough. Sift the flour, crack one egg into it and knead the unleavened dough until it becomes softer than the dumpling dough. We put it in a bag and put it aside, letting it rest for half an hour. Let's move on to the cereal: We rinse it thoroughly under running water and additionally pour boiling water over it, passing it through a sieve. Place the glass grains into a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Cover the container with a lid, add an additional towel on top, and set aside for 15 minutes. This time is enough for the cereal to completely absorb the water. After the specified time, pour the porridge with the dairy product, salt, add sugar, bring to a boil and cook over low heat. We wait until the cereal reaches a state of readiness. Add oil, mix well and cool. The porridge for further preparation of kystybya with millet should be warm.

  • Cut a piece of dough the size of a small ball and roll it out. Place a saucer or plate on the dough and cut out a circle according to its shape. Using the same principle, roll out the rest of the dough. Place the resulting circles in one layer, sprinkle with flour, and cover with a slightly damp towel.

  • Now we need a frying pan. If you have an uncoated or cast iron one, take it, this is exactly what you need. Heat it on fire without adding oil. Now you can put the kystybyi in a frying pan and fry until they become golden brown. When turning over, brush the fried side with butter.

  • Lubricate all the resulting and ready-made kystys with oil. We stack them on top of each other, cover with a towel, giving them the opportunity to soften. After this, add the filling: fill the Tatar pies with the prepared porridge.

  • Our delicious and satisfying kystybyi with millet, prepared according to the simplest recipe with step-by-step photos, are ready!

  • Serve the dish hot. This is the only way you can fully enjoy the wonderful and original taste. If the Tatar pies have cooled down, grease them with butter again and heat them in the microwave. We recommend trying the dish with milk; it is a great addition to our Tatar cuisine dish. Did cooking according to the suggested step-by-step recipe with photos convince you that you can easily make kystyby with millet at home? We think so. Now is the time to try and enjoy the unusual taste. Bon appetit!

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