Potato spirals in the oven recipes. Spiral potatoes baked in the oven. Ready potato spiral

Prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare potato spirals in the oven.

Peel the potato tubers with a vegetable peeler or knife. Rinse in water.

Immediately combine soy sauce, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil, ground paprika and a little dried thyme in a bowl - literally a pinch. You can replace it with dried rosemary. If you like garlic flavor, then pass a couple of washed and peeled garlic cloves through a press into the bowl. But if you are preparing spirals for children, then it would be best to serve garlic oil on the table after preparing the dish, so that adults can dip the potato slices in it.

Place the washed and peeled potatoes on a wooden skewer vertically.

From one end, start cutting through the potato tuber to the middle with a sharp knife. Don't be afraid, you won't cut it entirely, since it contains a skewer - the knife will cut through to it. The main thing is to see the previous slot and cut parallel to it slightly obliquely. Practice on the first potato - the rest will go “like a carbon copy” evenly and neatly. When you finish cutting, you need to carefully stretch the cutting to the sides from the middle, distributing it over the skewer.

Coat each piece with the prepared marinade outside and inside.

Place the pieces in a mold and bake for about 25 minutes at 180 C. In the middle of cooking, brush the potato spirals with marinade again.


Look how spectacular the dish is, how unusual it looks! You really want to cook it, don’t you? Such potatoes on skewers are great to serve on a festive table, to the surprise of guests; and take it with you into nature - very convenient! And it’s extremely easy to prepare – just 10 minutes of active action plus an hour of baking in the oven. Potatoes bake perfectly, meat too. Of the many options for recipes for the oven with potatoes and meat, this is one of the most interesting and successful. My family and I really enjoyed it!

Potato slices are interspersed with small cutlets - both tasty and satisfying. And if you like baked vegetables, then you can also add, like me, sweet pepper rings - for bright colors and taste!

You can cook potatoes on skewers with minced meat or meat. The first option is quick; if you are in a hurry, then choose ready-made minced meat. Only high-quality: without fat and skins, then the dish will turn out delicious. In this recipe, minced beef cutlets, you can use chicken - then the dish will be more dietary, or assorted. If you are not in a hurry, buy a piece of meat and grind it in a meat grinder.


  • 4 medium oblong potatoes;
  • 350 g meat or minced meat;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • Sweet pepper or tomato rings - optional;
  • Greens for decoration.


It is advisable to soak the skewers in water for 20-30 minutes before stringing food. Then the wooden sticks will be saturated with water and will not burn during baking.

Roll the meat with the peeled onion and garlic. Or take ready-made minced meat and add onion, grated on a coarse grater, and garlic, passed through a press or grated on a fine grater. Salt, pepper and knead thoroughly.

Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into circles about one and a half centimeters thick. Try not to get the pieces mixed up. Peel the pepper from tails and seeds, cut into 0.5 cm rings.

We string a potato slice onto skewers - first the “top” of the potato, then we make a small cutlet from the minced meat and also string it close to the potato. Next - the next circle of potatoes and again a cutlet, then - a ring of pepper.

If you want a more dietary option, pour a little water to the bottom of the mold or a suitable frying pan and place the skewers so that their ends rest on the sides of the mold. The products will be steamed, and the fat from the cutlets will drain into the pan. But in this case, the potatoes and meat turn out a little dry. If you want a juicier and fattier option, then place the skewers directly on the bottom of the mold without water, but greased with vegetable oil. In this case, the dish will be closer to fried than steamed. Cover the pan with a sheet of foil and place in the oven preheated to 200C.

Bake the potatoes on skewers in the middle of the oven for 45 minutes - 1 hour, until the potatoes are soft (test by piercing them with a skewer). 10-15 minutes before cooking, remove the foil to brown the dish.

Potatoes are such an ordinary and familiar product to us, and such a colossal database of recipes exists with them, that it would seem impossible to surprise with new potato dishes. But no! Perhaps, and how! We offer you this unusual option for preparing ordinary potatoes: potatoes in spirals in the oven on skewers. The recipe is very simple, and, in fact, is the most ordinary baked potato, flavored with butter (for shine) and your favorite spices (for taste). The beauty of the dish is in the way the potatoes are cut. You'll see that your household will gobble up such fragrant, golden-brown potato spirals with much more pleasure than ordinary baked potatoes.

Taste Info Potato main courses / Baked potatoes in the oven


  • large potatoes - according to the number of eaters;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l. (or to taste);
  • seasoning for potato dishes (or any spices to taste) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry Provençal herbs – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • wooden skewers - according to the amount of potatoes.

How to cook baked potatoes on skewers in a spiral oven

To bake potatoes in this way, it is better to select oblong-shaped tubers of approximately the same size - so that all the potatoes are baked evenly. Wash the selected potatoes thoroughly. If the skin is smooth and without damage, you can bake the potatoes without peeling. Be sure to peel potatoes with “eyes” and cut out any damage. Rinse and dry the peeled potatoes.

Now the most time-consuming part of the process is giving the potatoes the appearance of a spiral. To do this, cut it into turns 3-4 mm thick, carefully rotating the skewer and trying to hold the knife slightly at an angle so that the turns are as equal in thickness as possible. We make deep cuts, right up to the skewer.

Now it's time to add flavor to the potato spirals. To do this, mix the selected dry seasonings, spices and salt in a bowl.

Dilute the dry mixture with olive oil. Stir the mixture. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice there.

Afterwards, carefully coat the formed spirals with the aromatic mixture - both on top and inside each turn. Place the potatoes on skewers on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. If the baking sheet has high sides and the potato spirals do not touch the bottom, you can omit the paper.

Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees. Load a baking tray with potatoes into it. If the skewers are too long and interfere with the oven door, trim them a little. Potatoes are baked in the oven for quite a long time - about 60 minutes. Baking temperature - no more than 180 degrees, otherwise the potatoes will start to burn on top, but will remain raw inside. If you still see that the top of the spiral is browning too quickly, cover the potatoes with the same baking paper or foil.

Carefully remove the finished potatoes from the baking sheet, supporting the spiral turns with a spatula. Well-baked potatoes are quite fragile.

A tasty and original dish of baked potato spirals is good served with pickles, green vegetables or meat (if not prepared during Lent). Very tasty in any form!

If desired, the skewer can be removed before serving - even in this case, the potato spiral retains its shape perfectly and the turns do not “collapse.” Or you can serve the potatoes directly on a skewer and let the eater take them out - this also has its own charm and special pleasure.

Bon appetit!


  • Large potatoes
  • Paprika
  • Rosemary
  • Vegetable oil

To prepare very beautiful and no less tasty spiral potatoes, you will need large and, if possible, elongated potatoes. For convenient cutting and subsequent baking, you will need to use wooden sticks.

First, you need to thoroughly wash (with a hard sponge) the potatoes and pierce them with a wooden stick. Such sticks are often sold in stores and are used as disposable skewers for barbecue.

01. Everything you need to prepare screw potatoes: knife, large potatoes, wooden sticks

You can cut potatoes with an ordinary knife; just place the knife at an angle to the potato and rotate it along the stick. There are special machines for automated slicing on sale, but this is only relevant for industrial-scale production of screw potatoes. To prepare it at home, an ordinary kitchen knife and a few minutes of time are enough.

After cutting is completed, the potatoes need to be stretched somewhat so that they occupy most of the sticks.

In order for the spiral potatoes to be rosy and aromatic, we will prepare a sauce with which to coat them. We will need a little sunflower oil, a teaspoon of paprika, a little rosemary and salt to taste. Using a pastry brush, coat the screw potatoes with the sauce and place them on a baking sheet.

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes.

It is advisable to serve screw potatoes hot and with some sauce. The example uses sweet and sour sauce from the store, but you can also prepare garlic sauce, as in the rustic potato recipe.

Also called potato "Tornado". This is a simple but very effective way to prepare and serve potatoes. The easiest way to bake potatoes is to deep-fry them. In any case, it is much easier to prepare than.

For the Tornado potatoes you will need

  • Potato. Small tubers, preferably elongated.
  • Dry spices. There is basil, rosemary, garlic and paprika.
  • Olive oil. 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Salt. Taste.
  • Ground black pepper. Taste.
  • Long skewers. 1 piece/1 potato tuber.

Making potato spirals.

Immediately soak the skewers in water for 30 minutes. It is best if the skewers are hard enough and will not bend under the weight of the potato tuber.

You can use any spices for potato spirals according to your taste; mixtures of herbs - French, Italian or Mexican - work very well.

For those who like spicier dishes, add a little ground hot pepper or chili flakes.

Adjust the amount of herbs and olive oil according to the number and size of potatoes.

Pour olive oil into a small bowl and add all the dried spices, including ground black pepper. Stir and let sit while soaking the skewers.

It is best to select potato tubers that are elongated, regular in shape and approximately equal in size. Peel the potatoes.

We pierce each tuber lengthwise with a skewer.

Using a thin sharp knife, diagonally, starting from the edge, cut through the potato to the skewer. Rotating the tuber, we cut the entire potato in a spiral without removing the knife or tearing it off the skewer.

The distance between adjacent cuts is approximately 5 mm.

Spread the potatoes on a skewer. We do this carefully so as not to break the spiral.

Using a pastry brush, coat the entire potato with the spiced oil.

Place the skewers with potato spirals on a baking sheet so that the skewers rest on the edges of the baking sheet and the potatoes do not touch the bottom.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180ºC for about 40-45 minutes until fully cooked.

You can also deep fry it instead of baking it.

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