Marshmallow with banana without sugar. Preparing banana marshmallows. Ingredients for banana marshmallows

The recipe is standard. If you are confused by the opinion of the tasters, you can take another puree.

Ingredients for banana marshmallows

banana puree - 125 gr.
protein - 1 pc. (from a large egg)
sugar - 200 gr. (for syrup)
sugar - 100 gr. (in banana puree)
- 5 gr.
water - 75 ml.
- optional 2-3 drops

How to make banana marshmallows at home

Blend bananas in a blender until smooth

Add sugar and cook a little until the sugar is completely dissolved and thickens.

The photo clearly shows the reason why I added dye to the list of ingredients. Puree bananas, which have stood for a while, have an unsightly appearance. To give marshmallows an appetizing look, you can add a few drops to the dough.

You can use ready-made puree in jars like Fruto Nanny. The taste of marshmallows will vary. And it is thinner in consistency, which can make whipping difficult. Homemade is noticeably thicker.

In marshmallow recipes, I write that it is more convenient to work with an assistant, when you can simultaneously beat the egg whites and cook the sugar syrup. In the sequence of the recipe, I will assume that you do not have an assistant and you make homemade marshmallows from bananas yourself.

Beat the egg white until it becomes like a bird's beak. I highly recommend adding a pinch or cream of tartar. They transform protein molecules and help them line up in a certain way. Due to this, the whipped protein turns out perfect. And it is impossible to spoil protein with the addition of cream of tartar! That's how magical it is :-) In terms of the amount of cream of tartar, you need just a little bit, 1 gram for 3 proteins.

Boil the sugar syrup until it forms a thick thread. To do this, pour sugar and agra-agar with water. Cook, stirring constantly, otherwise the agar-agar will burn.

If you lift the spatula, a thick string of sugar should drip off it.

If the thread is thin and breaks, the syrup is not cooked. When adding it to marshmallows, it will not be possible to achieve the desired consistency. The center of the treat will be soft and moist and not dense enough.

If the syrup is overcooked, the sugar will begin to crystallize. If you hesitate to beat the egg whites with banana puree, the syrup may thicken to a solid state and you will have to start all over again. There may also be grains of sugar in the finished marshmallow.

Set the prepared sugar syrup aside and finish preparing the protein-banana mixture. To do this, add banana puree into the whipped egg whites in parts and beat well. No less than 5 minutes. the mass should double in volume. At this stage, you can add dye if desired. The protein-banana mixture is thick and holds its shape well. If it turns out liquid, it’s better to remake it; it won’t make marshmallows.

Pour in the hot sugar syrup in a thin stream, whisking constantly. Beat for 5-10 minutes until a smooth, shiny, homogeneous, dense mass is formed.

You can’t tinker with the banana marshmallow mixture for a long time, because... When it cools to 40 degrees, the agar-agar will begin to harden. It will be problematic to place dessert after this.

It is better to place marshmallows on a baking sheet covered with baking paper or a silicone mat. It is convenient to plant from. It is convenient to take a large bag. I like the 55 cm one. You can take any star nozzle, but preferably a large one, with an outlet size of 1 cm or more. Open or closed, the number of rays is at your discretion. The shape of the marshmallow will depend on this.

You can plant small or large marshmallows. Round or stars. in one word - create!

Leave the banana marshmallows to set for at least 5 hours. During this time it will acquire the desired consistency. The middle will become dense and elastic, and a thin crust will form on top.

Ready homemade marshmallows still remain sticky. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar and combine the halves.

Enjoy your tea!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Marshmallow is considered not only tasty, but also a healthy sweet. It belongs to confectionery products that are recommended for baby food. Marshmallows are beneficial for the development of children and adolescents because they promote mental activity and improve digestion. However, you need to eat it in reasonable quantities. The most delicious and natural banana marshmallows can be prepared at home, from fruit puree, agar-agar, syrup and egg white. It's not easy, but still, with our step-by-step photo recipe, it's quite possible. Also, based on the basic recipe, a variety of marshmallow flavors is possible.
Marshmallow is good on its own and as an ingredient for other desserts, for example.

Ingredients for the fruit base:

- banana – 1 pc.;
- apples – 2 pcs.;
- lemon juice – 1 tsp;
- water – 2 tbsp.

Ingredients for puree:
- fruit puree – 140 g;
- sugar – 100 g.

Ingredients for syrup:
- agar-agar – 6g;
- sugar – 200g;
- water – 80g.

Ingredients for marshmallow mass:
- boiled puree – 170g;
- egg white – 1 pc.;
- food coloring - optional;
- powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

How to cook with photos step by step

Peel the banana, cut into pieces for convenience and mash with a fork into a puree. Transfer to a saucepan. To prevent the mixture from darkening, add lemon juice and stir.

Wash the apples, peel and seeds, cut into cubes. Combine with banana puree. Add water and stir. Place on low heat. Simmer covered until the apples soften.

Use a blender to puree the still warm apple-banana mixture. You can also rub the mixture through a sieve.

Measure out the required amount of finished puree (140g) and add sugar. Place on the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens (about 5 minutes). Cool the boiled puree and place it in the refrigerator for several hours to cool.

When the puree is very cool, you can start making marshmallows. Two processes: boiling the syrup and whipping the marshmallow mass must be carried out simultaneously. So, for the syrup, mix agar-agar with sugar in a saucepan. Stir.

Then add water and place the syrup over medium heat.

Separately, combine the boiled puree and egg white in a bowl. They should be very cold. Beat the mixture with a mixer until it doubles in volume.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on the syrup, stirring occasionally. Cook the syrup for about 5-7 minutes until the temperature reaches 110C.

A banana can make the marshmallow mixture look greyish. To make the marshmallows more attractive, you can color the mass in the desired shade using food coloring.

How do you know that the syrup has reached the desired temperature without a special thermometer? It’s very simple: the finished syrup should flow from the spoon like a thin thread. Another way: drop a little syrup into a bowl of cold water. If you can form a soft ball from it, the syrup is ready.

When the protein-fruit mass has reached the desired consistency, and the syrup is ready, you need to mix these mixtures together. To do this, without stopping whipping, add the hot syrup into the whipped mixture in a thin stream, being careful not to get on the mixer beaters. Beat the mixture until stable. It should keep its shape well.

Try to act quickly so that the mass does not cool down, because agar-agar begins to harden already at 40C. Place the marshmallow mixture into a prepared piping bag fitted with a star tip. Squeeze the blanks onto parchment paper. Leave the banana marshmallows to stabilize for 10-12 hours.

The marshmallow is ready when it easily comes off the paper. Connect the pieces in pairs and roll in powdered sugar. Shake off excess powder.

Well, that’s all, homemade banana marshmallows are ready. Brew aromatic

Set aside 250 grams of the total mass of banana puree and cool.

Add 1 egg white to the cooled reserved puree.

Starting with the mixer at low speed, gradually increasing the speed, beat the banana puree with the egg whites into a fluffy, stable light mass. Beat until the mixture begins to “set” (by lifting the whisk, the banana cream will remain on it, as in the photo).

In parallel with whipping the puree, you need to boil the syrup. To do this, pour 400 grams of sugar into a saucepan and pour in 100 milliliters of water.

Send over medium heat and heat the syrup to 80 degrees.

In a separate bowl, combine the remaining 50 grams of sugar and agar-agar. Pour in 50 milliliters of hot water and stir.

When the syrup reaches 80 degrees, pour diluted agar-agar into it. Constantly stirring the syrup!

Cook the syrup with arag-agar until the temperature rises to 110 degrees with constant stirring over medium heat.

Then very, very slowly, in a thin stream, pour the sugar syrup into the banana puree with the mixer running continuously. Continue beating with the mixer at low speed for another 5-7 minutes.

The marshmallow mass will be very dense. If you turn the bowl over, the entire mass will remain in it and will not even move.

Agar-agar begins to harden already at 40 degrees, so you need to fill a pastry bag and place banana marshmallows on parchment very quickly. Then send the marshmallows to dry overnight in a dry and warm room.

Connect the dried marshmallow halves together and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!

Delicate, delicious homemade apple and banana marshmallows. If you give it the shape of a Christmas tree, it will become a wonderful decoration for the New Year's table and will delight the kids, or you can give a box of homemade treats to relatives and friends.

Author of the publication

  • Recipe author: Daria Bliznyuk
  • After cooking you will receive 30 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 120 min


  • 2 pcs. apple
  • 2 pcs. banana
  • 550 gr. sugar
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar
  • 9 gr. agar-agar
  • 160 ml. water
  • 1 PC. egg white
  • food coloring

Cooking method

    Cut apples in half, remove cores and seeds. Place cut side down on a plate and microwave (baking time in minutes is equal to the number of apples). The apples should become soft, this can be checked by piercing them with a fork or knife, they can also be baked in the oven at 180 degrees.

    Separate the pulp from the finished apples, peel the bananas and puree together with the apples using a blender. Transfer the puree to a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the moisture has evaporated and the puree becomes thick. Measure out 250 grams of puree (the rest can be given to the children or eaten yourself), add 150 grams of sugar (set aside the rest of the sugar for making syrup) and vanilla sugar.

    Stir and set the puree aside to cool. Place the agar in a saucepan, add water and set aside for 10 minutes to allow it to swell.

    Place the soaked agar on the fire, bring almost to a boil so that the agar dissolves and becomes like starch. Add 400 grams of sugar, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, stirring, for about 5-7 minutes. The temperature of the syrup should reach 110 degrees, the finished syrup stretches in a thin stream from the spatula to the bowl. While the syrup is cooking, start beating the applesauce.

    Place the cooled fruit puree with sugar into a mixer bowl and start beating; as soon as the mixture lightens, add the egg white in two additions and beat the puree into a fluffy, stable mass at medium-high speed. After the mixture becomes thick and dense (it should not move if you tilt or turn the mixer bowl too much), you can add dyes if your idea requires it (you can add a few drops of yellow and blue dye to give it a soft green color).

    Continuing to beat the protein-fruit mixture at medium-high speed, slowly pour in the hot syrup in a very thin stream, directing it to the center of the bowl. After adding the syrup, the mass will begin to greatly increase in volume, becoming fluffy, glossy, reminiscent of a beautiful meringue (meringue).

    Transfer the marshmallow mixture into a large piping bag fitted with the appropriate tip (this recipe used an open star tip) and pipe the marshmallows into a Christmas tree shape onto the parchment.

    This marshmallow mass can be placed on cookies or biscuit rounds, or made into caps for cupcakes.

    Leave to stabilize marshmallows for a day.

    After which, you can optionally sprinkle it with powdered sugar through a sieve.

    Bon appetit!

Fragrant and delicious banana marshmallows at home. There's nothing easier than making your own marshmallows! Like any dessert, marshmallows have their secrets. You just need to take into account a few rules and you can show off and treat your friends and family to delicious marshmallows!


  • Banana - 250 g
  • Agar-agar - 5 g
  • Sugar - 360 g
  • Water - 75 g
  • Egg white - 1 pc.


  1. First of all, soak the agar-agar in 75 milliliters of cold water. 5 grams is approximately 2 heaped teaspoons. Stir and set aside for swelling.
  2. Now let's get to the bananas. In total, we need 250 grams of fresh pulp without skin, so take 2-4 bananas (the weight depends on the size of the fruit). Place the peeled pulp in a saucepan or small saucepan.
  3. Add 150 grams of sugar (take from the total amount) and mash everything with a fork or masher. If desired, you can puree immediately using an immersion blender.
  4. Boil over medium heat with constant stirring for about 3-4 minutes after boiling.
  5. Then we punch the banana mass with an immersion blender or rub it through a sieve to get a completely homogeneous and smooth puree.
  6. Let the banana puree cool by simply putting the bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  7. Then pour the cooled banana puree into a large bowl in which we will beat the marshmallow mass. In general, when preparing any homemade marshmallows, remember that the bowl must be large enough in size, since when whipping the mixture increases in volume several times. Add half the raw egg white to the puree.
  8. At the same time, prepare sugar syrup with agar-agar. Place the agar-agar dissolved in water over medium heat, let it heat well (boil), and then pour in the remaining granulated sugar - 210 grams. If you pour sugar into cold water, the marshmallows may not harden later.
  9. We begin to beat the fruit puree with half the egg white with a mixer at medium speed until the mass becomes light in color. After 3 minutes, add the second half of the egg white, without stopping beating. We gradually increase the speed to maximum.
  10. Cook the syrup over a slightly lower than medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring vigorously all the time, until it reaches a thin thread. That is, behind the spoon that you remove from the saucepan, the syrup will flow down in a thin stream. If you have a thermometer, bring the syrup to 110 degrees.
  11. The sugar syrup is ready - turn off the heat and let it cool slightly (let it sit on the table for just a minute).
  12. Banana puree with protein will noticeably increase in volume and become lighter in color. The main thing is not to stop whipping if the mass is not yet stiff enough. Without ceasing to beat, pour in the still hot sugar syrup with agar-agar in a thin stream. Once all the syrup is in the container, beat the mixture for a couple more minutes.
  13. The marshmallow mass will grow in volume right before your eyes, which is why it is so important to select suitable containers in advance.
  14. The whisk has difficulty coming out of the still warm banana base - it is so tight and dense.
  15. Without hesitating for a minute, we begin to deposit the sweet and airy preparations, since agar-agar begins to harden already at 40 degrees. To do this, you first need to prepare pieces of baking paper on which the marshmallow halves will dry. In addition, make sure you have a cooking bag with a nozzle. If you don't have one, just scoop out the marshmallow mass with a tablespoon or use a new plastic bag (cut off the corner with scissors). In total, from the specified amount of ingredients, you can plant 24 halves for the future banana marshmallows, but the amount of the finished dessert depends on their size.
  16. Leave the pieces to harden at room temperature for about overnight if you are making marshmallows in the evening. The next day the marshmallows will be ready - they come off the parchment perfectly. For convenience, sprinkle the halves with powdered sugar.
  17. Now we fasten the banana marshmallow halves together in pairs. The lower parts easily and simply stick together and you get a whole marshmallow. Roll them in powdered sugar, simply remove the remainder (put several ready-made marshmallows in a sieve and shake it gently).

Bon Appetit everyone!

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