How to prepare ajapsandal for the winter in jars, the best recipes and storage conditions. Adjapsandali eggplant salad for the winter Adjapsandali recipes for preparing for the winter in layers


Date: 07/13/2016


Hello my dear readers! Hooray! The season of my favorite eggplants has begun. I continue to introduce you to the proven home recipes of my friend Vera Ramazova (a native of beautiful Tbiliso). Today we have on our program her recipe for ajapsandal. Surely many of you have prepared it deliciously, and... It is my pleasure to give the floor to Vera.

The beautiful name is “Ajapsandal”, but it’s simply an ordinary “Stew”, only with the most successful selection of vegetables - this is in my subjective opinion. Several peoples of the Caucasus have similar dishes. It is difficult to say whether the Georgian, Armenian or Azerbaijani ajapsandal was the first to appear in the light of day. Therefore, we will not argue about this. Better yet, enjoy this delicious dish!

Step-by-step recipe for ajapsandal with photos


  • 1 kg eggplants.
  • 500 g bell pepper.
  • 500 g tomatoes or 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
  • 100-120 g round rice or 3 medium potatoes.
  • 1 large onion.
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 bunch of cilantro.
  • Half a bunch of parsley.
  • 1 bunch of burgundy basil or 1 dessert spoon of dried.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil or any other.
  • Salt.
  • Water.

How to cook

Recipe Author's Notes

My comments

  • The dish can be cooked outdoors over a fire, in an oven, or in a stove.
  • I have come across recipes in which vegetables were first baked on the grill and only then stewed.
  • My relatives sometimes cook not authentic, but tasty ajapsandal with chicken and meat (beef, lamb). Meat or poultry is pre-fried, stewed, and then the dish is prepared in the same way as the vegetable version. I won’t argue with anyone whether my recipe for meat adjapsndal is correct. This is just how my Georgian aunt Nino cooks, well known to readers of my blog for her recipes and...

Adjapsandal for the winter

Adjapsandal is also good because you can roll it up and continue to enjoy its amazing taste even in winter. After all, how helpful it is! Having opened a jar in winter, you can eat it as a snack, or prepare lunch by adding boiled rice (boiled potatoes) and a little water.


  • 10 kg of eggplants.
  • 3 kg of bell pepper of any color.
  • 2-3 pieces of hot pepper (depend on taste).
  • 3 kg round ripe tomatoes.
  • 2 kg of onions.
  • 4 heads of garlic (more is possible).
  • 6-7 regular bunches of cilantro.
  • 5-6 bunches of burgundy basil.
  • 1 liter of sunflower oil.
  • Salt.

Cooking technology

  1. Wash the eggplants, cut off the stem, peel and cut into medium cubes. Sprinkle them with coarse salt and stir, leave for 30 minutes. After the expiration of the exposure period, squeeze well.
  2. Wash the bell pepper, remove the stem and seeds. Cut into medium strips.
  3. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and grate them on a coarse grater, or pass them through a meat grinder with large holes.
  4. Cut the onion into 4 parts and then into thin strips.
  5. Finely chop the greens and cover them so that they don’t “spread.”
  6. Pour 0.5 liters of oil into a large saucepan, put the squeezed eggplants and peppers in it, simmer a little and add the tomatoes. While this is all stewing, separately fry the onion in the remaining 0.5 liters of oil and add to the vegetables. Stir frequently. Season with salt! When the vegetables are almost ready, add the herbs, let simmer for 25-30 minutes and start canning.
  7. I steam the jars and boil the lids in a saucepan nearby. All that remains is to fill the jars with ajapsandal and, immediately screwing on the hot lid, turn them over onto the table. Leave until completely cool.
  8. A little time wasted and a lot of joy in winter, that’s what this divine lunch promises you.

Happy canning!

Georgian cuisine is famous for its spicy dishes, with bouquets of herbs and hot spices perfectly selected in recipes. But everyone is accustomed to the fact that Georgian cuisine, first of all, is meat in all its forms. However, there is a recipe for a dish that can change all ideas and patterns - ajapsandal.

What is "ajapsandal"

This dish has many names (pictured) - ajapsandali, ajabsandal or simply sandalwood. A vegetarian dish that is easy to prepare, made from stewed vegetables, spices and herbs. This is a very tasty dish, with a simple recipe, which combines the main flavors of Georgian cuisine. It combines the charm of juicy summer vegetables and the pleasant, almost real mushroom flavor of eggplant.

You can even call it traditional ajapsandal - this is a Georgian vegetable sauté, stew, stewed vegetables. Only all the vegetables are cut into larger pieces, baked with spices and herbs.

There is a legend that the real ajapsandali - a Georgian dish - was invented by shepherds high in the mountains - they first scorched paprika and eggplants over a fire. And then these vegetables were mashed into a puree, mixed with herbs and hot spices. This paste or ajap puree was stored for quite a long time and the shepherds could dine on the go, while moving with their herds.

Perhaps this is true, or maybe just a beautiful legend. But in the end, almost all Caucasian peoples have been using this recipe for many years, hundreds of years. Each family has its own recipe, passed on from the elders to the younger. Recipes also vary from region to region. But one thing remains fundamental - every recipe must include baked eggplants and paprika (bell pepper).

In Georgia they rarely put meat in ajapsandal, but in Armenia meat is a must. There are recipes where vegetables and meat need to be boiled. But let's look at the classic Georgian recipe. Vegetarian, very healthy due to the peculiarities of food processing, in which vegetables do not lose their beneficial qualities. Because stewed vegetables are processed over fire for a minimum amount of time. Thanks to this, vitamins are practically not lost.

In what cases and how is sandalwood served?

The dish is served as a side dish for meat, something like a stew. And there is a separate dish, prepared for the winter, like vegetable caviar. But most often it is a very thick vegetable soup. The dish is self-sufficient and light at the same time. The ajapsandali recipe is easy and simple to learn how to prepare the dish even on the go.

Any housewife who knows how to cook can take a simple recipe as a basis. There are no special features or difficulties in it. Moreover, the whole recipe is very easy to make small changes in composition, without compromising the taste. So it’s not difficult to prepare the most common dish of Georgian cuisine.

It is enough to prepare the step-by-step recipe once and then constantly pamper your loved ones with an exquisite national dish of Georgian cuisine.

Classic Georgian ajapsandal recipe

Ingredients required:

  • Eggplants - 2 pcs. average;
  • Bell pepper - 4 pcs. (preferably different colors);
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs. average;
  • Onions - 2 pcs (medium);
  • Green cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 s. l.;
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • Khmeli-suneli - 1 tsp. ;
  • Vegetable oil - 2/3 cup (about 180-190 grams).

Cooking sequence

It is important to follow all stages of cooking. But with experience, you can add some of your own ingredients or something else. This dish is flexible - it cannot be spoiled.

  1. You need to prepare the vegetables. Wash the eggplants thoroughly, then cut them lengthwise into strips about 1cm thick. Cut along with the skin. Mix the chopped eggplants with salt in a deep bowl and let sit for 10-25 minutes. During this time, the eggplants will release their juice along with their bitterness.
  2. While the eggplants are standing, prepare other ingredients - peel the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, membranes of the stalk and cut into thin, long strips.
  4. After this, it’s time to return to the eggplants - they need to be rinsed under water to remove salt and squeezed, not too much, otherwise they will become too soft and wadded. Then straighten them and put them aside again for a while - let them dry a little.
  5. It's time to prepare the roast. Pour 3 tbsp into the pan. spoons of vegetable oil, heat it well. Fry the eggplants until golden brown on each side. Don't overcook! Just brown it slightly.
  6. Place the fried eggplants in a colander to drain off excess oil.
  7. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
  8. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom and heat to maximum temperature. Add chopped onions and fry until golden brown.
  9. Add the bell pepper and lower the heat under the pan until halfway through and fry for about 5 minutes.
  10. During this time, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them. Then mash the pulp to a puree. You can grind it in a mixer or simply mash it with a fork or masher. Also finely chop the cilantro.
  11. Add spices to the fried onions and bell peppers - ground coriander, suneli hops.
  12. Place tomato puree in a frying pan with onions and bell peppers. Add chopped garlic slices and chopped cilantro on top.
  13. Remove the pan from the heat and begin harvesting the ajapsandalwood. Place a layer of fried eggplants in an enamel, ceramic or glass deep dish. On it is a layer of overcooked vegetables with tomatoes and spices. Layer the eggplants again and, also alternating layers, lay everything out to the end. The top layer must be made from overcooked vegetables and spices with tomatoes.
  14. Sprinkle thickly finely chopped herbs on top - cilantro or whatever you like. Let it brew for 30 minutes and then serve.

The photo shows what a beautiful, appetizing dish it turned out to be - classic ajapsandali.

You can cook it according to another recipe - denser, with potatoes or beef or lamb. Simply then add potatoes to the dish, cut into pieces, which must be fried until half cooked.

In each layer after the eggplants, place the potatoes, and also lay the eggplants and frying in layers. Then bake until done in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. This will take approximately 15 minutes. The result is a potato dish made from vegetables with spices, a casserole.

In the oven, the classic recipe will become rich and soft. It will be saturated with the aroma of all herbs and spices. For a recipe with meat, you need to fry lamb or young veal cut into small pieces. Then simmer the meat separately and assemble further as described above. In some recipes, the meat can be boiled. There is also an option to bake the meat and potato tubers in the oven, then mix in layers with eggplant and spices as indicated above.

It is impossible not to love the taste of ajapsandal - this food, even prepared later, in winter, far from Georgia, can once again remind you of the hot summer and sunny country. All the aroma of Georgian herbs, the variety of flavors, the sunshine and lightness of the mountain air are all in this simple, rich dish.

Georgia is a country of bright sunshine, vibrant landscapes and vibrant tastes in national cuisine. A trip to the country of high mountains and sonorous songs should not be left without memorable souvenirs and simple, tasty, healthy recipes. Adjapsandal meets all the requirements - it is beautiful and original in its simplicity. It is not difficult to prepare; it contains common products that are not uncommon in Russia even in the autumn-winter period.

But how much wit and memories the hostess has who learns to cook this dish in Georgia and continues to pamper her family in her homeland!


Adjapsandal or Anjapsandali is a Caucasian vegetable dish that has its own unique taste and aroma due to the selection of the right spices and fresh herbs. This is a hot or cold appetizer, which can be served in any way you like. I advise you to pay attention to other or , which will also undoubtedly appeal to you 😉

I decided to prepare the Adjapsandal dish when summer had just begun and delicious vegetables began to appear on market stalls. Today, to be honest, is already the last day of the hottest season, so while eggplants are still tasty, cheap and very accessible, I decided to post a series of recipes with this delicious vegetable at the forefront. It opens with an appetizer or Ajapsandal salad.

In the title of the recipe, I indicated that Adzhapsandali is a Caucasian dish, and for a reason. The fact is that many eastern peoples consider it national, especially the Adjapsandal dish is popular in Georgia and Armenia. But there are so many varieties of this snack that it’s impossible to count them all! Adjapsandali can be cooked in a frying pan by frying or stewing, baked Adjapsandali in the oven, grilled, combine several processes, or leave some ingredients fresh. You can even roll Adjapsandal into jars for the winter!

In addition, Adzhapsandali in Georgian and Adzhapsandali in Armenian do not differ in strict rules or ingredients. They may or may not contain carrots, potatoes, and even (which is extremely rare) meat, which is surprising, since this has been a vegetarian dish for centuries. However, there is a certain set of ingredients and spices that cannot be excluded, and I’ll tell you about them today!

I won’t say that my Adjapsandali is classic, because, as we have already figured out, each nation has its own classics, or attribute it to a specific cuisine, I will simply tell you how to cook Adjapsandali, and you decide for yourself in Georgian or Armenian it will work out.

So, Ajapsandal, a step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • eggplants - 3 pcs
  • onion- onion - 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper- 1 PC
  • tomatoes- 2 pcs
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • chilli- 1 piece (optional)
  • greens - dill, cilantro, parsley, purple basil - all 0.3 bunches
  • thyme- 1 tsp

Cooking method

First of all, I suggest you watch the video recipe from my YouTube channel , which contains a lot of other recipes and interesting videos on food and travel topics. Subscribe, it will be cool!

Ajapsandal or Ajapsandali: video recipe

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Now more details. Cooking Georgian or Armenian Adjapsandal is a completely simple process. First of all, as always, we prepare the ingredients: wash the vegetables and herbs, clean the necessary products. If your eggplants are young and fresh, then there will be no bitterness in them and you don’t need to carry out additional manipulations. If now is not the height of the season, then cut the eggplants into medium-sized cubes, put them in a colander and salt them well. Leave for half an hour, then wash with cold tap water, thoroughly washing off the salt, which has absorbed all the bitterness.

Now place a deep frying pan on medium heat. A wok pan is perfect for preparing this vegetable dish. Pour a little vegetable oil and leave to warm up. At this time, cut the onion into thin half rings, throw it into heated oil, fry, stirring occasionally until light golden brown. After this, add the eggplants, mix and fry the ingredients for 5 minutes.

At this time, remove the seeds and cut the bell pepper into medium-sized pieces. For this case, one life hack is perfect, which I once spotted from Jamie Oliver, and it made my life much easier, after which I wrote a step-by-step guide . I'm sure you'll like it too! Throw the peppers into the pan, stir, leave to fry for 5 minutes, stirring.

Now it's time to peel the tomatoes. I already told you how to do this in the manual. , read there, and I’ll return to the Anjapsandali recipe. Cut the skinned tomatoes into quarters and then into thin slices. Chop the garlic and chili pepper very finely. It is not necessary to add the second ingredient or you can reduce the amount, but I like it spicy.

Throw tomatoes, garlic and chili peppers into the frying pan with Adjapsandal, salt to taste, pepper, add thyme and mix. Let the vegetable stew simmer for 5 minutes. At this time, finely chop all the greens.

After the required time, add all the greens to Ajapsandali, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes.

That's it, the vegetarian dish Adjapsandal is ready! Very summery and fresh!

Place the hot “vegetable stew” Adjapsandal on plates or let it cool and eat as a cold snack. Both options are very tasty!

Let's sum it up!

Adzhapsandal or Adzhapsandali: Caucasian vegetable dish. The recipe is short

  1. We prepare the ingredients: wash and peel the vegetables and herbs, eggplants, if they were bought outside the high season and are bitter, cut into medium cubes, put in a colander, add a lot of salt, mix, leave for half an hour, then rinse well with cold running water.
  2. Place a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil on medium heat and leave to heat.
  3. Cut the onions into quarters and thin strips, put them in a frying pan and fry, stirring, until lightly browned.
  4. Add the eggplants to the onion, stir and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring.
  5. At this time, quickly clean and cut the medium-sized bell pepper into pieces stuffed eggplants And long-awaited Greek Moussaka . In order not to miss it, be sure to , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes, prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes!

    Try to cook delicious Armenian or Georgian Adjapsandali, leave comments with ratings and remember that cooking delicious is quite simple, and that you are more talented than you can imagine! Enjoy your meal!

    5 stars - based on 2 review(s)

This dish can be considered a representative of both Georgian and Armenian cuisine. In each country in the Caucasus it is prepared in its own way, using different spices, giving it a national flavor. The Georgian recipe for adjab sandal, described below, can be called dietary, since very little oil is needed to prepare it.

Often the dish under discussion is called differently - ajapsandal and ajapsandali. However, in everyday life they use abbreviated names (adjap and ajab) and slightly modified names (due to linguistic and spelling features) - adjab sandal, adzip sandal.

Recipe for ajapsandal in Georgian


  • 2 medium eggplants
  • 3 bell peppers
  • 4-5 pcs. tomato or half a liter of passata (you can use frozen puree, read the link)
  • 1 small carrot
  • 2 small onions
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 spoon of sunflower oil

Spices for ajap sandalwood

  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • sprig of basil
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley
  • hot pepper, ground coriander, utskho-suneli
  • salt, sugar.

Ajab sandalwood calories per 100 g - 45 kcal
proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 1.2/ 1.7/ 6.2

How to prepare ajab sandalwood

You can also prepare spectacular holiday dishes from blue ones, for exampleand Parmigiano cheese.

The recipe for ajab sandal is very similar in composition to a dish like. The set of products is almost the same, however, a specific cooking technology and a set of aromatic spices help to obtain a unique dish with Caucasian notes.

  1. Eggplants are cut into slices, salted and set aside for half an hour.
  2. Usually, when preparing ajapsandal, eggplants are fried in oil. Everyone knows that when frying, they absorb a huge amount of oil, and this significantly increases the calorie content of the finished vegetables. Therefore, instead of frying the circles in oil, you need to bake them in the oven. make the dish lighter and more dietary.
  3. We wash the little blue ones from salt, squeeze them out and grease them with vegetable oil. The slices are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven. Baking is carried out for 20 minutes, 10 minutes at a time. on each side.
  4. Grated carrots and chopped onions are fried in a deep frying pan. The tomatoes are blanched in boiling water for a short time and peeled. Peeled tomatoes are grated; you can choose any other, more convenient chopping method.

    In order for tomatoes to be easily peeled, it is necessary to make a cross-shaped cut on it before placing the fruit in boiling water.

  5. Pepper, cut into large pieces, is placed in a saucepan with carrots and onions. The vegetables are quickly fried, then tomato puree is poured into them. After boiling, add hot chili, coriander, utskho-suneli, salt and a pinch of sugar. The heat is reduced to low and the vegetables are simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Finely chopped cilantro and chopped garlic are combined together and ground to a mushy state; the process will go faster if you add a pinch of coarse salt.
  7. The eggplants baked in the oven are transferred to the rest of the vegetables, everything is carefully mixed. After five minutes, cilantro, ground with garlic and salt, as well as chopped basil leaves are placed in the ajapsandal. From this point on, the vegetables are stewed for about 15 minutes.
  8. A few minutes before it’s ready, you need to straighten out the taste of the ajab sandalwood; you may have to add a little salt and add some spices. You should be careful with spices, as too much of them can give the dish a very intense taste, and this is not always good.

Adjapsandali in Georgian can be served both hot and cold. The most harmonious taste of stewed vegetables develops on the second day after cooking, since the aroma of spices is evenly distributed throughout all the pieces, and the vegetables themselves are saturated with each other’s flavors.

As you can see, the Georgian ajapsandal recipe is adapted for diet, and it is not at all difficult to prepare... Even in winter, you can treat yourself to a fragrant summer dish made from frozen vegetables. It is best to freeze the blue ones after baking; for details, read the link.

Video recipe: Excellent video of preparing ajapsandali from the well-known Talerka. It's worth just watching

I love eggplants in all their forms, I especially like ajapsandali. Today for you is a recipe for a delicious eggplant salad for the winter - ajapsandali.

Eggplant salad for the winter is very tasty

The amount of vegetables is calculated for a 7 liter pan. It will also fit in a 5-liter one, but to capacity.

As a result, I got 4 cans of 500 grams and 2 of 700 grams.

  • eggplants - 3 kilograms;
  • tomatoes - 2 kilograms;
  • bell pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • onions - 1 kilogram;
  • garlic - 1-2 heads;
  • fresh cilantro - 100 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 150 grams (since I baked eggplants, I took 100 grams of oil);
  • sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • utskho - suneli - 1.5 teaspoon;
  • ground coriander - 0.5 teaspoon.

Eggplant salad for the winter recipes

I would like to immediately say something about salt and especially sugar. Focus on your taste. The tomatoes in the recipe are the most acidic, but even the sweetest tomatoes contain acid that preserves the preparation without vinegar. Therefore, add salt and sugar to your taste. I do this when the dish is almost ready, take a sample with a clean spoon, let it cool slightly and then taste it, adjusting if necessary. But it is important to try when the salad is not hot, but slightly cooled.

In the original recipe, the eggplants are first fried in oil, cooled, and then chopped. I haven’t tried it, it must be delicious. I was too lazy to stand at the stove for a long time and fry the eggplants, and besides, the recipe was already full of oil. So I decided to bake them in the oven.

Now a little about spices. I know that utskho-suneli is difficult to get in Russia, it is a Georgian spice, but it is sometimes found in vegetable stalls, where they sell not only vegetables, but also dried fruits and spices. Utskho-suneli can be replaced with the more accessible spice hop-suneli, it is spicier and contains a lot of utskho-suneli.

Let's start cooking.

  • Let's start with the eggplants first. They need to be washed and a shallow longitudinal incision made. This will make it easier to scrape the pulp out of the eggplants. Place the eggplants on a baking sheet, lightly grease them with vegetable oil and bake until soft in the oven at 200-220°C for about an hour. I lined the baking sheet with foil so that I wouldn’t have to wash it later, because... the juice from the eggplants will leak and crackle.
  • While the eggplants are baking, let's get to the rest of the vegetables.
  • Onion. Clean, cut into half rings and fry in half the vegetable oil until light golden brown. Transfer the fried onions to a large saucepan where the entire salad will be stewed.
  • Sweet pepper. We wash, remove seeds and cut into strips or cubes, but do not chop. I cut it into cubes measuring 1-1.5 centimeters by 3-3.5 centimeters. Fry the peppers in the remaining vegetable oil and transfer them to a saucepan with onions.
  • Tomatoes. While the peppers were roasting, we worked on the tomatoes. Wash and cut into small cubes, not forgetting to remove the stem. In terms of volume, there are a lot of chopped tomatoes; they fit in a 4.5 liter pan. Place the pan over medium heat, cover with a lid and evaporate the tomatoes. We need the tomatoes to give juice and soften a little, since all the other vegetables will already be ready. If you are worried that the tomatoes may burn, add a little salt to them, then they will release their juice faster.
  • We wash the green cilantro under running water, chop it and add it to the pan with the onions and peppers.
  • Let's return to eggplants. Let them cool a little and then scoop out the pulp with a spoon. We throw away the skin and tails))). Using a knife, lightly chop the eggplant flesh and place them in a large saucepan. And mix everything.
  • Pour steamed tomatoes over the vegetables, add chopped garlic, spices, salt and sugar. Using a clean spoon, take a sample, let it cool and taste it.
  • Bring to a boil and after boiling, reduce the heat to slightly less than medium and simmer for another 15-20 minutes.
  • For the winter, pour the prepared ajapsandali eggplant salad into hot sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn it upside down, wrap it up and leave it until it cools completely.

This salad is perfectly stored at home at room temperature; I store all the preparations in the kitchen in a cabinet under the sink or in wall cabinets. Everything is excellent.

— the video recipe will be out in a couple of days, autumn is a busy time, I don’t have time to edit the video, I need to move and make up for the time lost during the holidays for preparations.

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