Strawberry marmalade for cake. Homemade strawberry marmalade recipe. Strawberry marmalade with pectin

Homemade marmalade is a delicacy familiar from childhood. When preparing it, gelatin and freshly picked berries and fruits are usually used.

However, if you make marmalade from pectin, this dish will also become very healthy. Pectin improves the functioning of the digestive system, removes pesticides from the body and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

And there’s no need to even talk about the benefits of fresh fruits and berries, especially for a child’s body.

To make strawberry marmalade at home you will need:

  • water – 1/3 cup;
  • strawberries – 400 g;
  • gelatin or pectin - 1 package in plates;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups

How to make homemade strawberry marmalade:

Mix strawberries with sugar in a blender. Pour the resulting homogeneous mass into a saucepan, pour in 100 ml of water, boil over low heat and, reducing the flame, cook for another 5-7 minutes. While the puree is on the fire, soak the gelatin layers in cold water. After a few minutes, squeeze the gelatin out of the liquid and add it to the strawberry puree. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, stirring constantly, and remove from the stove.

Line a baking sheet with parchment or foil and pour the hot mixture onto it. Cool it to room temperature, and then place it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

Cut the finished marmalade into small pieces and sprinkle with crushed sugar. In addition to the baking sheet, marmalade can be poured into silicone (plastic) shaped molds for making ice. Just before pouring the marmalade mass into it, you should grease the molds with refined vegetable oil.

And to please small children, you can put a fresh berry on the bottom of each mold.

The most important value in homemade marmalade is that such a dish does not contain artificial colors, as well as various chemicals harmful to the child’s body.

It turned out to be a fruitful year for strawberries. We already ate her from the belly, made jam, and even froze her in the winter... And she will sing and sing. It's time to make homemade strawberry marmalade. Don't throw away the good stuff... Making marmalade at home is not at all difficult. We can say that the complexity of preparation is minimal. But you get an excellent dessert, without dyes or preservatives, which the whole family will love.

The marmalade recipe includes the following components:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • pectin - 2 tbsp. l.

How to make marmalade:
We wash fresh ripe strawberries well under water to remove sand and dirt. We free it from the green stalks.
By the way, such marmalade can be prepared at any time of the year and from frozen berries.

Using a blender, turn the berries into puree. The aroma in the apartment is amazing.

Transfer the strawberry puree into an enamel pan and add sugar. The amount of sugar can also vary. If you want the marmalade to be sweeter, add 3 cups of sugar.

Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. In this case, it is advisable to remove the foam that forms on top so that the marmalade turns out transparent. Gradually add pectin to the boiled berries, stirring thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Instead of pectin, you can use regular gelatin. For 1 kg of berries, 50 grams of gelatin will be enough. It must first be soaked for 10 minutes in warm water, and then also added to the berry mass, stirring thoroughly with a whisk.
Then reduce the heat to low and cook for another 30 minutes, stirring constantly, allowing the berry mass to cook evenly.

Pour the hot marmalade into silicone molds. If there are no such molds, then you can pour it onto a regular baking sheet, and after the marmalade has cooled, cut it into rectangles.

Place the molds with marmalade in the refrigerator for several hours. To be on the safe side, you can do it all night.

Remove the cooled marmalade from the molds and, if desired, roll each piece in sugar. Although it is quite sweet without it.
Homemade strawberry marmalade is ready!

Carrots have been considered a fruit in Europe since 1991. Within the EEC, no one dares to call it a vegetable or root vegetable anymore. This allows the Portuguese to continue producing and exporting carrot jam, because, according to European standards, jam is made only from fruit.

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Five-minute jam is usually made without adding water: only berries and sugar. Sometimes citric acid is also added. During the cooking process, the berries will release juice on their own, the main thing is to make sure that they do not burn. Sometimes berries sprinkled with sugar are infused for several hours before cooking and boiled in syrup, which

Prepare the marmalade mold in advance. I took a rectangular mold measuring 25 by 10 cm. Cover with cling film.

Separate 50 grams of sugar from the total mass and mix it well with pectin, this is necessary so that the pectin does not stick together when adding it to the strawberry puree. Dilute citric acid in 0.5 tbsp of water and set everything aside for now.

Make strawberry puree.

Place strawberry puree in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Bring to a boil over medium heat and add sugar mixed with pectin in a thin stream, stirring vigorously with a whisk. Boil the mixture for 2 minutes. Then add the remaining sugar and glucose syrup. And heat the mixture to 106 degrees, constantly stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula so that the marmalade does not burn. If you don’t have a thermometer, then add sugar and pectin when the mixture is confidently warm, and without reducing the heat, bring it to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as it boils, add the remaining sugar and glucose and bring to a boil again. And cook without a lid for 8 minutes (or about 10 if these are apples, citrus fruits, cherries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries), stirring constantly.

When it reaches 106 degrees, immediately remove from heat and pour diluted citric acid into the mixture, stir quickly and pour the mixture into the prepared form. Leave the marmalade to harden for at least 6 hours. Remove from the mold and cut with a knife or molds greased with vegetable oil. This will prevent the marmalade from sticking and make it easier to cut. Roll the cubes in sugar and let dry and enjoy...

You can make fragrant marmalade from strawberries yourself. There are many recipes for making this dessert, but today I have prepared a selection of the best options based on various components. After studying this material, you can easily make strawberry marmalade at home.

  • strawberries – 300 grams;
  • water – 100 milliliters;
  • agar-agar – 2 teaspoons.

Fill the agar-agar with warm water and leave it alone for 15 – 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, wash the berries, sort them and remove the sepals.

Blend the berries with a blender until smooth.

Mix the resulting puree with sugar and boil over low heat for 2 - 3 minutes. After this, add the agar-agar solution to the mixture and boil the contents of the pan, stirring constantly, for another 2 minutes.

While the mixture is cooling, let's take care of the marmalade containers. Line a small tray with cling film or baking paper. It is advisable to lightly wipe the parchment with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil. If you use a silicone mold, then no surface pretreatment is required.

Place the berry mass that has cooled to 50–60 degrees in a mold and let it cool completely at room temperature. Remove the finished marmalade from the mold, cut into pieces and, if desired, sprinkle with sugar.

A video recipe from the channel “Cooking with Irina Khlebnikova” will tell you how to prepare fruit marmalade candies using agar-agar

  • fresh strawberries – 300 grams;
  • powdered sugar – 250 grams;
  • gelatin – 20 grams;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • citric acid – 0.5 teaspoon.

The most affordable way to make marmalade is using gelatin. It must first be soaked in cold water. It will take 30 - 35 minutes for the powder to completely swell.

Place the peeled strawberries in a container, add sugar and citric acid. Grind the mixture with a blender until smooth for 3 to 5 minutes. Let's leave it aside for a while so that the sugar crystals completely disperse.

After this, add a gelatin solution to the strawberry puree, mix and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Immediately remove the mixture from the heat and pour into molds.

Gelatin-based marmalade is best stored in the refrigerator, as it can “leak” at room temperature.

  • fresh strawberries – 250 grams;
  • glucose syrup – 40 milliliters;
  • apple pectin – 10 grams;
  • sugar – 250 grams;
  • citric acid – 1/2 teaspoon.

At the preparatory stage, you need to dissolve citric acid in half a tablespoon of water, and mix pectin with a small amount of sugar taken from the total volume.

Place the strawberry puree over medium heat and add pectin and sugar in small portions. Boil the mixture for a couple of minutes, and then add the remaining amount of granulated sugar and glucose syrup. Boil the mixture for 7 - 8 minutes, stirring it with a wooden spatula so as not to burn.

After this, add a solution of citric acid to the puree and mix thoroughly. Place the finished marmalade in molds greased with vegetable oil and let cool for 8 to 10 hours.

  • strawberries – 300 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • water – 300 milliliters;
  • agar-agar – 2 teaspoons (4 – 5 grams).

First, let's prepare the berries: rinse and clean them of green parts. Divide the entire amount of strawberries equally into 2 parts. We will use the first part to prepare syrup, and fill the second part with ready-made marmalade.

Place 150 grams of strawberries in boiling water and cook for 10 – 15 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to catch the boiled berries, and add granulated sugar to the strawberry broth. Cook the syrup for 5 minutes, and then cool it to a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees.

Place the second part of the strawberries into portioned silicone molds. It is very convenient to use ice molds for this.

Dissolve agar-agar in a small amount of water and pour into sweet syrup. All that remains is to boil the liquid for a couple of minutes and pour it into the molds onto the strawberries.

There may be several options:

  • To prepare this delicacy, you can use strawberry syrup, purchased at the store or leftover, for example, after preparing candied fruits.
  • Strawberry juice is a great alternative to syrup. It is mixed with sugar and thickeners are added.
  • If you have some frozen strawberry puree left in your freezer, you can also use it to make marmalade.

A video from the Umeloe TV channel presents to your attention a recipe for marmalade made from licorice and strawberry syrup with gelatin

Making marmalade at home is as easy as shelling pears with our recipes! Healthy, natural, made from berries or fruits - for every taste!

Apple marmalade:

  • juice with pulp - 450 g
  • sugar - 360 gr
  • pectin - 15 g
  • citric acid - 7 g
  • glucose syrup - 110 g

Strawberry marmalade:

  • puree – 500 gr
  • sugar - 595 gr
  • pectin – 14 g
  • glucose syrup - 150 g
  • citric acid - 8 g

For marmalade we take juice with pulp, puree from children's jars, puree from frozen fruits and so on, the main thing is a natural, real, honest taste.

I have homemade apple juice and frozen strawberry puree, not sweet!!!

Place the juice on the stove and bring to a boil. At this time, prepare the remaining ingredients. Dilute citric acid in water (1 tbsp). Mix sugar with pectin. Pectin always goes together with sugar!!! This allows you to get rid of possible lumps.

When the puree begins to boil, pour in a rain of sugar and pectin mixture, while constantly stirring the boiling puree.

Bring the mixture to a steady boil and add glucose syrup. If you don't have glucose syrup, you can use molasses, corn syrup or honey. They help the marmalade to be elastic and soft.

Cook the mixture to 107 degrees. The process is simple, but quite long. Sometimes you will feel like the thermometer is broken or tired. In fact, everything is fine, it’s just that the mass takes a long time to boil. It took me about 8-12 minutes.

Do not forget to stir the mixture, but not fanatically, not constantly. Wait for the temperature, pour in citric acid and stir.

I suspect that not everyone has a thermometer, but would like to prepare one.

Then an important test - drop a drop of marmalade mass onto a spoon (at the beginning of preparation, put the spoon in the freezer); if after half a minute the drop thickens and becomes marmalade, then it’s done.

In this photo you can see that the drop has spread and does not hold its shape!!!

In this photo, the drop has frozen and holds its shape, this is exactly what we need.

Immediately pour the finished mixture into a frame or other suitable container covered with film. Approximate size 27x14 cm. Can be poured into silicone molds and made into portioned candies.

We work quickly, as the marmalade sets quickly, in just 5-7 minutes the marmalade will become dense, but still hot. Place the marmalade in the refrigerator and wait for it to cool completely. Cut the marmalade into segments.

Throw the pieces into sugar, 5-6 pieces at a time, roll well in sugar, the main thing is not to let the “naked” pieces stick together.

I advise you to add 0.25 -0.5 teaspoon of citric acid to the sugar, if you like good, confident sourness in combination with sweet marmalade.

Store marmalade in any dry place so that the sugar does not melt. Marmalade can be stored for as long as desired.

Recipe 2: homemade strawberry marmalade

Why don't we make marmalade at home from natural berries? It will turn out not only tasty, bright and beautiful, but also healthy. After all, you definitely won’t add dyes, flavors and stabilizers to it, which are found in abundance in store-bought marmalade.

Strawberry marmalade will delight you with its natural taste, color and aroma.

  • Agar-agar 5 g
  • Water 100 ml
  • Fresh strawberries 300 g
  • Sugar 120 g

Recipe 3: lemon marmalade with gelatin (with photo)

  • 3 medium lemons
  • Sugar – 2 cups
  • Gelatin – 1 pack (250 g).
  • Water – 150 ml.

First of all, let's prepare the gelatin. Pour it into a bowl and pour in 50 milliliters of water. Mix and set aside for 20 minutes to swell.

Now let's get to the lemons. Lemons should be thin-skinned and yellow in color. We need lemons without zest. Peel the washed lemons.

Cut into pieces, remove seeds. Place in a bowl and use a blender to blend until smooth.

Pour the crushed lemons into the pan, add 100 milliliters of water and sugar. Mix everything with a spoon and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Now we filter this mass through a sieve. Add the swollen gelatin here and simmer for another 5 minutes. Cool slightly and pour into mold.

Place the marmalade in the refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.

We take the frozen marmalade out of the refrigerator, remove it from the mold and roll it in sugar.

If the mold is large, cut the marmalade into cubes, and then remove it from the mold. Our marmalade is ready!

Recipe 4, step by step: simple apple marmalade

  • 400-500 g apples
  • 100 g sugar
  • 25 g gelatin

Peel the apples, remove the seeds and grate.

Place the apples in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add sugar. Add the amount of sugar to your taste, focusing on the type of apple.

Pour gelatin into 50 ml of water and prepare according to the instructions on the package.

Simmer over low heat until the apples are soft. If necessary, you can add a little water. Remove the pan from the heat, add the diluted gelatin and stir thoroughly.

Transfer the apple mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

Recipe 5: how to make blackcurrant marmalade

This dessert needs to be stored in the refrigerator, but due to the dense consistency of the currant puree and the presence of gelatin, the marmalade holds its shape perfectly.

  • 500 g black currants;
  • 400 g sugar for making marmalade + a few tbsp. for sprinkling;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • a little powdered sugar;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

We sort the currants and remove the branches.

Soak gelatin in half a glass of cold water.

Wash the currants and let the water drain. Then put it in a blender bowl and add sugar. Puree.

Pour the currant puree into a jam pan (preferably with thick walls and bottom).

Add a glass of water and stir. Place on medium heat.

Bring to a boil.

Then reduce the heat to low and cook until some of the liquid has evaporated. Essentially, we are making jam. Stir constantly so that the currants do not burn.

To preserve more vitamins in the marmalade, you can do this: bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and cool completely. Repeat 3 times. If you don’t have much time, then simply boil the currant puree until it thickens a little.

Remove the pan from the heat, let cool for 2 minutes and transfer the swollen gelatin into it. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Lightly grease the marmalade mold with vegetable oil and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pour currant puree with gelatin into the mold and smooth the surface with a spoon. Let the future marmalade cool in the kitchen, then move it to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

You will see when the marmalade has completely hardened. When the form is tilted to the right - to the left, it will firmly stay inside.

So, take the mold with marmalade out of the refrigerator and carefully cut it into portions so as not to damage the mold. You can do this later, when you remove the marmalade from the mold. But it seems to me that this is more convenient: the marmalade does not slip away and the pieces turn out even.

We lower the mold into boiling water for 3-5 seconds so that the entire mold is in the water, but the boiling water does not get on top of the marmalade. Sprinkle a kitchen board with sugar and turn the mold over onto it.

If the marmalade does not “jump” out of the mold, you need to repeat the procedure of lowering the mold into boiling water. But there is also no point in keeping the marmalade in boiling water for too long - it can leak a lot.

Sprinkle sugar on top and roll each piece in it. Before serving, place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

This delicious, beautiful and healthy homemade marmalade is made from currants with gelatin. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Zucchini jam marmalade

The jam for this simple homemade marmalade recipe needs to be blended in a blender. I have zucchini jam with orange.

  • Jam or jam 300 gr.
  • Sugar to taste
  • Gelatin 20-25 gr.
  • Linonic acid to taste

Pour all ingredients into a saucepan. Mix. Place on the fire and cook, stirring constantly, until warm. The mass should not boil. Gelatin does not tolerate this.

Grease the mold with vegetable oil and pour the liquid mixture into it. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

The marmalade froze. Cut it into rectangles.

Roll each block in sugar.

Recipe 7: how to make delicious citrus marmalade

  • Sugar - 400 gr.
  • Grated lemon zest - 1 tbsp.
  • Grated orange zest - 1 tbsp.
  • Gelatin - 50 gr.
  • Lemon juice – 175 ml
  • Orange juice – 175 ml

Grate 1 tbsp. l. orange zest and 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest. Squeeze 175 ml orange juice and 175 ml lemon juice.

In a saucepan, mix 75 ml orange juice, 75 ml lemon juice and one tbsp. l. zest.

Bring the juice and zest to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Strain.

Add gelatin to the liquid and stir. After the gelatin has dissolved, add 360 g. sugar, mix thoroughly. Add the remaining citrus juice and mix well again.

After the liquid has cooled slightly, pour it into a rectangular container covered with baking paper (it is better to grease the paper a little with odorless vegetable oil). Place the form with marmalade in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

We take the frozen marmalade out of the refrigerator, take it out of the mold along with the paper, turn the layer over onto a cutting board, and cut it into small squares with a sharp knife. Dip each square in sugar.

Immediately put the finished marmalade in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to make marmalade - the recipe is very simple, bon appetit!

Recipe 8: the most delicate marmalade made from watermelon rinds

Since watermelon rinds, like a sponge, absorb all the aromas, at the end of cooking you can add orange or lemon zest, vanilla sugar, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon to the syrup and get the marmalade taste that you like best. This marmalade can be served as an independent dessert or used in baking.

  • Watermelon rinds 500 g
  • Water 300 ml
  • Lemon 0.5 pcs.
  • Sugar 600 g
  • Soda 1 tsp.

Then add the rest of the sugar (300 g), lemon juice from ½ lemon (you can also use lemon zest). Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Recipe 9: cherry marmalade at home

  • Cherry 200 gr
  • Sugar 70 gr
  • Gelatin 10 g

Soak gelatin in water.

Rinse the cherries, remove the pits and puree in a blender.

Pass the cherry pulp through a strainer so that the mass is homogeneous and cook.

When the cherries boil, add sugar and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, remembering to stir so that it doesn’t burn! Remove from heat and pour in soaked gelatin, stir well until gelatin dissolves.

Pour the marmalade into molds and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Marmalade can be rolled in sugar, powdered sugar or ground nuts.

Recipe 10: Rhubarb and Strawberry Mint Marmalade

  • strawberries 800 g
  • gelling sugar 500 g
  • lemons 1 pc.
  • lime 1 pc.
  • mint 1 handful
  • rhubarb 700 g

All recipes are carefully selected by the culinary club of the website website

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