Saury pate with egg. Canned saury pate. Addition to the recipe

Published 11.12.2017
Posted by: Enchantress
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Canned fish and egg pate is a universal mixture consisting of several crushed ingredients, which is great for preparing both holiday and everyday snacks. You can prepare such a simple dish in a matter of minutes and enjoy its attractive taste with rapture, placing it on a piece of bread or just having a bite with it. My recipe with photos will help you cope with it. See how it's prepared.


- canned food “Saira” natural – 1 can;
- selected chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
- mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking time is 15-20 minutes.

How to cook with photos step by step

Boil eggs hard, cool and peel. Remove the spinal bone from the fish (so as not to grind your teeth).

Grind the eggs using a fine grater. Mash the fish into fine crumbs with a fork.

Mix grated eggs with mashed fish, add mayonnaise.
The pate is ready, you can make sandwiches from it for breakfast or a holiday feast. Not only that, but it also turns out delicious.

Bon appetit!

Addition to the recipe:

Any canned fish with or without added oil is suitable for making pate, but not in tomato;
The composition of the pate can be supplemented with processed or soft (ricotta-type) cheese, chopped onions and/or garlic, fresh or frozen herbs (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro), spices (ground pepper, paprika), boiled grated carrots, finely chopped pickled cucumber or gherkins;
The pate can be used not only for spreading on bread, but also for filling snack tartlets.

Fish pate is a great way to add variety to your sandwiches. For example, I really love sandwiches and different types and options of spreads. And so I constantly come up with something that can be used instead of standard cheese and butter to put or spread on top of a piece of bread (or bread). And I also want such snacks not to be too fatty and harmful - after all, I have a figure;)

In general, today I offer you another idea for a quick snack - fish pate, which we will prepare from canned fish. I used canned tuna, but in principle, you can use absolutely any canned fish in oil that you like - mackerel, sardines, or even sprats. It will still be delicious.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Exit: 5 servings

Ingredients for fish pate

  • Green onions – 1 bunch
  • Canned fish in oil – 1 can
  • Dill and parsley – 1 bunch
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Mayonnaise – 2-3 tbsp.

Step-by-step pate recipe

The pate is prepared very quickly and easily. The main thing is to boil the eggs (hard-boiled) in advance. So, when all the vegetables are prepared, we “assemble” the pate.

I washed a bunch of green onions (I took a larger bunch) in cold water, blotted the moisture with a paper towel and cut them.

I did the same with dill and parsley - washed, dried and chopped.

She peeled the boiled chicken eggs and then put them on the finest grater.

I drained the oil from the canned fish and mashed the fish meat with a fork. I added it to the greens and eggs.

I added a little salt, ground the pepper mixture, and stirred.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today we want to offer you one option for preparing a fish snack - canned fish pate with egg. This appetizer is ideal for sandwiches and will appeal to all lovers of fish dishes. The pate is ready in a matter of minutes, all you need is a blender and a small mixture of ingredients, so this is the leading recipe on the list. Well, where you can use such a pate is up to you to choose from. The simplest option is to serve sardine pate on toast; you can also stuff pancakes, shortbread or waffle baskets with the pate. If desired, this pate can be served with baked ruddy potato pieces - very tasty.

- sardine in oil – 1 can,
- chicken eggs – 2 pcs.,
- processed cheese – 90 g,
- onions – 60 g,
- wine vinegar – 20 ml,
- hot black pepper – 1 g,
- salt - to taste,
- greens - for serving pate.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First you need to work with the onion - peel it and rinse it, chop it finely and place it in a bowl. Sprinkle the onion slices with wine vinegar; you can also use apple cider vinegar or any other fruit vinegar. If desired, replace the vinegar with lemon juice. For marinating, add a little ground pepper and a pinch of salt. Leave the onion in a cool place for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, uncork the jar of sardines. By the way, you can cook it yourself at home. We choose sardines blanched in oil; if you took a sardine with spices, they must be filtered. Place the fish pieces into a blender bowl, and first add a few tablespoons of juice from the jar to the bowl. We don’t pour out the juice right away; we will use it to regulate the thickness of our pate.

The day before, boil the chicken eggs “hard-boiled”, traditionally, as everyone is used to - 8 minutes in salted water. We peel the eggs, break them randomly and place them in a blender bowl with the fish. We will also add processed cheese, preferably traditional, without any flavor enhancers. Cut the cheese as desired and place it in a blender bowl.

We also transfer the already marinated pieces of onion here.

Start the blender and grind everything into a homogeneous mass at high speed. We adjust the thickness and, if necessary, add a little juice from a can. Also, at the end of mixing, take a test for salt/pepper.

Transfer the pate into a jar or bowl and let it sit on the refrigerator shelf for several hours. Serve the sardine pate in oil to the table.

Bon appetit!
You can still make a tasty and quick meal from sardines in oil.

Cook delicious homemade canned fish paste- as easy as pie. In just a few minutes you will get a delicious fish paste for toast, canapés, and snack rolls from simple and affordable products that are found in every home. Personally, I like to experiment with a range of products for this type of pate. This time I decided to make a pate of mackerel, eggs and carrots and melted cheese. It turned out very tasty, so I’m happy to share my recipe with you.

Place the prepared foods - carrots, eggs and processed cheese - into a blender bowl.

Grind them for 2-3 minutes to a paste-like consistency.

Add spices. They will enhance the taste of the finished pate. In this recipe for canned mackerel pate, I used a mixture of red pepper, paprika, curry, turmeric and coriander. Dried Provençal herbs also work well.

Add ketchup. With the help of it and spices, the pate will acquire an orange color.

Lastly, add the canned sardines.

Turn on the blender for 2-3 minutes.

The finished pate should be thick and have a uniform structure. Simple and delicious canned fish pate with egg ready. Transfer it to a clean jar. Close the lid tightly. After standing in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours, the pate will harden and become thicker. It is especially good with Borodino bread. Try it, it's very tasty. It can be stored in a cool place for no more than 5 days. Enjoy your meal. You can also quickly and easily prepare

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