How to cook fluffy rice in a slow cooker. How to cook delicious fluffy rice in a slow cooker Recipes for side dish rice in a slow cooker

How to cook (Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Scarlet, Moulinex, Vitek and other models)? You can cook in several modes: “Pilaf”, “Buckwheat”, “Milk porridge”. The choice of program depends on the dish you are planning to cook.

Ingredients and proportions that will be required to cook rice in a slow cooker:

  • 1 measuring cup rice;
  • 3 measuring cups of water;
  • salt.

How to cook fluffy rice in a multicooker using the “Pilaf” program

With this program, the rice will turn out fluffy. Sort out the cereal and rinse it. Place rice in a slow cooker and add water. Add some salt. Close the pan. Place the cursor opposite the “Pilaf” program and activate it with the start button.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker using the “Buckwheat” program

Rice cooked in this mode is good for sushi. Fill 1 measuring cup of rice with 2 measuring cups of water. Turn on “Buckwheat”. Click "Start". After the signal the rice is ready.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker using the Milk Porridge program.

By cooking rice in a multicooker using this program, you will get a delicious milk porridge. Add 1 cup of rice to 3 measuring cups of water and 2 cups of milk. Add salt, sugar, butter.

Turn on “Milk porridge”. Click "Start". Cook the rice in the multicooker until the signal appears. Bon appetit! Watch the video recipe for cooking rice in a slow cooker.


As it turns out, cooking delicious rice in a regular saucepan is not entirely easy. Many housewives know this problem. It is very important to choose the right rice and pour in enough water for cooking, make sure it doesn’t burn, etc. How to properly and tasty cook rice in a slow cooker? This will be discussed in this article.

For cooking, we will take a multicooker from the manufacturer Redmond.

Excellent and fluffy rice can be cooked in a slow cooker. This cooking method is very simple and does not take much time. There is no need to stir the cereal, since during the cooking process the water evaporates gradually and in a timely manner. You will really like cooked rice in a slow cooker, as it turns out fluffy and not overcooked.


You will need these ingredients:

  • Two measuring cups of long grain rice (Basmati), included with any multicooker
  • Three and a half glasses of water
  • Butter.

Cooking rice in a slow cooker:

  1. The multicooker has a “Cooking Express” function; this program is used for cooking rice, buckwheat and other cereals. Rinse the rice thoroughly with cold water and place it in the multicooker bowl. Fill with water, the proportion should be 2:3 (two glasses of rice and three water). Salt the cereal to taste. Select the “Cook Express” function and the cooking time is 30 minutes.
  2. This time is enough to cook the rice, the water will completely evaporate. Season the finished rice with butter. Oil can also be added to taste, there are no restrictions here. Butter can be replaced with olive oil, depending on your preference. After this, close the multicooker with a lid and let the rice sit for a while until the oil is completely dissolved.
  3. If you cook rice in a slow cooker and follow the instructions, you will always be pleased with the result. Rice porridge turns out crumbly and very tasty. This dish is a good side dish for fish, vegetables or meat. But it is not suitable for making sushi, since this rice is not sticky, but crumbly.
  4. The ready-made and tasty dish can be eaten by children, since rice is healthy, it does not cause food allergies and does not contain gluten. Cook rice in a multicooker so as not to stand near the stove, because during cooking you can do useful things, and when the rice is cooked, the multicooker will let you know about it with a signal. Bon appetit!

Cooking rice in a Redmond multicooker

It may seem that cooking rice is a completely simple and effortless task. However, the recipe for this dish has some subtleties and nuances, knowing which you can get a truly divine dish. Rice cooked in the Redmond multicooker turns out fluffy, steamed and very tasty. Cooking it this way is much easier than in a pan, because there is no need to constantly stir it to avoid burning.

Ingredients for cooking rice:

  • Rice - 2 cups;
  • Water - 4 glasses;
  • Butter or vegetable oil - 20 g;
  • Salt, spices, pepper.

Recipe for boiled rice in a slow cooker:

  1. Transfer the rice to a deep bowl and rinse under running cold water until the water becomes clear.
  2. Pour the rice into the multicooker pan and add water.
  3. Add butter, salt and spices to the bowl.
  4. We set the “Pilaf” mode on the multicooker display, the cooking time is 30 minutes.

Secrets of cooking rice

  • To prevent the rice from overcooking and coming out crumbly, you must strictly observe the proportions of cereal and water - 1:2.
  • There are many varieties of rice. The most popular and widely available are round and long grain parboiled rice. We recommend giving preference to the latter, because round rice tends to stick together as a result of cooking.
  • It is necessary to add spices and salt to rice before cooking. This way, during cooking, it will be able to absorb maximum taste and aroma. Among the huge variety of spices, turmeric, saffron, and cumin harmonize best with rice. On supermarket shelves you can also find a special seasoning for rice, in which the most suitable herbs and spices are selected.
  • In order to add variety to the rice porridge, you can add various vegetables to it: sweet peppers, canned corn, carrots, green peas, herbs.

Rice cooked in the Redmond multicooker is a very tasty, satisfying and healthy side dish that must be included in the diet. This cereal goes well not only with vegetables, but also with meat and fish dishes.

The process of cooking rice was described for the Redmond RMC-M90 multicooker.

How to cook fluffy rice in a slow cooker

So, the recipe for fluffy rice in a slow cooker is simple - you need to take two parts of water for one part of the cereal. Another important point is that it is important to rinse the rice thoroughly. This is done until the water becomes clear.

You can put the rice in a sieve and run cold water. Another option is to pour it with cold water in a saucepan and rinse it a little with your hands. After 10 minutes, drain the water and refill with new water.

One multi-glass of rice requires 2 similar glasses of water. Pour the washed cereal into the multicooker bowl and fill it with water. Turn on the “porridge” or “pilaf” mode. Some models have a “rice” mode.

If you plan to have rice as a side dish, add salt to the water or add spices to taste. Add a small piece of butter. For sweet porridge, you don’t need to add salt. All. The slow cooker will turn off as soon as the side dish is ready.

The calorie content of such a dish is 300 kcal per 100 grams of rice. Cooking time depends on the modes of the multicooker model.

How to cook fluffy rice in a slow cooker in another way? So, turn on the “Frying” mode. Fry a glass of rice in butter until golden brown. Add spices and salt.

Pour hot water in the standard ratio - part rice to two parts water. Turn on the “Pilaf” or “Porridge” mode. This option for preparing cereal is also suitable for a side dish and always turns out crumbly.

After you have mastered preparing a simple side dish, you can try cooking pilaf in a slow cooker:

  • Beef, pork or lamb – 400 grams;
  • Rice – 1 glass;
  • Water – 2 glasses;
  • Onions – 2 large heads;
  • Carrots – 1 large;
  • Vegetable oil or rendered pork fat - 100 grams;
  • Salt, spices for pilaf to taste;
  • Head of garlic.

Using the “Fry” mode, fry the vegetables. The onion is cut into half rings, and the carrots into large strips. Do not use a grater! Otherwise, the carrots will soften and will not be felt in the finished dish.

After 10 minutes, fry the meat to obtain a crust. Now fill the meat with water up to half and add salt to taste. Turn on the “Pilaf” mode. After 20 minutes, add the rice, level it with a spatula and fill with water.

Add salt, pilaf spices and close the lid. As soon as the signal sounds, place a head of garlic on top of the pilaf and leave it on the heating mode for half an hour with the lid closed.

It should be noted that this dish is quite high in calories and fat. Therefore, those who are watching their figure should not get carried away with it. Or you can prepare a dietary version with chicken breast and without frying.

Steamed rice

  • 2 cups rice;
  • salt, butter and spices to taste.

Pour water into the multicooker container and turn on the “steaming” mode.

Place the washed cereal in the cooking grate. To prevent it from falling out of large enough holes, you can lay down foil.

Salt the rice to taste and close the device. Cooking time is about 30 minutes. Steamed rice turns out fluffy and tasty. For such a dish, it is best to take steamed one.

Rice with cauliflower and broccoli

  • Rice – 1 glass;
  • Water for cooking;
  • Cauliflower – 200 grams;
  • Broccoli – 200 grams;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Place the cereal in a cooking bowl and add salt to taste. Set the steamer mode for half an hour. After 15 minutes, open the multicooker lid and place the vegetables in the bowl. This dish can be prepared without salt and then topped with soy sauce.

How to cook brown fluffy rice

Brown rice contains much more vitamins and microelements. The fact is that all these components are located in the shell of the grain. White polished rice is cleared of it, therefore, it loses a huge part of its nutrients. The calorie content of unrefined cereals is the same as white cereals - 330 kcal per 100 grams. But the benefits of brown rice will be much greater.

  • ¼ cup of rice;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • carrots – 40 grams;
  • onion – 40 grams;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • butter – 30 grams.
  • salt and spices to taste.

Wash brown rice thoroughly. Cut onions and carrots into small pieces. Using the “fry” mode, fry the vegetables in butter for several minutes. Pour water, add rice. Salt and pepper to taste. Turn on the “pilaf” or “porridge” mode. Most often, these modes take about half an hour. As soon as the cereal is ready, add the peeled clove of garlic and leave the multicooker in the heating mode for half an hour. A tasty and healthy side dish is ready!


Each multicooker model has its own set of modes for preparing delicious dishes. And you need to get used to each device. For example, Scarlett multicookers on the “cereal” mode can overcook rice.

Therefore, during the first few times of cooking, it is important to monitor the grains. Experienced users advise that instead of this program, put the rice on the frying mode for 30 minutes or turn on the baking mode. The main thing is to maintain the ratio of water and rice.

Some Redmond devices have a “rice” mode. Polaris has gone even further - some models have options for cooking brown or steamed rice.

Cooking secrets

To cook a delicious side dish, it is important to know some nuances:

  • The rice should be well washed. There is no need to soak it;
  • You can pre-fry the cereal in butter;
  • The cereal is poured only with very hot water, preferably boiling water.

We hope that our tips will help you prepare delicious fluffy rice in a slow cooker as a side dish or make a separate dish.

Instructions for use

How to cook rice correctly

It would seem that cooking rice is simple - throw the cereal into a pan of water and put it on the fire. However, even an experienced chef who knows how to prepare complex dishes and multi-layered desserts sometimes ends up with porridge instead of fluffy rice. Cooking rice is an art in which Oriental and Asian cooks are very successful. Offer them any kind of rice, and they know what to do with it - one variety is soaked for a long time, another is pre-fried, and the third is immediately filled with water and put on fire. They know how to cook rice correctly, at the level of intuition. It would be nice, of course, to learn from them, but this is not always possible. Let's try to learn in practice several secrets of preparing the “correct” rice, because this is one of the most popular side dishes in the world. If we understand how to cook rice so that it becomes fluffy or, on the contrary, sticky, we can prepare dozens of delicious dishes.

Which rice is suitable for different dishes

Short grain rice is too starchy, so it is better not to buy it for pilaf, but it is ideal for sushi, soups, porridges, pie fillings, casseroles and all kinds of desserts. Medium-grain varieties contain slightly less starch, so the rice is slightly sticky and tender, but does not stick together, which is ideal for risotto, paella, meatballs, etc. But long grain rice, if cooked according to all the rules, turns out tender, tasty and crumbly.

Do I need to rinse and soak rice?

Before cooking, the cereal is washed well to remove any powdery coating. You can use a sieve - under running water - or in a cup, changing the water 5-6 times. The rice is washed until the water becomes completely clear. Then the grains are soaked for some time in cold water - this helps remove the remaining starch from the rice, which gives it viscosity. In addition, soaking improves the color of the cereal and speeds up the cooking process. It is enough to soak round rice for 15 minutes, medium-grain rice for 20 minutes, and long-grain rice for 1 hour to 3–4 hours, depending on the type of rice and the recipe. There are different opinions about what temperature the soaking water should be. It is believed that warm water requires less soaking time, while cold water releases starch more slowly. The main thing is that the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise the grain will become too fragile. Cereals intended for porridge, paella, sushi and rolls are not subjected to all these procedures, otherwise the rice will not turn out sticky.

How to properly cook fluffy rice in a frying pan or cauldron

The best variety for obtaining fluffy rice is noble rice with long, very thin and sharp grains. However, other varieties will also work, such as steamed rice, which never sticks, even if it is reheated. The ideal ratio of grains to liquid is 1:2, and when cooking round rice, you need 3 times more liquid, since it absorbs water more strongly. Eastern cooks first lightly fry the rice in vegetable or ghee with spices, onions and garlic, and then add water or broth directly into the frying pan. Thanks to this cooking method, the grains do not stick to each other. Salt should be added approximately 1 tsp. per 200 ml of water and do not get carried away with stirring the dish. Pour in water, add salt, bring to a boil, close the lid tightly and put on the lowest heat for about 20 minutes. You can simply check if it is ready - bite a piece of rice: if it is soft, then the side dish is ready. Experts advise leaving the rice covered for 10–15 minutes, and then adding butter or vegetable oil to it.

Cook rice in a saucepan

You can also cook rice in a regular pan by pouring it into boiling salted water, although Eastern cooks believe that salt makes the rice sticky. How long does it take to cook in a saucepan? Usually, 20 minutes of cooking with the lid closed over low heat is enough, although some housewives still stir the dish at the first stage so that it does not burn. It’s better not to do this, of course. Steamed rice is cooked a little longer - about 25 minutes, and it increases 3 times in volume. Red, brown and wild rice are cooked in a 1:3 ratio for 30-40 minutes, although each case is individual and you should read the cooking instructions on the rice package. So, the principle of cooking rice can be expressed in a few words - bring water to a boil, reduce the heat, cook until tender, without interfering with the complex process, and let it brew.

Azerbaijanis steam rice with a piece of butter - this way it retains its crispness and all the beneficial substances. The Japanese take one part of rice and one and a half parts of water, cook the cereal on maximum heat for the first 3 minutes, on medium for the next 7 minutes, and in the last 2 minutes reduce the heat to low. After that, they simmer the dish under the lid for another 10 minutes, and the rice turns out very tender and crumbly. By the way, it was the enterprising Japanese who invented a special saucepan - the rice cooker, the sister of the multicooker.

Rice and slow cooker

How to cook rice in a slow cooker? It's very simple. We thoroughly wash the rice, pour it into the multicooker bowl, and fill it with water in a ratio of 1:2, and the water can be cold. Salt, add the necessary spices and a tablespoon of any oil, and then turn on the “Pilaf” or “Rice” mode and forget about the dish until we hear the multicooker signal. Rice can also be cooked using the “Buckwheat” or “Normal Cooking” mode. Steamed rice in a slow cooker turns out very tasty. For white rice, 30 minutes of steaming is enough; for brown and wild rice, it is better to set aside an hour.

If you want to understand how to cook sushi rice easily and quickly, use a slow cooker - it's much easier than all the traditional methods. For 2 cups of Japanese rice, take 2.5 cups of water and a pinch of salt, then set the “Rice”, “Buckwheat” mode or 10 minutes on “Baking”, and then 20 minutes on “Stewing”. While the rice is cooking, make a dressing from 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. soy sauce, heat slightly and pour into cooked rice.

How to make rice tastier: a few useful tricks

When cooking rice on the stove, you should never pour cold water over it, otherwise it will stick together and lose its appetizing appearance. It might seem like a small thing, but the fate of the whole dish depends on it! Many Asian cooks add butter or vegetable oil to the water with rice during cooking for a delicate and velvety taste. Some recipes recommend cooking the rice in the oven - this makes it even tastier.

Rice turns out bright and piquant if you add spices and aromatic herbs during cooking. Bay leaves, peppercorns, turmeric, saffron, curry, rosemary, lemon zest, garlic and herbs go very well with rice. Sometimes water is mixed with milk to give the rice a creamy hue. However, true connoisseurs of this dish cook rice without additives to enjoy its natural taste and fragrant aroma.

Indian style rice

Sort it well and rinse the rice in the required quantity, melt the melted butter in a cauldron or frying pan so that it lightly covers the bottom with a thin layer. Add cumin, garam masala or curry, turmeric, a little pepper and any spices of your choice along with uncooked rice into boiling oil. Fry all this for 2 minutes with constant stirring and pour boiling water, while the water level should be two fingers higher than the rice. Reduce the heat to low and cook the rice until the water is completely absorbed under a closed lid. Hindus check the readiness of rice by breaking it with their fingernail, and only salt the finished dish. This rice is very aromatic, tasty and always crumbly.

There are no ideal recipes, tips or proportions. The cooking time for rice, for example, depends on the type of rice, the type of cookware and the tightness of the lid. The ratio of grains to water can also be different, so you will have to learn the science of cooking rice by trial and error. Yes, and you can cook not only in a saucepan or slow cooker, but also in an air fryer, a double boiler and even a microwave. How to cook rice at home so that your loved ones love this dish and ask for more? The only way is to try, experiment, and then everything will work out!

Cooking with a multicooker is a real pleasure, and every “cook” can handle it. Cooking delicious and appetizing fluffy rice in a slow cooker will be as easy as shelling pears! The following cooking tips and rules will help you properly cook fluffy rice without much difficulty.

Fluffy rice in a slow cooker: the simplest recipe

All cereals have beneficial properties and rice is no exception. The multicooker preserves all the benefits of the products. Therefore, we will learn how to cook healthy fluffy rice in a slow cooker.

Required ingredients:

  • Water 2 glasses;
  • Rice 1 cup;
  • Salt and turmeric to taste.
  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the draining water runs clear.
  2. Place it in a bowl from the multicooker, fill the rice with water, salt and sprinkle with turmeric.
  3. Now select the “rice” mode and wait until our dish is ready.
  4. You can add butter to the finished rice.

There are no difficulties with such a dish, the main thing is to know the proportions and everything will certainly work out.

How to cook fluffy rice correctly: main rules

The basmati rice variety cooks well, tastes good, and is fluffy but soft. To know how to properly cook fluffy rice, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You cannot cook a large amount of rice at once. To make it crumbly, it should be cooked in portions of up to 400 grams.
  2. There should be 2.5 times more water than rice.
  3. Rinse the rice thoroughly under running water for less than a minute and cook it only after 10 minutes.
  4. Do not salt the rice while cooking. You can do it after cooking, but not before.
  5. Stir the rice only when it has been poured into boiling water in a pan. It no longer needs stirring.
  6. The cooking process should take place over minimal heat.
  7. 20-22 minutes is enough to cook rice. If you cook longer, the rice will no longer be fluffy.

How to properly cook rice as a side dish

Rice is a good choice as a side dish on your table. To make it the most successful, you first need to make the right choice. Long grain rice is great as a side dish. Other varieties of rice are also good, but long rice is better suited as a side dish. So, how to properly cook rice as a side dish so that it turns out fluffy.

  1. The washed rice is poured with cold water and cooked over medium heat.
  2. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes, during which the rice is allowed to be stirred. The ratio of rice to water is 1:2.
  3. And we complete the process by washing the finished rice. To do this, first boil water (about 2 liters) and cool it.
  4. When the water has drained, add butter and the delicious side dish is ready!

Cooking rice in a slow cooker is easier than in a regular pan on the stove. After all, a multicooker deprives us of the ability to control the process, stir the rice so that it does not stick to the pan, etc. And the process of preparing fluffy rice in a slow cooker looks like this. First you need to rinse the rice well until the water is clear. Then this rice is placed in the bowl of the machine, salt and spices are added and water is added. The smart appliance is switched to the “rice” mode and after a specified time the rice is ready. This is a pattern and can be made more complex by adding different ingredients and creating new dishes. So, it’s great to cook rice with vegetables in a slow cooker, or rice with meat in a slow cooker. Among vegetable options, the most popular are rice with pepper in a slow cooker and rice with zucchini in a slow cooker. For meat - rice with chicken in a slow cooker, rice with minced meat in a slow cooker.

Everyone is familiar with stuffed peppers from childhood. With rice in a slow cooker, this traditional treat turns out especially good and tasty. This dish is always welcome on the table; it is prepared most often during the pepper season, in the fall, but it can be repeated throughout the year by first preparing some peppers in the freezer.

Rice is perfect as a side dish for any meat dish; in a slow cooker, the recipes for preparing such a side dish are well described and easy to prepare. It should also be emphasized that rice looks very good on a dish; its presence decorates any meat and fish products. Therefore, to cook rice in a slow cooker, recipes with photos need to be worked out first in order to clearly understand how your rice will look in the finished dish.

Some more useful tips on how to cook rice in a slow cooker:

First you need to thoroughly rinse the rice under running water for at least a minute, after which you can start cooking the rice only after 10 minutes;

When cooking rice in a slow cooker, the proportions of rice and water, as well as the sequence of cooking the dish, must be strictly observed. There should be twice as much water as rice;

For a multicooker, it is better to take long-grain, steamed rice. Round rice tends to stick together. But, if you like this one, cook it, the choice is yours;

It is better to salt the rice before cooking;

At the same time, you can add your favorite spices to the rice. Experts believe that saffron, turmeric, and cumin go well with rice;

Rice is also good with vegetables, add whatever you like, but finely chopped: carrots, sweet bell peppers, green peas, canned corn, ready-made vegetable mixture;

A large amount of rice will not cook well at once. Cook rice in portions up to 400 grams;

Rice can only be stirred once when you add it to boiling water. There is no need to touch it further;

The cooking process must be carried out on minimal heat;

To cook rice, 20 minutes is enough. If you keep the rice on the fire longer, it will no longer be crumbly.

How do you cook rice? The majority of the population will answer this question something like this: “We wash the rice, put it in a pan with boiling (or cold) salted water, cook until tender, drain in a colander, and rinse.” Do you know that this method of cooking rice is fundamentally wrong? Any cereal, including rice, needs to be cooked like buckwheat, evaporating the water. This method leaves all the beneficial substances in the rice, which we drain along with the cooking water into the sink. It also allows you to cook crumbly, slightly sticky, slightly dense, not overcooked rice - an ideal side dish for fish, seafood, meat and poultry.

And what, if not a multicooker, will cope with this task better than anyone else? No wonder, because the closest relative of the multicooker is the rice cooker - an invention of Japanese engineers (and this is understandable, because for the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, rice is like potatoes for us). And yet, despite the fact that a multicooker is an indecently smart device, you won’t be able to cook rice in it without putting in the required minimum effort.

1. First, decide on the variety: short-grain rice will turn out “juicy”, slightly sticky, steamed long-grain rice, on the contrary, dry and crumbly. In addition, brown or wild rice takes an order of magnitude longer to cook than regular polished rice, so to avoid any embarrassment, carefully read the instructions on the package.

2. Then rinse the rice thoroughly in cool water. “Thoroughly” means until the water draining from the rice is completely clear. Starch that is not completely washed out of the cereal will stick together the grains of rice, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, wash the rice like this: pour the rice into a colander and place it in a wide saucepan with cool water. Rinse the rice, stirring gently so that the rice grains do not break, then drain the water and repeat the procedure until the water becomes clear. With each new portion, add warmer water. After this, the rice can be soaked, this is especially important for steamed rice.

3. To obtain fluffy rice, it is important to choose the right amount of water. The ratio of water to rice ranges from 1:1 to 1:2, depending on the degree of friability and the type of rice. Round rice cooks quickly and requires less water, steamed and long-grain rice is cooked in a ratio of 1:2 or 3:5, but the amount of water for brown and wild rice must be selected in strict accordance with the instructions on the package.

4. The water you pour over the rice must be hot. If this condition is met, your rice will cook evenly, will not stick together and will be quite juicy.

5. You can add a tablespoon of vegetable or butter to the water for cooking rice.

6. The best way to cook rice is steaming. In this case, the rice will turn out really crumbly, while retaining the maximum of nutrients.

All other recommendations are optional and can be used as desired. For example, rice can be flavored: add bay leaf, garlic, black peppercorns, rosemary, lemon peel or dried herbs. Rice in a slow cooker can be tinted by adding a little curry powder or saffron for a golden color, and you can also use a diluted bouillon cube instead of water. Milk is sometimes added to the water for cooking rice - the rice becomes snow-white. If “just rice” is boring for you, cook rice with vegetables - onions, carrots, bell peppers, green peas or corn. But true connoisseurs cook rice in its “pure form”, without salt and spices, and only add salt or soy sauce to the plate - it is believed that this is the best way to reveal the taste and aroma of the ancient cereal, so beloved by almost the whole world.

So, the rice has been selected, washed, and the multicooker is ready. Let's cook our slow cooker recipes!

Basic recipe for cooking rice

2 stacks steamed rice,
4 stacks water,
salt - to taste.

Rinse the rice in several waters, place in a multicooker bowl, cover with boiling water and add salt. Close the lid, set the “Buckwheat”, “Rice”, “Pilaf” or “Normal Cooking” mode (for 30 minutes). Remember that the “Pilaf” mode fries the rice from the bottom, so turn off the multicooker 10 minutes before the end of the mode if you do not want to get “crusty” rice.

Rice with vegetable oil

2 multi cups steamed rice,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, ground black pepper, spices - to taste.

Place the washed rice in a multicooker bowl, add oil and spices, level with a spatula and fill with water to a height of 1.5 fingers above the level of the rice. Close the lid and set the “Buckwheat” mode.

Rice with butter

1 stack steamed rice,
2 stacks water,
50 g butter,
salt - to taste.

Place the washed rice in the multicooker bowl, add salt and butter and set the “Milk porridge” mode. After 30 minutes from the start of the mode, turn off the multicooker.

Puffy round grain rice

2 multi-cups short grain rice,
2 multi glasses of water.

Rinse the round rice very thoroughly and place it in a multicooker bowl. Fill with hot water and turn on the “Rice” mode. Add salt, spices, soy sauce, oil to taste to the prepared rice.

Rice in a slow cooker with broth

3 multi-cups rice,
5 multi-cups water or broth,
salt, butter - to taste.

Rinse the rice until the water is clear and place in the multicooker bowl. Dissolve broth cubes to taste in hot water (or use ready-made broth, it’s healthier), pour rice in a bowl and add salt, oil and spices to taste. Set the “Buckwheat” mode.

Steamed rice. Rinse the rice in several waters until completely transparent and soak in clean water for 1 hour. This is necessary so that the rice absorbs moisture better when steamed. Line the steamer basket with gauze so that the rice does not fall through large holes, pour the rice into it and smooth it out. Pour double the amount of hot water into the bowl, close the lid and set the “Steam” mode for 30 minutes. For brown and wild rice, the cooking time should be increased by 1.5-2 times.
A separate line should be said about sushi rice. To prepare rolls and sushi, you should cook fairly sticky, not crumbly rice; this consistency is required to obtain dense, non-falling pieces. You can use special sushi rice, its grains are small and round, but ordinary Kuban round-grain rice is quite suitable. Sushi rice must first be soaked in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Sushi rice is cooked without salt and spices, then a special sauce based on rice vinegar is added to the finished rice.

Rice for sushi

2 stacks sushi rice,
2.5 stacks water,
2 tbsp. rice vinegar,
1 tsp soy sauce,
1 tsp Sahara.

Rinse the rice until the water is clear and soak. Place in a bowl, fill with cold water and close the lid. Set the “Rice” or “Buckwheat” mode. You can use the “Baking” mode (10 minutes), then the “Stew” mode (20 minutes). While the rice is cooking, mix the ingredients for the sauce and heat through. Pour the sauce into the cooked rice and stir.

Another way to make sushi rice

2 stacks sushi rice,
2.5 stacks water,
50-60 ml rice vinegar.

Place the washed rice in a multicooker bowl and fill with water. Set the “Buckwheat” mode. After the signal about the end of the mode, add vinegar little by little, stirring the rice. Do not overdo it with vinegar; too much will make the rice crumbly.

Try adding vegetables to rice - you will get a bright and tasty side dish!

Rice with onions

1 stack rice,
2 stacks water,
1 onion,
1 bouillon cube,
2 tbsp. butter.

Cut the onion into small cubes and simmer in the “Baking” mode with butter until transparent. Pour in the washed rice, pour in hot water in which the broth cube is dissolved, close the lid and set the “Rice”, “Buckwheat” or “Pilaf” program.

Rice with vegetables

300 g rice,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
½ cup frozen green peas,
2-3 tbsp. butter,
300-350 ml water,
salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil - to taste.

Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, defrost the peas. In the multicooker bowl in the “Baking” mode, simmer the vegetables in vegetable oil until soft. Meanwhile, rinse and briefly soak the rice. When the vegetables are ready, pour in the rice, smooth it out, add salt and pepper to taste, add butter and hot water and close the lid. There is no need to mix the products. Set the “Multi-cook” (100°C) or “Stew” mode with a cooking time of 30-40 minutes. Let sit on the “Keep Warm” setting for 5-10 minutes and serve.

Rice with vegetables and ginger

300 g rice,
500-550 ml water,
50 g butter,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
½ sweet pepper
1 cm ginger root,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Cut the onion, carrots and bell peppers into cubes, grate the ginger on a fine grater. Place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl, pour in the vegetable oil and turn on the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes. Fry the vegetables, stirring, until soft. Then place pre-washed and soaked rice on top of the vegetables, level it, add hot water, add salt and close the lid. Set the “Buckwheat” mode. After the signal about the end of the mode, stir, add salt if necessary, and serve.

And be sure to take a look at our recipes section, you can find many more delicious and proven recipes there.

Larisa Shuftaykina

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