Assorted berry tincture. Recipes for ancient medicinal balms Pouring assorted garden berries

Making fruit liqueurs does not require any special culinary skills. The most important thing is to carefully select and prepare raw materials.

Homemade alcohol is made from both individual varieties of fruits/berries and several types of fruits. Multi-ingredient liqueurs are called “assorted” and can include almost anything that has ripened in the garden.

Classic Assorted liqueur

The fruits are placed in a large bottle as they ripen, in layers. Sugar is divided into equal parts according to the number of types of raw materials (in this case – 5).


  1. Strawberries – 1 kg
  2. Apricot – 1 kg
  3. Raspberries – 1 kg
  4. Cherry – 1 kg
  5. Black currant – 1 kg
  6. Sugar – 2.5 kg
  7. Vodka – 5 l

Cooking method

  1. Place strawberries in a container, cover with sugar, and place in the sun.
  2. Next, lay out the raw materials in layers, covering each with sugar, in the following order: apricots, raspberries, cherries, currants.
  3. Keep the vessel in a sunny place for another 14 days, pour in alcohol, seal tightly and transfer to the cold for 1 month.
  4. Filter the infusion, distribute into small vessels, let stand for 4 months and try.

Liquor “Monastic style”

Any well-ripened berries filled with juice are suitable for cooking. You will need a 10 liter glass bottle. It needs to be sealed with a cork, loosely wrapped with a piece of cloth and tied with a cord so that there is enough space for the gas to escape. You can store the finished drink in any conditions: it does not spoil and does not lose its taste.


  1. Berries – 10 l
  2. Vodka – for pouring
  3. Sugar – up to 300 g is required for 0.5 liters of finished product

Cooking method

  1. Fill a suitable container with berries to the very top, pour in as much vodka as will fit.
  2. Loosely cover the neck of the bottle with a stopper, secure it with a cloth, and place the container in the sun or near a warm radiator.
  3. Leave to mature for a period of six months to a year, shaking the contents monthly.
  4. Pour the drink through a small sieve into a clean bottle, squeeze the mixture out of the berries, and add the liquid to the infusion.
  5. Cover the bottom of the copper basin with a layer of sugar, pour in ¼ of the liqueur, heat, stirring (do not boil!), Add to the bottle with the cold infusion.
  6. Mix the resulting drink thoroughly, pass through flannel, distribute into small vessels and place in a dark corner.

“Tender” liqueur

The fruits of black currant, raspberry, and gooseberry are suitable as raw materials. Infuse the drink in a 10-liter container. The product can be stored for no more than 5 months in cider or champagne bottles, tightly sealed with a cork, twisted with wire or wrapped with rope. The containers should not be filled to the top, leaving enough space for pressure to escape. The necks should be immersed in dry sand, and the storage place should be cool. After bottling, wait a couple of months before tasting.


  1. Berries – 3 kg
  2. Purified water – 7 l
  3. Vodka – 1 bottle

Cooking method

  1. Pour water into a bottle, throw in the berries, add alcohol, mix well.
  2. Cover the lid loosely, wrap the neck with cloth, leave on the windowsill for 2 weeks, shaking the contents daily, until the fruits begin to float up and down.
  3. Pass the infusion through several layers of gauze, place in a clean container, hold for a couple of days, filter again, and pour into smaller vessels.

Fruit liqueur


  1. Black currant – 150 g
  2. Cherry – 150 g
  3. Garden strawberries – 150 g
  4. Dogwood – 150 g
  5. Plum – 150 g
  6. Apricot – 150 g
  7. Raspberries – 150 g
  8. Alcohol – 1 l
  9. Vodka – 0.5 l
  10. Sugar – 1 kg

Cooking method

  1. Wash the fruits, sort them, place them in a large glass container.
  2. Pour in both types of alcohol, seal tightly with a lid, let it brew for a month and a half, shaking the contents every other day.
  3. Drain the liquid and refrigerate.
  4. Mash the fruit mass, coat it with sugar, knead, and let it sit in the sun for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally.
  5. Strain the infusion through cotton wool into a clean vessel, add the first drained liquid to it, mix, and let stand for 5 days.
  6. Distribute the liqueur into small bottles and keep for about six months before tasting.

“Berry-Apple” liqueur

Fruits of any varieties and types are suitable as raw materials. The drink is aromatic, with a pleasant color and honey-fruit taste.


  1. Berries – 1 kg
  2. Yeast – 400 g
  3. Apples – 1 kg
  4. Sugar – 300–400 g

Cooking method

  1. Pre-crush the berries and grate the apples on a large-mesh grater.
  2. Place the crushed mass in a suitable vessel, add yeast and sugar, wrap the neck with a gauze bandage or seal with cotton wool.
  3. Leave to brew for four days, replace the gauze with a water seal.
  4. Keep in a secluded place for 30–40 days until the fermentation process is completed.
  5. Pour the finished liqueur into small containers, after straining.

Liqueur from fruit drinks

To prepare fruit drinks, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, cherry plums and others are used. The amount of sugar and vodka depends on the volume of raw materials. For 1 liter of fruit liquid take 0.4 kg of sugar and 0.3 liters of alcohol.


  1. Mixed berries - any quantity
  2. Sugar – in proportion
  3. Vodka – in proportion
  4. Water – proportionally

Cooking method

  1. Chop the berries and fruits, crush, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Soak the solid fruit mass in water and boil.
  3. Wait until the liquid cools down and strain.
  4. Combine the broth with juice and sweeten.
  5. Add vodka to the drink and leave in a warm place for about 1 week.
  6. Transfer to darkness and cold, where to keep for 3-4 days.
  7. Filter and distribute into small containers.

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Making a homemade balm, of course, is more difficult than going to a pharmacy or store and buying an industrially produced drink there. However, if you wish and strictly follow the manufacturing recipe, you can prepare a medicinal balm at home. To do this, the crushed raw materials should be mixed, placed in a glass container, poured with alcohol (in a ratio of 1: 10, 1: 7 or 1: 5) or vodka (in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1: 3). Close the container with a lid and leave in a cool, dark place. After 20-60 days, drain the liquid, add a small amount of alcohol or vodka to the raw material, mix and squeeze.

Strain the balm through several layersmarly or nylon, add the syrups indicated in the recipe (in a 1: 1 ratio), leave for 2-3 days in a dark, cool place, then strain and pour into glass bottles. All balms are used in small dosages. They can be used either in pure form or as an additive to tea, coffee or mineral water.

Balm "Ancient recipe".

The balm contains apple juice, honey, and cognac. All this is infused in a crushed collection of medicines (nettle, valerian root, coltsfoot, walnut kernel, marshmallow root, linden, motherwort, chamomile, wormwood, bitter lemon balm, spring primrose, rose hips). Based on 100 g of collection per liter of mixture (apple juice, honey, cognac). Leave for 15 days. Strain. Strengthen the drink with alcohol to 45% strength. This drink is no worse than Bitner's balm. Take 20 ml in the morning and at night.

Recipe for balm "Bogdan".

This is a mixture of apple juice, honey, cognac, infused for 15 days during collection (at the rate of 100 g per liter of the above mixture). Collection: cloves, sloe berries, St. John's wort, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, ginger, chamomile, nutmeg, bay leaf, black currant branches, black peppercorns, rose hips. Strain, bring the strength to 45%, pour into bottles. Use 20 ml in the morning and before bed as a strengthening, multivitamin remedy that cleanses the blood and blood vessels of waste, toxins and cholesterol.

Balm "Recipe for youth".

This unique recipe was known many years ago. Based on the verbena plant (promoting rejuvenation and healing). In addition to verbena, the balm contains: nutmeg fruits, currant juice, honey, and all this is infused in cognac for 15 days. It is filtered, brought to 45% strength and bottled. Take 20 ml in the morning and before bed.

Recipe for balm "Healing".

It is made on the basis of cognac infused with a collection (lavender, myris, mint, lemon balm, tarragon, motherwort, calendula, cariander, nutmeg, snakehead). 100 g of collection per liter of cognac, leave for 15 days. Strain, add honey and apple juice to taste, 1 drop each. tangerine and peppermint essential oil. Keep the strength at 45% and bottle it.

Balm for rejuvenating the body : 1 kg. honey + gruel 10 heads of garlic + juice of 10 lemons. Mix everything and take 1 tsp. before meals. The general condition and potency improve, the severity of chronic diseases decreases. This manifests itself after 20 days of use. Take a break and repeat the course for another 20 days.

Healing balm : 200 g of crushed aloe leaves (do not water for 2 weeks before cutting) + 200 g of honey, pour 0.5 l. Cahors wine, mix and leave in a cool place for 10 days, squeeze through cheesecloth and drink 1 tbsp of balm. l. 3 r. per day for bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. Not recommended for uterine bleeding.

Women's elixir of youth

This balm not only rejuvenates, but also improves complexion. It is better to prepare it in small portions. Take a glass of good white wine and pour it over one head of peeled garlic. Bring to a boil and simmer for another 30 minutes. Cool and pour into a dark bottle along with the garlic cloves.

You need to take the balm 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. at the beginning of the monthly ten-day period for three days. For example, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd of the month, then 11,12,13 and 21,22,23.

P.S.: The product also enhances sexual activity and helps restore reproductive function.

Cone balm recipe Fill 2/3 of a 3-liter jar with pine cones collected before July 15th. Add honey - 0.5 liters, cover with a polyethylene lid, stir, leave in the sun for 2-3 weeks, shaking daily, drain the resulting liquid into a separate container and place in the refrigerator. Pour the same cones with alcohol (vodka) 2-3 cm above the layer of cones, seal tightly, leave for 2-4 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Drain. Mix the two resulting infusions, add 0.5 l. tincture of pine pollen (or propolis), let it settle. Use 1-3 tbsp. in a day.

Alcohol tincture of propolis characterized by antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic effects. Propolis inhibits the vital activity of microorganisms, including tuberculosis bacillus, herpes virus, and influenza. Increases the amount of gammaglobulins, thereby enhancing specific immunity. Tincture of pine cones has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Bee honey has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, activates the body's defenses, increases immunity, and relieves cough.

Balm for flu and colds from pine shoots . The balm perfectly treats colds and flu, I am convinced that thanks to it alone, I have not suffered from colds and viral infections for many years now. And here is the recipe for the balm: rinse 1 kg of pine or fir shoots (collected on the 20th of May) with cold water, chop (cut with scissors or a knife), pour into an enamel pan and pour 3-4 liters of boiled water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth, let sit a little and strain again. Add bee honey to the resulting pine decoction (1 kg of honey/1 liter of decoction) and 1 tablespoon of 30% alcohol tincture of propolis. Mix everything well, put in a water bath and heat to 40-45 degrees, cool, pour into bottles, seal them well and store in the refrigerator. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. This balm helps fight various bronchopulmonary infections, tastes good, and is easy to prepare.

Another balm recipe With this manufacturing method, a significant part of the flavonoids remains dissolved, which facilitates their absorption by the body and the maximum concentration of dihydroquercetin in the balm is achieved. Place a glass of crushed pine needles, a glass of bark from young pine branches, 8-12 green pine cones in an enamel pan, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Boil over very low heat or in a water bath for 10 minutes. Immediately after boiling, add 0.5 liters of vodka to the hot broth and seal tightly while it cools. Strain, squeeze out wet raw materials. Add 200 g of honey and stir thoroughly. Pour the balm into bottles and store in a cool, dark place. Use 1 tbsp balm 3-4 times a day. Use for inflammation, treatment of oncology, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, lower cholesterol, for varicose veins, “chronic fatigue”, to improve immunity.

Step-by-step recipe for assorted berry liqueur with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Drink
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Number of servings: 2 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 74 kilocalories

A simple recipe for homemade assorted berry liqueur with photos and step-by-step description of preparation. Easy to prepare at home in 2 hours 30 minutes. Contains only 74 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • raspberries – 0.5 kg
  • red currant – 0.5 kg
  • sugar – 1.25 kg
  • blueberries – 0.5 kg
  • strawberries – 0.5 kg
  • vodka – 2.5 l

Step by step

  1. This liqueur is prepared in the summer as the berries ripen. Pour washed and stemmed strawberries into a large glass jar. Add 250 g sugar. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and place in a warm place until other types of berries ripen.
  2. Add blueberries and raspberries alternately to the jar with the strawberries, cover with sugar, tie the jar with gauze and return to a warm place.
  3. Do the same with red currants. After the last berries are added, the jar should stand in a warm place for another 2 weeks.
  4. Pour the aged berry mass with vodka at the rate of 1 liter per 1 kg of berries. Close the jar tightly and place it in a cool, dark place for a month.
  5. Line a sieve with 2-3 layers of gauze and strain the liqueur.
  6. Pour it into bottles and cap tightly. Store in a dark, cool place for 3-4 months, after which the liqueur can be served.

Many of us want summer to last forever. Alas, we are unable to stop a beautiful moment, but we can completely preserve a piece of summer. And alcoholic drinks made from berries and fruits will help us with this.

Juniper Spirit

From time immemorial, liqueurs and tinctures made from berries were kept in every house in Rus'. Their main ingredient is alcohol and drinks based on it. Although experts claim that vodka absorbs the aroma and taste of fruits best. In the old days, juniper berry tincture was unrivaled. To prepare it, take 10–15 berries, crush them with a rolling pin and place them in the bottom of a glass liter jar. Add 1 tsp. cumin, 1 tsp. coriander and zest of 1 lemon. Pour the ingredients into 500 ml of vodka, close the lid and leave for 2 weeks. Then add syrup to the infusion (1 tbsp sugar per 100 ml of water) and let it soak in sweetness for a couple of days. Now you can safely take a sample.

Naughty cherry

Cherry is also suitable for berry alcohol. Take 1 kg of cherries with pits, wash and pierce with a toothpick. Transfer the berries to a two-liter jar and fill them with 5 tbsp. l. Sahara. For flavor, add a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Pour 500 ml of vodka or alcohol into the berries, cover the neck of the jar with gauze and tie it with twine. We leave it on the window for 2 months, preferably on the sunny side. Don't forget to shake the berries every 3 days. Then we filter the tincture and bottle it.

Raspberry temptation

Prefer sweeter raspberries? Then the recipe for an alcoholic drink with berries based on it will become your favorite. We will need 2½ kg of ripe large berries without signs of rotting. Place the peeled, washed raspberries in a deep bowl, add 250 g of sugar, pour in 500 ml of vodka and let soak for an hour. Then we transfer the raspberries into liter jars, close them tightly with lids and leave for exactly a month. In this case, the recipe for preparing berry tincture requires keeping the jars away from sunlight. After a month, filter the tincture through cheesecloth and pour it into bottles.

Heady fireworks

The homemade liqueur made from assorted berries will delight you with its rich taste. It is best to take berries in equal proportions, 500–600 g each. Strawberries, blackberries, red and black currants are perfect. Place the peeled and washed berries in two two-liter jars, pour 250 g of sugar into each. Leave them in a warm place for 2 weeks, then pour 500 ml of alcohol into them. The alcohol tincture of berries will spend the next month in a cool, dark place. Then we filter it through cheesecloth, pour it into bottles, close the lids and leave for 3-4 months. The long wait will more than pay off with its amazing taste and wonderful berry aroma.

Apricot Datura

At home, tinctures made from berries are comparable only to tinctures made from fruits, such as apricots. We select 1 kg of ripe fruits, wash them and remove the seeds. We remove the kernels from the hard shells, dry them and grind them into crumbs. Cut the apricot pulp into slices, put it in a two-liter jar, add ground kernels and 250 g of sugar. Pour 500 ml of vodka over the fruit, close the lid and put it in a dark place for a month. After the expiration date, strain the fruit tincture and bottle it. This drink with its original bitterness and nutty notes will appeal to lovers of exquisite alcoholic cocktails.

Fragrant plum

Traditional slivyanka will decorate any home feast. Both yellow and blue plums are suitable for it. The main thing is that they are ripe, but not overripe or rotten. For a bright aroma, put 20 g of grated ginger and ½ tsp at the bottom of a three-liter jar. cinnamon. Fill it with 2 kg of pitted plums, cut into slices. We fill them with 300 g of sugar, fill them with a liter of vodka and close the lid. In order for this fruit tincture with alcohol to acquire a harmonious taste, it must spend a month in a dark place. After that, we filter it and seal it in bottles. This tart drink with a deep aroma will be appreciated by even the most severe home critics.

Sweet couple

A very interesting variation is made from pears and apples. We select 2 kg of strong ripe fruits, peel and core them, cut them into slices. At the bottom of a large jar in which the fruit alcoholic drink will mature, place one nutmeg and 7-8 lemon balm leaves. Lay out the apples and pears, sprinkle them with 200–250 g of sugar and pour in a liter of vodka. If desired, you can dilute it with water to reduce the strength a little. This tincture will last for fermentation for a couple of weeks. It can then be filtered and bottled. Find more recipes for alcoholic drinks made from berries and fruits on our website.

Do you know how to make it from berries and fruits? Share family recipes and the intricacies of making your favorite homemade drinks with other readers.

A simple homemade assorted berry liqueur recipe step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 2 hours 30 minutes. Contains only 164 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 164 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 5 servings
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Drink

Ingredients for eight servings

  • raspberries – 0.5 kg
  • red currant – 0.5 kg
  • sugar – 1.25 kg
  • blueberries – 0.5 kg
  • strawberries – 0.5 kg
  • vodka – 2.5 l

Step-by-step preparation

  1. This liqueur is prepared in the summer as the berries ripen. Pour washed and stemmed strawberries into a large glass jar. Add 250 g sugar. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and place in a warm place until other types of berries ripen.
  2. Add blueberries and raspberries alternately to the jar with the strawberries, cover with sugar, tie the jar with gauze and return to a warm place.
  3. Do the same with red currants. After the last berries are added, the jar should stand in a warm place for another 2 weeks.
  4. Pour the aged berry mass with vodka at the rate of 1 liter per 1 kg of berries. Close the jar tightly and place it in a cool, dark place for a month.
  5. Line a sieve with 2-3 layers of gauze and strain the liqueur.
  6. Pour it into bottles and cap tightly. Store in a dark, cool place for 3-4 months, after which the liqueur can be served.
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