Casserole with liver and pasta. Recipe: Liver casserole - with pasta and vegetables What can you eat if you have liver disease

Hello! I want to tell you about a good recipe for a simple but very tasty casserole. It is prepared from liver, any liver at that. In this recipe I used chicken liver. I use boiled medium-sized pasta as a base. Well. Of course, fried onions and carrots, because they and liver are simply made for each other!
This casserole turns out juicy, satisfying and delicate in taste. Easy to cut and holds its shape. It's easy to prepare and doesn't take long. What else do you need for a delicious lunch or dinner?

The onion must be peeled and cut into cubes or half rings.

Peel the carrots and grate them.

Fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Add salt to taste.

Prepare pasta by boiling it in salted water. I do it a little differently: when the water boils, I add the pasta, bring it to a boil again, stir and turn off the heat. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave it there for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the pasta steams and swells. At the same time, they do not boil over. Next, I drain them into a colander and rinse them under running water. The pasta is ready.

The liver must be washed, dried and all films removed.

Pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Add a little ground pepper and salt to it.

Drive the eggs into the liver and beat with a whisk.

Add pasta and fried onions and carrots to the liver and eggs. Mix everything.

Grate hard cheese.
Pour the resulting casserole mixture into a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with flour. I covered it with foil, which is also convenient.

Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes.

After the time has passed, take out the baking sheet with the casserole and cover its top with grated hard cheese.

I really love cooking all kinds of casseroles. In addition to the fact that they are much healthier than any dish cooked in a frying pan, they are also very beautiful.

Agree, all casseroles always produce very elegant golden brown crusts, regardless of whether they are sweet, vegetable or meat. To do this, just grease their surface with egg, sour cream or mayonnaise. And if you sprinkle grated cheese on top, it will be even tastier.

Unfortunately, I just can’t get my children used to it, so one day I tried a little trick. I made this pasta casserole with liver, and they asked what it smelled so good about. I confess, I lied, I said it was a casserole with meat.

The children grabbed her on both cheeks and didn’t smell the trick. Then I tried it myself, as if from their position. Of course, it doesn’t look like meat at all, but still the cheese with garlic and mayonnaise really confused them, they didn’t recognize the liver, but I’m just glad. Now I will slowly accustom them to the liver, after all, it is simply necessary for proper nutrition.

Preparing this pasta casserole is incredibly simple, each of you can easily handle it.

To prepare pasta casserole according to this recipe we will need:

  • 300 grams of beef liver
  • 200 ml milk
  • 300 g pasta
  • 2-3 onions
  • 200 grams of cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for lubricating dishes

First, let's deal with the liver itself. Today I settled on beef. It is, of course, not as dietary as chicken, but it is much richer in taste. First of all, I will wash it properly under running water:

Then I'll remove the film:

Now you need to cut it into equal portions:

Place the prepared pieces of liver into a bowl and pour in milk so that it covers them almost completely. Let them now take a milk bath for about forty minutes.

Of course, you need to be able to choose the liver. If you get an old one, no amount of milk will help. But if someone has attacked one of these at least once, then he will not be mistaken in his choice. My piece today is clean, fresh, and a pleasure to work with.

While the liver is soaking, cut the onion into large half rings:

Then fry it in a separate frying pan until golden brown:

At the same time, boil the pasta in salted water.

In general, I try to undercook them slightly, since they then simmer for another twenty minutes in the oven. Although I only buy the best durum wheat pasta, it is very difficult to overcook, so it never lets me down.

Now I will make the filling for our casserole. The whole process will take no more than five minutes.

I just grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix it with mayonnaise and sour cream, add two raw eggs, and mix everything. For taste and spiciness, I’ll squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into the resulting mixture, mix everything again, and now our future golden-brown crust for the casserole is ready:

After soaking, place the liver pieces in a colander to drain excess milk:

Then I cut them into thinner pieces:

Transfer to a plate with flour and mix:

You can fry it. I do this in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. As soon as one side is browned, salt and pepper, turn over, and fry on the other side. Approximately five to seven minutes on each side:

In principle, the liver is already ready for use. With this principle of frying, it always turns out very tender and juicy. But if you leave it in the frying pan for even a little while, it will become much tougher, then you will have to simmer it for much longer and the structure of the liver will become completely different, and this is definitely not my option.

It remains to combine the liver with onions:

Mix everything, and you can start creating the casserole itself.

To do this, put the pasta in the first layer in a heat-resistant dish greased with vegetable oil:

The second layer is liver with onions:

Fill everything with the cheese mixture:

I will distribute it evenly over the surface:

And you can send our workpiece to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

The casserole will be ready as soon as its crust becomes so rosy and appetizing:

How can you not try such beauty! Insanely tasty, juicy, unusual!

Personally, I perfectly understand my children who went against their principles and ate everything clean, pretending that they didn’t recognize the liver.

More recipes:

Navy pasta with minced meat
Now I cook naval pasta a little differently than in Soviet times, fortunately now the products are much easier and more varied. The recipe for making them is incredibly simple and affordable, but what I especially like about it is its rationality. After all, from a small piece of meat and a pack of pasta you can prepare an incredibly tasty and satisfying dinner for several people. Check out my recipe and 10 photos.

The leading places among liver diseases are occupied by infectious and alcoholic hepatitis, as well as cirrhosis and cancer. If left untreated, hepatitis is complicated by fibrosis, the development of which is caused by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of hepatocytes and their replacement with connective tissue. With the continued effect of the negative factor, the pathological process ends in cirrhosis or tissue malignancy.

It is quite difficult to suspect liver pathology symptomatically, because often the initial stage of the disease does not have clinical manifestations. If the liver hurts, you should suspect hepatomegaly (increase in liver volume) - this indicates stretching of the fibrous capsule of the organ.

Sometimes liver dysfunction is detected accidentally during a preventive examination using a biochemical blood test. In addition, changes in the performance of the gland can be detected during the diagnosis of another disease. In any case, a thorough examination of the patient and determination of further treatment tactics are required. This may include:

  • surgical intervention (for cystic lesions or the presence of metastases in the gland tissue);
  • hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Essentiale, Heptral);
  • antiviral (Viferon);
  • detoxification solutions (Neohemodez, Reosorbilact);
  • antispasmodics (Duspatalin);
  • choleretic (Ursohol);
  • vitamins.

In addition to medication support, a daily menu and strict control over the diet are required. The sick person must follow a diet and eat only approved foods. Oddly enough, it is proper nutrition that makes it easier for the liver to function and normalize the digestion process. The first results can be noticed already on the 20th day of diet therapy.

If you continue to abuse alcohol and eat fatty foods, you may not even hope for a good treatment effect. With the help of medications, it is possible to only temporarily reduce the severity of clinical symptoms.

A well-designed diet and menu prevents exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis and inhibits the progression of hepatitis.

Diet for liver disease is usually prescribed:

  1. for recovery after hepatitis;
  2. with cirrhosis and hepatosis;
  3. in the postoperative period, when surgery was performed on the organs of the hepatobiliary system (liver, biliary tract);
  4. for the prevention of stone formation.

General principles

The dietary menu is compiled based on the permitted products that are included in diet No. 5. General recommendations include:

The daily drinking volume should be one and a half liters. Diet for pain in the liver should be especially strict. This will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and reduce pain. A dietary menu should accompany drug therapy. Only through a combined approach is there a chance for a positive result.

Prohibited foods for liver disease

First of all, when creating a diet, you need to consider what you should not eat when your liver hurts:

  • Fatty types of milk and meat are strictly prohibited;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • freshly baked bread;
  • sour and hot seasonings;
  • marinade;
  • any food prepared by frying;
  • salo;
  • pickles;
  • caviar;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • fried eggs. One hard-boiled egg per day is allowed;
  • okroshka;
  • “steep” broths;
  • mayonnaise;
  • borscht with sorrel;
  • radish;
  • horseradish;
  • pancakes, fried pies;
  • alcohol, coffee, and soda.

What can you eat if you have liver disease?

The diet menu includes the following healthy products:

  • yesterday's bread;
  • low-fat milk, skinless meat;
  • boiled or baked fish;
  • egg white omelette;
  • vegetable soup (you'll have to forget about frying);
  • milk soup;
  • vegetable salad;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • the volume of butter should not exceed 5 g;
  • dried fruits;
  • non-acidic fruits (persimmons and grapes are prohibited);
  • marmalade

Dish recipes

Despite many prohibitions in a nutritious diet, you can still cook tasty and healthy. Recipes should include only approved products, which is necessary to prevent deterioration of the general condition. Of course, with high-intensity liver pain, you need to exclude even those foods that are usually allowed in small amounts.


If your doctor does not prohibit the consumption of vegetables, whether fresh or baked, you can prepare light meals. They are suitable both for an afternoon snack and as a complement to the main meal (lunch or dinner):

First meal

Eating first courses by sick people is mandatory, but you must adhere to some cooking rules. Preference should be given to pureed types of soup. Here are some recipes:

  • To prepare borscht you will need carrots, cabbage, chicken breast, potatoes, a little onion and tomato. Raw meat should be cut into small pieces, salted and placed in the oven for a quarter of an hour. The cabbage is shredded, the potatoes are chopped, and the carrots and onions are chopped in a blender. All ingredients, including meat, must be placed in boiling water and cooked until the chicken is cooked. Add tomato and salt to the dish, then simmer for another 5 minutes;
  • chicken puree soup. The recipe includes chicken breast, potatoes, carrots and onions. The cooking technology is practically no different from that written above. At the end of the cooking process, the soup needs to be cooled and blended in a blender. You can serve croutons and low-fat sour cream with the warm soup;
  • rice soup. To prepare, just cut the potatoes, fill them with water, add rice and cook for a quarter of an hour. Then add carrots, broccoli and onions and continue cooking. Salt to taste, but within the recommended daily amount.

Second courses

It is important to remember that a full meal should include soup and a main course. You can serve cutlets, chicken leg or cabbage rolls with buckwheat, mashed potatoes or rice. Now more about the cooking method:

  • Due to the fact that the diet focuses on protein products, you should not limit yourself to meat products. To prepare cutlets, you need minced chicken (480 g), egg white and flour. You should make minced meat yourself, since the ready-made store-bought form may contain various additives (lard, kidneys), which is not recommended for liver diseases. Mix all the ingredients, add salt, form cutlets and dip them in flour. Cooking method: steamed (in a double boiler or slow cooker);
  • The recipe for cabbage rolls includes cabbage, chicken meat, rice, sour cream, as well as carrots and tomato juice (as agreed with the doctor). Boil the cabbage, separate the leaves and cut off the hard stem. Next, cook the rice, prepare the minced meat, simmer it for 10 minutes, combine the ingredients and add salt. Wrap a small amount of filling in a cabbage leaf and leave in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. To prepare the gravy, mix sour cream, tomato juice and grated carrots. Pour the cabbage rolls with gravy and simmer until cooked (5-10 minutes);
  • chicken leg with vegetables. First, simmer the broccoli and potatoes for 5 minutes, then add a little salt. You need to make a deep cut in the chicken leg and fill it with vegetable filling. Salt and place in a slow cooker;
  • cutlets with carrots. To prepare the breading you need yesterday's bread. It must be dried in the oven for 3-5 minutes and crushed into powder. Minced chicken should be mixed with an egg, chopped onion and grated carrots, then add salt. We form flat cutlets from the minced meat, sprinkle with crackers and cook in a slow cooker.

Delicious afternoon snack

You can improve your mood and diversify your diet with cheesecakes, baked fruits or dumplings:

By following a healthy diet, the work of not only the hepatobiliary system, but the entire digestive tract is facilitated. The body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which ensures the functioning of every organ and system of the body.

Nutrition and menu for hepatitis C

Infectious liver diseases and hepatitis are a group of diseases that differ in severity and possible consequences. Hepatitis C is most dangerous because it is usually a chronic disease affecting the liver tissue. Its treatment consists of slowing down cell destruction and preventing the disease from progressing to the following dangerous stages: cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Nutrition for hepatitis C plays an important role, just like diet for hepatitis B. The affected liver cannot fully cope with its functions of processing fats, removing toxins, and regulating blood composition. It is necessary to relieve it as much as possible with the help of a diet, without disturbing the balance of essential nutrients in the body.

Dietary rules for hepatitis

If for hepatitis B a strict diet can be temporary, since this disease occurs mainly in an acute form and is treatable, then the diet for hepatitis C must be followed for life.

Diet is of great importance. Food should be taken in small portions, regularly, 5-6 times a day. This regimen is useful for a healthy person, but for a patient with hepatitis it is necessary.

The diet for chronic hepatitis should be based on the following factors:

  • Satisfying the body's essential needs for nutrients;
  • Reducing the calorie content of food;
  • Improving the quality of food intake, eliminating harmful additives;
  • Use of certain food processing methods;
  • Respect for taste preferences. Meals can contain all the necessary nutrients and still include the sick person's favorite foods.

In case of viral (and especially alcoholic) hepatitis, alcoholic drinks, juices containing additives of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, lemonades and other sweet drinks should be completely excluded from the diet. In the developed diet for hepatitis B and C, natural, preferably freshly squeezed juices, compotes, and low-fat milk are recommended for drinking. You cannot drink strong tea and coffee. Green tea and herbal infusions, on the contrary, will be of great benefit.

What foods should you not eat?

You should completely avoid products such as:

  • Margarine, mayonnaise;
  • Vegetable pickles and marinades;
  • Meat and fish broths;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Any canned food;
  • Spices and hot seasonings;
  • Sweets and pastry products.
  • Milk, low-fat cottage cheese. The substances they contain are necessary for normal digestion, the functioning of the skeletal system, and regulation of metabolism;
  • Meat and fish without fat;
  • Natural butter, vegetable fats;
  • Dishes made from oats, barley and buckwheat;
  • Vegetable soups and salads;
  • Vegetable purees;
  • Fresh and dried fruits and berries;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • If you have hepatitis C, you can eat eggs (no more than 5 eggs per week), but they should be soft-boiled and not hard-boiled. You can use them to make an omelet with milk. They cannot be eaten fried.

Calorie and nutrient content of dietary dishes

Reducing the load on the liver involves eating low-calorie foods with restrictions on the composition of certain components. Moreover, a diet for hepatitis B, C or another form of the disease does not aim at mandatory weight loss. Compliance with the norm of nutrient intake is necessary to maintain normal metabolism and immunity, since without them liver treatment is impossible.

The dietary table for hepatitis (diet No. 5) should contain nutrients daily in the following quantities:

  • Vitamins (A - 50g; B1 and B2 - from 2 mg to 4 m; B5 - nicotinic acid - 20 mg; C - 200 mg);
  • Table salt no more than 10 mg;
  • Carotene (provitamin A) - 10 mg;
  • Fats. (Of which 30% is vegetable oil, 70% is butter) - 100 g;
  • Proteins (meat, eggs, fish and other products) - 100 g;
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates (pasta, stale bread) - 450 g;
  • Sugar - no more than 50 g.

Nutrition for hepatitis C must also contain a certain amount of elements necessary for the functioning of the heart and other organs, maintaining blood composition (iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and others).

Recipes for dietary dishes for hepatitis C should take into account that the number of calories in food eaten per day should not exceed 3100 units.

During an exacerbation of the disease, the diet for chronic hepatitis becomes stricter: the intake of fat and salt decreases.

Nutrition for chronic hepatitis should be complete and varied, food and drinks should be consumed only warm. Cold or hot food impairs the absorption of nutrients.

Weekly menu for hepatitis C

This menu is used for chronic diseases. It is drawn up taking into account the fact that the diet for hepatitis C should provide relief to the liver by reducing the calorie content of foods.

Day of the week 1 breakfast 2 breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime


buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese (70 g), tea with milk, 1 piece of rye bread;

Sweet apple

pasta soup with vegetable broth 100g chicken, fruit jelly Green tea with cookies Boiled fish with puree, cauliflower, bread - 2 pieces, still mineral water

Low-fat kefir, 100 g

Tuesday Oatmeal with lean meat, tea with milk Cottage cheese, compote Potato soup with rice, cabbage rolls with lean beef - 2, stale bread, jelly Fruits Milk rice porridge, unsalted cheese
Wednesday Millet porridge, 100 g fish, 1 glass of rosehip tea Cottage cheese Milk noodle soup with milk, lean beef with vegetables, bread, carrot juice Dried fruits, mineral water Buckwheat porridge, oatmeal jelly
Thursday 100 g omelette, rice porridge, herbal tea Sandwich with sausage (boiled) Vegetable soup, chicken meatballs with mashed potatoes, compote Green tea with crackers Macaroni and cheese, mineral water
Friday Fruit and vegetable salad, 2 steam cutlets, black bread Baked apple with honey Potato soup with zucchini, cabbage stewed with fish, fruit Rosehip decoction with breadcrumbs Buckwheat porridge with butter and cheese
Saturday Baked potatoes with steam cutlets, bread, tea Compote with cookies Cabbage soup, pasta with butter, 2 cutlets, compote Dried fruits, mineral water Sugar-free cheesecakes, omelette Kefir
Sunday Oatmeal, 2 chicken cutlets, bread, green tea 1 Large grated carrot with jam Borscht, semolina pudding, baked pumpkin Berry jelly Semolina porridge with prunes, mineral water Kefir

Diet for hepatitis C and adherence to the diet can improve intestinal function, stop the destruction of liver cells, normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, and regulate metabolism. As a result, pain in the liver area will stop. Like the hepatitis B diet, limiting the use of foods harmful to the liver increases the body's ability to resist other infections.

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