What to take on a picnic from food. What to take with you outdoors: list of necessary things

Typically, 50% of a good picnic consists of invited people, delicious food and, of course, pre-planned entertainment. However, few people think about the second half of the training camp :). And this, in turn, is important.

So, how to make your picnic unforgettable? How to leave everyone present happy and be known as the best entertainment organizer :)? What do you need for a picnic on the river, in the forest or in your own garden? Read and learn :).

What should you take on a picnic?

When answering such a seemingly simple question, you need to take into account all the factors influencing your list of things :). This is the season, the weather conditions, and the location of the picnic.

So, what to take for a picnic that will take place on the river:

  • Swimwear, hats, sunglasses and towels.
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent.
  • Water ball, beach volleyball net, air mattress.
  • Fishing rods for group fishing.
  • Comfortable bedding and even hammocks.

If you are thinking, which takes place on the edge of a forest or in a picturesque place outside the city, then the following recommendations will be useful to you:

  • Remedy for tick bites and apoallergenic tablets.
  • Comfortable camp chairs or comfortable mats for sitting or even lying down, a hammock.
  • Backgammon, twister and other entertainment to suit your taste.
  • Badminton rackets (there is usually wind near the river, but a good edge is the right place).

Recently, an interesting type of dating has spread -. It must be remembered that this type of leisure should not only be prepared from a practical point of view, but also give off the aroma of French buns, sweet wine and hot cocoa.

That is why, when deciding what you need for a picnic with your significant other We draw your attention to the need to take into account:

  • All the romance of the atmosphere, which means taking beautiful dishes, glasses and preparing something special.
  • Your partner’s preferences, which means taking care of his (her) comfort - take pillows, blankets or comfortable sun loungers.

If possible, have a picnic under the stars - the romantics will add candles in glass glasses and rose petals floating in the water.

  • Tasty and quickly prepared food, soft drinks in a cooler bag with a rate of 1.5 liters per person, fruit (preferably pre-washed).

  • A pair of knives, a can opener, a plastic bowl for salad and shish kebab, disposable tableware and tablecloth, napkins, toothpicks, salt.

  • Matches, an ax (if you are going to light a fire), a grill, skewers or a barbecue net.
  • Burn remedy, as well as a first aid kit and wet wipes.
  • Warm clothes, which may be needed if you stay out until it gets dark or the weather suddenly turns bad. Be sure to take socks, because warm feet are the key to your health.
  • If you have children with you, they need warm clothes even in summer. Also make sure you have hats for kids.
  • Flashlight.

Very soon, summer will come into its full rights, and the city of the concrete jungle will heat up to the limit. On weekends in large cities, there is always something to do... go to the movies, ride catamarans in the park or go on a bike ride. All this is great, but, you see, the best option would be an outing into nature, where you can temporarily forget all your everyday problems and feel like a real savage in the good sense of the word.

But, before the trip, you should figure out what you need to take with you on a picnic from food, make a list of the necessary things that you will need for a comfortable stay.

List of things to pack for a picnic in hot weather

  • Blanket or bedspread- for a short picnic - this is the very first and necessary thing to take care of! After all, you will need to sit or lie on something :)
  • Products, of course, BUT... they need to be cooked or cut on something! Therefore, second on the list we will indicate a multitool, a knife and any other utensils. If you are vacationing with children, then take care of their comfort.

By the way, not so long ago, I ordered from Aliexpress, especially for trips to barbecue: a knife, fork, spoon in one bottle. When unfolded, the plug can be unfastened and used separately. I can’t wait to try it out :) The price was 180 rubles.

  • Lighter, matches
  • When going to barbecue, take care at least of skewers. It would be nice to have a collapsible grill in your luggage. As a last resort, build a barbecue out of 4 bricks :)
  • Coals. No one doubts that you will find dry branches and other wood in the forest. All this will be useful for the evening fire, near which you will tell horror stories or tell jokes. Coals will be needed for cooking hot food.

  • A gas burner will help you quickly fry eggs and sausage or heat up tea. Just don’t let children near it, after all, GAS... DANGEROUS... :)
  • Napkins
  • Regardless of whether you have a child with you, it's worth taking equipment for outdoor games
    • Frisbee
    • Air pistol for target shooting, etc.
  • Wireless bluetooth speaker. More like chic and luxury, but it will be more fun, especially if the company is large and you want to have a party in the forest. Some of the speakers have a water- and dust-proof casing. You just need to connect via bluetooth to your phone and play your favorite music.

  • Portable charger. While on vacation, it’s better to forget about all the gadgets, but we’re so used to them that even making a fire can be accompanied by the phrase: Ok Google ... how to start a fire)) and so that a low battery percentage doesn’t overshadow your weekend, take a powerbank with you for 20 000 mAh, this is enough for 8 - 10 full charges of the smartphone. In our next article, you will find out that there are a lot of interesting things there, don’t miss it!
  • So... they put the charger in, but what about the phone?

Overnight in nature

1. Do you like adventures and want to leave the polluted city at least for the night, and don’t know what to take with you for a picnic? First of all, a tent should go into the trunk of your car. Double or larger depends on your company.

2. Personal care products(soap, toothbrush, toothpaste)

3. Flashlight

4. Wireless lamp for a tent. If you can’t sleep and want to read a book, then do it in a well-lit tent.

5. All avid fishermen know that the best bite begins early in the morning... between 4 and 5 o'clock. So grab it right now fishing gear.

6. Camera Lovers of nature photography can’t even imagine what amazing pictures they can get in the evening near the fire or early in the morning when the sun rises.

7. Mosquito repellents. Bloodsuckers can cause a lot of problems and the rainbow fun can turn into a living hell. Moskitol or Gardex can help you.

8. Sleeping accessories. Blanket or warm blanket.

9. Toilet paper. I don’t even think it’s worth mentioning, it’s the best invention of humanity.

What products to take

If you decide to cook kebabs, you will have to take care of the following products:

  • Meat - pork, lamb, chicken drumsticks, wings. It is preferable to marinate in advance, so as not to bother with this in nature. However, if you didn’t have time, then for the marinade you will need:
    • Table vinegar
    • Pepper
    • Mayonnaise
    • Ketchup
    • Mineral water
  • A holiday outside the city will not be complete if you do not stock up on fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, potatoes)
  • Hiking enthusiasts will enjoy canned food (sprats, stewed meat)
  • Bread or lavash to taste
  • Milk will quickly turn sour in the heat, so we recommend taking condensed milk in a bag with a lid.
  • Sandwiches or sweets for tea.
  • Fans of foreign films will want to repeat the traditional American pastime of roasting marshmallows over a fire.

First aid kit

  • Zelenka, iodine or hydrogen peroxide solution - for abrasions and scratches
  • Antiseptic wipes, bandages, plasters
  • Spasmalgon
  • Sorbents for poisoning: activated carbon, Smecta
  • No-shpa, Hilak-Forte, Festal, Mezim-Forte - to restore intestinal microflora

Outdoor clothing

Before your trip, you should study the meteorological report for the coming weekend and, based on this, prepare the appropriate clothing. In any case, you will need:

  1. Pants you don't mind getting dirty
  2. Shorts if the weather is hot
  3. Socks, for cold weather
  4. For those who decide to have an overnight picnic, take care of warm clothes: hoodies, thin hats
  5. To avoid sunstroke, pack a hat in your bag
  6. Sunglasses
  7. Raincoat
  8. Leave the Louboutins and amazing pants at home, in nature you will need more serious shoes (old sneakers, boots)

We hope we didn’t miss anything, and most importantly, remember that a successful vacation will be considered the one that gave you pleasure and left the most pleasant memories.

P.s. Don’t drink too much alcohol and pick up trash after yourself.

P.s.s. May good weather be with you! 🙂

When going outdoors, take care of provisions. As a rule, in the fresh air your appetite awakens and you immediately want to eat something. Find out what food to take to a picnic so that it is appropriate and does not spoil.

What to eat on a picnic

The set of products depends on how long you are going on a picnic and whether you plan to make a fire. If you are going on vacation for the whole day, then you will need not only food for a picnic, but also water and other drinks.

What not to take on a trip:

  • salads with mayonnaise;
  • dairy products;
  • cakes;
  • pates;
  • everything that cannot be stored for a long time without a refrigerator and quickly spoils.

Find out what foods to pack for a picnic:

  • drinks (mineral water, juices, tea/coffee in a thermos);
  • sauces, salt, vegetable oil, sugar, seasonings;
  • greens, fruits and vegetables. They can be eaten fresh, grilled, cut into salads;
  • bakery products, pita bread, cookies;
  • cheeses, sausages, smoked meats, butter, cheese spread, sprats - for snacks, sandwiches, sausages to bake on coals;
  • meat, fish - marinated so that you can cook over a fire, or already cooked and chilled.

It is better to cut sandwiches and salads directly in nature, so they will not spoil longer. Alternatively, chop each ingredient at home and wrap separately in foil or plastic wrap. A basket and a thermal bag are better suited for transporting food.

What to take to a barbecue on a picnic? In addition to marinated meat, make sure you have something to cook it with. Take a barbecue, skewers or grill grate. You will also need coals and lighter fluid.

If you are making a fire outdoors, then bring firewood, a spatula (to dig a hole for the fire and then bury it), brushwood/paper for kindling, holders for skewers or grill grates (fireproof bricks will do). Be careful with the fire, don't start a fire and don't get burned.

What can children take on a picnic?

If there are children on a trip to nature, then what to prepare for a picnic should be approached with greater responsibility. The child’s body reacts faster and much more sharply to spoiled foods, so everything perishable should be immediately excluded. In addition, due to the imperfections of their digestive tract and allergies, certain foods may be contraindicated for children.

Let's find out what to take to a children's picnic so as not to cause harm to health and whet the child's appetite with a beautiful design:

  • Tartlets are baskets of unleavened dough filled with salad. Make a salad of fresh cucumber, boiled eggs and avocado, add greens and canned corn. Season with mayonnaise and lightly salt. For another salad, cut tomatoes and yellow peppers into cubes, chop feta cheese and olives, add herbs, season with olive oil and salt. The third filling for tartlets is simple to prepare - mix curd cheese and chopped dill.

  • Chicken skewers. Pre-marinate the fillet with onion rings in a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and honey. During the picnic itself, soak wooden or bamboo sticks in water. Then thread pieces of meat onto them, alternating with pieces of lettuce, tomatoes, and zucchini. Grill the kebabs over the fire and serve with pita bread and lettuce.

  • Sausages in batter. The dish is cooked over a fire; the batter makes the dish more interesting and filling. To prepare the batter, mix a teaspoon of sugar and dry yeast in a glass of water. Leave for five minutes to dissolve the ingredients. Pour into a bowl, where pour two cups of flour and pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Stir the dough well, cover with a towel and place in the sun for half an hour. Then string the sausages onto bamboo skewers, dip them in batter and fry them over a fire.

  • Baked apples are very easy to make. Cut each apple in half, cut out the core, place a nut and a piece of butter inside, sprinkle with sugar. Wrap each apple half in foil and bake on a wire rack for 20 minutes.

In addition to these dishes that you will prepare at the picnic, take plenty of drinks and a variety of snacks from home. Gingerbread cookies, cookies, homemade cakes, fruits and sweets will be in demand.

When going on a picnic, pay due attention to the choice of products. They should not spoil quickly, but remain appetizing after transportation.

Create a menu if there is a large company and you will spend the whole day outdoors. Include kebabs and various dishes that can be prepared in nature. Enjoy your day!

Every summer there comes a time when you urgently need to prepare for a trip. to the lake. Hooray! Summer relaxation by the lake, what could be better? But you have to take everything you need and don’t forget anything. A smoker, having forgotten his cigarettes, will simply be exhausted without them. An artist, having forgotten some paint, a favorite brush, will sigh about it more than once.

In 2005, at the end of July, my son and my friends went to lake Terenkul, but in our haste we forgot to take a tent. I had to while away the night near the fire, which is not without its own unique charm. But by morning I really wanted to sleep, so I laid two pieces of plastic mat on the steep bank, covered myself with a headscarf and fell asleep.

I've never slept like that! The sun rose and gently warmed everything around. I open my eyes, there are blades of grass in front of my nose, some bugs are crawling, and none of them bothered me or bit me. I slept for maybe an hour or two, but I had an extraordinary rest! Just an amazing feeling of lightness and freshness throughout the body!

You can, of course, spend one night without a tent, but if you go for a week or more, then it’s just ah... Not taking a simple ladle with you is also very bad. This happened to us too. I had to tie a spoon to a branch and pour the brew with it. Totally inconvenient!

A button came off and got lost. This doesn’t always happen, but if you have a needle and thread and a pin at hand, then everything can be fixed. It would be nice to have lighting above the camp, and a flashlight will never be superfluous. And so much, much needs to be taken into account, thought through, and then the vacation will be a success! That’s why I decided to make a list of necessary things and products. The list can be refined and refined over time.

  1. Bowler
  2. Tripod for pot
  3. Ladle
  4. Opener
  5. Cutting board
  6. Forks
  7. Spoons
  8. Mugs

11. Water bucket

12. Large bowl

13. Old kettle (for tea)

14. Matches

15. Ropes

16. Razor

17. Wire

18. Kindling paper

19. Rags

20. Scissors

21. Flashlights

22. A piece of film without holes in case of rain (for a tent, cover the awning)

23. Table and chairs

24. Sleeping bags with a big smell

25. Floor mats

26. Warm sweaters

27. Warm pants

28. Warm socks

29. Boots for wet weather

30. Warm hats

31. Scarves

33. Jacket (rain)

34. Head cover (from rain)

35. Sun hats

36. Sunglasses

37. Fish tank

38. Fishing rods

39. Fishing tackle

40. Lure

42. Hammer

43. Pliers

46. ​​Camera

49. Medicines

50. Vitamins

52. Stew

55. Potato

56. Carrot

57. Onions

58. Green onion

59. Cucumbers

61. Tomatoes

62. Radish

65. Mineral water

66. Cookies

67. Candy

68. Gingerbread

70. Sausage (optional)

71. Sausages (optional)

73. Tea leaves

78. Ketchup

79. Pasta

80. Bay leaf

81. Instant soup

82. Various seasonings

83. Canned food

84. Sun cover for car

85. Rubber boots or boots

86. Threads with a needle

87. Buttons

88. Pins

89. Lighting paper

90. Binoculars or telescope

91. Air mattress

93. Batteries for….

94. Equipment for frying fish and shish kebab

95. Foil for frying

96. Film-tablecloth for the table

97. Lifebelt

98. Inflatable ring

99. Guitar with spare strings and key

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