Brownie pie with cottage cheese and cherries step by step. Chocolate brownie with cottage cheese and cherries. Once upon time in America…

Beat 2 eggs and 50 grams of sugar.

Pour this mixture into the beaten eggs.

Add flour, soda and mix. This is our chocolate dough.

For the curd filling, mix cottage cheese, vanillin, 100 grams of sugar and 2 eggs.

Thaw the cherries and drain the juice.

Place about 1/3 of the chocolate dough (maybe a little more) on the bottom of a greased springform pan. My uniform is 22 cm.

Then we try to distribute another 1/3 of the chocolate dough. It is very stretchy and does not want to be applied evenly. I missed him sorely during the process. I started thinking about making it bigger next time... And then it got bigger during the baking process... And I pushed that thought away.

Pour out the remaining curd dough, lay out the cherries and distribute the remaining chocolate dough as best we can... And put this “ugly” motley pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Remove the pan, cool and serve the delicious brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

I don’t even know if this pie can be called a brownie... It contains baking powder, which is not used in the classic brownie recipe. But our recipe is not quite an ordinary one, but with tasty additives, so baking powder is necessary here. Try making this delicious pie. And I promise - it's incredibly delicious.

To prepare brownies with cottage cheese and cherries, we will need the following products: butter, frozen cherries, flour, sugar, eggs, vanillin, baking powder, dark chocolate (70%), soft cottage cheese or curd cheese. I had vanilla curds and cream cheese. If you take regular cottage cheese, it is better to take a thicker one and be sure to rub it through a sieve to get a smooth mass.

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Stir until smooth and then cool to room temperature.

Beat two eggs until white and fluffy with half the sugar.

Mix the rest of the sugar with the remaining two eggs and cottage cheese or cream cheese.

Combine the chocolate mixture with the egg mixture. Add a pinch of salt.

Sift flour, vanillin, baking powder into the resulting dough and mix well with a spatula, do not rub too much. Mix from bottom to top, turning over.

Place a third of the dough into a 22 cm (or smaller) mold.

Then half the curd mass. Place cherries on top of it.

Place the second part of the dough again. Since the dough turns out thicker than the curd mass, I laid it out on top of the curd mass in pieces. And repeat all the layers again - cottage cheese, cherries and dough. The final layer should be made of dough. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Check the readiness of the dough with a splinter; it should come out dry.

Cool the finished cake in the pan and then remove it. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar. It is more convenient to bake such brownies in a rectangular pan; it is easier to cut into even pieces.

Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries is ready. Enjoy your tea!

Step 1: Prepare the butter.

Place the butter on a cutting board and cut into pieces using a knife. Attention: It is better to remove the component from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes slightly soft. Next, transfer the pieces of butter into a small bowl and immediately proceed to preparing the chocolate.

Step 2: prepare the cherries.

Since our cherries are frozen, be sure to take them out of the refrigerator and put them in a deep bowl. Leave the berries aside for a while so that they reach room temperature on their own. Attention: Do not under any circumstances speed up this process using a microwave or a stream of hot water.

Step 3: prepare dark chocolate.

Place the chocolate on a cutting board and, using a knife, chop into medium pieces. Place the crushed component in a bowl with butter.

Step 4: prepare the creamy chocolate mixture.

Fill a small saucepan halfway with regular cool tap water and place on high heat. To make the liquid boil faster, cover the container with a lid. Immediately after this, turn the burner as tight as possible and carefully place a bowl of chocolate and butter on top of the pan. Important: The upper container should never come into contact with boiling water. Constantly stirring the ingredients, melt them in a water bath. To prevent the bowl from turning over, be sure to hold it with oven mitts. As soon as we have a liquid, homogeneous mass, turn off the burner and set the container with the contents aside. Let it cool slightly.

Step 5: Prepare the egg-sugar mixture.

Using a knife, break the shell two eggs, and pour the yolks and whites into a clean medium bowl. Add vanilla sugar and 50 grams regular, as well as a pinch of salt. Using a mixer, beat everything at high speed until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 6: prepare the curd cream.

Place the cottage cheese, as well as the remaining sugar and eggs, in another medium bowl. Using a blender, beat all the ingredients until they form a beautiful, homogeneous mass. This will be our curd cream.

Step 7: Prepare the flour mixture.

To make the dough very tender and airy, we must sift the flour. To do this, pour the component into a sieve and perform the necessary action directly over a clean, deep bowl. This will saturate the flour with oxygen and get rid of excess lumps. And this is what we need!
Now pour the baking powder into the container and use a tablespoon to mix everything well until smooth.

Step 8: prepare the cake dough.

Pour the cooled melted chocolate with butter into the egg-sugar mixture and beat everything gently but thoroughly with a mixer at low speed. We should get a homogeneous liquid dark coffee mass.
Next, pour the flour mixture here and at the same time continue to beat everything with available equipment at low speed so that lumps do not form. Attention: You can also use a kitchen spatula. We should have a thick chocolate dough.

Step 9: prepare Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

Cover the bottom of a deep baking dish with parchment. Then grease it and the walls of the container with a small piece of butter. Pour it here 1/3 part chocolate dough and, using a tablespoon or kitchen spatula, level its surface. Gently place half of the curd cream on top. Attention: This is quite difficult to do, since the consistency of the mass is viscous. Therefore, if everything doesn’t turn out perfect for you, don’t be upset, I myself suffered for a long time, but such a cake is worth it. We try to evenly distribute the cream over the dough and then place several cherries on it (approximately 1/2 part of the total mass). Now we repeat all the layers again. At the end, lay out the remaining third part of the dough, trying to cover the curd mass with cherries with it.

Turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 180 degrees. Immediately after this, place the pan on the middle level and bake the brownies for 40–50 minutes until a golden crust appears on the surface. At the end, turn off the oven, and use oven mitts to remove the container and set it aside. When the cake has cooled, carefully transfer it from the mold to a special flat plate.

Step 10: Serve Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

Before serving, use a knife to cut Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries into portions and treat it to friends and family along with tea or coffee. Oh, how tasty and tender!
Enjoy your tea party everyone!

To prepare the cream, use soft cottage cheese, that is, a special homogeneous mass (usually sold in the store) with a consistency like fudge. If you don’t have such a component on hand, don’t be upset, because with the help of a blender you can turn ordinary grainy cottage cheese into something similar. The only thing I recommend is to take homemade cheese, as it is much fattier and softer;

To prepare the dough, try to use only the highest grade, finely ground wheat flour and a trusted brand;

If you can lay out layers in a baking dish without any difficulty, then, if possible, you can make streaks on the surface of the cake. This makes Brownie even more beautiful.

Brownies not only look beautiful, but they taste great too! Not cloying, for those who love the taste, and not just sweetness in baked goods. I really liked it! I hope that it will not disappoint all lovers of chocolate and cherry desserts.


  • Cherry - 300-400 g (I used frozen)
  • Starch - 1 tsp. (optional)


  • Butter – 120 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Bitter chocolate - 100 g (you can add 1 tbsp with a heap of cocoa powder for even more chocolate)
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp. (I know the power (or powerlessness:) of my baking powder and also add 1/4 tsp of soda)
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp.

Curd filling:

  • Cottage cheese - 300 g (regular cottage cheese in briquettes or loose, not soft)
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 piece, if the cottage cheese is very dry or the eggs are small, then 2 pieces.
  • Vanilla


If you are using frozen cherries, you must first defrost them completely and drain off the separated juice.

Add 1 tsp to the cherries. starch.

This is optional, but I add it because I don't like the berries to run too much in baked goods.

Prepare the curd part of the pie.

Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg, add vanilla.

To achieve homogeneity, I used a blender.

I think that from the photo you will understand the thickness. Approximately the thickness of pancake batter.

If yours is thicker, you can add half or a whole egg. Or a little sour cream.

If, on the contrary, the mass is very liquid, then I would suggest correcting this by adding a small amount of semolina (let it stand so that the semolina swells and absorbs excess moisture).

I haven’t had to do this myself, but just in case, everyone’s cottage cheese is different.

Now let's prepare the brownie batter.

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. Stir until smooth. Leave to cool.

Beat eggs with sugar.

I beat for 3-4 minutes.

Pour chocolate into the egg mixture and stir.

Add flour mixed with baking powder and mix.

The dough is almost as thick as our previously prepared curd mass.

Transfer the dough into a tight bag.

Cut off a corner to make a hole about 1 cm in diameter.

Grease a brownie pan with butter and sprinkle with flour.

The size of my form is approx. 20x20.

The wider the pan, the lower the cake. If it is very wide, then 3 layers of dough may not work, and the baking time for a thinner cake will change.

In total we will have 5 layers:

  1. dough
  2. cottage cheese (cherries for cottage cheese)
  3. dough
  4. cottage cheese (cherries for cottage cheese)
  5. dough

The dough in the bag is very easy to work with.

First layer of dough. We make it dense, the photo shows only the beginning of the process, for clarity.

The second layer is curd mass; it spreads easily with a spoon.

Spread it in an even layer.

Place cherries on the surface.

Second layer of dough.

Then cottage cheese, cherries and for the third layer I didn’t have enough dough left to cover it completely.

But this is not scary, the dough expands greatly during baking and will sufficiently cover the top.

You can get creative with the thickness of the layers to achieve a beautiful brownie cut.

I used a toothpick to spread the batter more evenly.

Place the brownies in the oven.

Temperature 170-180 degrees.

Time approx. 45-50 minutes.

Be guided by your oven; if the top begins to burn, cover it with foil.

Let the brownies cool completely before cutting.

I would even say that it should be insisted, since the curd part contains moisture, which the biscuit absorbs during the aging process.

The texture turns out very good!

Bon appetit!

Nothing lifts your spirits like a tasty piece of chocolate. And sometimes you just want something unusual, but definitely chocolate. If a similar state has visited you, then it’s time to discover something new. How about a delicious and fragrant brownie? Have you ever tried this dessert? Then we will take the liberty of giving you a short excursion to where once upon a time chocolate was born, and only then the famous cake. We will also definitely share with you a recipe for an amazing brownie with cottage cheese and cherries and tell you about the classic cooking method.

Once upon time in America…

The story began far away in America. Who and how became the author of such a “disgrace” is no longer clear today. But there are rumors that brownie - a world-famous American dessert - appeared completely by accident, thanks to the absent-mindedness of the cook. The hostess who was preparing the pie simply forgot to add soda, and that is why it did not rise enough. There is another, more noble version. In it, a brownie cake was created specifically to order for an important lady.

Whether by chance or not, the dessert turned out to be more than successful. And so much so that for many years it has remained the most favorite treat not only in America, but in many other countries. Of course, over the years, the traditional recipe has undergone a lot of changes, but probably only in order to please us today with its impeccable taste. Modern masters of the sweet art prepare brownies with cottage cheese and cherries, with caramel, with ripe fruits and candied fruits. But there are several features inherent in this particular dessert. And if you decide to make this delicious pie, then you definitely need to know about them.


The brownie cake got its name due to the fact that it is brown thanks to the main ingredient - dark chocolate. But there are a lot of recipes, there are also those in which white chocolate is used, and such a dessert is simply called blondie.

It is difficult to say what kind of baking this is: it is equally called a pie, a cookie, a cake, but more often just a cake. A classic brownie should have a distinct chocolate flavor. The center must be moist, otherwise it will lose its extraordinary taste, and the crust must be dry and crispy. If you decide to make the best quality cake, you will have to follow the cooking technique precisely and stock up on the best chocolate. After all, it is he who will give the dessert an exquisite taste. And now, from words to action, we’ll tell you how to make brownies.

Classic chocolate brownie

Traditionally, only real dark chocolate is used, but you can use any, the best one you like. A child is unlikely to like a treat with a rich taste and inherent bitterness. So experiment.

The traditional dessert is served cut into pieces called pirozhenki, although initially it is baked like a regular pie. It is delicious with milk or ice cream, but a cup of coffee or cocoa would also be quite appropriate. Usually this dessert is served warm, which is when it has the structure of a real brownie - a tender, slightly damp center. But if you wish, you can cool it, it will turn out no less tasty, although the brownie will already resemble cookies more and will lose its softness.

Food preparation

Brownie pie is prepared extremely simply, like most American dishes, probably. You need to melt the chocolate in a water bath and to do this, take a small saucepan or saucepan, pour water into it and put it on the fire. On top you need to place an iron bowl or bowl suitable for the diameter of the pan in which the chocolate will be heated. Under the influence of hot steam, it will melt more slowly, and therefore its taste will be preserved as much as possible.

Break 160 g of chocolate into pieces and send it to melt. As soon as it becomes soft, add 180 g of soft butter, stirring constantly, until the mixture is smooth. Let cool.

Stirring constantly, beat 3 eggs into the chocolate-butter mixture. Continuously stirring, add sifted flour - 125 g, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 40 g of chocolate (finely broken) and chopped nuts - half a glass. Mix well again and the dough is ready.


This amount is calculated for a shape of 20 by 20 centimeters - it is important to take this into account. Line the bottom of the mold with baking paper and lightly brush it with oil. Afterwards you need to pour out the dough and smooth it out (the dough should be liquid).

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 170 degrees, on the central level. Bake for about half an hour, and then check if it is ready. Pierce the cake with a regular toothpick; if the surface is sufficiently baked, but the middle is damp and there are still wet lumps on the toothpick, the dessert is ready.

Brownie with cherries and cottage cheese

Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries is not only very tasty, but also beautiful. This is a great dessert for adults and children. You will need almost the same ingredients, but you will also have to stock up on cottage cheese and cherries (pitted, of course). You can use either fresh or canned (frozen). So let's get started.

Food preparation

Melt 100 g of chocolate and 120 g of butter in a water bath, stirring constantly. Cool the mixture.

In a separate bowl, using a mixer, beat 2 eggs, adding a bag of vanilla sugar, 50 g of granulated sugar and a pinch of soda. Add this mixture to the chocolate mixture and mix well. Add 130 g of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder and beat at low speed until a fluffy dough is obtained.

In a blender, beat 2 eggs with sugar (100 g) and cottage cheese (300 g). You should get a homogeneous curd cream.


This dough is enough for a mold measuring 20 by 25 centimeters. Line its edges and bottom with parchment and lightly grease it with oil. Divide the chocolate mass into 3 parts (conventionally) and pour the first batch into the mold, distribute evenly. Then lay out half and also level it. Place cherries on top (approximately 150 g). Then repeat the process: a layer of chocolate mass, cream, berries and dough again. You can put a little curd cream on top and randomly apply patterns to create a beautiful marble surface.

Place the mold in an oven preheated to 170 degrees. Bake the cottage cheese and cherry brownies for about 40 minutes or a little more. Let the cake cool first, and then remove from the pan. Dessert is ready.

We hope that you will like such a popular American treat, because it’s not for nothing that it has so many loyal fans. You can change the recipes to your taste, adding berries, any nuts and anything else you can fill the pie with, because the main thing is that it turns out delicious.

Enjoy your meal!

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