Banana puree for babies. How to make banana puree for an infant? Recipes and methods for preparing banana puree for infants How to prepare banana puree for infants

Assorted fruits are an integral part of the festive table at any event. Often after a holiday, the housewife has to think about how to rationally use the remaining fruit. One option is to make a delicious puree. For example, banana puree is loved by adults and children. It has a delicate sweet taste and great benefits for the body.

Features of fruit puree

The skill of preparing such a fruit delicacy is very useful, because bananas in the form of puree can be stored much longer than in their natural state. The peculiarity of crushed fruits lies in the variety of options for their use. Banana puree can be used as jam, sandwiched between sandwiches. It also goes well with baked goods, which is why it is added to buns or pies. And, of course, no one will want to skip breakfast if the morning porridge is served with the addition of banana jam.

Fruit puree is popular because it is so easy to make at home. All you need is fruit, a little sugar, a glass of water and the desire to cook. Everything in the recipe is natural, there is nothing unnecessary, which is what is required from baby food products. Therefore, banana puree is a favorite treat for children under 2-3 years old.

Beneficial features

Everyone knows that fruits are healthy because they are filled with vitamins. The valuable substances contained in fruits invariably end up in the puree prepared from them. Banana delicacy contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system. The puree also contains vitamin A, which is known to be needed to maintain one hundred percent vision.

Among the properties of banana complementary foods, it is worth noting that it is hypoallergenic. This is very important for children's food products, as well as for creating the diet of people suffering from food allergies. Shredded bananas are recommended for consumption by workers exposed to physical and psychological stress, as they enrich the body with energy.

Despite the caloric content of the banana product, it is easily digestible.


Before you start cooking banana treats, it’s worth considering some nuances. First of all, the fruits must be selected. You need to be careful when choosing bananas, as they tend to turn black in a short time. Therefore, if the purchase of fruit has already been completed, do not delay preparing the dish. For children's delicacies, it is better to choose slightly unripe bananas, without darkening on the peel. Cooking must be carried out strictly in accordance with the recipe so that the puree retains the beneficial properties of the fruit.

There are many different recipes for making purees with all kinds of additives. The choice of option depends on who the dish is intended for. Most often, mashed bananas and apples are made as baby food for the winter. This recipe is very simple.

For this you will need:

  • 1 banana;
  • 2 apples;
  • sugar;
  • jar of water.

First of all, you need to take two apples, peel them and remove the cores. Then you should cut the apples into small pieces and put them in a pan with water. The apples should cook covered for 7 minutes. If the fruits become soft, then the ingredient is ready.

After this, add 1 peeled banana to the pan, which is cut into rings 7-9 mm thick. Then you need to add 2 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything thoroughly. The fruits are cooked for another 4 minutes.

The resulting fruit mass should be crushed using a blender or a conventional puree masher. The resulting mass should be brought to a boil and cooked for another 3 minutes. The foam that forms on the surface of the puree is removed as it accumulates.

Finally, containers for storing treats are sterilized separately in boiling water. After this, the dish is immediately preserved for the winter. In this form, it can be stored for up to a year in a dark, refrigerated room.

Variety of complementary foods

Every young mother comes up with her own way of preparing banana puree for her child. As it turned out, baby feeding can be done using additives such as:

  • boiled water;
  • boiled milk;

Water is added generously to banana complementary foods if the child is very small. It is easier for infants to take food in the most liquid form possible. To achieve the desired consistency, the puree is diluted with boiled water.

If the child is one year old, it is permissible to dilute the treat with milk. To do this, you need to drain all excess water and replace it with boiled milk.

In order to get an even more interesting taste of the puree, you can add orange juice to it. This can only be done by making sure in advance that the child is not allergic to citrus fruits. In this case, you can also use raw chopped bananas.

Other options

In some cases, banana puree can serve as the basis for a delicious dessert. Its preparation takes a little longer, but this delicacy will not leave any taster indifferent. Squeeze the juice of one medium-sized lemon into the prepared puree and add 1 spoon of honey. The resulting mass should be whipped for 30-40 seconds.

Finally, you need to fry the peeled hazelnuts in a frying pan and let them cool. After this, you need to grind the nuts in a blender until crumbs. Then you should put the puree in a beautiful bowl and decorate it with nut crumbs on top. Dessert is ready.

You will learn more about how to make banana puree in the following video.

Banana puree is considered a very good complementary food for infants. Pediatricians recommend administering it to a child when the baby is 5-6 months old. Of course, to be completely sure, you should consult your pediatrician about this product. Well, the recipe for mashed bananas is very simple. Therefore, there will be no problems in preparing this dish.

If you are looking for an easily digestible and at the same time high-calorie and healthy food, then banana puree for babies is an ideal option. After all, it contains a lot of vitamins A, B and C, starch, proteins, sugar.

To make banana puree, you need to take a small, well-ripened fruit and make sure that there are no brown spots on it (these are not suitable for babies).

Mash the fruit with a fork or grate it on a cheese grater (the result is a homogeneous mass). If the puree turns out to be too thick, the recipe allows you to add a little plain, or better yet, breast milk to the dish.

And when the baby grows up (up to 10 months), you can add a little lemon or orange juice for taste. Of course, it is necessary that the baby tolerates citrus fruits well. Otherwise, you can provoke an allergic reaction.

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In principle, even banana puree itself for a baby can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, it should be administered very carefully. Just like any other adult food.

How to introduce banana?

Any new product should be introduced into the baby’s diet carefully. This overseas fruit needs to be given little by little. First, one spoon in the first half of the day (at lunch, or better yet, in the morning) in order to observe the child’s reaction during the remaining time until nightfall.

And it's good if everything is fine. But a rash or signs of gastrointestinal distress may appear. In this case, you need to wait a little while introducing a new product and be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

If a banana does not suit your baby, you can try introducing other fruits or vegetables. After all, they are very important for the proper development of the child’s body, as they contain many vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Of course, you should choose vegetables and fruits that are grown without the use of chemicals.

The introduction of new products into a baby's diet is a crucial moment for both parents and the child. It is necessary to take into account many important points so that complementary foods are useful, the baby likes them and does not cause an allergic reaction.
Today you can find any fruits and vegetables in stores all year round, which on the one hand makes you happy, but on the other hand makes the selection process difficult. It is better to select the baby together with a pediatrician.
Pumpkin puree is good for babies. But banana puree is worth preparing for a child if he is behind in weight gain, suffers from rickets and needs additional vitamins.
This once rare exotic fruit of the banana tree is today always on sale at a very affordable price. You will learn how to make banana puree for your child in this article.

Many baby food suppliers sell ready-made banana puree for babies today. It is available in different packaging and with different additives. But, despite the fervent belief that the product is made without added sugar and preservatives, this statement cannot be completely trusted. And for your beloved child you want all the best and most useful. Therefore, it is better to open our website and see how to make banana puree with your own hands.

Fresh banana puree

The easiest way is to grate the banana pulp on a plastic grater and then pass it through a sieve with a little warm water or breast milk. This banana puree will delight your child, it is tasty, satisfying and healthy.
You can read about the benefits of this fruit, as well as at what age it is better to give banana puree.

Baked Banana Puree

A fresh banana has many useful qualities, but for the first time it is better to give the baby the dish after heat treatment. And in order to preserve all the useful components as much as possible, we bake the banana in the oven.
One medium banana will require about half a glass of water. A clean, healthy fruit, without removing the peel, is placed on a dish previously covered with wax paper. The oven is heated to a temperature of no more than 120*C, and the banana is baked for only 15 - 20 minutes. With this regimen, the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements is preserved, and possible microorganisms are easily destroyed.
The finished dish is laid out on a plate and cleaned right in it, as the banana will release a lot of tasty juice. The pulp is kneaded with a fork and the baked banana puree is ready. It turns out very tasty, and even adult family members will not refuse such a dessert.

Banana-apple puree

Banana goes well with many fruits and vegetables. Banana puree for babies has an excellent taste, the recipe for which involves adding apples or apples. Moreover, this assortment stores well if it is prepared correctly.
To prepare you will need:

  • One ripe banana, medium size;
  • Two yellow apples;
  • A tablespoon of sugar;
  • Half a glass of water.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Wash the apples and cut into medium pieces without removing the peel. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 5 – 7 minutes until they become soft. Then rub through a sieve to remove all excess.
  2. Peel the banana, leaving the fibers that are between the skin and pulp. Cut into small pieces and add to the applesauce along with sugar. Keep everything on low heat for 3 – 4 minutes.
  3. Cool and beat with a blender.
  4. Place in prepared sterilized jars, cover, but do not close the lids, and keep in a steam bath for 15 minutes.
  5. Close the jars, turn them over and leave them to cool under a warm blanket.

When choosing fruits for making puree, you need to know that:

  • Green banana contains a lot of tannin. This means that the baby may experience flatulence or fermentation in the tummy.
  • An overripe fruit with a dark, thin skin accumulates a lot of glucose, which is also not very healthy.
  • The most suitable bananas for babies are ripe yellow fruits without damage or wormholes.
  • Fresh banana puree is strong, so it should not be given to children suffering from constipation.
  • Bananas take a long time to digest due to the high content of plant fibers. This can affect the baby's digestion process. Therefore, you need to start with one spoon and give it no more than twice a week.

Video recipe for making banana puree

Bananas are a fruit accessible to everyone, which has won our hearts and the hearts of our children. The delicate consistency of the pulp is to the taste of both infants and adults. Today we will talk about different options for making banana puree.

The type of bananas and their size have absolutely no effect on the final result. Banana puree will be tender and tasty. It is important when choosing fruits to pay attention to their quality and ripeness.

To prepare baby food, it is best to take bananas that are slightly unripe, without dark spots on the skin. It is even permissible to use fruits with barely noticeable greenery near the stalk. The pulp of such bananas is dense, without darkening or looseness.

If bananas are selected for harvesting for future use, then you can use fruits with darkened peel, without visible damage to the pulp. Brown areas must be cut off.

How to make a delicious banana dessert

Peel a bunch of bananas (4-5 pieces). Cut the pulp of all fruits into wheels 6-7 millimeters thick. Leave some banana rings (6-8 pieces) for decoration, beat the rest with a blender until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon to the resulting puree. Blend the puree for another 30 seconds.

Fry 2 tablespoons of peeled hazelnuts in a dry frying pan. Grind the cooled kernels into crumbs in a blender.

Fry the remaining banana rings in a frying pan until browned on both sides.

Place the finished puree into bowls with a wide bowl. Stick a few wheels of fried bananas on top and sprinkle the dessert with chopped nuts.

The Cook Note Recipes channel presents to your attention another dessert dish made from bananas

Banana puree for children

Simple recipe without additives

Ripe bananas are peeled and mashed until smooth. For this manipulation, you can use a fine grater, sieve, food processor or blender. The more homogenized the mass, the thinner the puree will be.

With added water

If the child is very small and accepts complementary foods only with a very liquid consistency, then the banana puree is diluted with the required amount of warm boiled water.

It is best to start giving your baby banana puree using boiled fruit. To do this, pieces of banana pulp are first boiled in a small amount of water for 7-8 minutes. For one average fruit, 50 milliliters of liquid will be enough. Then the boiled slices are pureed until smooth and cooled to an acceptable temperature before serving.

With added milk

From the age of one, banana puree can be diluted with boiled milk. To do this, drain excess liquid from boiled bananas and add hot boiled milk instead. The mass is crushed with a blender or fork and served.

With added juice

If the child is not allergic to citrus fruits, then baby banana puree can be diluted with freshly squeezed orange juice. In this case, banana pulp can be used either raw or boiled.

Baked bananas

Wash two peeled bananas thoroughly under running water. Line a small heatproof bowl with foil or baking paper. The peeled fruits are placed in a baking container. Keep bananas in an oven preheated to 120 degrees for half an hour. After this, the fruits are removed and cleaned. It is better to do this over a bowl in which the pulp will be pureed in the future, in order to preserve the resulting juice as much as possible. It is very tasty and aromatic. You can also drain the juice from the baking container.

Then add 100 milliliters of water to the banana pulp and grind the fruit to a puree.

The finished complementary food is brought to a boil over medium heat and cooled to a temperature of 37-38 degrees.

Mashed bananas with apples for the winter

Banana puree can be prepared for future use. To do this, take one kilogram of bananas and two ripe apples. It is best to use sour apple varieties, for example, Antonovka.

Apples and bananas are peeled and cut as desired. The slices are crushed to a puree using a blender or food processor. You can also grate the fruit on a fine grater, but in this case the finished dish will have grains.

Add two two-hundred-gram glasses of water and three glasses of sugar of the same volume to the crushed banana-apple mass. The juice of two lemons is also poured into the fruit puree. The puree is put on fire for 30 minutes.

While the puree is cooking, remove the foam from it several times. The finished hot banana dessert is poured into sterile jars and tightly sealed with boiled lids.

Store this preparation for a year in any dark and cool place.

Banana puree is a product obtained through mechanical processing of fruits. Outwardly, it looks like a homogeneous mass of pale yellow color (see photo), which has a taste and aroma characteristic of bananas.

This product is simply ideal for baby food, but should be given from the age of 5 months.

Beneficial features

The benefits of banana puree lie in its chemical composition, since almost all the beneficial substances that are in the fruit itself pass into it. This puree supplies the body with energy, so it is recommended for use by people who are subject to regular physical and psychological stress. Banana puree is an easily digestible food, but also high in calories.

It contains vitamin A, which is necessary for vision and collagen production. The puree also contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, which helps cope with insomnia and fatigue.

Banana puree is an anti-allergenic product, which is important for children and people prone to food allergies.

When you consume the product, your body begins to produce a happiness hormone, which helps improve your mood. The puree also has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. Bananas strengthen the immune system, which increases the body's protective functions against the negative effects of viruses. When consumed regularly, puree improves the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, banana puree improves the functioning of the heart, liver and brain.

Banana puree is an effective aid in treating severe cough. In folk medicine, there are several proven recipes using banana puree, which help cure a cold in a few days. Let's look at some of them.

Composition of the product

How to cook?

How to use?

Banana puree with cocoa and homemade milk

In banana puree (from one banana), you need to add six teaspoons of cocoa powder and pour in about two hundred milliliters of hot boiled homemade milk, stirring well.

Take a banana milkshake in the evening before bed, preferably warm, for about five days.

Banana with honey (first recipe)

You need to mash one banana, pour about two hundred milliliters of boiling water into it and add one a teaspoon of natural honey. Stir the cocktail well and let it brew for about thirty minutes.

Take fifty milliliters every three hours.

Banana with honey (second recipe)

First, you should mash a ripe banana, pour in one teaspoon of natural honey, a teaspoon of mint tincture and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth.

To get rid of a sore throat and sore throat, you need to take a medicinal cocktail three times a day, two teaspoons for five days.

Banana with milk

You need to mash a ripe banana fruit, pour about one hundred milliliters of boiling homemade milk into it, and also add one teaspoon each of powdered sugar and butter. The resulting mass should be whipped using a blender until smooth.

Drink a banana milkshake once a day every day until the cough stops.

Banana with plantain alcohol tincture

Pour plantain tincture into the whipped banana puree and stir thoroughly.

Drink three teaspoons one hour after meals. Not allowed to be given to children as it contains alcohol.

Ripe banana and boiled water

Peel two ripe bananas, cut off the ends, mash the fruits into a puree and pour two hundred milliliters of very hot water. Place the fruit mixture on the stove and boil, stirring continuously. As soon as the fruit mixture begins to bubble, the container can be removed from the heat.

Drink daily for about five days. The banana broth should be warm. It cannot be stored for a long time, so you need to prepare a new drink every day.

Ripe banana with water and granulated sugar

Pour about two hundred milliliters of boiling water into the crushed banana and add two teaspoons of granulated sugar, stir the mixture well and let stand for about thirty minutes.

Take one hundred milliliters every two hours for five days.

However, in addition to using traditional recipes, you need to contact your pediatrician to prescribe an additional list of necessary medications.

It should also be remembered that eating bananas is not recommended for those children who have obesity, diabetes, allergies to the product, constipation, or high acidity of gastric juice. In addition, experts advise eating bananas only after meals, and not on an empty stomach.

Use in cooking

The use of banana puree in cooking is very diverse; it is not only an excellent independent dish, but also an addition, for example, to porridge. It can be used as a filling for baked goods and also for desserts. You can make milkshakes and other drinks using banana puree.

For variety, you can complement the taste of the puree with various fruits and berries. Bananas go well with many of them.

How to make banana puree at home?

Since manufacturers increasingly use various preservatives and other food additives to prepare banana puree, it is better to prepare it yourself at home.

To ensure that the puree is of the highest quality and healthiest, choose ripe fruits without dark spots. To obtain banana pulp, you can use any of the usual utensils: a grater, a fork, a blender or a sieve. The fruit just needs to be peeled and ground into a homogeneous mass. That's all, homemade puree is ready. You don't even need to add sugar.

If you want to vary the taste, you can add a small amount of orange or lemon juice.

How to make it for a baby?

To make banana puree for your baby, you need to take one ripe banana. (it should be yellow in color, without any dark spots), wash it well, peel it, cut off the ends, take a little ripe pulp and mash thoroughly with a fork or chop using a blender. Then you need to pour a little warm breast milk or formula milk into the banana puree and mix well.

It is best to give your baby fruit puree to try after the main meal so that his appetite does not deteriorate. You should also remember that you need to start introducing new complementary foods only after six months, starting with a small teaspoon, to monitor the baby’s reaction. If within two days the baby’s condition has not worsened, allergies or constipation have not appeared, then you can continue to give banana puree. If there is any negative reaction from the child’s body to a new product, you should refrain from fruit puree.

Banana puree can also be varied with other fruits, which will also be beneficial for the baby.

Banana puree

Cooking method

With apricots and porridge

Pour four tablespoons of boiled hot water into a shallow container and throw in two washed apricots. After two minutes, the fruit can be peeled and the seeds removed from the pulp. Peeled apricots need to be cut and crushed, and then add a little water and boil for about ten minutes, stirring constantly. Then the apricot puree should be mixed with half a ripe banana and chopped using a blender. The finished fruit puree should be added to ten grams of ready-made baby porridge and stirred well.

With apples

To make fruit puree, you will need half a sweet apple, which should be washed and removed from the skin and seeds. Then place in a small container, add fifty milliliters of water and boil for about seven minutes. Next, add half a banana to the apple and puree using a blender.

With apple and juice

Suitable only for children over nine months of age. You need one sweet apple, which should be washed, peeled, seeds removed and grated. Then add applesauce to one banana and grind with a blender, and then pour in two tablespoons of any fruit juice and stir well.

Recipe for preparing for the winter

The recipe for making banana puree for the winter is quite simple. To do this, you must first squeeze the juice from two ripe lemons. Then you should take one kilogram of ripe bananas, wash them well, remove the skins, finely chop them and put them in a blender. We do the same as with bananas with two sweet apples. Add lemon juice to the chopped fruits and grind with a blender. Pour the banana-apple puree into an enamel-coated pan, add about six hundred grams of granulated sugar and about four hundred milliliters of water. Boil for thirty minutes over low heat, stirring continuously. Distribute the finished fruit puree into sterilized containers and preserve.

You can also freeze banana puree. To freeze, you need to wash ripe bananas (the quantity is at your discretion), peel them, and chop the fruits with a blender. Pour lemon juice into the banana puree (one tablespoon of juice is needed for two hundred and fifty milliliters of puree), mix well, and then pour the puree into a plastic container with an airtight lid. Store in the freezer for no more than four months.

Harm of banana puree and contraindications

Banana puree can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance to the product. This product has few contraindications:

  • excess body weight,
  • diabetes,
  • digestive disorders,
  • allergy.
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