How to bake Easter. Homemade cottage cheese for Easter - simple recipes for making it at home. Very tender and tasty cottage cheese Easter with white chocolate

Cottage cheese Easter is prepared only once a year, on Maundy Thursday, so that it can settle for Easter Sunday. Housewives make homemade cottage cheese and take out special detachable molds in the form of a truncated pyramid - a pasochnitsa, on the walls of which the letters XB and Christian symbols are carved. Then the drawings are imprinted on the finished Easter, and it looks very bright and impressive. It is interesting that Easter from cottage cheese is prepared only in the central and northern regions of Russia, and in the South, Easter or paska is called an ordinary Easter cake. The shape of Easter is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, so it reminds Christians of the suffering and torment of Christ. There is an opinion that this dish is very difficult to prepare, but, as one Russian proverb says, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work. Let's talk about how to make Easter at home so that it turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful and appetizing.

The best products for royal Easter

When buying ingredients for this dish, it is better not to save money and choose the best and highest quality products. The cottage cheese should be very fresh, not sour, not dry, homemade is better. To do this, pour kefir into boiling milk in a thin stream and, when the curd clots separate from the whey, turn off the heat, close the pan with a lid, and let the mixture brew and cool. After this, we place the cottage cheese on a double layer of gauze placed at the bottom of a colander, tie a gauze knot and hang it over the sink or pan for about a day. From 3 liters of milk and 3 liters of kefir (they are taken in equal proportions) you get about 1 kg of cottage cheese. But the weight of the finished product may vary depending on the quality and fat content of milk and kefir - the higher the fat content, the more cottage cheese you will get. Also for Easter you may need cream and sour cream 25%, unsalted butter 82.5%, fresh eggs, sugar, honey, condensed milk, chocolate, marmalade, poppy seeds, dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits, berries, mint and spices - it all depends on prescription

Two ways to prepare Easter

Cottage cheese Easter can be made in two ways - cold and hot, which means Easter can be raw and boiled. For raw Easter, the cottage cheese is rubbed twice through a sieve or crushed in a meat grinder, then all the products are mixed and placed under a press. Boiled Easter is not actually boiled, but heated over a fire, then slowly cooled in a bowl of cold water. Since fresh cottage cheese does not last long, it is better to make raw paskhas in small sizes, while boiled ones can be placed in large forms - they retain their freshness and pleasant taste longer. By the way, Easter cooked hot is more tender and sweet.

For the simplest raw Easter, take 2.5 kg of cottage cheese, rub it through a sieve twice, mix 200 g of butter with 1 cup of sugar until the mass becomes white and fluffy. Then add 250 g of fatty sour cream and continue grinding until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. By the way, this is the main sign that it’s time to mix the mixture with cottage cheese, add a little salt and fill the pan. We place a saucer with a load on top and put Easter in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

The simplest boiled Easter is made from 300 g of butter, 400 g of sour cream and 4 eggs. The mass is brought to a boil with constant stirring, then mixed with 2 kg of pureed cottage cheese. A little salt is added to Easter, it is kneaded well and put into the mold. For such recipes, it is recommended to take fresh eggs from healthy domestic chickens.

How to make Easter from cottage cheese: secrets and subtleties

If Easter is prepared from store-bought cottage cheese, it is better to first hold it under pressure to remove excess liquid. Housewives who prepare homemade cottage cheese leave it to hang for a day, since the whey remaining in the cottage cheese will prevent the mass from hardening in the mold. It is no coincidence that in Rus' this dish was called Easter cheese - the cottage cheese should be quite dense and easy to cut with a knife.

Liquid sour cream can be placed in several layers of gauze in a colander and placed in the refrigerator. The sour cream should be so thick that a spoon can stand in it - only in this case will Easter be stable. The butter should first be kept warm so that it becomes softer, the dried fruits should be sorted well, washed and dried, and the nuts should be peeled. If you replace sugar with powdered sugar, the raw Easter will be more tender and the sugar will not squeak on your teeth. For the same reason, all spices should be ground in a coffee grinder or purchased already ground.

By the way, cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve differs in consistency from cottage cheese passed through a meat grinder. In the first case, it turns out to be very tender, light and airy, in the second case, it turns out to be more viscous and dense.

Before placing the curd mass in the pan, cover the bottom with a linen napkin or gauze so that the edges hang out of the mold and the Easter can be easily removed. It is better if the fabric is damp, otherwise wrinkles may form that will ruin the surface of the Easter. Cover the top of the Easter with the edges of the fabric and a wooden plank, be sure to apply pressure and take the form out into the cold for about 12 hours.

Sour cream Easter with boiled condensed milk

Cooking boiled Easter at home

An unusually tasty Easter, which is soft and at the same time holds its shape perfectly, your family will certainly like it.

To 500 g of cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve, add 3 yolks, 100 g of sugar, 200 g of sour cream and a little vanillin, mix the mass well and beat in a blender until it becomes soft and airy. Then cut 100 g of butter into pieces, add to the cottage cheese and beat again until smooth.

Now put the saucepan on the fire and heat it very slowly, stirring constantly. Bring the curd mass to a boil and let it cool to room temperature in a large bowl of cold water, then put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Easter will thicken a little and acquire a pleasant consistency. At this stage we add 80 g of raisins to it, which are pre-washed and soaked for 20 minutes in boiling water.

Place the curd mixture in a mold, put it in the refrigerator for a day and serve with raisins and marmalade.

Lazy Easter for busy housewives

It happens that there is no time to cook a real classic Easter, but how can you leave your family without an Easter treat? Let's try to cook a quick Easter using an unusual recipe - it turns out very tender and aromatic.

So, carefully grind 2.5 kg of sour cream with 10-15 tbsp. l. sugar, add vanillin, 150 g of any toasted nuts and 150 g of dried fruits, well washed and dried. Easter is especially delicious with dried cranberries and pine nuts.

Now we put the fabric in the pan - either 12 layers of gauze, or 4 layers of chintz, or 2 layers of calico. Pour in sour cream, collect the corners of the fabric and hang the mass in the refrigerator using a cup stand, a basket with a high handle or other devices - you will have to use your imagination and be smart. The sour cream should hang for a day, but every 6 hours it is necessary to untie the fabric and mix the contents, since the outside of the sour cream thickens, but the inside remains liquid. You can’t put it under a press, otherwise all the Easter will flow out along with the whey. You can decorate this amazing Easter dessert with grated chocolate, nuts, berries and fruits.

How to serve Easter

Cottage cheese Easter can be decorated with gelatin figures, pieces of chocolate, candied slices of berries and fruits. The simplest decor is cinnamon, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, poppy seeds and colorful coconut flakes. For decoration you can use nuts, dried fruits, roasted sesame seeds, rose petals, mint sprigs. Easter decorated with edible beads, flowers and mastic figures looks very beautiful. The dessert can be decorated with whipped cream, especially chocolate, M&M's, confectionery powder, melted chocolate or caramel. Or you can just put a church candle in the middle, because Easter is beautiful in itself. You should cut Easter with a warm knife, constantly dipping it in warm water and wiping it with a napkin so that the pieces turn out smooth and beautiful when cut.

Now you know how to make Easter with your own hands, how to decorate it and serve it correctly. Don’t be afraid of complex recipes and get ready for a bright spring holiday, when not only nature, but also our hearts come to life. May your Easter table always be generous, rich and delicious!

Cheese chickens

These funny balls look like real chickens. But the delicate taste of cream cheese with a light garlic aroma and crispy fried nuts inside will leave no doubt - this is a masterpiece snack that will become an original decoration for the Easter table.


200g deep yellow cheese (eg cheddar)
150 g cream cheese
1–2 cloves of garlic
0.5 teaspoon turmeric
a pinch of salt
roasted peanut or almond kernels
carrots (preferably thin), a package of saltine crackers, black olives, dill - for decoration

How to cook:

Salad "Nest"

Salad "Nest"

We offer you a traditional salad in its new interpretation: less calories, more benefits and taste. We combined boiled potatoes, beef tongue and cheese with fresh cucumber and crispy lettuce leaves. And our original light dressing will be an excellent alternative to banal and heavy mayonnaise!


3 medium potatoes
1 large fresh cucumber
200 g boiled beef or veal tongue
150 g Gouda cheese
half a white onion
5 sheets iceberg lettuce
3–4 tbsp. spoon of low-fat sour cream
1 teaspoon mustard
a pinch of salt
1 pack of salty straws - for decoration
a bunch of fresh dill - for decoration
3 boiled quail eggs - for decoration

How to cook:

Classic boiled pork

Classic boiled pork

Let us take a little literary liberty and add to the rhetorical question of the great classic: what Russian doesn’t like driving fast... and a piece of juicy boiled pork? We bring to your attention a classic recipe, following which you will surprise your guests with tender, airy meat with the aroma of garlic, mustard and a light honey crust.


700-800 g pork neck (the meat should not be steamed or frozen)
1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard (preferably grainy or with red pepper)
1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey
3–4 cloves of garlic
salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:

Chicken aspic

Chicken aspic

Aromatic clear broth, bright vegetables, herbs and tender chicken... A minimum of effort - and all this turns into a delicious festive aspic!


2 chicken drumsticks or 1 large chicken breast
5 tbsp. cold water
1 large carrot
2 cloves garlic
1 onion
canned green peas - to taste
bunch of dill and parsley
1.5–2 tbsp. spoon of gelatin
salt, black peppercorns - to taste
Bay leaf
boiled quail eggs - for decoration

How to cook:

Royal chicken

Royal chicken

This fantastic cake will take time to prepare, but remember how long you have been denying yourself everything. Multi-layered filling of the most tender chicken breast, the thinnest pancakes, fried mushrooms and potatoes with sour cream combined with crispy tasty dough - the royal chicken is worth spending a couple of hours!



2.5 tbsp. flour
1 teaspoon sugar
a pinch of salt
a pinch of soda
100 g butter
0.5 tbsp. kefir
1 egg

350 ml warm milk
1 large egg
1 teaspoon sugar
a pinch of salt
5–6 tbsp. spoon of flour (100-120 g)
2 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil

Chicken filling:
2 large chicken breasts

Potato filling:
2 large boiled potatoes
bunch of green onions
250 g sour cream (25-30%)
salt - to taste

Mushroom filling:
1 large onion
1–2 tbsp. spoon of butter
350 g champignons
salt, pepper - to taste

1 egg yolk – for brushing the cake

How to cook:

Recipe "Easter of the Tsars" from the famous pastry chef Alexander Seleznev. Watch the video!..

Chocolate eggs

Chocolate eggs

Extravagant Easter eggs based on the classic Potato cake, covered in a thick layer of dark chocolate icing. Served on a stick, our cakes will not only be an excellent dessert, but also a wonderful decoration for the Easter table.



3 eggs
90 g sugar
75 g flour
15 g starch
butter - for greasing the pan

125 g butter at room temperature
60 g powdered sugar
50 g condensed milk
2 teaspoons cognac or rum (can be omitted)

Chocolate glaze:
120 g dark chocolate
0.5 tbsp. high fat cream (35%)
10 g butter

colorful confectionery decorations

How to cook:

Cake "Flower"

Pie "Flower"

Sweet and airy yeast baked goods with a festive aroma of cinnamon, shaped like a flower. The indentations near the petals allow you to decorate the cake with painted Easter eggs, and its shape invites you to quickly break off a fresh piece!


400–450 g flour
250 ml milk
12 g fresh yeast (4 g dry)
70 g sugar
70 g butter
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
0.5 teaspoon salt

2 tbsp. spoon of butter
3 tbsp. spoon of sugar
2 tbsp. spoon of cinnamon
50 g dark chocolate (can be omitted)
50 g of any nuts (can be omitted)

egg yolk - for brushing the cake
coarse sugar - for sprinkling

Before we begin the story of the topic “Homemade Easter recipes,” let’s take a brief look at the history of the origin of Easter cake (Easter).
Easter is the brightest and most beautiful holiday of Christians. It is dedicated to the miracle - the Resurrection of Christ, which is why people expect something good and unusual from this holiday. Kulich symbolizes new life. Maintaining traditions that have come from far away, Easter cake is the main dish of this holiday. And its baking and lighting are ancient customs that have survived to this day. Easter cake is prepared rich and sweet. This is a symbol of the Lord about caring for us all, that he has given us a sweet life.

From the history of Easter (Kulich)

If you listen to historians, they claim that Easter cakes were prepared back in the days of paganism and their baking has nothing to do with a person’s faith.

And the Bible tells about Jesus Christ eating bread during a meal with the apostles. And after the crucifixion of Christ and in the subsequent miracle, no one sat in the middle of the table, but fresh bread was placed opposite him. This spoke of his resurrection and invisible presence at the table. And it was from then on that the tradition of baking bread and bringing it to church arose. On this bread they depicted a cross and the crown that the martyr wore. By this, believers spoke about the resurrection and overcoming death. The priests carried bread around the church, illuminating it. Then, after the end of the mass, the meal of bread and wine began - the celebration of the miracle of the resurrection. This is how the tradition of lighting Easter cakes appeared. During meals, Christians also left free space at the table and placed a lighted Easter cake opposite. This created a feeling of Christ's presence in the house.

There are many sacraments associated with baking Easter cake and it is a significant symbol. This baking is special, and it is difficult to understand why Easter cake is stored for a long time and does not become moldy.

Due to lack of extra time, many people prefer to buy Easter cakes. But Easter comes only once a year! Try to find time to please your loved ones with Easter goodies.

Moreover, the recipes we offer you do not require a lot of time, effort, or money. Yes, and what can compare with the aroma of homemade baking?! So, hostesses, let's get started.

1. Classic Easter cake

A) For the dough, take:
- warm milk 1 glass;
- yeast 100 gr. or dry 1 tbsp;
- sugar 2 tbsp;
- salt 0.5 tsp.

B) When the dough rises three times, add there:
- melted margarine or lard 80-100 g;
- eggs 4 pcs.;
- sour cream 2 tbsp;
- vodka 1 tbsp;
- sugar 2 cups;
- vanillin, cloves, saffron, raisins - optional;
- flour.

C) Knead the dough thoroughly so that it does not stick to your hands. Place in a warm, spacious container and let rise. Mix well again. For those who prefer porous, airy cakes, add less flour and knead the dough, constantly lubricating your hands with vegetable oil. If you prefer a dense structure, add more flour.

D) In ​​containers lined with well-oiled paper, place one-third of the dough and let rise again. For those who wish, add 4-5 steamed raisins per mold. You can also use finely chopped dried apricots.

D) Place the molds with the dough in a preheated oven (on average 180 degrees) until ready (an hour and a half). Do not place the sheet with the molds too low - the bottom of the cakes may burn. Don't set it too high - the dough will rise and the top may also burn. We remember that for the first 40 minutes we don’t open the oven at all! Otherwise, the dough will fall and all your work will be wasted.

Separately for Easter cake molds for those who are baking for the first time. Now they sell both paper and silicone, and whatever you want! But, from many years of experience, I can say that there is nothing better than coffee cans or canned food! The main thing is not to be lazy, line it well with paper so that there are no bare spots left in the mold, otherwise the dough will burn there and you will not be able to remove the finished Easter. It is recommended to bake the dough simultaneously in molds of approximately the same volume.

E) We saw through the window in the oven that the top of the baked goods had browned. Carefully open the door and use a bamboo stick to pierce the cake through. If the stick turns out to be dry and clean, then you can safely remove the molds, the product is ready! If there is moisture or pieces of dough on the stick, then leave it to finish baking.

G) Take out the finished Easter cakes. Place the form on its side and pull slowly on the paper. The bead pulls out perfectly. We free it from the paper and leave it to cool on its side, constantly turning it, otherwise dents will remain on the sides. Under no circumstances should you place ready-made hot Easter on the bottom! Due to its softness, it will immediately lose its beautiful shape.

H) The Easter cakes have cooled completely, you can already put them on the bottom. The most enjoyable part of the job. Decorating the Easter cake. I recommend homemade glaze, store-bought glaze does not harden: beat the white of one egg with a glass of powdered sugar so that this mass does not leak out of the container. If desired, you can add a few crystals of vanilla and citric acid. Coat the top, it is convenient to use a pastry brush for this, and sprinkle with Easter decorations. Imagine!

2. Quick Easter cake

- cream 1 glass;
- eggs 5 pcs.;
- sugar 0.5-1 tbsp;
- yeast 50 gr. or dry 1 tbsp. l.;
- butter, melted 200 gr.
- flour, spices.
Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm cream. Let the yeast bloom. This will happen very quickly, right before your eyes, and the main thing here is that this dough does not overstand. Knead the dough; it should be of medium consistency. Let it rise for about 20 minutes. Fill a third of the mold. Let it rise for literally 10-15 minutes, as this dough rises very quickly! Further, everything is the same as usual.

3. Layered Easter cake

- melted margarine 500 gr.;
- eggs 2 pcs.;
- warm milk 1 glass;
- yeast 50 gr. or 1 tbsp. dry;
- sugar 2 – 3 cups;
- flour, spices.
You can do it with or without dough, after dissolving the yeast in warm milk.

4. Easter cottage cheese custard

Cottage cheese 1kg;
- butter 200 gr.;
- egg yolk 2 pcs.;
- 0.5 cups of sugar;
- cream 1 glass;
- salt, vanilla, crushed nuts, raisins.

Grind the yolks thoroughly with sugar, add cream and heat well. Add butter to the hot mixture. Let cool slightly. Add cottage cheese and other ingredients. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil, but do not boil! That's it, Easter is ready. We spread the mixture into rigid shapes, tamping well. We put it in the cold.

5. Simple Easter cake

Take one glass:
- softened butter;
- egg yolks;
- milk;
- sugar
- diluted yeast (1 tbsp dry yeast);
- spices as desired;
- flour, how much the dough will take.
Make a dough. Knead the dough on the dough.

6. Kulich without dough

Warm milk 0.5 l;
- yeast 125 g, or 2 tbsp. l. dry;
- melted butter 200-300 gr.;
- sugar 0.5 kg;
- sour cream 200-300 gr.;
- egg yolks 10 pcs.;
- flour, about 2 kg;
- spices as desired.
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Beat the yolks with sugar. Mix all ingredients. The dough should be soft, not thick, fluffy. Let the dough rise for 3-4 hours. Let's bake.

7. Kulich without yeast

- melted butter 50-60 g;
- warm milk 300 ml;
- eggs 2 pcs.;
- powdered sugar 120-150 gr.;
- flour about 0.5 kg;
- soda 1 tsp;
- lemon juice 4 tbsp;
- spices.
Grind the yolks with powdered sugar, combine with butter. Slowly pour in lemon juice. Add soda and other ingredients. Beat the whites separately with a pinch of salt and add. Knead the thin dough well and immediately pour into molds. Place in a preheated oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

Happy Easter everyone! Bon appetit! And happy holiday!

Greetings, friends and guests of my blog!

How are you doing? And how are you doing in the culinary business? I hope everything is wonderful, and we continue to prepare for the upcoming grand holiday - Bright Resurrection. He is very loved by Christians all over the world. But Orthodox Christians love him most of all.

Today, we’ll look at a whole series of recipes for tender, aromatic and delicious Easter cakes. After all, this is one of the most important delicacies of the Easter table and sweets. Delicious cupcakes with frosting are a must have at any party.

All the proposed recipes have been tested several times and the eggs turn out incredibly airy and fluffy. In addition, a sufficient assortment will help you choose an option to suit your taste. Even a beginner can prepare this delicious dish, provided he has the desire and the necessary ingredients.

Please note that I do not provide options for making fudge for baking here. For this I have a good detailed one. Look through it and choose the recipe you like best. Let's go!

Cooking delicious and simple Easter cake in a slow cooker

Our magnificent selection opens with Easter bread from a slow cooker. A kitchen lifesaver always comes to the rescue in terms of cooking. Working housewives or mothers with small children are especially happy about it. And, if you don’t have a multicooker, then you should take great care when buying one.

Please note that we knead the dough in the evening. And in the morning we create an incomparable pastry and bake it right away.

Required ingredients:

  • Premium flour - 3 cups;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • Warm milk - 1 glass;
  • Clean and dry raisins - 0.5 cups;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


1. The day before we make a delicious sponge. It will need to sit for 8-10 hours for the yeast to activate. To do this, take a convenient bowl and here I immediately took the container from the mixer. Pour dry yeast into it.

For the glass measure, take a glass from your assistant. Usually it comes included and has a capacity of 240-250 ml.

2. Soften the butter. You can chop it into small pieces, so it will melt faster. We also put it in the bowl.

3. Crack chicken eggs into a bowl. Place sugar, washed and dried raisins.

4. Fill everything with warm milk. Cover with a towel and leave until morning. There is no need to stir anything! During this time, the mass will come to life and bubbles will appear. This means the yeast is working well.

5. In the morning, sift the premium flour several times. Pour it and vanilla sugar into the dough.

6. We put special curved whisks on the mixer for working with the dough. Mix everything well at low speed.

7. If desired, you can add lemon zest and ground spices here. This will only make the little one more fragrant and filled with aromas.

8. Place a piece of butter on a fork and carefully process the multicooker pan. This will protect the product from sticking to the walls.

9. Pour the dough into the mold and level it with a spatula. The Redmond multicooker has a “Multicook” program. It allows you to keep the dish warm at 40 degrees. Which is very good for rising yeast dough.

If your multicooker does not have such a program, then place the mold in any warm place without drafts for 2-3 hours.

10. We set this program for three hours.

11. The dough has risen well and doubled in size. When baking, the product will increase further, but not so much.

12. Turn on the baking program for 1 hour 10 minutes. Time may vary depending on unit. But in any case, bake for at least 60 minutes. After this, you can check the readiness of our little bean using the old Soviet method - with a wooden stick. We pierce the pastry right through it. If it remains dry, the cake is ready.

13. Remove the bowl from the multicooker and leave to cool. When everything has cooled down more or less, you can take out the Easter bread.

Now its top can be covered with glaze and beautifully decorated.

Bon appetit!

Video on how to bake a treat at home

Unusual buttery pastries with lemon make your mouth water. We watch the delicious recipe that has been tested over the years in a detailed video and definitely try to cook it. The method for preparing snow-white fudge is immediately given here.

Delicious and fluffy Easter baked goods with cottage cheese

A crumbly and soft cake is obtained if good cottage cheese is added to its base. Therefore, you should not bypass it. The recipe is very rich in dairy ingredients, but this only makes it tastier. To summarize, I will say that such little beads should be in every housewife’s piggy bank.

With this amount of ingredients you can make 7 medium cupcakes. If you want less, then take half as much food. But here you can regret it later. Everything will be so delicious!

We need:

  • Crumbly fresh cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Flour - 1000 grams;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Sugar - 500 grams;
  • Milk - 500 milliliters;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Sour cream - 200 grams;
  • Fresh yeast - 50 grams;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Vanillin.


1. And here we cannot do without a kneading bowl. To do this, sift the flour several times into a separate bowl. We measure out live yeast. Warm the milk until warm, but not hot.

We need the ingredients at room temperature. So we take them out of the refrigerator and let them warm up.

2. Pour the milk into a large bowl. Add 50 grams of yeast to it. It is better to break them so that they dissolve easily.

3. Add a handful of sugar to the bowl. Stir everything vigorously until dissolved.

You need to sift the flour every time. The more it is saturated with oxygen, the more airy the baked goods will be.

4. Then sift the required amount of flour so that the dough has the consistency of pancakes. As soon as you stir it, bubbles on the surface immediately become visible. This indicates that the fresh yeast is already working.

5. Leave the dough in a warm place for 15 minutes. Don't forget to cover it with a clean napkin.

6. Grind the curd through a sieve to obtain small grains. It's not difficult and won't take much of your time. But then the products will be more tender.

7. Let's make the curd mass. Break the eggs into a fairly large, convenient bowl. Place cottage cheese on them and beat it all with a mixer or immersion blender.

8. Place all the sugar, sour cream, softened butter and a teaspoon of salt into the egg-curd mass. Process the mixture with a mixer.

9. Finally, pour in a spoonful of lemon juice, vanillin, lemon zest and vegetable oil. Using a spatula, turn into a homogeneous mixture.

The sponge went very well. We turn it with a spoon, grabbing it from the bottom up. You need to do this as if you were mixing biscuit dough.

10. Pour the dough into the curd mixture in small portions. At the same time, continuously stir the deliciousness.

11. Gradually sift the flour into the resulting mass. We work with the spatula again from bottom to top. The dough should not be liquid or stiff, but very soft and elastic.

Usually it takes about one kilogram of flour. Leave it under a cloth for 30 minutes in a draft-free place. When it is ready, mix clean and dry raisins into it. Set aside again for 20-30 minutes in a warm place.

12. The dough rises, and we prepare the molds. It’s good if there are disposable paper ones. And if you bake in iron or springform pans, you need to grease them with oil and line the bottom and walls with tracing paper.

13. Spread the dough among the molds into half or better yet 1/3 of the molds. Otherwise it will rise and can run away.

14. Set aside for another 30 minutes to rise. At this time, turn the oven switch 180 degrees.

15. Place the baking sheet with the beans in the oven for 40-50 minutes to bake. Baking time depends on the type of oven you have and the size of the molds.

16. Do not open the oven door for the first 30 minutes. We don't want the Easter cakes to fall off. And then you can check the readiness with a toothpick.

Let the baked goodies cool and then remove all the paper. Cover with delicious fondant and brightly decorate with confectionery beads or any other sugar sprinkles.

Bon appetit!

How to make Easter cake with raisins quickly and tasty

Great! Let's move on to a quick version of Easter bread without adding yeast. It will appeal to those cooks who are short on time and have no time to tinker with yeast baked goods. It never fails, everything works out 100%, and the result is amazing!

Required products:

  • Flour - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 150 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 4 pieces;
  • Warm milk - 10 ml;
  • Melted butter or margarine - 200 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet.


1. Scald the raisins and then dry them on a towel.

2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place very soft butter or margarine in a large bowl. Pour granulated sugar on top plus vanilla sugar and beat for 1.5-2 minutes.

3. Beat in the chicken eggs one at a time and continue to beat with the mixer. Then open the bag of baking powder and pour it out. Pour in milk in a thin stream.

4. In small portions, sifting, add flour to the mixture. We are actively working with a mixer. The dough should become like very thick sour cream.

Dip the raisins in flour.

Raisins with flour are always evenly distributed in the baked goods and do not fall to the very bottom of the baked goods.

5. Tip it into the dough and mix. Divide the dough into molds and fill 2/3 of the bowl. This amount of dough is enough for 2 large ones.

6. Bake for 55 minutes. The Easter eggs will become rosy and fragrant. Just in case, check them with a chopstick to see if they are ready.

7. Let the dessert cool and start decorating - cover it with icing and all sorts of delicious sprinkles.

We eat with pleasure!

A delicious new product with dry yeast that surprises

The amazing layered Kraffin cake has already won its place in the sun. It’s not the dough itself that sticks, but how it’s prepared. Well, the taste is also incomparable. If you haven’t prepared it yet, then it’s time to improve!

We need:

  • Flour - 350 grams;
  • Sugar - 80 grams;
  • Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • Warm milk - 110 ml;
  • Butter - 1 pack (180 grams);
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Raisins (steamed) and candied fruits - 200 grams.


1. First of all, we activate the yeast. Add 1 teaspoon of yeast and 1 heaped spoon of sugar to warm milk. Stir and set aside.

2. Crack one egg into a bowl. We carefully separate the yolks from the other two and also attach them to the first egg.

You won't need any more whites in the dough. But they can be used to make gorgeous snow-white fondant. A .

3. Pour sugar and vanilla into a bowl. Whisk with a whisk until all ingredients are mixed into a loose foam.

4. Sow the flour through a fine sieve several times into a convenient container. Make a hole in it and pour in the yeast that has come up. Mix a little and add sugar-egg liquid along with half a spoon of fine salt.

5. Separate 40 grams from a stick of butter, and heat the rest in the microwave and cool a little so that it is not very hot. Gradually add it, knead our magnificent dough. Let's use a spoon first. And then we work with our hands. The whole process takes 10 minutes.

6. The baking will turn out very sticky at first glance, but you shouldn’t add more flour. Heat the rest of the oil and grease the dough. We remove it to rise in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

7. Then we take it out, knead it and divide it into several parts, which we roll into balls. It is important to decide on the volume of the molds. Estimate by eye how much dough it will take to fill the molds one-third. Plus there will also be a filling of raisins or candied fruits. This means that such a ball needs to be made.

8. We have decided on the quantity. Leave the balls under cling film for another 10-15 minutes to increase. Then we immediately begin rolling the balls into rectangles.

9. Lightly dust the table with flour and roll the layer with a rolling pin. It should be thin so that the work surface can even be seen a little through it. Lubricate it with a brush soaked in melted butter. Scatter raisins or candied fruits over the surface.

The filling can be anything - from classic raisins with candied fruits to almond petals or chocolate drops.

10. Wrap the rectangle into a tube and set it aside. We need to make a few more tubes from the rest of the dough.

11. Cut each tube in half, 2-3 cm from the edge.

12. We spread it, like the legs of a little man, and wrap the first leg in the snail first. We fasten the uncut tail and then twist the second leg upward into the snail. The cut part should go inside the resulting snail tower so that the filling does not crumble.

13. Now prepare the molds and turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Non-paper containers should be generously greased with melted butter and each snail should be placed inside.

14. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and bake for another 20-25 minutes.

Decorate the finished Easter eggs with powdered sugar. Have a delicious Easter!

An easy recipe for making Easter cake in a bread machine

A bread maker is no worse than a multicooker to create a wonderful baked product for Easter. Moreover, it will knead, which frees up your hands and makes preparing the dish easier. An unsurpassed, weightless cake made from Venetian pastry will satisfy even the most seasoned gourmet). Let's watch the video story.

Sequential preparation of Easter cake with raisins and candied fruits

Every housewife dreams of lush and airy baked goods. With this recipe, dreams come true! The pies rise very well on dough with wet yeast, so you don’t have to yawn and put them in the oven right away. Otherwise, the dough will run right out of the molds.

Required ingredients:

  • Flour - 500 grams;
  • Wet yeast - 30 grams;
  • Warm milk - 160 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 5 pieces;
  • Butter - 120 grams;
  • Raisins - 50 grams;
  • Candied fruits - 50 grams;
  • Cardamom, vanillin, nutmeg - 1 teaspoon each;
  • Vodka - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • A pinch of salt.


1. Turn on the oven to heat up to about 70 degrees. The heat from the oven will help us rise the dough.

2. Wash the raisins and scald them with hot water for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water and dry the raisins on a clean towel.

If desired, raisins can be soaked with a spoon of cognac. He will become a little "drunk."

3. Place wet yeast, a tablespoon of sugar, 50 grams of wheat flour, and half of warm milk into a large bowl.

4. Stir until sugar and yeast dissolve. You should get a homogeneous mass of gray-beige color - dough.

5. Cover the bowl with a towel and place it in a warm place for half an hour. This is where a warm oven or a place near the radiator comes in handy.

6. The dough has come up a little. It is covered with bubbles, which means the yeast is actively working.

7. Add one and a half tablespoons of vodka. Sift 100 grams of flour and knead the dough. Place again in a warm place for an hour.

8. Heat the butter in a steam bath. Cool it to room temperature.

9. Crack the chicken eggs and carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with sugar and a pinch of fine salt. Here you can work with a whisk.

10. Pour the remaining half of the milk into the mashed yolks. Add melted butter. Mix everything into a homogeneous tasty mass.

11. We take out the suitable dough for the second time and pour in the egg-oil mixture. Mix well.

12. Now it’s the turn of spices: nutmeg, vanillin, cardamom. Mix them with the dough. I also added a teaspoon of turmeric for a nice yellow color. That's why my dough is golden.

13. Sift the remaining flour and knead a soft, elastic dough.

14. Beat the remaining whites into a strong foam. We combine it with the dough and knead it again with our hands. You can knead it either in a bowl or throw it out on the table and continue kneading vigorously there.

15. Place the batch in a warm place for another 40-50 minutes. Let's rise a little.

16. While it rises, prepare candied fruits and raisins. Divide the rising mass into 2 parts. Mix candied fruits into one.

17. If they are large, it is better to cut them into small pieces. But I had small ones and I immediately plopped them into a bowl and distributed them evenly in the dough.

18. I threw all the raisins into the other part. I mixed it with yellow deliciousness.

19. Now we stuff the dough into all our molds. It is most convenient to take disposable paper ones. I like them the best. There is no need to wash them, nothing sticks.

20. Fill the cups 1/3 full and place in a slightly warm oven for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the product will double in size. Can be baked at 180 degrees.

If you have different sized molds, then baking will take different times. Small ones bake for 35 minutes. Medium and large from 40 to 50 minutes.

21. Which is what we do. Turn the knob on the stove 180-185 degrees Celsius and bake for 40-45 minutes. The Easter cakes will be browned, and check the readiness with a dry stick.

Let the golden beads cool and then cover them with glaze. We decorate and paint to your taste and choice.

Here I say goodbye to you for a moment. May you get the most delicious treats and may your friends always ask for wonderful recipes.

Happy upcoming Resurrection of Christ! All the best and health to your family and friends!

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