When can you give your child meat broth and soups based on it? Children's chicken soup Beef soup for a child under one year old

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From 9-10 months, soups are gradually introduced into the child’s menu so that the body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals.

There is no need to radically change your diet. Excessive concentrations of vegetables and animal fat can harm immature digestive organs.

Start with vegetable soups without fat, gradually adding low-fat meats (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken).

The introduction of soups into the diet stimulates the production of gastric juice, launching an active digestion process. Vegetable fiber provides essential nutrients.

Making soups for babies differs from traditional recipes. We offer 10 options for soups that can be given to a child under 1 year old.

You will need:

Cooking features

  • Meat, fish or chicken soup is prepared in the second broth. This removes harmful substances from the meat, makes it lighter and gets rid of excess fat.

Meat broth is prepared from lean meat without bones. Fish - only meat without fins and bones.

  • For chicken it is better to use breast. This is dietary meat.
  • Vegetable dishes are cooked using fresh ingredients without additives or preserves.


  1. Do not cook mushroom soups. This heavy product is not digested in a small body and can cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.
  2. It is prohibited to use ready-made briquettes or fillers. They contain a high amount of chemical components.
  3. Do not use seasonings, spices or roasting ingredients, including peppercorns and parsley. They can harm the intestines. Even tomatoes are prohibited.
  4. Do not add too much salt to the dish. The salt concentration should not exceed a handful at the tip of the knife. The child receives all the necessary substances from mother's milk.
  5. Choose only fresh ingredients for cooking.
  6. It is forbidden to use pickles, smoked meats and sausages for richness and taste.

Chicken bouillon

New foods are introduced into the baby’s diet in small portions so that he can develop an enzymatic reflex that will help him quickly absorb food.

For infants, the best option is chicken broth. If after the first dose you do not see any unusual reactions from the child, then you can safely feed him soups, even pureed soup.

Chicken meat is easily digestible and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

You will need for cooking:

  • Chicken meat (breast) 10 g
  • Parsley root 5 g
  • Carrots 10 g
  • Onion 5 g
  • Water 400 ml

  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly under running cold water and cut into pieces. Place in water and place on the stove.
  2. As it boils, remove the noise as often as possible, do not allow a strong boil.
  3. After 1 hour, add carrots and parsley root (whole). Cover with a lid and cook for another 20 minutes.
  4. Strain the finished broth through a sieve or gauze folded several times. Put on the fire again, bring to a boil and turn off.

Meat broth

Meat broth is more controversial. Pediatricians insist that first you need to introduce small amounts of pureed meat into complementary foods.

Meat products are rich in nutrients and purines, which help increase appetite and have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The difficulty of administering this product in high concentrations. Meat is a heavy product for a small body. Meat broths often cause rejection by the body and allergic reactions. Consult a specialist.

To prepare you will need:

  • Lean meat (beef, veal, rabbit) 20 g
  • Carrots 10 g
  • Onion 5 g
  • Water 400 ml
  1. Place the meat in boiling water, after cutting it into small pieces.
  2. Bring to a boil, remove noise and add chopped vegetables.
  3. Cover with a lid, reduce heat and cook for another 1.5 hours.
  4. Strain the boiled broth and put it back on the fire, bring to a boil and turn off.

Potato soup

Contains a large amount of carbohydrates, a source of potassium and selenium, which are necessary for a small organism.


Improves digestion.

Rice is contraindicated for children with food intolerance.

Since the product is not suitable for everyone, it is better to limit it to 1 dose per day to avoid allergic reactions.


  • Water 100 ml
  • Rice 1 tsp.
  • Cabbage 30 g
  • Carrots 20 g
  • Baby cream 1 tsp.
  1. Boil rice in 100 ml of water.
  2. Boil cabbage and carrots separately.
  3. Mix the products, grind and bring to a boil in the broth where the vegetables were cooked.
  4. Add baby cream, reduce heat and simmer for another 2 minutes.

Cauliflower soup

Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain fiber that is easy to digest. These products have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, help get rid of constipation and increase appetite.

Can be introduced into the diet from 6-7 months.

Cabbage increases gas formation, the baby may feel discomfort. The dish must be given once a day, twice a week.


  • Cauliflower 2 heads.
  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Butter 1 tsp.
  • Low-fat sour cream 1 tsp.
  1. Peel the cauliflower and potatoes.
  2. Wash the vegetables, cut into small pieces and add water to cover them.
  3. Add butter and leave to simmer over low heat without a lid.
  4. Grind the boiled vegetables, add to the broth, add a little salt and season with low-fat sour cream.
  5. Leave on fire for another 2-3 minutes and turn off.

Pumpkin soup

Pumpkin contains a lot of fiber, vitamins A, E, K, etc. It has a positive effect on digestion and removes toxins.

You can give pumpkin soup to your baby from 6 months.

  • Pumpkin 200 g
  • Milk 1 l
  • Butter 30 g
  • Salt, sugar to taste
  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and add to boiling milk. Cook until the pumpkin is completely softened.
  2. Add sugar, salt, butter.
  3. Cool the finished soup and grind it using a strainer.


Contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

You can give it to a child from 6 months 2-4 times a day, depending on the established regime.

Limit use to children allergic to any ingredient.


  • Meat broth 400 ml
  • Meat 100 g
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1/4 hour.
  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Cabbage leaf 1 pc.
  • Olive oil 1 tsp.
  1. Finely chop all the vegetables and boil in meat broth.
  2. Beat the prepared vegetables with a blender or grate them, add chopped meat.
  3. Before serving, add butter and mix well.

Liver soup

Liver is a source of animal fats. The soup is suitable for a child 8-9 months old.

If your child has never tried liver, then start with chicken or turkey liver.


  • Liver 1 pc.
  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onions 1/4 pcs.
  • Buckwheat 4 tsp.
  • Quail eggs 2 pcs
  • Water 400 ml
  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Peel the potatoes and chop finely. Add to soup. Once boiling, reduce heat.
  3. Rinse the chicken liver, remove films. Cut into small pieces and add to soup.
  4. Grate the carrots and chop the onion. Add to soup.
  5. Rinse the buckwheat and throw it into the pan.
  6. Cook until fully cooked, then blend with a blender.
  7. Add a little broth and beat for about a minute until smooth.
  8. Place the soup in a bowl (you can add a little broth).
  9. Boil the quail eggs and let cool. Remove the yolk, crumble, add to the soup and stir.
  10. Serve warm to baby.

From zucchini

Suitable for babies from 8 months.

  • Water 0.5 l
  • Zucchini 1/2 pcs.
  • Potatoes 1-2 pcs.
  • Cream 10% 100 ml
  1. Wash, peel and chop the zucchini.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Place chopped potatoes into boiling water and cook for 8 minutes.
  4. Add the zucchini and cook for another 15-20 minutes.
  5. Remove the soup from the heat and cool to 40-45 degrees.
  6. Grind the entire mass with a blender.
  7. Using a whisk, stir in the cream without ceasing to stir. The soup is ready.

You can use breast milk instead of cream if your baby is breastfed.


Fish is a source of large amounts of vitamins A, D, B1 and B2. It contains phosphorus, calcium, iodine and iron, which have a positive effect on the child’s development, body condition, digestion and immunity.

Fish soup can be introduced into the diet from 11-12 months.

  • Pollock or cod fillet 100 g
  • Carrots 20 g Ctrl+Enter.

Soup occupies a very important place on our table. This tasty and nutritious dish is loved by many. There are a great many soup recipes. Sooner or later, young parents ask questions: “When can I give my baby the first soup?”, “Which recipe should I choose so as not to harm the child’s health?”

Unfortunately, experts do not have a consensus on the optimal age at which a child can be given soup. Some pediatricians allow soup to be introduced into a baby’s diet from six to seven months, others advise waiting until ten to eleven months or even one year. The general idea expressed by many pediatricians is that complementary foods such as soups can be introduced to breastfed babies a little later than to infants fed formula.

Thus, parents must decide when to add the first soup to their child’s menu. There is no need to be especially afraid if the baby already eats vegetable and meat purees and does not experience problems, since they differ little from soup in composition.

How much soup should you give?

We must not forget about the basic rule of introducing new products – gradualism. You can start with one small spoon of soup.

Gradually increase the amount of soup every day to the age-appropriate amount. For example, a normal portion of soup at lunch for a one-year-old child is 50 grams. Thus, the baby will not get to the usual plate at lunch soon.

What should be the first recipe?

In order for the soup to be correctly accepted by the child’s body, when it is decided to introduce it into the diet, you need to take into account several important rules:

  • The recipe should be simple and not contain too many ingredients, otherwise in the event of an allergic or other atypical reaction it will be difficult to determine its cause.

  • The first soup should be cooked in water. Do not use meat broths. They are harmful to babies.
  • Do not overuse spices, or better yet, do not use them. A little fresh garlic or onion, carrots, dill will give the dish a pleasant aroma. A few drops of lemon juice have a good effect on the taste of the soup.
  • Do not fry. It is generally better to forget this method of preparing food until the child is three years old.

What to cook from

So, we come to the conclusion that the first soup a child should try should be vegetable. However, not all vegetables can be included in the recipe without any doubt. Among the vegetables, there are those that are most suitable for the first complementary feeding, and there are no less useful vegetables that are better to wait with, as they can affect the child’s stool in a negative way - relax or strengthen it.

First of all, you can cook soups from zucchini, cauliflower and pumpkin. Then (not earlier than seven to eight months) you can give soups with carrots, potatoes, and peas.

When the baby is nine months old, beets are added. But vegetables such as eggplant, sweet peppers or tomatoes can only appear in soups that are prepared for a one-year-old child. Don't rush with the fish either. It is better to give it after a year. Use in cereal recipes. After a year, you can add noodles to the soup.

How to cook

For soup, it is better not to use tap water, but to buy special bottled drinking water for children. Do not cook too much soup. The “in reserve” option is not suitable for a child who is only a few months old. Be sure to prepare a fresh dish every day. Let's look at a few recipes.

Recipe 1. Vegetable soup for first feeding (6-7 months). For this simple soup you will need 100 grams of vegetables. You can use zucchini or cauliflower. Before cooking, vegetables must be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Boil the vegetables until fully cooked and, without cooling, chop. Use a fine strainer or blender. Dilute the vegetable mass with the remaining broth and bring to a boil. The soup is seasoned with a small amount of butter. In addition to butter, you can use the ground yolk of a hard-boiled quail egg.

Recipe 2. Vegetable soup with meatballs (10-11 months). To prepare soup with meatballs, you can use lean veal, rabbit or turkey. You will need approximately 250 grams. It is better to grind the meat for meatballs twice, bringing the consistency of the minced meat closer to that used for preparing meat soufflé. You can add a little onion to the minced meat, previously grated on a fine grater. Add an egg to the minced meat. Form small meatballs and place them in boiling water. After boiling again, add potatoes and carrots, cut into small pieces. Cook the soup until the vegetables are ready. The soup can be served garnished with finely chopped herbs, or made into puree soup.

There comes a time in the life of any baby when they begin to introduce complementary foods, and here mother-tested recipes for soups for children under one year old come to the rescue. To ensure that your baby’s nutrition is balanced, it is advisable to introduce a variety of foods for preparing first courses.

Nuances of introducing and preparing soups for babies

Pediatricians advise introducing soups for children under one year of age depending on what kind of feeding the child is on. If the baby is artificial and eats, then you should think about this already when the child is 5-6 months old.

If the parents and the doctor believe that the baby is not ready yet, then you can start at 7-8 months. Breastfed children are given this kind of complementary feeding a month later than formula-fed children. You can read about the first complementary foods during breastfeeding

10 simple and useful cooking rules

In order for your baby to benefit from such broth and to like it, you need to adhere to the following rules:
Use only high quality water. It is advisable to take special purified drinking water rather than tap water.
No need to cook over high heat for a long time so that the components of the dish retain all the beneficial substances.
Avoid spices and seasonings completely. This kind of additives is strictly prohibited for young children; the products must be natural.

Ganina N.V., pediatrician, Healthy Family Clinic, Novosibirsk

You should never rush with or infants. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. If an artificial baby can start giving first courses from 6 months, for an infant - later.

Soup recipes for breastfeeding are the same for everyone. We start with dishes that have 1-2 ingredients. Any disorder or rash that appears is a reason to discontinue the product.

Minimize the amount of salt or exclude it altogether. If you teach children to eat without salt from the beginning, then there will be no problems with this in the future.
Don't fry, everything should only be boiled.

Use caution with allergenic vegetables such as tomatoes and red peppers, as well as cabbage - it increases gas formation

Hold off on the rich broth. Cook first courses using lean meat and fish.

It is advisable to take from meat: turkey meat, beef, veal, rabbit, lean chicken.

Among fish, preference should be given to sea fish: hake, pollock, pike perch. Vegetables included: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots.
Always cook with quality ingredients. First you need to wash everything thoroughly.
Prepare and feed your baby only freshly prepared food. Don't leave the dish for next time.
Prepare puree soup for children under one year old. This consistency will not cause difficulties for the baby while eating. Due to the fact that they are not done yet, it will be difficult for them to grind unprepared food. In addition, food whipped with a blender is ideal for the gastric mucosa.
Introduce new products gradually.

The first soup for a child under one year old should first be tested by the mother to ensure that the temperature of the dish is too hot or cold.

Current recipes for pureed soups for children from 6 to 8 months

Before cooking, pay attention to the amount of ingredients. A dish may have 2-3 ingredients.

Potato milk puree soup

To prepare we take:

  • water – 170 ml;
  • potatoes – 100 g;
  • milk – 80 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 5 g;
  • carrot juice – 7 ml (optional).

Preparation stages:

  1. Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Place the vegetable in a saucepan and fill with water.
  3. Place on the stove and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Drain the broth, three potatoes through a sieve or mash thoroughly.
  5. Pour milk and broth into the puree. Put it back on the fire.
  6. After the dish has boiled, remove the pan from the stove. Put the oil and pour in a little carrot juice.


To prepare we take:

  • pumpkin – 70 g;
  • carrots – 70 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 5 g

Preparation stages:

  1. Wash the pumpkin and carrots thoroughly in clean water.
  2. Cut into small cubes.
  3. Pour the water prepared for cooking into a deep container and put the vegetables in it.
  4. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  5. After complete readiness, remove the pan from the stove, add butter, and beat everything with a blender.

If desired, add a pinch of salt.

Potato and carrot soup

If complementary feeding has just begun, then it is advisable to start with a light dish that contains only carrots and potatoes.

To prepare we take:

Preparation stages:

  1. Peel the potatoes and carrots and chop them finely.
  2. Pour clean water into a container, add vegetables and cook until tender.
  3. Beat with a blender and add oil.

Salt is generally not used.

Sakovets N.E., pediatrician, Avicenna-Endocrinology Clinic, Kazan

The introduction of complementary foods is a very important stage, both for parents and for the baby himself. Soup must be included in the diet of a child under one year old. It is important not to rush into introducing foods, which mothers often do.

1 product is administered no more often than once every 3-5 days. You need to monitor the baby, if everything is normal, his behavior has not changed, only then introduce something new.

Soups for children 8-10 months

After 2-3 vegetables have been introduced into the diet, you can make the food multi-component.

Vegetable puree soup

It is important that all ingredients are introduced into complementary foods separately in advance.

To prepare we take:

  • low-fat milk – 50-60 ml;
  • water – 100-110 ml;
  • potatoes – 25 g;
  • cabbage – 25 g;
  • carrots – 15 g;
  • butter – 5 g

Preparation stages:

  1. Wash and clean the ingredients thoroughly. Cut into pieces. Let's cook.
  2. After the vegetables are cooked, they should be removed from the stove and blended with a blender. Some of the water will have to be drained, leaving enough so that the mass is not too thick or liquid.
  3. Pour milk into the resulting puree and add butter. Stir and put on fire again.
  4. After boiling, remove the dish from the stove and let it cool.

From zucchini and cauliflower

To prepare we take:

  • cauliflower – 80 g;
  • zucchini – 80 g;
  • water – 180 ml;
  • chicken yolk – half 1 yolk;
  • vegetable oil – 5 g

Preparation stages:

  1. Peel the cauliflower and rinse under running water. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Take a small zucchini. Wash, peel and cut into small cubes.
  3. Pour water into a deep container and add pre-cut vegetables. We put it on the stove.
  4. Cook until fully cooked. Make sure everything is cooked over low heat.
  5. Beat the zucchini and cabbage with a blender or grind through a sieve.
  6. In another bowl, cook the egg. Add finely chopped yolk and a piece of butter to the vegetables.
  7. Mix thoroughly.

Rice with cauliflower

It is important to cook the ingredients separately.

We take:

  • rice cereal – 7 g;
  • carrots – 12 g;
  • cauliflower – 15 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • milk – 75 ml.

Preparation stages:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel them, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Separately cook rice, carrots and cabbage.
  3. Grind with a blender.
  4. Add milk and boil.

If the baby is already trying to chew food, then the blender may not be used.

You can read other recipes for 9-month-old babies

Ostrovskaya L.I., pediatrician, clinic "Harmony", Rostov-on-Don

Your child’s diet definitely needs to be expanded. We start giving the first soup to babies at 6 months, gradually introducing different vegetables, meat, and fish.

We pay attention to the child’s behavior and appearance. If there are any changes, consultation with a specialist is required.

Introduction of meat soups to children 10-12 months old

It's time to give complementary foods, which include meat and fish. Remember that the meat should not be fatty or stale.

Meat broth

For this recipe we will use beef or veal.

We take:

  • veal or beef – 90-100 g;
  • carrots – 25 g;
  • onions – 6 g;
  • meat broth – 100 g;
  • flour – 8 g;
  • parsley (root) – 8 g

Preparation stages:

  1. Pre-prepare the meat broth. It should be transparent and non-greasy. Wash the beef or veal well and grind it using a meat grinder to obtain minced meat. Let's cook.
  2. Wash the carrots, onions, parsley, peel and cut into small pieces.
  3. Carrots, parsley and onions are placed in the broth, which has been brought to a boil. If desired, you can also add potatoes.
  4. The ingredients must be cooked until the meat product is completely cooked.
  5. Finally, grind with a blender and bring to a boil again.

The broth should be clear and non-greasy. It needs to be cooked using “second water”, i.e. After the water with the meat boils for the first time, you need to drain it and pour new water into the pan with the meat.


We take:

  • lean fish fillet – 80 g;
  • potatoes – 20 g;
  • carrots – 15 g;
  • onions – 6 g;
  • buckwheat – 15 g;
  • water – 100 ml

Preparation stages:

  1. We wash the fish fillet and put it on the fire. After the fish is completely cooked, cool it and remove all the bones.
  2. Prepare vegetables: wash potatoes, onions, carrots under clean water and peel. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Add chopped vegetables to the fish broth and cook for 8-15 minutes.
  4. We sort out the buckwheat, rinse it 3-4 times and add it to the vegetables. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  5. Place the chopped fish in the pan. Beat with a blender and cool.

Rice with tomato

The following unusual recipe will help diversify the children's menu.

We take:

  • turkey meat – 30 g;
  • medium tomato – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 7 g;
  • rice cereal – 10 g;
  • carrots – 15 g;
  • greens – 5 g.

Preparation stages:

  1. Pre-boil the turkey.
  2. We wash and peel the vegetables.
  3. Grate the carrots on a medium-sized grater, finely chop the onion. Boil it.
  4. Boil the rice grains.
  5. We pass the meat through a meat grinder.
  6. Place the tomato in boiling water for a few seconds and remove the skin.
  7. We chop it and simmer.
  8. Place the ingredients in a saucepan and wait for it to boil. Add greens.

Whatever soup a mother chooses for a baby under one year old, you should always consult with your pediatrician first. If it is one of the ingredients, then you need to remove it or replace it with another product.

You can find out what to feed a 1 year old child

With the introduction of the first complementary foods, when the baby is 6 months old, many mothers ask different questions about this. A complementary feeding calendar can help you figure out when and in what order new foods should be introduced into your baby’s diet. One day the moment comes when it’s time to introduce your child to a dish like soup. In this article you can find information about when to give soup to infants, how to prepare it correctly, and what products can be used.

Dates for introduction to the menu

According to generally accepted norms for the introduction of complementary feeding, vegetable vegetarian soups appear on the children's menu after the introduction of vegetables into the diet. Essentially, you offer your child vegetable purees that are liquid in consistency by adding a decoction.

Pediatricians have somewhat different opinions about the age at which to start giving the first one. Some believe that the optimal age is 6-7 months. Others believe that the appropriate age is 7-8 months for formula-fed babies and 9-12 months for breastfed babies.

At about the age of 8-10 months, when meat already appears in the child’s diet, you can add meatballs or boiled chopped fillet. From 9-10 months, instead of puree soup, you can already offer your baby the first one, the vegetables in which will be chopped with a fork. This will stimulate the baby's chewing skills.

Closer to 1 year, the children's menu can be diversified with fish soup.

When introducing a new dish, always start giving broth with 30 ml and observe the reaction. Thus, you can gradually increase the volume of product consumed to the age norm (80-100 ml per day).

Cooking features

Soup for a child is significantly different from the one prepared for an adult table. The first for a baby should be cooked exclusively on the basis of water, and not meat or fish broth, since this is still too heavy food for the baby. Toxins released during cooking can place excessive stress on the pancreas and liver. Fish is a strong allergen, so it should be postponed until a later date. It is better to purchase purified drinking water in bottles, intended specifically for feeding infants.

Start introducing these dishes into your diet with vegetarian recipes. Use only those vegetables that you have already introduced into your baby’s menu earlier, and to which he has not experienced an undesirable reaction from the body.

The first can be prepared from several types of vegetables. It is useful to use rice, buckwheat, and millet in cooking. Alternate different foods to diversify your child's taste sensations.

But it is not advisable to give legumes, bay leaves, smoked meats, tomato paste, garlic and pepper, as this can cause digestive problems for the baby. Adding salt, spices or herbs is also an individual question. It is recommended that at the beginning of complementary feeding you limit yourself to only greens - parsley, dill, etc. Always cook fresh food for each feeding to avoid intestinal infections.

For kids who are just getting acquainted with this dish, it is recommended to chop the vegetables using a blender or fork. Then you should add a little of the remaining broth to the resulting vegetable puree so that the consistency is uniform. A little later, you can switch to soups consisting of small pieces, and the broth will help the child chew and swallow food.

After introducing meat into complementary foods, you can add meat puree or boiled fillet of chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or veal to the dish. The choice depends on what your baby prefers. Try to buy lean meats. Up to a year, give preference to boneless meat.


Knowing the main features of preparing vegetarian and meat broths for infants, you can start cooking. We offer simple and tasty recipes that will help you diversify your baby's diet.

Cream soup

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For infants who cannot yet chew solid food, puree soup is a real godsend for young parents. The dish has a uniform consistency and does not contain lumps. Thanks to this, the puree soup does not irritate the stomach and intestines of the baby and is suitable for dietary nutrition.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. chop and boil 100 g. any vegetables, such as zucchini and cauliflower, until fully cooked
  2. pour the resulting broth into a separate container, and pass the prepared vegetables through a fine sieve, or grind with a blender
  3. dilute the puree with the broth, bring to a boil again
  4. The soup can be seasoned with butter (3 grams) and grated yolk (1/4).


Soups to start complementary feeding must be vegetarian. Use potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, onions and carrots. If the baby is already 9-10 months old, the finished dish can be chopped with a fork, leaving small pieces for a gradual transition to more solid food. Below is the simplest and most popular recipe.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • water – 1 l.
  • potatoes – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 100 gr.
  • carrots – 1/2 pcs.
  • rice – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt to taste

Place rice and chopped potatoes into boiling water. In 10 min. Before the rice is ready, add grated carrots and crushed peeled tomatoes. Cool the finished product to the desired temperature.

Pumpkin soup

The first pumpkin is rich in fiber, vitamins A, E, K, ascorbic acid and microelements. This dish has a positive effect on the digestive tract and removes toxins from the body.

You will need:

  • pumpkin – 250 gr.
  • baby milk – 1 l.
  • butter – 30 gr.
  • sugar, salt to taste

Combine the pumpkin pulp, cut into small slices, with boiling milk. It is necessary to cook until the pumpkin softens. Add sugar, salt, butter. Cool the finished product and grind it using a strainer.

The recipes are not complicated at all. In addition, you can safely change the combinations of ingredients and consistency based on the individual preferences of your baby.


To make chicken soup you will need:

  • water – 0.5 l.
  • chicken fillet – 100 gr.
  • potatoes – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • thin vermicelli - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • green onions or other fresh herbs


  1. cover the fillet with water and bring to a boil
  2. drain the first chicken broth, rinse the meat and prepare the second
  3. after that put chopped vegetables and vermicelli in it
  4. cook until tender, and then puree in a blender
  5. Before serving, do not forget about the greens. Bon appetit!

Chicken soup with vegetable broth is prepared as follows. The fillet and vegetables should be cooked separately, and then the finished products with the addition of broth should be crushed in a blender.

With meatballs

To prepare the first one with meatballs you will need:

  • veal or lean beef – 250 gr.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • water – 250-300 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • greenery

Cooking method:

  1. pass the meat and half an onion through a meat grinder several times
  2. combine the resulting minced meat with an egg
  3. form meatballs
  4. cook them over low heat for 10 minutes
  5. then add chopped potatoes, carrots and remaining onions
  6. cook until tender; before serving, you can garnish with herbs

If your baby doesn't like the recipes and won't eat what you've prepared, try adding a few drops of lemon juice before serving. But, as with the introduction of any new products, you should not rush your baby. Start giving small portions, gradually increasing them to the recommended amount. After all, breast milk remains the main food for up to a year. Be patient and one day your culinary efforts will be appreciated.

All mothers know for sure that infants up to one year old need to receive good nutrition containing sufficient amounts of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Breast milk is a storehouse of useful components, but starting from the age of six months, it is no longer enough for a child . That is why, at 6 months, gradual acquaintance begins baby with fruits and vegetables in the form of purees, porridge, cottage cheese, meat dishes. All of them meet the needs of the baby from the second half of life.

Most modern mothers, despite the abundance of ready-made food, prefer to cook for their children themselves. They find recipes for soups for children under one year old and cook them.

How to determine a baby's readiness for complementary feeding

Each baby has its own characteristics, and therefore they begin to feed them at different times. General signs of readiness are:

Complementary foods are introduced carefully in small portions before breastfeeding. At first, one teaspoon is enough, and then the volume is doubled for each meal, bringing it to normal.

When starting to use recipes for children under one year old, mothers are obliged to monitor the baby’s reaction. Food should not cause difficulty in swallowing; it should be more liquid. You cannot force feed your baby.

It’s better to start with juices, and then gradually introduce vegetable and meat purees.

Features of cooking soups for babies

When a child develops according to schedule, the first soup in the diet may appear from 9 to 10 months. However, this cannot be a dish familiar to an adult body. For kids, there are their own recipes and cooking principles:

If you give soup to your baby in accordance with the rules, you can count on a positive effect on the body.

Rules for preparing broth for soups

When preparing soup for a child aged 10 - 12 months, you need to properly cook the broth. Some mothers prepare something like fish soup for their children, however, pediatricians prohibit this. The broth should be on meat or vegetables.

Meat broth

  1. For a 10-month-old child, soup cooked in meat broth of the third water is suitable, for up to 1.5 years - in the second water. The meat used is clean, without bones, skin or cartilage. With each approach, it is boiled for at least 2 hours.
  2. For 2 glasses of water, it is enough to take a piece of meat. After the first boiling, half is cut off and puree is prepared from it (if it will be added to the dish).
  3. During cooking, the foam is removed as it forms so that the composition does not take on a bitter aftertaste.

Vegetable broth

After the child gets used to the traditional broth, it is worth trying to give him a combined composition. Add a piece of celery root or parsley to the last water of the meat broth.

Soups for children of different ages (up to one year)

Soup for a baby 5 - 6 months old

The first soup for a baby is allowed to be given at 5 months. It is prepared from high-quality fresh products, namely:

  • 70 g carrots;
  • 55 g potatoes;
  • 10 g dry peas;
  • salt.

Vegetables are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. The peas are washed and filled with cool water, and then steamed for several hours. The resulting broth is filtered and vegetables are selected. Add salt to the soup and bring to a boil.

Before feeding your baby, you should add a little butter to the soup.

Soup for a child aged 6 - 7 months

When the baby grew up and began to eat well, you can add the following soup to your diet:

  • 200 g cauliflower and zucchini;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 3 ml saline solution.

Every mother will love the ease of preparation. Vegetables are cut into cubes and boiled. Then the mass is crushed with a blender until smooth. The finished dish can be given to a child.

Soup for a baby aged 9 - 10 months

A recipe for nine-month-old babies may contain carrots, potatoes, onions, pumpkin, zucchini and peas. We offer a recipe for liver soup:

Vegetables are washed well, peeled and cut into slices. Place the liver, onions and carrots in a saucepan, fill them with water, boil and add potatoes.

The soup is boiled for about 10 minutes, and then cabbage and zucchini are added. Boil the mass for about 7 minutes. The soup is turned off, cooled and crushed using a blender. Add a little butter and dill to the finished dish.

Soup for children 11–12 months old

At this age, children have their own teeth, and therefore the soup does not need to be crushed. It will be enough to soften the ingredients with a fork so that solid particles remain. This will help your baby learn to chew food..

If you do not have an allergic reaction to dairy products, you should prepare a healthy light soup. Or use the following recipe:

  • 1 slice of white bread;
  • 200 g liver (chicken);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 potato.

The liver is washed well and freed from film.. Finely chop and soak in water for 30 minutes. A slice of bread is soaked in milk, added to the liver and this mass is ground in a meat grinder.

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, the vegetables are chopped in a blender, and the broth is then added to the mixture. Then minced liver and a little salt are sent there. If the soup is too thick, it should be diluted with milk.

Original and healthy recipes for children under one year old

Soup is an important dish in a child’s diet because it is quickly absorbed by the stomach and has a positive effect on the body. The main component of the dish is broth, and therefore special attention is paid to its preparation.

Broccoli soup

This type of cabbage is very healthy, because it contains many vitamins.

  • 60 g broccoli;
  • 1 potato;
  • ½ carrot and tomato each;
  • salt and bay leaf to taste.

The onion is chopped and fried. The rest of the vegetables are well washed, cut into slices, and the cabbage is divided into inflorescences. Pour about 500 ml of water into a saucepan, boil it and add potatoes and carrots. The soup should simmer for about 5 minutes. Then onions and broccoli are sent there, and the soup is boiled for another ten minutes. About 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add tomato, salt and bay leaf to the soup.

Pumpkin soup for babies

A simple recipe allows you to add cream and carrots if desired.. They add piquancy to the taste.

  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • ½ onion;
  • salt.

The pumpkin is peeled and cut into slices. Potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into slices. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add water or vegetable broth, boil, and then add a little salt. The composition is boiled for about half an hour. Next, grind the ingredients with a blender and put the soup back on the stove so that it boils, and then you can turn it off.

Buckwheat soup

According to most nutrition experts, buckwheat is the most dietary healthy product. By adding cereal to their children's diet, mothers provide their baby with a whole range of useful components.

If the bird is young, it is enough to boil the breast for 30 minutes. Remember that for the crumbs the soup is cooked in the third broth! That is why, after boiling, the broth is drained and new water is added.

While the chicken is cooking, vegetables and grains are prepared. The buckwheat is washed well, the carrots are grated, and the onions and potatoes are chopped. The prepared ingredients are placed in the broth and salted.. At the end, the soup is sprinkled with herbs.

Turkey soup

Turkey meat is very healthy, and therefore recipes for soups for children under 1 year often contain this component.

  • 100 g turkey fillet;
  • 10 inflorescences of broccoli and cauliflower;
  • 1 onion and carrot each;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt.

The meat is washed, filled with water and boiled. The broth is drained and new water is added. The salted broth is cooked for about 30 minutes. The onion is finely cut into cubes, and the carrots into circles. The cabbage is kept in salted water for about 10 minutes and disassembled into inflorescences. The potatoes are washed and cut into slices.

The finished broth is filtered and the meat is taken out of it to cool, and then cut into pieces. Add potatoes to the broth and cook for about 8 minutes, then add onions and carrots, boil and boil for about 3 minutes. Once the cabbage is in the broth, it must be cooked for 5 minutes. The turkey is added, brought to a boil and the finished soup is served.


Now you know everything about how to properly prepare soups for infants using various recipes. Choose the one that you and your baby like best. Try to keep your diet varied, and therefore change your liquid diet periodically.

Feed your child healthy and tasty food so that he develops normally!

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