Whole grain bread: what is the composition, recipes for this product. Whole grain bread - healthy homemade baked goods Grain bread recipe

Ancient folk wisdom says: “Bread is the head of everything!” And indeed it is. Not even the most banal meal or the most luxurious feast is complete without it. Various sandwiches, crispy croutons, unusual canapes, original salads - this is just a modest list of dishes in the preparation of which bread is the main ingredient. And how delicious it smells when it comes out of the oven! You can also just cut off the crispy crust, grate with garlic and salt - and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...

Did you know that 15 years ago the best cake was considered to be a piece of bread spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar?

Comes from ancient times

Bread appeared a long time ago at the dawn of mankind - almost 8,000 years ago. Each community had its own special way of preparing it. Initially, the bread was a simple round flatbread, but over time it took on the shape familiar to us all. Nowadays, every nation has its own signature national bread recipe, which can easily be called the hallmark of the country’s culinary side. For example, the French cannot imagine their life without a long loaf - baguette, and the residents of Armenia are crazy about lavash.

Variations on the theme of bread

Bread can be different in taste and color: black, gray, white, salty, spicy, sweet... It is baked from different types of flour: wheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. There are recipes in which various additives are added to improve the taste, for example, Provençal herbs or raisins and even lard! But the most delicious and healthy of all types is whole grain bread.

Complete benefit

Whole grain bread is rightfully considered the most beneficial for health. It is unique in its composition of useful substances, and also has an extraordinary, indescribable taste. This bread is baked from whole grain flour, which is ground whole grains of various whole grain crops, such as wheat, oats, corn, rye, rice, millet, buckwheat.

Whole grains and flour made from them contain a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body, such as B vitamins, fiber, minerals, large amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Whole grain bread has a very beneficial effect on human health. It is especially useful for people with a disease such as diabetes, as it has the magical property of negating the risk of increased blood sugar levels.

Also, bread made from whole grain flour reduces the level of bad cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. For those who want to lose extra pounds or simply maintain their figure, whole grain bread is a must! It is lower in calories compared to its counterparts, and complex carbohydrates and fiber satisfy hunger faster and more harmlessly than buns, long loaves or regular white bread.

Baking at home

Nowadays, the healthiest bread can be bought without any problems in any supermarket. However, if you like to tinker with your baked goods and have a bread maker at home, whole wheat bread can be easily made at home. It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. Experienced housewives claim that whole grain bread in a bread machine, prepared at home, turns out much tastier and healthier than store-bought. Try it and see for yourself.

Classics of the genre

So, you were inspired and in a great mood, and you decided to bake whole grain bread. It’s not easy to find a recipe for truly delicious bread - you can try a lot of options, but still not find that “your” bread that not only you, but also your household will like. Therefore, we advise you to start with the simplest and offer a classic recipe for bread made from whole grain flour.

So, for one loaf of magic bread you will need:

  • whole grain wheat flour - 560 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 350 milliliters;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons.

In a saucepan, heat the water to 37-40 degrees so that it is warm but not hot, and dissolve the honey in it. Then lay out all the ingredients as written in the instructions for your bread machine and select the main program + medium crust color + medium loaf size. Turn on the bread maker.

5-7 minutes after you start kneading, look under the lid and check how the dough is forming. If it is liquid, add a little flour. If, on the contrary, the dough is hard, crumbles and falls apart, add a few tablespoons of water. When you like the type of dough, close the lid of the bread maker and wait until the program ends, then carefully remove the bread and leave to cool.

That's all - whole grain bread, the recipe of which even a preschooler can master, is ready and fragrant for the whole house. The aroma of fresh baked goods will surely bring the whole family to the table, and your culinary skills will receive many words of praise.

Without rye - nowhere

It would seem that there is nothing healthier than whole grain bread. But no! The healthiest of whole grains is bread made from whole grain rye flour. It is full of health: vitamins B and PP, fiber, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, as well as fructan, which promotes the growth and development of favorable intestinal microflora.

Whole grain rye bread can be easily and simply prepared at home, because, as you know, homemade bread is three times tastier.

So, you will need:

  • whole grain rye flour - 250 grams;
  • whole grain wheat flour - 225 grams;
  • milk - 380 grams;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoon;
  • cilantro seeds (if you like it) - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon.

You must first pour yeast into the bottom of the bread machine container, then sift wheat and rye flour on top. Then add salt, sugar, spices and butter, and then pour in the milk. All that remains is to set the program for rye bread and wait for the end of baking. That's all - the fragrant bread is ready!

If there is no yeast in the house

The recipe for yeast-free bread made from whole grain flour will be very useful for those who are on a diet and taking care of their figure. This kind of dietary bread is no more difficult to prepare than usual, except that you will need a little more ingredients than usual.

Products for yeast-free whole grain bread:

  • whole grain flour - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • oatmeal - 3/4 cup;
  • nuts, seeds or dried fruits;
  • kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • bran, flax and sesame seeds - 3 tablespoons each;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tablespoon.
  1. In a dry frying pan, fry flax seeds, sesame seeds, bran, seeds and nuts until golden brown.
  2. Take a bowl and mix all the dry ingredients except flour.
  3. In a separate container, mix oil, kefir and honey, transfer to a bowl with dry ingredients.
  4. Add flour and mix thoroughly.
  5. Since everything is already mixed, the bread machine needs to be set to the “baking” or “cake” mode so that additional time is not wasted on kneading.

After an hour the bread will be ready! All you have to do is give it time to cool - and you can serve it!

Hot, hot, out of the oven

A decade ago, people had no idea about home bread makers and baked bread in a conventional oven. And our grandmothers and great-grandmothers saw the times when an ordinary stone stove served as an oven. And the baked goods turned out no worse, on the contrary - much tastier and better. True, it was necessary to put in much more effort.

If you still haven’t got a bread maker, it’s broken, or you just want to plunge back into those times and bake bread in the oven or oven - use the recipe for baking whole grain bread without a bread maker.


  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • whole grain flour - 360 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 280 milliliters.

Mix all ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. It should be tight and sticky. Then form a ball and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment and cover with a saucepan or bowl to prevent the dough from losing its round shape. Wrap everything in a terry towel so that the dough can “breathe” and “reach.” Leave for an hour and a half.

After this time, the bread is ready for baking. If desired, it can be brushed with egg and sprinkled with sesame seeds and oat bran or seeds.

Our bread must be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes until golden brown.

Let's say "Yes" to experiments!

Any whole grain bread can be made tastier and more interesting in taste. For example, you can add sunflower or pumpkin seeds to it, or add sesame seeds, flax seeds, dried apricots, prunes, raisins or various nuts to the dough. Spice lovers will certainly enjoy bread with the addition of Provençal or Italian herbs and cumin, while originals will be happy to taste bread with sun-dried tomatoes or garlic.

Try, experiment - and you will probably come up with your own signature, unique whole grain bread, which family members and friends will enjoy, and your girlfriends will definitely ask for the recipe.

Bon appetit and good health!

Grain bread– a very tasty and healthy baked product (see photo), made from whole cereal grains, not previously ground into flour. Most often, corn, rice, barley, and other cereals are used to prepare these baked goods. Manufacturers often supplement this product with pumpkin pieces and sunflower seeds.

Grain bread usually contains the following ingredients::

  • grains (whole flour);
  • water;
  • yeast;
  • milk;
  • salt.

Wheat flour, honey, granulated sugar, oil (vegetable, butter) and even vegetables can also be used to produce this baked product.

In addition to white baked goods, there is also a rye (black) variety of grain bread. It is usually made from rye grains.

Selection and storage

The first thing you should always pay attention to when purchasing such a product is its color. According to the current GOST, grain bread cannot be perfectly snow-white, since it is made from unrefined cereal grains. Remember: this product always has a dark shade. The opposite will only indicate that dyes and other food additives were used in the manufacture of baked goods to color the product.

In addition, study the composition of the bread. Keep in mind that the components that are used in larger quantities are listed first. The product must contain whole grain flour or whole grains. If these phrases are mentioned only on the packaging itself, and not in the list of ingredients, then it is highly not recommended to trust such a bread product.

The quality of grain bread can also be assessed by its appearance. Quality baked goods made from whole grains tend not to be light and airy. This product usually has a dense and clumped texture. This bread may even contain bran (pieces of the grain shell).

According to the food standard, the chemical composition of high-quality grain bread must contain at least 6 g of fiber.

As for storing this baked product, it is better to store it in a special bread bin with ventilation holes, separately from other bread varieties. This way the product can retain its taste and texture for seven days. If baked goods are stored in a regular plastic bag, their shelf life will not exceed two days. Some housewives use the freezer to store grain bread. At a temperature of minus eighteen, the product can be stored for up to twenty days.

Use in cooking

Due to the relatively low calorie content in cooking, various dietary snacks are often created using grain bread. For example, this baked product makes amazing sandwiches and canapés, which can be supplemented with such ingredients:

  • vegetables;
  • fish;
  • cheese;
  • greens;
  • caviar;
  • seafood, etc.

Also, grain bread can be used to make delicious toast and crackers. These products do not harm the figure, so they are often found on weight loss menus.

Baking made from whole grains is considered a very healthy product. It is often recommended to replace regular wheat and rye bread. In addition, grain baked goods have an equally pleasant taste, so they are excellent for both first courses and second courses.

How to bake grain bread at home?

To bake the best grain bread at home, we recommend considering the cooking tips below:.

  • The bread product will turn out much softer and more tender if it is made on a dairy basis, for example, milk, kefir, etc.
  • To add some zest to your homemade grain bread, add a handful of dried sunflower seeds.
  • To facilitate the baking process, use any kitchen appliances, for example, a food processor, bread maker, etc. This technique will quickly knead the dough to the required consistency, which will undoubtedly simplify cooking.

We suggest using the classic recipe for homemade grain bread below.

First of all, combine the following ingredients in a bread machine container: white and whole grain wheat flour (0.5 kg and 250 g, respectively), wheat bran (2 tbsp.), dried sunflower seeds (3 tbsp.), granulated sugar (1 tbsp), as well as salt and dry yeast (1 tsp each). Add the resulting mixture with a glass of milk and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. After this, set the required program for kneading the dough on the bread machine. When the mass is ready, leave it in the bowl of the device for sixty minutes to rise, and then put it on the work surface and form the bread product in the form of a slightly elongated roll. Next, place the workpiece in a baking dish and leave in a warm place for another hour. During this time the dough will double in size. After this, place the mixture in an oven preheated to two hundred and twenty degrees. Bake the product for twenty-five minutes, then remove from the oven, cool and remove from the mold. Bread made according to this recipe comes out very tasty, crispy and at the same time incredibly soft. Moreover, it can be brought to this texture not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. Bon appetit!

Benefits and harms

Since the benefits of grain bread for human health are undeniable, many doctors often recommend consuming it during a course of treatment, as well as during a diet. Due to the fact that these baked goods are made from unrefined cereal seeds, all the vitamins and minerals present in the grain shell are preserved. When eating such unusual bread, the body is saturated with vitamins A, B, E, PP and minerals such as K, Na and P. This healthy bakery product is also rich in other microelements: Mo, Fe, I and Ca.

In addition, grain bread is rich in dietary fiber. It has been scientifically proven that these substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, thanks to them, the state of the intestinal microflora is normalized, low-density lipoproteins and bile acids are removed. That is why, with regular use of this product, you can prevent such dangerous vascular disease as atherosclerosis. In addition, dietary fiber has the property of lowering blood sugar. This suggests that this type of baking is especially useful for diabetes.

The advantage of grain bread is that it can be eaten during a diet. The fiber it contains has a positive effect on digestion, and this, accordingly, helps to lose weight.

Due to its high carbohydrate content, this product is incredibly useful during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.

Important! Whole grain bread benefits a healthy stomach and intestines. If there are any diseases of these organs, then these baked goods are harmful to humans. Moreover, its harm can manifest itself not just in digestive upset, but also in exacerbation of diseases.

Grain bread is a popular bakery product that has a pleasant taste and high nutritional value. Such baked goods can deservedly be called “healthy”.

If you love delicious homemade bread, but at the same time are used to eating healthy and nutritious food, try making grain bread at home. Grain bread differs from regular bread in both its composition and method of preparation. Nutritionists say that grain bread is one of the most valuable food products, as it contains large quantities of B vitamins. Moreover, these vitamins are best absorbed from grain bread. In addition, grain bread, which is baked from coarse flour, contains a large amount of plant fiber, which has the best effect on the condition of the intestines, especially on the process of peristalsis. By regularly pampering your family with homemade grain bread, you will not only diversify your diet, but also improve your health and the health of your loved ones. Don’t think that grain bread is not as tasty as the soft white bread we are used to. The taste of grain bread can be simply fantastic, especially if you bake it according to all the rules. To prepare grain bread, only wholemeal flour containing whole pieces of grain is used. Dough made from such flour will be less sticky, and it will take a little longer to bake - but the finished bread is worth it. Most often, dough for grain bread is prepared using a yeast-free method, by kneading it and immediately forming loaves. This dough does not need to stand for a long time before going into the oven, so the process of baking grain bread will not take you too much time. To prevent grain bread from tasting bland, you can add small amounts of sugar, salt, aromatic spices, peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pieces of nuts, various dried fruits and other flavorings.

Recipe for "Grain yeast bread":
Grain yeast bread ingredients: Pour all the seeds into a dry, heated frying pan and dry them until lightly golden (if there are no flax seeds, that’s okay).
Pour boiling water (200 ml) over the dried hot seeds and leave to cool.
Pour cold water, cooled water with seeds, all the flour and cereal, salt into the bucket of a bread machine or into the bowl of a food processor, grind the yeast with a handful of flour until crumbs and pour into the flour, knead the dough, making sure that a bun is formed.
If the dough is too stiff, you can add a little water (since the seeds absorbed some of the water when swelling), the dough should turn out to be plastic and not stick to your hands.
If the dough is kneaded in a bread machine, let it rise there; if in a food processor, then put it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover it with cling film and put it in the oven at T = 40 degrees, let it rise there.
After an hour and a half, our dough came out of the oven like this...
Pour a handful of 1st grade flour onto a cutting board, lay out a third of the dough, roll it in flour and then roll it out to approximately the size of a baking sheet. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet lined with baking paper, use your palms and fingers to level the dough to the size of the baking sheet, cut into strips and prick the strips with a fork.
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, place the baking sheet with the bread for 20-25 minutes. Bake until golden; if you leave the loaves longer, they will be drier and crispier, but this is not for everyone (the boys choose the browner ones, but the husband prefers the not-so-crispy ones!)
In any case, it's tasty and healthy! Help yourself to your health!
Yes, this amount of dough makes three baking sheets of bread.

Cereal bread
Healthy dietary product.

100 g wheat flour (regular, or first, second grade)
50 g oat flour (or oatmeal)
50 g sunflower seeds
50 g sesame
50 g flax
1⁄2 tsp salt
2 tbsp. wheat bran
1 tbsp. odorless vegetable oil + 1 tbsp. l. for lubrication

Simple, tasty and very healthy bread with the addition of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax. These breads are an excellent alternative to bread; they can be eaten with cheese, jam, or just as a snack with soup, instead of bread. Just don’t expect the taste of shortbread cookies made with butter from these breads. Yes, they are tasty, but only as tasty as diet grain breads can be. So, if you respect this type of product, then I think you will like them, at least I like them very much.
If you can't find sunflower seeds, you can replace them with pumpkin seeds. Instead of oatmeal, you can use, for example, buckwheat. Instead of wheat bran, you can use oat or rye bran. By the way, if flax seeds are not sold in your store, then you can buy them at the pharmacy (in the department with herbs in boxes). So, in general, this bread recipe can be easily varied to suit your taste.

Place the oatmeal in a blender or food processor with a knife and grind into flour.
If large particles or pieces of hard husk remain, you can sift through a fine colander.
Place wheat flour, oatmeal, bran, and salt in one container and mix.
Gradually pour in 300 ml of water, stir well so that there are no lumps.
Add sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax and 1 tbsp. l. oils
Stir until the mixture becomes liquid and pourable.
Line a baking sheet with foil, grease evenly with 1 tbsp. l. oils Pour the mixture onto the foil.
Place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees. Cook for approximately 20 minutes.
Then, if the mass is dry enough, carefully divide it into rectangular pieces with a knife.
Return to the oven and continue cooking for 30-60 minutes (the time depends very much on the characteristics of the oven).
If you have a dryer, you can cook in it, where the product can be dried at 40-50 degrees. You can also dry it in the oven at 50 degrees, if it is possible to set such a temperature in it. This way you will get an even more useful and valuable nutritious product, but such drying takes much longer - about 3-4 hours.
Cereal crispbreads would be good with cheese, jam or soup instead of bread.
Recipe from Elena Kamensky

For a small portion - 6-7 loaves of bread, take:
2 tbsp. sprouted wheat (rye) seeds
2 tbsp. pumpkin and 2 tbsp. sunflower seeds. Rinse the seeds and soak in water for 3-4 hours.
1 tbsp. flax seeds
Some dried herbs (I had green onions, dried).
A pinch of salt.

Method for preparing grain bread:
Grind all the ingredients except the herbs in a blender, adding salt and a little water to get a slightly sticky mass; you don’t need to grind too much, let there be small pieces, like cereal.
Then add the greens, mix everything and bake in a dry frying pan over the lowest heat. I would say dry. The process is lengthy and may take 40-60 minutes.
The bread is crispy on top and slightly soft in the middle. They are very tasty and filling. You can eat 2 loaves of bread.

Another recipe I like is tomato grain bread.
Take for this:
3 tbsp. cashew nuts (soak for 4-5 hours), 2 tbsp. sprouted wheat grains, 1 tbsp. sunflower seeds, 1 tbsp. pumpkin seeds, dried green onions, a pinch of salt, a small piece of tomato (so that adding it will make the mixture viscous, but not liquid). Prepare similarly to the previous recipe.
As you can see, there is a lot of room for imagination here; every time you can cook something new, changing the ingredients and spices.
Try it and make these wonderful and delicious grain breads. And your body will be very grateful to you. You will give him all the necessary nutrients.

Ancient folk wisdom says: “Bread is the head of everything!” And indeed it is. Not even the most banal meal or the most luxurious feast is complete without it. Various sandwiches, crispy croutons, unusual canapes, original salads - this is just a modest list of dishes in the preparation of which bread is the main ingredient. And how delicious it smells when it comes out of the oven! You can also just cut off the crispy crust, grate with garlic and salt - and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...

Did you know that 15 years ago the best cake was considered to be a piece of bread spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar?

Comes from ancient times

Bread appeared a long time ago at the dawn of mankind - almost 8,000 years ago. Each community had its own special way of preparing it. Initially, the bread was a simple round flatbread, but over time it took on the shape familiar to us all. Nowadays, every nation has its own signature national bread recipe, which can easily be called the hallmark of the country’s culinary side. For example, the French cannot imagine their life without a long loaf - baguette, and the residents of Armenia are crazy about lavash.

Variations on the theme of bread

Bread can be different in taste and color: black, gray, white, salty, spicy, sweet... It is baked from different types of flour: wheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. There are recipes in which various additives are added to improve the taste, for example, Provençal herbs or raisins and even lard! But the most delicious and healthy of all types is whole grain bread.

Complete benefit

Whole grain bread is rightfully considered the most beneficial for health. It is unique in its composition of useful substances, and also has an extraordinary, indescribable taste. This bread is baked from whole grain flour, which is ground whole grains of various whole grain crops, such as wheat, oats, corn, rye, rice, millet, buckwheat.

Whole grains and flour made from them contain a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body, such as B vitamins, fiber, minerals, large amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Whole grain bread has a very beneficial effect on human health. It is especially useful for people with a disease such as diabetes, as it has the magical property of negating the risk of increased blood sugar levels.

Also, bread made from whole grain flour reduces the level of bad cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. For those who want to lose extra pounds or simply maintain their figure, whole grain bread is a must! It is lower in calories compared to its counterparts, and complex carbohydrates and fiber satisfy hunger faster and more harmlessly than buns, long loaves or regular white bread.

Baking at home

Nowadays, the healthiest bread can be bought without any problems in any supermarket. However, if you like to tinker with your baked goods and have a bread maker at home, whole wheat bread can be easily made at home. It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. Experienced housewives claim that whole grain bread in a bread machine, prepared at home, turns out much tastier and healthier than store-bought. Try it and see for yourself.

Classics of the genre

So, you were inspired and in a great mood, and you decided to bake whole grain bread. It’s not easy to find a recipe for truly delicious bread - you can try a lot of options, but still not find that “your” bread that not only you, but also your household will like. Therefore, we advise you to start with the simplest and offer a classic recipe for bread made from whole grain flour.

So, for one loaf of magic bread you will need:

  • whole grain wheat flour - 560 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 350 milliliters;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons.

In a saucepan, heat the water to 37-40 degrees so that it is warm but not hot, and dissolve the honey in it. Then lay out all the ingredients as written in the instructions for your bread machine and select the main program + medium crust color + medium loaf size. Turn on the bread maker.

5-7 minutes after you start kneading, look under the lid and check how the dough is forming. If it is liquid, add a little flour. If, on the contrary, the dough is hard, crumbles and falls apart, add a few tablespoons of water. When you like the type of dough, close the lid of the bread maker and wait until the program ends, then carefully remove the bread and leave to cool.

That's all - whole grain bread, the recipe of which even a preschooler can master, is ready and fragrant for the whole house. The aroma of fresh baked goods will surely bring the whole family to the table, and your culinary skills will receive many words of praise.

Without rye - nowhere

It would seem that there is nothing healthier than whole grain bread. But no! The healthiest of whole grains is bread made from whole grain rye flour. It is full of health: vitamins B and PP, fiber, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, as well as fructan, which promotes the growth and development of favorable intestinal microflora.

Whole grain rye bread can be easily and simply prepared at home, because, as you know, homemade bread is three times tastier.

So, you will need:

  • whole grain rye flour - 250 grams;
  • whole grain wheat flour - 225 grams;
  • milk - 380 grams;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoon;
  • cilantro seeds (if you like it) - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon.

You must first pour yeast into the bottom of the bread machine container, then sift wheat and rye flour on top. Then add salt, sugar, spices and butter, and then pour in the milk. All that remains is to set the program for rye bread and wait for the end of baking. That's all - the fragrant bread is ready!

If there is no yeast in the house

The recipe for yeast-free bread made from whole grain flour will be very useful for those who are on a diet and taking care of their figure. This kind of dietary bread is no more difficult to prepare than usual, except that you will need a little more ingredients than usual.

Products for yeast-free whole grain bread:

  • whole grain flour - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • oatmeal - 3/4 cup;
  • nuts, seeds or dried fruits;
  • kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • bran, flax and sesame seeds - 3 tablespoons each;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tablespoon.
  1. In a dry frying pan, fry flax seeds, sesame seeds, bran, seeds and nuts until golden brown.
  2. Take a bowl and mix all the dry ingredients except flour.
  3. In a separate container, mix oil, kefir and honey, transfer to a bowl with dry ingredients.
  4. Add flour and mix thoroughly.
  5. Since everything is already mixed, the bread machine needs to be set to the “baking” or “cake” mode so that additional time is not wasted on kneading.

After an hour the bread will be ready! All you have to do is give it time to cool - and you can serve it!

Hot, hot, out of the oven

A decade ago, people had no idea about home bread makers and baked bread in a conventional oven. And our grandmothers and great-grandmothers saw the times when an ordinary stone stove served as an oven. And the baked goods turned out no worse, on the contrary - much tastier and better. True, it was necessary to put in much more effort.

If you still haven’t got a bread maker, it’s broken, or you just want to plunge back into those times and bake bread in the oven or oven - use the recipe for baking whole grain bread without a bread maker.


  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • whole grain flour - 360 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 280 milliliters.

Mix all ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. It should be tight and sticky. Then form a ball and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment and cover with a saucepan or bowl to prevent the dough from losing its round shape. Wrap everything in a terry towel so that the dough can “breathe” and “reach.” Leave for an hour and a half.

After this time, the bread is ready for baking. If desired, it can be brushed with egg and sprinkled with sesame seeds and oat bran or seeds.

Our bread must be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes until golden brown.

Let's say "Yes" to experiments!

Any whole grain bread can be made tastier and more interesting in taste. For example, you can add sunflower or pumpkin seeds to it, or add sesame seeds, flax seeds, dried apricots, prunes, raisins or various nuts to the dough. Spice lovers will certainly enjoy bread with the addition of Provençal or Italian herbs and cumin, while originals will be happy to taste bread with sun-dried tomatoes or garlic.

Try, experiment - and you will probably come up with your own signature, unique whole grain bread, which family members and friends will enjoy, and your girlfriends will definitely ask for the recipe.

Bon appetit and good health!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Fans of baked goods made from premium flour should think about the fact that it does not provide benefits to the body, but it contains empty carbohydrates and a lot of calories, which later manifest themselves in the form of excess weight. You need to eat bread or crispbread made from flour with bran, which has retained the value of the grain germ and rough shells.

What is whole grain bread

How to choose a healthy product in a store? Maybe you should pay attention to the names: “Health”, “Grain”, “Dietary”, “Cereal”? There is no guarantee that the benefits of whole grain bread come from fancy words. A guarantee can only be given by the fact that the product is baked from unrefined flour and contains active biological components and fiber, which helps the body work. It spares the pancreas, does not allow it to produce excess amounts of insulin, it should be used for diabetes and obesity.

Whole grain bread - calories

Wholemeal bread has a low calorie content because it contains a lot of fiber and ordinary water. If it is baked from wheat, then a hundred-gram piece can contain up to 250 kcal. Rye has especially low indicators, for example, Borodinsky has the fewest calories - 190. But sometimes, due to fats and additives, the calorie content of whole grain bread increases to 290 kcal . It can also be reduced (200 kcal per 100 g) if you add pieces of finely chopped vegetables to the dough. Such baked goods are even healthier and more beautiful - the photos show this well.

Whole grain bread - composition

Bread made from wallpaper flour can be sold everywhere. It is worth studying the list of constituent components, given that in the first place are those whose content is maximum. Whole grain bread sometimes includes cooking oil, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and margarine. They increase nutritional value. If the recipe for whole grain bread includes a lot of sweets that contribute to weight gain: sugar, sugar syrup, molasses, caramel, you should avoid the product. Salt is always added to bread products, but there should not be a lot of it.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) is as follows: if 100 g of product contains approximately 290 kcal, then carbohydrates - 52 g, protein - 8 g and fat only 4 g. Proteins are the building material for the body, carbohydrates and fats are the source energy, minerals provide metabolism. Fiber absorbs harmful substances and normalizes digestion. Vitamins B1, B2, PP and E normalize metabolism.

How to make whole grain bread

Whole grain bread at home should be baked from natural products using homemade sourdough. But if the housewife does not want to cook it herself, then you can use baking powder, soda or yeast, although their benefits are questionable: they ferment in the human body, this is unpleasant and harmful. The main thing in the recipe is coarse flour, since the product made from it is not only tasty, but also rich in nutrients.

Whole Grain Bread Recipes

There are many recipes for whole grain bread. The main products for its preparation are flour with bran, yeast - dry or fresh, warm water, salt, sugar. If desired, you can add oil, fats, herbs, grains, seeds, honey. Bread made with kefir is good. You can bake it in an electric or gas oven, in a slow cooker or bread maker, strictly following all the instructions. It turns out simple, fast, tireless. Baking with sourdough will take more time, but it’s worth mastering. The recipe with photos is given below.

Whole grain bread in a bread machine

  • Cooking time: 240 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

How to prepare baked goods without much labor? Baking whole grain bread in a bread machine using yeast is a great option. You need to prepare the ingredients, load them and select the required program. Those who have already mastered the classic recipe should bake more labor-intensive, but very tasty whole grain sourdough bread (starter). But we must remember that the main condition for success is following the instructions for the bread machine.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour - 105 g
  • water -110 g
  • sourdough - 10 g

Ingredients for making the dough:

  • whole grain flour - 375 g;
  • water - 240 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt – 0.75 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 10 g of starter with 110 g of water (settled), add 105 g of sifted flour.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave to ferment overnight. Room temperature is preferable.
  3. Pour 240 g of water into the dough, add flour, stir, cover, and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Add butter, salt, sugar to the resulting mixture and stir. Transfer the dough into a bag and refrigerate for 8-10 hours.
  5. Distribute it in the bread maker bucket, turn on the “Dough” mode. The mass will mix and rise twice.
  6. Then leave it alone for an hour and a half before starting the Baking program.

Whole grain bread without yeast

How to make whole grain yeast-free bread in your home kitchen? It's fast. Unleavened dough is kneaded with kefir. In addition to wholemeal wheat flour, it is recommended to add rolled oats (oatmeal) and rye flour. It's healthy food, but very tasty. This whole grain bread can be baked using a conventional oven, but if you have a slow cooker or bread machine, the process is much easier.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 260 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for making sandwiches, sandwiches.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.


  • whole grain flour - one and a half cups;
  • rye flour – 0.5 cups:
  • oatmeal – 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir 2.5% - 250 ml;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, oatmeal, soda, sugar, salt,
  2. Combine vegetable oil with kefir, mix with flour.
  3. Grease the Redmond or Panasonic bowl with oil, sprinkle with breading, and lay out the dough.
  4. Run the "Bake" program for 30 minutes.
  5. Turn the bread over and set it to the same setting again.
  6. After half an hour, remove the bread and cover with a towel for one and a half to two hours.

Whole grain sourdough bread

It would be nice to learn how to make whole grain sourdough bread! It will definitely turn out delicious, look beautiful, and beckon with its crispy crust and thick, fragrant crumb. It's worth taking the time to make sure your starter is successful. To do this, it will need to be “fed” in time, then natural yeast will raise the bread dough.

  • Cooking time: 3-4 hours.
  • Calorie content: 250 kcal.
  • Number of servings: 4 kilograms.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for a snack, for dietary nutrition.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.


  • rye flour - 100 g;
  • whole grain flour – 2-2.1 kg;
  • water – 2-2.1 liters;
  • honey – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 9 tsp;
  • seeds - 150 g.
  • vegetable oil.

Method for preparing sourdough:

  1. Mix 100 g of coarse rye flour and 100 ml of water. Cover with a damp cloth and keep warm.
  2. After two days, drain half the mass and add 50 g of flour and water. This must be done for 14 days. The future starter will become larger, it will begin to bubble (see photo).
  3. Pour into a jar with a lid that has holes.
  4. Store in the cold, feed in time so that the starter (starter) is always at hand.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the “starter” at room temperature into a deep bowl, add all the water, a kilogram of whole grain rye flour and a spoonful of honey. Stir and leave for 5-6 hours. Sourdough loves heat!
  2. Set aside 500 g of starter for next time. Whatever is left will be used for baking bread.
  3. Add salt and honey, stir until they dissolve.
  4. Add the rest of the flour, seeds of your favorite crops (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin), mix thoroughly
  5. Fill the greased molds halfway with dough, sprinkle with seeds. Leave the dough for 1-2 hours - let it rest and rise a little. You can form round loaves directly on the baking sheet.
  6. Place the molds in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and bake for at least an hour.
  7. Place the bread removed from the oven on a towel, cover and wait until it cools. Fresh large grain bread is good with butter.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 2.5 - 3 hours
  • Number of servings: for 7-8 persons.
  • Calorie content: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for sandwiches.
  • Type of cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy

Modern household appliances will help you prepare bread from whole grain flour at home. Redmond makes good baked goods. Whole grain bread in a multicooker with yeast will turn out well if you follow the rules specified in the instructions supplied with the device. Do not neglect spices, herbs, seeds - they will add aroma and piquancy to the bread.


  • flour – 500 g
  • water – 300 ml
  • dry yeast – 1.5 tsp.
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix one spoon of flour, yeast, salt, sugar.
  2. Pour in heated water and mix everything. You will get a dough, it is best to put it in a warm place for half an hour or an hour.
  3. Combine the sifted flour with the dough, pour in the oil and knead the dough. It should not remain on your hands when kneading.
  4. Cover the dough with a napkin and let it rise for 40 minutes, then knead again.
  5. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, transfer the dough, close the lid, and start “Warming” for 15 minutes.
  6. Complete the process in the “Baking” mode - 40 minutes.
  7. Then turn the bread over. Bake for 25 minutes in a special basket until golden brown.
  8. After 10 minutes, remove the finished aromatic delicacy onto a dish and let cool under a towel.

Video: recipe for whole grain bread in the oven

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