Sloe seasoning with adjika. Tkemali from thorns - a classic recipe. With tomato paste

This recipe is quite original and very different from the classic method of preparing real Georgian tkemali. However, it is also ideal for meat and fish dishes.

Ingredients required for the sauce:
  • 1 kg of sour apples, preferably Antonovka;
  • 1 kg of sloe;
  • 20 grams of khmeli-suneli;
  • 50 grams of tkemali seasoning mixture;
  • 4-5 pods of fresh red hot pepper;
  • 2 medium heads of garlic;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar to taste;
  • vinegar - 50 ml.
How to prepare Tkemali from thorns and apples for the winter:

First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the apples and thorns.

After this, the apples are peeled and the core and seeds are removed. You can cut the apples as desired: into slices, cubes.

Place the apples in a saucepan and cover with water, then place over medium heat. After the water boils, simmer the apples over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Then you need to add thorns to the apples. Boil the fruit until the plum skins are completely softened.

Once ready, drain the water and let the fruit cool to room temperature. Next, take a sieve and thoroughly puree the apples and plums until a fruit puree forms.

At the same stage, grind the garlic and pepper in a blender and add them to the fruit puree. Salt, sugar and spices are also added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed and put on fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes, after which add vinegar and cook the sauce for about another 5 minutes.

Once ready, pour the sauce into pre-sterilized small jars, close the lids tightly and store in a cool place.

Famous plum Tkemali sauce goes well with meat, poultry and fish. Components of dishes in combination with it reveal their taste, and are also better digested. Georgian housewives traditionally prepare Tkemali from cherry plum or damson (a hybrid of plum and sloe), while ours, in the absence of cherry plum, use blue, red or yellow plums in the preparation. What can I say, they cook a similar sauce from Tkemali currants (red) or gooseberries based on Tkemali’s recipe. A feature of classic Tkemali is the use of garlic, herbs and Ombalo (mint) spice.

Ombalo is difficult to find in our area, but I think this is no reason to refuse to prepare Tkemali sauce at home just for barbecue or as a preparation for the winter.

Tkemali sauce from damsons

“This year my parents have a very good harvest of damsons at their dacha.

We made a lot of things out of it: we made jam and swirled compote, put in some liqueur and froze it. Of course, I thought, why not prepare a delicious Georgian sauce for the winter, which can be served with any dishes: fish, meat, pasta, and any side dishes. And it will go perfectly with freshly baked bread, pita bread or a sandwich. Instead of ketchup, plum sauce can even be added to pizza.

Of course, a lot of sauces are now sold on store shelves, you say. And they made tkemali there with the original recipe. A bottle of Tkemali, a little less than a glass, will cost you around 200 rubles. But I am a supporter of why buy a sauce of unknown origin if you can make it yourself! And also from ingredients grown on our own plot.”

So at this stage the reader has two options: close the article and go to the store for tkemali, or read to the end and prepare plum sauce at home, as Georgian housewives do. Even if you don’t find any special spices or herbs, take what you have on hand. Garlic, basil, ombalo, coriander, saffron, hot pepper, cilantro, dill, celery, basil, parsley, bay leaf, and salt are usually used in the preparation of Tkemali sauce. You can buy a bag of ready-made mixture for Tkemali at the market in the spice department, or do like Svetlana, in her step-by-step photo recipe she uses suneli hops.

From the volume of ingredients listed below, Svetlana made Tkemali sauce: 3 jars of 0.7 l, 1 jar of 0.5 l, and a gravy boat with a volume of 150 ml.


  • Plum (or damson) – 3 kg.
  • Cilantro - 4 bunches.
  • Garlic – 11 large cloves.
  • Khmeli-suneli (seasoning) – 1 pack. (20 gr.)
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Red pepper - to taste
  • (I did not add pepper to my sauce, since the Khmeli-Suneli seasoning has a sufficient amount of spiciness)

  • Vinegar – 2 tsp. for the entire volume of sauce.
  • We add vinegar if we are storing the entire sauce. If you need to use a certain amount at once, pour part of the sauce into a bowl and add vinegar to the remaining volume. Based on 1 liter of finished sauce – 1 tsp. vinegar (essence).

    Cooking process:

    I’ll tell you right away what is included in my seasoning HOPS: salt, white mustard, coriander, basil, chili, marjoram, parsnip, bay leaf, savory, carrots, cumin.

    First, prepare the plum (damson).
    Wash it thoroughly and put gloves on your hands and separate the pulp from the seeds.
    We weigh the finished pulp - I got 3 kg.

    Place the damsons in a deep saucepan and simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. Cover the pan with a lid.

    There is no need to add water, as the berries will release a sufficient amount of juice.

    After boiling the plum for 20-25 minutes, you need to grind it. If you grind using a sieve, you need to cool the plum mass a little so as not to get burned. And then put it back on low heat for further cooking. As usual, I couldn’t do without the help of my assistant – a blender. You need to carefully grind the plums so that no large pieces of skin remain (this can be done directly on the stove while the berries are boiling - but be careful not to get burned!!!).

    When a homogeneous smooth plum mass is obtained, add: khmeli-suneli seasoning, sugar, salt, squeeze the garlic through a press (or chop finely). If you add red hot pepper in a pod, you also need to chop it finely and add it to the sauce.

    Mix the plum sauce and leave to simmer under the lid for 25-30 minutes.

    While the Tkemali sauce is simmering, prepare the cilantro and garlic. Wash the greens thoroughly, let the water drain, and chop as finely as possible. Peel the garlic, crush it with a garlic press or grate it.

    When the stewing time is up, add cilantro to the plum mixture. Once again, thoroughly knead and, covering with a lid, let it simmer over low heat for another 30-40 minutes.

    Sometimes you need to stir so that our delicious sauce does not burn.

    I already wrote above that if you need a certain amount of sauce to use immediately, and not as a winter preparation, set aside the required amount in a bowl. Add vinegar to the remaining mixture. Mix.

    Let it simmer for 5 minutes, turn off the gas and put Tkemali sauce from damsons into pre-sterilized jars.

    The sauce turned out very beautiful to look at and tasty. A wonderful aroma wafted throughout the apartment while it was cooking.
    The sauce is simple to prepare and does not require much effort.
    This sauce will be a great addition to any dish (especially meat and poultry) all year round.

    We wish everyone bon appetit with our most delicious Notebook!

    You might be interested in the recipe for yellow cherry plum sauce:

    Outwardly, thorns look like small plums, but in fact they have nothing in common with them. Plum trees appeared much later than thorns. This plant has powerful medicinal properties. It contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. This means that it is not in vain that thorns are widely used in cooking.

    You can use it not only to make compotes and jam, but also to make sauces for fish, meat, pizza, potatoes and other dishes.

    This sauce recipe is quick and easy to prepare, which is important for the current pace of life. The sauce is piquant, spicy and very aromatic. Goes great with meat.

    Required Products:

    • Turn – 1 kg;
    • garlic – 4 cloves;
    • sugar – 6 spoons;
    • salt – 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil – 0.050 l.;
    • ground coriander – 1 tsp;
    • dry basil – 1 tsp;
    • ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.


    Rinse the berries, remove seeds and stems. Next, you need to pour the thorns into a saucepan and add a little water. Cook a little until the berries soften. Then rub them through a large strainer. This way you can get rid of the sloe skin and get a thick puree.

    Remove the peel from the garlic and crush it in a mortar. Send it, sugar and all the spices to the sloe puree, which should be transferred to a saucepan with a thick bottom. You should also add vegetable oil.

    Important! It is important to choose only refined vegetable oil, otherwise the smell of the oil can spoil the entire sauce.

    Place the pan on the stove; when the sauce boils, reduce the heat and cook for 1 hour. It should be stirred from time to time with a wooden spatula.

    During the cooking process, you need to taste the sauce and add more sugar or salt if necessary. Once it tastes good, remove from heat and cool. The specified amount of sloe should yield 0.5 liters. sauce.

    Tkemali from thorns at home for the winter

    is a Georgian sauce that is used to season meat, fish, rice, potatoes, pizza and many other dishes. The classic recipe uses sour plums, but they can be replaced with other sour fruits. In this recipe we will use sloes.

    Read also: Szechuan Sauce – 4 Easy Recipes

    Required Products:

    • Turn – 3 kg;
    • water – 2 tbsp.;
    • dill stems and umbrellas – 0.25 kg;
    • garlic – 5 cloves;
    • green cilantro – 0.30 kg;
    • mint greens – 0.25 kg;
    • red hot pepper – 1 pc.;
    • salt and sugar to your taste.


    To prepare tkemali from sloe at home, first you need to rinse the berries and place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

    Pour water into a saucepan and place it on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer until the thorns are tender.

    Cool the berries a little, and then grind through a colander with small holes to free the thorns from the skins of the berries and seeds.

    Return the already homogeneous mass to the pan and put it on the fire. While the sloe pulp is boiling, you need to rinse the hot pepper and chop it finely.

    Important! Hot peppers should only be cut with gloves and not touched to your face after cutting. The seeds should be removed from such peppers and the tail should be cut off along with part of the pepper. You need to cut it lengthwise. By following these rules, the pepper will not be so hot.

    Tie the dill into a bunch and throw it into the pan along with the hot pepper. You also need to add salt and sugar and cook for 30 minutes.

    Peel the garlic and blend together with the remaining herbs with a submersible blender. Take out the dill; we won't need it anymore. And add chopped herbs and garlic to the pan. Cook for another 15 minutes, stirring the sauce occasionally.

    Cool the sauce and pour into pre-sterilized jars. Cover with lids that were boiled in advance and roll up using a canning key.

    Read also: Shawarma sauce - 12 best recipes

    Place the jars with the lids down and wrap them in something warm. Once completely cooled, move to a more suitable place for winter storage.

    Hot thorn sauce "Adjika"

    This recipe is for those who are tired of the classic tomato adjika. The sauce has an unusually pleasant aroma and spicy taste that will please any gourmet.

    Required Products:

    • Turn – 1 kg;
    • garlic - 2 voices;
    • dill greens – 0.05 kg;
    • coriander – 1 tsp;
    • salt and ground black pepper to your taste.


    Rinse the thorns and place them in a saucepan. Pour in water and cook until boiling, then simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat.

    Interesting to know! The thorn tree can grow in the mountains, in the desert, and in the taiga.

    The well-known Tkemali sauce is famous for its unusual taste and aroma. Plum sauce goes well with hot meat and fish dishes. Thanks to the composition of the recipe, it reveals the taste of meat and fish and helps to better absorb protein foods. How to prepare this wonderful sauce at home for the winter? We will look at several recipes for its preparation.

    Tkemali from thorns

    Tkemali's homeland is Georgia. There local housewives traditionally prepared from cherry plums and damsons. In our area, red, yellow and blue plums are used to prepare Tkemali sauce.

    The astringency of damsons (a hybrid of plums and cherry plums) gives a unique taste to the sauce. The classic recipe consists of the required components - thorns, garlic and cilantro, and various spices and herbs are added to them. They add aroma and unusual taste. The result is a spicy, rich sauce.

    To prepare for winter storage, Tkemali must be sterilized. The taste of the sauce should be spicy, sweet and sour and the consistency should be perfect. Its taste will pleasantly surprise the whole family and hot dishes of meat, fish and poultry in combination with it will taste even more pleasant. To prepare Tkemali sauce, you need to have the main ingredient - thorns. His crops begin to ripen late summer or early autumn, depending on climatic conditions.

    Classic recipe for Georgian Tkemali sauce

    There are many recipes for making this popular sauce. Often, during the cooking process, everyone adds something of their own. The classic Tkemali recipe has certain components, thanks to which it is loved not only in the Caucasus, but also far beyond its borders. According to the recipe, you will need:

    Prepared sloe fruits need to be washed and placed in a clean pan, filled with water according to the recipe. It is better to remove the seeds from the thorns when the berries have softened a little. This feature will give the sloe sauce the necessary consistency.

    When the sloe mixture begins to boil, you need to add bunches of dry grass to it so that it imparts its aroma to the damsons. After this, they can be removed from the container and thrown away.

    Within 15 minutes, the mass in the pan should simmer over low heat. After this, it can be removed from the heat and left under a tightly closed lid so that the aroma does not evaporate from the container. The berries should sit in this state for 1 hour.

    When they have almost cooled down, you can rub them through a sieve. The pureed mass is put back on low heat and about 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt are added. While cooking, taste the thorn sauce and add salt and sugar to taste.

    While the mixture is cooking, you need to grind the remaining ingredients from the recipe. This is best done using a blender. Fans of very hot sauce can leave the seeds in the chili pepper. Those who don't like spicy foods can remove them from the pod. The resulting mixture should be added to the pan with the sloe and if the sauce is too thick, add a little water.

    Typically, when the finished product sits, it becomes more intense. If you plan to prepare the sauce for the winter, then you should boil it longer and then roll it up in jars. This sauce will pleasantly diversify your home menu, as it goes perfectly with various dishes and regular lavash.

    Quick Tkemali recipe

    To quickly prepare Georgian sauce you need prepare the following products:

    • thorn – 2 kg;
    • parsley, dill, cilantro - a total of 175 grams of herbs;
    • 1 large head of garlic;
    • salt and sugar;
    • thyme – 45 gr.

    At the very beginning, you need to put the plums together with the thyme in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, the fruits should simmer. After the fruits are completely cooked, you need to remove the seeds from them and rub the mass through a sieve. In this form, the mass is cooked again for 1 hour.

    The greens and garlic are chopped and then the mixture is needed add to pureed plums and add sugar and salt. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured hot into clean jars and sealed. The jars must be wrapped in warm clothes and left until they cool completely.

    Recipe for tkemali for the winter

    The washed sloe fruits should be placed in a saucepan and filled with water according to the recipe, simmer a little and remove the seeds. Boil for 10 minutes and grind with a sieve when the mass cools down. Then it is put back on the fire and simmered over the lowest heat.

    Tomatoes, herbs, garlic and hot peppers prepared according to the recipe are crushed and then added to the thorns. Honey should also be added there, as well as sugar, vinegar and salt. The whole mass should boil for several minutes and the finished product is poured into clean and dry jars. After this, the jars are covered with a warm blanket or blanket and they stand there until they cool completely.

    Making Georgian Tkemali sauce from sloe at home, several simple recipes for sloe sauce for preparing for the winter.

    Tkemali from thorns


    Fresh cilantro – 1 bunch

    Pennyroyal – 5 g

    Dry ground coriander – 5 g

    Garlic – 3 cloves

    Hot pepper – 1/2 pcs.

    Water – 1/2 cup

    Sugar - to taste

    • 120 kcal

    Cooking process

    Try a spicy, aromatic sauce for meat based on thorns. Spices – ground coriander and pennyroyal, herbs – cilantro. I bought mint in Georgia, I can’t suggest an identical replacement, although you can add utskho-suneli, reducing the amount of ground coriander. I tried to prepare Tkemali from ordinary plums with the same spices, but the taste was far from the tkemali sauce that I tried in Georgia. But the garden thorn sauce tasted more like the authentic Georgian tkemali made from plums; most likely, the astringency of the sloe gives that very taste of the popular sauce. In terms of spiciness, this is a “restrained” option; for spicy lovers, I recommend increasing the amount of pepper.

    Let's prepare all the ingredients for making tkemali sauce from sloe for the winter.

    We wash the thorns. I used a large garden one.

    Place on fire with 0.5 cups of water, stir occasionally.

    This sauce is rich in color, since even during initial heating, the fruits give a bright color to the preparation. Drops of sauce stain the wood; it is better not to leave spoons in the sauce.

    10 minutes before the end of heating, add dry spices.

    Grind pepper and garlic.

    Grind the heated fruits through a sieve. Yield – 650-700 g.

    Put on fire, add pepper, garlic, salt. Adjust the amount of salt to taste. You can add sugar. Boil it down.

    Add herbs to the almost finished sauce.

    Pour the sauce into sterilized jars. You can also sterilize the sauce in a water bath; last year’s twist survived without sterilization. Sloe tkemali sauce is ready for the winter.

    Or we don’t roll up the sauce, store it in the refrigerator, and serve it with dishes. Enjoy!

    A proven recipe for making tkemali sauce from sloe for the winter, step by step with photographs.

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