How to boil eggs in cold water. ♦ how to cook eggs correctly and rationally. Determining egg freshness

How to boil eggs and how long does it take to boil a soft-boiled egg, in a bag, or hard-boiled, so that the yolk of the boiled egg is soft and tasty? How to properly boil a chicken egg in water so that it does not crack and is easy to clean? How to cook a poached egg at home? We suggest you find out the optimal cooking time for chicken and quail eggs and how to cook eggs.

Conventional boiling of eggs at home often creates certain inconveniences during cooking. When buying eggs, as a rule, you choose whole ones, without cracks, you inspect them from all sides, but as soon as you put the egg in cold water, doubts begin about what heat to cook quail and regular eggs.

How to boil regular eggs

Usually, when you want to boil a delicious egg with a soft yolk, problems begin with the consistency of the egg yolk. As a result, in addition to the hard yolk, the eggshell on the egg burst, almost all the white leaked out, or the eggs turned out tasteless and overcooked. To top it all off, a boiled egg is very difficult to peel. Each of us longs to enjoy a perfectly cooked hard-boiled, soft-boiled, or pouched egg.

To achieve an excellent result, you need, firstly, to look at the packaging - it indicates the batch number, date and shelf life of the eggs. This is a kind of hint for the buyer, which not everyone pays attention to. But practice shows that it is completely in vain. After all, knowing the packing date, we can clearly determine what can be prepared from fresh eggs and what needs to wait.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. Fresh village or store-bought chicken eggs, which are 4-6 days old, are cooked longer than usual by 1-2 minutes, depending on the size. In addition, a fresh boiled egg is quite difficult to peel, since the shell does not break off in large pieces, but only in small pieces. As a result, the protein turns out uneven and unappetizing.

An ugly protein won't look good on a plate.

How to properly boil eggs

  1. The size of the pan for boiling eggs is very important!
  2. To prevent the eggs from knocking on each other and bursting while boiling, you need to select a small saucepan.
  3. The amount of water in the pan should be such that each egg is completely hidden under water.
  4. To avoid cracked shells and leaked whites, cold eggs should not be immersed in hot water before cooking.
  5. Eggs should be placed in cold water. The temperature difference negatively affects the eggshell, and it cracks during cooking.
  6. When cooking several eggs at once, for example, place them in the pan carefully and separately.

What heat should you use to cook eggs?

How and how long should you boil eggs so that both the yolk and white are tasty and soft? After the eggs boil, the heat must be reduced and the further cooking process continued over low heat. Strong boiling will make the egg rubbery and the boiled egg will turn grey. Such an egg can hardly be used for

To increase the boiling point and to avoid cracks, add a pinch of table salt to the water. In order to better peel the shells from boiled eggs, after the allotted time in the instructions, the finished eggs are immediately dipped in cold water for 1-2 minutes.

How to properly boil hard-boiled eggs

How to boil eggs and how many minutes of time should be measured after the water boils if the eggs need to be hard-boiled? The answer seems simple - put the eggs in cold water and let them cook like... But in order to properly boil an egg for, it is important to know how to hard-boil eggs so that they peel well and are soft.

Cooking time depends not only on the size of the eggs, but also on the color of the shell. It has been empirically proven many times: hard-boiled eggs cook faster with white shells. With brown shells, it takes longer for the hard-boiled eggs to cook until done.

The fact is that dark eggshells are stronger, perhaps even thicker, than light eggshells. Surely you have more than once encountered the fact that white eggs burst during boiling much more often than brown eggs with a brown shell.

Boiling hard-boiled eggs, at first glance, seems to be the easiest way. But if you keep eggs in boiling water longer than necessary, they become hard, tasteless and are not even suitable for cooking your favorite

What you need to add to the pan to prevent eggs from cracking during cooking:

  • water;
  • eggs;
  • salt, vinegar or citric acid.

We suggest you learn a few secrets so that a chicken egg does not burst and the shell remains intact during cooking.

What to do to prevent eggs from bursting during cooking

We select strong eggs without cracks in the shell and inspect each egg. If you did not have time to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, you can warm them up by holding them in warm water.

  1. First, rinse the eggs under running water.
  2. Using carefully, place one egg at a time into a small saucepan or ladle, this is necessary so that the eggs do not “jump” when boiling and do not hit each other.
  3. Pour cold tap water over the eggs until they are completely covered.
  4. Bring the eggs to a boil.

How long to boil hard-boiled eggs to avoid cracking?

Once the water boils well, reduce the heat. Boil hard-boiled eggs for 7-8 minutes over medium heat so that the yolk is soft but not runny.

Remove the hard-boiled eggs from the boiling water and cover with running cold water. Leave the hard-boiled eggs in cold water for 1-2 minutes.

How to properly boil soft-boiled eggs

Eggs for boiling should always be at room temperature, no matter what kind of water they are dipped into - cold or hot.

A soft-boiled egg is ideal for breakfast not only for children, but also for adults. We have the right to eat 1-2 warm, tasty soft-boiled eggs in the morning in combination with toast or butter, saturating ourselves with a full breakfast.

To properly boil soft-boiled eggs, you need to follow the general rules, do the same as in the previous recipe: put them in cold water, bring them to a boil and measure the cooking time.

How long to boil a soft-boiled egg in boiling water

In boiling water (meaning after boiling the eggs in cold water), how long to boil a soft-boiled egg is easy to determine, based on the size of the egg and how it needs to be boiled, what type of soft-boiled egg. There are different types of “soft-boiled” eggs, and it is more correct to divide the soft-boiled egg into two types.

  • You need to cook a soft-boiled egg for 3 minutes in boiling water - from the moment the water boils.

For the second option, in which the white is more solid, but the yolk is still liquid:

  • The boiling time for soft-boiled eggs will be exactly 4 minutes in boiling water.

Not everyone likes soft-boiled eggs. But the method of boiling soft-boiled eggs is considered more beneficial for health and normal digestion than hard-boiled eggs.


How to boil an egg so that the yolk is soft

To keep the yolk soft, it is better to boil the egg in a bag. Poaching an egg is one of the popular ways to cook chicken eggs. Boiled eggs with a soft yolk are considered a type of soft-boiled egg.

Eggs in a bag are loved by those who do not like soft-boiled eggs with a runny yolk or hard-boiled eggs with a hard yolk. The pouch represents the middle state of a cooked soft egg between a hard-boiled and a soft-boiled egg.

Preliminary preparation and cooking itself are done similarly to the methods mentioned above. The only difference between poached eggs is the cooking time. How long you need to boil eggs in a bag is calculated in minutes.

How long to boil an egg in a bag after boiling

Many children only eat eggs boiled in a “bag”. Not kids, of course, but older children, schoolchildren, for example, who can cope with this task themselves simply and without much effort.

For a tasty and proper “pouch”, the egg can be boiled exactly 5 minutes after the water boils.

Poached eggs: what they are and how to cook them

To prepare a poached egg at home, the main condition is strictly fresh chicken eggs, otherwise a real egg bag - a classic poached egg - will not work.

Poached eggs are eggs boiled in a pouch, but without the shell. In this unusual method of boiling eggs, water can be replaced with milk or broth: vegetable or.

How to properly cook poached eggs: recipe

  1. Boil water or other selected liquid in a wide saucepan (about 1.5 liters), add a little salt for taste.
  2. Then carefully break a clean egg and release its contents into a cup or bowl.
  3. Next, transfer (release) the egg into a slightly boiling liquid so that it does not sink to the bottom of the pan, but floats on the surface. If it does settle, carefully remove it with a spatula and continue cooking at a gentle simmer for about 3-4 minutes, until the protein hardens.
  4. Then, with a large spoon or ladle, take out the finished whole poached egg and serve it on the table, in fish, meat, hot and cold, under and with others, sprinkle with herbs.

Poached eggs are very tasty boiled eggs. For anyone who has never boiled a chicken egg this way, we definitely recommend doing it.

How to boil quail eggs so they are easy to peel

Quails are not susceptible to salmonellosis and quail eggs do not cause allergic reactions in children. Quail eggs are considered cleaner than chicken eggs and are ideal for healthy baby food.

Quail eggs are several times superior in vitamins and nutrients to chicken eggs.

The size of quail eggs is very tiny, therefore, the cooking time for quail eggs differs from chicken eggs.

How long to cook quail eggs

Boil a soft-boiled quail egg for 2 minutes.

Boil a hard-boiled quail egg for 5 minutes.

Quail eggs, in addition to classical cooking, are widely used in cooking and...

How long to boil eggs

Summarize. You already know what needs to be done so that the egg does not burst while boiling and the shell is cleaned well. We remind you how many minutes to cook eggs.

How long to boil chicken eggs:

  • soft-boiled – 3-4 minutes;
  • hard-boiled in a saucepan – 7-8 minutes;
  • hard-boiled in the microwave – 1 minute;
  • in a bag – 5 minutes;
  • The poached egg is cooked for 3-4 minutes.

How long to cook quail eggs:

  • soft-boiled quail eggs need to be boiled – 2 minutes;
  • Hard-boil quail eggs - 5 minutes in boiling water.

If you liked and found this article useful, we will be very glad. We ask you to share your recipes with us in the comments. It is very important to be able to boil eggs and know how to boil an egg so that the yolk is soft, tasty and the shell is easy to peel.

Friends! Perhaps you know or have heard about new methods - how to boil eggs in special forms, egg boilers and other devices. Write to us!

You can cook eggs in different ways, and to get the desired result you need to know how to boil eggs without mistakes.

It would seem that boiling eggs is not a problem at all. But in fact, this process also requires some knowledge and, of course, adherence to a time schedule.

Required Products:

  • several eggs;
  • about a liter of water;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. First, rinse the eggs well so that there is absolutely no dirt left on them.
  2. Place them in a saucepan and fill with water, its level should slightly cover the product. If desired, the water can be salted. Salt increases the integrity of the shell during the cooking process.
  3. Turn on the stove to medium heat, wait until it boils, hold the eggs for about three minutes, drain and pour over ice water.

You can also cook soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker. To do this, lower them into the bowl, fill them with water, turn on the device to the “Steam” mode and set the time for 5 minutes. After this, cool the eggs under running water.

Please note that ready-made soft-boiled eggs may be in different states.

  • To obtain semi-liquid white and yolk, cook for 2 minutes after boiling.
  • You will get soft whites and runny yolks if you keep the eggs on the fire for three minutes.
  • Four minutes will be required for a slightly runny yolk and a fairly soft white.

If the eggs are small, the cooking time should be reduced.

Hard-boiled egg technology

It is much easier to boil hard-boiled eggs than soft-boiled eggs, since they are obtained in only one state, when both the white and the yolk are hard.

Required Products:

  • the number of eggs you need;
  • about a liter of water.

Cooking process:

  1. We thoroughly wash the product and remove all impurities from its surface. Place in a container with cold water.
  2. Turn on the heat to above medium, wait until it boils and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Then drain and rinse with cold water.

If the eggs are not too large, then 7 minutes will be enough to cook them.

How long to cook quail eggs?

These eggs are very small in size, which means the cooking process will be shorter. To bring it to the desired state, you need to know how long to cook quail eggs.

In order to hard-boil the product, you need to rinse it, do this very carefully - they are fragile and small. Bring the water to a boil, lightly salt it, put the eggs in and remove after 1-2 minutes. Don't forget to pour cold water over it to cool.

Hard-boiled quail eggs are cooked almost the same as soft-boiled eggs, the difference is in time. Pour cold water over the product, keep it on medium heat for 5 minutes after boiling, drain and cool.

How to properly poach an egg

Despite the difficult name, preparing them is not at all difficult. Moreover, eggs can be used as an independent breakfast or as an addition to other dishes.

Of course, there is a lot of debate about how to do this correctly, but the general process is roughly identical.

Required Products:

  • one egg;
  • water;
  • spoon of vinegar.

Cooking process:

  1. Fill a container with water, put it on the fire and wait until it warms up, be sure to add vinegar there.
  2. At this time, carefully beat the egg into another container so that it retains its shape.
  3. When the water heats up, it should not boil, start stirring it so that a funnel is formed. And quickly pour the broken egg into the liquid.
  4. If everything is done without errors, the white will wrap around the yolk and will not leak into the pan. Keep for about 5 minutes until ready, without bringing the water to a boil.
  5. Spoon the resulting egg onto a plate, let it cool and serve with toast.

Eggs in a bag

An egg in a bag is a dense white and a runny yolk. How to bring it to this state? There are several ways to do this.

Required Products:

  • the number of eggs you need;
  • water.

First cooking method:

  1. Cold water is poured into the pan and the eggs are laid out.
  2. We wait until the liquid comes to a boil, keep it on the fire for about 4 minutes, then remove it, cool it and serve.

Second cooking method:

  1. The product is placed in boiling water.
  2. You need to wait for the liquid to boil again after lowering the food, hold the eggs for a minute, turn off the stove and let them stand in hot water for about 7 minutes.

Please note that the times indicated are for medium sized eggs. If they are large or, on the contrary, small, then the time must be either reduced or, conversely, increased.

A few secrets of boiling eggs

Like any other product, chicken eggs have their own secrets and nuances of preparation, knowing which you can easily get the desired result.

  1. Before boiling, place the eggs in cold water and a deep bowl to determine how fresh they are. If the product immediately falls to the bottom, feel free to cook it. If the egg floats in the middle, the product is only suitable for frying or omeletting. Well, if it’s at the top, then its place is in the trash can.
  2. You can add a little salt to the water, this is not done for taste, but so that they do not burst in the process.
  3. Do not take a pan that is too large, it is important that the eggs lie tightly in relation to each other, then they will not knock and the shells will not be damaged.
  4. If you have taken out the eggs, but are not sure that they are ready, then try to twist them; if you only get 1-2 turns, then you need to cook more.
  5. There is no need to bring the product to room temperature. You can put them straight from the refrigerator into a cooking container, the result will be the same.
  6. After the liquid boils, you only need to cook the eggs over medium heat, then they will cook evenly, and the contents will be more tasty and soft.
  7. The product should be peeled only after it has cooled, then the shell will not capture the protein and it will not come off. By the way, if an egg doesn’t peel well, it means it’s fresh.

I asked myself this question because I had just started my culinary journey))), and this is what I found on the Internet.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

If you put eggs in cold water, you need to wait until they boil, reduce the heat and cook for 2 minutes (both the yolk and white will remain liquid) or 3 minutes (the yolk will be liquid and the white will be almost solid).
There is another option. Carefully place the eggs in boiling water (they should not be cold!) and leave for 1 minute. Then remove from heat, close with a lid and let stand for 5 minutes. As a result, you will get soft-boiled eggs, where the yolk will be liquid and the white will be hard.

Eggs in a bag

To boil eggs in a bag, place the eggs in cold water, and after boiling, cook for 4 minutes. The second option is to put it in boiling water, cook for 1 minute, turn it off and keep it in the same water for 7 minutes.

How to boil hard-boiled eggs

To properly hard-boil eggs, place them in cold water and 1 minute after boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 7-8 minutes.
It is important not to overcook the eggs, otherwise the white will taste rubbery and the yolk will become covered with an unpleasant grayish coating.

How to properly boil eggs so they don't burst or crack

1. Salt the water - 2 tablespoons per liter. Even if the egg cracks, the white will not leak out.
2. You cannot put cold eggs in boiling water. Warm them to room temperature after leaving them out of the refrigerator for an hour. Or reheat in warm water.
3. Using the blunt end, pierce the egg with a needle. On this side there is an air sac. When heated, the air expands and the shell cracks. If you pierce the shell, the problem disappears. Simple physics.
4. Boil eggs in a small saucepan. If there are few eggs and the pan is large, they will roll and knock against each other during cooking. 1. Boil eggs over low heat.
2. Fresh eggs (up to 4 days) should be cooked a little longer - 2-3 minutes.
3. After finishing cooking, pour cold water over the eggs - this will make them easier to peel.
4. You can check whether an egg is boiled or not: rotate the egg. If it spins quickly, it's cooked. If it's slow, it's raw.

Boiled eggs are a wonderful quick breakfast, and decorated with herbs and sauces, they also become a wonderful dish on the holiday table.

However, not all housewives find the process of peeling them so simple. In fact, hard boiling eggs so that they are easy to peel is not at all difficult.

  • First: eggs should never be thrown into hot or boiling water. They need to be put in a saucepan, pour as cold water as possible so that about one index finger of water remains above the surface of the eggs, and only then put on fire.
  • Second: as soon as the water begins to boil, you need to throw more salt into it (about a heaped teaspoon).
  • Third: when the water is close to boiling and the eggs begin to beat against each other and against the walls of the saucepan, the heat needs to be reduced slightly so that the water does not boil too much.
  • Fourth: 4-5 minutes after the water boils, the eggs need to be removed from the pan and immediately placed under running cold water. If there are a lot of eggs, then you can transfer them with a tablespoon into a pre-prepared bowl with cold water.

Many people think it's right boil quail eggs so that they peel well, more difficult than chicken ones. But that's not true. The process of boiling quail eggs is exactly the same.

You just need to keep in mind that since quail eggs are very small (2-3 times smaller than chicken eggs), their cooking time should be slightly reduced.

That is, we put quail eggs in cold water in the same way (the water covers the eggs on the finger), add a teaspoon of salt when boiling, when the water boils, slightly reduce the heat and cook the quail eggs over moderate heat for another 2-3 minutes. Then we put them in cold water and easily clean them.

Advice! To easily peel a quail egg, you need to roll it lightly on the table, then the shell will be easily removed in a single strip.


Why eggs may not peel well

By and large, the fact that a boiled egg is difficult to peel is a good sign. This means the egg is fresh. In very fresh home eggs, the film covering the white adheres very tightly to the shell and is difficult to separate from the white during cooking.

If the eggs are not the very first freshness, but are still poorly peeled, it means that most likely they were not cooled enough immediately after boiling.

Eggs that have been in the freezer or stored at too low a temperature are also poorly shelled. In such eggs, the process of protein denaturation will be slightly disrupted, and it will be more difficult to peel them after cooking.

Helpful hints

Another trick! In order for the egg (even if it is completely fresh) to be easily peeled, before putting it in a pan of water, you can carefully make a puncture on the blunt side of the egg with a sharp thin needle. Then a little air and water will get under the shell, during the denaturation process the protein will easily separate from the film, and after boiling the egg will be easy to peel.

  1. There are other tricks for preparing boiled eggs that are known to experienced housewives. For example, how long to cook quail and chicken eggs after boiling water.
  2. In order for the eggs to turn out soft-boiled, you need to cook chicken eggs for about 90 seconds, and quail eggs for 30. To prevent the yolk of hard-boiled eggs from turning blue and to be bright and beautiful, boil chicken eggs for 3-4 minutes, and quail eggs for 2-3 minutes.
  3. For those who like to decorate holiday dishes with elements made from boiled eggs, it is important to know how to boil eggs so that they do not burst. The best way is to add a spoonful of vinegar (teaspoon or tablespoon depending on the amount of water) to the water when cooking, in addition to salt.

Even the simplest culinary manipulations require a certain degree of care and attention. But once we learn the rational way, we will boil eggs for the rest of our lives without thinking about how we do it.

How to properly boil an egg?

By the way, I always thought that I knew how to boil eggs. What could be simpler? Place in boiling water, add salt so that the eggs do not crack (and if they do, so that the white does not leak out), and adhere to the following temporary regime:

  • boil the egg soft-boiled - 3-3.5 minutes
  • boil the egg in a bag - 4-6 minutes
  • hard boil the egg - 8-10 minutes

After maintaining this time over medium heat, remove the eggs from the heat and place under cold water to make them easier to peel. That, in fact, is the whole technology, but...


♦ how to cook eggs correctly and rationally

What you need first is to remember a few rules.

1. Never boil eggs straight from the refrigerator because cold eggs are likely to burst if immersed in hot water.

2. Use a kitchen timer. Trying to guess the time, or remember to look at the clock, you will not achieve the desired degree of “cookiness”.

3. The pan should preferably be small, because if you boil several eggs in a large pan, they may break against each other.

How to boil an egg without cracking?

Pierce the egg with a thick needle from the blunt side.

4. At the blunt end of the eggs, inside, there is a pad where air collects. Usually, during boiling, the pressure there increases, and as a result, the egg may crack. To avoid this, pierce the egg with a needle and let the steam escape.

5. Never put eggs on strong “fast” heat, cook on medium. If you don't use a timer, don't cook the eggs for too long - the yolks may turn black and literally become rubbery.

6. If the eggs are very fresh (less than four days), they will take a little longer - about 30 seconds.

How to soft boil an egg in a bag with a timer

First of all, we need a small saucepan in which to boil water. To boil an egg, cover it with 1 cm of water.

Quickly but carefully lower the egg into the water, or if there are several eggs, then one at a time. Set the timer and let the eggs cook in the boiling water for exactly 1 minute.

Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and set the timer again.

  • To soft-boiled egg(a fairly runny yolk and a set but runny white), you will need 6 minutes timing.
  • To boiled egg in a bag(runny yolk and firm white), you will need 7 minutes timing.

How to boil a soft-boiled egg in a bag - an alternative method

Place the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with cold water, covering them by about 1 cm, set the heat to high, and once the boiling point is reached, reduce it. Then watch the clock hand or set a timer:

  • 3-4 minutes if boiling a soft-boiled egg (more liquid and less liquid)
  • 5 minutes if we boil the egg in a bag (fully boiled white and slightly runny yolk).

How to hard boil an egg

Please note that very fresh eggs, if boiled, are difficult to peel. Therefore, recommendation number 1: use at least five days from the date on the package.

Now about how to cook. The method is as follows: place the eggs in a saucepan and add about 1 cm of cold water. Bring the water to a boil and set the timer for 6 minutes if you want a slightly runny yolk, or 7 minutes to get a completely hard-boiled egg.

  • 6 minutes - “cool bag”
  • 7 minutes - hard-boiled egg

Then remove from heat and cool under running water for about 1 minute, then place in a bowl of cold water for another 2 minutes to cool completely.

How to peel a hard-boiled egg

The best way is to do this under running water. Break the shell and then, holding the egg under running water, peel it, starting from the wide end. Water will wash away everything unnecessary. Then you need to keep the egg in cold water for a little longer. If you don't cool it completely, it will be overcooked - you can see this by the black rings on the white.

How to boil quail eggs

Quail eggs for boiling should also not be too fresh. Unlike chicken ones, they do not burst in boiling water.

To hard-boil quail eggs, you will need 5 minutes, starting from the boiling point, over medium heat. To soft-boil, 1 minute is enough. Then cool quickly and peel as above.

  • Boil a quail egg soft-boiled - 1 minute
  • Boil a quail egg hard - 5 minutes

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