Types of catering establishments. Distinctive features of the objects of the restaurant business The growth of labor productivity entails an increase in the wages of employees while reducing the total cost of labor, allows for more successful implementation

A clear, well-established and organizational structure of a restaurant or any other catering establishment is a fundamental element of successful operation. Thanks to a strict hierarchy of employees, the management of the establishment will be fast and efficient.

Goal development

Setting goals and the main mission of any organization is one of the main stages in the formation of an enterprise. At the present time, when the laws of a market economy have come into force, a number of specific rules for the behavior of such entities are needed. First of all, this should include the publication of the mission of the organization, which gives an idea of ​​its purpose, necessity and usefulness for society, employees and the environment. First of all, the mission is the reason for the existence of the restaurant. Sometimes this concept is called the motto of the organization.

Mission of the organization

The mission of any organization, including a restaurant, is the main socially significant, functional purpose of the enterprise for a long period. Basically, this mission is developed by top managers or the owner of the restaurant. The mission of the organization provides the subjects of the external environment with a general picture showing what the restaurant is, what it strives for, what means it will use in its kind of activity, and also what is the philosophy of the whole institution.

In addition, when determining the mission of the restaurant, it is also worth considering the following:

  • the formulation of the main task of the restaurant, in terms of manufacturing products, as well as the key technologies that will be used in production;
  • who will be the customers of the restaurant, what needs of the guests the company will be able to successfully satisfy;
  • organization culture;
  • position of a company in relation to the environment.

The mission of the restaurant is mainly contained in annual reports, as well as on posters that can be seen on the walls of the enterprise, where the management strives to show their goals in the form of short, emotionally colored slogans. In addition, missions can be included in the information that is distributed by the restaurant to its guests, suppliers, and candidates applying for vacant positions in the organization.

SMART goal setting

The mission of the restaurant implements the goals of its development, which are able to determine essentially promising directions. To build an effective employee motivation system, all restaurant goals must comply with the so-called SMART rule, which was developed by managers and consultants. Deciphering the abbreviation SMART, that is, the goal should be:

  • specific - specific;
  • measurable - measurable;
  • achievable - achievable;
  • relevant - relevant;
  • defined in time - Time-Bound.

Each person subjectively reveals the specificity, achievability, measurability, realism and approximate time to achieve the goal.

Basically, the goals of the restaurants are divided into several groups.

Customer service

When serving their guests, restaurants should set themselves the following goals:

  • providing guests with delicious food;
  • providing good service;
  • creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere inside the restaurant;
  • special relationship and approach to each guest.

Marketing Approach

Speaking about the goals of marketing, this should include the presence of regular guests, as well as the dissemination of information about your company through the media, the Internet and promotional products.

Working with restaurant staff

If we talk about goals related directly to working with personnel, then this should include:

  • ensuring the most favorable working conditions for staff and increasing the level of satisfaction and interest in the work process;
  • constant control of product quality and a high level of professionalism of employees;
  • organization of a close-knit team and a positive spirit in it;
  • ability to work with guests;
  • conducting special trainings for employees.


It is necessary to set goals for SMART and regarding the competitiveness of the restaurant, first of all, their list should include:

  • adaptation of the institution to the main requirements of the market;
  • in 3 years it is necessary to become one of the best catering establishments in the city;
  • ensuring the stable and financial position of the restaurant in the target markets;
  • constant monitoring of the market;
  • periodic addition of any new dishes to the restaurant menu;
  • quality control of sold dishes;
  • the presence of only professional employees;
  • identification of critical areas of managerial influence and setting of priority tasks that can ensure the achievement of previously planned results.

Restaurant management structure

All employees in the restaurant should be divided into several groups. The structure includes these combined groups, depending on the function:

  • the owner of the restaurant, who in most cases is the CEO;
  • accountant and his assistant if necessary;
  • or deputy general director;
  • manager or administrator in a restaurant;
  • kitchen staff;
  • service employees;
  • technical staff;
  • employees of the warehouse and security, but in small establishments the structure of the restaurant can exist without this group.

All these groups of employees are links in the same chain. It often happens that if one category of employees does not work correctly, then the whole structure of the restaurant crumbles according to the domino principle, which further provokes the collapse of the institution. At the same time, each employee must clearly understand and know his direct duties, as well as his boss, in order to follow his instructions.

Speaking about the organizational of the restaurant, the main person here is the owner, to whom all the staff are subordinate. If the owner of the establishment is interested in making a profit, then he often takes many of the problems of the restaurant onto his own shoulders, taking on the responsibility of selecting the concept of the establishment, recruiting staff, choosing suppliers, organizing advertising and attracting guests.

But also the restaurant owner can entrust the management of his institution to the director, deputy director, manager, to whom managers or administrators will report directly. The main responsibility of the director is the overall management of the restaurant.

In the structure of a restaurant enterprise, a shift manager combines several functions at once, the main of which is the coordination of the work process and, for example, waiters, bartenders, and technical workers will report to the administrator: washers, cloakroom attendants, cleaners, doormen, and so on.

Speaking about the production structure of the restaurant, it is also worth noting a group of kitchen workers. The head chef or head chef is considered the main employee here. His duties include supervising the rest of the cooks, confectioners and assistants. In some establishments, the structure of the restaurant also includes the position of production manager. His responsibilities include many more items: controlling the workflow in the kitchen, supervising junior kitchen employees, for example, food cleaners, a washer and more. In large establishments, the restaurant structure also includes a purchasing manager or warehouse manager. He controls storekeepers and drivers.

In some cases, the production structure of the restaurant may have a different look, but this does not mean at all that the institution will work inefficiently. If line managers are preserved in this structure, then the institution will be able to have every chance for further prosperity.

Duties of the CEO

The organizational structure of a restaurant enterprise cannot exist without an owner or CEO. Its main responsibilities are:

  • execution of documents that are required for the implementation of activities for the provision of catering services;
  • providing guests with the necessary and reliable information about the services;
  • organizing, planning and coordinating the work of the restaurant;
  • ensuring a high level of efficiency of the production process, the introduction of new technologies and equipment, progressive forms of organization of the work process and service;
  • monitoring the correct use of financial, material and labor resources, as well as assessing the quality of guest service;
  • concluding contracts with suppliers, controlling the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale;
  • representing the interests of the restaurant and acting on its behalf.

It is worth noting that the general director can assign any of his duties to the director of the restaurant, deputy general director or another person, at his own discretion.

Chief Accountant

The structure of the organization of the restaurant requires the presence of a chief accountant who is responsible for the financial issues of the institution. The main responsibilities of this person are:

  • management of accounting and reporting, as well as control over the timely and correct execution of relevant documentation;
  • control of rational and economical use of labor, material and financial resources;
  • control of the correct reflection on the accounting accounts of all restaurant operations and their compliance with the law;
  • economic analysis of financial activity;
  • management of the preparation of reporting cost estimates for products and services, payroll reports, reports on taxes and other payments to banks.

manager or administrator

The main responsibilities of a restaurant manager or administrator include:

  • monitoring the correct design of the hall, bar counters and shop windows;
  • checking ready-made shields and making settlements with guests;
  • taking measures that can prevent and eliminate conflict situations;
  • consideration of claims related to unsatisfactory guest service, as well as the implementation of appropriate organizational and technical measures;
  • taking orders and developing a plan for organizing and servicing anniversary celebrations, banquets and weddings;
  • monitoring compliance by personnel with labor and production discipline, safety, rules and regulations of labor protection, sanitary and hygiene requirements;
  • informing management of any shortcomings in servicing guests, as well as taking measures to eliminate them;
  • scheduling the work of waiters, bartenders, hostesses, cloakroom attendants and other staff;
  • execution of other official assignments of his head.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the restaurant enterprise management structure also includes ordinary employees, whose duties may differ depending on one or another institution. Typically, at the time of hiring, the management or HR department informs the prospective employee of these responsibilities.


Public catering is a branch of the national economy that has been, is and will be the most market-oriented field of activity.
Nowadays, catering establishments are introducing new modern technologies that improve the quality of culinary products.
To achieve the goals set, the enterprise must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all technological, administrative and human factors that affect product quality and safety.
Improving the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of intensification of production common to the entire national economy - achieving high results at the lowest cost of material and labor resources.
The activity of public catering enterprises is associated with the need to strictly take into account sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technical resources.
Nowadays, modern technologies are being introduced in public catering establishments, which contribute to improving the quality of culinary products.
Public catering was one of the first branches of the national economy to embark on the rails of transformation, taking on the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period on market relations.
The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed. The restaurant business in our time is a young, but very profitable business. The standard of living of our citizens is rising every day. They are no longer satisfied with lunch in the dining room, they need to have a good rest, taste something unusual, just have a good time. And they are willing to pay well for it. Therefore, opening a restaurant in our time can bring not a small income. But for this you need to study the laws of the market, as well as the elements of the restaurant business, which will help you stand out from the competition and take a high place.
It is very important to first determine the profile of the restaurant. A clear formulation of two or three "highlights" will allow you to have a stable circle of customers who not only accept the service option offered to them, but also feel comfortable and comfortable. This approach can lead to a restaurant with a "club", "family" or "corporate" clientele principles.
Another winning way is a "business restaurant", when the emphasis is on high food standards, relatively low cost and rational assortment, fast service and versatility. Quick lunches and tastings, presentations and sales exhibitions, creation of conditions for business negotiations, combined with the clink of glasses when they are signed, are appropriate here.
Every year, mass food penetrates more and more into the life of the broad masses of the population, contributes to the solution of many socio-economic problems; helps to better use the country's food resources, provides the population with quality nutrition in a timely manner, which is crucial for maintaining health, increasing labor productivity, and improving the quality of education; allows you to use your free time more efficiently, which today is an important factor for the population; releases from the household an additional number of workers and employees, etc.
The network of catering enterprises used by the population is represented by various types: canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars, etc. The need for various types is determined by: the diversity of the population's demand for various types of food (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, intermediate meals, business lunches ); the specifics of serving people both during short lunch breaks and during rest; the need to serve the adult population and children who are healthy and in need of medical nutrition. Demand for products and services of mass catering is constantly changing and growing.
When developing projects for public catering enterprises, the role is assigned to engineers. Working in the field of small and medium-sized businesses at enterprises, they act as a representative of the customer, issue initial data to the design organization for the design of new enterprises or the reconstruction of existing ones.
Engineers provide the backbone of the project. They identify the most technically and economically feasible technological processes, determine the sequence of their implementation and control methods.
select and calculate the necessary equipment, fixtures and tools, design the spatial arrangement of equipment and jobs in the workshops, as well as other premises.
Engineers, together with other specialists, carry out architectural supervision of the construction and reconstruction of enterprises, take part in the acceptance of finished facilities, and then bring them to their design capacity and ensure efficient operation.
One of the leading disciplines in the training of engineers is "Technology of catering products". As this discipline is studied, future specialists acquire the necessary knowledge on organizing the design of public catering establishments, developing project documentation, standard and individual design and performing technical calculations. They learn to carry out the planning and equipping of workplaces, the layout of workshops and other premises, as well as the enterprise as a whole.
The purpose of my course work is to master the organization of production and service at public catering establishments, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern, progressive methods and forms of organizing the production of culinary products.
When developing the course work, the following tasks were pursued: to develop an assortment, interconnection with other shops and premises, the sequence of the technological process, equipment, mode of operation, sanitary requirements of the cold shop. Drawing up and calculation of the production program of the enterprise, drawing up a plan-menu, calculation of the required amount of raw materials by gross weight.

1. Characteristics of the projected enterprise

Restaurant - a public catering establishment with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine, tobacco, and confectionery products. With a high level of service in combination with the organization of recreation.
"Higher" - the originality of the interior, the choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom-made and specialty dishes and products.
Our Sophie restaurant will belong to the highest class and be a public catering enterprise, distinguished by the best equipment, serving, interior and an increased level of public service, combined with recreation. The production of dishes, snacks on an individual order, as well as specialties provided for in the menu, is widely practiced. The hall is designed for 75 seats.
The restaurant is planned to have: a trading floor, a billiard room, a bar, industrial premises, administrative premises, warehouses, amenity premises for personnel and technical ones.
The production facilities include: a hot shop, a cold shop, a semi-finished product refinement shop, a vegetable shop, a washing kitchen utensils, a washing tableware.
The administrative premises include the director's office, the accounting department, the office of the head. production.
Amenity facilities include a locker room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms.
Technical premises include ventilation, switchboard and heating unit.
At the door of the hospitable restaurant "Sofia" you will be met by a doorman and, of course, a huge neon sign with the name.
There will be a foyer at the entrance to the restaurant. The foyer includes: wardrobe, toilet rooms, security post.
The trading floor provides for a stage and a dance floor in front of it. The interior of the hall is designed in blue-green and sand colors. The walls of the hall are decorated with paintings and natural flowers. For the convenience of visitors, the furniture is provided with increased comfort in accordance with the interior of the restaurant, the tables have a soft cover, the chairs are soft with armrests.
In the restaurant "Sofia" you will be offered everything that fans of billiards need:
- first-class tournament level billiard tables;
- a cozy bar with a wide range of spirits and delicious cuisine;
- discounts for regular customers.
To create an optimal microclimate in the restaurant, a climate control and air humidification system is planned.

The premises of the restaurant will fully comply with the following regulatory documents:

    building codes and design rules SNiP 1-L.8-71. "Public catering establishments";
    sanitary rules and norms SanPiN 42-123-6777-91 "Sanitary rules for public catering establishments".
This restaurant offers the following services to the public:
    cafe catering service;
    services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;
    production of culinary products and confectionery products according to consumer orders, including in complex designs and with additional design at public catering establishments;
    organization and service of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events;
    home delivery service;
    field service;
    services for the organization of musical services;
    organization of concerts, variety programs and video programs;
    guaranteed storage of consumer values;
    calling a taxi at the request of a consumer (visitor of a public catering enterprise);
    parking of the consumer's personal cars in an organized parking lot at a public catering establishment;
    reservation of places in the hall of catering establishments;
Leisure services include:
- organization of musical services;
- organization of concerts, programs, variety shows;
The regulatory framework for the restaurant's activities is based on:
    Civil Code of the Russian Federation part 1.2-5, Legal Literature, 1994, 1996.
    Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (as amended) January 25, 1996
    Rules for the provision of public catering services. Approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.08.97. No. 1036.
    GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions".
    OST 28-1-95 “Public catering. Requirements for production personnel.
GOST 50764-95 “Catering services. General requirements"
    GOST R 28-1-96 “Public catering. Service personnel requirements
Visitors are served by waiters, maitre d' and bartenders. Meals and drinks will be prepared by highly qualified chefs.
The attendants have uniforms and shoes of a single sample.
The Sofia restaurant is planning a convenient vehicle access and guarded parking.
The Sofia restaurant has a variety of workshops specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: a semi-finished product processing workshop, a vegetable workshop, a hot workshop, and a cold workshop.

Warehouse, container, sanitary facilities.

In our enterprise there will be a workshop structure of production. Shops are subdivided into blanks (workshop for finalizing semi-finished products, vegetable); pre-cooking (cold, hot).
Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A production line is a production site equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.
In the preparation shops of the restaurant, mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables is carried out and semi-finished products are produced to supply the hot shop of their enterprise with them.
The Sofia restaurant intends to work on semi-finished products, therefore, the processing of meat, poultry, offal and fish is concentrated in one workshop (Semi-finished products refinement workshop), as well as the processing of all vegetables.
For the correct operation of mass catering enterprises, it is necessary to supply them with raw materials, semi-finished products, purchased goods in the required quantity, at a certain time and in an assortment to ensure the production of culinary products and trade. Therefore, the following suppliers of raw materials and materials were chosen for this cafe:
    Cheboksary Meat Processing Plant - semi-finished meat products, meat gastronomy;
    Cheboksary Dairy Plant - whole milk and fermented milk products;
    PE Svitin - fish semi-finished products;
    OOO "Agama" - fresh vegetables and fruits, salads, herbs, nuts, cereals, spices, sauces;
    PE Tikhonov - bakery products and custom-made confectionery;
    CJSC "Slava" - alcohol, tobacco products, sweets, juices and nectars, tea, coffee.
    ABC Market, CONNEX - kitchen equipment and inventory;
    DelOde, Premier Decor - uniforms, commercial furniture;
The technological scheme of the restaurant depends on the relative position of the production and amenity premises and the trading floor. In order to reduce the noise level in the hall, sound-absorbing boards are used when finishing its walls and ceiling. The equipment in the hall is placed in such a way that the visitor has free access to the distribution line and all tables. For the free movement of visitors in the hall, main and secondary passages between tables and chairs are arranged. The width of the main aisles (between chairs) must be at least 1.2 m, secondary aisles for one-way traffic (between chairs) -0.6 m.
Production shops should be located taking into account the convenient relationship between themselves, the hall and storerooms. When planning industrial premises, their orientation to the cardinal points is taken into account. Hot and confectionery shops are oriented to the north, northeast, northwest. The same orientation should be followed for cold rooms.
Washing tableware is provided in all public catering establishments, regardless of their capacity. They are located adjacent to the distribution and dining halls. Washing kitchen utensils is located adjacent to the hot shop.
The composition of storage facilities and their area are determined depending on the capacity of the catering establishment. As a rule, warehouses are located in the basement floor (their location on the production floor is not excluded).
"Cold Shop"
Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. When planning the workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of the products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware.
Products used for cooking are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before release, therefore, strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for cooking must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 degrees; utensils and utensils must be marked and used for their intended purpose. In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc. should be clearly delineated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime of storage and release of cold dishes (10 - 14 degrees).

"Hot shop"
The hot shop is the main shop of the enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: the heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, the boiling of broths, the preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, and the heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes are carried out. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the blank shops, with storage facilities and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution, sales area and washing kitchen utensils.
The microclimate of the hot shop: according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, the temperature should not exceed 23 degrees Celsius, there should be supply and exhaust ventilation; relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.
The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: refrigeration, thermal, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and racks.
Hot shop dishes produced at the Sofi restaurant comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and are produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Standard Rules for Public Catering Establishments.

"Vegetable shop"
The vegetable shop has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed.
The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, post-cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing and cutting.
Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to equipment standards and depends on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for post-peeling potatoes, washing baths, vegetable undercarriages.
Workplaces are equipped with appropriate tools and equipment to perform certain operations.
In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is placed in the course of the technological process. The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the head of production.

"Workshop for the completion of semi-finished products"
In the Sofi restaurant, a workshop has been organized for the refinement of semi-finished products, which the company receives from industrial and procurement enterprises in the form of large pieces of meat, frozen slaves, chicken carcasses, etc.
Separate workplaces are organized in the workshop for the refinement of meat semi-finished products from poultry and fish.
From the equipment, a universal drive PM-1.1 is installed with a set of machines for loosening, chopping meat and performing other operations. In addition to mechanical equipment, refrigeration equipment, washing baths, production tables, mobile racks are installed in the workshop.
In the Sofi restaurant, according to the production program, large-sized semi-finished products are cut into portioned, small-sized and chopped. The workplace is equipped with a production table, on which a cutting board is laid, dial scales are installed.
The preparation of semi-finished products from poultry is carried out at the workplace, where washing baths and a production table are used.
Given the specific smell of fish products, the preparation of portioned semi-finished products is carried out on separate production tables. In addition to separate equipment, separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for fish processing are distinguished. Table-top meat grinders are used in the workshop.
The work is carried out by cooks of the 4th and 5th categories, they report to the head of production or the foreman.
"Washing kitchen utensils"
Washing kitchen utensils is designed for washing the stove
utensils (boilers, pots, pans, etc.) kitchen and cutting equipment, tools. The room should have a convenient connection with the production shops (cold and hot).
In the washing room, underware for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and equipment, washing baths with 3 compartments are installed - for soaking, washing and disinfecting.

"Washing tableware"
The room is designed for the timely use of utensils, appliances. The washing room is equipped with a washing bath, a production table, a drying cabinet for storing dishes, a rack, as well as cisterns with lids for collecting waste.
The walls are tiled to a height of 1.8 meters, the ceiling is whitewashed, the floor is covered with waterproof material, metal tiles with a slope of 0.015 meters towards the water drain. The room is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. Lighting by fluorescent lamps with shades. Wiring of cold and hot water.

A room for storing and issuing tableware by waiters: from porcelain, glass, metal; cutlery. Equipped with wardrobe and shelving. The walls are tiled with white tiles, the floor is wooden. Lighting by fluorescent lamps. Shelves of cabinets and racks are periodically treated with detergents.

"Confectionary shop"
The confectionery shop occupies a special place in catering establishments. He, as a rule, works independently, regardless of the hot shop.
In restaurants, confectionery shops of smaller capacity are organized: 3, 5, 8 or 10 thousand products per day.
The confectionery shop uses a wide variety of equipment: sifters, dough mixing machines, dough sheeters, beaters, a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, cooking pots, electric stoves, electric baking cabinets, and refrigeration equipment.
The products necessary for the preparation of products are supplied to the pantry of the daily supply. Perishable products are stored in a refrigerator at 2 - 4 degrees. Celsius. The main products are pre-prepared. Finished confectionery products are sent to storerooms or refrigerators of the workshop for short-term storage.
Manufactured products are placed in a special container.
The shelf life of confectionery products at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees. Celsius from the end of the technological process should be as follows:

    With protein cream - no more than 36 hours.
    With butter cream - 36 hours.
    With cream custard - 6 hours.
The sale of confectionery products with cream at public catering and trade establishments is possible only if cold equipment is available.
        2.Characteristics of the cold shop.
This workshop is designed at all enterprises, regardless of their capacity, where halls for servicing consumers are provided. The exception is distributing enterprises, canteens (in rural areas), cafes and specialized enterprises for 25-50 places, in which the storage, preparation, preparation and distribution of hot and cold dishes and snacks, as well as cutting bread, are carried out in one room - hot workshop (kitchen). Hot and cold shops are designed for preparing hot dishes and cold appetizers, sold in the halls to enterprises, as well as culinary products - for sale in culinary shops.
In the cold shop, areas for the preparation of cold and sweet dishes are organized and equipped with refrigerated cabinets, ice makers, table sections with a refrigerated cabinet, table sections with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide, production tables with a built-in bath, washing baths, racks, distributing racks and drives for cold shops. To facilitate the work of workers, workplaces are equipped with butter dividers, egg cutters, mixers, vegetable cutters, etc.
In the cold shop of high-capacity enterprises, areas for preparing salads from fresh seasonal vegetables and herbs, gastronomic products, portioning and serving cold and sweet dishes are additionally organized.
When enterprises operate on semi-finished products and products of a high degree of readiness, the processes of preparing and decorating hot and cold dishes are carried out in the same room at the sites: heating and bringing to readiness chilled soups, second courses, sauces and side dishes; cooking simple dishes (milk porridge, egg dishes and cottage cheese products); preparation of hot drinks, salads from seasonal vegetables and herbs; dishes from gastronomic products; portioning and decorating cold and sweet dishes.
The use of sectional modular equipment in a cold shop imposes increased requirements on the organization of workplaces, since it becomes possible to perform several technological operations in succession at workplaces, such as shredding and washing greens, storing food in the cold. These requirements consist in the correct placement at the workplace of equipment interconnected by the course of the technological process: heating devices, refrigerators, washing baths, production tables, mechanical equipment, etc.
The main requirement for the layout of the workplace is its location, which would minimize the transitions of the cook from one type of equipment to another. The shorter this path, the less time and energy of a person will be spent in the production process, the more efficiently the equipment will be used. Properly organized production lines can reduce unnecessary unproductive movements of workers, facilitate working conditions and help increase its productivity.
When placing equipment, it is necessary to observe, first of all, the principle of direct flow, so that when performing work, cooks do not make unproductive movements in the direction opposite to the direction of the technological process.
The most rational linear placement of equipment. Cooks in the process of work move only along the line of equipment and turn no more than 90 °.
For the rational organization of labor in the workplace, it is necessary, when completing technological lines, to take into account not only the sequence of operations, but also the direction in which the process is carried out. The productivity of cooks is 5-8% higher if the technological processes are directed from right to left.
Since the length of production lines is limited by the overall dimensions of the workshops, it is allowed to use the linear-group method of arranging equipment according to technological processes. Parallel to the lines of refrigeration equipment, lines of auxiliary equipment are located in the cold.
Technological lines can have a wall and island location, they are installed in one or two adjacent lines, parallel or perpendicular to the distribution.
In the planning of cold shops of enterprises operating with self-service and waiter service, the nature of the placement of equipment in the shops differs significantly. This is due to the fact that in enterprises with waiter service, prepared dishes are served on dispensing racks and given out to waiters from the workshop, and in self-service dishes, the sale of dishes is carried out on distribution lines installed in the hall of the enterprise.
To organize the issuance of dishes to waiters from the cold and hot shops, dispensing windows are provided, the dimensions of which depend on the number of seats in the halls.
Cold shops are located on the ground floors of the building, on the side of the courtyard or side facades of the building, in rooms with natural light, on the same level as the halls. If there are several halls of the same purpose in the building, the workshop is located on the floor next to the hall with the largest number of seats; on other floors, rooms are provided, a cold shop - in refrigerated cabinets, workplaces for portioning and decorating dishes are organized. Finished products are transported on the floors by lifts. In the absence of the latter and the placement of halls for various purposes on the floors, a cold shop is designed for each of them.
The cold shop should be conveniently connected with washing tableware and kitchen utensils, a room for cutting bread, shops - meat (meat and fish) and vegetables when the enterprise works on raw materials and shops - pre-cooking and processing greens, if the enterprise works on semi-finished products, with rooms for receiving and storing raw materials.
Depending on the form of service, the cold shop should have a convenient connection with food distribution rooms. When served by waiters, the workshop is adjacent directly to the distribution room; in self-service enterprises - to the halls, on the square of which distribution lines are placed.
At the workplace for cutting raw and boiled vegetables, the following is provided: a bath for washing fresh vegetables or a table with a built-in washing bath; industrial tables for cutting vegetables, cutting boards, chef's three knives and functional containers. In the mass production of simple-to-prepare salads for complexes, a universal drive PX-0.6 with interchangeable mechanisms for cutting raw and boiled vegetables and mixing salads is used. In addition, an MPOV machine for cutting boiled vegetables can be installed on the production table. Cutting vegetables is carried out by cooks of the 4th category, and salads are prepared by cooks of the 5th category.
The second workplace is organized for the preparation of dishes from gastronomic meat and fish products. Products are cut on a cutting board using the middle knife of the chef's troika. Portioned pieces of products are placed in functional containers and placed in a refrigerator.
If a large number of dishes are made from gastronomic products, then it is advisable to use the MRG-300A machine for cutting ham, sausage, and cheese. It is installed on the table for small-scale mechanization SPM-1500.
The third workplace is provided for portioning and dispensing dishes to the dispensing area and is equipped with a production table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide and a rack for placing ready-made dishes for sale. The slide is designed to store pre-prepared products (canned fruits, parsley, lemons, etc.) used to decorate dishes.
In summer, cold (vegetable, meat) and fruit soups are in great demand at catering establishments. For cold soups, vegetables and meat are cooked in a hot workshop. After cooling, they are cut by hand into cubes or straws. Green onions are cut by hand using the UN3 device. Serving temperature of soups 10-12 gr.
The most important task of labor rationing is to determine the number of employees. There are the following main methods for determining the required number of workers: according to production standards, time standards; jobs based on service standards.
The number of employees of public catering enterprises directly depends on the volume of trade, output, forms of service, and the degree of mechanization of production processes. The greater the turnover and output of own production, the higher the number of employees.
All employees of public catering enterprises can be divided depending on the function performed into the following groups: production, trade, administrative and sales floor workers.
To determine the number of workers in production where production standards are established, the planned volume of output or turnover is divided by the daily production rate established for one employee in rubles of turnover or conditional dishes and the number of days that the employee must work in the planned period.
The general management of the workshop is carried out by the head of production, if 5 or more employees work in the workshop, a foreman (cook of IV or V categories) is appointed, who, together with other cooks, carries out the production program. On the basis of the menu plan, he receives raw materials from the production manager, gives the task to the cooks in accordance with their classification, and distributes the products among the members of the team. The foreman controls the course of the technological process, the consumption rates of raw materials and the output of semi-finished products, the condition and serviceability of the equipment, is responsible for compliance with the rules of labor protection, safety precautions, and monitors the sanitary condition of the workshop.
In the restaurant, a fifth-class cook prepares semi-finished products for complex and banquet dishes, portioned semi-finished products from beef, lamb, and pork. The cook of the IV category cuts sturgeon fish, seasons poultry carcasses, cuts meat and fish into portions, and makes simple semi-finished products. Cooks of IV and III categories carry out cutting of meat, deboning of parts. A cook of the III category cuts fish of partial species, makes cutlet mass and semi-finished products from it, cuts small-sized semi-finished products.
Sanitary and hygienic requirements of the cold shop: the height of the production premises must be at least 3.3 m, the walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are lined with ceramic tiles, the rest is covered with light adhesive paint. The floors must be waterproof, have a slight slope to the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles or other artificial material that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements. The optimum temperature in the cold shop should be within 16-18 C. Bottom microclimatic conditions are created by supply and exhaust ventilation. The exhaust must be larger than the air inlet.
Noises occur during the operation of mechanical and refrigeration equipment in production shops. Permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-67 dB. Noise reduction in industrial premises can be achieved by the use of sound-absorbing elements.
The water supply of the organization is carried out by connecting to a centralized water supply system.
Bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service issued a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the source of water supply.
The quality of water in the water supply systems of the organization meets the hygienic requirements for the quality of water in centralized drinking water supply systems and non-centralized water supply.
All production workshops are equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply. At the same time, such designs of mixers are provided that exclude re-contamination of hands after washing.
Hot and cold water is supplied to all wash basins and sinks with faucets installed, as well as, if necessary, to technological equipment.
The hot water temperature at the point of disassembly is not lower than 65°C.
The supply of the restaurant with cold water is carried out through the existing water supply system of the building from the external water supply network. The required pressure for the restaurant corresponds to the existing pressure of the existing external water supply network.
The device of the organization's sewerage system complies with the requirements of the current building codes for sewerage, external networks and structures, internal water supply and sewerage of buildings, as well as the requirements of these Rules.
The disposal of industrial and domestic wastewater is carried out in a system of centralized sewage treatment facilities.
The internal sewerage system for industrial and domestic wastewater is separate with independent discharges into the on-site sewerage network.
Production equipment and washing baths are connected to the sewerage network with an air gap of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel. All internal sewage receivers have hydraulic closures (siphons).
The heating of the restaurant is carried out as a part of the administrative and amenity building; The building is heated from the existing production boiler house PATP 1, located on the territory of the enterprise. Air is removed from the heating system through Mayevsky taps installed on each block of heating devices in the premises. Ball valves are installed on the connections to the devices.
The restaurant is ventilated by a common exhaust system. In production workshops, local suction is provided above equipment with increased heat release and above electric stoves by means of ventilation hoods.
In the washing service and kitchen utensils in the restaurant, a mechanical hood is provided through umbrellas above the sinks.
The existing ventilation system of the restaurant is exhaust with mechanical air induction: the exhaust is carried out from the upper zone through air ducts and with the help of roof fans, the inflow is unorganized, through opening doors and vents. Metal ventilation ducts made of sheet steel 300 * 300mm, painted 2 times with oil paint.
In a cold shop, special attention should be paid to exemplary sanitary order in the workplace and personal hygiene, compliance with the rules of the commodity neighborhood, the timing of the sale of sweet dishes, as they can serve as a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms.

3. Technological part

The successful implementation of the production process depends on the operational planning and proper organization of work in catering establishments.
The essence of operational planning is to draw up the production program of the enterprise. The issues of planning the production program are handled by production managers (deputies), heads of production workshops, foremen, and accountants.
The production program is a reasonable plan for the production of all types of products of our own production.
Operational planning includes the following elements:
Drawing up a planned menu for the week and developing a menu based on it - a plan that reflects the daily program of the enterprise.
Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan.
Registration of the requirement - an invoice for the release of products from the pantry.
Distribution of raw materials between workshops and teams.
The production program is compiled on the basis of:
Graphics loading the trading floor and the calculation of visitors.
Determination of the number of dishes sold per day.
Planning a menu.
Calculation of the raw materials necessary for the preparation of these dishes.
Drawing up technological maps.
Collections of dishes and culinary products, along with the standards and specifications in force in the industry, are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering establishments.

3.1. Drawing up a table and schedule for loading the hall

Given the mode of operation of the enterprise, the number of visitors for each hour of work is calculated by the formula:
, (3.1)
where: N h - the number of visitors per hour;
P is the capacity of the hall;
C - the average percentage of the hall load,
the turnover of the place in the hall during a given hour;
We calculate the number of visitors for each hour of operation of the enterprise, draw up table 3.1.
Calculation of the number of visitors in the hall
Table #1

No. p / p Business Hours turnover one place
Average Load % Quantity visitors
1 11-12 1,5 60 68 0,1
2 12-13 1,5 90 101 0,1
3 13-14 1,5 100 113 0,2
4 14-15 1,5 90 101 0,2
5 15-16 1,5 60 68 0,1
6 16-17 1,5 50 56 0,1
7 17-18 1,5 20 22 0,03
8 18-19 0,4 50 15 0,02
9 19-20 0,4 100 30 0,04
10 20-21 0,4 100 30 0,04
11 21-22 0,4 100 30 0,04
12 22-23 0,4 80 24 0,03
Total: 658 1

The coefficient of recalculation of dishes (K) is drawn up according to the formula:
K \u003d N (hour) / N (day) (3.2)
K1 \u003d 68 / 658 \u003d 0.1
K2 = 101 / 658 = 0.1
K3 \u003d 113 / 658 \u003d 0.2
K4 \u003d 101 / 658 \u003d 0.1, etc.
Based on the data in the table, we build a schedule for loading the hall on graph paper (See the graphic part. Graph 1)

3.2. Determination of the number of dishes and drinks sold per day

Knowing the number of visitors per day, we determine the number of dishes sold during the day at the enterprise, according to the formula:
nd = Nd * m (3.3)
nd - the number of dishes;
Nd - the number of visitors per day;
m is the food consumption coefficient.
Determination of the quantity of hot and cold drinks, confectionery and bread is carried out in accordance with the consumption norms in force in this type of enterprise. The number of drinks is determined by the formula:
n = Nd * H (3.4)
n is the number of drinks, confectionery and bread;
H is the rate of consumption.
The results are summarized in tables:
Table 2
Total 3.5 2302

Table 3

№ p / n name of dishes Number of visitors (Nd) Consumption rate (H) Number of dishes
l/kg/pcs in portions
1. Hot drinks 658 0,05 34.25 l 171
2. Cold drinks 658 0,25 164.5 l 822
3.Confectionery products
658 0,5 329pcs 329
4. Bread and bakery products
658 150 98700 99
Total 1421

3.3. Development of assortment minimum

The next stage of operational planning is the preparation of a planned menu. The presence of a planned menu makes it possible to provide a variety of dishes on the days of the week, avoid repetition of the same dishes, ensure a well-organized supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, timely sending applications to wholesale bases, industrial enterprises. Properly organize the technological process of cooking and the work of production workers. The planned menu indicates the assortment and quantity of dishes of each item.
This development is based on material that reflects the number and composition of consumers, the state and possible fluctuations in the conjuncture of demand for certain types of culinary products, the prospect of supplying the enterprise with products, the requirements of rational nutrition, the qualifications of cooks, and the technical equipment of the enterprise are taken into account.
An approximate assortment of dishes is a certain number of cold dishes, hot dishes, drinks, typical for various catering establishments.
An approximate range of manufactured and sold products for a "high" class restaurant is shown in Table 4.

Table 4


Catering business is an integrated area of ​​business activity related to the organization of production and restaurant management and aimed at meeting the needs of the population in a variety of healthy and tasty food, services, as well as making a profit.

The object of the restaurant business is the restaurant, and the subject is the restaurateur.

Restaurant - a catering establishment that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including branded and complex preparations, as well as a high level of service, combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

Restaurateur A restaurant owner is a person who owns and manages a restaurant.

Today, the success of a restaurateur depends on many factors, but, first of all, on the presence of good management, modern cuisine, the concept of a restaurant, bar, impeccable service, interesting interior and reasonable prices.

The most important element of the restaurant business, without paying attention to which you should not count on success, is location of the restaurant. The right choice of location allows you to determine how a restaurant should be: democratic or elite. A democratic restaurant is usually located on a large area. Halls can be located on two floors. An elite restaurant is placed on a small area in order to ensure its payback. Parking next to it is a must. The choice of location is preceded by a demographic analysis of the area in which the restaurant will be located. We study the age, occupation, average income of people who regularly visit nearby and are future potential consumers of the new restaurant. Traffic flows must be carefully studied. In places where there is a large flow of pedestrians, there are democratic restaurants, for example, taverns and fast food establishments.

Having defined the concept, the restaurateur must pay attention assortment policy and quality of service, which should be interconnected. Russian restaurateurs have a clear idea of ​​how to organize the preparation of national cuisine. In addition, they widely use the experience of foreign restaurateurs. In many cities of Russia, a huge potential has been accumulated for creating a restaurant business.

Many Russian cities are centers of tourist, spiritual and cultural life of the country. One of the main tasks for the near future is the creation of a well-established infrastructure, public catering. According to official statistics, there are over 2,000 restaurants in Moscow alone. And, despite this, the current restaurants, bars, cafes do not satisfy the needs of all segments of the population with different income levels.

A restaurant is a living organism. Just as it is impossible for a person to save on his health, in the same way in a restaurant you cannot save on equipment, china and glassware, and most importantly, on staff. The name of the restaurant is made by the team, which must be aware that everything is interconnected in the work of the restaurant. When choosing a restaurant or bar, consumers take into account the following features: the quality and range of dishes, the level of services provided, the attitude of staff towards consumers, the general atmosphere of the establishment, the external and internal decoration, the ratio of the location of the enterprise and the price of food and drinks.

Today in Russia there are many restaurants that meet all these requirements. Managers are trying to become more democratic and attract potential customers with a wide variety of services. They began to pay more attention to the service, the quality of the menu and the wine list. The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose cuisine for every taste: Italian, Spanish, German, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Today, the restaurant business requires professionalism. The requirements for the production and service personnel of restaurants have increased, the level of qualification of which must meet the requirements of the standards. The restaurant business is being structured: there are designers working only in the restaurant market, suppliers of equipment, food and drinks. On the other hand, control by state bodies (sanitary and epidemiological supervision, state trade inspection, fire and tax authorities) has tightened. Competition among restaurants has intensified, new criteria for assessing the quality of culinary products have appeared. There is a growing need to constantly expand knowledge about wines, reinforcing them with new information that the consumer wants to know.

Forms and methods of service in the restaurant business are dictated by the specific circumstances of time and place, as well as the technology of preparing culinary products. With the advent of new cooking technologies, modern forms of service (business lunches, Sunday brunches, etc.) are being further developed.

The quality of service has an impact on the financial performance of the restaurant, as it forms a steady flow of consumers who want to use the services offered and enjoy the level of service provided. With the growth of the culture of service, the turnover increases, profitability increases and the distribution costs of restaurant business enterprises decrease.

In modern conditions, the activity of the restaurant is based on the following principles: reimbursement of all expenses for the implementation of production and economic activities with income, the dependence of the further development of production on work efficiency, the connection of material incentives for employees with the final results of the enterprise.

The main trends in the development of the restaurant business in Russia are:

- creating a favorable image for restaurants for their establishments;

- timely settlements with suppliers, on which the credit limit and the attitude of the suppliers themselves to this restaurant depend;

– formation of a positive opinion about the restaurant among regular consumers.

In the future, small inexpensive restaurants and bars of the middle price group will receive promising development. There will not be many expensive and elite restaurants and bars left.

At the same time, the rapid development in the restaurant business will receive such a direction as the creation of democratic restaurants.

Democratic restaurant is a new direction in the restaurant business, located at the intersection of such technologies as fast food and high-quality national (or mixed) cuisine, which requires an individual approach.

World practice shows that democratic restaurants are the most dynamic direction in the restaurant market.

The main visitors of such restaurants are middle class people. On the one hand, in developed countries, eating is transferred to restaurants due to lack of free time, on the other hand, thanks to new technologies and high competition, democratic enterprises become accessible to the population. Some of the democratic restaurants are united in the network.

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  • Introduction
  • 1.3 Organization of supply of warehouse facilities of the enterprise
  • 3.2 Payroll calculation
  • 3.3 Calculation of the amount of depreciation charges
  • 3.4 Calculation of production and distribution costs
  • 3.5 Calculation of profit and profitability
  • 3.6 Calculation of the effectiveness of capital investments
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


In international documents, the term "catering" is characterized by various definitions, such as "methods of preparing large quantities of food performed without prior agreement with the consumer", or as any "type of food organized outside the home".

Public catering plays an ever-increasing role in the life of modern society. This is ensured, first of all, by the change in food processing technologies, the development of communications, the means of delivering products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes. All over the world, catering establishments are owned by either the public or the private sector. The public catering sector includes catering establishments for children, preschoolers, schoolchildren, military personnel, persons in detention, the elderly and those under treatment in a hospital, as well as canteens for people employed in the public sector. The private sector can also include many of the businesses listed above, as well as restaurants and other types of income-generating outlets. This sector also includes businesses that produce ready-to-eat food sold through any of the above channels.

Public catering, along with retail trade, fulfills the main socio-economic task of the development of our society - the satisfaction of the material and cultural standard of living of the country's population. This problem is solved, first of all, through the development of retail trade. The turnover of public catering is an integral part of the country's retail turnover, and the well-being of the people largely depends on its development. Public catering in the Russian Federation has achieved some success in the growth of trade and the production of its own products. However, its condition and development do not meet modern requirements. Often the culture of customer service and the quality of cooked food are low, and the cost of food is high. At many enterprises, the material and technical base, commodity, labor and financial resources are used unsatisfactorily. The main task of analyzing the activities of catering enterprises is to identify, study and mobilize reserves to improve the quality and efficiency of their work, improve customer service by eliminating shortcomings in management, and improving the use of economic potential.

A restaurant is a special type of enterprise in which the organization of the production of a wide range of complex culinary products is combined with the organization of a high level of customer service in the restaurant's sales areas. Restaurants are located, as a rule, on the central busy streets of cities, at hotels, at railway and bus stations, at airports, at marinas, in places of public recreation, etc.

The purpose of this course work is to study the theoretical aspects of the organization of the restaurant, / 3 / calculation of the economic part of the restaurant, drawing up the economic activity of the enterprise.

restaurant service shop supply

1. Organization of production of the enterprise

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

A restaurant is an advanced type catering establishment with a varied, wide range of dishes, snacks, confectionery, wine and vodka products, fruits, fruit and mineral waters, juices, ice cream, cocktails. Restaurants widely practice the production of dishes, snacks on an individual order, as well as branded and national dishes provided for in the menu.

Depending on the level of service and the degree of equipment, as well as the volume of services provided and the associated increased costs, enterprises of this type are divided into restaurants of the highest and first category. During the daytime, restaurants of the first category can operate as public canteens with reduced margins and sell mass lunch products.

A restaurant of the highest category should have a banquet hall, a bar, a cocktail lounge with a bar counter. Head waiters and waiters are required to be fluent in customer service techniques, and some of them must have knowledge of foreign languages.

The main purpose of the restaurant is the preparation and organization of consumption of a wide range of high-quality culinary and confectionery products of complex preparation, custom-made (portioned), specialty dishes and drinks. Restaurants at hotels are designed to provide priority service to citizens living in these hotels.

Restaurants organize service for solemn and official receptions, meetings, conferences, congresses; they can spend evenings of rest with musical and variety performances (for the unorganized population, youth, thematic ones with the invitation of guests united by interests). On holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, restaurants organize family dinners, tastings of national cuisines, themed evenings, balls. Constantly carry out weddings, anniversaries, friendly meetings, as well as celebrations, various evenings at home on orders from organizations and individuals or groups. , factories, institutions.

Restaurants provide visitors with lunches and dinners, and when serving delegates of conferences, congresses, meetings - a full ration. In addition, restaurants at hotels additionally sell breakfast. The enterprises also provide additional services to the population, produce home-cooked meals, sell semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products.

During the working day, the orders of visitors are carried out in restaurants according to the menu. If the necessary products are available in a restaurant of the highest category, by order of visitors, a dish can be prepared that is not listed on the menu, but according to the layouts of existing collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

Based on the circular letter of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated June 24, 1976 No. 11 / 84-85, in restaurants, as well as in other catering establishments, in order to meet demand and cover a balanced diet, a fish day was introduced on Thursday of each week.

In restaurants at railway stations and airports, in order to speed up customer service, packed lunches (breakfasts, dinners) are sold. Preliminary table setting is used (a pie plate, cutlery - a fork, a spoon, a knife, a vase with paper napkins, a device with spices, as well as confectionery, fruits). To serve passengers with children, 1-2 tables are placed in the halls. The menu additionally includes children's dishes in a limited range with reduced exit rates.

In typical design, restaurants are designed to serve a certain number of visitors and are organized for 100, 150, 200, 400 and 500 seats. Restaurant halls with 200 or more seats may be separated by partitions (permanent or transformable).

The halls are equipped with two-, four- and ten-seat tables, semi-soft and soft armchairs, sideboards, utility tables according to equipment standards. Furniture should correspond to the general design of the hall. In restaurants of the highest and first categories, tables are covered with tablecloths; in some cases, serving on an individual napkin is allowed.

The restaurant must have a sign on the facade with the name (restaurant "Moskva", restaurant "Metropol", restaurant "Soviet"), made in overhead letters and illuminated in the evening. At the entrance to the restaurant, hours of operation are hung out or written on the door glass. The entrance of the restaurant should be well lit.

The restaurant car is designed to serve passengers of railway transport with breakfasts, lunches, dinners, as well as drinks and confectionery. In addition to passengers, restaurant cars provide hot food for train crew workers (car attendants) according to a special menu. Restaurant cars are included in long-distance trains that travel in one direction for more than a day, as well as tourist and sightseeing trains and special-purpose trains (for serving children leaving for pioneer camps, Health trains, etc.). The dining car has a hall for visitors, a production room, a washing department and a buffet. The dining room is equipped with four-seater tables and chairs. For the storage of perishable products, special containers (cabinets, hatches) are used.

The daily menu of the dining car is compiled taking into account the route, the contingent of passengers and the variety of dishes on the days of the week, which is especially important on long journeys. For daily flights, a permanent menu is applied.

In addition, confectionery (chocolate bars, sweets), flour confectionery (cookies, waffles, gingerbread, cakes), bakery products, fruits, fruit and vegetable juices, mineral and fruit waters, beer, alcoholic drinks with a strength of up to 30%, as well as travel food packages. When completing travel kits, they include: smoked sausages, cheeses, boiled eggs, sausages, confectionery and bakery products, fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, lactic acid products (ryazhenka, curdled milk, kefir, etc.).

In order to speed up passenger service, the menu of dining cars includes complex rations (breakfasts, lunches, dinners), and quick-frozen first and second courses and side dishes, as well as semi-finished products, meat, fish, borscht and soup dressings, ready-made sauces are used for cooking , peeled sulphated potatoes, peeled vegetables, canned products and concentrates. Semi-finished products and other products come from production shops, special supply bases, railway restaurants and procurement factories.

1.2 Analysis of the organization of the material and technical base

The management of the material and technical base of the enterprise plays an important role in the management of the enterprise as a whole.

Material resources are part of the working capital of the enterprise, i.e. those means of production that are completely consumed in each production cycle, wholly transfer their value to the finished product and change or lose their consumer properties in the production process.

The composition of material and technical resources includes: raw materials, materials, components, purchased technological equipment and technological equipment (devices, cutting and measuring tools), new vehicles, handling equipment, computer technology and other equipment, as well as purchased fuel, energy, water. In other words, everything that enters the enterprise in material form and in the form of energy refers to the elements of the material and technical support of production.

To organize a profitable operation of an enterprise, it is necessary to create a correct and real structure for the movement of material resources of an enterprise. In modern management, there are a large number of options for managing the material resources of an enterprise.

This topic became relevant because the reform of the Russian economy led to a sharp reduction in production volumes, a weakening of the material and technical base of the industry, and a deterioration in the level of all economic indicators. In the context of the budget deficit that has existed in recent years, the reduction in investment, limited financial resources, the problem of optimal formation and rational use of the material and technical resources of organizations is of paramount importance. The volumes of production of the main types of products and the activities of each enterprise largely depend on the full and timely provision of them to the organization of effective use. The optimal formation and rational use of the material and technical base directly affects the results of the functioning of the entire production potential of the organization. The higher the efficiency of the use of material resources, the greater the economic potential of the company, which is possible only with the intensification of production, carried out on the basis of a highly developed material and technical base. However, under the conditions of the economic crisis in the country, it was not possible to implement a program to create a complex of machines for mechanization and automation, to use it as a material basis for the intensification of the industry. In addition, the imperfection of the control system, accounting for operations performed and the costs of resources made, led to the disorder of the mechanism for organizing the entire production process, and increased the structural imbalances in material and technical means.

In this regard, the search for effective directions for the rational use of material and technical resources of organizations in modern conditions is of particular relevance and importance.

Classical economists singled out four main factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurial ability (some today call scientific and technical progress as a factor).

We are interested in capital in this chapter. Distinguish between fixed and working capital. In domestic science and practice, fixed capital is often called fixed assets. /9/

Fixed assets are tangible assets that operate in an unchanged natural form over several production cycles and lose their value in parts. Depending on the nature of the participation of fixed assets in the process of expanded reproduction, they are divided into production and non-production fixed assets.

Production fixed assets operate in the sphere of material production, directly participate in the manufacture of the product and gradually transfer their value to it.

Non-production fixed assets - residential buildings, children's and sports institutions, other objects of cultural and community services for workers, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. They do not participate in the production process and do not transfer their value to the product, however, their constant increase is inextricably linked with the improvement of well-being, the increase in the material and cultural standard of living of workers, which ultimately affects the performance of the enterprise. /1,2/

The main production assets are the material and technical base of the enterprise. The production capacity of the enterprise, the level of technical equipment of labor depend on their volume. The accumulation of fixed assets and the increase in the technical equipment of labor enrich the labor process, give labor a creative character, and raise the cultural and technical level of society. "In the conditions of transition to the market, fixed assets are the main prerequisite for further economic growth due to all factors of production intensification ... The main part of fixed assets (over 65%) is made up of fixed production assets."

The main production assets of an enterprise are a variety of means of labor, which, despite their economic homogeneity, differ in their intended purpose and service life. This raises the need to classify fixed assets into certain groups, taking into account the specifics of the production purpose of various types of funds. The main production assets of enterprises according to the current species classification are divided into the following groups:

Land plots and objects of nature management (water, subsoil, other natural resources) owned by the enterprise on the basis of property rights;

Buildings (industrial, office and others);

Structures (engineering and construction facilities serving production);

Transmission devices (electrical, heating networks);

Cars and equipment;

Various equipment;

Computer Engineering;


Tools and fixtures with high cost;

Production and household inventory;

On-farm roads;

Capital investments in land improvement and in leased buildings, premises, equipment and other objects related to fixed assets.

The ratio of individual groups in their total volume is the production structure of fixed assets. Of decisive importance for output is the active part of production assets - machinery and equipment. Their volume characterizes the real possibilities for the production of finished products, and the organization is interested in increasing the share of the active part of the funds.

Buildings, structures, inventory, ensuring the normal functioning of the active elements of fixed assets, belong to the passive part of the funds.

The effectiveness of fixed production assets is evaluated by a whole system of indicators, the main of which is the capital productivity indicator, the cost of marketable products obtained from the ruble of fixed production assets. The higher the share of equipment in the cost of fixed production assets, the greater the output, ceteris paribus, the higher the rate of return on assets. Therefore, improving the structure of fixed assets is considered as a condition for increasing production, reducing costs, and increasing the cash savings of the enterprise.

"The specific structure of the fixed production assets of an enterprise in various industries is not the same. For example, the share of buildings is the largest in light and food products (44%), structures - in the fuel industry (17%), transmission devices - in the electric power industry (32%), machines and equipment - at the enterprises of the machine-building complex (more than 45%)".

Thus, the enterprise should strive to optimize the structure of the material and technical base. Improving the structure of fixed production assets allows:

Updating and modernization of equipment;

Improving the structure of equipment as a result of an increase in the share of progressive types of machine tools: automatic lines, machines with numerical, program controls;

Better use of buildings and structures in free areas;

Proper development of construction projects and their high-quality implementation;

Elimination of redundant and little-used equipment and installation of equipment that provides more correct proportions between its individual groups.

Accounting and planning of fixed assets are carried out in natural and monetary forms. When assessing fixed assets in physical terms, the number of machines, their productivity, power, and other quantitative quantities are established. These data are used to calculate the production capacity of enterprises and industries, planning the production program, reserves for increasing output on equipment, and compiling a balance of equipment.

Monetary (or value) assessment of fixed assets is necessary for planning the expanded reproduction of fixed assets, determining the degree of depreciation and the amount of depreciation. There are several types of assessments of fixed production assets associated with long-term participation or constant wear and tear in the production process, changes in the conditions of reproduction over this period: at original, replacement and residual value.

The initial cost of fixed production assets is the sum of the costs for the manufacture or purchase of assets, their delivery and installation.

Replacement cost - the cost of the reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions; as a rule, it is established during the revaluation of funds. Early revaluations were at the behest of the state; now the right to re-evaluate not more than once a year is given to the enterprises themselves.

The residual value is the difference between the original or replacement cost of fixed assets and the amount of their depreciation.

There is also a balance (according to it, the property is on the balance sheet) and the liquidation value of fixed assets.

Various sources define the material and technical base of the organization in different ways. Some define it as a set of means of labor, others as a set of means and objects of labor. Since the course work studies the problem of updating the material and technical base, we will talk about the main production assets, without touching on the usual objects of labor. /3/

It is also necessary to note such a concept as depreciation - this is a monetary compensation for the depreciation of fixed assets by including part of their value in the cost of output. Hence. Depreciation is the monetary expression of the physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets. Depreciation is carried out in order to completely replace fixed assets when they are retired.

The amount of depreciation deductions depends on the cost of fixed production assets, the time of their operation, the cost of modernization. The total amount of depreciation that is carried over to manufactured products is determined as the difference between the original and salvage value of the fixed capital.

The ratio of the annual depreciation amount to the value of fixed assets, expressed as a percentage, is called the depreciation rate. The norm shows what proportion of their book value is annually transferred by means of labor to the products they create.

Today, enterprises are allowed to use four methods for calculating the amount of depreciation: a uniform (linear) method, a diminishing balance method, a method of writing off value in proportion to the volume of production (economically more correct, but difficult for real application), a cumulative method. For small enterprises, as well as for the active part of the funds, accelerated depreciation is allowed.

Enterprises independently use the funds of the depreciation fund, directing them to the scientific, technical, production development of the enterprise, to the reproduction and improvement of the fixed assets of the enterprise.

There are various forms of simple and extended reproduction of fixed capital. /5/

Forms of simple reproduction - replacement of obsolete means of labor and overhaul, extended - new construction, expansion of existing enterprises (extensive forms), their reconstruction and technical re-equipment, modernization of equipment (intensive forms). Each of these forms solves certain problems, has advantages and disadvantages. Due to new construction, new enterprises are put into operation, in which all elements of the main production assets meet the modern requirements of technical progress, the problem of the correct distribution of production forces across the country is being solved. This is an extensive form of reproduction, which was characteristic of the economy of the Soviet period. However, during the period of transition to the market, when there is a decline in production and many enterprises cease their activities, preference should be given to intensive methods - reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.

During reconstruction, the main part of capital investments is directed to the improvement of the active part of the funds when using old buildings and structures. An increase in the share of equipment costs makes it possible, with the same amount of capital investment, to obtain a greater increase in production and, on this basis, to increase labor productivity and reduce the cost of production.

The modernization of equipment is understood as its renewal in order to completely or partially eliminate the obsolescence of the second form and increase technical and economic indicators to the level of similar equipment of more advanced designs.

"Modernization of equipment can be carried out in several directions:

improvement of the designs of existing machines, increasing their operating characteristics and technical capabilities;

mechanization and automation of machine tools and mechanisms, allowing to increase the productivity of equipment; transfer of equipment to software control.

1.3 Organization of the supply of warehouse facilities of the enterprise

To ensure the rhythmic work of the restaurant in a timely and uninterrupted way, it is comprehensively supplied with raw materials, semi-finished products. Products and raw materials are regularly supplied from wholesale depots, food industry enterprises. The main requirements for organizing the supply of a restaurant are: supply of the necessary range of goods in sufficient quantity and high quality;

timeliness and rhythm of delivery of goods subject to the delivery schedule; reduction of levels in the promotion channel, taking into account the rational use of transport; minimum labor costs in the organization of supply. The warehouse is located on the first floor, near the service entrance. Warehouses include: refrigerated chambers for storing perishable products and semi-finished products, unrefrigerated pantries for storing dry products, a pantry for potatoes and vegetables; chamber of vegetables, fruits, drinks, pickles and herbs;

storage facilities for inventory, linen and other items of material and technical equipment.

The floors in the storerooms are moisture resistant, easy to clean, durable, designed for a significant load (Metlakh tiles). The walls to a height of 1.5-1.8 m are lined with light-colored tiles, the ceilings are whitewashed. Doors without thresholds, door width 0.9 m.

Artificial lighting in uncooled rooms. Goods are placed on pallets, racks, stored in the container in which they arrived: boxes, barrels, corrugated cardboard boxes, etc.

In pantries - optimal conditions for the storage of food products have been created in accordance with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products" (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003). When organizing warehousing, special attention is paid to the storage of semi-finished products, which are perishable products.

Food storage conditions

Product group

Storage temperature, C

Relative humidity, %

Air exchange rate

Shelf life, DAYS

Illumination, lx


Milk fat and gastronomic products

Potatoes and vegetables

Fruits, berries, herbs

Liqueurs, wines, beer, soft drinks, tobacco products

Bread and bakery products

1.4 Analysis of the production program of the enterprise

The formation of the production and commercial activities of the enterprise begins with determining the volume and possibilities of production and sales of products, i.e. production program.

Manufacturing program - this is a task for the production and sale of products in an assortment of appropriate quality in kind and value terms based on demand and the real capabilities of the enterprise in meeting it for a certain period. Usually compiled for a year, broken down by quarters and months. The production program serves as the basis for the development of the following plans:

1) logistics;

2) the number of staff and wages;

3) investments;

4) financial plan.

The production program predetermines the tasks for putting new production capacities into operation, the need for material and raw materials, the number of workers, etc. It is closely connected with the financial plan, the plan for production costs, profits and profitability. Enterprises form their production program independently on the basis of consumer demand identified in the process of studying the market; a portfolio of orders (contracts) for products and services; government orders and own needs.

The annual production program establishes a number of nomenclature and quantitative tasks that make up its sections:

nomenclature and range of products;

task for the production of finished products in kind and value terms by enlarged groups;

the volume of supplies of semi-finished products to third parties;

the scope of work, services of an industrial nature to third parties;

output of other products (auxiliary shops).

The production program consists of three sections:

1. Production plan in physical terms - establishes the volume of output of products of the appropriate quality according to the nomenclature and assortment in physical units of measurement (t, m, pcs). It is determined based on the full and best satisfaction of consumer demand and the achievement of maximum utilization of production capacity;

2. Production plan in value terms in terms of gross, marketable and net output;

3. Plan for the sale of products in physical and value terms. It is compiled on the basis of concluded contracts for the supply of products, as well as semi-finished products, assemblies and parts under cooperation agreements with other enterprises, as well as our own assessment of the market capacity. The calculation of the volume of products sold is made on the basis of the value of marketable products, taking into account changes in the balance of products in the warehouse and shipped, but not paid for by customers, at the beginning and end of the planned year. But the volume of sales of products is also affected by changes in the quality of products and the prices for products and services in the enterprise.

The initial data for determining the maximum possible output per year is the average annual production capacity of the enterprise and the coefficient of its use. Often, meeting the needs of the market requires the introduction of new additional capacities through technical re-equipment, reconstruction or expansion of the enterprise.

The development of a production program consists of several stages:

1. Analysis of the results of the enterprise in the current year.

2. On the basis of marketing research, a forecast of supply and demand for the nomenclature, assortment, volume and delivery time of manufactured products is compiled.

3. The nomenclature and assortment of products in physical terms is determined.

4. Based on the concluded contracts for the supply of products and information about the balances of unsold finished products in warehouses, an annual production program is developed. At this stage, decisions are made on the specialization and cooperation of production, on the timing of production. Determine the volume of marketable products in physical and value terms.

5. A feasibility study of the production program is being carried out:

a) the calculation of material, fuel, energy resources necessary for its implementation is carried out (based on consumption rates);

b) repair and maintenance costs are planned; c) the need for vehicles and other factors of production is substantiated;

d) in order to link the program with the capacities available at the enterprise, a balance of production capacities is developed and the program is substantiated by production capacities;

e) changes are made to the investment plan, taking into account the decisions made on the nomenclature, assortment, output volume and decisions on the specialization and cooperation of production.

The adopted program is specified in the context of the company's divisions and individual details:

for assembly shops - distributed over the planned periods of the year in the context of products;

for processing shops - in the form of nomenclature and calendar plans for the production of parts and assembly units.

The nomenclature-calendar plans serve as the basis for calculating the calendar-planning standards for the movement of production in each of the main workshops. On the basis of these plans, the workshops form for each month production programs for the launch and release of products assigned to them, taking into account additional proposals from the production and dispatching department, and distribute them among sections (teams).

For sites (teams), 2 types of production tasks are developed:

1) operational-calendar plan for the launch-release of parts, taking into account the uniform and rhythmic release of products;

2) shift-daily tasks with specific assignment of details (operations) to workplaces.

1.5 Organization of the work of the fish shop

The fish shop receives live, chilled, frozen and salted fish, non-fish products of the sea. The processing of fish of partial species and the preparation of semi-finished products from it is carried out according to the technological scheme, which includes the following operations: thawing of heads, fins, tails; washing, preparation p / f. In large fish workshops, two technological lines are created - processing fish of partial species; processing of sturgeon fish.

Fish cleaning is carried out manually (with knives, graters, scrapers) or mechanically using a fish scaler on special production tables with sides.

Gutting of fish is carried out on special tables with a hole for collecting waste in the center. This eliminates the contamination of carcasses with non-food waste. Waste is sorted into food and non-food waste. The fins are removed with a fin cutter or a knife. In large workshops, the process of removing heads and tails is mechanized. Fish carcasses and food waste are intensively washed in two-compartment baths using brushes. To remove juice losses and reduce microflora, cut fish by immersion for 5-6 minutes. in a 15% solution of table salt at a temperature of 4-6 C. After that, the head of the fish is removed with a chopper knife, the fins are cut off from the back and the fish is layered into links. The links are scalded in containers with water at a temperature of 80-90 C. After. that they are cleaned, washed and dried. Fish food waste is used for cooking broths and marinades. Caviar and milk - for making casseroles.


The hot shop takes center stage in the restaurant. Hot shops are organized in enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main shop in which the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, broth cooking, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, and also heat treatment of products for cold dishes. In addition, hot drinks are prepared in the workshop. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes go directly to the dispensing rooms for sale to the consumer.

The shop is located on the same level with the hall and has a convenient connection with the cold shop, as well as with other premises: distribution, washing, meat and fish and vegetable shops, with rooms for storing raw materials.

The temperature in the hot shop should not exceed 23°C, so the restaurant has powerful supply and exhaust ventilation (air velocity 1 - 2 m/s); relative humidity 60 - 70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the plate area is 45 to 50 times smaller than the floor area. The mode of operation of the hot shop depends on the mode of operation of the enterprise (trading floor) and the forms of release of finished products. In order to successfully cope with the production program, employees of the hot shop begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the trading floor.


The cold shop is designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The product range of the cold shop includes portioning cold appetizers, cutting and mixing salads, preparing sandwiches, cold drinks, cold soups, as well as cooling drinks and preparing fresh juices.

Salads in unseasoned form are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6 Celsius, no more than 6 hours. Salads are dressed just before the holidays.

Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and have a temperature of 10-14 o C, so the workshop has a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment.

1.6 Organization of work of auxiliary shops

Auxiliary production facilities include: expedition, washing of kitchen utensils, bread slicer. Auxiliary production facilities help to properly organize the technological process at catering establishments, improve working conditions, help to comply with sanitary norms and rules approved for catering establishments.

Expedition work.

Semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are sold to other enterprises through an expedition. Large procurement enterprises, as a rule, have several expeditions: an expedition that sells semi-finished products (from vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, offal); expedition selling culinary products (at the culinary workshop); expedition at the confectionery shop. The expedition is located near the procurement, culinary and confectionery shops. The composition and area of ​​the premises of the expedition depend on the capacity of enterprises and the range of products. The expedition includes the following premises: a table for receiving orders, refrigerated chambers for short-term storage of vegetable, fish, meat semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, storerooms for confectionery products, a room for receiving and disassembling transport containers, washing containers for semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, rooms for storage of containers, forwarder's room.

In the order table, applications for semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are accepted. Orders are accepted by phone and entered into forms, which indicate the name, ordered products, quantity and cost.

Accepted orders are sent to the production departments for execution. The release of each batch of products from the expedition is issued by waybills. Forwarding containers with products are marked and sealed. The packaging label indicates the name of the manufacturer and its subordination, the name and number of products, weight, date of issue and expiration date.

Washing of kitchen utensils is designed for washing stove-top utensils (boilers, pots, baking sheets, etc.), kitchen and dispensing equipment, tools. The washing room should have a convenient connection with the production shops (cold, hot). In the washing room, underware for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and equipment, washing baths with three compartments are installed - for soaking, washing and disinfecting used dishes and rinsing them with running water not lower than 65 ° C.

The vegetable shop is located in such a way that on the one hand it is close to the pantry of vegetables, and on the other hand it has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Cleaning potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them. At the workplace for the processing of potatoes and root crops, a washing bath VMSM - 2, a periodic potato peeler MOK - 400, a special table made of stainless steel SPSM - 1, as well as inventory, a podtovarnik were installed.

2. Processing seasonal vegetables and peeling onions, garlic. At the workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions, a special table is installed with a built-in bathroom SMVSM, and the necessary equipment (chopping boards "OS", trays, knives, etc.).

3. Slicing vegetables, a production table SPSM - 1, a vegetable cutting machine MROV - 250, as well as the necessary equipment are installed.

2. Organization of service at enterprises

The organization of customer service is a specific, unparalleled in other industries part of the organization of the enterprise, which plays a special role in improving its efficiency.

Also, the service method is a way of realizing the consumption of catering products.

The purpose of preparing the restaurant hall for serving visitors is to create perfect cleanliness, comfort, and a clear organization of service in it.

The process of preparing the hall for service includes: cleaning the premises, arranging tables, covering them with tablecloths, receiving dishes and cutlery, setting tables and personal preparation of the waiter for work.

A form of service is a technique that is a variety or combination of methods of serving consumers.

The attendants include - head waiter or hall administrator, bartender, distributor, doorman, cloakroom attendant, cashier, buffet seller.

The following service methods are used in catering establishments: self-service, waiter service, combined method, special forms of service. /1/

The waiter service method is used in restaurants, cafes, bars. In this service process, the service consists of the following operations: meeting and placing consumers, taking orders, receiving and serving dishes, and settlement.

At public catering enterprises, two methods of organizing the work of waiters are used: individual, and brigade-link.

The cafe uses a brigade-link method of service by waiters. The cafe has two teams of three people.

Organized link, consisting of three waiters of various qualifications. A group of waiters is headed by a foreman (the most experienced and qualified waiter of the 5th category). The link includes one waiter of the IV category, who can, if necessary, replace the foreman, and a waiter of the III category. Every day each link serves 8-10 tables.

Responsibilities in the team are strictly distributed in accordance with the qualifications of the workers. The foreman greets guests, offers a menu, assists in the selection of dishes and drinks, takes orders, punches receipts for products, prepares an invoice and settles with the consumer. Members of the link fulfill the order: one waiter receives products from the cold shop, cold snacks, the other - hot dishes. Simple maintenance operations (collection and replacement of dishes, table cleaning) are entrusted to a waiter of the III category.

The link method of organizing labor has a number of advantages: a qualified waiter is constantly in the hall, and the distribution of labor allows you to speed up service; waiters of the highest qualification are exempted from performing secondary operations; more rational use of working time; increase the responsibility of employees for the performance of their duties; service culture is growing.

The operating mode of waiters is set taking into account the production and labor activities of the enterprise from 10 00 o'clock until the last visitor. /6.8/

3. Analysis of the impact of the organization of production and service on the efficiency of the enterprise

Workforce management methods can be classified on the basis of belonging to the general management function: methods of regulation, organization, planning, coordination, regulation of motivation, stimulation, control, analysis, accounting. The main goal of personnel management is the formation, development and implementation of the enterprise's personnel potential with the greatest efficiency. This means improving the work of each employee so that he optimally builds up and uses his labor and creative potential and, through this, contributes to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise, as well as supports the activities of other employees in this direction.

A more detailed classification of workforce management methods on the basis of belonging to a specific function of workforce management allows you to line them up in the technological chain of the entire cycle of work with personnel. And of course, increasing the efficiency of labor in an enterprise is associated, first of all, with an increase in its productive power, the achievement of final results of activity. The labor efficiency of an enterprise is determined by the quantity and quality of the services provided, the degree of satisfaction of demand and customer service, the speed of their service, and the growth of profit by 1 rub. labor costs, the amount of income per employee, the growth of labor productivity, its capital-labor ratio. Labor efficiency is influenced by many factors: the level of mechanization and quality of labor, the forms of its organization and stimulation, etc.

Efficiency determines the socio-economic effect of the results of the work of employees of the enterprise. Productivity characterizes the economic effect of the cost of living labor. Therefore, the concept of "labor efficiency" is broader than the concept of "labor productivity".

In the economic literature, there is no single approach to a comprehensive measurement of labor efficiency in an enterprise, but it is customary to measure productivity, quality of service and profitability of living labor separately.

The growth of labor productivity entails an increase in the wages of employees while reducing total labor costs, allows for more successful reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the enterprise, and contributes to the growth of its profitability and competitiveness.

The indicator of labor productivity performs the following functions: planned, accounting and stimulating.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the cost of living labor in an enterprise is profit based on the cost of living labor. It is supplemented by such an important indicator as labor productivity, which is the degree of fruitfulness of the expedient activity of its employees in the service sector, i.e. the volume of trade, trade services or other work per one average employee per unit of time. It characterizes the production - trade process, and the completeness of meeting the demand of the population in various types of services.

The planned function is the most important, because with the help of performance indicators, the planned number of employees is justified, the volume of labor costs is compared with their required number, and wage costs are calculated.

The accounting function is manifested in the measurement and evaluation, the search for possible reserves for productivity growth, the assessment of the efficiency of labor functioning at the enterprise by comparing the growth rates of labor productivity and average wages.

The stimulating function is implemented through the correspondence of the level of the employee's wages to the level of his qualifications, as well as the growth of individual labor productivity. /5,6/

Labor productivity in public catering is measured by two indicators: production and labor intensity.

Labor intensity is the cost of working time for the sale of products for a certain amount. It is the inverse indicator of production and is determined by the formula:

Labor productivity is calculated by three methods: in physical, cost and labor terms. The choice of a method for measuring labor productivity depends on accounting at a particular enterprise, its specialization, the range of products produced, and a number of other factors. In public catering, the choice is determined by the presence of guild division.

The natural method of measuring labor productivity is used in catering to determine the amount of product produced per unit of time. This method is the most accurate, but it is used only in cases where an enterprise or workshop produces homogeneous products that can be summed up in the corresponding natural units. Such products are produced by confectionery, meat and fish, vegetable shops.

The cost method for measuring productivity is the most common and consists in calculating the average volume of trade per production worker.

Measuring labor productivity in value terms is due to the fact that enterprises sell products of a different range of unequal labor intensity and with different levels of retail prices, which makes it difficult to use physical indicators.

The cost method for measuring labor productivity in public catering does not allow taking into account the different labor intensity of the components of the turnover, therefore, a conditional cost method is used, which has a number of varieties. In the course of research, it was found that the labor costs for the preparation of products of own production are three times higher than the labor costs for the sale of purchased goods. Therefore, in order to bring the constituent parts of the turnover into a comparable form and determine the turnover in terms of conditional value, it is necessary to divide it into three turnovers for purchased goods and add the turnover for own production to the amount received. The output in terms of value of one employee is determined by dividing the conditional turnover by the average number of production workers.

When calculating labor productivity, you can use the conditional turnover-commodity turnover, calculated taking into account the coefficients of labor intensity, where the retail sale of products of own production is multiplied by a factor of 1.0; production and sale of products of own production in bulk - by a factor of 0.8; sales of purchased items - by 0.4.

The labor method of measuring labor productivity is the least common and consists in calculating the cost of working time per unit of output. This method is used in public catering in procurement enterprises, in which the production function prevails. The importance of labor productivity makes it necessary to study the factors and reserves of growth. The factors of labor productivity growth should be understood as the totality of driving forces and causes that determine its level and dynamics. They are very diverse and together form a certain system, the elements of which are in constant motion and interaction. /7/

3.1 Calculation of turnover and gross income

The turnover of public catering is expressed as the sum of retail and wholesale turnover. It characterizes the entire volume of production and trading activities of the cafe. Retail turnover includes a turnover on products of own production and a turnover on purchased goods. In the wholesale turnover, only products of own production are taken into account.

Trade turnover consists of the cost of raw materials and purchased goods; catering allowances.

We calculate the cost of raw materials taking into account prices in the seasonal period.

We summarize the calculations in table 3.1.

Table 3.1

Calculation of the cost of raw materials


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What capital is needed to start your personal business - opening a restaurant? How should they be distributed correctly? Investing in entertainment facilities has become a fairly popular business line in our time.

This is a fairly profitable business, since even not very successful establishments of this type give 20 percent of the income for each unit of money invested. The average profitability data is 25 percent, and the best restaurants have 60 percent.

Classification of restaurants and analysis of the opening option

The classification is given in the standard - GOST R 50762-95, according to which restaurants distinguish between first class, "luxury" and higher. Although in our time a different classification is used, which has formed in the number of people directly involved in this business:

- elite restaurants with a well-known, where prices are very high, but at the same time, visitors are provided with a delicious variety of dishes, an interior designed in the same style, and comfort;

- "middle hand" are intended for the middle class, here the prices are lower, the design is more modest, the main plus is the dishes offered;

- points of "fast food", that is, fast foods - cheap, the same type of menu, plus self-service. We have already written about.

Launch Features

1. do everything on your own, "from scratch";

2. purchase of a ready-made restaurant. The main thing in such a case is the idea, premises, other resources for its implementation are sought, bought later.

It must be remembered that there are expert consultants in this field who are able to carry out analytical research for you, form a business plan, and give advice. These experts will analyze:

- the movement of people in a certain place, determining on this basis the composition, the well-being of future potential guests of the institution;

- the principles of the competitors, will be;

- other objects near the future institution (sights, etc.);

– appearance options;

- infrastructure of the area - parking lots, roads;

The price of the study is 3-5 thousand dollars, another 500 will cost a business plan for a couple of years in advance, which will make it possible to minimize the likelihood of errors and loss of invested money.

Registration with the tax authorities

Features of the design of the restaurant

The general idea of ​​the institution is required. The competition in this area is strong, the new restaurant must be very different from others, otherwise the majority of people will opt for the usual institution. This idea may change over time, depending on fashion. For example, not so long ago, the Japanese style was fashionable, but it did not take root with us, its popularity has passed. Nowadays, healthy, low-calorie food, vegetarianism, about which business is most popular.

But usually fashion is formed artificially. Fusion is now popular, which involves a combination of different trends and styles: classic and European in design with a slight touch of exotic. There can be many design options.

A restaurant is a place where people come to eat. Therefore, the kitchen should be the center of attention. In the fusion style, the menu may be European, where exoticism will manifest itself in details (dishes design, names). This will make it possible to use the effect of novelty. But when choosing a cuisine, the menu should be guided by the tastes of potential customers. It is important not to overdo it with the exotic, otherwise people will come only once.

Having thought about the idea, you can proceed to the paperwork. This is the most costly and hectic stage in terms of time.

Recruitment and payback

The average annual income of a successful middle-class establishment will reach almost 100-500 thousand dollars. With the cost of implementing the project in the amount of almost 250 thousand dollars, the restaurant will pay off in full in a couple of years, or even faster. The bar brings its owner 20-60 thousand dollars a year, and 10-25 thousand dollars, and this is with a small initial investment.

In some establishments, the main income of waiters is tips. Others are wages. The first approach is more typical for European countries, and the majority of people give tips reluctantly, feeling dissatisfied, so it’s worth paying for the work of your subordinates so that no one has a desire to steal. We recommend that you pay special attention to the article restaurant staff and read it carefully.

To run such an entrepreneurial activity, you will need one security guard, one administrator, 4-5 waiters and two cooks. The total personnel costs are shown in the table below.

Equipment for the future restaurant

Domestic equipment for such institutions is often the cheapest, although their quality corresponds to the cost. In our state, it is worth buying only devices in which there is simply nothing to fail - these are, for example, cutting tables. But in general, the better the equipment is in terms of quality, the more expensive it is. The United Kingdom is in the first position here - everything here is of high quality, and therefore expensive. It is followed by the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy. You can learn more about equipment for the restaurant business.

Some of the enterprises can even provide equipment completely free of charge, but only if a mandatory lease agreement is stipulated for the subsequent purchase of all relevant products (for example, beer), exclusively from this company. To find out all the features of this field of activity, we recommend visiting.

Harmonious business development


The right one plays a big role in profitability. Today, much attention is paid to him. Only a few can be engaged in strategic management, therefore, to find a truly qualified personnel, contact the services of a recruitment agency.

Accounting setup and software

It is also worth noting the fact that there are a huge number of automated accounting systems that were developed specifically for the restaurant business. This is similar to specialized software products, as well as solutions based on "1C" and more. The cost is different. For example, R-Keeper in the most minimal configuration will cost about 10 thousand dollars, but a software product called "Restaurant 2000" costs an order of magnitude less.

Interior and renovation

During the repair period, work must be performed in the following sequence:

- redevelopment of premises;

- carrying out the necessary communications;

- final finishing;

- design layout.

Among other things, the fact that, especially in inexpensive and middle-class establishments, the design of the premises is not among the determining factors is also important. The overall style is best shown in various details and trifles, for example, branded stylish mugs, lighters and more - all this can act as souvenirs for visitors. Each similar item must be supplied with the logo of the new restaurant.

Nowadays, it is quite easy and simple to succeed in this area, since it is. And all because the majority of institutions - likely competitors - practice an approach to their customers, one that is more familiar to canteens of the Soviet Union. It is for this reason that in order to look much better against their background, it is enough that you simply start your honest and painstaking work, independently select the appropriate professionals in their field (cooks, waiters, administrator), who together with you will be able to transform a new restaurant into a profitable and popular institution with a good prospect!

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