How to store ground ginger. How to store ginger at home? Recipes for the simplest and most delicious preparations

Ginger can be served as a delicacy or spice, or used for medicinal purposes such as relieving stomach pain. Ginger is widely used in stir-fries, sweets such as gingerbread, and even cocktails such as the Moscow Mule. Ginger is a tasty root, but the fact is that it is difficult to use the whole root, the leftover ginger must be saved somehow. To keep ginger fresh and usable for weeks or even months, you need to know the rules for storing ginger in the refrigerator and freezer. If you want to learn how to store ginger, follow these steps.

Freeze chopped ginger. Cut the ginger into pieces of your choice, taking into account the dishes for which you will use it. You can cut the root into pieces of various sizes, from the size of a thumb to the size of a matchstick, without peeling the skin. Then put the ginger in an airtight container and place it in the freezer.

Cut peeled ginger into medallions. If you know you're going to need medallion-shaped ginger for your dish, chop it up and place it in a glass bowl or other open freezer-safe container. Place the ginger in the freezer and freeze completely. To speed up the process, you can turn the pieces after an hour. Then put the ginger in an airtight container and seal. Place in the freezer and use the medallions for at least three months.

This unique product came to our menu from oriental cuisine. For a one-time preparation, a very small portion of ginger is taken so as not to drown out the aroma of other ingredients. You can store ginger in several ways, it all depends on the type of product and the subsequent purpose. With proper saving, all its unique and necessary properties are preserved.

What type of ginger is there?

This is a tropical plant. In Russia, it is cultivated only by agronomists and not on an industrial scale. The bulk of Russians buys ginger root in retail outlets.

The following types are actively used, for various purposes:

  1. Fresh is a smooth, hard tuber, light beige in color, with no dark spots, signs of mold and flabbiness.
  2. Dried is a dense root of a plant, without flaws, dried either in the sun or using warm air. Such a product, in comparison with other types, has the most intense taste.
  3. Ground is processed dried. This is how it is used in cooking.
  4. Marinated - fresh, cut into thin strips and aged in a special liquid composition.
  5. Grated ginger root is not sold in stores. But it is easy to cook it at home by chopping it on a grater.
  6. Black ginger is the same light ginger, but it comes to the point of sale, dried and unpeeled. It is characterized by a significant aroma and increased pungency.
  7. Ginger oil is an essential oil made from the ginger tuber. Sold in pharmacies.

How to choose

The quality of a fresh spine is easily determined visually. Ginger with smooth light skin that does not have black spots, eyes, damage and flabbiness is the best option. It is preferable to store a fresh root, since it is in it that useful substances are more reliably stored.
If it is necessary to store a dried or peeled product, it is also necessary to carefully approach the choice of raw materials, by analogy with the choice of a fresh root.

How to store at home

In any form, ginger spice can be stored for some time and is suitable for use, the main thing is to comply with certain conditions.


Fresh root is well preserved only in a cold dark place, such as a refrigerator and cellar. Before laying in storage, it is not necessary to clean the tubers, cut off the skin from them, as this will lead to rapid deterioration. The preparation is as follows:

  • dry thoroughly with a towel or napkin;
  • fold into a bag of paper or film.


Storage options for the peeled root are varied. Three of them are the most popular. In all cases, the prepared root should be put in a washed glass dish.

  1. Pour the prepared product with vodka or white wine. Seal the jar tightly and store in a cool, dark place.
  2. Squeeze in enough lime juice to completely cover the prepared ginger. Pour the prepared product with juice. Close the jar tightly and store in a prepared place.
  3. Pour the prepared product with boiled hot water. Cool to room temperature. It is good to close the glass jar and store in a cool dark place.


Sliced ​​ginger root should be stored in the same way as peeled ginger.

dried root


Powdered ginger, or in other words - ground, is stored in a tightly sealed container, in the dark, in a room. This is if you ground the spine yourself in a coffee grinder. And if purchased in a store, you need to store it in its original packaging.


You can also store pickled ginger in several ways:

  1. In the refrigerator, for example in a glass jar. If the product was purchased in a vacuum bag, all the contents must be transferred to a jar.
  2. In a zip lock bag. Put the pickled root in the indicated bag and put it in the freezer for storage. Since it is not recommended to freeze this plant twice, the entire volume should be divided into small portions and only then frozen.


Store grated ginger in the same way as peeled ginger.

Ginger oil

Any pharmacy chain sells ginger oil. The price is high. Use this oil for cosmetic procedures, in cooking. It should be stored in a tightly closed jar, in a dark cabinet, at room temperature.

Decoctions and infusions

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from ginger, which are not advisable to store for a long time. They are used for treatment. The drink should be prepared fresh every time. It should be remembered that the longer the drink is infused, the brighter and sharper the taste of the main ingredient. To reduce the severity, you can strain the infusion (decoction).

Ginger for tea

For brewing tea, the root is used in various forms. Can be brewed fresh, sliced ​​or grated. In the absence of a fresh root, dry ginger, and even ginger powder, is suitable for brewing. Storage conditions are similar to those for each specific species.

Mix with lemon and honey

As a remedy for colds and to increase immunity, a mixture of lemon, ginger and honey is used. To make in large quantities, in reserve, and there is no need to store such a mixture for a long time. The finished concentrate is put in a glass container with a tight lid, stored in the refrigerator.

How long can you store ginger

Each type of spice requires certain storage conditions and periods under which useful properties are preserved to the maximum.

Type of ginger Storage Shelf life
Fresh, unpackaged Cellar, refrigerator Up to 7 days
Fresh, in a paper bag or cling film Cellar, refrigerator Up to 30 days
Dried dry dark place Up to two years
Cleaned (chopped, ground, grated) Cool dark place. Up to 14 days
Marinated cool place Up to 60 days
Frozen Freezer Up to six months
ginger oil At room temperature in a dark place Up to 30 days
Decoctions and infusions At room temperature Up to 3 hours
In a refrigerator Up to 5 hours
Mix with lemon and honey In a refrigerator Up to 14 days

Can you freeze ginger

All experts agree that it is better not to freeze ginger in any form. When exposed to very low temperatures, the product loses its beneficial properties, vitamins. However, it retains its aroma and taste. In connection with this circumstance, frozen ginger can only be used in cooking to add spice to dishes.

You can freeze the peeled tuber, whole or processed. There are two common ways to store in the freezer:

  • Put the prepared whole ginger into a bag or container with a vacuum effect. Remove to freezer.
  • Divide the ginger with a knife into small portions, or grate. Put on a plate, freeze. Then put the frozen root into bags and put away for storage. The root grated on a fine grater is best frozen in ice molds. Then it is convenient to use, taking out not the whole product, but a small cube.

How to dry

You can dry ginger root in an oven or an electric dryer for fruits and berries, or naturally in the sun.

When harvesting in the dryer, follow the attached instructions.

The course of preparing dried spices in the oven:

  1. Peel fresh tubers.
  2. Cut into thin slices.
  3. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  4. Put in the oven, heated to 50-60 degrees. Dry for at least two hours. The oven door must not be closed during drying to allow the moisture to evaporate.
  5. If the plate breaks easily, the product is ready.

Drying ginger in the sun is not difficult. You should act like this:

  • wash;
  • dry;
  • cut into slices, if needed;
  • put on a baking sheet;
  • put the tray in the sun.

You can not cut the spine, but dry it whole.

How to marinate

A variety of sauces, vinegar, alcohol-containing liquids, lemon juice, and dry wine are used as a marinade for this plant. These components are used for the marinade in different combinations.

The root is marinated as follows: thin slices of peeled ginger are folded into a clean glass container and poured with the selected liquid. Ginger in the marinade to withstand for half a month.

Unusual storage methods

Ginger is gaining great popularity in Russia. Housewives are mastering many ways to store this spice, including unusual ones.

With the help of alcohol

Store using alcohol like this:

  1. Peel the spine by scraping off a thin layer of skin. For this purpose, you can use a teaspoon or a potato peeler.
  2. Cut into small pieces or chop on a coarse grater.
  3. Put the prepared raw materials in a clean glass container.
  4. Pour in liqueur, vodka or sherry.
  5. Seal container tightly and store.

In vacuum jars and bags

Grated, chopped, pickled ginger is stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer in vacuum jars and bags. Raw materials in containers should be folded in small portions, so it is more convenient to use it. And the grated seasoning can be frozen in cubes in small molds, and then put into a vacuum container.

With the help of sugar

This is the most elegant way to store spices. The fragrant candied slices are reminiscent of numerous oriental sweets and are well suited for eating with tea.

Cooking method:

  • dissolve brown sugar in warm boiled water, in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • put thin slices of ginger tubers into an enamel bowl and fill with syrup;
  • cook for at least 15 minutes over low heat;
  • cool down;
  • roll each slice in sweet powder and put on a baking sheet;
  • bake for 30 minutes in a hot oven at 80 degrees;
  • store like dried ginger.

Storage in the ground

The ginger root is well preserved in the soil, consisting of equal parts of peat, sand and humus. The pot with soil and ginger should be kept in a dry, dark place, so the plant will not germinate. The sprouted ones use fresh leaves for food.

The use of ginger in cooking

Ginger is eaten with both meat dishes and fish and seafood. Numerous sauces are prepared using ginger root and ginger pickle. Dishes acquire spiciness and piquancy.

Bakers also love ginger and use it in their work. Gingerbread cookies are widely known, which are prepared for numerous winter holidays, painting them with icing. In addition to gingerbread, cakes and buns are baked with ginger.

This spice is absolutely indispensable in the preparation of drinks that warm and increase immunity: sbiten, teas, liqueurs and tinctures with the addition of berries and herbs.
They also prepare a unique dish from this root - jam.

Ginger is good in many ways, but still, it has contraindications, so you should pay attention to possible complications on the human body.

Ginger has been known to mankind for thousands of years. It is used not only as a seasoning and spice, but also as a medicinal product. Ginger has a spicy taste and smell that is very hard to forget. Its useful properties are no longer in doubt, but not everyone knows how to store ginger.

What is the benefit?

The fresh root stimulates the digestive processes well, so the Roman nobility used ginger to reduce the effects of gluttony.

Sailors stocked up on this product to get rid of seasickness. And women in position added ginger to food to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. The root has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Even in ancient times, the root was recognized as an aphrodisiac. Its regular use made it possible to maintain sexual desire for a very long time.

Dried ginger, like fresh ginger, has a healing property, so it is widely used to treat skin diseases. It is also effective in the fight against bronchial asthma. Ginger has a good effect on performance and helps a person to restore strength.

The root has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthens them and cleanses them. Regular intake lowers cholesterol levels and improves memory. The product is useful for high blood pressure.

For women, ginger is especially useful: it relieves cramps during menstruation, has a beneficial effect on the uterus and is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of infertility.

The root is considered the most useful. Dried ginger slightly loses its qualities, and it is more expedient to use pickled ginger as a seasoning, since it contains a minimum amount of vitamins.

How to choose ginger?

If the product is fresh and of high quality, it should be smooth, without nicks and cracks. Moldy and shriveled ginger is not worth buying. The surface should be a golden hue, without greenish areas and eyes.

How to clean ginger?

To make the product as useful as possible, you need to know not only how to store ginger, but also how to clean it properly. This process is similar to peeling potatoes or carrots. It is worth remembering that all valuable components are located immediately under the thin skin, so you need to cut it carefully. It is necessary to take the minimum thickness, and even better just scrape.

"Lazy" storage

This method is one of the simplest, so it will not be difficult to figure out how to store ginger. The unpeeled root should be wrapped in cling film and placed in the freezer. You can defrost the ginger if needed.

How to store ginger for making sauces?

Housewives who often prepare various sauces know how to store ginger in the refrigerator. For convenience, it must first be washed and cut into thin strips, and then folded into a jar.

The contents must be poured with dry white wine and put the container in the refrigerator. The product should be infused for three weeks, after which it can be added to dishes and used during the preparation of sauces. It will retain not only taste, but also useful components.

Ginger for sweets

Cooks know how to store ginger, which will then be used to make various sweets. It needs to be peeled and chopped. After that, it is necessary to boil for ten minutes in sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 1. When the mixture has completely cooled, you can put it in the refrigerator. It is convenient to add such a workpiece when preparing confectionery.

Ginger medicine

Many people treat colds with ginger. To do this, you need to prepare a tincture. Peeled and finely chopped root should be poured with alcohol or vodka. After a month, the tincture can be used by adding to tea or syrups.

Some prefer to use ginger juice. It is also miscible with vodka or alcohol.

So that ginger does not lose its qualities, it must be crushed to such a state until it turns into a paste. It must be placed in an airtight container and put in the freezer.

It is convenient to freeze ginger if you first grate it. The mass must be put in batches in batches, so that later you do not have to defrost the entire workpiece as a whole.

Dried sweet ginger

The product prepared in this way can be stored for quite a long time even at room temperature, but do not forget about airtight packaging. The process takes time and patience. First of all, the ginger needs to be washed, peeled and chopped. The next step is the preparation of sugar syrup, the proportions are 1:1. Sliced ​​ginger must be boiled in syrup until it thickens. After that, you can get the pieces and roll them in granulated sugar. Now you need to lay them on a baking sheet and dry a little. If there is syrup left, you can make it

Storage in soil

Almost everyone knows the benefits of "How to store?" - the main question that worries people after buying a product. A rather original way to preserve all the nutritious and useful components for a long time is to bury the root in the ground. For these purposes, you can use a regular flower pot. Ginger should be stored in a dark and cool place where there is no high humidity.

After buying a fresh root, the question arises: "Where to store ginger?" If there is no decay on it, then you can wrap it with a film and put it in the refrigerator. But in this form, it will not last longer than one week.

The product will keep for about a month if it is dried a little in the sun. Then you need to move to a dark cool place.

Washed and peeled ginger can be poured with cold boiled water or sherry. So it will be stored in the refrigerator without changing its taste.

Decoctions and infusions of ginger will become richer after a while. If the hostess does not want to get hot sauce, it is better to strain the infusion before putting it in the refrigerator.

  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Best before date: 1 month
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer time: 18 months
Storage conditions:
Store at a temperature not exceeding +15 °C

Even in ancient times, ginger was known as an extremely useful plant. It was used for various diseases, as well as in many other aspects of life. And until now, ginger is considered an indispensable remedy for colds and other serious diseases. It is very beneficial for human health. In addition, ginger is often used in cooking and is eaten with pleasure.

But the shelf life of ginger often varies greatly. There is also an opinion that ginger can be safely stored in the freezer, but as a result, with severe freezing, this useful product loses all its best properties. Therefore, it is recommended to store ginger not in the freezer, but in the basement, cellar or other dark place. Then the shelf life of ginger will be 1 month. Before this, ginger should be dried in the sun and wrapped in paper.

Dried ginger root is best stored at room temperature. Under such conditions, the shelf life of ginger (ginger root) is 6 months. But before direct consumption, ginger root must be thoroughly soaked (6-8 hours).

Ginger infusion or the decoction has a shelf life 3 hours. We must not forget about the tightness, so the jars must be tightly closed with lids. Store ginger tea at room temperature.

How to store ginger

There are several ways to properly store ginger at home today.

You can store it both in the refrigerator, in the freezer, and on the shelf of your favorite cabinet among jars with other spices. Depending on the type in which this wonderful product will be.

Basically, the root of this amazing plant is used for food, which must be preserved.Very tasty preparations with ginger, prepared in advance by housewives for the winter. Especially interesting are pickled ginger and in combination with honey, lemon and sugar. And there are simply legends about ginger paste, it is so tasty and unusual.

And yet you can store fresh ginger root almost anywhere "where it's dark": in the basement and cellar, kitchen cabinet. The main thing is that it should not be in the light, dried a little and wrapped in parchment or foil.

Ginger Root Species That Need Preservation

Ginger root can be used both fresh (grated or in pieces) and dried in powder form.

It is in these types that high-quality storage of ginger for the winter is possible.

Every hostess who uses ginger is interested in questions:

  1. How to store ginger in winter?
  2. Storing fresh ginger.
  3. Storage of grated ginger.
  4. Storage of pickled ginger.

Basic ways to store fresh ginger root

Despite the rather high price, anyone can afford to buy ginger, even with very little income, including pensioners. You don't need much ginger. Having acquired quite a bit of fresh root, part of it should be consumed immediately, and the rest should be stored in a refrigerator until the next use.

In order to make it possible to store fresh ginger for a long time at home, especially since in this form this product is much healthier, more aromatic and tastier than dried, used in fine powder.

How to store ginger in the refrigerator

In order for the remnants of the root not to lose their moisture, it does not wrinkle or dry out, it should be packed in cling film or foil. So fresh ginger can be stored in the refrigerator more than 3 months in the vegetable compartment.

Dried ginger root can be stored in the refrigerator more than a year. And here freshly marinated(in ceramic or glass) - only 2 weeks.

Delicious ginger snack - thin slices of fresh root in white - stored in the refrigerator 15 days.

How to store ginger in the freezer

You can freeze the root in three ways:

Method number 1.

  1. Remove the skin from the fresh root and grate coarsely.
  2. Spread the grated ginger in very small portions, distributing it into a tray with cells (as for making ice).
  3. Cover the ginger tray with foil and place in the freezer.
  4. After complete freezing, transfer servings of ginger into bags, from which you can then take it out for use in cooking. There is no need to defrost the root.

Method number 2.

  1. Fresh root, peeled, cut into pieces-bars.
  2. Arrange the ginger pieces in a tray and freeze.
  3. Once completely frozen, transfer the pieces of ginger to small bags, from which you can then take it out for use in cooking. There is no need to defrost the root.

Method number 3.

This is the simplest "lazy" method of storing ginger root. Any person can handle this way of storing ginger, because in this case nothing needs to be done. Without peeling, wrap the root in a film (food) and put it in the freezer. Defrost it if necessary.

How to store ginger at room temperature

The length of time for storing ginger under normal room conditions is affected by the type and quality of the root.

This is the most convenient and long-term way to store this healthy condiment. It can be stored more than 3 years. But is it necessary. If you can always buy a fresh portion in the store?

You can buy dried ginger powder at any grocery store. And you can cook it yourself by drying a fresh root in a home oven.

  1. Peel, wash and dry fresh ginger root.
  2. Cut into thin slices, almost transparent.
  3. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees.
  4. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Spread transparent ginger slices on it, keeping some distance between them.
  5. Put a baking sheet with ginger in the oven for an hour and a half.
  6. Cool and transfer the dried ginger to a paper bag or airtight container.
  7. Store naturally among other spice jars.
  8. If desired, you can grind oven-dried ginger in a coffee grinder. Transfer the resulting ginger powder to a jar.

But before you need to eat ginger, you need to fill it with water and soak for 6 to 9 hours. Therefore, dried ginger in the right proportion should be soaked before going to bed and used in the morning.

Infusion or a decoction based on ginger in vivo can be stored 3-4 hours, no more.

The jar in which ginger is stored must always be hermetically sealed.

Alternative storage of ginger

Storage of ginger with honey.

Making it is very simple. Grate the ginger root (coarsely or finely, it does not matter). Mix with and transfer to a clean glass jar, which is then hermetically sealed. For 100 g of honey, add 10 g of grated ginger.

Such a delicacy-drug is the first remedy for a cold. In this connection, the individual properties of both product ingredients are enhanced.

In addition, honey is a well-known preservative. With such a neighbor, ginger can be stored more than 2 years.

Based on this mixture, you can prepare ginger-honey cookies or gingerbread for tea.

Incredibly tasty is the combination of a mixture of honey and ginger with lemon puree.

Storing ginger in a marinade.

In the marinade, store ginger in pieces or slices. In this case, part of the taste characteristics of ginger is lost, but in return you get a fragrant additive with a unique interesting, recognizable taste that is unlike anything else.

As a marinade for ginger, you can use various sauces, balsamic or rice, alcohol, lemon juice, sherry (dry) or fortified white wine. You can use a combination of several types of the listed specific liquids as a ginger marinade at home.

Put slices of peeled ginger into a clean jar and pour the specific liquid chosen as a marinade. Cover the jar with a lid, but do not cork it. Leave it like that for 16 days. During this time, the ginger will soak well.

Today, pickled ginger can be bought at the store among pickles and canned vegetables. It doesn't stay on the shelf.

The ginger prepared in this way is preserved more than 2 months. Ginger marinade is used to make delicious sauces perfect for seafood.

Storing ginger in a sweet filling using sugar.

This is the most sophisticated and interesting way to store ginger. This method has been known since ancient times. It was in this way that ginger was transported from India to all other countries of the world.

Candied ginger tubers are indispensable for lovers of fragrant tea drinking.

Preparing sugar syrup is very simple.

  1. 300 g in brown sand should be diluted with 300 g of clean boiled water.
  2. Transfer thin, almost transparent slices of ginger to a saucepan and pour over freshly prepared syrup.
  3. Boil the ginger in syrup for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. Cool down.
  4. Roll the ginger slices in powdered sugar and bake them in an oven preheated to 80 degrees. The baking process takes half an hour.
  5. Store in the same way as dried ginger.

The delicacy has an incredible aroma and taste.

Storage of ginger juice.

From very fresh ginger, using a juicer (electric), you can easily squeeze the juice. But this healing elixir should be consumed immediately after preparation and in very small quantities. It is not subject to storage in its pure form.

There is a method for short-term storage of juice in tincture with vodka or alcohol. In this case, the juice will retain its qualities for a long time, especially if the tincture is hermetically sealed in a small “pharmaceutical vial”. It is an ideal remedy for colds and infectious diseases.

Freshly prepared tincture (50% juice) should be kept in a dark, ventilated and cool place, and then stored in a refrigerator. A closed tincture is stored for up to 3 years, and if it is opened, it should be used 21 days in advance, adding a few drops to tea, compote, fruit drink or warm (not hot!) Milk. On the 22nd day, if there is something left in the vial, the tincture should be discarded.

This is an unobtrusive and unobtrusive medicinal hypoallergenic remedy.

Whatever method of storing ginger is chosen, the main thing is that this healthy and tasty product takes its place in every home.

And yet, you should not buy a large amount of it "for the future." It's best to buy a little when you need it. There is no substitute for a fresh ginger product in the preparation of dishes with such an ingredient.

How to store ginger at home so that it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties? There are several ways to do this.

In perennial grass, the most useful part is the root. It is he who has such a burning taste and aroma and contains useful vitamins and minerals.

In perennial grass, the most useful part is the root.

Only high-quality ginger is suitable for storage. To do this, pay attention to the following elements:

  1. Fresh ginger should be firm but thin-skinned. Dry and shriveled peel indicates the fact that the product has been sitting on the counter for a long time and during this time has managed to lose moisture.
  2. The rhizome should not have dark spots that occur when improperly stored in a damp place. In this case, the taste of the product is reduced.

So how to store ginger at home? First of all, you need to inspect it for the content of damaged places. The rhizome should not be wet.

The skin helps keep the root from drying out, so it is cut off just before adding the ginger to the dish. Since it is very thin, it is recommended to peel it by analogy with how carrots are peeled.

You can store ginger in the refrigerator, but first you need to wrap it in a paper towel that will absorb excess moisture, and then pack the root tightly in cling film (so that air does not get in). This will keep it from drying out. An alternative is a plastic bag with a zip fastener or a special bag designed for freezing food.

Without proper packaging, the shelf life of ginger in the refrigerator will be only a week. However, in this case, you should try to isolate it from other products that can absorb the flavor of ginger. The compartment for vegetables and fruits is a closed area that is quite suitable for these purposes.

The skin helps keep the root from drying out, so it is cut off just before adding the ginger to the dish.

Where else can you store ginger? The second place after the refrigerator is the freezer. However, you need to understand that when frozen, the root crop will lose some of the useful components. So, there are 2 ways to freeze the root:

  1. First, it is peeled, grated, placed on parchment in small portions and hidden in the freezer. After freezing, it is laid out in a bag or food container. When added to a dish, the grated root crop does not need to be specially thawed.
  2. The first method is very laborious. You can simply cut the rhizome into circles or bars and freeze by analogy.

When frozen, some of the useful components of the root crop will lose

When frozen, the fragrant root can be stored for up to 3 months.

How to store ginger (video)

How to dry the rhizome

How to store ginger root at home? It can be dried. Such a root crop is much healthier and tastier than store-bought ginger powder.

The root is washed and dried from moisture (with a regular towel), then the skin is peeled as standard. Then it is cut into plates (as thin as possible). Keep in mind that thick plates may not dry out and deteriorate.

Food parchment is laid out on a baking sheet, and ginger plates are laid out on it and placed in the oven at a temperature of 50 °. After an hour, you need to turn them over to the other side and put them back for 1 hour. The resulting plates should break, not bend.

The resulting ginger chips should be placed in an airtight glass jar, stored in a dry place and at room temperature. Dried ginger has a shelf life of up to 2 years.

How to store ginger in honey

How else to store ginger root at home and how to preserve its beneficial properties? It's simple: honey will help preserve ginger. Everyone knows the healing properties of honey, and in a duet with a fragrant root, it is a powerful folk remedy for colds. In addition, honey preserves well, so it will be perfectly preserved in it.

How to save ginger (video)

Storing Pickled Ginger

How to store pickled ginger? The pickled root is stored in glass or ceramic containers, which is why it is sold in stores exclusively in glass jars. It is forbidden to store pickled ginger in metal containers. A home-marinated root crop is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months, purchased - 1 month after opening (exact information on a specific product can be found on the package).

Important! The shelf life of pickled ginger left after ordering sushi is no more than a day, because its true storage conditions are unknown before it hit your table.

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