How much to cook condensed milk in an iron can. How to cook condensed milk and cook delicious desserts with it. in a tin can

If you are faced with a problem and cannot find tasty boiled condensed milk with a good composition, then do not rush to get upset, because there is a way out. I will share with you several recipes for making boiled condensed milk.

Let it take a couple of hours of your time, but you will get a very tasty product. And to make your favorite delicacy really tasty, I will tell you a few rules that guide me when choosing condensed milk in a jar.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a saucepan

Kitchen utensils and appliances: spoon, can opener, saucepan.


How to choose the main ingredient

When choosing condensed milk, follow a few rules:

  • For the preparation of boiled condensed milk, use milk only in tin containers. Carefully inspect it, it should not have dents and rust.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date.
  • The composition of condensed milk should be as short as possible - milk and sugar. Also, the quality of the product can be checked at home. Drop a drop of iodine on milk, if a blue color appears, then the product is not of very high quality.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pour 5-6 liters of water into a large saucepan. We put a jar of condensed milk in it.

    The jar should be completely covered with water, and it is better that there is a supply of water, as the water will gradually evaporate. The water must be cold so that there is no temperature difference.

  2. We put the pot on the stove. If the jar of condensed milk was cooled in the refrigerator, then turn on the medium heat so that it gradually heats up. If the jar is at room temperature, then you can set the maximum fire.

  3. After the water boils, set the minimum fire and cook the condensed milk to the desired consistency.

    If you want the condensed milk to acquire a caramel taste, but remain liquid, then boil it for 1.5-2 hours. If you want to get thick boiled condensed milk, boil it for 3.5-4 hours.

  4. Be sure to keep an eye on the amount of water. When the water evaporates, add hot water to the pot. Do not pour cold water.

  5. After 2 hours have passed, turn off the fire. We leave the jar in a saucepan with water until completely cooled.

    Important! Do not transfer the jar of condensed milk to cold water. From the temperature drop, the bank may explode.

  6. When the jar is completely cool, open it with a can opener.

Video recipe: how much and how to cook condensed milk in a jar

Watch this video and find out how long it takes to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Output of the finished dish: 4-5 servings.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: spoon, can opener, microwave, glass bowl.


Step-by-step instruction

Video recipe: how to cook condensed milk in the microwave

From this short video you will learn how long to cook condensed milk in the microwave.

How to cook condensed milk at home

Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
Output of the finished dish: 1 liter.
Kitchenware: large bowl or saucepan, spoon.


Cooking condensed milk

  1. Pour homemade milk into a large, deep container.

  2. We put on fire and bring to such a state when the milk is about to boil.

  3. When the milk is ready to boil, but does not boil, add one teaspoon of soda to it and stir it.

  4. Then add one teaspoon of vinegar.

  5. Immediately after the vinegar, add 800 g of sugar and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

  6. When the sugar is completely dissolved in the milk, reduce the heat so that the milk bubbles slightly. Cook for 2-2.5 hours.

  7. Stir the milk occasionally so it doesn't burn. The density and color of condensed milk depends on the fat content of milk. Such condensed milk can be rolled up in sterilized jars and enjoy delicious homemade condensed milk at any time.

Video recipe: how to cook condensed milk at home

From this video recipe you will learn how to cook condensed milk at home.

Shops and markets are full of all kinds of goods. But it is very difficult to find a really high-quality and safe product. But in the era of the Internet, you can always find a way out and use proven recipes. Try to cook. They make a great addition to any dessert.

Are your kids refusing to eat cottage cheese? Then get ready. So you will be sure that the composition does not contain vegetable fats and other harmful components.

If you love fermented milk products, then there is a recipe for you. And if you are a real turophile, then you can not help but take advantage.

I hope my recipes help you prepare your favorite treat.. And don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments and be sure to tell us if everything worked out for you.

If you like this simple delicacy, then do not rush to run to the store and buy a canned product, because home-made condensed milk is much better.

Homemade condensed milk is a natural product made by hand. You can be sure of the quality of the result, but only if you have purchased high-quality milk.

Required Ingredients:

  • two glasses of good whole milk;
  • one and a half cups of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the indicated amount of milk into a saucepan or any other container suitable for heating.
  2. Turn on the stove to medium heat and wait until the milk is warm, but make sure that it does not boil.
  3. Pour in sugar, constantly stirring the contents. Boil the composition for about 60 minutes until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. However, do not bring it to a boil.

From milk powder

You can also make condensed milk at home from a dry product, and it turns out to be no less tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • one glass of sugar;
  • a spoonful of water;
  • a glass of powdered milk and the same amount of regular;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the indicated amount of water into the container, put sugar, mix. Heat the mixture over low heat so that the sweet granules are completely dissolved and caramel is formed.
  2. Send the oil into it, bring it to a liquid state and pour in the heated milk
  3. Stirring constantly, wait until the composition is homogeneous and pour in the milk powder.
  4. Cook for about three more minutes, cool and boiled condensed milk is ready.

With cream

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 0.3 liters of cream of any fat content.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the cream into a container suitable for heating, pour the indicated amount of sugar there.
  2. We mix the components, heat and wait for the composition to begin to boil.
  3. Constantly stirring the mass, keep it on fire for about ten minutes. During this time, it will become quite thick. Cool down and enjoy the treat.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker

If you often use this device, then you will probably be interested in how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. It is no more difficult to do this than on the stove.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • dry milk - about 150 grams;
  • 300 milliliters of whole milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour dry milk and sugar into the blender bowl, turn on the device and interrupt the mixture for a few seconds.
  2. Pour regular milk there and beat the contents again so that it becomes completely uniform.
  3. The mass should not come out too thick. Pour it into a slow cooker and turn on the “Porridge” mode for 30 minutes. You can also use the manual program, leaving the same time, and the heating level is 90 degrees.
  4. For half an hour, while the cooking process is in progress, the contents of the bowl must be constantly stirred.
  5. After the end of the operating mode, you might think that the condensed milk came out too liquid, but this is not so - just let it cool and it will become thick enough.

In a bread maker

It turns out that you can make condensed milk in a bread machine, and it is very convenient - there is no need to constantly stir the mass, it is enough that the device has the “Jam” mode.

Required Ingredients:

  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • one liter of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, place all the indicated components from the list in a saucepan. Putting soda is optional, but it will protect the milk from curdling.
  2. Mix this mass, put it on the stove and warm it up, but do not bring it to a boil.
  3. Transfer it to the bread machine and turn on the device in the "Jam" mode.
  4. After the program ends, you need to run it two more times, or even three. It all depends on the model and power of the device. Only after several boils will the condensed milk be the desired density. Please note that the cold product will also become thicker than the hot one.

How to cook condensed milk at home

To get a really worthy and high-quality product, it is very important to take good milk. It should be quite fat - at least 2.5%. Better yet, use a proven quality farm product.

If you want to get a richer taste, then mix regular milk with a dry version in a 1: 1 ratio.

And to make boiled condensed milk, simply increase the heat treatment process by about one and a half times.

  • a liter of fat milk;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • 50 milliliters of water;
  • half tsp soda.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with the indicated amount of water. Simmer over low heat until the sugar is almost dissolved and something like a syrup forms.
  2. Pour in the same milk, be sure to bring it to room temperature, and wait for the contents to boil.
  3. Turn the heat to low, add the baking soda, stir everything quickly until the mass settles, and cook for about 60 minutes.
  4. After this time, the composition will slightly change its color. If you want a delicacy of a liquid consistency, then you can already remove it from the heat. If you need a thicker mass, then cook it for another 30 minutes.

You can also make a thick “varenka” from ready-made condensed milk. To do this, it is enough to choose a quality product. There can be no consensus on how much to cook condensed milk in a jar - it all depends on the heat treatment method. In a water bath, milk will languish for up to 3 hours, and in the microwave - just a few minutes.

  • 20 grams of butter.
  • Cooking process:

    1. In a container suitable for heating on the stove, pour the amount of milk indicated in the list. Pour the powder there and put the oil.
    2. Lightly mix the ingredients. Please note that both milk and butter must be at room temperature.
    3. We send the container to the stove, turn on a fairly low level of heating and wait for all the contents to melt and turn into a homogeneous mixture.
    4. Bring the mass to a boil, and as soon as a foam forms on the surface, immediately make the fire a little stronger, to medium.
    5. We continue to cook for no more than ten minutes and move the container to another bowl - with cold water. We are waiting for the condensed milk to cool down and see that it has become much thicker.

    Quick condensed milk in 15 minutes

    Condensed milk in 15 minutes is ideal for those who are in a hurry or want to serve a sweet treat for breakfast, because there is no need to stand at the stove for an hour or even more.

    Required Ingredients:

    • three tablespoons of butter;
    • one glass of milk;
    • about a glass of sugar and to your liking.

    Cooking process:

    1. Heat the milk slightly so that it is barely warm. Pour in sugar and stir constantly until it is almost dissolved.
    2. All this should take place on low heat. As soon as the sugar melts, add the indicated amount of butter and, continuing to stir the mass, wait until it becomes liquid and homogeneous.
    3. We turn on a stronger level of heating, bring the composition to a boil and then cook for exactly ten more minutes.
    4. Remove the finished product from the fire, let it cool. When the condensed milk becomes colder, it will thicken significantly, so do not be afraid if at first it seemed liquid to you.

    As you can see, making homemade condensed milk on your own is not so difficult. And if you also use a quick recipe, then the process itself will not take much time and you can serve such a delicacy almost immediately for breakfast along with pancakes or pancakes.

    The times of scarcity are far behind and almost all products can be purchased at local markets and supermarkets. But there is nothing tastier than home-cooked products, including condensed milk. This is a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. Condensed milk at home is much thicker, sweeter and tastier and, most importantly, healthier than store-bought goods. In addition, it can be used not only as an additional ingredient in desserts, but also in the manufacture of homemade pastries, cake toppings or pastries.

    cooking secrets

    Making condensed milk at home is quick and easy, but there are a few tricks you need to know to make it perfect.

    • As a basis for condensed milk, it is best to take fresh milk. If this product could not be obtained, then pasteurized milk with a high fat content or cream with a fat content of at least 25% is also suitable.
    • Cast iron pan with a thick bottom is the best container for making condensed milk. It has thick walls, which means that all the liquid will heat up gradually and evenly, it will not burn. Condensed milk can also be steamed, but it will take more time.
    • For a dense and uniform consistency of the finished product, sugar is replaced with powder from it. Store-bought powder contains starch, which is a natural thickener.
    • You can get a homogeneous condensed milk by adding soda at the tip of a knife at the beginning of the heating process.
    • Sweeter and thicker it will be possible to make milk not from refined sugar, but from cane sugar, which is much more expensive.
    • If condensed milk is planned to be used as a filling or cream for a cake, then it can be tinted a little with food coloring - the taste will not change, but the external qualities will improve.
    • Milk should be stored in a refrigerator in an airtight glass jar.
    • If it happens that the mixture is overcooked and becomes too thick and sticky, then delicious toffee will come out of it. To do this, the mass is poured into small molds and allowed to cool to room temperature.

    cooking recipes

    Condensed milk can be prepared from almost any type of dairy products - milk powder, pasteurized, cow or goat milk, cream, as well as infant formula. Factory condensed milk is not as healthy as homemade, as various dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives are added to it for long-term storage. At home, in addition to the stove, you can use other types of equipment -, a pressure cooker,.

    This recipe uses only three ingredients - whole milk, granulated sugar and baking soda.

    The indicated amount of sugar will add sweetness to the finished product, but it is still better to focus on your own taste. Pour milk into a deep bowl and add sugar to it. Put the container on a slow fire to heat up. At this time, the liquid must be constantly stirred until its amount is reduced by a factor of three. Once the milk is thick and caramelized, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour into a glass jar. The dish is ready!

    It can be used as a cream or other dishes. Please note that you should not artificially speed up the cooking time of milk - if the fire increases, the mass may burn or curdle.

    This recipe is distinguished by the special fat content of some of its components - butter and cream. Thanks to them, condensed milk turns out to be tender, creamy and thick, and therefore it is great for filling desserts.

    Heat the milk in a water bath in a thick-walled bowl, putting it on a slow fire. It should not boil at all - this must be carefully monitored. Dissolve the butter with milk, and add the cream and the aromatic component - vanillin. Mix and add sugar. Until the milk boils, it must be completely dissolved in milk. Cook the mixture with cream until a thick mass with a yellowish tinge and a viscous consistency is formed. Cool the finished condensed milk and store in the refrigerator.

    Goat milk is extremely rich in nutrients, but has a specific taste and smell. To cook condensed milk, only a fresh product is taken.

    Pour milk into a suitable saucepan, pour soda and mix the ingredients. After it becomes warmer when heated over low heat, add sugar and stir until a homogeneous liquid. You need to cook condensed milk until fully cooked - the mass will become thick and golden. Ready condensed milk can be stored in an airtight jar on the shelf of the refrigerator or rolled into jars for storage for future use.

    Recipe with infant formula

    This recipe is quite original, since in addition to the classic ingredients, it uses powdered infant formula, which acts as a natural flavor enhancer and thickener at the same time. It is suitable for cake and pastries.

    In a small container, separate from the milk, mix the dry ingredients, namely granulated sugar and the mixture. Simultaneously with this process, heat the milk in a water bath over low heat, pour in the sugar mixture and mix until smooth. Boil the liquid for 60-70 minutes until tender.
    Instead of an oven, you can also use a slow cooker. In this case, you need to select the "Extinguishing" mode, and increase the cooking time to one and a half hours.

    This recipe is different in that the cooking time is reduced from the standard one and a half hours to thirty minutes. At the same time, the finished product does not differ in taste or texture.

    Pour milk into a bowl with high sides and add other ingredients. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk. After the first air bubbles appear on the surface, increase the fire. The milk should begin to foam and the foam will rise to the top. From this moment, you need to detect the cooking time - you need to stir the mass and continue to cook for ten minutes. Stop heating after the specified amount of time. Milk will remain liquid, but do not be afraid - after cooling, it will thicken and become viscous, it can be used in baking and cake toppings.

    This condensed milk recipe can be brewed with a small amount of milk powder added to the liquid. It does not differ from natural, has the same useful properties, but is stored longer.

    Pour milk into a small container and leave to heat in a water bath. Then pour in the milk powder, constantly stirring the liquid. If you pour in milk powder before the liquid warms up, it will not dissolve, and the cooking technology will be disrupted. After the milk becomes homogeneous, add granulated sugar. You need to boil condensed milk for an hour without changing the fire.


    Boiled condensed milk, or, in a simple way, boiled milk, is not only an excellent delicacy, but also an indispensable ingredient for a layer of cakes and pastries.

    It would be nice if such condensed milk was sold in any store. However, not all so simple. Of course, there are boiled condensed milk in stores, but does it correspond to the quality that real boiled milk has, reminiscent of toffee in taste and texture? Not always.

    So we have to remember the forgotten recipes for brewing condensed milk, which the hostesses of the Soviet era were proud of for lack of it on store shelves.

    And, it turns out, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing is that when cooking condensed milk, you need to know a few simple rules.

    Rule 1. Not every condensed milk in a can can be boiled.

    It is known that the composition of milk is indicated on all jars. But it's no secret that condensed milk is now often made from whatever is possible, adding milk powder, vegetable fats in the form of palm oil, preservatives, thickeners, starch and other non-dairy ingredients.

    And if you try to make boiled milk out of such condensed milk, then nothing will work anyway. It will either become liquid, or just curl up and not thicken.

    Therefore, only a product made from real milk and sugar is suitable for cooking. Such a jar will be provided with the appropriate inscription: whole milk with sugar.

    Rule 2. Fat content plays an important role in the quality of boiled condensed milk.

    Condensed milk must be at least 8.5% fat. Only from such a product will you get a high-quality varenka, which you need to cook for 2-2.5 hours.

    Rule 3. A jar of condensed milk intended for cooking must be free of mechanical damage.

    Indeed, even a slight dent can, sadly, cause the can to explode during cooking, because a small defect during long boiling can easily break the integrity of the container, and the huge pressure inside the can will contribute to its rupture.

    Preparation for cooking condensed milk

    So, condensed milk is selected. The next step is the choice of a container in which condensed milk will be cooked.. A large capacious saucepan is suitable for boiling condensed milk, into which you can pour enough water to cover a vertically placed jar by at least 10 cm. After all, there is a long cooking ahead, and at the same time, as you know, active boiling of water occurs.

    Main point: during the cooking of condensed milk, the jar should not be shown on the surface of the water for a second. This is especially true in those cases when the jar is not put in the pan, but put.

    There is a very simple explanation for this: the seams on the can are located in a circle on the bottom and lid, when the top of the can peeks out of the water, a sharp temperature drop occurs, which can provoke an explosion of the can.

    Therefore, it is best to place a jar of condensed milk horizontally in a saucepan when cooking.. And even if it happens that the barrel looks out of the water for a minute, you can always have time to quickly correct the situation.

    Therefore, a kettle with boiling water, or at least boiling water, should always be ready nearby in order to make the topping up process as quickly as possible.

    Recipe for the occasion::

    When water boils, even a slight one, the bank will definitely roll along the bottom. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the bottom of the pan with a soft cloth, as hostesses do when they sterilize jars with canned vegetables and fruits.
    The smallest thing left is to cook condensed milk.

    • A jar of condensed milk is placed in the prepared pan, from which the label has been removed, since it will still lag behind the jar during the cooking process and will float in the pan, making it difficult to observe the process. The paper must be removed by soaking it in water, and not torn off with an iron brush, which can not only scratch the jar, but also cause micro-scratches, which during cooking can violate the integrity of the jar.
    • A jar of condensed milk is poured with cold water so that there is a large supply in case it boils away, since it is better not to add water once again, artificially creating a temperature difference.
    • Place the pot on the stove, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. The fire is reduced so that there is an even, gentle boil. Only with this method of cooking, condensed milk eventually acquires a uniform consistency without lumps.
    • Cooking continues for at least one and a half hours. It all depends on how thick they want to end up with. After an hour, the milk acquires a creamy hue, but there is still no density. After 2 hours, the color darkens a little, and the milk becomes a little thicker. After 3 hours, the milk acquires a light brown color, a thick texture and a taste of toffee. And after 4 hours you can talk about real toffee and dark brown milk.
    • If, despite all the precautions, the water still boils away, it must be topped up. To do this, they take a kettle and slowly pour boiling water into the pan, but at the same time not aiming at the jar, but pouring it between it and the wall of the dish.
    • Varenka is ready. In no case should it be removed from the pan, and even more so rinsed with cold water! It is very dangerous! And not only because of the walls splashed with sweet delicacy during the explosion of the jar, but also because of the very real threat of being burned by hot boiled potatoes. Therefore, the jar is left in the pan until completely cooled. And only after that they take it out of the water, open it and enjoy delicious boiled condensed milk - boiled milk.

    How to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker

    Condensed milk cooks much faster in a pressure cooker. However, you must follow the instructions exactly.

    Boiled condensed milk has been a favorite delicacy for many people since childhood.

    With today's abundance of goods on the shelves in stores, buying already boiled is not difficult, but the product will be much tastier if you cook it yourself.

    How much you need to cook condensed milk in a jar and how much time this process takes, we will try to tell you in this article.

    Since so many people make a lot of mistakes when preparing this nutritious and very tasty product.

    When and how did condensed milk appear

    It is believed that the idea of ​​obtaining a delicious and thick dessert from ordinary cow's milk belongs to the confectioner - the Frenchman Nicolas Apper.

    Through long experiments, he managed to find out that this product retains its taste for the longest time when stored in sealed tin containers.

    But he did not guess to patent his invention, Gale Borden did it for him back in 1856, in the USA one of the first factories for the production of condensed milk was built in 1858.

    Condensed milk was appreciated with the advent of the first Civil War, a long-term stored natural and high-calorie product began to be included in the rations of soldiers.

    Since that time, Borden's fortune has steadily increased and he died a rich man, leaving his business to his sons.

    In Russia, mass production of this product began in 1881, when two small factories for the production of dairy products appeared in the suburbs of Orenburg.

    In Soviet times, strict requirements were imposed on the production of this product, the product must necessarily comply with GOST and, apart from milk, cream and granulated sugar, no secondary ingredients were allowed in it.

    Today it is produced by many enterprises throughout Russia, but unfortunately, not all of it is safe for health.

    Modern businessmen are trying to get the maximum profit from their product, and quality is given the last place.

    But still, if you wish, you can find a really completely healthy and tasty product that can be eaten in its pure form or cooked.

    Criteria for choosing condensed milk

    Condensed milk can be used to add to tea, coffee, delicious sandwiches are prepared with its use.

    The boiled product is used as a cream base for cakes, waffles, nuts and just as a delicious treat for breakfast or afternoon snack.

    In order for you to get a really high-quality product at the end of cooking, nutritionists and confectioners advise you to start by choosing the right unboiled condensed milk in the store.

    When buying, experts are sure to advise you to pay attention to the following parameters:

    • The product's name. Whole condensed milk with sugar and just condensed milk with sugar are suitable for cooking. Seeing such variations of the name as condensed boiled milk product, milk product with sugar, special milk, pass by without hesitation. Such a product contains herbal ingredients, all kinds of flavors and additives;
    • On the label of a can of condensed milk, the production standard GOST or TU must be indicated. It is best to choose GOST, since condensed milk is produced with the TU mark, containing more vegetable rather than animal components. Of particular concern at the moment is the replacement of fats with palm oil, this component is cheap, but has a high melting point, which the human body is not able to cope with. As a result, palm oil accumulates in the organs, contributes to the appearance of plaques in the vessels;
    • You also need to look at the shelf life. For natural condensed milk, it cannot be more than one year, if the manufacturer indicates a longer storage period, then preservatives are most likely added to the product;
    • There is a marking on the lid. The letter M should be the first on the condensed milk, then two numbers refer to the manufacturer. It is necessary to pay attention to the third and fourth digits - high-quality milk without additives is marked with the number 76;
    • It is important to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. For cooking, tin cans are usually taken, they should not be deformed and chipped.

    it turns out, well, just amazingly tasty and delicate in taste. How? Read our healthy food website.

    In this, you will find an interesting list of foods containing carbohydrates. Eat tasty, but right!

    How fat-free is homemade cottage cheese? Here:, you can find out the answer to your question.

    Many people think that for cooking you can choose a jar and at the very minimum cost.

    This opinion should not be held.

    Firstly, an inexpensive product can be completely unsafe for health.

    Secondly, cheap condensed milk for the most part contains vegetable components, and they will not allow this product to cook to the desired consistency, that is, the milk will remain liquid no matter how much you cook it.

    Condensed milk should be homogeneous, without lumps, white with a slight brownish tinge.

    Condensed milk cooking rules

    There are several ways to cook condensed milk, which one to choose will depend only on your desire.

    • It is traditional to boil a tin can in a pot of water. A tin can is placed in a large saucepan, filled with water to the maximum and put on fire. From the moment of boiling, the fire decreases, and cooking continues at an average temperature from 1 to 3 hours;
    • The fastest way to cook is to cook the product in a pressure cooker. It is necessary to place a tin can in a pressure cooker, fill it with water and boil for 10 minutes. After that, the pressure cooker remains closed until the container and water have completely cooled;
    • Modern technology has given the most comfortable way to prepare treats - in the microwave. Condensed milk is poured into a container suitable for a microwave oven, closed with a lid and placed inside the oven for 10 - 20 minutes. You must first set the average power, and during the cooking process, the milk must be stirred periodically. The convenience of this method of preparing the product lies in the visibility of the result, that is, you can stop the cooking process when the color change completely satisfies you;
    • It can also be boiled in a water jar. To do this, the milk is poured into a saucepan and placed in another container with boiling water. Thus, it will be ready in five hours, but in the process of cooking you will be able to monitor its condition and avoid the explosion of the jar.

    If you cook condensed milk in the traditional way, you will not see its state during the cooking process.

    You can get a product of a delicate brown color and fairly fluid after about an hour of cooking.

    A thick dark-colored condensed milk is obtained if the cooking time reaches 3.5 hours.

    Secrets of safe preparation of boiled condensed milk

    It happens that when cooking the jar explodes and the whole kitchen needs many hours of scrubbing.

    Do not blame the quality of the product, perhaps you have neglected the simplest rules:

    • Condensed milk during the cooking process must be constantly covered with water. It is necessary to add only hot water, the temperature difference can lead to an explosion;
    • After removing from heat, it is necessary that the jar of condensed milk remain in boiling water until the water has completely cooled. This will not only eliminate cotton when opened, but also make the boiled stew more delicious;
    • Caramel shade and good density will be obtained if you buy this product with a milk fat content of at least 8%.

    That's all the secrets of cooking delicious and natural treats.

    Knowing little tricks, you can always treat your loved ones with delicious nuts, cakes, casseroles with boiled condensed milk.

    Videos dessert

    A short video in which you will learn the recipe for cooking boiled condensed milk in the microwave. Enjoy watching!

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