How to make pancakes with caviar. How to wrap pancakes with caviar. Pancakes with red caviar: recipe with photo

It is not at all necessary to decorate everyday dishes, but festive treats need to be able to cook deliciously and present elegantly.

Every housewife should know how to wrap pancakes with caviar beautifully, because in an interesting design they look very appetizing, such an appetizer on the table will not go unnoticed. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a few unpretentious restaurant secrets that will help turn ordinary pastries into a real culinary masterpiece.

Pancakes with caviar: how to serve

Caviar is a rather aristocratic product, and the attitude towards it should be respectful. Eating it with spoons is not so much a sign of wealth as of poor upbringing, and vice versa, the ability to wrap pancakes with caviar in an original way and serve them to the table in an exquisite form testifies to the good culinary tone of the hostess and the solvency of the whole family.

One of the most famous and beloved snacks in the world is red caviar of “sturgeon” origin, it is rich in iodine and vitamins. It is used in the preparation of sushi, put on thin slices of white bread, buttered.

A delicious Russian custom is to serve this delicacy with thin pancakes. How to effectively serve homemade pancakes with a grainy spark - read below in our selection.

Pancakes with caviar: a classic recipe


  • - 0.5 liters + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • - 1 pinch + -
  • Salo fresh (no salt)small slice + -

Step-by-step recipe for baking thin homemade pancakes

Before talking about how to beautifully wrap pancakes with caviar to emphasize the appetizing taste of an elite snack, it is worth remembering the basic recipe for baking these very homemade pancakes.

  1. We combine all the ingredients except oil in a mixer bowl or any convenient vessel with high sides.
  2. Having thoroughly mixed all the products (it is best to do this with a mixer), we leave the dough to “rest” for about half an hour.
  3. Put a frying pan on the fire. While it is heating, add oil to the dough, mix everything.
  4. Having strung bacon on a fork, grease the bottom of a heated pan with it.
  5. We collect half a large ladle of dough and pour it into the pan. In a circular motion, spread the dough in a thin even layer over the entire bottom.
  6. We bake the pancake on one side until the edge is browned and the moisture on the unbaked barrel disappears, and then we turn it over and bake the other side for a couple of seconds.

Ready ruddy pancakes are stacked in a pile, spreading each with a piece of ice cream butter.

  • The egg should be large - "zero" category. If there are only small ones in the refrigerators, then it is better to drive two eggs into the dough.
  • Flour may need more than indicated in the product layout. It all depends on the amount of gluten in the product. Ideally, the dough should be the same consistency as kefir, and easily disperse when frying pancakes.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the pan with bacon only before baking the first 2-3 pancakes, so that the dough does not stick to the metal. Further, this can not be done.
  • A lubricating piece of bacon can be replaced with a small amount of vegetable oil - it must be smeared under the first pancakes in a frying pan with a silicone spatula or half a raw potato.

How to wrap pancakes with caviar: ideas and secrets

Method number 1: A simple triangle

We fold the cooled pancake in half, carefully aligning the edges, and then bend the resulting semicircle again. We should get a triangle with a rounded bottom edge.

We spread a portion of precious eggs on it, decorate it with a sprig of fresh dill and send the finished pancake “sandwich” to the tray. So we arrange the rest of the pancakes and serve to the table.

Method number 2: Roll

Spread the caviar evenly over the entire surface of the pancakes soaked in butter. We turn each of them into a roll, trying so that the eggs do not stray together.

We cut the finished rolls obliquely with a sharp knife into three equal parts and put them on a dish.

Method number 3: "Snail"

This way, how to wrap pancakes with caviar, is especially original. It does not require special skills - everything is very simple. So, we wrap the edges of each (greased with melted butter) pancake so that their edges are connected in the center, and then fold in half - a wide strip turns into a double narrow one.

Then we roll it up with a roll - so we got a “snail”. So that it does not unfold, we fix it with a toothpick. It remains only to put all the “snails” on a tray and put a teaspoon of a grainy delicacy on top of each.

You can decorate a noble appetizer before serving with fresh parsley leaves and thin slices of ice cream butter wrapped in “snails”.

Method number 4: "Kulechek"

Perhaps this is the most spectacular option on how to beautifully serve your favorite pancakes with caviar to the festive table. We fold the pancake in half, now we alternately bend each of the edges of the semicircle to the center so that it protrudes above the even part.

Then we turn the protruding part of the pancake upwards - this is how the bag is obtained. We first insert a branch of greenery into it, and then fill it with caviar.

Appearing on the festive table, the grainy appetizer invariably finds itself in the center of gastronomic attention. Moreover, pancakes with caviar, decorated and served beautifully, will not go unnoticed. If you use one of our tips on how to wrap and serve pancakes decorated with greens in an unusual way, then you are guaranteed a stunning success.

So that the delicacy does not lose its attractiveness and benefits, it should not remain in the air for a long time and become weathered - it is better to report a fresh treat as guests taste it.

Delicious pancakes!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Surely every hostess knows how to bake pancakes. Countless recipes surf the Internet. From openwork to stuffed, from thick to dietary. But how many people know how to serve this folk dish in an unusual and beautiful way? Today we will teach you how to wrap caviar pancakes beautifully and in an original way.
You can use your proven pancake recipe. Or you can use ours.

- Red caviar,
- pancakes,
- pigtail cheese,
- cream cheese.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We disassemble the pigtail cheese into strings.

Method number 1

We will need any cheese filling, suluguni pigtail cheese, red caviar.
We take the finished pancake, put it on the work surface, grease it with cheese filling.

Now we need to roll the pancake into a tube. The tube should be tight.

Next, we wrap our tube in a shell. To prevent the shell from falling apart, tie it with suluguni cheese thread.
Now our shell needs to be decorated with a teaspoon of red caviar. Just put it on top of the shell.
Unusual, original, delicious.

Method number 2
Bag with a surprise

In this version, we will have caviar inside the pancake.
The ingredients are the same as in the first method.
We lay out the pancake, grease it with cheese filling. We put a teaspoon of caviar on the filling and spread it a little over the pancake.

Now you need to fold the edges of the pancake so that we have a bag.
We will tie it with a rope from sir suluguni.
The surprise bag is ready.

The first and second methods can be combined. You get a great composition.

Method number 3

Caviar rolls

In this method, we will use pancakes, caviar and cottage cheese.
Lubricate the finished pancake with cheese filling.

We wrap it in a tube.

We cut rolls from this tube. Decorate the finished rolls with red caviar and herbs.
Another submission is ready.

Be original, surprise your family and friends with your creativity.
Bon appetit.
Another great appetizer with caviar -

If you are thinking about what to serve on the festive table so that the dish is both tasty and looks beautiful on the table, make pancakes with caviar. The appetizer turns out to be very tender, satisfying with a piquant taste, and its bright filling will stand out from all other dishes.

To make the appetizer look appetizing and exquisite, you need to know how to wrap pancakes with caviar beautifully.

  1. The easiest option is to roll the treat into a roll, making sure that the caviar peeks out slightly from the edge of the pancake. We spread the dish on a dish, in addition, you can put a couple of sprigs of parsley and lemon slices next to it.
  2. Another way is to fold the pancakes into bags. We turn the cake in half, bend down first the left, then the right edge. It remains to turn the top of the pancake outward, and put red caviar into the resulting hole.
  3. Another option is to pull the sides of the expanded pancake towards each other, fold in half. It turned out a tube, now fold this tube into a roll and pierce it with a toothpick so that the dough does not fall apart. Place the roll upright. It turned out stumps, put caviar on its top. Decorate the appetizer plate with lettuce leaves.

  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • caviar - 200 g;
  • vegetable grade oil - 60 ml;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • a piece of butter;
  • salt - 8 g.

Step by step preparation:

  1. We heat the milk until warm.
  2. Pour 250 ml of milk into a bowl, add salt, sugar and raw chicken eggs to it.
  3. Turn on the mixer and process this mass until smooth.
  4. Pour the flour into the milk mixture through a sieve, mix everything with a spoon.
  5. Add the remaining warm milk and 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  6. Let the pancake dough rest for 10 minutes.
  7. Pour the remaining vegetable oil into the pan, pour half a ladle of batter and fry on both sides for 1-1.5 minutes.
  8. We process each cooked pancake with a piece of butter, put them on a plate with a turret.
  9. We collect a spoonful of caviar and spread it on each pancake, wrap it with an envelope.

Required products:

For filling:

  • sour cream - 75 g;
  • cream cheese - 190 g;
  • some fresh greens;
  • red caviar - 130 g;

for pancakes:

  • salt - 5 g;
  • warm water - 0.25 l;
  • sugar - 8 g;
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 0.15 kg;
  • milk - 0.25 l.

Cooking pancakes with caviar and cream cheese:

  1. Pour eggs into a deep container, pour in sugar, add salt, pour in milk and process the mixture with a whisk.
  2. Continuing to stir with a whisk, pour wheat flour.
  3. We heat the water and pour it into a thick flour mass, add a little oil.
  4. We process the pan with the remaining amount of vegetable oil.
  5. Pour a little dough and start cooking pancakes, frying them until light golden brown.
  6. Put the cream cheese into the prepared bowl, add sour cream little by little, stirring the mass each time.
  7. We spread the caviar there and crumble the finely chopped greens, mix. The filling is ready.
  8. We wait until the pancakes have cooled, spread a layer of filling on each of them, and roll it into a tube. Pancakes with red caviar and cheese are ready. Bon appetit!

Cooking with sour cream

You will need:

For pancakes:

  • melted butter - 40 g;
  • sugar - 8 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • milk - 0.4 l;
  • salt - 4 g;
  • flour - 190 g;

For filling:

  • caviar - 125 g;
  • a piece of butter - 60 g;
  • sour cream - 20 g;
  • dill - 20 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Beat raw eggs in a bowl with a mixer until frothy.
  2. We warm the milk to room temperature and pour 200 ml into the egg mixture, add salt and granulated sugar.
  3. In several stages, add the sifted flour to the main ingredients, knead the mass with a spoon, avoiding the formation of lumps.
  4. Add the remaining milk, add butter and complete the preparation of the dough.
  5. Soften a piece of butter for the filling. We process each fried pancake with it and put them in a pile.
  6. Put sour cream in a separate bowl and mix it with finely chopped dill.
  7. Pour the caviar into the mixture and mix gently.
  8. It remains to distribute the filling over the buttered pancakes, roll the pancakes themselves.
  9. Now you can serve a snack to the table. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with caviar and red fish

What to take:

  • red caviar - 100 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • milk cheese - 100 g;
  • flour - 270 g;
  • salmon fillet - 150 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 8 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine sugar, raw eggs and salt in a cup, process the mixture with a mixer.
  2. Pour 100 ml of milk, add flour crushed in a sieve and turn on the mixer again.
  3. Add the rest of the milk, vegetable oil and mix.
  4. We bake a hill of golden pancakes, put them on a plate.
  5. Cut the fish fillet into thin strips.
  6. Melt the cheese in another pan, put a layer of this cheese on each pancake.
  7. We spread the fish slices on top, roll the dough into a tube and cut it into several parts.
  8. We put the resulting small tubes vertically on a plate and put a little caviar on top of each tube. Thus, you can beautifully serve pancakes with caviar.

With crab sticks and mascarpone

List of ingredients:

  • red caviar - 150 g;
  • fresh dill - 1 handful;
  • mascarpone cheese - 140 g;
  • crab sticks - 5 pcs;
  • green onion arrows - 5 pcs.

Action algorithm:

  1. Finely chop the peeled dill, mix it with melted cheese.
  2. Chop the crab sticks into small pieces and add to the cheese mixture.
  3. Bake pancakes in advance and stack them in a pile to cool.
  4. We spread a mixture of cheese and crab sticks and a little red caviar in each pancake, fold it in the form of an envelope.
  5. We serve an amazingly tasty delicacy warm on the table. Bon appetit!

Cooking with avocado

You will need:

For filling:

  • lemon juice - 8 ml;
  • avocado - 1 pc;
  • cucumber - 1 pc;
  • fresh dill - 3 sprigs;
  • caviar - 80 g;
  • cream cheese - 90 g;

for the test:

  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • softened butter - 30 g;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 4 g;
  • flour - 130 g;
  • sugar - 8 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pass a mixture of flour, salt and baking powder through a sieve.
  2. In another bowl, combine raw egg, milk and sugar. Pour the contents of this cup into flour and knead the dough.
  3. After 10 minutes, add butter to the dough and mix again.
  4. Put the peeled avocado into a blender bowl, put cheese on it, pour in salt, chopped dill, pour in lemon juice and grind.
  5. In a frying pan, bake pancakes the size of pancakes, let them cool.
  6. Spread avocado mixture on each cake, pour a little caviar on top. Cucumber cut into small cubes completes the delicacy. Bon appetit!

Every day, housewives have the question of what to cook for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And as the holidays approach, the puzzle becomes even more complex. So pancakes are the answer. Yes, yes, pancakes. For every day it can be pancakes with jam, curd mass, meat, fruit. But for the holiday you can serve pancakes with caviar and red fish. Beautifully wrapped pancakes are a great alternative to ordinary sandwiches, an appetizer option for a buffet table, and just a decoration for a banquet table.

Recipe for thin openwork pancakes

So, first of all, you need to decide on the recipe by which pancakes will be baked. Each hostess has her own, tested and, so to speak, approved. The universal pancake recipe is as follows.

We take products:

  • Milk - 3 cups;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Butter - 20-25 grams (optional);
  • A pinch of salt.

We present a step-by-step recipe for baking thin homemade pancakes.


The preparation of the dough consists in mixing all the ingredients. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps. However, there are a few secrets:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Combine egg whites with salt and beat until stiff peaks. Combine the yolks with sugar, beat until a fluffy yellow mass is obtained.
  2. Next, add 1 cup of milk to the yolks, mix.
  3. After pouring 1 cup of flour (gradually).
  4. Now add 1 glass of milk again, then 1 glass of flour and pour in the last glass of milk. Gently mix everything until smooth.
  5. If you add butter, then it must be melted, but not boiled. Then pour into the dough and mix thoroughly.
  6. Let the dough stand, rest, for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Now you can bake thin pancakes.

Little trick! If caviar is used as a filling, then greens can be added to the dough - parsley and dill. This will spice up the finished dish.

  • Use a pancake pan.
  • Preheat the pan before pouring the batter onto it.
  • Lubricate the pan with butter or vegetable oil.
  • Bake pancakes until golden brown on both sides.

Thin pancakes are ready. Now you can move on to the filling.

How to surprise guests at the festive table

Thin openwork pancakes for the festive table will truly become a delicacy if they are stuffed with red or black caviar. But it is not forbidden to fantasize. For example, buffet pancakes can be stuffed with cream cheese and red fish, avocado, cod roe, eggs, and a million more options.

After choosing the filling, the question arises of how to arrange pancakes with caviar.

How to wrap pancakes with caviar: original ideas and little secrets

How to wrap pancakes with caviar beautifully depends on whether the dish will be served at a buffet table or on a festive table in the family circle.

Serving pancakes at the buffet

If pancakes are supposed to decorate a buffet table, then you should make sure that the caviar does not crumble. The ideal option is pancake rolls. To make them you need:

  • Bake pancakes, you can use any pancake recipe to serve with caviar.
  • Next, spread the caviar evenly over the pancake.
  • Roll up each pancake.
  • Cut into serving pieces.
  • Put on a dish.
  • Decorate as you wish and serve.

For a buffet table, you can use other options for decorating pancakes with caviar. Envelopes, "snails" decorated with caviar will look great. Canapés from several layers of pancakes can be attributed to original ideas on how to beautifully wrap pancakes with caviar.

To surprise your guests, you need:

  • Bake pancakes.
  • Fold them in piles of several pieces (4-5, depending on the thickness), while smearing each with caviar.
  • Now you need to use a sharp knife to cut the resulting pancake pies into portioned pieces - canapes.

This serving option is perfect for fluffy pancakes with red caviar.

Pancakes with caviar: banquet option

If pancakes with caviar decorate a banquet on the occasion of some kind of family celebration or other festive event, then there are a million options for how to serve a dish on the table:

  • Rolls - roll the pancake into a roll and cut into portioned pieces;
  • Bags - we put the filling in the center of the pancake, collect the edges together and tie it. Green onion feathers are ideal for this;
  • Envelopes are a classic. In this case, pancakes should be baked small in diameter;
  • Triangles - the filling is placed on a part of the pancake, then the edges of the pancake are folded to the center (like a paper airplane was made at school), the resulting triangle is covered with the bottom of the pancake, the edges are wrapped down. You can cut the pancake in half, the filling is laid out at the corner and the pancake is folded into a triangle, the edge is wrapped down;
  • Tubes - the filling is placed on one edge, the pancake is folded into a tube, the edges are wrapped in the middle;
  • Kulechki - the pancake is folded in half, both edges are folded towards the center (to make a triangle), the upper edge turns outward, now you can stuff the pancake.

This list is endless. How to cook pancakes with red caviar and wrap them beautifully is up to the hostess.

Nuances that will help create a masterpiece

Red caviar is an interesting and effective filling for pancakes. But she has one feature - she crumbles. And this can play a cruel joke: the filling will spill out of the pancake and it will not be possible to appreciate the culinary masterpiece.

Therefore, use one little trick: grease the pancake with thick sour cream or cream cheese. This will allow you to tie the eggs together, distribute them evenly over the pancake and, of course, diversify the taste of the dish.

To make pancakes with caviar and cream cheese, you need:

  • Bake pancakes according to your favorite recipe;
  • Next, we take the cheese and spread it with a thin layer so as not to overshadow the taste of caviar;
  • Now it's the turn of caviar, distribute (evenly) it throughout the pancake.
  • We twist the roll and cut into portioned pieces;
  • We fold the envelope;
  • We make tubes.

If you decide to use sour cream, then the procedure is similar. We choose fat sour cream. You can serve pancakes with caviar and sour cream in the form of canapes.

Variety of flavors

To surprise your guests or just create a new culinary masterpiece called "Caviar Pancakes", you can make adjustments to the classic recipe. For example, instead of milk, use kefir, fermented baked milk, or a mixture of fermented milk products.

As an option for experiments, you can try adding boiling water to the dough. The pancakes will be soft and fluffy. An interesting combination of flavors will come out if you stuff custard pancakes with caviar, avocado and cheese.

No less original will be pancakes on kefir with cod caviar and eggs. Fans of soft cheeses will love pancakes with red caviar, crab sticks and mascarpone.

Pancakes are a versatile dish that you can experiment with without being afraid that something will turn out wrong. There are many recipes for pancakes with caviar and how to wrap them beautifully. Which one will be on your table depends only on your preferences!

Pancakes with caviar are everyone's favorite delicacy. If pancakes appear in our diet quite often, then things are somewhat more complicated with caviar. Although it is a completely affordable product, we pamper ourselves with it most often only on holidays. Pancakes stuffed with such an expensive but indecently tasty delicacy can be seen on almost every table during Maslenitsa. Everyone can cook pancakes with caviar, and you don’t have to puzzle over how to treat the most demanding guests, because such pancakes are truly royal food. It would seem that you can come up with something new? After all, pancakes with caviar were and will remain pancakes with caviar, no matter how we wrap them and no matter how we decorate them. However, pancakes prepared according to different recipes and stuffed with the same caviar can have a completely different taste, in addition, there are many delicious caviar-based fillings that we invite you to get to know better.

50 ml vegetable oil,
50 gr. butter,
50 gr. Sahara,
3 eggs,
500 ml milk
250 gr. wheat flour
200 gr. red caviar,

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar, salt and 250 ml of milk to them. Beat the resulting mixture with a whisk. Gradually add all the flour to the dough, mixing thoroughly and trying to avoid lumps. When all the flour is in the dough, add the remaining milk and vegetable oil. Stir again. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. In each pancake, put 1 heaping teaspoon of caviar, spread evenly over the entire pancake and wrap in a corner.

Pancakes with caviar and tomatoes

a few thin pancakes
200 gr. red caviar,
50 gr. frozen butter,
1 tbsp sour cream for every pancake,
1 cherry tomato for each pancake
a bunch of green onions.

We reduce each pancake in diameter by about a couple of centimeters to get an even circle. Finely chop the onion. Grease the middle of a small pancake with sour cream, lay out 1 teaspoon of caviar in a slide, add a little green onion. Cut the cherry tomato into 8 parts and lay them around the hill with caviar. Gather the edges of the crepe carefully and tie them with crepe ribbon from the cut edge. Grate the frozen butter on a coarse grater. Put pancake bags on a dish, sprinkle with grated butter and garnish with green onions.


2 eggs,
1 tsp curd cheese Almette,
2-3 tbsp flour,
½ tsp baking powder
½ st. milk,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, beat them thoroughly with a whisk. Add cream cheese and beat well again. Add flour and baking powder, mix thoroughly and pour in milk. Mix again and let the dough rest for a while. Now add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and cook pancakes. Lubricate the finished pancakes well with butter, roll each pancake into a tight tube and cut diagonally into 2 cm slices. Put the slices on a plate and put ½ tsp on each slice. red caviar.

1 l. milk,
2 tbsp. flour,
6 eggs
1 tbsp Sahara,
100-150 gr. cream cheese,
100 gr. red caviar,
1 can of olives
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
sour cream,

Add salt and sugar to the eggs, beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk. Add warmed milk, vegetable oil and flour to the eggs. Mix thoroughly until all lumps are gone. Prepare pancakes from the resulting dough. Brush each pancake with cream cheese and roll into a tight roll. Cut the roll diagonally into 2 cm pieces. Put ½ tsp on each roll. caviar. Cut the olives into thin strips and put on the caviar. Pancakes with caviar and olives served with sour cream.

1 l. milk,
2 tbsp. flour,
6 eggs
6 tbsp tablespoons of thick sour cream
1 tbsp Sahara,
¾ tbsp lemon peel,
¾ tbsp horseradish (sauce),
100 gr. caviar,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
a bunch of green onions

Add salt and sugar to the eggs, beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk. Add warmed milk, vegetable oil and flour to the eggs. Mix thoroughly until all lumps are gone. Prepare pancakes from the resulting dough. Mix sour cream with horseradish and lemon zest. Lubricate each pancake with the resulting mixture and roll into a roll. Cut the roll diagonally into pieces of about 2 cm. Put ½ tsp on each roll. caviar and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.

Pancakes with cod caviar

5 eggs
½ tsp Sahara,
1 tsp grated lemon zest,
1 st. flour,
2 tbsp. milk,
1 ½ st. water,
vegetable oil,
bunch of lettuce leaves
50 gr. cod roe,
3-4 tbsp mayonnaise,
1 tsp spicy ketchup,
½ st. cream,
1 bell pepper
½ tsp paprika,

Rub 3 eggs, sugar and salt with grated zest on a fine grater, add milk and water and carefully move everything. Whisking constantly, add flour and ¼ tbsp. vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly, trying to remove all lumps. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. Separately, beat the remaining 2 eggs with cream and paprika, salt a little. Pour the resulting mixture into a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry the omelette on both sides until golden brown, then cool and cut into small pieces. Cut the bell pepper into thin strips. Mix caviar with mayonnaise and ketchup. Wash lettuce leaves and pat dry. Grease the pancakes with a mixture of caviar and mayonnaise, put a lettuce leaf, bell pepper and an egg omelet on top. Roll the pancakes into rolls, cut off the uneven edges and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

a few pancakes
1 avocado
1 jar of caviar,
cream cheese,

Grease each pancake with cream cheese, put rice on top with a thin layer. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and cut into very thin slices. Put the avocado slices on the rice, add the caviar and spread it evenly over the pancake. Roll the pancake into a tight roll, cut off the uneven edges and cut each roll into 3-4 pieces. Decorate each resulting roll with a small amount of caviar.

a few pancakes
200 gr. curd,
2 tbsp sour cream
200 gr. slightly salted salmon,
100 gr. red caviar.


Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop in a blender. Finely chop the greens and add it to the cottage cheese, add sour cream and mix thoroughly. Cut the salmon into very small pieces. Lubricate each pancake with curd mass, put lightly salted salmon on top and spread it over the pancake in a thin even layer. Roll up each pancake and cut each roll into 3 pieces. Put ½ tsp on each part. caviar.

Maslenitsa is a whole week of celebration, good mood, delicious pancakes, new culinary discoveries and experiments. This means that for seven whole days you can cook lush, fragrant, fatty, ruddy pancakes according to a variety of recipes and with different fillings. Do not miss the opportunity to treat yourself and cook several options for pancakes with caviar at once. Have a delicious and fun Maslenitsa!

Alena Karamzina

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