How to cook pork tongue cook recipe. How much and how to cook pork and beef tongues? Preparing the tongue before cooking

Language and how to do it right? These questions are beginning to interest those who decide to master the difficult way of preparing offal.

Right choice

A product such as language can rightly be considered a delicacy. And the reason here is not that it is some kind of rarity. The language is valued mainly for its useful properties, which cannot be ignored. To begin with, it is worth mentioning that it contains a huge amount of vitamins, iron and minerals. Such a rich composition is especially useful for people with a weakened body. It is recommended to be eaten by children and pregnant women. The rare qualities of this meat product are able to support any weakened body or restore the strength of a person who has undergone a major operation. Before you figure out how much to cook pork tongue, you first need to choose and buy it. Don't go for big sizes. Size is not a sign of quality. If the product is large, it is likely that it once belonged to an adult animal. In this case, it will take much longer to cook it, and very few nutrients will remain in the finished product. It would be better to choose a smaller instance. It will cook faster, and the taste will be more tender and soft.

Cooking methods

Getting started, you need to know that there are two options for cooking this product. Basically, they are very similar. The essential difference here is not how much to cook the pork tongue, but how this process begins. In the first case, the meat is placed in hot water. Then it will need to be boiled a little (10-15 minutes), change the water, and only after that complete the process. Shortly (about 10 minutes) before the end of the cooking process, carrots and various roots must be added to the pot with boiling meat. Next, the tongue should be lowered into cold water and peeled off. After that, you can start cooking the selected dish. In the second case, the water is taken not just hot, it should already boil. After 15 minutes, the product should be removed from the container, cleaned and immersed in water again. Further, the process follows a similar pattern. The fundamental difference between these options is that in the first case, the product is cooked to the end as a whole, and in the second, in the middle of the process, the skin is removed from it. This does not affect how much to cook the pork tongue. Here the matter is different. The first method allows you to save more nutrients. But in the second, the product absorbs aromas from additional components better. Each hostess chooses the method that suits her best.

Everything is calculated in advance

If you are going to cook some complex dish, you need to take care of the necessary components in advance so that they are always at hand at the right time. And what can be cooked from pork tongue? The choice is large enough. It can be sandwiches, salads, cold and hot appetizers, as well as soups. In most of the listed dishes, the tongue acts as the main ingredient and is used already in finished form. So, it must be prepared in advance. In order to calculate everything correctly, you need to know exactly how long to cook the pork tongue. Based on the experience of professional chefs, we can conclude that the average cooking time is about 2 hours. In this case, we mean the product from a young animal. It is small in size and weighs very little. For example, the tongue of a piglet is no more than 0.5 kg. If a large sample is available, the time can be extended up to 3 hours. It is better to pre-soak such a product for 2 hours in cold water. This will increase the preparatory period, but will not affect how long the pork tongue cooks.


Housewives do not always have enough time for all sorts of delights and pickles. Sometimes you have to limit yourself to the simplest dishes. For example, just boil a fresh or frozen product. After all, the tongue itself is very tender and soft, so there is no need to unnecessarily subject it to additional culinary processing. In this case, it is really important to know how much you need to cook pork tongue. In principle, one and a half to two hours is the minimum time period. You can add another 20 minutes. They will go to clean the semi-finished product from the skin and additional boiling. It is worth paying attention, after the product was left without a surface layer, microbes could penetrate inside with raw water. They definitely need to be removed. To do this, the tongue should be lowered into the boiling broth again and kept there for about 10 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the final processing. Now the finished meat can be simply cut and served, garnished with vegetables and herbs.

What is the best way to cook?

Most meat products at home can be cooked in two ways: on the stove or in a slow cooker. There are other options, but these two are worth paying special attention to. If we talk about the language, then its preparation in these two cases differs significantly from each other in two ways:

If the product is cooked on the stove, then the whole processing is to wash it thoroughly, and then remove the tough tendons, excess fat growths and unnecessary streaks. For a slow cooker, there is a recipe with which the product becomes even softer and more tender. To do this, you just need to rub it with salt, garlic, spices and put in the refrigerator for a day. Then you can cook as usual. The result will speak for itself. But the most important thing is boiling. There is a significant difference between how much you need to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker and in a regular pan. As practice shows, the difference is about an hour. After 60 minutes, you can already take out the finished product from the multicooker and serve it to the table.

Complete readiness control

At the final stage of the preparation of any product, it is always necessary to make sure that the process is completely completed. This can be done by the organoleptic method or with the help of any devices. If, for example, aspic from the tongue of a pig is planned for the festive table, then in addition to additional ingredients, it is necessary to clearly understand the technology of its preparation. More precisely, you need to know how much to cook the pork tongue until cooked and how this can be checked. As is known, the duration of the process is primarily affected by the mass of the initial product. So, pork tongue is usually cooked from one and a half to two hours. It is better to salt it at the final stage in order to preserve the nutritional properties as much as possible. And the readiness of any hostess usually checks with a fork. If, with light pressure, it freely passes through the fibers, then the product is ready. If there is some resistance, then it is worth cooking the tongue for a few more minutes. After some time, the test can be repeated again.

Boiled tongue is a surprisingly simple dish in its essence, which, nevertheless, is considered a real delicacy and is far from being on our table every day. Since the mass of the tongue occupies a very small part of a pig or cow, the price of it bites and sometimes exceeds the cost of all other components of the carcass. Despite the fact that the tongue is usually not classified as a meat of the highest grade, but only as an offal, it is unlikely that anyone will argue that it has excellent taste properties and is of great benefit to the body of children, the elderly and adults. This product contains a lot of easily digestible animal protein, iron and other important minerals and vitamins in a concentrated form, so it is enough to regularly eat a small portion of boiled pork or beef tongue to maintain and improve your health.

The boiled pork tongue is very similar in taste and consistency, however, this product is noticeably cheaper, and besides, due to its not too large size, it cooks much faster. Cooked in a broth with the addition of roots and the simplest seasonings, the boiled tongue turns out to be so fragrant, tender and tasty that it is quite enough just to cut it into thin pieces, flavor it with spicy horseradish or mustard, and you can immediately start a fun hearty feast. In addition, a lot of other festive and daily dishes can be prepared from boiled pork tongue, such as delicious mayonnaise salads, elegant appetizing aspic, as well as tongue stew in vegetable, mushroom or cream sauce.

If you decide to serve a tongue appetizer for the New Year's holiday table or for any other ordinary or solemn occasion, be sure to use this simple and affordable recipe to get the most delicious and fragrant food. Boiled tongue can serve you as a hearty and healthy cold appetizer before the main meals, the basis for sandwiches that provide the family with the right breakfasts and snacks, and besides, it is quite suitable for creating unusual and delicious hot second courses for holidays or weekdays. Be sure to pamper yourself and your family with this wonderful delicacy product to get a lot of benefits and enjoy its delicate texture and refined exquisite taste!

Helpful information

How to cook boiled pork tongue - a recipe for cooking boiled pork tongue with step-by-step instructions and photos


  • 4 - 5 pork tongues (1.2 kg)
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 medium onion
  • bunch of dill and parsley
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 1 st. l. salt


1. In order to prepare boiled pork tongue, this product must first be thoroughly rinsed with running water and brushed if necessary. If you have extra time, then it is advisable to soak the tongues for half an hour in cold water so that all the dirt comes off them better.

Advice! Following this simple recipe, you can cook at least one tongue, at least ten at once, as you wish. But since the preparation of a boiled tongue is, albeit a simple, but rather lengthy task, it is better to cook several pork tongues at once. After all, this product not only goes well in its pure form, along with horseradish or as a base for sandwiches, you can also make aspic, many delicious salads from it or stew it in sauce and use it as a second.

2. Boil 3-4 liters of water in a large saucepan over high heat and carefully lower the prepared pork tongues into it. When the water boils again and an impressive layer of foam forms on its surface, it is necessary to completely drain the water, rinse the pan from the foam and again pour the tongues with clean cold water.

Comment! This procedure will help to finally remove plaque and stubborn dirt from offal and end up with a clean and very tasty meat broth that can be used to prepare a variety of soups, sauces and other dishes.

3. Peel the carrots, rinse the onions well and remove only the coarsest upper leaves from it. The remaining thin husk will not only not interfere, but will also give the broth a pleasant aroma and an appetizing golden color.
Put the vegetables in a saucepan and cook the pork tongue at a slight boil for 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on its size, removing the resulting foam if necessary.

4. Half an hour before the expected readiness, add bay leaf, allspice and greens, which is better to tie with cooking string, so that later it would be easier to remove it from the broth.

5. Before the end of cooking, the broth with tongues must be salted. The readiness of the tongue can be verified by piercing it with a fork in the thickest place. If the tongue feels soft and easily pierced with a fork, then it is better to finish cooking as soon as possible so as not to overcook it.

6. To clean the pork tongue from the thick whitish skin that covers it from above, immediately after cooking, lower it into a bowl of cold water. As soon as the temperature of the tongue becomes comfortable for the hands, you can start gently, piece by piece, to remove pieces of skin from it. At the thick base and on the sides of the tongue, the skin usually comes off worse, and if you can’t painlessly remove it with your hands, then I advise you to just scrape it a little with a knife.
7. Return the cleaned tongues to the broth and boil them for another 5 - 7 minutes. This process will help to sterilize the tongues after washing them with running water, and in addition, they can be additionally soaked in broth.

Boiled pork tongue is extremely tasty in its natural form as a hearty and healthy cold snack for the festive table. Before serving, the tongue should be cut into slices of medium thickness and be sure to invite guests to flavor it with horseradish or mustard. Bon appetit!

Pork tongue is an offal, therefore it is cheaper than meat of the first category. However, in terms of useful properties, it is not inferior to meat, and in some ways even surpasses it. So, the calorie content of the pork tongue is much lower than the pork tenderloin, neck or other part, and the composition is no less rich. The language contains amino acids, vitamins, trace elements in significant quantities. The product is considered dietary. The beneficial properties and pleasant taste of pork tongue at a relatively low cost have made it one of the most popular food products, and many housewives know several ways to cook pork tongue so that it turns out tasty, fragrant and retains its benefits.

Cooking features

The technology for preparing pork tongue cannot be called complicated, but it has several very important subtleties, without knowing which it is better not to take on this task. Fortunately, these secrets are known to most cooks, and they do not keep them a secret.

  • If you are going to use pork tongue for hot or cold appetizers, and not as an addition to minced meat, it is better to opt for a product that has not been frozen. A frozen tongue can only be purchased if you are sure that it has not been thawed and re-frozen. The fact is that this process negatively affects the useful properties of the product and its structure. To minimize the damage from freezing the tongue, it must be allowed to thaw in the refrigerator. If you do not try to speed up the process with a microwave or warm water, the pork tongue should remain juicy.
  • Before cooking, the pork tongue must be thoroughly washed. To get the result you expect, you can soak your tongue in cold water for an hour or two before washing. At the same time, it must be changed periodically so that it does not have time to heat up. After soaking, it will be easier to wash the tongue, but in this case it is better to use a brush.
  • The first broth 15 minutes after the start of cooking, it is recommended to drain and cook the tongue already in clean water. Then the finished broth will be clearer and tastier, it can be used to make soups.
  • When cooking the tongue, add roots and spices to the broth, even if you do not plan to use it in the future. They will add flavor and additional flavor notes to the tongue itself.
  • To make the pork tongue juicy, you can salt it only 30–40 minutes before it is ready.
  • The tongue must be peeled. It will be easier to do this if, after cooking, immerse the tongue for 5-10 minutes in ice water.
  • The cooking time of the tongue depends on the chosen method, the size of the offal, the age of the animal to which it belonged. The tongue of a young pig weighing up to 300 grams is usually boiled for about an hour and a half, sometimes a little longer. The tongue of an adult animal weighing about 500 g needs to be boiled for about 2.5 hours. In any case, the degree of readiness of the offal can be checked by piercing it with a knife. If clear juice flows out of it, it is ready and the pan can be removed from the heat.

Pork tongue can not only be boiled, but also baked, stewed. Cooking features may depend on the chosen method, a specific recipe.

How to cook boiled tongue

  • tongue - 0.4–0.5 kg;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • celery root - 50 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse your tongue, fill it with cold water, leave for an hour. Remove and thoroughly wash the offal under running water. Put on the bottom of the pot.
  • Pour the tongue with cool water, put on fire. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the tongue from the broth. Pour out the broth, rinse the pan and fill with fresh hot water.
  • Put your tongue in a bowl. Put it back on the stove again. Bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, removing the resulting foam.
  • Peel the carrots and celery root. Cut into large pieces and put in a pan in which the pork tongue is cooked.
  • In the same pan, put the onion peeled from the top layer of the husk, bay leaves, pepper.
  • Boil the tongue over low heat for 2 hours.
  • Fill a deep bowl or saucepan with ice water. Put your tongue in it. Wait 10 minutes.
  • Remove the tongue from the cold water, clean and return to the broth in which it was boiled.
  • Salt the broth, bring to a boil. Boil the tongue for another 15 minutes.
  • Remove the cooked pork tongue, let it drain, cool and cut in a way that is suitable for preparing your chosen dish.

Cooking a tongue in a pan is not difficult, but it is a long process. In this case, all the time you need to monitor the level of water in the pan, periodically add it. Therefore, many housewives prefer to boil the tongue in a slow cooker.

How to boil pork tongue in a slow cooker

  • pork tongue - 0.25–0.3 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice peas - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and clean your tongue thoroughly. Place it in the multicooker bowl.
  • Peel the vegetables, cut the onion and carrot into 4 parts, put in a slow cooker to the tongue.
  • Add garlic cloves to the slow cooker without cutting.
  • Fill your tongue with water.
  • Lower the lid and activate the "Extinguishing" program for an hour and a half.
  • Open the multicooker bowl, add salt, pepper, bay leaf.
  • Replace the lid and continue cooking for another half an hour in the same mode. Before starting the multicooker, make sure that there is enough water in the bowl.
  • Remove the tongue from the multicooker and lower it into a container of cold water.
  • After 10 minutes, remove the boiled tongue, clean and refrigerate.

Boiled tongue can be served as a main snack or used to prepare salads, aspic, and other dishes. If you are going to serve a boiled tongue, cut it into slices and serve with a side dish of boiled or stewed vegetables. Boiled beef tongue goes well with green peas, potato pores.

How to bake a whole pork tongue in the oven

  • pork tongue - 0.4 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • herbs, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash offal thoroughly in running water. Peel it off with a sharp knife. Cleaning a raw tongue is somewhat more difficult than a boiled one, but if you want to bake it in the oven, you still have to do it at this stage.
  • Crush the garlic with a special press.
  • Squeeze juice from half a lemon.
  • Mix lemon juice, crushed garlic, oil in a bowl. Add salt and herbs to taste.
  • Cover the tongue with marinade on all sides and refrigerate for half an hour.
  • After removing the tongue from the refrigerator, place it in the cooking sleeve. Fasten on both sides. With a toothpick, pierce the film in several places so that steam can escape through the holes (otherwise the sleeve may burst due to steam pressure).
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Place a baking sheet in the oven, on which you need to put the sleeve with the tongue.
  • Bake for one and a half hours.

Oven-baked pickled tongue can be served hot or cold. Before serving, it must be cut into thin slices and beautifully laid out on a platter.

How to bake pork tongue in the oven with slices

  • boiled pork tongue - 0.3 kg;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the tongue, peel it and cut into slices about 0.4–0.6 cm thick.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  • Fry the onion in boiling oil until it turns golden.
  • Grease a baking dish and place the tongue slices in it.
  • Coat your tongue with fried onions.
  • Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind walnut kernels, mix with sour cream. If desired, add a little pepper and salt to this mixture, mix.
  • Pour the tongue slices with sour cream-nut sauce.
  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Put a form with a tongue in it. Bake it at the specified temperature for 20 minutes.

This recipe makes a delicious appetizer. It will be equally delicious both hot and cold. A hot appetizer is best served with a side dish. Vegetable stew is wonderful for this role.

Jellied pork tongue

  • pork tongues - 1.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • celery root - 50 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Soak in cold water and clean the pork tongue. Boil it for 3 hours in two liters of water, adding it if necessary, with the addition of whole carrots, onions and celery. 2 hours after the start of cooking, salt to taste.
  • Hard boil chicken eggs.
  • Remove the boiled tongue from the broth, place for 10 minutes in cold water, peel.
  • Strain the broth.
  • Add gelatin to the broth, stir until it dissolves completely.
  • Peel the eggs and cut them into pretty circles.
  • Cut the carrot into small cubes.
  • Cool the tongue, cut into cubes or straws.
  • Pour a little broth into the bottom of silicone molds, put them in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  • Put an egg in each mold.
  • Mix tongue, green peas and carrots. Divide this mixture into molds.
  • Fill with broth to the brim.
  • Put the molds with aspic in the cold for 6 hours.
  • Carefully remove the filling from the molds and arrange on plates.

Pork tongue aspic will decorate the festive table, but nothing prevents you from making this dish on weekdays to please family members with a delicious dinner.

How to put out a pig's tongue

  • boiled pork tongues - 0.7 kg;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • rosemary - 2 sprigs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • broth - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the tongues according to any of the recipes. Remove from broth, clean and cool slightly. Cut into thin slices.
  • Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  • Measure out half a liter of broth in which the tongue was boiled.
  • Peel and grate fresh carrots.
  • Chop the onion with a knife.
  • Put the tongue slices in a deep frying pan.
  • Brush with chopped garlic.
  • Lay onion and carrots on top.
  • Place sprigs of rosemary and parsley chopped with a knife on top.
  • Fill with broth.
  • Put the pan on the fire. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. It is better to cover the pan at this time with a lid.

Serve stewed tongue with garnish. You can recommend mashed potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

Pork tongue casserole

  • boiled pork tongue - 0.6 kg;
  • boiled potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 l;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • cheese - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the tongue, peel, cut into thin slices.
  • Peel the boiled potatoes, cut into circles.
  • Cut the onion into rings or half rings, depending on the size of the onions.
  • Grease a baking sheet with oil. Put onions on it, then potatoes. Lay the tongue slices on top of the potatoes.
  • Lubricate the tongue with mayonnaise.
  • Grate the cheese and sprinkle over the workpiece.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place a baking sheet in it for 15 minutes.

Tongue casserole is a complete dish. You don't have to prepare any additional side dish for it.

Pork tongue, if cooked correctly, is tender, juicy, fragrant. It is delicious on its own, but is often used as an ingredient in delicious and filling dishes. Many of the tongue-based snacks are so appetizing and tasty that they are not ashamed to put on the festive table. The main task is to boil the tongue. Then it will be easy and pleasant to cook it.

Pork tongue is cooked for 1.5-2 hours. Then you need to remove the skin from the tongue, it is more convenient to do this under cold water immediately after cooking.
Boil the pork tongue in a slow cooker for 1 hour in the "Extinguishing" mode.
Boil the pork tongue in a double boiler for 2-2.5 hours.
Boil the pork tongue in a pressure cooker for 1 hour.

How to cook pork tongue
Rinse the pork tongue, brush it, cut off the fat and salivary glands. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. Put the tongue in boiled water and cook it for a while. Then rinse the tongue with cold water and remove the skin from the pork tongue.

The weight of the pork tongue before cooking is approximately 220 grams

Cooking pork tongue in a saucepan

The skin of the pork tongue can be easily removed by rinsing the tongue in cold water.

When cooking, the pork tongue is boiled down by about 2 times.

Spices for pork tongue
Like any offal, pork tongue loves spices when cooked. When cooking pork tongue both in a double boiler, in a saucepan and in a slow cooker, add peppercorns, garlic, peeled onions and carrots to boiling water.

When to salt the pork tongue when cooking?
When cooking, salt the tongue immediately when the water boils again after immersing the tongue in water.

Calorie boiled pork tongue
208 cal.

Garnish for boiled pork tongue
Beans, green peas, fresh vegetables, lettuce, boiled potatoes, mushrooms.

Sauce for boiled pork tongue
Bechamel sauce and chicken sauce and mushroom sauce, mustard and horseradish are perfect.

How to clean a pig's tongue
After cooking, rinse the pork tongue with cold water - clean the cooled tongue with a knife, removing the whitish skin.

Boiled pork tongue salad
Ingredients for cooking salad from boiled tongue

Pork tongue - 2 pcs.
Cucumber - 2 pcs.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Cheese - 1 pc.
Mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste.

Recipe for boiled pork tongue salad

Boil the pork tongue and finely chop, wash and chop the cucumber, finely chop the boiled eggs. Cut cheese on a grater. Put cucumbers, tongue, eggs, cheese in layers. Then again - cucumbers, tongue, eggs, cheese.

Sandwiches with boiled tongue
Ingredients for making a sandwich with boiled tongue
Boiled tongue - 300-400 grams (this is half a kilo of raw), 1 large carrot, onion, a third of a loaf of white bread, greens and seasonings - to taste.

Boiled Tongue Sandwich Recipe
40 minutes before the end of the cooking of the tongue, add carrots, onions and spices to the pan with the boiling tongue. Dry the tongue for 5-7 minutes, cut into thin pieces, serve the tongue on bread, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Pork tongue
Products for pork tongue
Pork tongue - 3 pieces
Carrot - 1 piece
Parsley greens - 2 tablespoons
Onions - 3 heads
Gelatin - 50 grams
Green peas - 5 tablespoons
Salt, pepper, lavrushka - to taste

How to cook pork tongue
Wash and cook the pork tongues, the water should cover the tongues by 2 centimeters. When cooking the tongue, remove the foam. 1 hour after boiling, add peeled carrots and onions, salt, parsley and pepper. Remove the boiled tongue from the broth, peel and cut into cubes. Remove the onion from the broth, put the carrots and then use for decoration.

Dilute the gelatin with a glass of water, leave for 30-40 minutes, then add the gelatin mixture to the boiling broth and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
Pour the bottom of the dish for the jellied tongue with broth for a couple of centimeters and cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours until it hardens. Put, decorating, sliced ​​​​carrots, peas and parsley on a frozen broth. Then lay out the tongue and pour strained broth. In the refrigerator, pork tongue filler will freeze for no more than a day.

Serve aspic pork tongue with lettuce, sour cream, mustard, pickled ginger, horseradish, fresh vegetables.
Calorie jellied pork tongue - 180 kcal.

Pork tongue in a slow cooker
Products for cooking pork tongue
Pork tongue - 3 pieces
Carrot - 1 small
Onion - 1 head
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Black peppercorns - half a teaspoon
Parsley root - 1 tablespoon
Salt - to taste

How to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker
Rinse the tongue, put it in a multicooker container and pour water with a margin of 2 centimeters. Peel the onions and carrots, add to the slow cooker. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode, time - 1 hour. Then add salt and spices to the tongue. Boil the tongue for another half hour. After cooking, pour the tongue with cold water, clean it. Cut the tongue, serve with mustard or horseradish. Also, pork tongue cooked in a slow cooker can be used in the preparation of salads.

How and for how long to cook pork tongue? This question is asked by many non-professional cooks and housewives. After all, although the pork tongue is an offal (that is, in fact, a waste of meat production), it is considered a delicate and tasty delicacy.

Of course, the tongue will acquire its tenderness and excellent taste if it is properly cooked. Otherwise, this product is very easy to spoil.

Boiled pork tongue is used to prepare a huge number of delicious dishes: all kinds of salads, tender aspic, fragrant soups and many others. Again, it’s not a sin to just cut the tongue and serve it as a cold appetizer on the festive table, it will be a great alternative to any sausage.

Useful qualities of pork tongue

Pork tongue is still not a dietary product, as it contains a sufficiently large percentage of fat, calorie content is 208 kcal per 100 g of product.

But despite this, the pork tongue is useful, as it contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the human body. For example, B vitamins contained in pork tongue have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body. And elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium are essential in the diet of lactating and pregnant women.

Therefore, pork tongue is perfect when you want to surprise and pamper your friends and family with something tasty.

Preparing the tongue before cooking

Before cooking, the tongue must be washed and cleaned well. Excess fat should be removed, since dishes from the tongue are already quite high in calories.

It is also necessary to get rid of all inedible parts of the tongue: tendons and veins.

How to cook pork tongue

In a saucepan on the stove

Washed and peeled tongues should be placed in boiling water, this will reduce the cooking time and retain the greatest amount of nutrients. Water should cover the tongues 2 centimeters higher.

After the water with the tongues placed in it boils, it is necessary to reduce the fire and cook them for about 1.5-2 hours. Cooking time will depend on the size of the product.

The readiness of the tongue can be checked by piercing it with a fork. If it is boiled, it will be soft. At the same time, it is important not to allow the language to be digested. Otherwise, it will be tough and lose its delicate taste, aroma and beneficial properties.

In a slow cooker

When cooking pork tongue in a slow cooker, the cooking time is reduced. Usually 1 hour is enough.

Pour the tongue in the same way as when cooking on the stove with boiling water. Very good advice is given by some chefs - this is to marinate the tongue a little in garlic and spices before cooking in a slow cooker. Marinated tongue, after stewing for an hour, becomes very tender and juicy.

  • To make it easier to peel the tongue after cooking, you must immediately place the tongue in cold water. The skin after such a procedure is very easy to separate from the pulp.
  • During cooking, the weight of the tongue is reduced by 2 times.
  • It is better to use fresh vegetables as a side dish for boiled tongue, mushrooms are also suitable.
  • When cooking the tongue on the stove or in a slow cooker, it is good to use spices, then after languishing in a fragrant broth, the tongue will become especially tasty.
  • Children can add pork tongue to the diet after 1 year.
  • You should choose the language when buying very carefully. It should be fresh, red in color and not have an unpleasant odor.

Pork tongue recipes

Jellied pork tongue


  • The broth left after boiling the tongue can serve as the basis for the aspic. Or any other meat broth.
  • It is necessary to prepare a gelatin mixture (50 g of gelatin for 1 glass of water).
  • Mix the boiling broth with the gelatin mixture.
  • Boil the carrots and onions, cut the vegetables and the prepared tongue into cubes.
  • Pour the prepared broth about 2 centimeters into the jellied container and put it in the refrigerator or freezer until it solidifies.
  • On top of the frozen broth, we fall asleep cubes of the tongue and vegetables and pour the broth again so that it covers all the ingredients.
  • And again put the refrigerator to solidify.
  • To decorate the aspic, you can use greens, bell peppers and much more.

Salad of boiled pork tongue and cucumbers.


  • Boiled pork tongue - 2 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Boiled chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Grated hard cheese-150 grams
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise. salt, pepper to taste


Cut all ingredients into small cubes and mix. Add mayonnaise or sour cream. Salt and pepper - to taste. Salad from the tongue turns out very tender and tasty ..

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How much time to cook pork tongue

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