Young fried potatoes with garlic and herbs. Fried potatoes with garlic Potatoes fried in oil with garlic

In summer, we often have young fried potatoes in a pan on the menu. This dish pleases me because it is prepared simply, quickly and it always turns out delicious. An excellent side dish or an independent dish for all occasions. Young potatoes cook faster than old ones. And most often we fry it in large pieces, for example, cut it in halves or generally leave small tubers whole. This dish cooks faster than.

It is not necessary to clean young fruits, but it is only necessary to thoroughly rinse with a hard sponge in order to get rid of the peel. You need to fry potatoes in refined sunflower oil. Serve with lots of herbs and vegetables. As a result, a luxurious fragrant and ruddy potato with garlic is on the table. Delicious!

Recipe Information

Cooking method: frying in a pan.

Total cooking time: 20-30 min.

Servings: 3-4 .


  • young potatoes - 800 g
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth.
  • vegetable oil - 70 g
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • dill - 1 small bunch

Cooking method

On a note

  • If you can't imagine fried potatoes without onions, add them at the end of cooking 5 minutes before turning off the heat.
  • You can also cook this dish in a slow cooker on the “Frying” or “Baking” mode.
  • Prepare a delicious sauce for potatoes, the recipe of which can be found on our website. Ideal sour cream sauce, creamy, tomato or vegetable to your taste.
  • Butter can be used to cook new potatoes. However, tubers or pieces of potatoes should be small in order to fry faster. When frying for a long time, the butter begins to burn.
  • Instead of dill, you can use parsley or cilantro.
  • If you are an adherent of diet food, then do not fry the potatoes, but boil them. After draining the water, add a little vegetable oil (or melted butter), chopped dill, herbs and mix everything.
  • For frying, choose a potato variety with a low starch content, otherwise it will crumble during cooking.

You won’t surprise anyone with fried potatoes, and, nevertheless, not only bachelors, but also housewives continue to cook it when they want to diversify their menu and feed their family heartily. Today we invite you to deviate a little from the standards and change not only slicing potatoes but also the method of frying. Cutting into slices gives the potatoes a neat, appetizing look, and allows you to keep the crust crispy. Thyme, bay leaf, ground pepper and garlic generously endow potatoes with aroma during heat treatment, which makes it incredibly tasty and appetizing. Fried potatoes with herbs and garlic recipe with photo be incredibly delicious. We hope you will like this original way of serving fried potatoes very much, and you will cook this simple, inexpensive and satisfying dish for your family more than once. Don't forget also that fried potatoes This is a very high-calorie dish, so portions should be moderate. It is best if you serve fresh vegetables and herbs with fried potatoes with herbs and garlic.

Ingredients for Roasted Potatoes with Herbs and Garlic

Cooking step by step with a photo of fried potatoes with herbs and garlic

Serve fried potatoes with herbs and garlic only freshly cooked and hot. These potatoes go well with tartar sauce or ketchup. Bon appetit!

We offer delicious fried potatoes. I think among us there are a lot of lovers of this delicious dish. Especially such potatoes will be appreciated by our male half. A hearty dish is perfect for the lunch table and even for dinner. Fresh vegetables or a salad of vegetables harmonize well with fried potatoes. Delicious with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup and just like that.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Pork fat - 120 g
  • Onion - 200 g
  • Garlic - 30 g
  • Dill - 10 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper- taste


Second course
Servings - 4
Cooking time - 0 h 40 min

How to cook

Choose a suitable frying pan, preferably with a thick bottom. Add fresh pork fat. Melt over low heat.

While the fat is melting, prepare the potatoes. Take a large young potato. You can remove the skin if you wish. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Cut into circles about 0.5 cm wide. Add to the heated fat. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. The larger the diameter of the pan, the more convenient it is to fry potatoes. Stir occasionally so that each slice is well browned on both sides.

Onions, if very large, cut in half. Divide the halves into two parts and cut into strips. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Add two fragrant ingredients to the fried potatoes. Stir. Reduce heat slightly and sauté onion and garlic until soft. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste.

The potato is ready. Sprinkle with chopped dill and serve quickly.

A simple, economical and quick dish to prepare is fried potatoes with garlic. The dish is not inferior in taste to any more serious dish. It turns out satisfying. Served as an independent dish or as a side dish.


For cooking you will need the following products:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • to taste vegetable oil (optional);
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

If desired, the dish is made with garlic and dill - then 1 bunch of dill is included in the list of products.

For juiciness and taste improvement, some housewives add onions. For 1 kg of vegetables, 1 medium-sized onion is required.

Instead of vegetable oil, pork fat is sometimes used. Before frying potatoes, the fat is melted. It will take 100-150 g of fat per 1 kg of vegetables.

Ingredients listed are for 3-5 medium servings.

If young tubers are taken for cooking, it is not necessary to clean them. It is enough to wash the potatoes thoroughly with a stiff brush to get rid of dirt and the top layer of the peel. Old root crops require cleaning with preliminary and subsequent washing.

Young varieties cook faster than old ones and are fried better, so you can cut their tubers into large chunks. Root crops of old varieties are best cut into slices 0.5-0.7 cm thick.

Potatoes with garlic are fried in a pan with a thick bottom. The pan is preheated, then vegetable oil is poured and left on fire so that the oil also warms up well.

Ready meal

When ready, the dish is a side dish and is served in various variations:

  • with meat and meat dishes;
  • fish in any form;
  • fried and pickled mushrooms;
  • with salads;
  • fresh and salted vegetables;
  • with potato sauce.

Instead of sauce, sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup or a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise are suitable. Garlic fried potatoes are served for lunch or dinner. If the dish is prepared for dinner, it is better not to combine it with meat and mushrooms. An ideal option for dinner is a plate of fried potatoes with a glass of tomato, kefir or fermented baked milk.

The cooking process takes 30-40 minutes along with washing and cutting vegetables.

Cooking potatoes with garlic, the recipe of which is clear even to inexperienced cooks, is very simple. The main thing is not to turn the potato slices into a shapeless mass. They should remain intact and be covered with a delicate golden crust on both sides. To do this, it is important for the hostess to perform all the necessary actions in strict sequence.

Cooking process

Before you start frying, the tubers are carefully processed. Only then they, cut into slices, are lowered into sizzling oil.

The sequence of actions in the cooking process is as follows:

  1. Rinse the peeled tubers again thoroughly under the tap.
  2. Cut into slices in a deep bowl. Fill the bowl with water first so that the slices do not darken during the cutting process.
  3. Put the vegetable slices in a colander, rinse again under the tap to wash off excess starch. Thanks to these actions, the potatoes will not stick to the pan during frying.
  4. Shake the colander to remove excess liquid. Lay the vegetable slices on a towel to soak up the remaining liquid.
  5. Heat the frying pan, pour in the oil, heat it up and check the degree of heating of the oil. To do this, take one slice and put it in oil: if bubbles appear and a hiss is heard, put all the potatoes in the pan. If there are no bubbles or hiss, remove the slice and continue heating the oil for another 10-30 seconds.
  6. Fry over medium heat until golden brown, then stir and continue frying. During this time, do not cover or turn the potato slices too often.
  7. When the potatoes are almost ready, chop the garlic and pour it into the pan. Salt, pepper, add seasonings, mix thoroughly.
  8. If by this time the golden crust is weakly expressed, the gas level increases to the maximum, and the potatoes cook on it for 3-5 minutes. Only after that garlic and seasonings are added.
  9. After adding garlic, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the gas level to a minimum and fry the potatoes with garlic for another 4-7 minutes.
  10. After this time, turn off the gas and stir the potatoes. At this stage, chopped dill is added.

The dish is ready! It remains only to arrange on plates and serve.

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