Banquet hall for 300. Royal Banquet Hall

To hold events of various sizes, you need a comfortable room that will be equipped with everything necessary. These could be business negotiations and seminars, trainings and corporate events. Some organizers have such space, but what about those who don’t? There is only one way out - think about renting. To do this, you should find companies that own real estate of this kind. These premises can be located in hotels, entertainment centers, health centers and training organizations. There are many places in Moscow that will meet all your requirements.

A modern conference room is a complex hardware and software complex where various high-tech systems will be combined.

Each of them guarantees the creation of organizational and technological conditions that make it possible:

  • reduce time losses during preparation;
  • increase the effectiveness of the event;
  • improving interaction between all participants;
  • ensure registration and compliance with all stages of work;
  • provide assistance to speakers who will present visual or audio material;
  • strengthen control and document the results of events using a media archive.

All premises provided by landlords differ in basic parameters: number of seats, technical support and type of accommodation. This could be a hall with one large or several small tables, an auditorium with chairs and a stage, or other options.

What rooms can be called conference rooms, since this concept has become very broad?

Various events should be held here, ranging from large scientific symposiums, congresses, meetings, to small-scale corporate business meetings.

If you are planning to rent a hall in Moscow, first decide on the number of invited participants and the theme of the event itself. Based on this, equipment is proposed that will meet the functionality parameters.

Both invitees and organizers must work with maximum efficiency.

Depending on this, there are rooms whose purpose is fundamentally different from each other.

Classification of halls for holding public events

There are five types of premises, including:

  • Rooms for meetings, discussions and voice meetings, where the main advantage is good sound. Any speaker must be clearly audible at any point. A distinctive feature is good acoustics. If the room is large, then the required equipment includes loudspeakers; they are mounted on any surface. This could be walls or ceiling. There are also sound speakers. It is very convenient if they are controlled remotely.
  • Presentation rooms, where in addition to the speakers’ speeches it will be necessary to demonstrate visual material. Very often it is necessary to show videos and presentations. Speakers need microphones, media connection points, and monitors for interactive communication while working.
  • Halls for holding secret or open ballots. In this case, it will be necessary to equip each participant with a registration system. This addition is possible for any size room.
  • Rooms for remote work. Audio or video conferencing is only appropriate here. The main equipment will be video cameras, microphones, as well as special codecs and servers. Sometimes additional projectors with screens are offered - they display the image of the remote interlocutor.
  • Multifunctional conference rooms are the most in demand. Their territory houses everything you need for speeches, meetings, watching videos and listening to audio, as well as for communicating remotely. Since the entire set of such equipment is complex, a specialist will be required to ensure uninterrupted control. You can also use an automatic control system, which is based on multi-format controllers or touch consoles with an intuitive interface concept.

To make the right choice and rent a room that will have everything you need, it is enough to decide on the theme of the future event, as well as the equipment that may be needed.

It is important to know more about the system equipment. What could it be and what will be included?

Basic system equipment of conference rooms

Theoretically, it is possible to define several functional systems that will not depend on each other. At the same time, a room of any size can be filled with one or another of them (as needed), be it a small room for 30-50 people or renting a conference room in Moscow for a hundred or more invitees.

Each of the systems has a specific functional purpose, and they can be combined or divided.

So, premises for holding public events include:

1. Conference room video systems:

  • video display of the entire room;
  • conferencing;
  • technological television;
  • video signal switching;
  • video broadcast of the hall.

This system as a whole is an excellent opportunity to hold meetings with those participants who are geographically remote. In the work of organizations, this may be communication with various divisions, branches or partners. Reception and transmission of computer data will be ensured, while all interlocutors will be able to see each other online.

2. Conference room sound systems:

  • indoor sound recording;
  • conference system;
  • simultaneous speech translation;
  • audio switching and sound processing;
  • audio broadcast.

An audio system is a collection of various sound processing systems. This includes microphones, speakers, mixers, with the help of which control is carried out. Performances and dubbing of video materials become possible precisely with such an organization. To streamline the course of discussion, the right to vote may be transferred in a certain order.

It also becomes clear that with the participation of foreigners it is impossible to do without simultaneous translation.

3. Source and documentation systems:

  • audio and video sources;
  • documentation system.

In order for an official meeting to remain on documentary media, video and audio recording tools that are capable of operating in long-term modes will be required.

There must be uninterrupted recording throughout the event.

4. Conference room control system:

With its help, you can switch between audio and video signals. Equipment with distributors, switches, converters, as well as interfaces and many different cables has become mandatory. If your event will include broadcasting, presentation or computer graphics, then it is impossible to do without this management system. If necessary, it can be programmed so that the work is carried out automatically, if operator assistance is completely excluded.

5. Connection systems:

  • cable system;
  • architectural interfaces.

6. Engineering systems of the conference room:

  • lighting;
  • stage mechanics;
  • power supply;
  • uninterruptible power supply to equipment;
  • ventilation;
  • conditioning;
  • heating.

Interaction with landlords

Knowing the basic requirements for renting conference rooms, many tenants continue to have a variety of questions. The owners of the premises will be able to answer them. Be sure to visit the hall, test the equipment, and familiarize yourself with the nuances before concluding a contract.

A number of additional services may also be offered.

Many of them will not be superfluous. Almost any conference that lasts several hours involves breaks, during which you need to take care of organizing full lunches and small coffee breaks. Landlords often offer such breaks at their restaurant.

Of course, you will have to take into account the area where you plan to rent a hall for seminars in Moscow. This is extremely important for creating additional comfort, especially for people arriving from other cities. If there are a lot of them, then it makes more sense, for example, to find a room near the station (if the event is short-term) or in the very center of the city (if it is designed for several days). In this case, people will be able not only to attend the event, but also to see the sights and fully relax.

Frequently asked questions from tenants

Can the size of the hall affect the equipment set?

At first glance, the answer appears to be yes. The choice will be made on a small or large room; in any case, equipment with various kinds of tools will have a directly proportional relationship. However, this opinion can be refuted.

In fact, there can be no minimum or maximum of different sets. Any hall is suitable both for working in the simplest format, even on a mobile set, and for working in full equipment, which can include not only the standard equipment necessary for speeches, presentations, video communications, but also all other systems, including tracking systems and engineering communications.

The choice always remains with the organizers.

Need video work – what size room should I choose for such an event?

Which tools will be more effective for conferences in large rooms or small ones? For many years, the cheapest way to get a good picture was a video projector. It was considered not very cumbersome, and it was possible to achieve good results, since a wide range of problems were solved. But against the backdrop of modern alternatives, there are now a lot of disadvantages, for example, low resolution, expensive consumables and lenses. Experience also shows that if the layout of the hall is unsuccessful, shadows will fall from the speakers on the screen. Naturally, this is a big drawback.

When choosing modern professional displays, such “little things” are completely excluded. LCD displays are suitable for small halls; they are easy to install, have excellent brightness, contrast and combine all display functions.

Seamless wall panels of various sizes have been developed for large halls. Popular manufacturers of these are Samsung and LG. Any modern system will be able to broadcast the necessary content.

In the abundance of modern projectors, there are three main types.

The first two were household and mobile. They are suitable for working in a simple format.

Manufacturing companies: Benq, NEC, EPSON, InFocus.

But there are installation projectors. By choosing this type, you will work on equipment with a number of impeccable characteristics. A high-power luminous flux, a variety of controlled signals, and a filtration and cooling system are provided. It is extremely important to have remote monitoring to monitor and control the projector during the presentation process. Models that have proven themselves are quite popular. Among them: Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Barco, Christie.

To hold a conference in video format

In this case, small halls are chosen, since all participants will be in different cities or countries, communicating remotely. In this case, of course, you should focus on the number of participants. For each of them it is enough to have a well-equipped small hall (office, room). Manufacturers of conference systems: Polycom, Cisco, LifeSize. The equipment of these companies will solve all business problems, while being mobile and can be based during a large-scale event from one hall to another.

The appearance of the monumental building matches the grandeur of its interior design. Once in the banquet hall, where holidays and special events are organized, guests will definitely be struck by the high, royal ceilings and majestic columns. All the furniture in the royal hall was selected to match its design so that it could complement the sketch of the master who created this architectural masterpiece. Therefore, the complete picture of the hall is designed in the same style.

The large area of ​​the premises allows you to organize banquets for clients with up to 300 guests. Favorable placement of tables will not allow any guest to feel left out of the celebration. Located along the perimeter of the hall, they are all united by the center. The hall provides music and video accompaniment. The programs are decorated with modern lighting effects. The hall allows you to arrange banquet and buffet receptions.

About the kitchen and more

The Royal Hall will serve a banquet for 300 people at a decent level, making the hallmark of the establishment not only historical monuments, but also its own cuisine. Professional chefs of the highest accreditation will surely win the hearts of guests, served with exquisite dishes of Russian and European cuisine. The restaurant's wine list will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes of customers. Maintains the name of the establishment and the service staff, consisting only of qualified specialists.

Taking an active part in organizing bright and unforgettable celebrations for its clients, the Royal Hall restaurant tries to find an approach to each customer in order to fulfill all his wishes, down to the smallest detail. That is why corporate evenings, banquets, buffets, theme parties, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations are so often held here.

Leave a request and we will contact you, answer all your questions, provide advice, tell you about the conditions for holding banquets in our restaurants, the advantages and nuances, and help you understand the prices!

Pick up restaurant in Moscow for 300 people not such an easy task, especially for an amateur in this matter.
We are ready to help with the choice, advise and offer sites suitable for individual requirements. Talk about the features, advantages and disadvantages of each. Make recommendations based on personal experience and customer reviews.
The service is free for you, since our work, like referral advertising, is paid for by our partners. By contacting us, you are guaranteed to receive more favorable, optimal prices and conditions for holding a banquet than if you contact the restaurant directly. And also, additional bonuses and gifts depending on the budget of the event.

How to choose the right restaurant for 300 people

If you're having a wedding or anniversary party for 300 people, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each restaurant or banquet hall specifically for you.

  • The restaurant closes specifically for the event. If there are many halls in the complex, determine how much this will interfere with the holiday or, conversely, additional premises will be needed;
  • It is desirable that the restaurant has its own internal security organization.

What to look for when choosing a hall for 300 people

  1. Location near the metro.
  2. Comfortable access and spacious parking will make it easier for guests to gather and prevent crowding.
  3. Having a wardrobe is a must, especially in the cold season.
  4. The spacious hall will allow you to organize a buffet area and live music.
  5. It is worth paying attention to the toilets. If you have chosen a tent for a banquet for 300 people, you need a sufficient number of toilets; most often they are not stationary.
  6. Availability of stage, lighting and sound equipment. Banquets for 300 people are held with a rich entertainment program, performances by artists and musicians.
  7. Availability of a dance floor.
  8. A private fenced area or balcony will allow guests to go out for some fresh air and socialize.
  9. If the banquet hall is located not on the first floor, but on the second or higher, an elevator is needed, especially if among the guests are elderly and people with disabilities.

I hope these tips will help you avoid at least some common mistakes in choosing a restaurant for 300 guests if you decide to search on your own.

In this section you can order the services of a catering restaurant or chefs who will simply prepare for you according to your menu (the cost of cooking by one chef is from 7000 rubles ). You can purchase food and alcohol for the banquet yourself. You will also be provided with tablecloths, dishes, cutlery, wine glasses, and, if necessary, tables and chairs. Our company cooperates only with trusted chefs based on reviews from our clients. The proposed menu can be either economy class or premium level. We have presented several menu options on our website. As practice shows, in order for the menu to include a large number of dishes, the cost per person starts from 1,500 rubles. This cost includes: purchasing products, delivering them to the place of preparation, unloading, cooking by chefs, serving and serving. You can add a dish to the proposed menu or replace something to suit your taste. You can replace any salad with another salad from the main menu or offer your own version. Alcohol and waiter service are paid separately. The cost of service by 1 waiter and bartender is from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles (the cost depends on the number of people at your party who need to be served) Before ordering the services of a catering restaurant, you need to select a restaurant or other venue, book, and then negotiate regarding holding a banquet with an off-site restaurant. Our prices for an outdoor restaurant are among the lowest, and the service from our chefs is at a high level!






For events, the Holding offers halls for rent that can comfortably accommodate 50, 300 or even 3,500 people.

The following venues are ideal for hosting a banquet for 300 guests:

The best banquet offer from a banquet venue from 500 to 1000 people in banquet seating

A popular venue that can be easily transformed to suit the objectives and format of the event: it is a concert hall, a banquet hall, and a conference hall. The total area is almost 2000 m2, the room consists of a ground floor and a balcony, so accommodating 300 people will not be difficult. There is no need to be afraid that guests will “get lost” in such a space: you can not use the balcony, but place everyone in the stalls, which can accommodate up to 400 people (there will also be a dance floor). Regardless of the seating arrangement, each guest is guaranteed an excellent view of the stage and the most comfortable seating conditions!

Address: Moscow, Pushkinskaya square, 5

Winner of the "Capital Banquet" award in the category

The best banquet offer from a banquet area for up to 500 people in banquet seating

A fashionable metropolitan club and restaurant complex, consisting of two halls (Icon Hall and Icon Club) and a spacious welcome area Icon Bar. The main room for holding special events is Icon Hall. The room has the structure of a three-tier amphitheater and, despite its visual compactness, has a large capacity (up to 500 guests in banquet seating). When holding a banquet for 300 people, it is enough to use the first floor and balcony without using the 3rd tier. Sofa groups with tables are used for seating guests. If necessary, you can rent round tables and chairs.

Address: Moscow, Bolotnaya embankment, 9, building 1

When you need to excite the admiration of guests, emphasize the high status of the event, or the concept of the event itself requires something more than just a banquet hall, then all roads lead... to the WORLD. This bright, spacious, cozy banquet complex is located a stone's throw from the Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station.

A main entrance, 2 wardrobes, a spacious welcome area with a stage, bars and cozy furniture and, finally, a two-level banquet hall. However, for a banquet for 300 people it will be enough to use only the stalls. Guests will be comfortably seated at round banquet tables and will certainly appreciate both the hall itself, its technical equipment and panoramic screens, and the skill of chef Dmitry Klimov. Especially for the MIR banquet hall, he developed an original menu with elements of European and Mediterranean cuisines.

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