How to cook pearl barley porridge in water. How to cook pearl barley porridge How to steam pearl barley in a thermos

Pearl barley porridge recipes

35 minutes

110 kcal

5/5 (3)

No matter how you feel about pearl barley, it is one of the most useful products. Pearl barley contains a huge list of useful substances and microelements, the first place among which is potassium. This means that by regularly serving pearl barley porridge for breakfast, you will ensure that the work of your heart will be rhythmic, you will be able to avoid swelling during sedentary work, and you will greet each morning cheerfully, and not with apathy or drowsiness.

Cooking porridge from pearl barley is a simple process. The main thing is to adhere to the right ratio of water and cereals for cooking pearl barley porridge . If you pour the liquid, it will turn out to be a mess. Skip half a glass of water, and the porridge will be dry, and worse, the undercooked grains will crunch on your teeth.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • If you think that all pearl barley grains are the same, then you are deeply mistaken. There are small and large grains, light and dark, so when buying pearl barley, pay attention to the caliber of the grains. The larger one tastes better.
  • It is better to use sea salt for porridges. But keep in mind that it is a little saltier than regular rock salt.
  • Water for cooking is taken in proportions of 1: 2.5-3, since properly prepared pearl barley porridge in water should be crumbly, and barley takes a lot of water.
  • The most optimal seasoning for all porridges is considered to be a mixture of purified vegetable oil and butter, taken one to one.

Did you know?
Pearl barley porridge is considered the most energy-intensive of all cereals existing in nature.

Recipe for crumbly barley porridge on water

Kitchen appliances

  • three-liter saucepan with a lid;
  • kettle;
  • beaker;
  • tablespoon;
  • mixing spatula;
  • strainer.


How to cook delicious and crumbly pearl barley porridge in water - step-by-step description

We will cook on the stove. Before starting work, you need to boil the kettle and sort through the cereal, removing twigs and plant debris. As a rule, there is little of it in pearl barley.

Important! When cooked, each grain of pearl barley increases five times!

Video recipe

We offer video instructions for viewing: how to cook pearl barley porridge in water, and what needs to be done first.

Pearl barley loves butter, especially butter. But a large amount of creamy product can negatively affect the taste. Therefore, moderation must be observed here too. It is better to put butter on everyone's plate just before breakfast.

You can also hear from older people that immediately after cooking the porridge needs to be evaporated - remove from the stove, first wrap the pan in paper, then with a terry towel, cover it with a blanket, and let it stand in this state for 2-3 hours.

An old recipe for cooking pearl barley

  • Cooking time: 60 min.
  • Number of servings: 5-6.

Kitchen appliances

  • saucepan with lid;
  • heat-resistant container or form;
  • beaker;
  • kettle;
  • tablespoon;
  • spatula.


Step-by-step recipe for the perfect side dish

  1. Soak pearl barley in a saucepan for 2 or 3 hours, or more. If you pour boiling water over the pearl barley and leave it for the same time, the porridge will be ready even faster.
  2. Light a strong fire under the pan and bring the liquid to a boil, then drain the first water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the cereal again, add salt, close the lid and reduce the heat of the burner.
  4. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Now you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up. As soon as the porridge is boiled, place the pan in the oven. If the pan is not intended for this, the porridge must be transferred to an appropriate container. Simmer in the oven at 125°C for another 30-35 minutes.

This porridge is served as a side dish for meat dishes and on its own - with milk, butter, any gravy or sauces.

Ask for the recipe to compare how long does it take to cook pearl barley porridge in water? in a slow cooker, and how long does it take to cook it on a regular gas or electric stove.

Video recipe

We bring to your attention a short video in which an old recipe for cooking porridge from pearl barley has been restored. How to properly cook pearl barley porridge in water using the method of our ancestors - a famous chef reveals the secrets.

Basic truths

  • Pearl barley is barley grains, processed in a certain way, resembling freshwater pearls.
  • A faceted glass holds 230 g of pearl barley if you pour the pearl barley into the glass to the top. If you pour it up to the rim (risks), 180 g of pearl barley is placed in the glass. A 250 gram measuring glass contains 230 g of cereal.
  • You can measure the cereal with tablespoons. 4 heaped tablespoons contain exactly 100 grams of pearl barley.
  • The cereal is cooked with or without pre-soaking. Either way is considered correct, only in the second case the cooking time increases noticeably.

Our culinary website has a huge archive containing recipes from peoples all over the world. We have a large selection of side dishes and dishes made from all kinds of grains. Find out how you can cook it and what the main trick is to prepare it.

We remember pearl barley porridge as a viscous, not very pleasant-looking dish in the school cafeteria. We didn’t like it then and don’t strive to cook it as we grow up. In fact, pearl barley in water is a healthy and tasty product. The main thing is to know the correct way to prepare it.


If desired, you can add milk, jam, meat and other products to pearl barley cooked in water.

Traditionally, pearl barley is cooked in milk, but even in water, this porridge can be tasty, crumbly, and most importantly, light and low in calories (only 109 kcal per 100 g of porridge).

To prepare porridge you will need:

  • pearl barley – 1 cup;
  • water – from 1 liter;
  • salt, butter - to taste.

All the necessary ingredients for any dish can be ordered at Delivery within two hours, use the promotional code “website” for the first free delivery.

Cooking water usually requires 2-3 times more water than cereal.

Note! Barley boils very well and increases in volume almost 5 times. Take this fact into account when choosing a pan and measuring the amount of cereal for porridge.

Before cooking, be sure to wash the pearl barley. Do this in cold water, rinse well and rub the grains. This way you will get rid of the husks and films remaining after processing the barley. Drain the water and debris, add a new portion and wash again. Do this until the drained water runs clear. Well-washed pearl barley will become crumbly after cooking and will not be slippery or sticky.

On sale you can see already prepared pearl barley in bags, which you can immediately cook without first washing it of debris and husks. This is very convenient, and this porridge also cooks faster than regular barley.

Pearl barley porridge recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making pearl barley (with the addition of other products, using various kitchen utensils), but there are only two main methods: with or without pre-soaking. Pearl barley, which is produced from whole barley grains, is quite hard and tough and takes a very long time to boil. To speed up the process, many housewives pour water over the cereal overnight, which softens the structure of the product. In addition, porridges prepared in different ways taste slightly different.

With soaking

No soaking

To prepare porridge in this way, you will need dry cereal, which you just need to wash. Before you begin, boil a full kettle of water and reheat it as needed as you go. You can add whatever you want to the cooked porridge: broth, milk, stew, meat or jam.

Pearl barley must be thoroughly washed before cooking.

Video recipe for cooking pearl barley porridge in water

Alternative cooking methods

You can significantly save time and effort if you use modern household devices when preparing pearl barley porridge in water. It could be:

  • oven;
  • multicooker;
  • microwave;
  • rice cooker;
  • thermos.

Each method gives the porridge a special flavor.

"Glass" pearl barley in the oven

This old Estonian recipe is very popular. You will need clay or ceramic pots for baking in the oven and the following products:

  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • 2–3 glasses of water;
  • salt, sugar, butter - to taste.

Soak the cereal for several hours or overnight, then place it in pots and pour very hot water (boiling water) 2 centimeters above the grains. Do not cover dishes with lids. Set the oven to 220 degrees, and while it is still warm, place the pots of cereal. It will take 40 minutes to prepare.

Take out the finished porridge, add butter, sugar or salt to it to taste.

Barley porridge in a pot, cooked in the oven

Using the oven, you can cook regular porridge. Many housewives prefer to cook pearl barley porridge until half cooked, and then put it in the oven for 15–20 minutes to “cook.”

In a slow cooker

To prepare porridge in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • 3 glasses of water.

Other products are according to taste and desire.

Thanks to the multicooker, pearl barley porridge turns out tender and crumbly

  1. Prepare and wash the cereal, soak in cold water for 2 hours. If you don’t have much time, pour boiling water over clean pearl barley for 10 minutes.
  2. Place the soaked cereal, drain the water, and pour it into the multicooker bowl. Fill with water. You can add a little butter or just grease the bottom of the bowl with it.
  3. Set the “Porridge” or “Buckwheat” mode. The device itself will set the timer for the desired time.
  4. When the multicooker beeps indicating the food is ready, remove the lid, stir the contents and add salt to taste.

In the microwave

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • salt, butter.
  1. Washed cereals need to be soaked for several hours. Drain the used water, put the pearl barley in a regular pan, and fill it with fresh water.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook for no more than 3 minutes. Place the pearl barley in a colander or sieve and rinse.
  3. Place the semi-finished cereal in a heat-resistant bowl, add water, add salt, cover the contents with a lid and place in the microwave.
  4. Set the device to maximum power for 5 minutes. After some time, reduce the power to about 350 W and cook for another half hour.
  5. If the dish seems damp to you, add a little water and keep the porridge in the microwave for another 5 minutes. At the end of the process, add butter.

In the rice cooker

A rice cooker is a very convenient device designed specifically for preparing cereals. With its help, you can easily and quickly deal with pearl barley.

A rice cooker is an excellent device for preparing porridges.

From our selection of recipes you will learn how to quickly, tasty, correctly, step by step and in a variety of ways cook pearl barley porridge: with meat, chicken, mushrooms, vegetables - with milk or water!

Pearl barley is a unique grain that is useful for both adults and children. You can cook many dishes based on it and they will all be tasty and varied. Many people don’t like pearl barley for only one reason - it takes a long time to cook. Today I want to talk about how to cook pearl barley porridge in water without soaking. Using this recipe, you will quickly cook pearl barley and, I am sure, you will be pleased with the result. After all, the porridge turns out tasty and crumbly. Try it!

  • pearl barley - 1 cup;
  • water - 4.5-5 glasses;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

First you need to choose a good cereal - without damaged or rotten grains. Rinse pearl barley several times in cold water until the water becomes clear.

Pearl barley comes in different varieties, so the cooking time may increase by another 10 minutes. If I cook pearl barley porridge as a side dish, I simply add ghee or butter to the cooked porridge. I wrap the pan and let the porridge brew for about 10-15 minutes. Barley cooked in water without pre-soaking turns out tasty and crumbly.

If I boil pearl barley to prepare a first course (pickle soup, for example), then I put the boiled ready-made cereal in a colander and rinse it (so that the soup does not become cloudy in the future). I also freeze ready-made pearl barley for first courses: I cool it and pack it in bags. It’s very convenient to take a bag of such boiled cereal out of the freezer and quickly cook a pickle. This porridge can also be prepared for fishing. Try it!!!

Recipe 2: how to cook pearl barley deliciously (step-by-step photos)

This recipe for pearl barley porridge will teach housewives how to deliciously prepare crumbly (with a minimum of mucus) pearl barley porridge in water, which is good as a side dish with meat, mushrooms, fish and even just vegetables.

  • pearl barley -350 gr;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • butter (I use homemade) – 80 gr.

To prepare delicious pearl barley porridge, I usually try to choose the most beautiful cereal in the store, which has fewer spoiled grains and litter. Even if the pearl barley you have chosen looks clean and beautiful, we still pour it onto a cutting board or table and sort through it.

Then pour the sorted barley grains into a saucepan, fill with cold water and let the grains swell for two hours.

After the required time, the croup increases in size, which can be seen even in the photo below.

Drain the water from the pearl barley and rinse it several times with running water.

Then, fill the cereal again with water so that the pearl barley is covered by two fingers and put it on the fire to boil.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer the cereal over medium heat for five minutes. After this, place the pearl barley in a colander and drain the water. The cereals need to be thoroughly rinsed again under the tap, and the pan must be rinsed free of pearl mucus.

After this, we send our pearl barley for repeated “water procedures”. We repeat everything as described above.

At the next stage, we will finally finish cooking the pearl barley. To do this, pour 0.7 liters of cereal. water, salt and bring to a boil.

We do it on low heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the barley until cooked for 30-40 minutes.

If you cook pearl barley porridge in water, strictly following my recipe, look what a beautiful and tasty porridge you get - real pearls.

Add butter to the prepared pearl barley porridge, mix and serve with meat or whatever you like.

Recipe 3: crumbly pearl barley porridge in the oven

  • Pearl barley – 250 g
  • Water – 600 ml
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (to taste)

Boil the kettle. Turn on the oven.

Sort out the pearl barley.

Rinse the barley, add hot water and bring to a boil.

Then drain the water.

Pour hot water over the porridge again and add salt.

Add oil, mix well.

Cover the porridge with a lid and place in the oven. Bring until cooked in the oven at 160 degrees (about 70-90 minutes).

Then stir the porridge again. The crumbly pearl barley porridge is ready.

Serve the porridge with butter, milk or cracklings fried with onions. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: how to make pearl barley with milk (with photo)

  • pearl barley - 1 cup
  • water - 3 glasses
  • milk - 3 cups
  • sugar - 1-2 tsp.
  • salt - to taste
  • butter - 30 g

Rinse the pearl barley several times in cold water. Then soak the cereal overnight (8-12 hours). Drain the water.

Take the pan in which you are going to cook the porridge. Pour pearl barley into it. Pour boiling water over the cereal and place the pan on the fire. Boil the water and then carefully drain it.

Pour enough milk into the swollen porridge. Add sugar and salt to the porridge, then stir. Taste, if not enough, add more sugar or salt. Turn the heat to low and cook until the milk is completely absorbed.

Before serving the finished pearl barley porridge, pour oil over it (melt a piece). Stir the porridge if you like. Now you know how to cook pearl barley porridge.

Recipe 5: pearl barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker

  • Meat - 400 gr.
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Pearl barley 2 cups
  • Water 5 glasses.
  • Bay leaf
  • Spices

Cut the meat into small pieces.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Fry the meat on the “Frying” mode for 10-15 minutes; do not close the multicooker lid while frying.

Add onions and carrots to the meat. Stir and fry in the same mode for another 10 minutes. At the end, turn off the multicooker.

Add washed pearl barley, salt and spices.

Pour the required amount of water and add bay leaf.

Close the multicooker lid and set the “Pilaf” mode. After the signal, stir the pearl barley porridge with the meat in the slow cooker.

Recipe 6, step by step: pearl barley porridge with meat

Pearl barley turns out crumbly, pork is tender and breaks down into fibers itself, and carrots with onions and tomatoes perfectly complement meat and porridge. Barley with meat is a hearty, healthy and nutritious dish for the whole family made from affordable, inexpensive products.

  • 400 g lean pork;
  • 240 g pearl barley;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 pods of fresh chili pepper;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon hops-suneli;
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds;
  • 25 ml vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt.

We measure out the pearl barley; one large mug is enough for four servings; it holds approximately 230-250 g. The dish should be prepared in a roasting pan with a lid or in a saucepan with thick walls and a thick bottom.

Soak the cereal in cold water for several minutes, drain the water, and rinse under the tap with cold water. Pour two mugs of water into the frying pan, pour in the pearl barley, put the frying pan on the fire, and heat to a boil.

By the way, I advise you to sort through the pearl barley so that there are no surprises in the form of small pebbles in the finished dish.

Fry the coarsely chopped onion in heated refined vegetable or olive oil.

We also add coarsely chopped carrots to the onions, you can add a little more celery if you like this vegetable.

When the vegetables are soft, add the pork, cut into cubes, into the pan. Fry the meat and vegetables for a few minutes until the pork sets just a little.

Place meat and vegetables in a roasting pan with boiling pearl barley.

Then add fresh chili peppers, bay leaves, chopped garlic and tomatoes. Instead of tomatoes, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of tomato puree.

Add salt to taste, suneli hops and roughly ground coriander seeds in a mortar. Instead of these spices, you can use curry powder for meat or ground red paprika.

Close the roasting pan tightly, turn the heat to low, and cook for 1 hour. Then remove the porridge from the stove, wrap it in a towel, and leave for 15-20 minutes to steam.

Serve the barley with meat hot, bon appetit! Fresh vegetable salad and homemade ketchup will complement the dish well.

Barley with meat can be preserved. You need to put the hot porridge with meat and vegetables into sterilized half-liter jars, cover with lids, and place in a large pan on a towel. Pour hot water so that it reaches the hangers, sterilize for 30 minutes, and roll up. Cool the canned food and store in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

Recipe 7: how to make pearl barley porridge with mushrooms

Barley with mushrooms and onions, stewed in milk sauce with seasonings, is a tasty, simple and inexpensive dish. The dish is suitable for lacto-vegetarians. It is very balanced in the content of vegetable fats, proteins (in mushrooms), carbohydrates, saturates well, with the correct individual serving size of pearl barley with mushrooms and onions.

  • Pearl barley – 1 kg;
  • Forest mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • Onion with feather – 800 g;
  • Dill – 1 bunch;
  • Goat milk (can be cow milk) – 800 ml;
  • Flour – ½ tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil – 170 ml;
  • Long black pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste.

If you want to cook pearl barley, you should take care of this grain in advance by soaking it for several hours (or overnight). You can speed up the cooking time for this type of porridge using a pressure cooker - it will be ready in twenty minutes.

In a regular saucepan, pearl barley is cooked until ready for about an hour; some types of pearl barley cook faster; it has been observed that pearl barley from a bag cooks faster.

Start preparing the white sauce by drying the sifted wheat flour in a dry deep frying pan.

Tint it while stirring constantly.

Cooks call this flour red.

Add fresh whole goat's milk to the colored flour (easily replaced with full-fat cow's milk).

Use a mortar to grind the unusual long black pepper, which smells slightly of pine.

Pepper the milk sauce.

Chop the cleaned wild mushrooms into large pieces.

Also coarsely chop the white part of the onion into slices.

Sauté the onion in hot vegetable oil using a large wok.

Add chopped wild mushrooms to the onions.

Chop the onion feathers.

Add chopped green onions to the sauté.

Chop the dill.

Add prepared white milk sauce to the onion-mushroom sauce.

Add chopped dill.

Stir the sauce. Bring it to readiness.

Boil the soaked pearl barley in a pressure cooker by adding two liters of water. The process will take twenty minutes.

Add delicious vegetable oil to barley porridge.

Distribute the barley into deep portioned soup bowls.

Serve pearl barley porridge with mushrooms and onions hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs, such as dill.

Recipe 8: pearl barley porridge with vegetables - side dish

An inexpensive and easy-to-prepare side dish of barley, if you diversify it with different vegetables, it can well serve as an independent dish. Pearl barley, from which all kinds of dishes are prepared, is a product available even in times of commodity shortage.

A delicious side dish of pearl barley is easy to prepare, but takes a long time. Pearl barley cooks for more than an hour, and swells well, but the grains hold their shape perfectly. But the egg becomes very viscous when cooked. Therefore, an acceptable side dish of pearl barley can only be prepared from whole grains. A delicious side dish of pearl barley goes well with almost any meat or fish dish, chicken, or can be an excellent vegetarian dish.

  • Pearl barley 2 pcs
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Large carrots 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt or soy sauce, black pepper, dill and parsley

If you look closely at pearl barley, you will see that it is very similar to wheat and is often confused with it. The removed top layer (hull) of barley makes the surface of the pearl barley very similar to the smooth grain of wheat. In addition, pearl barley of different grain sizes and different degrees of purification is available on sale. I prefer pearl barley to be large and light-colored without any signs of remaining shells.

Actually, dry pearl barley cooks well. But I prefer to soak it for 2-3 hours in cold water, rinsing it in running water until the signs of turbidity disappear. In addition, artifacts are often found in cereals - remains of shells, pebbles, etc.

Rinse the soaked pearl barley again with cold water, pour it into a saucepan and add 2 liters of cold water. Place the pan on the fire, bring the water to a boil and cook the barley, covered, over low heat for at least an hour. The pearl barley should become soft inside and increase in volume - swell. Place the boiled pearl barley in a colander and allow the liquid to drain as much as possible. The pearl barley garnish should not be wet or sticky.

By and large, if you know how, you can cook crumbly pearl barley in a measured amount of water, which will be completely absorbed by the cereal. But, as a rule, few can do this with confidence, so it is more convenient to cook barley in a large amount of water, it is simply impossible to make a mistake. Boiling the cereal is at your discretion.

While the pearl barley is cooking, you need to prepare and fry the vegetables. For vegetables, onions and carrots are preferable, although celery roots, parsnips, and unpeeled garlic cloves are also great. Peel the vegetables. Cut the carrots into large cubes, twice as large as the vegetables for the Olivier salad. Cut the onion into large strips.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. Let the oil simmer for 1-2 minutes over low heat. Then fry the chopped carrots in oil. Fry vegetables over medium heat, stirring. The time for frying carrots is about 5 minutes, so that the surface of the carrot cubes begins to brown a little, and the carrot itself becomes soft.

Add the chopped onion and fry the vegetables, stirring until the onion turns a nice golden color. Simultaneously frying carrots and onions in this sequence will allow you to prepare the vegetables well and the side dish with pearl barley will be tasty and aromatic.

After the onions and carrots are fried, pepper the vegetables a little to taste, preferably with freshly ground black pepper. There is no need to salt vegetables. Add boiled pearl barley to the fried vegetables, drain the liquid well. Gently mix the cereal and vegetables. Using a wooden spatula, place the pearl barley and vegetables in a mound in the center of the pan, being careful not to leave anything on the sides. Reduce heat to low and cover the saucepan with a lid. The barley garnish should be steamed in the remaining moisture for 10 minutes.

Next, salt the pearl barley garnish to taste. You can add regular salt, or you can add 1-2 tbsp. high-quality and natural soy sauce. The soy sauce is quite salty and has a bright flavor that perfectly enhances the dish. After the pearl barley garnish is salted, mix the cereal, put it in a mound and let it steam under the lid for at least another 10 minutes. The side dish is ready, but you can, if desired, stir the cereal several more times, steaming it in the remaining moisture, then the side dish will be much more crumbly.

A side dish of pearl barley goes well with fried meat, natural pork cutlets, breaded fish, or game. In addition, the pearl barley side dish is a complete vegetarian dish that does not contain any ingredients of animal origin at all.

When serving a side dish of barley to the table, I advise you to sprinkle the barley with vegetables with a small amount of finely chopped parsley and dill.

Recipe 9: Pearl barley porridge with chicken and vegetables

For lovers of pearl barley, we offer to prepare a delicious porridge, which is supplemented with chicken and vegetables. This dish is an excellent option for the lunch menu. Pearl barley porridge with chicken and vegetables turns out nourishing and tasty.

  • chicken – 500 gr
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml
  • onion - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • pearl barley - 1.5 cups
  • dill - 2 sprigs

We start by cutting up the chicken. Chop any parts of the chicken into proportionate pieces. Let's wash them.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. In this recipe, preference is given to sunflower oil. Transfer the chopped chicken pieces into the heated oil. We begin to fry them, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

Peel the onions. Using a knife, finely chop the peeled onion.

The next vegetable ingredient is carrots. We also wash it first, then peel off the peel, and then grind it using a grater. The carrots can also be thinly sliced ​​(at your discretion).

We diversify the composition of vegetable components for pearl barley porridge with chicken with sweet bell pepper. First, remove the seed capsule from the pepper and wash it. Cut the bell pepper into cubes.

We finished chopping the vegetables, and our chicken was already browned.

Add chopped vegetables to the chicken pieces.

Stir and simmer the ingredients for the porridge for about 7 minutes.

We wash the tomato and cut it into small cubes. Add to the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Simmer for another 5 minutes.

Now you can introduce pearl barley. Experienced housewives know that it is better to soak it in water before cooking. Before adding, rinse the pearl barley until the water is clear.

Don't forget to add salt to all the ingredients for the dish.

Fill the pearl barley with vegetables with water so that it is 2 cm higher than the cereal.

Simmer the barley porridge for about 30 minutes until cooked.

At the end, season the pearl barley porridge with chicken and vegetables with chopped dill.

Recipe 10: how to properly cook pearl barley with chickpeas

Real pearl barley porridge is very labor-intensive to make. But its special, sticky taste is worth the effort. Asian chickpeas also take a long time to cook. Therefore, we combine pearl barley and chickpeas in one porridge.

  • pearl barley - 200 gr
  • chickpeas - 200 gr
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 head
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Chickpeas or nokhud are sold in various forms. There are smaller Indian chickpeas. Central Asian chickpeas are larger. It can be soaked overnight and simply eaten raw or added to salads. No pea taste. Rather, these chickpeas taste like nuts. For our dish, there is no point in soaking chickpeas and pearl barley. This dish is cooked in the evening and finished in the morning. Stand near a saucepan with a water bath for 5-6 hours, as suggested in classic recipes for preparing real pearl barley? Yes, no one is capable of such feats now. There's simply no time for this.

The Lazy Cooks Club has developed a method of periodically heating pearl barley porridge to a boil, followed by a long pause. So, wash the chickpeas and pearl barley, add 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan or cauldron and place on low heat. Let it simmer for 1-2 hours. Then turn off the heat and keep the porridge covered for another 2-3 hours. If it stays overnight, it's okay. Barley and chickpeas drink a lot of water. Boiling water should be added as needed.

In the morning you can cook the porridge for another 1 hour and finish cooking in the evening. In other words, you should not be afraid of long pauses when cooking this porridge. She's not afraid of them. It cooks even with the heat off.

As a result of these actions, which, in fact, take very little time, we should end up with a viscous, tender pearl barley, reminiscent in consistency of rolled oatmeal. The chickpeas have become soft, but they do not lose their shape and bring new shades of flavor to this dish. Check the dish for salt and add it as needed.

Let's move on to refueling. I prefer my classic “triple” with vegetable oil. Pickled cucumber, onion and carrot. Cucumber can be replaced with mushrooms. We clean the vegetables.

We cut our vegetables and put them in a separate frying pan. Place on medium heat and stir constantly.

Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until light brown edges form on the onions and carrots. Add the dressing-fry into the pan with the porridge. Mix everything and cook for no more than 10 minutes. Add salt to taste. Pearl barley porridge with vegetables and chickpeas is ready.


In childhood, everyone turned up their noses at this cereal, but then we did not understand its benefits, but the time has come to reconsider our attitude towards barley. And therefore you need to know how to cook crumbly pearl barley correctly and for how many minutes.

There are many recipes - with water without soaking, or porridge from it, in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or saucepan, observing the proportions. Only by mastering these culinary skills will our diet become not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty, and the cooking process itself will be a joy.

Shrapnel, bolts, shot 16, tarpaulin, all these names are firmly attached to pearl barley - the most popular army porridge. But for some reason today barley appears on our civilian tables very, very rarely.

And in vain, because these grains contain a whole vitamin and mineral complex. This is a set of amino acids we need, which together act as the most effective drug against influenza and acute respiratory infections. But even the holy scriptures mentioned this cereal, and royalty did not disdain such a hearty lunch.

Or maybe the whole point is that we simply don’t know how to cook it? That is why today’s article is devoted to how to properly cook pearl barley or simply pearl barley. However, before we plunge into the world of cooking with all its mysteries, let's study some of the nuances associated with this cereal.

Dietary pearl barley porridge

For some reason, over the years there has been an opinion that barley is the latest cereal crop that can be used in the diet. Yes, it’s difficult to argue here when the facts indicate that in dry form, 100 g of barley contains almost 320 kcal. But who eats unfinished grain?

But a rich porridge made from these cereals has only 120 calories, and it is also very, very nutritious, rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which is what is required for a diet or fasting diet.

Few people know that pearl barley should be eaten exclusively hot, because this way it is better absorbed by the body. And it tastes better too.

Proportions of cereal and water for ideal pearl barley porridge

In the process of cooking barley, to achieve a good result, it is imperative to observe the proportions of the components. However, in this matter we need to turn to our wishes and decide what consistency of the dish we want to get in the end.

This will determine how much dry matter and liquid we need. If crumbly pearl barley is a priority for a side dish, then the ratio of water to pearl barley will be 1:2½. However, for lovers of viscous porridge, you should take about one liter of water per glass of grain.

Pearl barley is, perhaps, one of those cereals, the preparation of which should begin long before the meal, because it takes about an hour to cook, and to be more precise, from 40 to 100 minutes.

However, it is impossible to indicate a specific cooking period, because it can vary depending on many factors.

  • Kind of pan.
  • Method of preparation.
  • Pre-soaking.
  • Varieties of cereals.
  • Grain sizes.

In addition, the age of the pearl barley can also affect the cooking speed, because the longer it is stored, the longer it will take for heat treatment. However, experienced housewives claim that you can make excellent porridge much faster. To do this, you need to wait until the pearl barley boils in the water. After this, drain the water, fill the container with liquid again and cook the dish until done at medium temperature.

But why complicate everything so much when you can simply soak the grains in boiling water for several hours and after that the whole culinary epic won’t take even half an hour.

How to cook pearl barley (barley porridge) in water correctly and for how long, video recipe

In the old days, pearl barley porridge was served at the royal table. Men associate it with a tasteless army mess. We offer an algorithm for how to cook pearl barley in order to preserve its beneficial properties and make the porridge crumbly.

How to cook pearl barley by soaking barley

Pearl barley, unlike other cereals, is cooked for quite a long time. To quickly cook pearl barley, the right solution would be to first soak it overnight in warm water. Thanks to this, the cereal will be saturated with liquid. Then you can cook a delicious and healthy breakfast in a matter of minutes.

How to do it? Simply, well-washed cereals should be placed in a deep container and pour boiling water, based on a ratio of 1:4. Well, if you determine it “by eye”, then you need to take as much water as it takes to cover the grains by 4 cm, and you need to soak them for 5 hours.

How to steam pearl barley in a thermos

In addition, there is another excellent cooking method. It not only significantly speeds up the process of subsequent cooking of whole barley grains, but also allows you to prepare delicious crumbly barley without worries and hassle. And the secret is this. Before boiling the cereal, you need to pour boiling water into it in a thermos for an hour and a half. Then transfer to a saucepan, add liquid and cook for 20 minutes.

And if 8 tbsp. Pour the washed pearl barley grains into a thermos with 700 ml of just boiled water and leave overnight, then by morning we will have excellent porridge ready. All that remains is to season it with salt or sugar and butter.

The choice of container for cooking should be approached with the utmost seriousness, since during the heat treatment process, pearl barley expands significantly in volume. And if, when soaked, it swells twice, then the boiled cereal increases five times, threatening to fall over the edge of an incorrectly selected saucepan.

Well, now, having learned all the details of pearl barley cooking, we can move directly to the methods and recipes for preparing this cereal.

How to deliciously cook pearl barley as a side dish

Despite its unpopularity, pearl barley is included in many of our favorite dishes, both first and second. For example, this cereal makes an excellent side dish; the main thing is to know how to prepare it correctly.

  1. To cook truly tasty, crumbly, fluffy pearl barley, you should first soak the washed cereal (1 tbsp.) in boiling water (2 l) for several hours.
  2. After this, put the swollen and washed grains in a saucepan, fill with fresh water (1 l) and put on maximum heat.
  3. After boiling, let the barley cook for about 5 minutes, then reduce the heat, close the container with a lid and cook the porridge until cooked (30 minutes).
  4. When the water has evaporated and the cereal has become soft, add 50 grams of butter to it, add some salt to the side dish to taste and, with the lid closed, let the porridge simmer a little more.

Pearl barley milk porridge

Every soldier and kindergartener knows firsthand what a proper breakfast looks like. There is no doubt that for healthy fueling of the body at the beginning of a working day, the best solution would be to cook barley porridge. And this recipe is perfect for this action:

  1. Preparing a milk breakfast from pearl barley must begin by soaking the grains (2 cups) in boiling water (2 liters), or by preliminary and short-term (10 minutes) cooking them in water.
  2. Next, rinse the slightly boiled cereals and place them on a sieve to drain.
  3. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, mix 1.5 cups of water and 3 cups of milk. Next, add pearl barley and 30 g of butter into the liquid. We also pour ½ tsp into the container. salt, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, then set everything to simmer over low heat under the lid until the porridge thickens.
  4. And then add another 20 grams of oil and, wrapping the hot porridge in the pan in a blanket, let the dish brew for a while. But if you can’t bear it, you can immediately start eating.

Delicious pearl barley in a slow cooker

Over the past decade, the progress of kitchen technical supplies has been significantly modernized, and now the presence of a multicooker in the house does not surprise anyone. And the popularity of these smart pans is understandable. They practically prepare the dish themselves; all we have to do is load it with the necessary products and set the desired program.

In addition, this unit will not be difficult to cook delicious crumbly barley for breakfast or a side dish. In this miracle pan, even soaking pearl barley has its advantages. If you pour dry cereal with water and leave it overnight in the heating mode, then by morning you can get crumbly porridge. This can be equated to the effect of a thermos. But again, it is necessary to take into account the proportions of water. In this case, 1 multi cup of grain will require 3 multi cups of liquid.

But this is only one of the possible options for cooking this cereal. And this recipe will tell you how to deliciously cook crumbly pearl barley in water, say, for lunch.

  • We will need the following products: pearl barley (2 cups), water (4.5 cups), ghee (50 g), salt (1 tsp).
  • The barley must first be thoroughly rinsed so that the water becomes clear.
  • After that, having loaded all the ingredients into the bowl of the device, close its lid and set the “buckwheat” or “rice” program. In our case, the porridge will be prepared in a Redmond multicooker, so you need to keep in mind that some programs and characteristics of units from other companies may differ.
  • The discrepancy may even concern the cooking timer. For example, on average, barley cooks in a slow cooker for about 1 hour without pre-soaking. However, exactly how much time this procedure will take for a device from a particular company should be clarified in the annotation for the device.
  • After cooking is complete, it is necessary to let the porridge “breathe” with the lid open so that excess moisture evaporates.

This is how you can easily and naturally prepare an excellent side dish. However, this is not all the capabilities of this saucepan regarding this cereal, because barley in a slow cooker with milk turns out even more delicious.

To prepare porridge in a multicooker from any company, the same proportions for milk and dry product (3:1) are always used, based on which we will select the components. And all the details on how to cook barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker are described in this recipe.


  • Barley – 1 cup;
  • Milk – 3 glasses;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Oil – 2 tbsp;

Lazy barley cooked in a slow cooker

  1. Before you start cooking, you need to rinse the pearl barley thoroughly and soak it in boiling water for 2-3 hours.
  2. After this, we wash the swollen grains again and, together with milk, salt, sugar and butter, load them into the bowl of the unit.
  3. Having set the “stewing” program for 3 hours, we can safely go about our business, and the multicooker itself will prepare an excellent breakfast or dinner.

Crumbled pearl barley in a pressure cooker

Undoubtedly, cooking in a multicooker is very, very convenient, especially for busy housewives, but this unit cannot be compared with an intelligent pressure cooker. This device, like no other, copes with the task clearly and quickly, which makes it number one among all kitchen assistants.

Such an amazing cooking speed is achieved by cooking under high pressure, which also has a very beneficial effect on the preservation of nutrients in products.

The recipe for how to properly prepare pearl barley for a side dish in a pressure cooker is similar to the technology for cooking in a slow cooker, however, there are some nuances here too:

  • For 1 cup of soaked cereal you will need only 2 cups of water or milk;
  • Having loaded the cereal and water into the bowl of the device, bring everything to a boil, spread with salt, sugar and butter to taste, and only then close the lid and set the program “cooking”, “porridge”, “buckwheat”, “rice” or any other, according to instructions for the device.
  • The cooking time for porridge is only 15 minutes.

How to cook pearl barley porridge in a double boiler

The question arises, why, with so many convenient and smart gadgets in the kitchen that show excellent culinary results, why steam barley?

Everything is very simple, not even one of the most delicate cooking methods can cook a side dish the way a double boiler does. Tender and crumbly, not dry, not sticky, retaining maximum vitamins - this is truly an ideal pearl barley porridge, the better of which you won’t find, no matter how hard you look.

However, this method still has its drawbacks, such as, for example, the fact that barley is cooked using steam for quite a long time, about one and a half hours. But this is still not a reason to retreat from such a healthy and tasty delicacy.

  • To prepare the side dish, you need to take 2.5 cups of water per 1 cup of cereal soaked overnight.
  • Load the ingredients into the steamer cup, close the lid of the unit and set the timer for 40 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, the cereal should be salted or sweetened; if you want milk porridge, then add 1 glass of milk, then set the mode again for 40 minutes and bring the dish to readiness.

Step-by-step cooking of pearl barley in the microwave

Recipes for making pearl barley as a side dish are truly amazing in their diversity. And the point is not so much in the wide range of different aromatic additives, but in what particular cooking method we choose. Thanks to kitchen gadgets, this long-lasting cooking has appeared in a different light for us, and the quick preparation of pearl barley porridge has become a real gift.

For example, in a microwave oven, pearl barley cooks in just 35 minutes, while cooking in a saucepan will take twice as long. And this inspires optimism. However, you need to approach microwave cooking technology armed with this recipe.


  • Pearl barley – 230 g;
  • Water – 630 ml;
  • Salt – ½-1 tsp;
  • Butter – 2 tbsp;

How to quickly and deliciously cook pearl barley porridge at home

  1. Place the soaked pearl barley in a microwave-safe container, fill it with water and, under a closed lid (with a hole), cook the porridge for 5 minutes at full power.
  2. After this, take out the container, mix the cereal, add salt, season with oil and send it to cook again, but for half an hour and at medium power.
  3. During the cooking process, the side dish should be stirred several times so that the porridge is cooked evenly.

You can also cook delicious barley porridge with milk in the microwave oven. To do this, place 1 cup of soaked cereal in a microwave-safe container, pour 1.5 cups of hot milk over it, add salt and sweeten to taste. Next, close the container with a lid (with the valve open) and cook breakfast for 20 minutes at a power of 400 W.

Super-healthy and tasty pearl barley in a pot in the oven

The craving for healthy eating has become a real boom today. On this basis, dear housewives, who carefully care about the well-being of their family, are beginning to actively include raw vegetables, grains, and steamed or steamed dishes in the menu.

It was this trend that prompted us to prepare something similar. How about barley in chicken broth in pots in the oven? This recipe does not take much time, but the seemingly simple dish turns out incredibly tasty and healthy.


  • Pearl barley – 1 cup;
  • Chicken broth – 2 l;
  • Coarse salt – 1-1.5 tsp;
  • Powdered black pepper – ¼ tsp;
  • Dry garlic – ½ tsp;

How to cook healthy pearl barley porridge

  1. Wash the cereal, soaked overnight and doubled in volume, thoroughly and place it in ceramic containers, filling them 1/3 full. If we take into account that the average portion pot has a volume of 0.75 liters, then we will need 4 such containers, where each of them will have 0.5 tbsp. pearl barley
  2. Next, pour the cereal with salted and spiced broth, 0.5 liters into each container, and place the ceramic containers covered with lids into the oven.
  3. At a temperature of 190 o C, the porridge will cook for 60 minutes, and before serving, the dish must be flavored with butter and herbs.

In principle, you can cook pearl barley in pots using water. And what an amazing milk porridge you get in the oven from this cereal, just like from a Russian oven. But in this case, the proportions of grain and liquid, and the cooking technology itself will look slightly different.

  1. For 1 cup of cereal we need 1 liter of milk, 40 grams of butter, ½ tsp. salt and 1-2 tbsp. Sahara.
  2. Wash the grain thoroughly and boil in a saucepan for 20 minutes. You can also, instead of boiling, soak the cereal overnight in water, or steam it for an hour in boiling water in a thermos.
  3. After this, transfer the barley into a saucepan with boiling milk, add salt, sweeten and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. After this, pour the semi-finished porridge with milk into pots with a ladle, season with oil and put in the oven for half an hour at 190 o C.

And after 30 minutes we can enjoy a wonderful breakfast with the aroma of baked milk.

“Perle”, which means “pearl” in French, is the word that was once dubbed the most popular army porridge. And the point is not even that barley grain really looks like this sea jewel, but that pearl barley is truly the pearl of healthy nutrition. And this is precisely why Peter 1 loved her very much in his time.

Unfortunately, today many housewives have forgotten how to cook pearl barley porridge deliciously. But let’s hope that the suggested tips will still help you regain lost skills on how to properly cook pearl barley using modern kitchen gadgets and some culinary tricks.

This cereal is one of the first cultivated by humans. Pearl barley, or whole barley grain, appeared in the human diet more than 17 thousand years ago. It was eaten in ancient Egypt, and the ancient Romans considered it the best food for gladiators. The latter, by the way, were called “hordearii”, which translated means nothing more than “barley men”.

In Rus', the culture of eating pearl barley was lost back in the 13th century. The most valuable cereal grown in vast fields by the Finno-Ugric peoples was replaced by wheat and lentils. Although in narrow circles, mainly the nobility, dishes from barley groats continued to be prepared. It was pearl barley that was Peter I’s favorite porridge, and its name comes from the English term “pearled barley” or “pearl” for the external resemblance of the round, dense kernels to a sea jewel.

Subtleties of cooking

According to culinary theorist William Pokhlebkin, the question of how to cook pearl barley porridge is extremely simple. But it takes a lot of time, although most of it is cooked by the cereal itself, without any participation of the hostess. To cook pearl barley deliciously, you should take into account several of its features.

  • Always soak your grains. Without soaking, it turns out dense, too hard, and does not boil down. It is better to leave it in water all night - up to 12 hours, while pouring a glass of barley with a liter of cold water.
  • Use proportions based on desired consistency. If you need crumbly porridge, take 2.5 cups of water per cup of soaked cereal. It will become liquid by adding four glasses of water.
  • Keep the time. The classic recipe requires long-term boiling of the product, up to 6 hours. It seems that in modern conditions this is impossible, so housewives found their answer to the question of how long to cook pearl barley porridge. For pre-soaked kernels, boiling for 45 minutes is enough to bring them to readiness.
  • Leave the porridge to “rest”. After turning off the heat, place the covered pan in a warm place. You can wrap her in a blanket. The longer the dish simmers, the more delicious the pearl barley porridge will be. It will be ideal with pearl-colored kernels that do not crunch on the teeth, but crumble in the mouth.
  • Cook it on the stove or in the oven. Pearl barley is one of the few grains that cannot be cooked in the microwave. But in the oven it turns out perfect. On the stove it can be cooked over an open fire or according to the classic recipe - in a water bath.
  • Season the cereal with butter. It is considered the best accompaniment for a barley side dish, imbuing it with a delicate, creamy taste.

If cooked incorrectly, the cereal hardens and the kernels turn into “bullets.” This happens because during the boiling process, the protein-rich “filling” coagulates, similar to legumes. To prevent this, the porridge should be cooked exclusively over low heat or in a water bath.

Classic recipe

The process of preparing a dish using the classical technology described by William Pokhlebkin seems incredibly long. But perhaps it’s worth trying how to boil pearl barley porridge according to the recipe for which it was highly valued in the ancient world and respected by Peter I. Let’s call the dish weekend porridge and get started.

You will need:

  • pearl barley - 1 cup;
  • cold water - 1 l;
  • milk - 2 l;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Rinse the cereal and soak in a liter of cold water. Leave it for up to 12 hours. Drain the water.
  2. Warm the milk to 40°, pour the prepared cereal into it.
  3. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes with the lid open over high heat.
  4. Place water in a larger saucepan and boil.
  5. Cover the pan with the cereal and place it in a large pan of boiling water (in a water bath).
  6. How long does it take to cook porridge? Simmer with the lid closed for 6 hours. Periodically add water to the large saucepan.
  7. Season the cereal with cream, butter, mix evenly.

The classic recipe for pearl barley porridge with milk has one drawback. A lot of time is spent on preparation, although in fact, the hostess has little practical participation in the process. The cereal simmers for six hours on its own; you just need to control the volume of water in the water bath.

Having tried to make pearl barley using the classical technology only once, you are unlikely to be able to refuse this recipe. The taste of the dish will be an unexpected discovery for you, and the tender grains melting in your mouth will make you want to try it again and again.

Modern recipes

But if time is too limited, and you plan to cook barley porridge for dinner, the recipe can be adapted to modern realities. We offer you techniques for preparing a crumbly side dish with water, dishes with onion dressing and mushrooms.

On the water

Cooking pearl barley porridge in water will work quickly and with decent results if you soak it overnight. If you forgot to do this, try the following cooking technique. Boil the washed cereal for 3 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Then pour fresh, cold and boil over low heat for 1 hour. Remove the pan from the heat, cover for 30 minutes.

The taste of the cereal will not fully develop without soaking, but for quick results this method has the right to life. To get a better taste, use this recipe.

You will need:

  • pearl barley - 1 cup;
  • water for soaking - 1 l;
  • water for boiling - 3 cups;
  • salt, butter.


  1. Soak the pearl barley for 12 hours.
  2. Rinse, cover with cold water, and put on fire.
  3. Let the water boil over high heat, reduce it, and cook for 60 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, cover with a blanket, and leave for 30 minutes.

This barley porridge recipe will be a universal side dish for meat and vegetable dishes. In order for the kernels to boil as much as possible, let the cereal rest in the blanket for as long as possible.

With lard and onions

Try cooking pearl barley in the oven using this recipe. If you don’t like lard as a dressing, use pre-fried pieces of meat with onions. The dish is prepared in a pot, and you can serve it on the table in it.

You will need:

  • pearl barley - 2 cups;
  • water for soaking - 2 l;
  • water for cooking - 1 l;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • lard - 200 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Peel and chop the onion, cut the lard into pieces.
  2. Place lard and onions in a pot.
  3. Place the prepared pearl barley on top.
  4. Pour boiling water, add salt.
  5. Place the pot in the oven preheated to 180°. Wait 1 hour.
  6. Turn off the oven, do not open it. Leave the pot in it for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from the oven and cover with a blanket for 30 minutes.
  8. Stir the contents of the pot before serving.

It is important to remove the container from the oven in time so that the cereal does not dry out. When ready in the blanket, it will retain its juiciness and become soft and tender.

With mushrooms

The dish is lean, vegetarian. But that doesn’t make it any less tasty! Barley goes well with mushrooms and onions. And it's easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • pearl barley - 1 cup;
  • mushrooms (champignons) - 300 g;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • black pepper - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • greenery.


  1. Peel and chop the onion. Wash the champignons and cut them.
  2. Fry the onion, add mushrooms, simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Place the prepared cereal in a frying pan with the onion and mushroom mixture, pour in heated water. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Simmer covered for 60 minutes. Check for doneness by checking the softness of the cereal.
  5. Season with herbs.

The dish should be cooked over very low heat, so the pearl barley will not “curl”. This recipe can be used to prepare other cereals, for example, buckwheat and rice.

Now you know how to cook barley porridge. We hope your new acquaintance with her will be successful. And this valuable cereal, rich in nutrients, will take its rightful place on your table.

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