Original sandwiches for children: recipes for a holiday or breakfast. Sandwiches for a child's birthday. Canapes for children Children's birthday sandwiches recipes

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Literally every day, parents have to think through the menu and find out recipes for interesting sandwiches for children. The task is not easy, but creative. In the process of preparing original sandwiches, parents sometimes create real culinary masterpieces, which the child happily eats and asks to prepare a similar dish the next day. They will certainly appreciate the sandwiches you prepare according to our recipes for children.

To avoid chapping, sandwiches should be cut no earlier than half an hour before meals. If you need a lot of them, for example, for a holiday table, then we advise you to prepare and cut the food in advance and put it in the refrigerator. In this case, there will be enough time to prepare a large number of sandwiches.

Before preparing a dish, you should take into account your child’s culinary preferences. Perhaps he does not like or cannot tolerate some foods. All foods offered to a baby for the first time should be introduced into the diet with caution.

If your child is interested in the kitchen and everything related to cooking, do not forget to invite him to cook with you. Then the child will definitely want to taste the delicacy prepared with his own hands.

It has been noticed that children eat with great appetite in the company of other children. If there is such an opportunity, invite your friends with children to the tasting - in a cheerful company, funny sandwiches for children will go “to the sweet heart.”

Beautiful sandwiches for children

Spongebob and Patrick


  • Two rectangular slices of bread
  • A few slices of boiled sausage.
  • A few slices of hard cheese.
  • Boiled egg, carrots, beets.
  • Olives, olives, canned peas.
  • Greens for decoration - lettuce, Chinese cabbage.

Two inseparable sandwich friends are a complete copy of their prototypes - cartoon characters. Place sausage on two pieces of bread, cut with a thin knife so that its contours resemble the figures of SpongeBob and Patrick. Place a thin square slice of cheese on top of the sausage. We also use it to make Patrick's shorts and SpongeBob's legs. Friends' eyes are made from boiled eggs. Using olives, boiled carrots and herbs, sandwiches are decorated as in the photo.


  • Square piece of bread
  • Square piece of cheese
  • Large slice of milk sausage, several pieces of smoked sausage
  • Several tomatoes
  • One boiled egg
  • A couple of lettuce leaves, an olive, pieces of bell pepper

Sprinkle a piece of bread with a few drops of olive oil, place alternately lettuce leaves, a square piece of cheese and a round piece of boiled sausage on top. Use figuratively cut boiled and smoked sausage to decorate the arms, legs, eyelids and snout. Using peppers and tomatoes, make small details. For the eyes, use half boiled eggs and olives.

Sandwiches for a child's birthday


  • Lightly salted red fish
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Butter
  • White loaf
  • Olives
  • Parsley

Spread the white loaf pieces with a thin layer of butter and place a slice of red fish on top. Decorate the sandwich – cherry tomatoes cut into halves, cut into halves to resemble ladybugs, add a head from half an olive. The final touch is to apply spots on the body and decorate with greenery.


  • Square pieces of white bread
  • Hard cheese
  • Smoked sausage
  • Corn, olives, olives, boiled carrots.
  • Dill, green onions

Sprinkle a few drops of olive oil onto neatly cut white bread into squares and place a nice piece of cheese on top. Decorate each sandwich with an image of one of the Zodiac signs. Place on a plate, inviting guests to try a dish that corresponds to their zodiac sign.

Holiday sandwiches for children


  • Bread cut into squares
  • Hard cheese
  • Boiled quail egg, carrots, beets, olives

Place a slice of cheese of the same size on a square slice of bread, and put another piece of cheese on top - preferably with holes. Make something like a mouse from the halves of a boiled egg, use boiled carrots for the ears and tail, a piece of olive for the eyes, and a piece of beetroot for the mouth.

Grease the bread base with butter and place finely chopped herbs at the bottom of the sandwich. Divide the white of the boiled egg into 4 parts, sprinkle one part with sweet paprika. Grind the yolk with butter. Place the sprat on the sandwich with the wide end down, and form a mushroom cap from a quarter of the protein sprinkled with paprika. In the corner of the sandwich, form a sun with rays from the butter-yolk mixture.

Many parents are familiar with the situation when a child refuses to eat. Of course, parents try to resort to various tricks in order to still feed their child. Today I offer you a version of a children's educational sandwich. The ingredients of this sandwich are quite affordable, their benefits are obvious, and the developmental and educational effect is that:

  1. You can prepare this sandwich with your child and make “paints” from vegetables together.
  2. You will be able to learn or repeat basic colors.
  3. You will feed your child tasty and healthy food.

To prepare a children's sandwich "Palette of Colors" we will need the following products: sandwich bread, butter, chicken ham, hard cheese, vegetables.

Spread a piece of bread with butter.

Place a piece or two of chicken ham on top.

Use the cheese at your discretion, I used Gouda cheese. Place the cheese on the ham and use a knife to trim the edges and cut off the crust from the bread.

Now let's get creative. Make a small hole in the cheese and insert a dill tassel.

Using vegetables of different colors, let's try to reproduce a palette of colors:

  • red: tomato or bell pepper
  • orange: carrot
  • yellow: bell pepper or corn kernels
  • green: cucumber
  • brown: olives
  • white: radish, daikon

Cut out circles of the same diameter from vegetables.

Place the circles on the sandwich in any order.

Children's sandwich "Palette of Colors" is ready.

If you have time and creativity, you can do a little magic and turn a piece of cheese into a real palette. I'm no artist, so don't judge me harshly. But my granddaughter liked the sandwich. She helped prepare it and then happily crunched the colorful circles one by one, and even the tassel was eaten with pleasure, and so was the sandwich, respectively.

The sandwich is one of the most common snacks in the world. Its popularity is extremely high among fans of any cuisine in the world, as well as among people of all age categories.

Literally translated "sandwich" means "bread and butter". However, in the modern world, this concept has gone far beyond such a simple recipe. To prepare all kinds of sandwiches, such a huge variety of products are used that it is impossible to list them all.

As for preparing a festive table for a children's birthday, sandwiches will be very appropriate here, and with the right approach to choosing products they will be appreciated by children - that is, there will not even be crumbs left of them.

Preventing a sandwich from falling butter side down

General rules when choosing products for children's sandwiches

1) Do not use mayonnaise, ketchup, sausage, canned fish and meat, salt, sugar, pepper and other hot seasonings in significant quantities.

2) When choosing bread, it is advisable to give preference to varieties made from wholemeal flour - they are much healthier in terms of vitamin and mineral composition, as well as other healthy properties. We should also not forget about the benefits of rye bread and its reduced calorie content.

3) Don’t forget about the beautiful design of the sandwiches: to a large extent, an attractive appearance will guarantee success for a child. In order to decorate this dish, you can use one or two products with bright colors: tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers (yellow, orange or red), herbs, fruits.

4) The sandwich ingredients should not crumble, otherwise there is a very high probability that as soon as the child starts eating, they will instantly end up on the floor. In addition, it is very undesirable for the filling to drip or run off the sandwich.

Children's sandwiches "Ladybugs"

Grocery list:

  • White bread
  • Butter
  • Sour cream
  • Lightly salted red fish (salmon, salmon, trout) or ham
  • Small tomatoes (cherry variety works well)
  • Olives
  • Parsley or lettuce

Cooking technique:

1) Soft butter is spread on bread.

2) Thinly sliced ​​fish or ham is placed on top of the butter.

3) The tomato is cut into two halves and one half is placed on top of the sandwich with the convex side up.

4) Use sour cream to paint white dots on the tomato to make it look like a ladybug.

5) The olives are cut in half and the half is applied to the tomato to create a “head” for our ladybug. If desired, you can even cut “legs” from the olives and place them on the sides of the tomato.

6) We place the greenery near the “head”, as if the ladybug had decided to have breakfast.

7) Sandwiches are ready! When celebrating a child's birthday, you can serve them on the children's table and tell an interesting story about how magical ladybugs flew into the fruit and vegetable garden, so you need to eat them all immediately before they destroy all the supplies of holiday fruit and cake.

Sweet milk-fruit toast sandwiches

List of products for 1 serving:

  • White bread or loaf - 5-6 pieces
  • Milk – 150 ml
  • Eggs 1-2 pcs (optional)
  • Cream - 50-70 g
  • Butter
  • Salt and sugar
  • Strawberries, kiwi, mango, or other fruits

Cooking technique:

1) The bread is cut into slices. Their size can be either the entire width of the loaf or smaller.

2) Add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste to the milk and stir. If desired, you can add 1-2 eggs and mix.

3) The bread should be placed in the milk solution and wait a little until it soaks.

4) Butter is placed in a heated frying pan, then the bread is fried on both sides.

5) Apply a thin layer of cream to the fried bread. They are needed in order to retain fruits, and at the same time for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

6) We take any bright fruits that have a firm consistency and do not release too much juice. Cut into slices and place on bread.

7) Children's toast sandwiches are ready! It is better to serve them to the table while they are still warm: they are well suited as an intermediate snack during a child’s birthday celebration.

Children's sandwiches "Mouse Fuss"

Grocery list:

  • Rye bread
  • Butter
  • Hard cheese
  • Quail eggs
  • Carrot
  • Olives
  • Beet

Cooking technique:

1) Boil the eggs hard, peel and cut in half. Boil carrots and beets.

2) Lightly grease the bread with butter and place the cheese on it. Preference should be given to varieties of cheese that have “holes” - this will create the impression that mice have gnawed through it.

3) The egg halves are placed on the cheese with the convex side up. To make them stick better, you can anoint the space under them with oil. You can place two halves of an egg on each sandwich, i.e. "mice".

4) Boiled carrots are cut into circles, from which mouse “ears” are made and fixed in an egg. The mouse's tail can also be made from carrots.

5) Small pieces of olive will be needed to make “mouse eyes”.

6) The final touch is a “mouse mouth” made from a piece of boiled beetroot. You can make it in the form of a “smile”, or you can make a “nose” instead.

7) Sandwiches can be served on the table, informing the children that mice have climbed into the pantry with holiday products, attracted by the delicious smell of cheese. And since there is no cat in the house, one of the games at the children's birthday party will be a competition to eat mouse sandwiches!

Every mother dreams that her child’s diet will be rich and healthy in vitamins and minerals, and children love tasty things. Sandwiches for children with chicken, meat and vegetables are an excellent way to keep the mother calm and the children happy. In this review we will look at the TOP 5 most interesting ideas for children's sandwiches.

This sandwich is based on well-known products: bread, sausage and cheese. A wide variety of vegetables keep them company. And here it is important not just to “assemble” the sandwich, but to decorate it and make it “cool.” Such a presentation of the dish, firstly, will delight the younger generation, and secondly, it will help the mother feed the children properly by hiding healthy but not favorite vegetables inside.

Sandwich ingredients
  • Rye bread – 0.5 kg.
  • Children's sausages or premium boiled sausage – 300 gr.
  • Butter.
  • Hard cheese – 150-200 gr.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc. red, yellow and green.
  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Green onions.
  • Dill.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup to create “images”.


Keep the butter for some time at room temperature. Cut the rye bread into thin slices. Using a glass, cut out circles.

Cut the cheese into slices. It's even better to take it already chopped. Using the same glass, cut out circles.

Rinse the vegetables. Dry. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into circles.

Get started with the real art of making baby sandwiches. Spread a circle of bread with a thin layer of softened butter.

Place a circle of sausage.

Place a slice of tomato or cucumber on the sausage.

Cover the sandwich with a circle of cheese; it plays the role of a kind of artist’s canvas.

Use thinly sliced ​​cucumbers and peppers to make funny animal faces. For the eyes you can use black olives, for the mustache and drawing small details you can use mayonnaise and ketchup.

Favorite cartoon characters

In addition to zoological themes, sandwiches for children can be designed in the form of popular fairy-tale characters from animated films.

Sandwich ingredients

  • Wheat or rye bread – 0.4 kg.
  • Butter.
  • Tomato – 1-2 pcs.
  • Cucumber – 1-2 pcs.
  • Olives.
  • Sweet pepper.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Ketchup.
  • Algorithm of actions
  • Grease the bread with butter.
  • Wash the vegetables and dry them.
  • Cut into thin slices and give the desired shape.
  • Take sliced ​​cheese.

Spongebob Sandwich

Grease rectangular bread with butter, put sausage, and cheese with large holes on top. Using mayonnaise, make “big eyes” and the famous “teeth”, cut out “pupils” from olives. Use ketchup to draw a charming smile.


To prepare sandwiches with images of your favorite “Smeshariki” you need to cut out circles of bread and cheese, cut sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini into circles.

Fry eggplants and zucchini in a small amount of vegetable oil, use tomatoes and cucumbers immediately.

It is clear that it will not be possible to make a blue Krosh rabbit or a lilac Barash, but you can invite children to get creative and create their own Smeshariki.

Sandwich "Ladybug"

One of the most common sandwich recipes for children suggests making them in the shape of a ladybug.


  • French baguette – 1 pc.
  • Boiled sausage of the highest quality – 0.3 kg.
  • Cheese – 0.3 kg.
  • Fresh tomato – 2 pcs.
  • Olives (pitted).
  • Butter.
  • Salad.

Algorithm of actions

Cut the baguette with a sharp knife. Dry in the oven.

Grease with oil that has been previously kept at room temperature to soften.

Place a circle of sausage and cheese.

On top is a circle of tomato (its diameter should be equal to the baguette).

Cut out tiny circles from the olives to create the image of a ladybug.

Place sandwiches on lettuce leaves.

"Monsters" on a sandwich

Children love scary stories and tales, so they will happily eat sandwiches made in the shape of various monsters. It’s even better if mom allows them to take part in creating “great and terrible” dishes.

Sandwich ingredients

  • French baguette – 0.5 kg.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Plum jam.
  • Apples, pears, plums.
  • Bananas.
  • Nuts.
  • Cinnamon.

Algorithm of actions

Cut the baguette into circles. Dry the baguette pieces in the oven. Place on a large platter.

Spread some of the baguette rounds with peanut butter and the other with jam.

Wash apples and pears, remove seeds and stems. Cut into plates.

Wash the plums and remove the pits.

Peel and cut bananas.

Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan.

Make monster facial details from fruits - eyes, nose, lips, ears, eyebrows. The nuts are used for "pupils", creating a terrible smile.

Scary? No, funny and tasty!

"In full sail!"

Marine themes are also a frequent guest on the children's table. You don’t even want to eat sandwiches in the shape of sailboats, they are so beautiful.

First option

Cut the rye bread into pieces. Grease with oil and use a special knife to make a wavy pattern on the oil. Insert skewers into each piece of bread. Cut the cheese into triangles and place on a skewer in the shape of a sail.

Second option

Cut rye bread, sausage and cheese into identical triangles, shaped like a boat. Grease the bread with butter. Add cheese and sausage. Insert skewers. Instead of scarlet sails, use slices of sweet bell pepper.

Third option

French baguette, cut into triangles, spread with soft cheese or cheese cream.

Place red fish slices on top. Sails are slices of cheese placed on a skewer.

These recipes are only options, they are designed to awaken the mother’s imagination, force her to make dishes for the child not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful.

Planning a holiday menu? Be sure to include sandwiches in it - for a birthday, or for any other occasion, they will be a great solution! After all, this is not only a beautiful, but also a quick way to serve snacks.

Many culinary traditions have their own sandwiches - tapas in Spain, banh mi in Vietnam, jambon bere in France, sandwiches in America and many other options that you can take as the basis for your culinary experiments.

Prepare not only unusual, but also delicious birthday sandwiches using our recipes.

Sandwiches with red fish

To prepare this delicious snack you will need:

  • lightly salted red fish 350 grams;
  • 3 French baguettes;
  • 3 ripe avocados.

You can take any fish, but the most delicious, of course, is salmon. Its pleasant fat content is complemented by the oily texture of avocado. Also, avoid smoked or overly salted fish - you want a delicate flavor with a little salt.

The bread for red fish sandwiches does not have to be French - bagels or other soft white unsweetened buns work well. As for the preparation, everything is extremely simple: cut the bread, put a little avocado pulp on it, mashed with a fork, and place a thin slice of fish rolled into a rosette on top.

With canned tuna, cucumber and eggs

This option is more nutritious and very tasty. It perfectly combines the tastes of salted canned fish, fresh crispy cucumber and tender eggs. To prepare, take toast bread, a can of tuna in its own juice, 2 boiled eggs, 2 cucumbers, mayonnaise, leek.

Remove the fish from the jar and mash it with a fork in a bowl. Add chopped cucumber and eggs, as well as onions and mayonnaise. Mix everything well. Toast the bread in the toaster and mound each piece of lettuce. Garnish the top with two leek feathers.

Hot sandwiches with tomatoes and bacon

Hot holiday sandwiches are loved by everyone without exception. Delicate melted cheese, soft fluffy bread, smoked meat or tender sausage, juicy vegetables go perfectly together when heated. There is only one difficulty with such sandwiches - they need to be served straight from the oven.

For 8 sandwiches take:

  • 8 slices multigrain bread;
  • Dijon mustard;
  • 8 slices bacon;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • cheese that melts well, for example, Gruyère - 250 grams.

First, preheat the oven to grill function. Toast the bread slices on both sides under the grill. Then brush one side with mustard, add bacon, a slice of tomato and a mound of grated cheese and bake the sandwiches for another 3 minutes.

With herring and melted cheese

If the combination of herring and processed cheese seems strange to you, then you have never tried such sandwiches. But believe me, they are definitely worth preparing. This option is perfect for a holiday table, especially as an appetizer with vodka.


  • 8 slices of black bread;
  • 1 lightly salted herring;
  • 80 grams of processed cheese;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • green onions for decoration.

First you need to cut the herring.

Gut it, cut off the head and tail, remove the fins with a sharp knife, remove the skin. Then divide the carcass into halves, remove the backbone, remove all the bones and cut the finished fillet into pieces.

  1. A beautiful presentation will be achieved if you cut the bread into triangles. Toast it in the toaster and spread it with cheese. You can first squeeze a clove of garlic into the cheese.
  2. Place a piece of fish and a slice of cucumber on top of the spicy mixture.
  3. Sprinkle finely chopped green onions on the sandwiches for decoration.

Sandwiches with bell peppers and mushrooms

This recipe is suitable for vegetarians and simply for lovers of aromatic vegetable snacks. For sandwiches, take a loaf or baguette, 300 grams of champignons, 1 bell pepper, 1 onion, a little parsley and vegetable oil.

  1. Chop vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Dry the slices of bread in the oven, place the vegetable mixture on them and keep in the oven for a couple more minutes so that the bread is saturated with the juice and aroma of the vegetables.

Cooking with sprats in the oven

A classic recipe from childhood, so popular at our feasts. Make these flavorful sandwiches with a fresh, updated twist.

To do this, take:

  • 1 can of sprat;
  • half a loaf;
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise;
  • tomato;
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • lettuce leaves for serving.

Let's put together a well-known snack:

  1. To begin, cut the loaf into slices and cut each of them into 2 halves.
  2. Grease each piece with mayonnaise, place one fish on top of it.
  3. Cut the tomato into slices, divide each into halves and place them on the sides of the fish - you will get a butterfly, which the little guests of the holiday will really like.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle it on the sandwiches.
  5. Bake them in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve with lettuce leaves on a plate and the baked appetizer on top.

Festive appetizer with cod liver

Another fish product that is ideal for holiday sandwiches. Fatty, tender liver with a bright flavor is an excellent base for a sandwich.

In addition to the liver, take:

  • 1 baguette;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • butter with a fat content of 80% or more for greasing bread.

In this recipe, the tenderness of the liver will be offset by the fresh crispness of the cucumber. To prepare, cut the bread into manageable pieces, brush each with a little butter, place a slice of cucumber and a piece of liver on top. We recommend decorating the sandwich with a sprig of parsley and a small amount of red caviar.

With sardine, tomatoes and hard cheese

Another option using canned fish. This time we use delicious sardines. In addition to a can of sardines, prepare a baguette or loaf, a tomato, 80 grams of cheese, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and dried garlic.

  1. Mash the fish with a fork, removing the bones. Grate the cheese.
  2. Mix fish with cheese and mayonnaise, add a little garlic.
  3. Cut the tomato into slices and place the slices on dried or toasted pieces of bread.
  4. Place a spoonful of fish salad on top of the tomato - the sandwiches are ready.

You can also prepare a hot version: place a tomato on a piece of bread, mashed fish and a little mayonnaise on top, sprinkle everything with garlic and spread a “cap” of grated cheese. Bake the sandwiches for about 7 minutes until the cheese melts.

Chicken appetizer

This option for serving sandwiches is very festive and very filling, because the recipe uses chicken breast.

In appetizers for the holiday table, you can use boiled or baked breast, but if you are not sure that you can cook juicy meat, then it is better to take smoked meat.

In addition, smoked meats go well with pickled cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, cheese - in general, with ingredients that often accompany sandwiches.

For our recipe take:

  • 1 boiled breast;
  • half a loaf;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 leek;
  • half a glass of mayonnaise.

Cut the breast, cucumber and onion into thin strips. We only need the white part of the leek. Spread mayonnaise on slices of bread and place chicken and vegetable strips on them. If the chicken turns out to be a little dry, coat it with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Sandwiches for children's birthday

Burgers and sandwiches are the perfect snack for a kids' party. All children love them, they are easy to prepare and can be eaten directly with your hands.

However, in order to attract children's attention, sandwiches must not only be tasty, but also bright and interestingly assembled.

In the form of a ladybug

One such recipe is sandwiches for children's birthdays that look like ladybugs.

To assemble them, take:

  • 1 white soft loaf;
  • 100 grams of quality butter;
  • 200 grams of cherry tomatoes;
  • 8 black olives;
  • 6 lettuce leaves;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • several sprigs of dill.

You can also take a little garlic and spices to taste, but you can do without them.

  1. To begin, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves and the olives into quarters. Half of the tomato will represent the wings of the lady's box, and the olive will represent her head.
  2. Mix butter with cheese. By the way, you can replace butter with cream or cottage cheese.
  3. Toast the bread slices in a toaster or dry them in the oven.
  4. Brush the bread with the cheese mixture and sprinkle the edges with finely chopped dill - it will look like grass.
  5. Place tomato and olive on top of the cheese mixture. From the remaining olives, cut out small squares or circles with a thin knife and “plant” them on top of the tomato - these will be spots on the wings.
  6. Using the cheese mixture, draw eyes on the olives to complete the ladybug resemblance.

Children's snack "Mouse Fuss"

For one sandwich you will need:

  • a piece of bread;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 2 plates of cheese;
  • 1 quail egg;
  • half boiled carrots;
  • a sprig of parsley;
  • clove sticks.

To prepare for a birthday party, simply multiply the amount of food by the number of guests so that everyone gets this fun sandwich.

  1. Start by buttering the bread and topping it with one slice of cheese. It is better to take cheese that is sold already cut into wide thin slices - it is more convenient to make such a sandwich from it.
  2. Cut holes from the second piece using any cap or special molds. It is better if the holes are of different sizes - this is an imitation of cheese with holes. Place a piece of cheese with holes on top of the whole one.
  3. Boil and peel the quail egg. Cut two thin semicircles from carrots - these will be the ears of the mice.
  4. Cut small tails and antennae from parsley sprigs (without leaves). Stick them into the egg.
  5. Make two small cuts on the head to insert the carrot ears. The mouse's eyes can be made from clove branches.
  6. Place the mouse on a cheese sandwich and garnish it with a sprig of parsley.

Sandwiches in the form of Spongebob and Patrick

To bring these cartoon characters to life on a plate you will need:

  • 2 rectangular slices of bread;
  • 4 slices of doctor's sausage;
  • 2 slices of cheese;
  • boiled egg;
  • a small piece of boiled beets;
  • a teaspoon of ketchup;
  • a few black olives, olives, a couple of green onions and some green peas for garnish.

Let's start assembling the sandwich:

  1. Using a thin sharp knife, first cut out an elongated triangle from the sausage - this will be Patrick’s body. Also cut out his two legs and two arms. For SpongeBob, cut out the legs in the shorts.
  2. Give a square shape to a slice of cheese - this is SpongeBob's head. Also cut out Patrick's shorts from cheese.
  3. First place Patrick on the bread - a triangle of sausage, below - shorts made of cheese and legs with arms made of sausage.
  4. Place the cheese square on the second piece of bread and the sausage legs underneath it. Cut SpongeBob's legs and arms from cheese.
  5. It's time to make the characters' faces - for the eyes, cut out circles from the white of the egg. Pupils and eyebrows can be made from pieces of olives, and mouths from green onions. Also cut SpongeBob's teeth from an egg.
  6. Make other elements from olives and eggs: shoes, clothing parts. Use ketchup and a toothpick to draw Bob's tie and Patrick's shorts.

Cooking Nyusha from “Smeshariki” with sausage

The cheerful, round and pink Nyusha from Smeshariki will look great from a large mug of boiled sausage. In addition to this, for a sandwich, take a square slice of white bread, a piece of cheese, a tomato, a couple of olives, a boiled egg and some chives. You can use butter or soft cheese to grease the bread.

  1. So, Nyusha’s body will come out of a piece of sausage. From the second round piece, cut out the legs with arms in the form of small strips.
  2. Place a circle of sausage on buttered or cheese-smeared bread, place your legs underneath and your arms on your body. Also cut out a small circle from the sausage for the snout.
  3. Make eyes from egg whites. Cut the pigtail and bangs, as well as the mouth and hooves, from a tomato.
  4. You need to cut out a heart from a piece of cheese and place it on Nyusha’s side. Make eyelashes from chives, pupils and nostrils from pieces of olives.

Perky Nyusha is ready!

  1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, mix with a small amount of garlic and mayonnaise, spread this mixture on a piece of bread.
  2. Cut a triangle from a slice of sausage and place the remaining piece on the bread.
  3. Make the eyes from a Mozzarella ball cut in half.
  4. Cut thin strips from the sausage for the tuft. Make frowning eyebrows and pupils out of sun-dried tomatoes - the angry bird sandwich is ready.

The main thing is to use rectangular slices of bread and products that can be cut into thin slices. Thus, the screen and keyboard can be cut from a piece of hard or processed cheese, boiled or smoked sausage, and even salted fish. Phone buttons can be made from peas, corn kernels, pieces of bell pepper, cut from cucumber or olives. You can also make an antenna from a cucumber or green onion feather.

Fruit and nut snack on a loaf

For this sweet sandwich you will need:

  • white loaf;
  • any berry or fruit jam;
  • banana;
  • pear;
  • peach;
  • any nuts, such as hazelnuts.

Spread the loaf with jam, cut the fruit into thin slices and overlap it on the sandwich. Sprinkle crushed nuts on top of the fruit.

Magic bread with decorative sprinkles

This sweet sandwich is perfect for a children's birthday party themed with magic and fairies. Edible confetti or confectionery powder will give him a festive mood.

For sandwiches take:

  • White bread;
  • chocolate spread, such as Nutella;
  • confectionery powder.

For sandwiches, cut off the crust from the bread slices. You can cut out the crumb using cookie cutters. Spread the bread with chocolate spread and sprinkle with confectionery powder.

Mini pizza on white bread

This is a version of a hot sandwich, which tastes more like pizza, since all the products in it are cut into cubes, and not into slices, as we are used to in a sandwich.

To prepare this pizza, take:

  • 100 grams of boiled and smoked sausage;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 300 grams of white bread or loaf.

Sausage and tomato should be cut into cubes, cheese should be grated. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise. Spread the mixture onto pieces of bread and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. If desired, you can add other products to the mixture: smoked chicken or meat, onions, garlic, ketchup or pickled cucumbers.

The variety of sandwich options for the holiday table is simply endless. Experiment, combine different products and surprise your guests.

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